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W pracy główny nacisk położono na prezentację i dyskusję na temat korelacji osadów wyższej części neogenu na Niżu Polskim. W rezultacie zaproponowano nowy podział litostratygraficzny lądowych osadów wyższego neogenu w basenie niżowym. Skorygowano dane i nazewnictwo, dotyczące dotychczas stosowanych jednostek litostratygraficznych oraz wykreowano i zrewidowano kilka jednostek, które skorelowano z aktualnym podziałem chronostratygraficznym dla obszaru Europy. Zastosowano zasady podziałów litostratygraficznych zgodnie z litologicznymi kryteriami przyjętymi przy tworzeniu nowych jednostek litostratygraficznych. Ważnym zadaniem było ustalenie pozycji stratygraficznej utworów wyższej części miocenu i pliocenu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem serii brunatnowęglowych oraz rozdzielających je osadów mineralnych. Ramy czasowe weryfikowanego odcinka neogenu są zdefiniowane przez dwa regionalne zdarzenia geologiczne, które zaznaczyły się niemal na całym obszarze Niżu Polskiego: dolną granicę badanego interwału definiuje początek sedymentacji charakterystycznych piasków adamowskich i tworzenia się węgla brunatnego I pokładu środkowopolskiego, a górną granicę stanowi początek glacjacji plejstoceńskiej. Na przeważającym obszarze Niżu Polskiego, poza Polską południowo-zachodnią, profil osadów wyższego neogenu jest na ogół pełny, z niewielką liczbą luk stratygraficznych, chociaż jest widoczne pewne zróżnicowanie regionalne osadów. Jest to spowodowane nieco odmiennym reżimem sedymentacyjnym, stymulowanym najczęściej zmianami geotektonicznymi i związanymi z nimi oscylacjami klimatu. Utwory wyższego neogenu na obszarze Niżu Polskiego są w przeważającej mierze osadami lądowymi, wykształconymi w facjach fluwialnych, limnicznych i telmatycznych.
The paper presents and discusses correlational issues of the upper part of Neogene deposits from the Polish Lowlands. The new lithostratigraphic division of upper Neogene terrestrial sediments in the lowland basin is proposed. The data and nomenclature of hitherto accepted lithostratigraphic units were revised, and several new units have been created and corrected a few units. They have been correlated with equivalents of the obligatory late Neogene chronostratigraphic division scheme for Europe. The principal task of the paper was to determine precisely the stratigraphic position of the upper Miocene and Pliocene formations, especially of the lignite series, and to separate mineral deposits. The time limits of the verified Neogene section have been defined by two regional geological events recorded in almost the whole area of the Polish Lowlands. The lower limit corresponds with the onset of the 1st Mid-Polish seam deposition, and the upper one with the beginning of Pleistocene glaciations. Over most of the Polish Lowlands, excluding south-western Poland, the upper Neogene section is generally complete, with only a few stratigraphic gaps, but a regional sedimentary variability is visible within it, caused by a slightly different sedimentary regime stimulated by geotectonic changes and related climate oscillations. The Late Neogene deposits of the Polish Lowlands are predominantly terrestrial and represent fluvial, limnic and telmatic facies.
The Frasnian carbonate-siliciclastic deposits of the Stipinai Formation exposed in two quarries at Petrašiūnai and Klovainiai (northern Lithuania) show considerable vertical facies changes. The lower part of this succession is dominated by argillaceous dolomitic facies with subordinate fine siliciclastic deposits. They display haloturbation and bioturbation structures, represent a hypersaline lagoonal environment, and record the beginning of the transgression. The middle part of the succession consists of secondary dolostones containing moulds of brachiopods, tetracorals, stromatoporoids and trace fossils of deposit feeders; these were deposited in a shallow subtidal marine environment and represent the deepest sedimentary environment of this succession. This was followed by a lagoonal environment (episodic hypersaline), represented by dolomudstones and marly dolomudstones. The upper part of the succession is built of bedded dolostones which document a shallowing trend. Intercalations of clays and palaeosol horizons record emergence events. Palynostratigraphic data tentatively indicate that the Stipinai Formation represents the Upper Frasnian. The succession can be interpreted as a record of the upper part of a T-R cycle (related to the semichatovae transgression) in the Main Devonian Field of the East European Platform. The Stipinai Formation is distributed across western and central Latvia and has a correlative in the Pomerania Basin (northern Poland).
