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Navigation traffic and the danger of collision are steadily increasing. Features of navigation in narrow corridors (water, air, etc.) require the development of modern methods for assessing the situation of convergence and the choice of maneuvering divergence of vessels. A method is proposed for forming the area of inadmissible values of the parameters of the movement of any vehicles (including marine) with remote control of the process of their divergence. Situations are considered when a collision of sea vessels can be avoided only by changing the speed in case such vessels cannot change course. The proposed method can be generalized to any environment of navigation.
Navigational safety necessitates careful route monitoring, which includes staying on the planned course. For a ship to achieve effective route monitoring while changing course, a wheel over point (WOP) must be precisely calculated and marked on a charted course. The reason is to warn the watchkeeping officer that the ship must make a course alteration to prevent overshooting the intended route. One of the techniques for appraising the WOP is the advance transfer technique (ATT). During a practical review by means of an electronic and paper chart work exercise of the ATT, this study discovered two research gaps related to the technique. Following that, this study created an improved advance transfer mathematical model (ATMM) by restructuring the use of the ship’s turning circle to overcome the limitations discovered. To validate the improvement of the ATMM over the ATT, data were collected by evaluating both methods using a ship simulator and performing a manoeuvring analysis. The data, specifically the reduction in the cross-track distance (XTD), was validated in three verification stages: compliance with XTL, percentage change, and Mann‒Whitney U test using IBM SPSS. In comparison to the ATT, the ATMM produces better results in terms of the course-keeping capability and it can be implemented as an algorithm in an integrated bridge navigation system for autonomous ship navigation safety.
Low maneuverability of ships together with growing intensity of marine traffic result in new challenges related to navigation safety. This paper reports a research aimed at design of methodology of operation of recommender systems for navigation safety. First, a specification of requirements to systems of the considered class has been carried out. Based on these, the major principles of functioning of such systems have been defined. The principles were a basis for development of the mentioned above methodology, which is based on the usage of context patterns and characterized by the presence of feedback to update the system’s knowledge base.
Content available Safe information exchange on board of the ship
The first ever attempt at fully autonomous dock-to-dock operation has been tested and demonstrated successfully at the end of 2018. The revolutionary shift is feared to have a negative impact on the safety of navigation and the getting of real-time situation awareness. Especially, the centralized context onboard could be changed to a distributed context. In navigation safety domain, monitoring, control, assessment of dangerous situations, support of operators of decision-making support system should be implemented in real time. In the context of autonomous ships, decision-making processes will play an important role under such ocean autonomy, therefore the same technologies should consist of adequate system intelligence. At the same time, situation awareness is the key element of the decision-making processes. Although there is substantial research on situation awareness measurement techniques, they are not suitable to directly execute quantitative processing for the situation awareness of autonomous ships navigation. Hence, a novel quantitative model of situation awareness is firstly proposed based on the system safety control structure of remotely controlled vessel. The data source is greatly limited, but the main result still indicates that the probability of operator lose adequate situation awareness of the autonomous ship is significantly higher than the conventional ship. Finally, the paper provides a probabilistic theory and model for high-level abstractions of situation awareness to guide future evaluation of the navigation safety of autonomous ships.
The first ever attempt at fully autonomous dock-to-dock operation has been tested and demonstrated successfully at the end of 2018. The revolutionary shift is feared to have a negative impact on the safety of navigation and the getting of real-time situation awareness. Especially, the centralized context onboard could be changed to a distributed context. In navigation safety domain, monitoring, control, assessment of dangerous situations, support of operators of decision-making support system should be implemented in real time. In the context of autonomous ships, decision-making processes will play an important role under such ocean autonomy, therefore the same technologies should consist of adequate system intelligence. At the same time, situation awareness is the key element of the decision-making processes. Although there is substantial research on situation awareness measurement techniques, they are not suitable to directly execute quantitative processing for the situation awareness of autonomous ships navigation. Hence, a novel quantitative model of situation awareness is firstly proposed based on the system safety control structure of remotely controlled vessel. The data source is greatly limited, but the main result still indicates that the probability of operator lose adequate situation awareness of the autonomous ship is significantly higher than the conventional ship. Finally, the paper provides a probabilistic theory and model for high-level abstractions of situation awareness to guide future evaluation of the navigation safety of autonomous ships.
