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Permanent grasslands are the most environment-friendly way of using agricultural lands. Apart from producing fodder, grasslands play many other important non-productive functions. Biodiversity is the key factor decisive for their high natural and productive values. Grasslands play an important role in water retention. Not all types of grasslands may be used agriculturally. Out of 16 types of habitats, 10 may be used for production, the others are biologically valuable. The surface area of permanent grasslands in Poland has markedly decreased during the last decade. Now, they constitute slightly more than 20% of agricultural lands occupying 3127.8 thous. ha (in 2019) including 2764 thous. ha of meadows and 363.8 thous. ha of pastures.
Badania prowadzono w latach 2012–2015 w dolinie rzeki Por na łąkach ekstensywnie użytkowanych. W badanych płatach roślinnych zarejestrowano 255 gatunków roślin naczyniowych, wśród których dominowały apofity nad antropofitami. Wśród form życiowych dominowały hemikryptofity nad pozostałymi grupami, co było odzwierciedleniem w przewadze gatunków wieloletnich nad krótkotrwałymi. W badanych fitocenozach odnotowano 10 gatunków o różnej kategorii zagrożenia i objętych ochroną. Były to: Bromus arvensis, Asperugo procumbens, Mentha pulegium, Elymus hispidus, Dactylorhiza majalis, Epipactis helleborine, Epipactis palustris, Centhaurium erythraea, Lathyrus palustris, Lilium mortagon. Występowanie tych gatunków w płatach roślinnych dodatkowo wpłynęło na wartość przyrodniczą badanych łąk. Najsilniej korelowały ze sobą liczba gatunków w badanych płatach i wskaźnik różnorodności.
The research was carried out between 2012 and 2015 in the Por River Valley in meadows used extensively. In the patches of vegetation that were examined during the studies 255 vascular plant species were identified, and most of them were apophytes or anthropophytes. Among forms of life, hemikryptophytes dominated over other groups, which was reflected in the prevalence of perennial species over biennial and annual ones. In the plant communities there were 10 species endangered to a varying degree and protected ones. Those were: Bromus arvensis, Asperugo procumbens, Mentha pulegium, Elymus hispidus, Dactylorhiza majalis, Epipactis helleborine, Epipactis palustris, Centhaurium erythraea, Lathyrus palustris, and Lilium mortagon. The presence of the above species in the vegetation patches additionally affected natural value of the meadows. The strongest correlation, with moderately statistical significance, was that between the number of species in a patch and the diversity index.
We studied species composition and seasonal co-existence of coprophagous Scarabaeoidea from two study sites in karst meadows in sub-Mediterranean Slovenia. Each site consisted of three habitat patches with different impact of grazing (S1, the active part of the pasture; S2, the overgrown part of the pasture, mainly spiny shrubs; S3, a meadow with some overgrown patches of shrubs outside the fenced pasture). Four pitfall trapping events per month were conducted from March until November to test for temporal, spatial and habitat-related segregation of species. Primary results show a high level of temporal segregation of species within and between the guilds (Aphodiidae – dwellers, Geotrupidae – tunnelers, Scarabaeidae – tunnelers, Scarabaeidae – rollers). Temporal segregation of monthly samples was evident between Aphodiidae – dwellers (most active at the beginning and end of the season, with a month of complete inactivity during hot summer) and Scarabaeidae – tunnelers (present all the time, but with least species and specimens at the beginning and end of season). Intra-guild competition was most prominent for Aphodiidae – dwellers and Geotrupidae – tunnelers, where species show high rate of temporal avoidance to minimize interspecies competition for the same food source. Finally, geographical (site-related) and habitat-related (S1, S2, S3) differences were found in species composition, species richness and abundance, however for the latter two parameters only at habitat level (more species at S1, but higher abundances at S2 and S3). The results imply that the pronounced temporal and spatial segregation facilitate higher biodiversity in space and time, and allow more species to co-exist at the same sites over time.
Maintaining permanent grassland contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. They also play an important role in the greenhouse gas balance. By storing soil organic matter and humus, they improve the structure of the soil, its ability to store water and resistance to erosion. Because of their functions, meadows are an important factor limiting hazards and contribute to maintaining the balance of the natural environment. This paper presents a query of the literature on the subject in order to present the results of studies on the functions performed by permanent grassland in the economy, environmental protection and the countryside landscape.
Utrzymanie trwałych użytków zielonych (TUZ) przyczynia się do zachowania różnorodności biologicznej. Odgrywają one także istotną rolę w bilansie gazów cieplarnianych. Poprzez magazynowanie glebowej substancji organicznej i próchnicy poprawiają strukturę gleby, jej zdolność magazynowania wody i odporność na erozję. Ze względu na pełnione funkcje łąki są istotnym czynnikiem ograniczającym zagrożenia i przyczyniają się do zachowania równowagi środowiska przyrodniczego. W pracy przedstawiono kwerendę literatury przedmiotu w celu przedstawienia wyników opracowań z zakresu pełnionych funkcji przez trwałe użytki zielone w gospodarce, ochronie środowiska i krajobrazie terenów wiejskich.
Grasslands, especially those under ecological management (i.e. mowing, and grazing without fertilizers and chemicals), have significant importance for many arthropods, including ground beetles. We studied the abundance and species diversity of Carabidae of four uphill grasslands (West Sudety Mountains, Poland) under different management intensity: cattle grazing (one or four times per year), mowing, and alternatively managed (grazing/mowing). Beetles were collected using pitfall traps during three whole grazing seasons, i.e. from April to October in 2007-2009. The most frequent species of beetles, on each of the plots, were predators Poecilus cupreus, Calathus fuscipes and Nebria brevicollis. Sixtyfour ground beetle species were found altogether. Species richness ranged from 42 to 47, with the mean number of individuals per trap day-1 from 0.006 to 0.018. In the years of the study the number of ground beetles and their species diversity were higher on meadows mown once per year and alternatively managed grasslands as compared with grazed sites. Therefore, the simplified, organic way of agricultural production with reduced mowing or moving combined with grazing can be considered as appropriate in preserving the biodiversity of the grasslands in mountainous regions.
