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The article presents results of the faunistic analysis of the Leb 1 sediment core collected from the marginal zone of the Lake Łebsko. The 5 m long core contained 10,603 specimens of freshwater and brackish-marine fauna, represented by 13 taxa of molluscs, 3 species of ostracods, 2 taxa of foraminifers and a species of the order Coleoptera, and genera Balanus and Gammarus. Lithology of the sediments and species composition of the fauna permitted distinguishing 3 development phases of the Lake Łebsko: brackish-marine phase (500–400 cm), limnic phase with varied salinity (400–100 cm) and swamp phase (100–0 cm), indicating progressive overgrowing of the marginal zone of the lake since the 13th century.
Research by the Polish Geological Survey has been carried out along the southern Baltic coastal zone over a distance of 38 km. The Baltic Sea is classified as non-tidal, and its southern coasts are built entirely of weakly lithified sedimentary rocks. These deposits form three main types of coast, namely cliffs, barriers and alluvial coasts (wetlands), with the research focusing on the first two. Methods including remote sensing, mapping (geological, hydrogeological), offshore survey (bathymetric and geophysical measurements), laboratory analyses and modelling revealed a number of natural hazards. These are, respectively: (1) permanently occurring hazards, causing material damage such as: landslides, coastal erosion and seabed erosion; (2) incidental hazards such as dune breakage and storm surge overflow and (3) hypothetical threats that may occur in the future, such as hydrogeohazards defined here as flooding resulting from groundwater level rise or more rarely, earthquake threats.
Modelowano zachowanie gazu ziemnego w sieci przesyłowej w północnej Polsce w przypadku uwzględnienia w składzie gazu ziemnego dodatku wodoru pochodzącego z potencjalnych magazynów energii zlokalizowanych w kawernach solnych w celu prognozowania zmian parametrów przesyłanego gazu ziemnego w sieci przesyłowej.
The behavior of H₂-contg. natural gas in transmission pipeline system in northern Poland was modeled to evaluate the possibility of the H₂ storage in salt caverns and to predict changes of the transmitted natural gas parameters.
W artykule omówiono trzy nowe odsłonięcia terenowe plejstoceńskich osadów morskich na Wzniesieniu Elbląskim w Kadynach i w Próchniku oraz niepublikowane dotąd wyniki ich datowania metodami TL, OSL i 14C. Na podstawie analizy tych danych oraz sytuacji geologicznej osadów morskich, w porównaniu z opublikowanymi już danymi o plejstoceńskich osadach morskich z tego obszaru, potwierdzono wcześniejsze wnioski o tym, że są one różnowiekowe, zarówno interglacjalne, jak i interstadialne. Wyniki nowych badań uwiarygodniają także uprzednie ustalenia, że znajdują się w jednej z międzymorenowych serii zaburzonego glacitektonicznie kompleksu osadów zlodowacenia Wisły nazwanej formacją Kadyn, gdzie są odmiennie usytuowane. Najwięcej miejsca zajmują tam interglacjalne iły elbląskie z Kadyn i z innych stanowisk omawianego obszaru. Są one nieporównywalne z niżej leżącymi na tym obszarze i niezaburzonymi lub mało zaburzonymi glacitektonicznie osadami eemskiego morza tychnowskiego, ponieważ to ostatnie jest morzem strefy luzytańskiej, a iły elbląskie reprezentują morza borealne i arktyczne. Według nowych danych można jednak przypuszczać, że są one głębokowodnymi osadami morza eemskiego, pochodzącymi z północnych obszarów niecki bałtyckiej i w odróżnieniu od osadów płytszego morza tychnowskiego, które występują tu w swej pierwotnej pozycji stratygraficznej, są jedynie porwakami glacjalnymi przeniesionymi na obszar Wzniesienia Elbląskiego przez loby lodowcowe ostatniego stadiału zlodowacenia Wisły. Z kolei osady morskie z Próchnika różnią się od iłów elbląskich wieloma cechami – są od nich młodsze i na podstawie datowań można przyjąć, że są związane sedymentacyjnie z międzymorenową formacją Kadyn, w której występują. Są one osadami nieznanego dotąd w tym rejonie chłodnego morza, które zajmowało południową część niecki bałtyckiej w starszym interstadiale zlodowacenia Wisły. Ustalenia te wpływają na zmianę rangi interglacjału krastudzkiego (elbląskiego) w podziale stratygraficznym osadów zlodowacenia Wisły, opierającym się na badaniach prowadzonych w latach 70–90. ub. w. na obszarze Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego, na wcześniej określony w tej pozycji stratygraficznej interstadiał gniewu.
