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W celu poprawy jakości powietrza w miastach oraz zmniejszania emisji CO2 przedsiębiorstwa zachęcane są do budowy układów kogeneracyjnych, czyli skojarzone wytwarzanie ciepła i energii elektrycznej. Budowa układów kogeneracyjnych jest zgodna z ideą zrównoważonego rozwoju, ponieważ skojarzona produkcja energii i ciepła cechuje się bardzo wysoką sprawnością procesu dochodzącą do 90%. Do produkcji tych samych ilości ciepła i energii elektrycznej zużywa się mniej paliwa niż w przypadku produkcji rozdzielonej. Wytwarzanie energii w skojarzeniu pozwala na bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie paliw i zmniejszenie globalnej emisji CO2. Polska, która jest największym producentem węgla w Unii Europejskiej dzięki wykorzystaniu układów kogeneracyjnych wykorzystujących gaz pochodzący ze złóż węgla kamiennego, może dzięki nim zmniejszyć emisję metanu do atmosfery, co ma szczególne znaczenie w przypadku wprowadzenia opłat emisyjnych od metanu. Opracowanie przedstawia wyniki analizy ukierunkowanej na identyfikację ryzyka występującego przy projektach budowy układów kogeneracyjnych małej mocy dla różnego rodzaju przedsiębiorstw. Autor rozdziela istniejące ryzyko ze względu na miejsce pochodzenia ryzyka (źródła zagrożeń) oraz przedstawia przesłanki do zainstalowania takiego układu. Na końcu autor przedstawia analizę SWOT oraz PEST budowy układów kogeneracyjnych małej mocy.
In order to improve air quality in cities and reduce CO2 emissions, companies are encouraged to build cogeneration systems, i.e. the combined production of heat and power. The construction of cogeneration systems is in line with the idea of sustainable development, since the combined production of energy and heat is characterized by a very high process efficiency of up to 90%. Less fuel is used to produce the same amount of heat and electricity than in the case of separate production. Combined heat and power generation allows more efficient use of fuels and a reduction in global CO2 emissions. Poland, which is the largest coal producer in the European Union, thanks to the use of cogeneration systems using gas from coal deposits, can reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere, which is particularly important in the event of the introduction of emission fees on methane. The study presents the results of an analysis aimed at identifying the risks present in the construction projects of low-power cogeneration systems for various types of enterprises. The author separates the existing risks by the place of origin of the risk (sources of risks) and presents the rationale for installing such a system. Finally, the author presents a SWOT and PEST analysis of the construction of low-power cogeneration systems.
The extraction and economical use of methane from coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland (USCB) have shown a variable tendency in recent decades, with numerous fluctuations from year to year. In 2021, approximately 286 million m3 of methane was collected from coal mines, which accounted for approximately 40% of the total emissions of this gas to mine workings. Due to the fact that the economical use of coal mine methane brings environmental, economic and work safety benefits, increasing its extraction is an urgent need. Trends in changes in the amount of mined methane in the entire USCB and in the deposits where the most methane was extracted in the last 25 years were analysed. The most important potential factors influencing the variability of coal mine gas extraction were taken into account, i.e. elements of the geological structure, coal extraction, methane emissions, mining and technical conditions, etc. The directions for using the collected methane and the main consumers were discussed. The aim is to indicate the most important problems faced by coal mining in terms of the capture and management of methane over the last 25 years and to outline possible solutions.
Pozyskiwanie metanu z gazów kopalnianych stanowi jedno z najważniejszych zagadnień dotyczących eliminacji gazów cieplarnianych i w krajowych warunkach powinno być szeroko stosowane. Wynika to z faktu, że Polska jest największym w Europie emitentem metanu z kopalni do atmosfery. Istnieje kilka metod technologicznych wykorzystania gazów kopalnianych do celów energetycznych. W artykule przedstawiono nowatorskie rozwiązanie zastosowania tych gazów do trigeneracji, produkcji energii elektrycznej oraz ciepła i chłodu.
Obtaining methane from mine gases is one of the most important issues related to the elimination of greenhouse gases, which should be widely used in domestic conditions. This is due to the fact that Poland is the largest emitter of methane into the atmosphere in Europe. There are several technological methods for the use of mine gases for energy purposes. The article presents an innovative solution for the use of these gases for trigeneration, electricity, heat and cold production.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu przyłączania generatorów metanowych do sieci elektroenergetycznych kopalń na urządzenia elektroenergetyczne w nich pracujące oraz na bezpieczeństwo ich dalszej eksploatacji przez podmiot użytkujący. W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na szereg zagadnień niezwiązanych bezpośrednio z generatorami metanowymi, które mogą mieć wpływ na stabilność pracy sieci elektroenergetycznej, a także na ewentualne dodatkowe koszty, które inwestor może ponieść.
