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The paper presents the adaptation of the hydrodynamic Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for the subcatchment area of the Służewiecki Stream in Warsaw, the major part of which is the area of the Chopin Airport. The SWMM model was used for calculating the water outflow from the studied urbanized area in response to rainfall with the probabilities of 20 and 10%, and then to assess the possibility of flooding as a result of rainwater spillage from the Airport drainage system. The scope of the work also comprised assessing the impact of the existing retention tanks at the Airport on the reduction of maximum flows in the Służewiecki Stream channel. Simulations in response to the rainfall event with a probability of 10% have shown that there are locations (sewer manholes) within the airport area where short-term rainwater overflows may potentially occur. Retention of rainwater in tanks and flow control through gate valves have a significant impact on a reduction of flows in the Słuzewiecki Stream, thus reducing the risk of flooding in the studied catchment area.
W artykule przedstawiono adaptację hydrodynamicznego modelu Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) dla zlewni cząstkowej Potoku Służewieckiego w Warszawie, której przeważającą część stanowi teren Lotniska im. Chopina. Model SWMM zastosowano do obliczania odpływu wód z badanego obszaru zurbanizowanego w reakcji na opady deszczu o prawdopodobieństwach wystąpienia 20% i 10%, a następnie do oceny możliwości występowania podtopień w wyniku wylewania się wód deszczowych z systemu odwodnienia Lotniska. Zakres pracy obejmował również ocenę wpływu istniejących zbiorników retencyjnych na terenie lotniska na redukcję przepływów maksymalnych w kanale Potoku Służewieckiego. Symulacje dla opadu o prawdopodobieństwie 10% wykazały, że na terenie lotniska są miejsca (studzienki kanalizacyjne), w których potencjalnie mogą występować krótkotrwałe wylewy wód deszczowych. Retencjonowanie wód deszczowych w zbiornikach i sterowanie przepływami za pomocą zasuw ma duży wpływ na redukcję przepływów w Potoku Służewieckim, a tym samym na zmniejszenie zagrożenia występowania podtopień na obszarze badanej zlewni.
Content available remote Strength reduction method in the stability assessment of vegetated slopes
The thoughtful design and mitigation of ecological slope stabilization measures rely heavily on the reliable assessment of the stability of vegetated slopes. This is a complex problem due to the many aspects of vegetation presence that must be taken into account. The numerical model should be able to consider mechanical root reinforcement and root water uptake, which can lead to soil desaturation. This paper presents the application of the strength reduction method to the Modified Cam-Clay model for unsaturated, root-reinforced soils, which allows for the quantitative estimation of slope stability. The technique is implemented in finite element software and tested using several numerical examples. Firstly, the sensitivity of the factor of safety to changes in root constitutive parameters is investigated. In the second example, the stability of the modelled slope is assessed under rainfall of a certain duration followed by progressively modifying soil strength parameters until failure occurs. Furthermore, slope stability is assessed for various durations of the rainfall period.
The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the added value of the spatial distribution of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration (PE) in the prediction of the discharge for a small Mediterranean catchment located in the Medjerda basin in Tunisia, i.e. the Raghay. We compare therefore the performance of a conceptual hydrological model available in the ATHYS platform, using global and spatial distributed input data. The model was implemented in two diferent ways. The frst implementation was in a spatially distributed mode, and the second one was in a non-distributed lumped mode by using spatially averaged data weighed with a Thiessen-interpolated factor. The performance of the model was analysed for the distributed mode and for the lumped mode with a cross-validation test and through several modelling evaluation criteria. Simultaneously, the impact of the spatial distribution of meteorological data was assessed for the two cases when estimating the model parameters, the fow and water amounts, and the fow duration curves. The cross-validation of the split-sample test shows a preference for the spatially distributed model based on accuracy criteria and graphical comparison. The distributed mode required, however, more simulation time. Finally, the results reported for the Raghay indicated that the added value of the spatial distribution of rainfall and PE is not constant for the whole series of data, depending on the spatial and temporal variability of climate data over the catchment that should be assessed prior to the modelling implementations.