The paper discusses three new exposures of Pleistocene marine deposits in the Elbląg Upland at Kadyny and Próchnik, and unpublished results of their dating using the TL, OSL and 14C methods . Analysis of these data and the geological setting of the marine deposits, compared with previously published data on the Pleistocene succession in this area, confirm the earlier conclusions that these deposits are of different ages, both interglacial and interstadial. The results of the new research also confirm the previous observations that they occur within one of the intermorainic series of a glaciotectonically disturbed complex of Vistulian Glaciation deposits, referred to as the Kadyny Formation, where they occupy a different position. The interglacial Elbląg Clays from Kadyny and from other sites of the study area are the most common deposits there. They are incomparable with the underlying undisturbed or slightly deformed glaciotectonically deposits of the Eemian Tychnowy Sea in this area, because the sea belonged to the Lusitanian zone, while the Elbląg Clays represent the boreal and arctic seas. According to the new data, it can be assumed that they are deepwater sediments of the Eemian Sea, derived from northern areas of the Baltic Basin and, unlike the sediments of the shallower Tychnowy Sea, which occur here in their original stratigraphic position, they are only glacial rafts transported into the Elbląg Upland by ice lobes during the last stadial of the Vistulian Glaciation. In turn, the marine sediments from Próchnik differ from the Elbląg Clays with many features; they are younger and their ages suggest that they are associated with the intermorainic Kadyny Formation, within which they occur. They were deposited in a cold sea, previously unknown in this region, which occupied the southern part of the Baltic Basin in the older interstadial of the Vistulian Glaciation. These findings entail a necessity to change the rank of the “Krastudian (Elbląg) Interglacialˮ in the Vistulian Glaciation stratigraphic scheme, which is based on research conducted in the years 1970-1990s in the Vistulian Pomerania area, to the “Gniew Interstadialˮ that was previously determined for this stratigraphic position.
The large negative residual Bouguer gravity anomaly in northern Poland called the Pomerania Gravity Low (PGL) was analysed using Parker's ideal body theory. A residual gravity anomaly along the profile was inverted to find bounds on the density contrast, depth, and minimum thickness of its sources. As the ideal body reaches the surface, the greatest maximum negative density contrast is -0.038 g/cm3, while the body itself has a thickness of 52 km. If 8 km is taken as a depth to the source body top, the density contrast must correspond to at least -0.092 g/cm3, with a maximum allowable thickness of 18 km. The ideal body inversions show that the depth to the body top cannot exceed 15 km. Assuming a geologically reasonable maximum density contrast as small as -0.2 g/cm3, the source body top can be no deeper than 11.5 km, and its thickness greater than or equal to 6 km, assuming it extends up to the Earth surface, or greater than or equal to 7 km, when its top is below 8 km depth. It can be hypothesized that the main source of the negative gravity anomaly is reIated to a predominance of felsic rocks in the Paleoproterozoic Dobrzyń Domain of the East European Platform basement.
The article tackles the difficult problem of identity creation of new inhabitants of western and northern Poland after 1945 and of relativism in the understanding of national identity after 1989. One of the manifestations are geographical names, which are reflected on maps. The authors of the article looked at this difficult, historically unprecedented process of integration and identification of new inhabitants with the geographical space through the prism of maps, entering into the contemporary discussion about the transformations taking place in the understanding of national identity.