W ramach programu wieloletniego realizowanego w Instytucie Technologiczno-Przyrodniczym (PW działanie 1.3) prowadzono monitoring jakości wód gruntowych pod różnymi uprawami polowymi na obszarach lessowych Małopolski, począwszy od 04.2012 r. Analizowano wody gruntowe na terenach objętych intensywną uprawą warzyw, umiarkowanie nawożonymi zbożami oraz słabo nawożonymi i nienawożonymi łąkami trwałymi. Celem pracy było określenie dynamiki stężenia składników biogennych (N-NO3 , N-NH4 i P-PO4) w poszczególnych porach roku w latach 2012–2014. Uwzględniono również potas jako składnik podstawowego nawożenia mineralnego. W uprawie warzyw stosowano wysoki poziom nawożenia NPK (4 obiekty): 110–160 kg N; 70– 90 kg P2O5 oraz 80–100 kg K2O∙ha-1 . Uprawy zbożowe nawożono mniejszą ilością składników, odpowiednio: 60–80; 30–40 i 60–80 kg∙ha-1 . Z dwóch obiektów łąkowych na jednym stosowano tylko obornik w dawce 10 Mg∙ha-1 co trzy lata. Na podstawie wyników analiz chemicznych stwierdzono, że w wodach gruntowych pod uprawami warzyw stężenie N-NO3 było największe. Zwiększone stężenie tej formy azotu obserwowano najczęściej w okresie wiosennym, a najmniejsze w letnim. Wody te odpowiadały najczęściej V klasie jakości i były zagrożone lub zanieczyszczone azotanami ze źródeł rolniczych. Pod uprawami zbożowymi i łąkami jakość wód gruntowych była zdecydowanie lepsza i stężenie N-NO3 odpowiadało I–III klasie. Jedną z przyczyn dużego zróżnicowania stężenia tego składnika w wodach na terenach pod uprawą warzyw może być brak okrywy roślinnej w okresie jesiennozimowym, co sprzyja wymywaniu go z gleby. Stężenie pozostałych składników w wodzie z poszczególnych punktów pobierania odpowiadało I–III klasie jakości wód wgłębnych.
The long-term programme implemented by the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (P.W. activity 1.3) began in April 2012. Monitoring of groundwater quality was carried out in the Malopolska loess areas for different field crops. The groundwater was analysed in the areas covered by the intensive cultivation of vegetables, moderately fertilized cereals and poorly fertilized and nonfertilized permanent meadows. The objective of the study was to determine concentration dynamics of the nutrients (NO3-N, NH4-N and PO4-P) at various times of the year for the period of 2012–2014. Also potassium was included, as a component of basic fertilization. In the vegetable cultivation, high NPK fertilization level was applied in the 4 sites, and doses per hectare were: 110–160 kg N, 70–90 kg P2O5 and 80–100 kg K2O. Fertilization of cereal crops was smaller and amounted respectively: 60–80; 30–40; 60–80 kg per hectare. With two meadow sites, only in the one site, manure was applied every three years at the rate of 10 Mg∙ha-1 . Based on the results of the chemical analyzes, it was found that NO3-N concentration was greatest in groundwater under vegetable crops. Increased concentration of this nitrogen form was observed most frequently in the spring and the smaller in the summer. These waters are the most frequently corresponded to V-class quality and have been threatened or polluted by nitrates from the agricultural sources. In the case of cereal crops and grasslands, water quality was much better and the concentration of NO3-N corresponds to I–III class. One of the reasons of very different concentration of this compound in the vegetable cultivation, may be the lack of plant cover in the autumn and winter, which favours the leaching the chemicals from the soil. The concentration of the remaining components from particular sampling points, corresponds to I–III class of the groundwater quality.
Przedstawiono występowanie gatunków roślin chronionych, zagrożonych i rzadkich na użytkach zielonych usytuowanych w makroregionach: Pogórze Zachodniosudeckie, Sudety Środkowe i Wschodnie. Na podstawie badań florystyczno-fitosocjologicznych, przeprowadzonych w latach 2009-2014, stwierdzono dziesięć gatunków chronionych, w tym cztery taksony objęte ochroną gatunkową ścisłą. W składzie florystycznym użytków zielonych odnotowano dwa taksony podawane jako gatunki zagrożone wyginięciem na terenie Polski oraz osiem zagrożonych gatunków flory naczyniowej Dolnego Śląska o różnych kategoriach zagrożenia. Użytki zielone objęte badaniami, występujące w Sudetach Środkowych, charakteryzują się większym udziałem gatunków zagrożonych i rzadkich niż w Sudetach Wschodnich i Pogórzu Zachodniosudeckim.
