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In the article, the literature notions of maintenance and exploitation have been characterized. The process of incorporating RCM into the industry from the seventies has been presented. The major features of reliability centred maintenance (RCM) as well as maintenance activities complying with RCM assigned to different categories have been characterized. In the final part of the paper, it has been highlighted that RCM is the only maintenance method which includes all the maintenance variants: planned servicing caused with the diagnosed technical condition, planned components’ replacement, searching for hidden faults, and one-off modifications, such as redesigning of some components, changes of operating procedures, and additional trainings or other activities going beyond the scope of service works.
Scharakteryzowano literaturowe pojęcia obsługiwania i eksploatacji. Przedstawiono historię powstania obsługiwania zarządzanego niezawodnością (RCM). Przedstawiono proces wprowadzania RCM w przemyśle od lat siedemdziesiątych. Scharakteryzowano podstawowe cechy obsługiwania zarządzanego niezawodnością (RCM) oraz zgodne z metodologią RCM czynności obsługowe przypisane do różnych kategorii. W końcowej części podkreślono, że RCM jako jedyna z metod utrzymania ruchu uwzględnia wszystkie warianty obsługi: wywołane diagnozowanym stanem technicznym urządzenia, planowe konserwacje, planowe wymiany komponentów, poszukiwanie uszkodzeń ukrytych oraz jednorazowe modyfikacje takie jak przeprojektowanie komponentów, zmiany procedur operacyjnych, dodatkowe szkolenia lub inne działania wybiegające poza zakres prac serwisowych.
The study deals with the problems connected with evaluation and analysis of transport systems operational quality. The research object is a real, sociotechnical system (of the type H-M-E) whose functional quality is affected by: operators, equipment and technical state of he operated vehicles and the environmental impact. A scheme of an assessment model was built on the basis of a developed concept of a system operational quality and a random process was defined to be used for the analysis. The assessment process involves investigating the variability degree of properties included in the resultant model in a given time and determining whether and to what degree the obtained values meet the requirements of the system appropriate operational quality. On the basis of the above assumptions and in result of experimental tests, four qualitative states of a transport system functioning, which represent intervals of values of the obtained grades in given time moments, were distinguished. The study presents a model of system operation qualitative state changes developed with the use of Markov chain inserted into a certain semi-Markov process. A graph and a matrix for probability of transition between the states were created and boundary distributions of the process were determined on the basis of experimentally obtained data. A system of equations was determined for the distinguished Markov chain, on the basis of which a mathematical model for assessment and control of operational quality of selected types of transport systems will be built.
During an operation phase, a technical system accomplishes goals, which were the reason of the system designing and creation. The main characteristics of a technical system’s ability to accomplish these goals are the amount of the operational potential included in the system and the disposed amount of the potential. These values, expressed in the technical states’ space, depend on the system’s technical state and the definition of the ability and inability subspaces. During the operation and service processes, the technical states of the system changes. Therefore, in these processes, the change of the amount and the disposed amount of the operational potential takes place. In the paper, the changes of the amount and the disposed amount of the operational potential are expressed in the technical states’ space of a system. Additionally, correlations of these changes are analysed. Next, in the space, the operation and service processes are expressed. Therefore, the changes of the amount and the disposed amount of the operational potential, which happened during operation and service processes, could be observed. Based on presented description, the instructions of the efficient maintenance of the complex technical systems were formulated. At the end of the paper, the industrial research is presented. During this research, the operation and service processes of a real industrial system were analysed. As a result of the analysis, the changes of the disposed amount of the operational potential for these processes were calculated. Consequently, the quality of the system operation and servicing was estimated.