The paper presents the hardgrounds and some other correlative discontinuity surfaces found in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Maastrichtian) borehole sections of northern Poland. They were briefly described, and depositional environment was identified for both the underlying deposit (UD) and the overlying deposit (OD). The significance of these features for both basin-wide correlations and broadly understood sequence stratigraphic techniques is highlighted. They were correlated with other major discontinuity surfaces identified in boreholes of northern Poland in both drill cores and well logs if such identification was reliable based on geophysical borehole data. All these discontinuity surfaces were referred to the boundaries of the individual depositional cycles determined within the Upper Cretaceous succession: K3-II/K3-III, K3-III/K3-IV, K3-IV/K4-I, K3-IV/K4-II, K4-I/K4-II (or II or IV or V), K4-III/K4-IV (or V), K4-IVa/K4-IVb, probably K4-IVb/K4-V, and K4-V/Pc-I. The discontinuity surfaces can be related to both sea level fluctuations and tectonic activity during the Subhercynian phases. Most of them developed in relatively calm sedimentary conditions, outside the central part of the Mid-Polish Trough. The exceptions are three hardgrounds from the Człopa–Szamotuły Zone, which seem to be associated mainly with the Late Cretaceous tectonic (including salt tectonics) activity of this zone. The most common UD/OD configuration of sedimentary environments is the open-marine carbonate shelf both beneath and above the discontinuity surface. The second most common situation is the open-marine carbonate shelf beneath and the open-marine shelf with carbonate-siliceous sedimentation above. The gaps at the surfaces span variously long intervals, ranging from short periods (spanning a fraction of a depositional cycle) to long periods (comprising one or more depositional cycles). The position of the discontinuity surfaces facilitates searching for any possible hiatuses in the sections of other boreholes, and paying attention to local changes in sediment distribution patterns, and local tectonic activity.
The possible existence of a circular structure in the Kościerzyna region (northern Poland) was suggested in two papers in the 1980s. The current studies were aimed at verifying this hypothesis. Analysis of a digital terrain model of the pre-Quaternary surface relief as well as of the present terrain revealed the existence of a large structure of ca. 50 km in diameter. Its geometry was established based on a model of the Neogene/Pliocene surface and identifiable lineaments. Its characteristic feature is the presence of rim-like forms, an internal plateau, and a “high” in the centre. The structure is estimated to date from before the Pleistocene. The circular structure has been reshaped by glacial erosion and accumulation, and is now buried under Quaternary deposits. The existence of the Kościerzyna circular structure was confirmed by conducted studies, but my hypothesis of an impact origin is still uncertain and needs to be confirmed by future research.
Lacustrine organic sediments were sampled at Gronowo (Chełmno Plateau) and Piotrkowo (Dobrzyń Plateau) located within a widespread system of subglacial channels separated by the large Drwęca ice-marginal valley. They have been examined for their pollen, plant macro-remains and geochemistry, as well as radiocarbon-dated. The analyses have allowed reconstructing the evolution of the area and presenting an asynchronous appearance of two lakes. Before lake sedimentation, glaciolimnic sediments from the end of Plenivistulian, at the site of Piotrkowo, was dated. Lacustrine sedimentation started during the Allerød at Gronowo, and during the Preboreal at Piotrkowo. The different age of the two lakes is ascribed mainly to differences in the Late Glacial drainage conditions which directly affected the melting away of dead-ice blocks buried in the channels.