An important part of the landscape of the Sudetes are grassland. They account approximately 50% of agricultural area. These are most often semi-natural communities which their origin, complexity of the structure and species composition are due to human activity. Over the past decades, the disappearance of many meadow communities and related taxons are observed. Intensification of this phenomenon makes it necessary to conduct a study on the current state of grassland. The floristic and phytosociological study was carried out in the years 2009-2014 with the Braun-Blanquet method on the grassland in Sudetes Mts (the Western Sudetes Foothills, The Central Sudetes, The East Sudetes). The resulting material was analysed in terms of endangered and rare species. Evaluation of the plant species was based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 9 October 2014, on the protection of species of plants. In addition, a list of endangered and rare vascular plants of Lower Silesia has been taken into account, which was developed based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUNC) and supplemented by criteria and regional categories. The studies showed that in the floristic composition of part of the analysed grasslands there were 4 strictly protected species and 6 partial protected species. To the most commonly reported include: Colchicum autumnale L., reported slightly less frequently: Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich., Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P. F. Hunt & Summerh.), Colchicum autumnale L. Occasionally the presence of Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. subsp. conopsea, Trollius europaeus L., Iris sibirica L., Lilium martagon L., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz were reported. Most of these species is placed on the endangered species list of vascular flora of Lower Silesia, as a species exposed to extinction and species with a lower risk of extinction (rare). Trollius europaeus L., Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. subsp. conopsea. are in danger of becoming extinct. From species close to the threat but at a lower risk of extinction occurred Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P.F. Hunt & Summerh and poorly threatened - Colchicum autumnale L. and Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. Most of the rare and protected species was found on grassland located in the Central Sudetes, which can be associated with taking inventory more research areas (meadows and pastures), than on the Western Sudetes Foothills and in the East Sudetes.
Celem badań było określenie wpływu stosowania dodatku bakteryjnego zawierającego kultury bakterii kwasu mlekowego do zakiszanej runi łąkowej z łąki nawożonej nawozami naturalnymi na jakość, wartość pokarmową i obecność szkodliwych mikroorganizmów. Porównywano trzy formy nawożenia: nawozami mineralnymi NPK (kontrola), obornikiem (50 t ha-1) i gnojówką (30 m3 ha-1). Ruń łąkową z I pokosu po wstępnym podsuszeniu (40% sm) zakiszono w dużych belach cylindrycznych z dodatkiem i bez dodatku preparatu bakteryjnego zawierającego wyselekcjonowane szczepy bakterii fermentacji mlekowej. W próbach kiszonki podobnie jak w zielonce oceniano zawartości składników pokarmowych. W próbach kiszonek ponadto oceniano poziom suchej masy, wartość pH świeżej masy kiszonki, zawartość kwasu mlekowego, lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych i udział amoniaku, liczebność drożdży i grzybów pleśniowych i innych drobnoustrojów. Stwierdzono istotny wpływ nawożenia i stosowania dodatku bakteryjnego na jakość kiszonki. Kiszonki z runi nawożonej obornikiem charakteryzowały się istotnie wyższym stężeniem amoniaku, niższą zawartością kwasu mlekowego i kwasów tłuszczowych niż kiszonki z obiektów nawożonych NPK. Zastosowanie dodatku bakteryjnego do runi z obiektów nawożonych nawozami naturalnymi poprawiło jakość i wartość pokarmową kiszonek. Wartości TDN, DMI i RFQ w kiszonkach sporządzonych z dodatkiem bakteryjnym były wyższe niż w kiszonce kontrolnej.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bacterial inoculate treatment of sward from grassland fertilized with solid manure and liquid manure on quality, nutritive value and microflora of grass silage. Three fertilizers were compared: mineral NPK (control), solid manure (50 t ha-1) and liquid manure (30 m3 ha-1). Pre-wilted herbage (40% DM) from the first cut of grassland was ensilaged in big cylindrical bales with and without addition of bacterial inoculate containing lactic acid bacteria. In herbage and silage samples the content of nutritive components was evaluated. In obtained silages the dry matter content, pH, fermentation products, yeasts, moulds and some bacteria count were evaluated. Significant influence of fertilization and inoculate treatment on silage quality was stated. Silages made from sward fertilized with manure had significantly higher ammonia concentration, lower content of lactic acid and fatty acids than silages from objects fertilized with NPK. The addition of bacterial inoculants to sward from objects fertilized with natural fertilizers improved quality and nutritive value of silages. TDN, DMI and RFQ values were higher in inoculated silages than in untreated silages.