The article analyzes the effects of connecting methane generators to the in-house 6kV medium voltage mine grid. Issues which should be analyzed before the commencement of each investment process at a given pro-duction plant have been highlighted. These include, in particular : withstand current of the switching instruments installed so far with 6 kV cable lines, voltage analysis along with analysis of voltage changes and earth current distribution in the galvanically connected medium voltage network. It should be noted that the connection of new methane generators connected to the 6 kV in-house mine power network results in an increase of characteristic fault currents, and thus results in the potential need to replace a part of the switching instruments used in it. The technical analysis was performed using a program supporting calculations in the 6 kV medium voltage mine network with an isolated neutral point of the transformer. The calculation was performed using the method described in the standard [2]. The absence of adequate analysis may cause catastrophic effects, dangerous in terms of safety of operation of electrical equipment in the network, and in costly technological downtimes in a given mining plant
Content available remote Zastosowanie układów kogeneracyjnych do produkcji energii z metanu kopalnianego
Odmetanowanie pokładów węgla jest konieczne ze względu na bezpieczne prowadzenie eksploatacji górniczej. Ujęty metan można wykorzystać w układach kogeneracyjnych produkujących energię elektryczną i ciepło. Zmniejszenie emisji gazu cieplarnianego, jakim jest metan przyczynia się do ograniczenia zanieczyszczeń atmosfery. Energia elektryczna i ciepło powstałe w systemach kogeneracyjnych, wykorzystane następnie w zakładach przemysłowych oraz budownictwie mieszkaniowym pozwalają zmniejszyć niską emisję, z którą borykają się duże aglomeracje miejskie. Przedstawiono efekty działania układów kogeneracyjnych produkujących energię elektryczną i ciepło z metanu w aglomeracji śląskiej.
Polish industrial experience in utilization of coal mine MeH was presented. This MeH source yielded 0.3 TJ of heat and 91.4 MWh of elec. energy.
Closure and post-closure periods in underground coal mines present specific risks that have to be handled with sound management practices in order to achieve sustainability within the mining sector. These risks may negatively affect the environment and result in hazards on the surface caused by phenomena occurring in the rock mass after mining operations. One of the hazards that has to be considered in the process of coal mine closure is gas, which is caused by methane emission after mining operations cease. This paper presents a forecast of methane emissions conducted within the framework of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel “MERIDA” project, using a model that was developed by the National Institute for the Environment and Industrial Hazards (INERIS) from France, and the Central Mining Institute (GIG) in Katowice, from Poland. This model enables the estimation of the volume of methane emitted into longwall goafs from relaxed undermined and overmined coal seams in order to assess in a further step the risk of methane emissions into the atmosphere from closed/sealed underground coal mines. For a critical analysis of the forecasted methane emissions into the longwall goafs, the results obtained with this model were compared with a gas decline curve generated for longwall goafs from closed/sealed underground coal mines in Australia, where long term full range data was available. The results of the analysis allowed the forecasted emissions and, thus, the accuracy of the model to be validated. The forecast was developed in the “Anna” coal mine, property of the PGG Company, which is located in the southern part of the Upper Silesian region in the south of Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic, and that is undergoing a closure process.
W artykule przedstawiono warunki geologiczno-górnicze eksploatacji metanu ze złoża „Kaczyce I”, położonego w granicach obszaru eksploatacji zlikwidowanej Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego „Morcinek”, oraz wpływ zatapiania i odwadniania zrobów tej kopalni na wydobycie metanu.