Late Glacial and Holocene carbonate lacustrine deposits developed as lacustrine chalk and calcareous gyttja are fairly widespread across northern Poland. They form fillings of palaeolakes which developed during the deglaciation. These formations are usually covered by peat. Rich and diversified malacofauna has been found in the aforementioned sediments. The profiles from 154 sites described and published by various authors were subjected to malacological analysis. In the whole material, 18 molluscan assemblages were distinguished, representing three types of habitats: terrestrial, of temporary water bodies, and of permanent water bodies. The composition and structure of these assemblages allows characterizing climate and differentiating habitats. The time-sequences of malacological assemblages provided possibility to define three types of malacological sequences. On the basis of these successions, a scheme of the lake water bodies evolution during Late Glacial and in northern Poland was elaborated.
Badano wpływ czynników meteorologicznych w latach 1992-2006 na plonowanie łubinu wąskolistnego (Lupinus angustifolius L.) odmiany Wersal. Materiał badawczy dotyczący plonowania i warunków pogodowych pochodził ze stacji doświadczalnych oceny odmian, zlokalizowanych w północnej Polsce. W analizach zastosowano metodę regresji wielokrotnej krokowej postępującej, a utworzone równania oceniono za pomocą współczynnika determinacji R², poprawionego R² adj, procedury Cross Validation (CV) wyznaczając R² pred i testu F-Snedecora. W latach badań stwierdzono wyraźne zróżnicowanie czynników pogodowych, tj. promieniowania słonecznego, temperatury średniej i opadów atmosferycznych w poszczególnych okresach wzrostu i rozwoju łubinu wąskolistnego, co miało znaczący wpływ na terminy pojawów fenologicznych, długość okresów międzyfazowych i wielkość plonowania. Utworzone równania pozytywnie przeszły procedurę weryfikacyjną testem Cross Validation i były istotne statystycznie we wszystkich wyróżnionych okresach rozwojowych jedynie dla danych ze stacji doświadczalnej w Głodowie. Wśród czynników wywierających istotny wpływ na plon badanej odmiany łubinu znalazły się głównie: temperatura minimalna w okresie od siewu do wschodów i od wschodów do początku kwitnienia oraz opady w czasie od kwitnienia do dojrzałości technicznej. W Białogardzie po zastosowaniu testu CV tylko jedno równanie okazało się istotne statystycznie; w Marianowie nie uzyskano istotnych równań.
The influence of meteorological factors on the yielding of narrow-leaf lupine Wersal cultivar was studied in the years 1992-2006. The study material on yield and weather conditions originated from the experimental stations of the evaluation of varieties situated in northern Poland. Forward stepwise multiple regression method was used in the analyses and obtained equations were evaluated by the coefficient of determination R², adjusted coefficient of determination R² adj, Cross Validation procedure to obtain predicted coefficient of determination R² pred and Fisher-Snedecor test. Weather parameters such as solar radiation, average temperature and precipitation were differentiated in individual periods of growth and development of the narrow-leaf lupine, which had a significant impact on yield, phenology and the length of inter-phase periods. Only in the experimental station in Głodowo, the obtained equations successfully passed the verification test by the Cross Validation procedure and were statistically significant in all distinguished periods of development. Among the factors that had a significant impact on yield variability were mainly: the minimum temperature from sowing to germination and from germination to beginning of flowering and rainfalls from the flowering till technical maturity. In Białogard, only one equation proved statistically significant after CV procedure, no significant equations were obtained for Marianowo.
Core drilling of a hole Bysławek-2 consisted of gyttja and peat, lying on the mineral deposits (fluvioglacial sand). Lake sediments and peat were investigated by pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating (AMS). Sedimentation of mineral deposits took place into the subglacial channel, during the Main Stage of the Vistula Glaciation. The beginning of sedimentation in lake is dating at 13 340 š 70 years 14C BP, but pollen data suggest the Alleröd character of vegetation. According to pollen analysis gyttja and peat covered the period from the Alleröd to the Subboreal. The Alleröd forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris became more open in the Younger Dryas. The Holocene history of vegetation is characterized by relatively low content of Carpinus and Fagus in forest. Human impact was also generally low throughout the Holocene.