Vegetation analysis is an important problem in regional and global scale. Because of pollution of environment and changes in the ecosystems plant monitoring is very important. Remote sensing data can be easily used to plant monitoring. That kind of method is much faster and more reliable than traditional approaches. Spectrometry analyzes the interactions between radiation and object and it uses measurement of radiation intensity as a function of wavelength. Each object emits and absorbs different quantity of radiation, so it is possible to recognise the object and check its characteristics analysing the spectrum. The subject of the researches is Polish meadows. The human usage of the meadows determines its proper functioning. Grasslands, which consist of meadows and pastures, cover 10% of Poland. Meadows are most extensively use. In Poland the crops from meadows (hay and green forage) are very low. The meadows in Poland are floristically and morphologically very diverse. Many factors influence on this ecosystem and that is why the monitoring is very important. The aim of the researches is to study the possibility of use of the Radiative Transfer Models in modelling the state of the heterogeneous vegetation cover of seminatural meadows in Poland. Two approaches are used to canopy analysis: statistical and modelling. In the statistic approach, biophysical parameters calculated from the image are correlated with reflectance or transmittance from fi eld measurements. In second approach physically based model is used to represent the photon transport inside leaves and canopy. The Radiative Transfer Models are based on the laws of optics. Developing the model results in better understanding of the interaction of light in canopy and leaves. The Radiative Transfer Models are often applied to vegetation modelling. The Radiative Transfer Models are physically based models which describe the interactions of radiation in atmosphere and vegetation. Adjusted models can be used to fast and precise analysis of biophysical parameters of the canopy. The canopy can be described as homogeneous layer consisting of leaves and spaces. The Radiative Transfer Models are algorithms which vary by input and output parameters, the level of the analysis, kinds of plants and other modifications. Models are used on two levels: single leaf and whole canopy. The first model, which is used in this research, is PROSPECT, which describes the multidirectional refl ectance and diffusion on a leaf level. It is often employed with other models that describe whole canopy. Leaf has the same properties on both sides, the reflection from the leaves is Lambertian. The input parameters in the model are: chlorophyll and carotenoid content, Equivalent Water Thickness and dry matter content and also leaf structure parameter that describe the leaf structure and complexity. Second model, which is used in the study, is the canopy reflectance model SAIL (Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves). It simulates the top of the canopy bidirectional reflectance and it describes the canopy structure in a fairly simple way. In this analysis the 4-SAIL model will be used. This version has few input parameters that describe plants and soil: spectrometric data – reflectance and transmittance from leaves (the output parameters form PROSPECT model), biophysical canopy parameters (Leaf Area Index, brown pigment content, mean leaf inclination angle), soil brightness parameter, reflectance geometry (solar zenith angle, observer zenith angle, relative azimuth angle), ratio of diffuse to total incident radiation and two hot spot size parameters. The SAIL model is often combined with the model on leaf level – the PROSAIL model. The PROSPECT and SAIL are very rarely used to meadows, this kind of ecosystem is normally rather heterogeneous and modelling is quite difficult. In this study two Radiative Transfer Models (PROSPECT-5 and 4SAIL) were used on single leaves and a whole canopy level. In order to acquire the input data to both, models model and reference spectrums the fi eld measurements were done. The input parameters were recalculated using fields measurements and put into the models: PROSPECT and PROSAIL. Only one leaf structure parameter was fitted for each polygon individually. The spectral reflectance obtained from the model was compared with field data. Based on the calculated Root Mean Square Error the simulation was verified. The RMSE values were calculated for whole range from 400 to 2500 nm and for specific ranges. The correctness of simulated spectra were analysed dependent on the type of meadows (cultivated meadows with reduced amount of biomass, cultivated meadows with high amount of biomass and not cultivated meadows) and the value of three different biophysical parameters (Leaf Area Index, fresh biomass content and water content). Better results were obtained using PROSPECT model than PROSAIL. In the visible light more accurate values were calculated using PROSAIL and in the infrared using PROSPECT. Generally bigger errors were noticed in the infrared, especially middle infrared range. The effectiveness of the reflectance simulation was not influenced by different kind of meadows. Apart from that, better results were obtained on meadows with higher biomass value, bigger Leaf Area Index and lower water content. Generally, the PROSPECT and PROSAIL radiative transfer models can be used to simulate the spectral reflectance of vegetation on heterogeneous meadows. The models can be used to estimate the biophysical parameters, but it is necessary to correct the values of input variables (especially water content). Meadows are very complex environment and some of the parameters should be adjusted.
W dolinie Noteci Leniwej, na Łąkach Mościckich, skład florystyczny wykazuje dużą różnorodność. Dominują zbiorowiska półnaturalne, cenne przyrodniczo, głównie z klasy Phragmitetea. Charakter półnaturalny zachowały zbiorowiska głównie siedlisk bagiennych i podmokłych, na których w ostatnich latach ograniczono lub zaniechano użytkowanie. Szansą dla zachowania ich walorów przyrodniczych jest krajowy Program rolnośrodowiskowy. W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę zróżnicowania florystycznego i glebowego ekologicznych zbiorowisk łąkowych na glebach organicznych. Wykonano analizę florystyczną i zróżnicowanie wilgotnościowe jednostek syntaksonomicznych: Phalaridetum arundinaceae var. z Urtica dioica, zb. Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei i zb. ze związku Filipendulion ulmariae oraz Polygonum hydropiper var. z Rumex crispus. Ponadto dla wymienionych zbiorowisk opisano wyniki waloryzacji przyrodniczej. Wykonane wiercenia i odkrywki glebowe pozwoliły opisać budowę morfologiczną gleb, dokonać ich klasyfikacji typologicznej, przyrodniczej oraz użytkowej. Podstawowe właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne gleb oznaczono przy użyciu powszechnie stosowanych metod w gleboznawstwie.
Plant floristic composition of Mościckie Meadows situated in the Leniwa Noteć River valley exhibits considerable variability. Semi-natural communities of high natural values, primarily from the Phragmitetea class, are dominant. Semi-natural character of the examined communities was particularly common in the case of marshy and wet sites on which utilization was either significantly reduced or completely abandoned in recent years. The natural value of these communities can be preserved if the domestic Agro-environmental Program is implemented. The study presents characteristics of floristic and soil variability of ecological meadow communities situated on organic soils. Analyses of floristic composition and moisture content variability of the following syntaxonomic units were carried out: Phalaridetum arundinaceae var. with Urtica dioica, com. Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei and ass. Filipendulion ulmariae and Polygonum hydropiper var. with Rumex crispus. In addition, results of nature valorisation for the above-mentioned plant communities were described. The performed soil drillings and pits made it possible to describe soil morphological structure and to carry out their typological, natural and functional classification. Basic physical and chemical properties were determined using methods commonly employed in soil science.