The increasing sizes of ships determine the interest in modifying the already existing solutions. Simulation models allow us to analyse the possible modernisation options. The article presents analysis results for the width of the fairway to Ystad, marked with buoys with respect to navigation safety. After a thorough analysis, taking into account the safety of navigation, further possibilities of development have been determined. Study results are aimed at designing new solutions in case of modernization of the approach channel to Ystad.
The increasing sizes of ships and lack of functionality of the existing solutions determine the interest in rebuilding the already existing solutions. Simulation models allow to analyse the possible modernisation variants taking into account the variability of elementary parameters. The article presents analysis results for the Przemyslowy Canal in Szczecin with respect to navigation safety and regulating traffic regulations in the Przemyslowy Canal taking into consideration the interests of all subjects involved. The paper applies real-time simulation methods based on manoeuvring simulators. After a thorough analysis that took into account the safety of navigation, further possibilities of development have been determined. Study results are aimed at designing new solutions in case of modernization of the Przemyslowy Canal in Szczecin.
Objective reasons, such as climatic changes, larger vessels, sometimes the impracticality of the current solutions, determine the interest of decision-makers in rebuilding the existing ports and breakwaters. Tested simulation models allow for a thorough analysis of the possible modernization variants taking into account the variability of basic parameters. The article presents research results related to the optimization of the Mrzezyno seaport with respect to navigation safety and the possibility of larger vessels calling at the port after its modernization. In the paper, real time simulation methods based on manoeuvre simulators were applied. Two different variants that can be implemented from the technical point of view were studied. Following a multidimensional analysis that took into consideration increased comfort of ship manoeuvres in the port and navigation safety, one variant was indicated as the optimum. The aim of the research results is to help design new solutions in the case of the modernization of the Mrzezyno seaport.
Można wskazać wiele obiektywnych przyczyn powodujących zainteresowanie decydentów przebudową istniejących falochronów, a niekiedy znacznych fragmentów portów. Należą do nich między innymi zmiany klimatyczne, zwiększanie się wymiarów statków, a niekiedy niepraktyczność aktualnych rozwiązań. W takich przypadkach bardzo przydatne są metody symulacyjne, które pozwalają na gruntowną analizę możliwych wariantów modernizacji, biorąc pod uwagę zmienność podstawowych parametrów. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad optymalizacją portu morskiego Mrzeżyno w kontekście bezpieczeństwa nawigacji i możliwości obsługi większych statków po wprowadzeniu modernizacji. Zastosowano metody symulacji manewrów w czasie rzeczywistym, rozważając dwa różne warianty, które z technicznego punktu widzenia mogłyby zostać wdrożone. Uwzględniając wielostronną analizę możliwości ułatwienia manewrów w porcie oraz bezpieczeństwo nawigacyjne, wskazano wariant optymalny.
Content available remote Rola i znaczenie czynnika ludzkiego w transporcie morskim
Transport ładunków drogą morską jest jednym z najpopularniejszych i najefektywniejszych sposobów przemieszczania towarów w skali światowej. Zapewnienie jego funkcjonowania i nieprzerywalnego przepływu wymaga działania na wielu płaszczyznach, w którym integralnym ogniwem jest człowiek. Poprzez postęp cywilizacyjny, człowiek zmuszony został do ciągłego aktualizowania i poszerzania swojej wiedzy, aby sprostać postawionym zadaniom i wymaganiom. Przełom XX i XXI wieku stały się okresem znacznego rozwoju przemysłu we wszystkich dziedzinach. Przemysł morski nabrał rozpędu by budować coraz większe, szybsze i nowocześniejsze jednostki morskie, mające zdolność do prowadzenia prac nawet na szerokościach geograficznych powyżej 60* N&S. Prowadzenie tak szerokiej działalności na obszarach morskich spowodowało rozwój elektronizacji mającej na celu poprawę bezpieczeństwa żeglugi. Monitorowanie ruchu statków w dzisiejszej erze jest standardem światowym i powinno być ono odpowiednio obsługiwane i zarządzane przez kompetentne osoby posiadające niezbędne kwalifikacje i certyfikaty.