Lower Paleozoic deposits have been noted in the western part of the Baltic Depression belonging to the Precambrian platform as well as in the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone that represents a hypothetical fragment of the Caledonian fold and thrust belt. Generally, the boundary between these regions is considered to run along faults belonging to the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone. The deposits have been widely recognized in the East European Craton, and their entire lithological column has been drilled through in on- and offshore boreholes. New constructed lithofacies-thickness maps have updated the lithofacies diversity and thickness changes of the Ediacaran-lower Paleozoic deposits. The sedimentary infill of the Baltic Basin begins with deposits of the arnowiec Formation ascribed to the uppermost Ediacaran and lowermost Cambrian. The upper part of the Lower Cambrian comprises sandstones and mudstones and the Middle Cambrian is made of sandstones, mudstones and claystones. Upper Cambrian to Tremadocian strata are represented by dark bituminous shales. Arenigian to Ashgillian deposits are developed as thin calcareous-muddy deposits. Silurian strata represent a thick (over 3000 m) succession of siltstones and shales with subordinate calcareous intercalations in the upper part of the succession (Pridoli). In the Koszalin-Chojnice Zone only, fragments of tectonically disturbed Ordovician and Silurian shales and siltstones have been recognized.
The quantity, genetic type and maturity of organic matter dispersed in the Lower Cambrian to the uppermost part of the Silurian (Pridoli) sequence of the Polish part of the Baltic region was determined based on the results of geochemical analyses of a total of 1377 rock samples collected from 38 onshore and offshore boreholes. The best source rocks were found in the Upper Cambrian-Tremadocian succession where present and initial total organic carbon (TOC) contents are up to ca. 18 and 20 wt.%, respectively. Caradocian (Ordovician) strata can be considered as an additional source of hydrocarbons. In the individual boreholes median present and initial TOC contents vary from 0.5 to 3.3 wt.% and from 1 to 6 wt.%, respectively. The Llandovery (Silurian) strata reveal moderate and locally high hydrocarbon potential of the source rocks. The present TOC content reaches locally 10 wt.% (usually 1-2 wt.%). Another source of hydrocarbons can be clayey intercalations within the Middle Cambrian strata. Their organic matter content rarely exceeds 1 wt.%, being often a result of advanced organic matter transformation. In all lower Paleozoic strata investigated from the Polish part of the Baltic region oil-prone, low-sulphur Type-II kerogen occurs, deposited in anoxic or sub-oxic conditions. The maturity of all source rocks changes from the initial phase of the low-temperature thermogenic processes in the northeastern part to the overmature stage in the southwestern part of the study area.
The burial history and thermal evolution of the western part of the Baltic region was reconstructed by means of 1-D modelling for eight boreholes penetrating the lower Paleozoic succession. The Neoproterozoic rifting presumably caused elevation of heat flow, while Cambrian to Mid Ordovician post-rift thermal sag of the Baltica passive margin led to systematic decrease of heat flow with time. Development of the Late Ordovician to Silurian flexural foredeep of the Caledonide collision zone was associated with intensive subsidence, a high rate of sediment deposition and rapid burial of the Upper Cambrian and/or Tremadocian, Upper Ordovician and lower Silurian source rocks, presumably sufficient for the early stage of oil generation. After post-Caledonian Early Devonian uplift, the western Baltic region was subject to Early Devonian to early Carboniferous subsidence and deposition, leading to further burial of the source rocks. Together with elevated heat flow, characteristic of the Variscan broad foreland, this caused further source rocks maturation and hydrocarbon generation. Late- to post-Variscan uplift and erosion (late Carboniferous to late Permian) resulted in complete removal of the Middle Devonian to lower Carboniferous strata and development of the major regional unconformity. During late Permian to Cretaceous time the western part of the Baltic region constituted an eastern flank of the Polish Trough, with the main phases of subsidence and burial during late Permian-Early Triassic time, related to rifting in the Polish Trough, and during Late Cretaceous time, related to the compressional regime. Maturity profiles in boreholes from the vicinity of the studied boreholes indicate the presence of a late Mesozoic (Late Cretaceous?) positive thermal event, causing further maturation of the source rock.