The study analyzed 8295 daily rainfalls recorded in Wrocław from 1960 to 2017. The frequency of daily precipitation in a year was determined in nine categories: from very weak (less than 1.0 mm) to disastrous (over 100 mm). In addition, the precipitation trends were determined by linear regression and the Mann-Kendall test. Analysis of the variability of the number of days with precipitation of particular categories showed a statistically significant downward trend for moderately strong precipitation (10.1-20.0 mm). In case of other categories of precipitation, the tests did not show statistically significant changes.
W publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu współczynnika redukcji przepływu ścieków przez zbiornik β na dobór geometrii zbiornika retencyjnego, a w szczególności maksymalnego projektowego napełnienia ściekami. Za przedmiot badań przy-jęto klasyczny jednokomorowy zbiornik retencyjny, w którym zamierzonym zmianom podlegało maksymalne projektowe na-pełnienie ścieków w zakresie od 0,8 do 3,0 m. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na wskazanie warunków, w których można ograniczyć niezbędną pojemność retencyjną zbiornika poprzez odpowiednie zaprojektowanie geometrii jego komory akumulacyjnej. Wyniki badań mogą przyczynić się do ograniczenia kosztów wykonania zbiorników retencyjnych. Przedstawione badania wykonano z wykorzystaniem programu do modelowania hydrodynamicznego Storm Water Management Model 5.0, przy obciążaniu zlewni rzeczywistymi danymi opadowymi.
The paper presents the results of the impact of the flow reduction coefficient through the reservoir β at the selection of the geometry of the reservoir, Particular the maximum design fill in storage reservoir. By the object of research assumed a classical single-chamber reservoir in Which were changed the maximum design fill, in the range of 0.8 to 3.0 m. Obtained results allowed for Identifying a conditions in which it is possible to minimizing the necessary capacity of the storage reservoir. Results can be used for reduce the costs of building of storage reservoirs. The analysis was Performed using the program for hydrodynamic modeling of sewerage systems (Storm Water Management Model 5.0), with the loading of the catchment real rainfall date.
Przedstawiono problematykę wymiarowania zbiorników infiltracyjnych, stosowanych do ograniczania objętości oraz natężeń szczytowych odpływu ścieków opadowych do sieci kanalizacyjnych. Wyróżnione zostały dwie kategorie zbiorników: opróżniane wyłącznie przez infiltrację oraz opróżniane częściowo do kanalizacji i częściowo przez infiltrację. Przedstawiono metodykę wymiarowania obydwu kategorii zbiorników przy wykorzystaniu zależności IDF opracowanej przez IMGW na podstawie 30-letnich obserwacji na 20 pluwiometrach. Opracowane zostały 4 nomogramy dla różnych wartości prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia deszczu c, umożliwiające wyznaczenie wymaganej objętości retencyjnej zbiornika w zależności od współczynnika filtracji k oraz stosunku powierzchni infiltracyjnej do powierzchni uszczelnionej. Praktyczne wykorzystanie proponowanej metody zostało wykazane na przykładzie obliczeń urządzeń infiltracyjnych dla rzeczywistej zlewni cząstkowej o całkowitej powierzchni 13 300 m2, na którą składały się głównie dachy i parkingi. Na potrzeby weryfikacji uzyskanych wyników obliczeń wykonany został model hydrodynamiczny zlewni w programie SWMM5. Dla wybranych 12 opadów o największych natężeniach, które zostały zarejestrowane w Częstochowie w latach 2007-2008, przeprowadzono symulacje hydrodynamiczne z użyciem modelu fali dynamicznej. Symulacje były wykonywane dla stanu istniejącego oraz dla wariantu, w którym na rozpatrywanej zlewni zbudowanych byłoby 5 niewielkich zbiorników infiltracyjnych oraz jeden zbiornik retencyjny o łącznej objętości czynnej 150 m3. Analizując wpływ projektowanych zbiorników na odciążenie systemu kanalizacyjnego, wzięto pod uwagę trzy parametry: objętość ścieków podtapiających zlewnię, szczytowe natężenie przepływu ścieków na odcinku wylotowym oraz całkowitą objętość ścieków odprowadzoną do kanału w ulicy. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że przyjęty wariant umożliwia redukcję objętości podtopień o 89%, przy jednoczesnej redukcji objętości ścieków odprowadzanych do układu kanalizacyjnego o 47%. Założony poziom redukcji szczytowego natężenia przepływu do wartości 15 dm3/s nie został dotrzymany w 4 z 12 zdarzeń opadowych, jednak średnia wartość maksymalnych natężeń przepływu była o 67% niższa w przypadku zastosowania urządzeń retencyjnych.