Palynostratigraphic studies of the Carboniferous strata of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations, outcropping in the vicinity of Wałbrzych in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, are reported. Rocks of the Szczawno Formation in a section near Konradów had earlier been assigned to the Upper Visean, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation in the Biały Kamień section were included to the Lower Namurian [the Stenozonotriletes triangulus-Rotaspora knoxi (TK) Miospore Zone]. This study describes abundant palynological material with many taxonomically diverse miospore assemblages from these rocks, allowing precise palynostratigraphic conclusions. These showed that the rocks of the Szczawno Formation studied should be referred to the lower part of the Serpukhovian [Verrucosisporites morulatus (Vm) Subzone], correlated with the lowest Namurian, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation from Biały Kamień belong to the Lower Bashkirian [Lycospora subtriquetra-Cirratriradites rarus (SR) Subzone], correlated with the Upper Namurian A. These results indicate that the rocks from both sections studied are younger than they were earlier believed. This revises the age of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin which belong to four miospore zones, from Vm to SR, corresponding to the Serpukhovian and lowermost Bashkirian (Namurian A corresponding to the Pendleian to Alportian of British chronostratigraphy).
Despite years of research, Lower Triassic deposits of the epicontinental Central European Basin still lack a detailed stratigraphy that would allow regional correlation of isochronous horizons. The best chronostratigraphic results have up to now been achieved by microspore-based biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Integrated palynostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic investigations, carried out on Buntsandstein cores from northeastern Poland representing the eastern margin of the basin, have made precise correlations with the better-explored basin centre. The Lidzbark and Malbork formations of the Bartoszyce IG 1 borehole were examined by means of palynology and palaeomagnetic studies. Further palaeomagnetic studies were applied to the Lidzbark, Malbork and Elbląg formations of the Nidzica IG 1 borehole and the Elbląg Fm. of the Pasłęk IG 1. Two spore-poll en assemblages were distinguished representing the Densoisporites nejburgii Subzone of the D. nejburgii Zone within the lower part of the Lidzbark Fm. and the lowermost part of the Malbork Fm. Mostly reversed polarity was detected within the lower part of the succession investigated, whereas normal polarity prevailed within its upper part. A normal polarity local zone was correlated with the undivided Tbn6-Tbn7 standard magnetozones of western Poland. The reversely polarized part of the succession corresponds most probably to the Tbr5 standard magnetozone. The base of the Tbn6-Tbn7 magnetozone can serve as a good correlation horizon for regional reconstructions.
A palynological analysis was carried out on about 115 samples from two borehole cores, containing the infills of two palaeosinkholes at Górażdże. In both sinkholes, well preserved palynofloras were found in several lignite samples. A total of 54 fossil species, including 5 species of cryptogam spores, 7 species of gymnosperm pollen and 42 species of angiosperm pollen, were identified. No marine palynomorphs or microremains re-deposited from older sediments have been found in these samples. The spore-pollen assemblage made it possible to date the sinkhole deposits. The composition of the assemblage (e.g., abundance of small tricolporate pollen grains of the Fagaceae family, including Cupuliferoipollenites pusillus, Fususpollenites fusus, and Quercoidites microhenricii) indicates that the age of the lignites in both sinkholes is early Oligocene. Thus, the deposits at Górażdże correspond to the 5th Czempiń lignite seam group. The 5th seam occurs mainly in northwestern Poland and its lignites were deposited in isolated wetland basins with marine influences. The terrestrial Górażdże palynoflora without any marine influence shows mainly local early Oligocene vegetation from the surrounding area. The results are also direct evidence of the multiphase palaeokarst of the Silesian-Cracow Upland, including the deposition of lignites of various ages.