W sekwencji litologicznej kambru górnego i tremadoku polskiego fragmentu obniżenia bałtyckiego wyróżniono - opierając się na makro- i mikroskopowej zmienności cech sedymentacyjnych i petrograficznych osadów - dwie jakościowo odmienne grupy mikrofacji hydrogenicznych - grupę mikrofacji terygenicznych (silikoklastycznych) i grupę mikrofacji węglanowych. Grupę wyróżnionych mikrofacji terrygenicznych tworzą: zlepieńce piaszczyste i piaszczysto-glaukonitowe (COsa-COsa-gl), piaskowce kwarcowe (arenity) (SAqw) oraz czarne iłowce i mułowce bitumiczne (CLbi-SLbi). Grupę mikrofacji węglanowych tworzą: greistony (GRbc), greistony/pakstony bio-klastyczne (GRbc/PAbc), pakstony/wakstony bioklastyczne (PKbc/WKbc) oraz sparyty i mikrosparyty (LMre). Zasięg stratygraficzny mikrofacji grupy węglanowej jest zróżnicowany przestrzennie i przyporządkowany kolejno: w profilach części zachodniej obniżenia bałtyckiego - interwałowi poziomów Agnostus pisiformis-Acerocare kambru górnego (formacja z Piaśnicy), a w profilach części środkowej - przedziałowi poziomów Olenus i Agnostus (Homagnostus) obesus-Parabolina spinulosa włącznie (formacja z Młynar). Sumaryczna miąższość sekwencji osadów silikoklastyczno-węglanowych kambru górnego i tremadoku waha się od 34,5 m w zachodniej i północno-zachodniej części obniżenia bałtyckiego (otwór wiertniczy A21-1/95) do 0,05 m w skrajnie wschodniej jego części (otwór wiertniczy Jezioro Okrągłe IG 2).
The paper presents microfacies characteristics of Upper Cambrian and Tremadocian siliciclastic and carbonate rocks from the Polish part of the Baltic Depression (Northern Poland). Whitin the Upper Cambrian and Tremadocian sequence two different groups of hydrogenic microfacies can be distinguished: terrigenous (siliciclastic) and carbonate microfacies. The terrigenous (siliciclastic) group consists of three microfacies types: sandy conglomerates and sandy-glauconitic conglomerates (COsa-COsa-gl); quartz sandstones (arenites) (SAqw), black bituminous claystones (shales) and black bituminous siltstones (SLbi-CLbi). The carbonate group consists of four microfacies types: bioclastic grainstones (GRbc), bioclastic grainstones/packestones (GRbc/PAbc); bioclastic packstones/wackestones (PKbc/WKbc) and sparites and microsparites (LMre). Stratigraphic range of the carbonate mocrofacies is spatially variable and assigned respectively to the Upper Cambrian Agnostus pisiformis-Acerocare zones in the sections from the western part of the Baltic Depression, and to the Olenus and Agnostus {Homagnostus) obesus-Parabolina spinulosa zones (Młynary Formation) in the sections from the central part. The total thickness of the Upper Cambrian-Tremadocian siliciclastic-carbonate sequence varies from 34.5 m in the western and north-western part of the Baltic Depression (21-1/95 borehole) to 0.05 m in its easternmost area (Jezioro Okrągłe IG 2 borehole).