Badania dotyczące występowania motylkowatych w siedliskach cennych przyrodniczo, przeprowadzono w latach 2009-2010, na podstawie "Dokumentacji przyrodniczej siedliskowej". Jako powierzchnie badawcze wybrano kompleksy łąk zarówno na obszarze Natura 2000, jak i poza nią. W pięciu wariantach siedlisk pakietu 4 i 5 zbadano: ilość, sumę i średnią liczbę gatunków w płatach roślinnych. Ponadto określono jednostki fitosocjologiczne oraz typy siedlisk, w których występują motylkowate, według klasyfikacji Natura 2000, dla poszczególnych wariantów pakietu 5 oraz systematyczny wykaz występowania motylkowatych w różnych wariantach siedlisk przyrodniczych. Stwierdzono występowanie 17 gatunków roślin motylkowatych z 5 rodzajów. Najwięcej gatunków występuje w rodzaju Trifolium - 6 gatunków i rodzaju Vicia - 5 gatunków. Rodzaj: Medicago, Lathyrus i Lotus jest reprezentowany tylko przez 2 gatunki. Wśród motylkowatych cennych siedlisk i o dużych walorach przyrodniczych tylko 2 gatunki zanotowano w wariancie 5.2. - Mechowiska.
Investigations on the occurrence of legumes in naturally valuable sites were carried out in years 2009 and 2010 on the basis of "Site natural documentation". Meadow complexes situated in areas of Natura 2000 as well as outside them were selected as experimental surfaces. The amount, total and mean number of species in individual plots were assessed in five site variants of package 4 and 5. In addition, phytosociological units as well as site types in which leguminous plants occurred were determined on the basis of Natura 2000 classification for individual variants of package 5 and a systematic list of occurrence of legumes in different variants of natural sites. The total of 17 legume species from 5 genera were found to occur with 6 species from the Trifolium genus and 5 species from the Vicia genus. Medicago, Lathyrus and Lotus genera were represented by 2 species each. Among legume valuable sites and of high natural value only 2 species were recorded in variant 5.2. areas with moss.
Badania, których celem była ocena jakości i plonowania łąk użytkowanych według zaleceń programu rolno-środowiskowego dla półnaturalnych łąk dwukośnych (wariant: P0lb), prowadzono w latach 2006-2009 na powierzchni 158 ha łąk na glebach hydrogenicznych położonych w centralnej części Doliny Kanału Bydgoskiego. W runi odnotowano 109 gatunków roślin naczyniowych tworzących plon rolniczy, w tym 19 gatunków traw, 7 motylkowatych, 21 turzycowatych i sitowatych oraz 65 z innych rodzin botanicznych, głównie roślin dwuliściennych, wśród których występowały dwa gatunki chronione: Ostericwn pa-lustre i Dactylorhiza incarnata. Trawy stanowiły średnio niespełna 48% runi, motylkowate nieco ponad 1%, turzycowate i sitowa te 21%. a pozostałe gatunki 30%. Duży udział gatunków o małych walorach użytkowych sprawiał, że uśrednione syntetyczne wskaźniki jakości wyrażane liczbami wartości użytkowej mieściły się w dolnych granicach runi miernej. Wyniki analiz chemicznych wskazywały na bardzo niską zawartość białka ogólnego, nadmierną zawartość włókna, niską fosforu i skrajnie niską potasu. Świadczą one o zbyt późnym terminie koszenia pierwszego pokosu, dotychczas nie spotykanym w krajowej praktyce łąkarskiej i nadmiernym wyczerpaniu gleby z dostępnych form fosforu oraz potasu. Ruń drugiego odrostu posiadała lepsze walory paszowe, zwłaszcza w zakresie zawartości białka ogólnego. Pomimo hydrogenicznego pochodzenia badanych łąk duży wpływ na plony miał poziom i rozkład opadów w sezonie wegetacyjnym. Średnie plony na poziomie 3,54 t.-ha-1 w powiązaniu z niską jakością surowca powodują znikome zainteresowanie aspektem paszowym, a jedynie pozyskiwaniem środków z puli dofinansowania przewidzianego w ramach programu rolnośrodowiskowego.
Studies, conducted to evaluate the quality and yielding of meadows utilized according to agri-environment program guidelines for double-cut, semi-natural meadows (variant P01b), were carried out between 2006 and 2009 and covered area of 158 ha of meadows located on hydrogenic soils located within the central part of the Bydgoszcz Canal Valley. 109 species of vascular plants comprising the agricultural yield were identified, including 19 grass species, 7 papilionaceus species, 21 species from the sage and rush family as well as 65 species from other botanical groups, primarily dicotyledonous, among those two protected species: Ostericum palustre and Dactylorhiza incarnate. Grasses comprised and average of 48% of the sward, papilionaceus slightly above 1%, sage and rush 21% and the remaining species 30% of the sward. High participation of plants of low usefulness value contributed to the fact that the average synthetic indicators of sward quality measured as usefulness value numbers were in the lower boarders of a low quality sward. Chemical analysis indicated a very low amount of total protein, excessive amount of crude fiber, low amount of phosphorus and an extremely low amount of potassium. These results indicate that the first cut was harvested too late, allowing the soil to be depleted of phosphorus and potassium. The sward of the second cut was characterized by higher fodder values, particularly by higher amount of total protein and lower amount of crude fiber. Despite the hydrogenic nature of the studied meadows, the amount and frequency of rainfall during the vegetative season had a significant impact on the yield. The average yield of 3,54 t- ha-1 combined with. its low quality result in the lack of interest in the fodder aspect of meadow utilization. Instead these meadows are used to gain funding from the agri-environment programs resources.
