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As Earth observation technology has advanced, the volume of remote sensing big data has grown rapidly, offering significant obstacles to efficient and effective processing and analysis. A convolutional neural network refers to a neural network that covers convolutional calculations. It is a form of deep learning, and convolutional neural networks have characterization learning characteristics, which can classify information into different data. Remote Sensing Data Processing from various sensors has been attracting with more information in Remote Sensing. Remote sensing data is generally adjusted and refined through image processing. Image processing techniques, such as filtering and feature detection, are ideal for dealing with the high-dimensionality of geographically distributed systems. The geological entity is a term in geological work which refers to the product of geological processes that occupy a certain space in the Earth’s crust and are different from other materials. They are of different sizes and are divided into different types according to their size. It mainly focuses on improving classification accuracy and accurately describing scattering types. For geological entity recognition, this paper proposed a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (DCNN-PSAR). It is expected to use deep convolutional neural network technology and polarized SAR technology to explore new methods of geological entities and improve geological recognition capabilities. With the help of Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Processing, it is now possible to characterize and identify the composition of the Earth’s surface from orbital and aerial platforms. This paper proposes a ground object classification algorithm for polarized SAR images based on a fully convolutional network, which realizes the geological classification function and overcomes the shortcomings of too long. The evaluation of DCNN-PSAR shows that the accuracy of the water area is showing a rising trend, and the growth rate is relatively fast in the early stage, which directly changes from 0.14 to 0.6. Still, the increase is slower in the later stage. DCNN-PSAR achieves the highest quality of remote sensing data extraction.
The article presents a selection of topics concerning inland freight transport. It is part of the European transport system that holds different places in the transport system of every country. At the same time it is an element of their water management system. Therefore, the development of inland shipping is influenced by two key factors. The first one is the adjusted natural water system, which as a linear system, enables freight transport. The second factor is water management policy, which takes into account inland shipping in the water resources management. In many European countries, especially in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Rumania, barge freight transport is a part of these two systems. Inland shipping in the European overland transport engages in approximately 6.5% of the transport activity by carrying dry, liquid, general and containerized bulk cargo. It is of significant importance to the international cargo transport in many European countries – adjusting techniques and organization of transport to constantly changing requirements of the shippers, which results from the shift in the industry structure in Europe. It is no longer associated with transport of coal and iron are only, although they still make the primary freight in inland shipping. The ro-ro barges carry containerized and palletized cargo and are components of the multimodal transport chains.
Content available remote Matrix logistics indicators assessment of distributed transport hub
Background: The paper is devoted to the distributed transport hub substantiation and assessment. The paper was an example of the technique and form an array of logistical factors as variables that determine this condition. Experience in organizing multimodal transport showed that the "bottleneck" of transport logistics are items of cargo handling ports, terminals, freight stations and warehouses. At the core of the solution of these problems is the problem of estimating the variables determine the Multi-purpose Hubs. The aim is to develop a method of forming the system of logistical multiplying factors determine the role of each of the types in the technologiacal process of distributed Multi-purpose Hubs. Methods: The assessment model for the formation of Distributed Transport Units can be based on formal methods to predict the behavior of complex systems engineering complexes. Then one of the approaches to the solution of the problem may be the matrix method of technological factors. Results and conclusions: The proposed methodology of the selection and validation of logistic coefficients has the practical importance in the models development for assessing the condition and behavior of Distributed Transport.
Wstęp: Opracowanie poświęcone jest uzasadnieniu i ocenie stanu Węzłów Transportowych typu rozstawionego. Przedstawiona jest metodyka i przykład kształtowania macierzy wskaźników logistycznych i zmiennych określających ten stan. Doświadczenie organizacji przewozów multimodalnych wykazuje, że w logistyce transportowej "wąskie gardło" stanowią punkty obróbki ładunku: porty, terminały, stacje przeładunkowe i magazyny. U podstaw rozwiązania tych zadań leżą problemy oceny zmiennych określających stan Węzła Transportowego jako całości. Celem opracowania jest sporządzenie metodyki kształtowania wskaźników logistycznych określających rolę każdego poszczególnego rodzaju transportu w procesie działalności Rozstawionego Węzła Transportowego. Metody: model oceny dla kształtowania rozstawionych jednostek transportowych może opierać się na formalnych metodach prognozowania zachowania się złożonych systemów i kompleksów logistycznych. Wtedy jednym z podejść do rozwiązania problemu może być przedstawiona w tym opracowaniu macierzowa metoda równowagi czynników technologicznych współdziałania rodzajów transportu w Węźle Transportowym. Wyniki i wnioski: przedstawiona w niniejszym opracowaniu metodyka wyboru i uzasadnienia wskaźników logistycznych ma znaczenie praktyczne przy sporządzaniu modelu oceny stanu i zachowania się Rozstawionych Węzłów Transportowych. Takiego rodzaju model przedstawiona w macierzowej postaci równowagi zgodnie ze wszystkimi wskaźnikami działalności Rozstawionego Węzła Transportowego stanowi element systemu prognozowania i podjęcia decyzji w zakresie zarządzania potokami ładunkowymi typu multimodalnego.
The paper deals with experimental verification of results provided by theoretical approach to the problem of sound radiation from an unflanged duct with mean flow of the medium taking into account existence of all allowable wave modes and, in particular, occurrence of the so-called unstable wave, which results in decay of radiation on and in vicinity of the duct axis. The flow is assumed to be uniform with the source of flow located inside the duct, which is the case frequently occurring in industrial systems. Mathematical considerations, accounting for multimodal and multifrequency excitation and diffraction at the duct outlet, are based on the model of the semi-infinite unflanged hard duct with flow. In the experimental set-up a fan, mounted inside the duct served as the source of flow and noise at the same time modelled as an array of uncorrelated sources of broadband noise, what led to the axisymmetrical shape of the sound pressure directivity characteristics. The theoretical analysis was carried out for the root mean square acoustic pressure in the far-field conditions. Experimental results are presented in the form of the measured pressure directivity characteristics obtained for uniform flow directed inwards and outwards the duct compared to this observed for the zero-flow case. The directivity was measured in one-third octave bands throughout five octaves (500 Hz – 16 kHz) which, for a duct with radius of 0.08 m, corresponds to the range 0.74–23.65 in the reduced frequency ka (Helmholtz number) domain. The results obtained are consistent with theoretical solutions presented by Munt and Savkar, according to whom the weakening of the on-axis and close-to-axis radiation should take place in the presence of medium flow. Experimental results of the present paper indicate that this effect is observed even for the Mach number as low as 0.036.
In this paper, the Bayesian model for bimodal sensory information fusion is presented. It is a simple and biological plausible model used to model the sensory fusion in human’s brain. It is adopted into humanoid robot to fuse the spatial information gained from analyzing auditory and visual input, aiming to increase the accuracy of object localization. Bayesian fusion model requires prior knowledge on weights for sensory systems. These weights can be determined based on standard deviation (SD) of unimodal localization error obtained in experiments. The performance of auditory and visual localization was tested under two conditions: fixation and saccade. The experiment result shows that Bayesian model did improve the accuracy of object localization. However, the fused position of the object is not accurate when both of the sensory systems were bias towards the same direction.
In this article authors present the concept of application of multiagent approach in modeling biometric authentication systems. After short introduction, we present a short primer to multiagent technology. Next, we depict current state of the art related to biometrics combined with multiagent approach. In the next part of the work we present four exemplary simulation models of biometric authentication environments as well as the results of their examination.
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