Podstawowymi wielkościami charakteryzującymi zdolność systemu eksploatacyjnego do realizacji zadań, do wypełnienia których został stworzony jest ilość zawartego w nim potencjału użytkowego i ilość dysponowana tego potencjału. Wielkości te wyrażone w przestrzeni stanów technicznych zależą od stanu technicznego systemu i definicji obszarów zdatności i niezdatności. Ponieważ w trakcie przeprowadzania procesów użytkowania i odnowy stan techniczny ulega zmianie, to zmieniają się również ilość potencjału użytkowego i jego ilość dysponowana. W opracowaniu odwzorowano zmiany ilości potencjału użytkowego i ilości dysponowanej tego potencjału w przestrzeni stanów technicznych systemu, analizując ich wzajemne powiązania. Na tej podstawie zdefiniowano pojęcie stanu gra-nicznego optymalnego. Następnie w przestrzeni tej odwzorowano procesy użytkowania i odnowy, obrazując zmiany ilości dysponowanej potencjału użytkowego zachodzące w trakcie realizacji tych procesów. Bazując na wprowadzonym opisie, sformułowano wskazania mające na celu racjonalizację eksploatacji złożonych systemów technicznych. W końcowej części opracowania opisano badania eksploatacyjne przeprowadzone na rzeczywistym systemie przemysłowym. W trakcie tych badań obliczono zmiany ilości dysponowanej potencjału użytkowego rozważanego systemu technicznego zachodzące w procesach użytkowania i odnowy. Na tej podstawie określono jakość użytkowania i odnawiania analizowanego systemu eksploatacyjnego.
This study deals with the problems connected with evaluation of technical systems efficiency of particular transport systems. The main goal of such a system operation is its effective functioning, through rational control of its particular activities and subsequent processes. A literature analysis of the definition of the efficiency term has been made. A real transport system has been accepted to be the research object. The system belongs to the group of sociotechnical systems in which evaluation of its operation efficiency depends on performance of operators, transport means and the impact of environmental factors. Criteria and methods of operation efficiency evaluation have been determined in this study as well as assessment indexes for transport systems. It has been shown that evaluation of a repair efficiency has a large influence on the efficiency of the whole system operation, especially the influence of secondary failure repairs, on the values of particular efficiency indexes. A semi-markov model of operation and maintenance of transport means used in the research object has been developed. This model provides the basis for evaluation of the influence of the processes involved in preparing transport means for service on the system operation efficiency. Moreover, the research also describes how to verify the developed model and present its simulation tests. The study is summarized with conclusions formulated based on the evaluation of the influence of the operation and maintenance processes on the investigated transport system operation efficiency.
The concept of assessing the reliability maintenance of mining machines, such as belt conveyors, which constitute a special group of complex technical objects, due to difficult maintenance conditions, is presented in the study. Interruption of operations caused by failures constitutes organisational-technological problems, connected with economic losses, for the user. The presented concept contains the determination of the renewable objects reliability-maintenance index, such as the failure stream parameter as well as the investigation methodology allowing to determine its value. Undertaken operations should concern failure states of devices on the bases of the information systems of the maintenance control of these objects.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono koncepcję oceny niezawodności eksploatacyjnej maszyn górniczych, jakimi są przenośniki taśmowe, stanowiących specyficzną grupę złożonych obiektów technicznych z uwagi na trudne warunki eksploatacji. Przerwa w pracy spowodowana uszkodzeniem stanowi dla użytkownika problem organizacyjno-techniczny połączony ze stratami ekonomicznymi. Przedstawiona koncepcja obejmuje wyznaczanie wskaźnika niezawodnościowo-eksploatacyjnego obiektów odnawialnych, jakim jest parametr strumienia uszkodzeń oraz metodykę badań pozwalających na wyznaczenie jego wartości. Podejmowane działania powinny dotyczyć oceny awaryjności badanych urządzeń w oparciu o systemy informacyjne kontroli przebiegu procesów eksploatacji tych obiektów.