Meadows are important ecosystems and should be protected. Also, in Poland organic agriculture and farming, where crops from meadows are used, is getting more popular. That is why meadows monitoring and predicting crops is important issue. Much information can be calculated from spectrum of plants and that is why remote sensing data are very useful tool. Two approaches are used to calculate biophysical variables: statistical and modelling. In statistical, values from field measurements have to be compared with images. In modelling, radiative transfer models are used. RTM are physical models based on the fundamental equation of radiative transfer. After all necessary adjustments, models can give the description of the canopy with fewer field measurements. In this paper model on leaf level was chosen. PROSPECT uses only five input variables: chlorophyll and carotenoid content, water content, dry matter and leaf structure parameter. Model is normally used to homogeneous canopy, like corn. In this paper, PROSPECT was used to simulate spectrum for heterogenic meadows using field measurements. Biophysical variables were collected during field measurements in the Bystrzanka catchment in the Low Beskid Mountains. In the same time more than 10 samples of spectrum were collected using ASD FieldSpec 3 FR and then averaged. The minimum size of polygon was 100m2. All input parameters for every polygon were included into the model and spectrum was modelled. Then spectrum was compared with measured samples of each polygon. In the end the vegetation indices were calculated using two kinds of spectrum and compared. All used vegetation indices are describing plant condition or crop monitoring: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Red Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Photochemical Reflectance Index, Normalized Difference Nitrogen Index, Normalized Difference Lignin Index, Cellulose Absorption Index, Carotenoid Reflectance Index, Water Band Index and Moisture Stress Index. Researches shows, that it is possible to simulate spectra for heterogeneous meadows using PROSPECT. The average RMSE value for all polygons was 0,0346, which mean the spectra are well modelled. The biggest mistake was for near infrared range, where is the strongest influence of dry matter content. The differences between measured and modelled spectrum were also noticed on the part of visible light – 400-500nm. For most calculated vegetation indices values were similar for both kinds of spectra. Values of NDVI,WBI and NDLI were very close. The biggest differences were noticed form PRI and CRI.
Celem pracy jest ocena ilości biomasy pozyskiwanej z łąk i pastwisk, którą można przeznaczyć do produkcji biogazu. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane GUS oraz wyniki badań własnych. Trwałe użytki zielone zajmują powierzchnię ponad 3,2 mln ha, z czego blisko 2,5 mln ha stanowią łąki i prawie 0,8 mln ha trwałe pastwiska. O ile powierzchnia łąk wykazuje dużą stabilność, o tyle powierzchnia pastwisk systematycznie się zmniejsza. Aktualny potencjał produkcyjny naszych łąk układa się na poziomie ok. 5, a pastwisk ok. 3,5 Mg*ha-1 siana. Wielkość zbioru biomasy na cele energetyczne może wynieść od 3 120 tys. do 4 820 tys. Mg siana. Może to stanowić surowiec do produkcji biogazu w ilości od ok.1 460 mln do 2 230 mln m3.
The studies aimed at evaluating the quantity of biomass to be obtained from the meadows and pastures and utilized for biogas generation. Elaboration was based on the data of GUS (Main Statistical Office) and the results of own research. Permanent grasslands cover the area of above 3.2 mln ha; 2.5 mln ha of this consist of the meadows and almost 0.8 mln ha of the permanent pastures. As far as the area of meadows reveals considerable stability, the area of pastures is systematically decreasing. Actual production potential of the hay on Polish meadows places itself on the level of about 5 Mg*ha-1, whereas on the pastures - 3.5 Mg*ha-1. The amount of biomass yield for energy purposes may reach from 3 120 to 4 820 thousand Mg of hay. This may ensure the raw material for biogas generation in quantities from 1 460 mln up to 2 230 mln m3.
Równocześnie z badaniami hydrologiczno-glebowymi, na sporadycznie użytkowanych łąkach w dolinie Iny, wykonywano badania florystyczno-fitosocjologiczne (lata 2000-2002). Ich celem było określenie zróżnicowania szaty roślinnej w zależności od warunków glebowych i wilgotnościowych, wzdłuż transektu, przecinającego dolinę na linii Sowno-Przemocze. Na obszarze trzech typów gleb - mad brunatnych, mad próchnicznych i torfowo-murszowych - wyróżniono 15 fitocenoz, wśród których największą powierzchnię zajmowały zbiorowiska trawiaste. Należały do nich: Alopecuretum pratensis, Deschampsietum caespitosae, Scirpetum sylvatici, Valeriano-Filipenduletum, zbiorowisko Deschampsia caespitosa-Carex acuta, zbiorowisko Deschampsia caespitosa-Juncus effusus, zbiorowisko Festuca pratensis, Holcus lanatus-Festuca rubra, Caricetum acutiformis, Phalaridetum arundinaceae i Phragmitetum australis. Sporadycznie występowały zbiorowiska ruderalne (Anthriscetum sylvestris, Urtico-Calystegietum sepium). Zmieniające się warunki glebowe wokół silnie meandrującej rzeki oraz czas trwania wiosennych zalewów wpłynęły na mozaikowatość zbiorowisk roślinnych. Czynnikami w największym stopniu wpływającymi na rozwój i kształtowanie się szaty roślinnej były warunki glebowe i wilgotnościowe oraz antropopresja. Brak stałego użytkowania łąk w dolinie spowodował ekspansję śmiałka darniowego (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P.B.).
Simultaneously with hydrological and soil studies on sporadically used meadows in the Ina River valley, floristic-phytosociological properties were investigated in the years 2000-2002. The aim of the study was to determine the diversity of vegetation cover in relation to soil and humidity conditions along the valley transect from Sowno to Przemocze. Peat-muck soils, alluvial humic soils and alluvial brown soils were found in the study area. Out of 15 described phytocoenoses, the largest area was occupied by grasses such as: Alopecuretum pratensis, Deschampsietum caespitosae, Scirpetum sylvatici, Valeriano-Filipenduletum, Deschampsia caespitosa-Carex acuta community, Deschampsia caespitosa-Juncus effusus, Festuca pratensis, Holcus lanatus-Festuca rubra, and then by rushes: Caricetum acutiformis, Phalaridetum arundinaceae, Phragmitetum australis. Ruderal phytocoenoses of Anthriscetum sylvestris and Urtico-Calystegietum sepium occurred sporadically. Diversity of soils around the strongly meandering Ina River and different time of spring floods resulted in mosaic pattern of plant communities. The main factors affecting the development and structure of plant communities were the soil, humidity and antropogenic impacts. A lack of permanent utilisation of meadows in the valley facilitated the expansion of the tufted hair grass (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P.B.).