Results of palynological studies of the Lower Devonian siliciclastic deposits of the Barcza Beds (Upper Pragian-Lower Emsian) from two abandoned quarries at Barcza in the Holy Cross Mts. is presented. Based on miospores, the biostratigraphic position of the tuffite horizon from the Barcza profile was defined as the early Emsian AB (annulatus-bellatulus) palynological Zone.
The Sarcheshmeh and Sanganeh formations are the Lower Cretaceous deep marine sequences of the Koppeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, which revealed a diverse assemblage of dinoflagellates. The paper discusses palynostratigraphy, palynofacies and palaeoenvironment of these rock units in a borehole drilled in the eastern part of this basin. Ninety-five ditch-cutting samples were prepared and studied palynologically, which resulted in recognition of 76 species of dinoflagellate cysts belonging to 29 genera. The recorded assemblages are in accordance with the Odontochitina operculata Zone suggesting a Barremian?–Aptian age for the formations. Palynological data extracted led to identification of five palynofacies types based on the categories of Tyson (1995). These indicate a marginal, proximal and distal shelf environment of deposition. The obtained data from calculated palaeoecological factors revealed a gradual sea level rise during the deposition of these rock units, resulting in replacement of the oxic/dysoxic Sarcheshmeh Formation by the dysoxic/anoxic Sanganeh Formation.
Drilling carried out in 2011 at Ferdynandów (E Poland), serving as a stratotype for the Ferdynandovian Interglacial, enabled its re-examination with high-resolution palynological, plant macroremains, and sedimentological analyses. Lacustrine sediments included a record of the Late Sanian 1 (= Elsterian 1) Glaciation, a complete Ferdynandovian succession, and the Early Sanian 2 (= Elsterian 2) Glaciation. Particular similarities in the succession observed between the Ferdynandów 2011 profile and the adjacent sites of the same age in Łuków-3A and Zdany provide a basis for detailed palaeoclimate interpretation. The Ferdynandovian succession of all the three pollen profiles can be clearly divided into two distinct interglacials separated by a sequence of pollen spectra typical of a glacial succession with pollen zones of stadial-interstadial fluctuations. Warm units in the Ferdynandów 2011 succession correspond to climatostratigraphic units of Ferdynandovian 1 and 2, while the cold unit – to Ferdynandovian 1/2. This division can be applied to all Ferdynandovian successions in Poland and allows their correlation with the early Middle Pleistocene Cromerian Complex of Western Europe (Cromerian II Westerhoven and Cromerian III Rosmalen) as well as with Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 13–15. For each biostratigraphic unit, mean temperatures of the warmest and coldest months, and mean annual temperature and precipitation were reconstructed. For the comparison with the Ferdynandów 2011 pollen diagram the data based on modern pollen analogues for the Łuków-3A pollen diagram were used.