A procedure of the modernisation of the maintenance system of the tramcars used in public transport was presented in this paper. The analysis is based on the maintenance information stored in the database of a city transport company. General and seasonal changes of the number of failures are analysed as well as their reasons and consequences. The effects of the failures are counted proportionally to the financial loss that is characteristic for each of tramcar. Using reliability indexes is essential for the proper description of the failure frequency of the tramcars were presented. The analysis allows one to evaluate the quality of the available information about maintenance process. Therefore, it may lead to decisions about improving the data storage system. The whole procedure provides information that is useful in choosing possible and effective ways of improving the maintenance system which will consequently lead to a reduction of the number of tramcars' failures and a better utilisation of financial resources. The results of the analysis are useful during planning the times of maintenance work, the extents of regular servicing and the supply of spare parts as well as the possibilities of modernising the rolling stock.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono procedurę modernizacji systemu obsługiwania wagonów tramwajowych funkcjonujących w komunikacji miejskiej. Działania podejmowane są w oparciu o informację eksploatacyjną zgromadzoną w bazie danych przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. Przeprowadzona analiza oraz zaproponowana metodyka ocenowa uwzględniają koszty ponoszone przez przedsiębiorstwo. Przedstawione charakterystyki niezawodnościowe stanowią podstawę działań modernizacyjnych w zakresie systemu obsługiwania. Zaproponowana procedura pozwala na ocenę procesu obsługiwana oraz realizację zmian mających na celu poprawę niezawodności. Zmiany powinny również dotyczyć funkcjonującego w przedsiębiorstwie systemu informacyjnego.
This paper presents a model of the operation and maintenance process of the technical objects within the urban transport bus system. All the investigations have been presented on the basis of the selected real operation and maintenance system of the city buses. Basing on the identification of the system under investigation and on the process being realized within it a model of the operation and maintenance process of the city buses was built, assuming that the model of this process is the homogeneous semi-Markov process X(t). For this purpose, crucial states of operation and maintenance process in selected transport system were determined as well as possible transfers between those states. Based on this, an event-based model of the operation and maintenance process of the city buses was built, assuming that its model is the homogenous semi-Markov process. For operation data obtained after research conducted in an authentic transport system, values of unconditional periods of duration of process states, values of stationary distribution included in the Markov chain as well as values of probabilities of limit distribution of the semi-Markov process were determined. Based on this, an analysis of the city buses operation and maintenance process in question was performed. Presented in this article the semi-Markov model operation and maintenance process of city buses is the first stage of the creation of the availability model of the urban transport bus system.
W artykule przedstawiono model procesu eksploatacji obiektów technicznych w systemie autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej. Całość rozważań przedstawiono na przykładzie wybranego rzeczywistego systemu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich. Na podstawie identyfikacji badanego systemu i realizowanego w nim procesu zbudowano model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich, zakładając, że modelem tego procesu jest jednorodny proces semi-Markowa X(t). W tym celu wyznaczono istotne stany procesu eksploatacji realizowanego w wybranym systemie transportowym oraz możliwe przejścia między wyróżnionymi stanami. Na tej podstawie zbudowano zdarzeniowy model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich, a następnie matematyczny model tego procesu, zakładając, że jego modelem jest jednorodny proces semi-Markowa. Dla danych eksploatacyjnych, uzyskanych z badań przeprowadzonych w rzeczywistym systemie transportowym, wyznaczono wartości bezwarunkowych czasów trwania stanów procesu, wartości rozkładu stacjonarnego włożonego w proces łańcucha Markowa oraz wartości prawdopodobieństw rozkładu granicznego procesu semi-Markowa. Na tej podstawie dokonano analizy rozpatrywanego procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich. Prezentowany w artykule semimarkowski model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich jest pierwszym etapem budowy modelu oceny gotowości systemu autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej.
Jednym z czynników warunkujących bezpieczną i efektywną eksploatację maszyn jest odpowiednia realizacja procesu utrzymania ruchu. Poprawne wykonywanie czynności w ramach tego procesu wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniej wiedzy. Zasoby wiedzy powinny mieć odpowiednią zawartość merytoryczną oraz być dostosowane do warunków, w jakich ww. proces jest realizowany. W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne rozwiązanie wspomagające proces utrzymania ruchu maszyn, na przykładzie maszyn górniczych.