Późnoglacjalne i holoceńskie węglanowe osady jeziorne rozwinięte jako kredy jeziorne i gytie wapienne są bardzo rozpowszechnione na obszarze północnej Polski. Stanowią one wypełnienia paleojezior, które tworzyły się w okresie deglacjacji ostatniego lądolodu. Utwory te są zazwyczaj przykryte torfami. W omawianych osadach została znaleziona bogata i urozmaicona malakofauna. Analizie malakologicznej zostały poddane profile pochodzące z 54 stanowisk opracowanych przez różnych autorów. W całym badanym materiale zostało wydzielonych 18 zespołów mięczaków reprezentujących trzy typy siedlisk: środowiska lądowe, środowiska okresowych zbiorników wodnych i środowiska stałych zbiorników wodnych. Skład i struktura tych zespołów pozwalają na scharakteryzowanie klimatu i zróżnicowania siedlisk. Następstwa asocjacji malakologicznych umożliwiły zdefiniowanie trzech typów sekwencji malakologicznych. Na podstawie tych sukcesji został opracowany schemat ewolucji zbiorników jeziornych w czasie późnego glacjału i holocenu na północy Polski.
Late Glacial and Holocene mollusc-bearing deposits developed as lacustrine chalk and/or calcareous gyttja are widespread in Northern Poland. They fill up water bodies formed during the final stage of deglaciation. These sediments usually contains rich assemblages of molluscs. Calcareous lake deposits and it's malacofauna were described in detail by several authors in 54 localities. Eighteen communities of snails and bivalves have been distinguished. They are represents three types of environment: land, temporary water bodies and permanent water bodies (lakes). The composition and structure of malacocenoses reflect changes of the climate and differentiation of habitats. Three types of malacological sequences can be define. The scheme of evolution water bodies during the Late Glacial and Holocene in Northern Poland was elaborated based on successions of molluscan communities.
Two silicoclastic beds separated by the 0.75 m thick bed of marly limestone were discovered inside the upper portion of the section of Pieszkowo Red Limestone Formation in the offshore B5–1/01 borehole (Fig. 1). The lower bed (0.2 m thick) consists of brownish-grey limy sandstones with intraclasts. The upper one (0.25 m thick) is represented by light grey quartz sandstones and limy quartz sandstones with glauconite. The beds under study belong to theMegistaspis limbata Trilobite Zone (Late Arenig) and can be the equivalent of quartz sandstones in the carbonate Kriukai Formation in western Latvia (Figs 2, 3). The Latvian sandstones are known as “Volkhov collector” and considered a potential hydrocarbon reservoir (Todorovskaya et al., 1976; Laškov & Vosilus, 1987).
Przedmiotem pracy jest przedstawienie najnowszych poglądów dotyczących ustalenia granic jednostek biostratygraficznych (poziomów graptolitowych) w interwale granicznym ordowik/sylur jak również problemów związanych z określeniem na ich podstawie granic jednostek chronostratygraficznych. Rewizja schematu stratygraficznego w standardowym profilu Dob's Linn (Szkocja) oraz nowe dane stratygraficzne uzyskiwane ostatnio na podstawie analizy profilów O/S w Chinach stały się podstawą rewizji granicy ordowik/sylur, w myśl której poziom acuminatus proponuje się podzielić na ascensus i acuminatus, gdzie spąg poziomu ascensus wyznacza pierwsze pojawienie się A. ascensus i P. praematurus . Dolna granica poziomu ascensus wyznaczałaby więc spąg rhuddanu i spąg syluru. Dane te są porównywane z najnowszymi wynikami badań autorki dotyczącymi granicy ordowiku i syluru w północnej Polsce (wyniesienie Łeby) i synklinie bardziańskiej.
Despite continuous study and considerably discussion a number of essential problems concerning the Ordovician/Siln rian boundary and its stratotype have been lately raised and the new ideas relevant to the Ordovician/Silurian transition continue to hv expressed. The new data from well preserved and rich in fauna Chinas 'profiles as well as restudy of the Dob 's Linn (Scotland) standard profile caused that a revision to the biostratigraphic definition of the O/S boundary is proposed. According to the newest suggestion the basal of the Silurian is the Akidograptus ascensus Zone which is overlain by the acuminatus Zone. These data are compared with the essential results of the recently investigated profiles from the Łeba Elevation (northern Poland) and Holy Cross Mis.
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