The paper presents the problems of sizing of retention tanks, used to limit volume and peak flow-rates of storm waters discharged to urban drainage systems. Two main categories of retention tanks have been distinguished: a) released through infiltration only and b) released through the infiltration and flow regulator. Original sizing method for both categories of the tank has been presented based on IDF relationship carried out by Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The given IDF equation was developed on the basis of 30-years data collection period on 20 rain gages located in Poland. The IDF equation and mass balance equation makes possible to work out 4 nomographs for different return period (1, 2, 5 and 10 years) that allows to determine required storage volume depending on two factors: infiltration coefficient and relationship between infiltration surface and impervious surface. Practical application of the proposed method was showed for the real catchment located in Czestochowa. The total area of 13 300 m2 consists mainly roofs and parkings. For the verification purposes a hydrodynamic model has been developed using SWMM5 software with chosen "dynamic wave" routing that solves the complete onedimensional Saint-Venant flow equations. 12 rainfall events recorded in Czestochowa in the years 2007-2008 were applied for simulations. The rainfalls characterized by extreme values of intensity during 5-minutes time steps. In order to compare the influence of infiltration reservoirs on the drainage system performance, simulations have been done for existing conditions and for the concept of modernization that consists: 4 retention reservoirs released through infiltration only (3 open and 1 underground), one underground tank released through infiltration and orifice and one open reservoir released through orifice only. The total storage volume of all the designed facilities was equal to 150 m3. Analysing the efficiency of the drainage system for existing and modernized drainage systems three parameters were taken into consideration: flooding volume (m3), stormwaters volume discharged to urban drainage system and reduction of maximum peak flow-rates at outfall node. Obtained results showed that the designed retention devices makes possible to reduce the flooding volumes by 89% for two the most intensive rainfalls it was 60 ÷ 70%. Simultaneously stormwaters volume discharged to urban drainage system was reduced to 47% in total, but for particular events that reduction was in the range of 30 ÷ 60%. Assumed level of peak flow-rate equal to 15 dm3/s was exceeded in 4 of 12 events but a mean value of peak flow-rates for all the events was smaller by 67% when the retention facilities were applied. Simulations results showed rather a good accuracy of proposed sizing methods for infiltration reservoirs although the real rainfall events cause overflowing of the reservoirs more frequently than statistically expected basing on IDF relationship.
The main goal of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the SWMM model (i.e. Storm Water Management Model) to simulation of runoff in the Służewiecki Stream basin (located in the southern part of Warsaw). Both rainfall and discharge data for eighteen selected rainfall-runoff events, measured at the surveyed Rosoła profile, were used in the analysis. The three of the events were applied to the calibration of the SWMM model, whose parameters were estimated from either the available physical information, or the suggested values from the tables in the SWMM manual and the existing literature. In the next phase, the SWMM model was used in order to determine freshets in the Służewiecki Stream basin for the estimated rainfall. The results show that the maximum flow amounted to 15.3 m3źs-1 and 21.6 m3źs-1, for 50% and 10% probability, respectively.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania modelowania neuronowego w celu wyznaczenia momentu w którym należy rozpocząć nawadnianie upraw. Właściwy moment rozpoczęcia nawadniania umożliwia uniknięcie przesuszenia roślin, a jednocześnie pozwala na bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie systemów nawadniających uprawy (np. deszczowni). Jako dane wejściowe w modelowani neuronowym przyjęto dane charakteryzujące poszczególne uprawy - gatunek, okres wegetacji, rodzaj gleby, położenie względem najbliższych zbiorników wód powierzchniowych oraz prognozy siedmiodniowe dotyczące opadów na danym terenie.
The paper presents the enable of neural network modeling for the purpose to find the start point of water the fields. The right moment of start the water the fields enable avoided dry up the plants, and at the same time allow on the more efficient using of irrigated systems (for example water- butt). As input date in neural network modelling was taken the date which characterize each cultivation - kind, phase of vegetation, kind of soil, location with regard to nearest water reservoir and seven-days rain forecast.