Proper conducting of machines maintenance process is one of factors that conditions safe and effective machines operation. Correct performance of maintenance activities requires relevant knowledge. Knowledge resources used by maintenance personnel should meet their needs regarding content and should be adjusted to the conditions in which they will be used. In the article the solution dedicated to aid mining machines maintenance is presented.
W artykule skupiono się na omówieniu koncepcji systemu wspomagania decyzji w obszarze utrzymania środków transportowych. Zdefiniowano podstawowe decyzje, jakie są podejmowane w procesie funkcjonowania systemów transportowych. Przedstawiono przegląd literatury obejmujący problematykę modelowania systemów wspomagania decyzji w analizowanym obszarze. Przedstawiono proces podejmowania decyzji dotyczących utrzymania środków transportu oraz określono podstawowe założenia do modelu wraz ze wskazaniem potencjalnych problemów do rozwiązania w tym obszarze.
The article is focused on the investigation of conception of decision support systems for means of transport maintenance processes performance. Thus, the main decisions being taken in the area of transportation systems performance are defined. Later, the main literature overview on decision support systems modelling in the chosen area is given. Moreover, there are presented the main steps in transportation means’ maintenance decision processes performance and the main assumptions taken in authors solution. There are also underlined the potential problems, which will have to be solved during the next steps of the researchers performance.
The article deals with selected problems connected with modeling, prognosis and control of the operation process of a certain class of technical objects used in a complex operation system. The research object is an urban bus transportation system. The authors present assumptions be used for developing a model of the process carried out within the research object. A model of the operation process (Markov process) of an urban transportation bus has been presented. On the basis of identification of the research object and the operation process carried out in it, there has been built a graph of the transport means operational states and possible transitions between these states have been determined. The mean ‘life time’ of the system in which the modeled operation process is carried out has been established The whole study has been illustrated by a computational example. Values of the model parameters have been estimated on the basis of results of the initial tests performed in areal transport means operation system.
The following paper presents management aspects of aircraft exploitation process. The key element in planning connections network is including the necessity to perform technical services. The issue becomes complex when air carrier operates in a considerable number of airports whereas technical service can be effected only in few. It is important then to manage aircraft properly in order to achieve a high rate of technical efficiency.
The paper concerns models with time dependencies that can be used in modelling dynamic reliability and complex maintenance processes. Emphasis is put on models that have been elaborated with authors participation. The following models are presented: fault trees with time dependencies, probabilistic fault trees with time dependencies, reliability enhanced activity diagrams. The above models are illustrated by examples. Both types of fault trees are used in modelling the time coordination of distance protections in high voltage transmission line. Then reliability enhanced activity diagrams that express the maintenance process of computer system with redundant components. Components are submitted to failures and repairs.
Content available Economic aspects of selecting means of bus transport
The paper presents a method of selecting technical objects for performance of the tasks received by the controlling subsystem. The investigation object, being the basis to illustrate considerations presented herein, is an operation and maintenance system of an urban bus transport in a selected agglomeration. Transportation of passengers by means of bus transport is performed in the determined quantitative and territorial scope (specified by a schedule of transport task performance). When operating and maintaining buses various events occur, the results of which have an influence on the processes of using and servicing the buses, as well as on their technical condition and economic effect of the work of the system in which they are used. The buses of an urban transport system, during the operation and maintenance process, may be in various maintenance states forming the state space S. It is important, in the aspect of assuring continuity of performance of transport tasks and the technical and economic efficiency achieved by the system, that as many vehicles aspossible are in the state of serviceability and perform the transport tasks during the phase of a working cycle. It is affected by such factors as: the features of the vehicles being operated and maintained, the type of the equipment and number of the service sites of the service station and of the units of technical emergency service, providing the units of technical emergency service with diagnostic apparatuses, the nature of the transport tasks being performed, the method and scope of performance of the s ervice processes and others. So, there is apossibility to have an influence on the system economic efficiency by selecting the buses with the use of the economic criterion.