Methane in the “Kaczyce I” deposit is available in anthropogenic collector in workings and excavations of the liquidated hard coal mine “Morcinek” and in absorbed form in hard coal deposits and dissolved form in waters of Miocene strata where it is being successively released and migrates to the collector. Methane mining from the deposit is carried out by the “Kaczyce 1” mine in the Kaczyce 1/01 well that is 680 m deep. The well was drilled to the workings of the 404/1-2 bed. “Wieczorek” hard coal mine (KWK) was drained between 1986 and 1998. It resulted in lowering the underground water level. Underground waters have started successively to fill available spaces of the methane collector as a result of liquidation of KWK “Morcinek” and stoppage of drainage. Flooding process was uncontrolled until 2008 when presence of water at the depth of 669 m was stated in the Kaczyce 1/01 borehole. It indicated that the workings of the 404/1-2 bed and bottom part of the well were flooded what resulted in impossibility of methane mining. The only way to prolong methane mining was to start draining the flooded excavations of the former KWK “Morcinek” mine. Three exploratory boreholes ( (OM-2’, OM-2’/1 – 65 m long, and OM-3 – 85 m long) to flooded excavations of the “Morcinek” Hard Coal Mine on the level of 950m were drilled in 2012 from drifts on level 1000 m in the “ČSM” coal mine (the Czech Republic). They have been used to drain the “Kaczyce I” deposit since March 2013. Approximately 2,593,000 m3 of water was drained from the tank in the “Kaczyce I” deposit by 31.08.2016. It lowered the water level in the excavations of the liquidated “Morcinek” hard coal mine and it made it possible to restart mining of methane in the Kaczyce 1/01 well in January 2015.
Artykuł omawia modele pozyskania metanu ze zrobów zlikwidowanych kopalń węgla i przedstawia polskie doświadczenia w tym zakresie na tle charakterystyki zmian własności zbiornikowych formacji węglonośnych w wyniku eksploatacji węgla kamiennego.
Technologies used to acquire methane from goafs in abandoned mines strictly depend on local circumstances. Therefore, the article only presents general models used to capture methane. These models can be divided into methane capture from underground excavations adjacent to goafs of working mines and methane capture with the use of boreholes from the surface. The former involves the installation of methane capture piping in goafs or abandoned shafts or development of goafs from adjacent underground excavations, while the latter involves drilling boreholes from the surface and the connection of piping or boreholes to the mine methane recovery station or a separate compressor. Methane capture from the surface features the drilling of vertical boreholes to develop goafs or to develop a sequence of boreholes into reservoir rocks located over fully-exploited coalbeds and hydraulically connected with these coalbeds. In Poland, successful attempts at methane capture from goafs using each of the above-mentioned models were made in Czyżowice and Jankowice-Wschód deposits, the “Bzia-Dębiny” elevation, and “1 Maja”, “Moszczenica” and “Żory” abandoned mines. Total methane extraction from abandoned mines is estimated to be approx. 80 million m3, including 37.0 million m3 of methane captured using surface boreholes. If one also were to include methane capture from goafs of working mines (approx. 830 million m3), it is obvious that methane capture from after-exploitation mine (both working and abandoned) goafs is a beneficial way to extract coalbed methane. Combined with coal exploitation, methane capture would help to make use of the enhancement of coal reservoir properties, which are generally unfavourable in intact rock, by methane capture.
Content available Metan pokładów węgla: zasoby i eksploatacja
Gas produced from coal can be subdivided into three categories: coalbed methane (CBM), coal mine methane (CMM) and abandoned mine methane (AMM). CBM is extracted from virgin coal using wells drilled from the surface. In recent years horizontal drilling is widely used as a primary CBM recovery technique. A pair of wells - a vertical production well intersected by a horizontal multilateral well - is considered the most effective in dewatering a coal reservoir and thus enables maximizing its productivity. Although CBM world resources are huge (100-216 bcm), only a few countries produce coalbed gas commercially. While the US is still the leader, Australia has the fastest CBM production growth. It has been observed that many mature CBM plays reveal highly variable productivity, possibly due to coal heterogeneity. Therefore, CBM reserves/resources should be estimated using probabilistic methods. In spite of its substantial CBM resource potential, Poland has produced only coal mine methane (CMM) whereas significant efforts of CBM exploration conducted in the 1990s failed to flow gas in commercial quantities due to low permeability. Dart Energy operates a CBM exploration license in the Upper Silesia and has recently finished testing the CBM production pilot using a surface-to-inseam horizontal well with vertical production well intersection. This state-of-the-art CBM completion technology has been used for the first time in Poland and, hopefully, will unlock the sizeable CBM resource of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe cechy konstrukcyjne silnika przeznaczonego do agregatów prądotwórczych produkcji firmy DEUTZ Power Systems zasilanego mieszanką metanu pochodzenia kopalnianego. Określono sposób przygotowania mieszanki powietrzno-gazowej, jej skład i granice palności. Omówiono także niektóre właściwości użytkowe generatorów wyposażonych w silniki Deutz TCG 2032.
Some basic constructional features of generating sets produced by DEUTZ Power Systems equipped with gas engines fueled with air - Coal Mine Methane mixture have been presented in the paper. The way of preparing of air-gas mixture, gas set up and ignition ability have been described here. Some operation features of gensets with Deutz TCG 2032 have been discussed.
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