In the polar regions, the sums of precipitation of the accumulation period is of great importance, because they are an component one of the most valid processes connected with glacier mass balance - accumulation. From glaciological point of view, to determine which part of annual sums of precipitation appears in the form liquid and mixed and solid precipitation is the crucial problem. In this connection, the main aim of this paper is analyse variability of the precipitation with respect of their form in the annual course as well as their long-term variability in Hornsund in the period of 1978-2002. The data used in this article are mainly derived from meteorological yearbook Hornsund (2000, 2001) that was published by Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - maritime department in Gdynia and from yearbook Meteorological Conditions Hornsund, Spitsbergen (2001) that was published by Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. Collected numerical data are not complete. There is a lack of data concerned precipitation sums and meteorological phenomenon for the period from 01sth to 26sth of July 1981. Moreover the data describing precipitation sums does not exist for the days: 04, 07, 09, 19 July 1979. In this article three main form of precipitation (liquid, mixed and solid) were considered. The form of precipitation was determined on the base of meteorological phenomenon that was recorded as current and last weather. The average, maximum and minimum daily air temperatures were additional criterions. In this connection that the notation of meteorological data prevented to consider each event of appearance of precipitation, the days with individual form of precipitation were subjected to analysis. The day with mixed precipitation means that during all 24 hour period (from 6 given to 6 next day) appeared one time snow and second time rain or snow and rain in the same time. The annual course of individual form of precipitation and their probability of appearance in each month, long term variability of sums of individual form of precipitation and the number of days with this form of precipitation in the accumulation and annual periods were discussed. The linear trends and variability coefficients were calculated for long term characteristics of precipitation. It was stated that in Hornsund long-term average sum of annual precipitation amounted at about 424 mm The greatest part of this appear in the liquid (37%) and the lowest in a mixed form. On average in Hornsund there is noted at about 239 days with precipitation in year from what 63% falls on days with snow and 13% on days with snow and rain. In the accumulation period the solid precipitation were characterized by greatest sums as well as greatest number of days with this one. Long-term course of individual form of precipitation shows similar tendencies. In the annual period as well as in the accumulation this one liquid precipitation are characterized by the highest variability coefficient and range of change. Their lowest sums occur in the middle of 80ies and from mid-80ies they show increasing tendency. Mixed precipitation shows the smallest range of change, their highest sums occur in the middle of 80ies and in the case of annual period also in the second half of 90ies. From the second half of 90ies mixed precipitation show decreasing tendency. Statistically significant increasing tendencies of liquid and mixed precipitation during all considered period accompany decreasing tendency of solid precipitation. The highest sums of solid precipitation occur in the first half of 80ies and the lowest one in the second half of the same decade. From the beginning of 90ies there is a decreasing tendency in the course of solid precipitation. During all considered period the solid precipitation dominate as regards number of days with precipitation. The number of days with solid precipitation until the end of 80ies was greater and in the 90ies was lower than long-term average.
On the 15 June 2000 A.D . in the area of the Roztocze Tomaszowskie episodic overland flow from agriculture loess catchment (of 50 ha in area and denivelations up to 50 m ) was observed after 10-minutes of a heavy rainfall (Figure 1 and 2). Twenty water samples were taken to measure the suspension value and the measurement of discharge was made in three streams from the subcatchments of differentiated slope inclination, types of plant crops and directions of tillage on the slope area (Table 1). The outflow in the maximum vegetation period was influenced by the heavy rainfall on the previous night. The runoff from the catchment started after the 10 mm rainfall, quickly (during 10 minutes) reached maximum ca. 700 l/s and disappeared gradually (Figure 3). The total outflow from the catchment was 1605 m , outflow index 3.2 mm (Table 2). The maximum suspension (80-100 g/l) was during the increasing phase and during a half hour it decreased to few g/l. The total detrital transport was determined as 53.8 t - which is 1.1 t/ha. In the partial slope catchment (C), where the inclination of slopes > 5° covers more than 60 percent of the whole area, the denudation index was 2 t/ha. This catchment has oblique field system and the share of root plants was the highest (41% ). The lowest coefficient outflow (26%) and the denudation index (0,8 t/ha) was calculated for the catchment of main valley (B) with domination of interfluves and slopes with low inclination with big contribution of green lands and fields with contour-tillage slopes.
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