Transportation of cargo by sea is one of the most popular and most effective ways to move goods worldwide. Ensuring its operation and uninterruptible flow requires actions at many levels, in which the integral link is the man. By the progress of civilization, man has been forced to constantly update and extend their knowledge to meet the posed tasks and requirements. The turn of the century has become a period of significant industrial development in all areas. The maritime industry gained momentum to build bigger, faster and more modern naval units that have the ability to conduct work even at latitudes above 60 * N & S. Conducting such a wide activities in marine areas resulted in the development of computerization to improve the safety of navigation. Monitoring the movement of vessels in today's era is the world standard and it should be properly operated and managed by competent persons having the necessary qualifications and certifications.
W artykule przedstawiono budowę kabestanu na przykładzie dwubiegowego modelu Lewmar 44. Omówiono korzyści wynikające ze stosowania kabestanów. Pokazano problemy przy eksploatacji dwubiegowego kabestanu Lewmar 44. Zaprezentowano także zagadnienie dotyczące poprawy bezpieczeństwa żeglugi dzięki kabestanom.
The article contains a description of structure of a capstan (sailing winch) on the example of a two speed Lewmar 44 model. The paper also describes the advantages of using capstans and the issues of their exploitation including ideas aiming to improve the safety of sailing.
This paper conducts calibration tests on the shallow-water maneuverability of 1:100 ship models for the typical navigation fleets in Three Gorges Reservoir. Major influential factors for the maneuverability similitude between models and prototypes and for scale effect were identified. A correction method for model scale was also established through model tests. Test results indicate that, by correcting the model scales of various fleets based on scale effect, the maneuverability indexes K’ (dimensionless of K) and T’ (dimensionless of T) of ship models are suitable for shallowwater tests, and properly reflect the maneuvering characteristics of prototypes. The findings provide an experimental basis for the navigation safety in Three Gorges Reservoir.
Artykuł przedstawia możliwość zastosowania metodyki FSA w praktyce. Rozważania przeprowadzono na przykładzie jednostek pływających typu RoPax, na podstawie rzeczywistych danych uzyskanych w Instituto Superior Tecnico w Lizbonie.
The paper presents the possibility of the FSA methodology in practice. Considerations were carried out on the example of the type Ro-Pax vessels, based on actual data obtained at the Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon.
Memorandum Paryskie zostało podpisane w 1982 roku przez czternaście państw europejskich zaniepokojonych wzrostem niebezpieczeństw w rozwijającej się żegludze handlowej. Obecnie Porozumienie Paryskie zrzesza niemal dwukrotnie więcej organizacji związanych z administracją morską, a w sferze inspekcji, prowadzonej na statkach obcych bander przez Państwa portu, daje przykład innym regionalnym porozumieniom, które objęły praktycznie cały świat. PSC jest powszechnie uznawane za skuteczne narzędzie podnoszenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa żeglugi, zapobiegania zanieczyszczeniom środowiska oraz utrzymywania odpowiednich warunków życia i pracy na statkach.
The Paris Memorandum was signed in 1982 by fourteen European countries concerned about the dangers of a rapidly growing maritime transport. Currently, the Paris agreement brings together nearly double Maritime Administrations and field inspections carried out on foreign flag ships by the port State, gives the example of other regional agreements, which covered almost the entire world. Port State Control (PSC) is widely recognized as an effective tool in raising the level of maritime safety, prevention of pollution of the environment and the maintenance of adequate living and working conditions on ship’s board. The checks by PSC inspectors compliance with international conventions, codes and resolutions intended to help reduce the number of ships from international standards, in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Member States.
Increasing of the navigation safety level, especially in difficult and heavy traffic areas, is the main reason of VTS creation. The Navi-Harbour 5000 is the one of the newest systems created for VTS system management and it fulfils requirements included in IMO Resolution A.857(20). Main system functions of the vessels traffic movement monitoring are characterized in this article. The effectiveness of the VTS operator work should be increased by proper configuration and use these functions in everyday service.
Duże budowle offshore stawiane na akwenach wodnych stanowią niebezpieczeństwo dla bezpiecznej żeglugi. Jednym z niekorzystnych czynników występowania farm wiatrowych są zakłócenia w funkcjonowaniu systemów radiolokacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono mobilną platformę pomiarową do badania oddziaływania turbiny wiatrowej na działanie radaru nawigacyjnego. Wstępne wyniki eksperymentów zostały również przedstawione.