Brown coal and overlying sand strata from the Łukowa-4 borehole, located in the northeastern sector of the Carpathian Foredeep in Poland, were studied for palynology. These strata are underlain by Upper Eocene sands, and covered by Middle Miocene rocks. Coal beds yielded infrequent sporomorphs and freshwater algae Botryococcus. The presence of the latter indicates that these deposits accumulated in a freshwater environment whereas sporomorph assemblages point to the presence of mixed forests with a significant portion of thermophilous taxa. Age of the coal beds has been established based both on the presence of species that appear for the last time in the Early Oligocene, and on the similarity with sporomorph spectra from the Lower Oligocene of the Polish Lowlands. Overlying sands yielded marine dinoflagellate cysts, which point to a marine sedimentary setting, and frequent sporomorphs. The latter indicate the presence of mixed mesophytic forests, bush swamps, swamp forests, and riparian forests in the vicinity of lacustrine environments. Stratigraphic analysis of dinoflagellate cyst and sporomorph assemblages suggests that the sands accumulated in early stages of Miocene transgression in the Carpathian Foredeep in the latest Early–early Middle Miocene. Our climatic interpretation of the sporomorph spectra suggests that the climate during deposition of the strata was relatively warm, although less frequent thermophilous taxa recorded in the Miocene sands suggest a slightly cooler climate than that deducted from the spectra yielded by the underlying Lower Oligocene coal beds. Correlation of Lower Oligocene coal beds with neighbouring coeval marine sands suggests diverse morphological conditions in the Carpathian foreland at that time, partly covered by a sea, and partly emerged. A similar, morphologically diverse basement in the Carpathian foreland favoured accumulation of Lower Miocene phytogenic deposits. A similar stratigraphic position of both Lower Oligocene and Lower Miocene coal beds in the Carpathian Foredeep may result in a false correlation of these strata devoid of fossils, which are commonly regarded as Miocene.
The results of the palynostratigraphical studies presented in this paper come from five boreholes Patoka 1, Czarny Las, Woźniki Śląskie K1, Kobylarz 1 and Poręba as well as from four outcrops at Lipie Śląskie, Patoka, Zawiercie and Poręba, in Upper Silesia (southern Poland). The palynostratigraphical zonation presented by Orłowska-Zwolińska (1983) for the epicontinental Upper Triassic of Poland was applied. The palynomorph spectra are marked by different preservation states, combined with the frequent occurrence of reworked specimens, probably even from Palaeozoic strata. The spore-pollen assemblage recognized in the “Chrzanów Formation” belongs to the early Carnian verrucata Subzone of the palynological longdonensis Zone. The spectrum from the Stuttgart Formation represents the Carnian astigmosus Zone. Spectra in the Patoka Marly Mudstone-Sandstone Member (Grabowa Mudstone-Carbonate Formation), with the Lisowice bone-bearing horizon, represent the middle and late Norian meyeriana b Subzone. The Rhaetian age of the bone-bearing succession in the Lisowice–Lipie Śląskie clay-pit suggested in the literature was not confirmed. The age of assemblages from the “Połomia Formation”, which overlies the Patoka Member, was not determined, owing to the poor state of miospore preservation. Moreover, three types of palynofacies were recognized as being characteristic for a fluvial channel (1), a flood plain (2), and lacustrine and playa environments (3) as well as for an undetermined milieu. Type 1 was found in the deposits of the Stuttgart Formation, the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 2 in the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 3 in the “Chrzanów Formation”, the Stuttgart Formation and the Patoka Member.
At least three widely separated bone-bearing intervals in the Upper Triassic succession of Upper Silesia, ranging in age from the Carnian to Rhaetian (i.e., in the interval of 25 Ma), are presented in papers by the Warsaw research group, led mainly by Jerzy Dzik and/or Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki. The stratigraphic arguments are reviewed for the vertebrate localities studied so far, in particular for the well-known middle Keuper sites at Krasiejów and Lipie Śląskie, to show that the previously proposed age assignments are still inadequately documented and questionable. This unreliability is exemplified by the evolving stratigraphic correlation of the fragmentary Silesian sections (8–18 m thick) with informal subsurface units from central-western Poland and with the German standard succession, ultimately not corroborated by comparison with the composite reference succession of the Upper Silesian Keuper, including new profiles (ca. 260 m thick) from the Woźniki K1 and Patoka 1 wells. Based on a multidisciplinary stratigraphic study covering consistent litho-, bio-, climato- and chemostratigraphic premises, focused on the regional reference section, two bone-bed levels only are recognized in the Patoka Marly Mudstone-Sandstone Member (= Steinmergelkeuper) of the Grabowa Formation, not very different in age (Classopollis meyeriana Palynozone; probably IVb Subzone): (1) the localized Krasiejów bone breccia level (early Norian in age) in the Opole region, and (2) the far more widely distributed Lisowice bone-bearing level (middle Norian) in a vast alluvial plain (braided to anastomosing river system) during the Eo-Cimmerian tectonic-pluvial episode. As a consequence of the principal uncertainties and controversies in Upper Triassic terrestrial stratigraphy, this is still a somewhat preliminary inference. Typical skeletal concentra- tions of a combined hydraulic/sedimentologic type, related to fluvial processes, are common in the Upper Silesian Fossil-Lagerstätten, although factors governing preservation are probably important, as well.