Celem pracy jest ocena stanu istniejącego oraz nakreślenie kierunków (strategii) gospodarowania na użytkach zielonych zgodnego z reformowaną Wspólną Polityką Rolną po 2013 r.. W ramach tej polityki wyszczególniono cztery kierunki gospodarowania, wpisujące się w określone modele rolnictwa - dotychczasowego (zerowego), środowiskowego, produkcyjnego i zintegrowanego. W ostatnich dziewięciu latach (2000-2008) trzy pokosy zbiera się średnio z 24,2% łąk, dwa - z 34,2%, a jeden - z 24,2%. Z danych tych wynika, że łąki dostarczające paszę stanowią tylko nieco ponad 58% ich powierzchni ogólnej, ponieważłąki jednokośne można utożsamiać z powierzchniami koszonymi tylko w celu uzyskania dopłat. Średnie z ostatnich lat plony łąk wynoszą 4,2 t·ha-1 siana, a pastwisk ok. 15-16 t·ha-1 zielonki, co pozwala utrzymywać na nich zaledwie 1-1,5 DJP·ha-1. Mając na uwadze kierunki gospodarowania wyszczególnione wcześniej w ramach WPR, wyróżniono następujące, przyszłościowe kierunki (strategie) gospodarowania na trwałych użytkach zielonych - zintegrowany (zrównoważony), produkcyjny (intensywny), zerowy (dotychczasowy) i środowiskowy. Omawiając poszczególne kierunki podano argumenty za ich realizacją oraz jej uwarunkowania. W konkluzji podano następujący "ranking" analizowanych kierunków: zrównoważony - intensywny - zerowy - środowiskowy.
The aim of this study was to estimate present status and to frame the directions (strategies) of grassland management within the Common Agricultural Policy after the year 2013. Four directions of management: present (zero), environmental, productive and integrated were distinguished within this policy. In the last nine years (2000-2008) three cuts were harvested from 24.2% of meadows, two cuts - from 34.2% and one cut - from 24.2% of meadows. These data demonstrate that meadows providing fodder covered only slightly over 58% of their total area since one-cut meadows were managed only for obtaining subsidies. Mean recent meadow yields were 4.2 t·ha-1 and those from pastures - c 15-16 t·ha -1 of green fodder which enables breeding only 1 - 1.5 LU·ha-1. Having in mind the management directions listed before in the CAP, the following future directions (strategies) of grassland management were distinguished: integrated (sustainable), productive (intensive), zero (present) and environmental. The determinants and arguments for their realisation were given. In the conclusion, the following ranking of analysed directions was proposed: sustainable - intensive - zero and environmental type of grassland management.
Vegetation structure and food availability can significantly modify the composition of farmland avifauna. In the 2006 breeding season we tested the effect of food resources (density of epigeic invertebrates) in two local habitats on foraging of farmland birds. We have been exploring how intensively the foraging birds utilise meadow and pasture habitats in an extensively used farmland area of Central Poland. Two plots were selected in adjacent meadow and pasture each of 0.18 ha where bird and invertebrate sampling was conducted in May 2006. We set five Barber traps active for two weeks at each plot to survey for the epigeic invertebrates which form the main part of farmland birds' diet. In total, we trapped over two thousands invertebrate individuals (mainly Aranea, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera). Visual observations of foraging birds were performed from an elevated observation point located at a 25 m distance from the edge of the plots. We recorded 191 observations of foraging by 12 bird species (mainly Sturnus vulgaris L., Upupa epops L., Cuculus canorus L., Motacilla alba L., Corvus corone L., C. monedula L., Pica pica L.). We found that overall invertebrate density at the meadow was 2.5-fold higher than at the pasture. This was also the case with the invertebrate groups that were preyed upon by the birds. We recorded however a 10-fold higher frequency of foraging of birds at the pasture, as compared to the meadow. Preference of a bird species for foraging at the pasture was inversely correlated with its body mass. We discuss the importance of pastures for the preservation of farmland avifauna.
Content available Flora łąk i pastwisk Pogórza Dynowskiego
Przedmiotem badań były łąki zlokalizowane na Pogórzu Dynowskim. Materiał bazowy stanowiło 691 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych. Florę naczyniową łąk badanego terenu scharakteryzowano pod względem przynależności do rodziny, grupy użytkowej, trwałości biologicznej, formy życiowej, częstości występowania, pochodzenia, zajmowanego siedliska, właściwości leczniczych, miododajności, przynależności do klasy fitosocjologicznej oraz liczby waloryzacyjnej. Wyniki badań dowiodły, że na łąkach i pastwiskach Pogórza Dynowskiego występują 363 gatunki roślin naczyniowych, w tym 42 traw, 29 roślin motylkowatych, 41 turzyc, sitów i skrzypów oraz 251 ziół. Dominowały gatunki z rodziny Asteraceae, Poaceae i Fabaceae. Największą frekwencją wyróżniały się: rajgras wyniosły (Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv.), kostrzewa czerwona (Festuca rubra L.), wiechlina łąkowa (Poa pratensis L.), kupkówka pospolita (Dactylis glomerata L.), koniczyna biała (Trifolium repens L.), koniczyna łąkowa (T. pratense L.), jaskier rozłogowy (Ranunculus repens L.), szczaw zwyczajny (Rumex acetosa L.), krwawnik pospolity (Achillea millefolium L.) i babka lancetowata (Plantago lanceolata L.). Najliczniejszą grupę stanowiły gatunki występujące w najniższych klasach frekwencji. Najwięcej było gatunków z klas Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Artemisietea vulgaris i Phragmitetea. Dominowały gatunki rodzime. Gatunki, mające znaczenie zdrowotne dla zwierząt i człowieka, stanowiły 35%, a pyłkodajne i nektarodajne - 65% flory.