Great offshore structures placed in the areas of water pose a hazard to safe navigation. One of the negative factors for the presence of wind farms is their interference in the operation of radar. This paper presents a mobile measurement platform for research of wind turbines influence on the vessel radar work. The result of preliminary experiments are presented here too.
In this article an integrated system for dynamic under keel clearance (UKC) assessment is presented. The system was created to improved navigation safety and economic effectiveness in Polish ports. In this paper principle of model operations and utilization with modern, available mobile devices in integration with wireless data transmission technology was introduced.
Badania symulacyjne ruchu statków w Porcie Północnym w Gdańsku. Analiza koncepcji Centrum Przeładunków Suchych i Ciekłych w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa nawigacji. Wnioski.
Simulation tests of ship traffic in Gdańsk North Port. Analysis of Dry and Liquid Transshipment Center concept in the light of the navigation safety. Conclusions.
Modern Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) integrate information obtained from various sensors and functions. Processed data are presented on the computer display generally with the aim to increase navigator’s situation awareness and to reduce his/her workload. The investigations described in the paper were carried out to assess the advantages of the new functionality of the test INS (e-Navigation enhanced Integrated Navigation System ee-INS), developed in the EU financed EfficienSea Project, that looks and works like a standard ECDIS. This new functionality implements ‘Exchange of Intended Route’ service. The experiment was conducted in a full mission ship simulator environment with 20 experienced mariners. The bridge layout without ECDIS ‘Exchange of Intended Route’ functionality, and bridge layout with this functionality implemented, was applied in research and its results enabled to carry out their comparison. The navigators’ workload was measured by NASA-TLX method. Navigators’ situation awareness in respect to other ship’s state and the final passing distance were utilized to evaluate safety of navigation process.
A rapid development of information technologies opens increasingly wider opportunities for enhanced performance of all modes of transport, including carriage by sea. Such chances are offered by new and existing intelligent transport systems. The idea of creating a maritime intelligent transport system is convergent with the conception of e-navigation developed in recent years on the IMO forum. Navigational information systems, one component of the maritime intelligent transport system, support the process of ship conduct. We should expect that developments of these systems will be going towards decision support systems – intelligent navigational advisory systems. Apart from information functions, the tasks of these systems include hazard identification in ship movement (e.g. collision situations), warning against hazards and automatic generation of solutions (recommended manoeuvres). This article characterizes tasks of the maritime intelligent transport system and the place and functions of navigational decision support systems.
Szybki rozwój technologii informacyjnych stwarza coraz większe możliwości poprawy funkcjonowania wszystkich rodzajów transportu, w tym transportu morskiego. Takie możliwości postrzega się w budowie i rozwijaniu inteligentnych systemów transportowych. Koncepcja budowy morskiego inteligentnego systemu transportowego jest zbieżna z rozwijaną w ostatnich latach na forum IMO koncepcją e-nawigacji. Jednym z elementów morskiego inteligentnego systemu transportowego są nawigacyjne systemy informacyjne, wspomagające proces prowadzenia statku. Należy spodziewać się rozwoju tych systemów w kierunku systemów wspomagania decyzji – inteligentnych nawigacyjnych systemów doradczych. Zadaniem tych systemów jest, obok funkcji informacyjnych, identyfikacja zagrożeń w ruchu statku (np. sytuacji kolizyjnych), ostrzeganie o zagrożeniach oraz automatyczne generowanie rozwiązań (propozycje manewrów). W artykule scharakteryzowano zadania morskiego inteligentnego systemu transportowego oraz miejsce i funkcje nawigacyjnych systemów wspomagania decyzji, stanowiących jeden z jego elementów.
Określenie parametrów „statków maksymalnych” dla różnych odcinków torów wodnych. Określenie parametrów poszczególnych odcinków toru wodnego Świnoujście – Szczecin umożliwiających bezpieczną żeglugę „statków maksymalnych”. Bezpieczne głębokości poszczególnych odcinków toru wodnego. Bezpieczna szerokość w dnie poszczególnych odcinków toru wodnego. Docelowe bezpieczne parametry toru wodnego Świnoujście – Szczecin.
Determination of parameters for „maximal vessels” for different parts of Świnoujśćie – Szczecin fairway enabling safe navigation. Safe depths and width of particular parts of the fairway. Final safe parameters of the fairway.
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