This study describes the megaspore assemblages from the Ryabinsk Member of the Vokhma Formation of the Moscow Syneclise. The genus Otynisporites is emended, three new species, Maexisporites meditectatus, M. rugulaeferus and Otynisporites maculosus, are erected, and one new combination, Maexisporites grosstriletus, is proposed. Megaspore descriptions relate the gross morphology and fine structure of the exine surface of thirteen taxa. From the appearance of the exine surface and ornamentation processes, it appears that some forms currently included in certain genera according to their morphological features do not belong to them. The assemblage from Sholga is evidently of low diversity at the generic level, possibly reflecting the end-Permian biotic crisis. The composition of the megaspore assemblages indicates their Induan age.megaspores taxonomy palynostratigraphy Triassic Induan Russia
Kompleksowe badania palinologiczne przeprowadzono na 37 próbkach z otworu wiertniczego Trojanowice 2, z interwału 502,0–558,8 m. Na podstawie rozpoznanych gatunków miospor wyróżniono dwa standardowe poziomy miosporowe: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii z emsu oraz Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota z pogranicza emsu i eiflu. Przeprowadzone anlizy palinofacjlne pozwoliły określić środowisko sedymentacji spągowych partii profilu na morskie, bliskiego brzegu, z intensywną dostawą materiału organicznego z lądu.W części stropowej stwierdzono natomiast nieco głębsze warunki depozycji, w większym oddaleniu od obszarów źródłowych. Analiza kolorystyczna wykazała dojrzały stopień przeobrażenia termicznego materii organicznej. Formalnie opisano po raz pierwszy dwa nowe gatunki miospor: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. i Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
The palynological investigation were carried out on 37 samples from the Trojanowice 2 borehole from a depth interval of 502.0–558.8 m. Based on the presence of index and important microflora species two standard miospore zones were recognized: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii, from the Emsian and Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota from the Emsian/ Eifelian transition interval. Palynofacies from the lower part of the section indicate marginal marine palaeoenvironmental conditions. Palynofacies from the upper part prove deeper marine conditions further from the shoreline. Additionally, spore colour analyses revealed a high degree of thermal transformation. Two new miospore taxa have been formally erected: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. and Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
Praca stanowi pierwsze kompleksowe opracowanie biostratygrafii utworów permu górnego i triasu niecki Nidy. Wyróżniono dziesięć poziomów palinologicznych. Wyniki badań mikroflorystycznych potwierdziły problematyczną dotychczas obecność utworów późnego anizyku i wczesnego ladynu. Pozwoliły także na sprecyzowanie granic między indem i olenkiem oraz norykiem i retykiem. Wyniki zastosowanych w badaniach palinologicznych analiz paleośrodowiskowej i paleoklimatycznej wykazały dominację form sucholubnych w zespołach miosporowych. Wskazują również na przewagę klimatu suchego w późnym permie i triasie na badanym obszarze. Zwiększoną ilość mikroflory wilgotnolubnej obserwuje się w olenku, ladynie, noryku i retyku. Przeważająca w późnym permie i triasie kontynentalna sedymentacja w środowiskach rzecznych, jeziornych, playi i sebki była przerywana przez transgresje morskie, które miały miejsce w późnym wuchiapingu, wczesnym indzie, anizyku i ladynie.