The subject of the study was meadows located in the Dynowskie Foothills, where 691 phytosociological releves were made. The meadow flora of vascular plants was determined with respect to its affiliation to family, usage category, biological persistence, life form, frequency, origin, habitat, therapeutic and melliferous properties, phytosociological class and the valorization number. The study documented the occurrence of 363 vascular plant species on meadows and pastures of the Dynowskie Foothills, including 42 grass, 29 legume, 41 sedges, rushes and horsetails, and 251 herb species. Dominating species belonged to Asteraceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv, Festuca rubra L., Poa pratensis L., Dactylis glomerata L., Trifolium repens L., T. pratense L., Ranunculus repens L., Rumex acetosa L., Achillea millefolium L. and Plantago lanceolata L. were most frequent. The most numerous group constituted species of the lowest frequency classes. As to the phytosociological affiliation, the largest group of species represented Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Artemisietea vulgaris and Phragmitetea classes, most of them being native species. Species considered wholesome to humans and domestic animals contributed in 35% and the melliferous ones - in 65% to the studied flora.
Celem pracy jest ustalenie i porównanie różnorodności florystycznej terenów użytkowanych jako łąki dwukośne, przez 10 lat pozostawionych spontanicznej sukcesji oraz 15 lat temu zalesionych. Przedstawiono rezultaty badań wykonanych w latach 2004 i 2005, w miejscowości Wiersze w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym. Dotyczyły one zmianw pięciu grupach zbiorowisk roślinnych. Na podstawie porównania średniej liczby roślin poszczególnych grup syntaksonomicznych stwierdzono istotne statystycznie różnice w zbiorowiskach roślinnych z Agrostis canina i ze związku Magnocaricion Koch 1926. Zmiany w zbiorowiskach roślinnych z Molinia caerulea, Festuca rubra i Deschampsia caespitosa opisują wskaźniki różnorodności gatunkowej Shannona, odrębności florystycznej oraz walor florystyczny.
Studies were carried out in 2004 and 2005, in village Wiersze in the Kampinos National Park . The paper shows the results of studies on changes of five groups of plant communities. They occupied a mown meadow, meadow abandoned for 10 years and meadow overgrown by 15 years old oak. There were significant changes in communities with Agrostis canina, Deschampsia caespitosa and in Magnocaricion alliance. The results were checked with Wilcoxon test, based on the comparison of mean number of taxa in syntaxonomic groups. On mown meadow the succession of plant communities was hampered by mowing. Their similarity was higher there than on other meadows. Floristic individuality O f ; floristic value W f and Shannon diversity index were smaller. Secondary succession was noted on abandoned meadow and afforested meadow. The first forest plants which appeared there were trees and shrubs. Their localization depended on habitat conditions. The area occupied by meadows was not flat. Elevations differed by even 80 cm. Communities with Agrostis canina and Magnocaricion alliance grew in depressions. Sites of higher elevation were overgrown by communities with Festuca rubra, Deschampsia caespitosa and Molinia caerulea. Communities with Molinia caerulea grew particularly at the border between wet and fresh habitats on abandoned meadows. Trees and shrubs appeared first at the border between wet and fresh habitats. Generally, floristic individuality O f and floristic value W f decreased in communities of abandoned meadow. Unstable communities with shrubs and trees on the whole surface were noted on the afforested meadow. Differences in altitude faded there due to afforestation. Plants of wet habitats grew in ploughed strips. Plants of fresh habitats were noted between the strips. These artificial conditions caused a higher number of taxa in communities with Agrostis canina and Deschampsia caespitosa. In these communities Shannon diversity index and floristic individuality O f increased. In communities with Festuca rubra, Molinia caerulea the indices decreased. Individual species of grasses started to dominate there. Stenotopic species disappeared. Floristic individuality decreased in communities with Magnocaricion alliance due to spreading of common plant species of fresh and wet habitats.
The aim of this research was to verify the method of classification of grassland landscape-vegetation complexes based on Landsat ETM+images. Research was conducted in the Middle-Poland Lowland. Panchromatic data were used: panchromatic band (ETM8) and the sum of vision bands (ETM1 + ETM2 +ETM3). Two images were acquired on 10th Sept. 1999 and on 1st May 2001. Landscapevegetation complexes were semi-automatically distinguished on the satellite map using Region growing procedure. Test plots were established, differing in humidity and land use. Landscape-vegetation complexes were classified on the basis of clusters created for the test plots and for the complexes. Terrain verification was performed. Four types of grassland complexes were distinguished: 1) com76 Krzysztof Kosinski plexes containing plant communities of All. Vicio lathyroidis-Potentillion argenteae or of O. Sisymbrietalia, 2) complexes of unused meadows of Cl. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, without moist or wet habitats, 4) complexes containing plant communities of Cl. Phragmitetea, moist meadows of All. Calthion palustris, forests of Ass. Fraxino-Alnetum or trees along watercourses.
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