The object of the investigations is maintenance system of urban transport buses. The subject of the investigations is a determined set of the maintenance states of means of transport and their maintenance processes, as well as the relations occurring between the aforementioned elements, and between them and the maintenance process effectiveness. The paper deals with the selected issues related to modelling, forecasting and controlling the maintenance process of a certain class of technical objects being carried out in a complex maintenance system. Supporting a decision maker in the decisions making process concerning the maintenance system under analysis is to forecast the maintenance system behaviour and evaluate the influence of the selected decision making variants on the course of the maintenance process. The purpose of the work is to present a possibility to use a semi-Markov model of maintenance process of technical objects to preliminarily forecast the state of the maintenance system after changing the values of the model input parameters. Changing the value of the input parameters may simulate an impact of various factors on the system behaviour. The paper presents the assumptions to build a model of the process being performed within the investigation object and the method of analysing it. The values of the model parameters were assessed on the basis of the results of the preliminary test carried out in a real means of transport maintenance system. All the considerations have been illustrated by a computational example. Due to the assumed generalization degree of the description, the method to model and forecast the maintenance process presented herein may be used to other maintenance systems than the urban bus transport system.
The paper deals with the chosen issues related to modelling, giving prognosis and controlling maintenance process of a certain class of the technical objects being realized in a complex maintenance system. Supporting a decision maker in the decision making process related to the analysed maintenance system is to forecast behaviour of the maintenance system and evaluate influence of the chosen decision making variants on the maintenance process course. The object of the investigation, being the basis to illustrate the considerations presented herein, is an urban bus maintenance system in a selected urban agglomeration. The purpose of the paper is to present a possibility to use the Markov 's model of the technical object maintenance process to preliminarily forecast the maintenance system state after changing the model input parameter values. The change of the model input parameter values may simulate influence of the internal and external factors on the system behaviour. The presented method to model and forecast a maintenance system due to the assumed generalization degree of the description and the system approach to the problem may be used to forecast and analyse a maintenance process being carried out in other maintenance systems than the one in an urban bus transport system.
The present article does a chronological tour through some representative maintenance management models, describes them in a general way and classifies them according to their functioning under declarative models and under process oriented models. It distinguishes in addition the innovations proposed by each author and compares the elements appearing on each model with some of the points mentioned by the ISO 9001:2008 standard, as well as other criteria considered suitable to the case. From this analysis are derived the results between which are distinguished some desirable characteristics for a modern and efficient maintenance management model. In addition the application of these models for supporting industrial needs, as well as its future challenges are discussed too.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z analizą potencjału eksploatacyjnego urządzeń pracujących w cyklach okresowo-ciągłych. Przeprowadzona analiza umożliwia sformułowanie wytycznych dotyczących strategii odnawiania.
In the paper is presented the problem of the exploitation potential of technical objects working in periodical-continuous cycles. The analysis has maken here let to prepare directions of renewal strategy. The each decision depends of overhaul life of objects. Practical use of presented model is realized by estimation of some exploitation indexes. The main index - the operation availability is closely joined with potential and task readiness. The literature and practical analysis let to connect functional and beginning availability with potential availability of objects. The process of investigation and estimation of exploitation indexes is determined by: analysis of failures and their reasons, analysis area assessment of operation and maintenance process, collection and processing of operation informations, decisions of continuation or closing the investigations. The complex renewals are making after determined periods of time. The damages between renewals don't change the failures intensity. After profilactic services objects must presented complete operation availability. During exploitation and renewal processes the costs of each operation should be closed considered. The optimal renewal strategy needs minimum of costs. Several standard references on quality management suggest considering costs under three headings, so that they can be identified, measured and controlled. These quality costs are the costs of all activities specifically directed at reliability and quality control, and the cost of failure. Quality costs are usually considered in three categories: prevention costs, appraisal costs, failure costs. Prevention costs include reliability efforts, quality control and management. Appraisal costs are those related to then process control and measurement. Filure costs are the global costs of unreliability obviously it is necessary to minimize the sum of quality and reliability costs over a suitably long period. Therefore the immediate costs of prevention and appraisal must be related to the anticipated effects on failure costs, which must be affected over several years.