Ten miospore zones are identified in the Upper Permian and Triassic succession of the Nida Basin. This is the first complete biostratigraphical study of these sediments. The palynological investigation confirmed the presence of the late Anisian and early Ladinian. In addition, they allowed determining more precisely the boundaries between Induan and Olenekian as well as Norian and Rhaetian. Xeromorphic elements dominate the Upper Permian and Triassic palynomorph spectra from the Nida Basin and reflect a mainly dry palaeoclimate. Significant numbers of hygromorphic elements indicating temporarily humid phases, occur in the Olenekian, Ladinian, Norian and Rhaetian. Continental sedimentation in fluvial, lacustrine, coastal, playa and sabkha environments prevailed during most of the Late Permian and Triassic but was interrupted by marine transgressions in the late Wuchiapingian, early Induan, Anisian as well as Ladinian.
The siliciclastic rocks of the Paprotnia Beds from the Bardo Unit (Polish Sudetes) provide abundant and diverse palynological material. The miospore assemblages recovered allow distinction of two miospore biozones. The Tripartites vetustus–Rotaspora fracta (VF) Biozone was recognized in the lower and the middle parts of the section. In its upper part the Cingulizonates capistratus (Cc) Subbiozone, the lower part of the Cingulizonates capistratus–Bellispores nitidus (CN) Biozone was distinguished. These results indicate that the rocks of the Paprotnia section, considered earlier on the basis of biostratigraphic and radiometric data as upper Asbian, should be assigned to the upper Asbian and Brigantian. The location of the Asbian/Brigantian boundary and the possible occurrence of a gap in the Brigantian part of the section are discussed. Palynofacies observations of miospore preservation and frequency provided additional information, which confirm the gradual shallowing of the environment of deposition from offshore to onshore. Thermal maturity assessment of organic matter, based on miospore colour, indicates early mature and mature stages of organic matter thermal alteration.
Palynological studies have been done to compare the Upper Ordovician strata in various geological units of northern and central Poland (epi-Caledonian Platform, East European Platform, Małopolska Block and Holy Cross Mountains–Łysogóry Fold Zone and Kielce Fold Zone). Two distinct palynological assemblages have been distinguished in the studied material: the Caradoc assemblage I and the Ashgill assemblage II (with two sub-assemblages IIa and IIb), thus demonstrating usefulness of the Upper Ordovician palynomorphs for biostrati- graphy. Thermal maturity of organic matter was studied using the TAI method. The palynological analysis, palynostratigraphy, and estimates of thermal maturity were done with the aim at palynological characterization of three ancient units: the Avalonia, Baltica and the Małopolska Block, all now participating in structures of the present-day geological units of northern and central Poland.
The Kubłowo site is situated in the southeastern Kujawy region, Central Poland, and slightly to the south of the limit of the Last GlacialMaximum (LGM) in the Vistula Lobe. Late Pleistocene lacustrine and peat deposits found there have been analyzed for their pollen content. The pollen sequence from Kubłowo records the longest continuous succession of vegetation covering the Eemian Interglacial, Early Vistulian and the lower part of the Plenivistulian in Central Poland. In the Early Vistulian two warm (Brörup and Odderade) and two cool(Herning and Rederstall) intervals have been distinguished. The next three climatic oscillations correspond to the Schalkholtz andEbersdorf stadials and to the Oerel Interstadial. The lack of till or till residua above the Eemian-Vistulian deposits at Kubłowo indicatesthis area as being beyond the extent of the last Scandinavian ice sheet which confirms the reconstruction of the LGM limit as based ongeomorphological evidence.
New palynostratigraphical data concerning the Carboniferous sedimentary succession of SW Poland has been obtained from the Czerńczyce IG 1 borehole and the Brońsko boreholes on the northern slope of the Wolsztyn-Leszno High, where the oldest rocks were expected. The miospore assemblages recovered from the Czerńczyce IG 1 borehole allowed assignment of the interval studied to the Marsdenian (Namurian B) and Yeadonian (Namurian C). These results, supplemented with previous palynostratigraphical data, refute the existence of a stratigraphic gap between the early Namurian and Duckmantian (Westphalian B). The reinterpretation of the unpublished miospore results of Górecka et al. (2000b, 2001a) from the Carboniferous rocks from the Brońsko boreholes, also indicate that they should actually be assigned to the upper Marsdenian and Yeadonian. All analysed miospore assemblages are mixed and contain abundant reworked specimens. The results above complement previous opinions and permit a re-evaluation of the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous siliciclastic succession of SW Poland. Its sedimentation was certainly initiated in the earliest Namurian or earlier and probably lasted without long gaps until the Stephanian. The abundance and common occurence of reworked miospores indicate the age of rocks eroded during Carboniferous deposition. The lithological and palynofacial features of the late Namurian rocks from the Czerńczyce IG 1 borehole may be interpreted as a record of the shallowing of the sedimentary basin, including the possibility that some of the sedimentation occured in continental conditions. This means that the transition from the deep marine environment to shallow-water or even continental habitats likely had already taken place by the late Namurian. This suggestion, together with the tectonic deformation dated as post-Bolsovian, corresponds to the timing of the deposition and deformation in the German part of the Variscan Foreland Basin.
The paper presents a new approach to the Middle Pleistocene lacustrine deposits at the Łuków site (Łuków Plain, E Poland). The resultsof pollen analysis document a rarely found complete Ferdynandovian pollen succession with evidence of two warm periods of interglacial rank and two cold ones. New geological and palynological data are presented and interpreted against a background of earlier researchby Rühle and Sobolewska from 1969, including a comparison with the nearest complete Ferdynandovian succession at Zdany (SiedlceUpland) and with the stratotype section of Ferdynandów. The proposed division of the Łuków sequence into two warm periods separatedby a succession typical of glacial periods has been based on a new division of Ferdynandovian pollen succession applied for the first timeto the Podgórze B1 pollen profile. Two warm units and the intervening cold one in the Łuków pollen sequence correspond to theclimatostratigraphical units Ferdynandovian 1 and 2 separated by the cooling/glaciation (Ferdynandovian 1/2) and can be related to theCromerian Complex.
Pollen, phytoplankton and microfauna from the Palaeogene and Neogene of two boreholes in NE Poland have been studied. Borehole Klucznik 1 is located in the Warmia area, and borehole Sąpłaty 3 borehole in the Mazury area. The oldest palynomorph assemblage comes from the Klucznik sediments; it consists of phytoplankton from the Early Palaeocene (Danian) D1 and D2 dinocyst zone, and from the Selandian D3 zone. The Eocene is present in the both the Klucznik and the Sąpłaty successions. The Middle Eocene assemblage has been dated as late Bartonian and belongs to the D11 dinocyst zone. The Late Eocene (Priabonian) D12 dinocyst zone is also present in both boreholes. Sporomorphs of a Late Eocene palynomorph assemblage point on the proximity of land and on terrestrial vegetation. The dinocyst zone D13, characteristic for the earliest Oligocene (‘Latdorfian’) has been found in both profiles as well. A Neogene sporomorph assemblage dating from the Middle Miocene (Early Serravallian) occurs only in the Sąpłaty profile. This sporomorph assemblage is correlated with pollen zone VIII. Pollen zone IX is present in the uppermost part of the Middle Miocene (Middle Serravallian). Late Miocene deposits (Late Tortonian) with pollen zone XI are present, too. The Miocene deposits accumulated in densely vegetated swamps, resulting now in the occurrence of lignite. The sedimentary conditions in the Warmia and Mazury regions were identical during the Neogene and Palaeogene, implying that both provinces belonged at the time to one sedimentary basin.
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