W referacie przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące komputerowego Modelowania procesu eksploatacji systemu automatyki przejazdowej z zastosowaniem technik symulacyjnych. Modelowanie to pozwoli na przeprowadzenie analizy wzajemnych związków między zadaniami, wyposażeniem i organizacją działania systemów automatyki przejazdowej. Kształtowanie procesu eksploatacji uwzględnia badania niezawodności systemu w naturalnych warunkach użytkowania i odnowy.
The main topic of the paper is computer modeling of maintenance process of the system of the automatic of the level crossing with the use of simulation technique. Modeling allows to perform the analysis of the mutual concatenation between tasks-equipment and organization of operation of the system of the automatic of the level crossing. Shaping of maintenance process takes into account reliability investigation being performed in actual maintenance conditions.
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące wybranych problemów związanych z modelowaniem, oceną i analizą gotowości pewnej klasy złożonych systemów socjotechnicznych, w których realizowany jest proces eksploatacji obiektów technicznych charakteryzujący się cyklicznie zmieniającymi się fazami eksploatacji. Całość rozważań zilustrowano na przykładzie podsystemu wykonawczego - stanowiącego obiekt badań - systemu eksploatacji autobusów komunikacji miejskiej. Do zdefiniowania gotowości operacyjnej systemu wykonawczego zastosowano pojęcia gotowości zadaniowej oraz gotowości potencjalnej, której poziom uzależniony jest od poziomu gotowości funkcjonalnej i gotowości początkowej systemu. W pracy przedstawiono założenia do budowy modelu gotowości operacyjnej obiektu badań, a następnie sposób wyznaczania gotowości operacyjnej systemu w cyklicznie zmieniających się fazach eksploatacji dla przyjętego modelu obiektu badań.
The paper consists of considerations connected with selected problems of modelling, evaluating and analysing of the availability of chosen complex socio-technical systems. Within aforementioned systems, the technical objects maintenance process takes its place, and the process is unique because of the fact of serial changing maintenance stages. The maintenance system of urban public transport buses is investigated. Its main aim is the execution of the public transport among the city boundaries and in the suburban area. Tasks assigned to the transport system are carried out by one of its subsystems - the executive one, the object of investigations in the paper. The executive subsystem is the assembly of the force (working) and the reserve ones, and next, they consist of elementary subsystems, i.e. human - machine ones. To let the transport system execute its tasks safely and on schedule, it should be described with the appropriate value level of the operational availability, dependent on value level of the potential availability and the reliability of elementary subsystems. To describe the executive subsystem operational availability, the ideas of task availability and potential availability were used. The potential availability value level depends on functional availability and initial availability levels. The paper shows general assumptions for the operational availability model assembly created for the object of investigation, and next, the way the operational availability value level can be found within serial changing maintenance stages.
Referat dotyczy wybranych zagadnień związanych z modelowaniem, prognozowaniem i sterowaniem procesem eksploatacji pewnej klasy obiektów technicznych realizowanym w złożonym systemie eksploatacji. Wspomaganie decydenta w procesie podejmowania decyzji dotyczących analizowanego systemu eksploatacji polega na prognozowaniu zachowania się systemu eksploatacji oraz ocenie wpływu wybranych wariantów decyzyjnych na przebieg procesu eksploatacji. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania markowskiego modelu procesu eksploatacji obiektów technicznych do wstępnego prognozowania stanu systemu eksploatacji po zmianie wartości parametrów wejściowych modelu. Zmiana wartości parametrów wejściowych modelu może symulować oddziaływanie czynników wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych na zachowanie się systemu.
The paper presents the selected issues related to modelling, forecasting and controlling the maintenance process of a technical object class being realised in a complex maintenance system. Assisting the decision-maker in the decision-making process regarding the analysed maintenance system is based on forecasting the maintenance system behaviour and on estimation of the selected decision-making variant on the maintenance process course. The purpose of the paper is to present the possibility to use Markov technical object maintenance process model for preliminary forecasting the maintenance system state upon change of the model input parameter values. The change of the model input parameter values may simulate impact of the internal and external factors on the system behaviours.
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