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This analysis was performed for the Żywiec Basin area, located in southern Poland. The topography of the Żywiec Basin is an eminently favourable factor for the stagnation of cool air in the basins and the formation of the so-called “cold stagnation areas”, as well as the occurrence of inversion layers inhibiting air mixing. In addition, in the Żywiec Basin, the reservoir has a significant influence on the formation of weather conditions. It favours more frequent formation of local fogs and mists. The study focused on the heating season (6 months) from 2016 to 2021. The analysis covered winter seasons at the turn of the year starting from 1 October and ending on 31 March. During this period, for all heating seasons analysed, the average PM10 concentration was 58 µg/m3 . The 2016/2017 heating season proved to be the worst season in aerosanitary terms, with average concentrations equalling to 78.4 µg/m3 . Extreme levels of daily concentrations during those seasons were recorded in 2016/2017 (349.0 µg/m3 ) and 2017/2018 (476.2 µg/m3 ). This represented 700–900% of the limit value for PM10 concentrations. The frequency of exceedances of the daily limit value D24 for PM10 was high during the heating season, ranging from 83 to 91 days, which represented almost half (46.7%) of the entire season. The next stage of the analysis comprised the evaluation of the levels of daily concentrations (D24) against the background of the baric situation shaping the weather on a given day. The study juxtaposed the daily concentrations of PM10 in Żywiec with the daily baric situation in the upper Vistula river basin. The anticyclonic situation contributed to an increase in PM10 immission concentrations in all heating seasons from 2016 to 2021. In all analysed months of the heating seasons, differences in the average monthly PM10 concentration depending on the baric situation can be noticed, and the higher the concentration level, the greater this difference is. Similarly, the number of days with exceedances of D24 standard for PM10 was several times higher in the period when there was an anticyclone situation. The analysis of the type of air masses showed that the polar continental air masses were accompanied by the worst aerosanitary condition.
Analizę wykonano dla obszaru Kotliny Żywieckiej, położonej w południowej Polsce. Topografia Kotliny Żywieckiej jest czynnikiem wybitnie sprzyjającym stagnacji chłodnego powietrza w kotlinach i tworzeniu się tzw. „zastoisk chłodu”, a także występowaniu warstw inwersyjnych hamujących mieszanie powietrza. Ponadto, w Kotlinie Żywieckiej istotny wpływ na kształtowanie warunków pogodowych wywiera zbiornik retencyjny. Sprzyja on częstszemu tworzeniu się lokalnych mgieł i zamgleń. W pracy skoncentrowano się na okresie grzewczym (6 miesięcy) w latach 2016-2021. Analizą objęto sezony zimowe na przełomie roku począwszy od 1 października, kończąc na 31 marca. W tym okresie, dla wszystkich analizowanych sezonów grzewczych średnie stężenie PM10 wyniosło 58 µg/m3 . Sezon grzewczy 2016/2017 okazał się najgorszym sezonem pod względem aerosanitarnym, ze średnim stężeniem 78,4 µg/m3, Ekstremalne poziomy stężeń dobowych w sezonach odnotowano w sezonach 2016/2017 (349,0 µg/m3 ) oraz 2017/2018 (476,2 µg/m3 ). Stanowiło to 700–900% wartości dopuszczalnej dla stężenia PM10. Częstość przekroczeń dobowej wartości dopuszczalnej D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była w sezonie grzewczym wysoka i wahała się od 83-91 dni, co stanowiło prawie połowę (46,7 %) całego sezonu. Kolejnym etapem analizy była ocena poziomów stężeń dobowych (D24) na tle sytuacji barycznej kształtującej pogodę w danym dniu. W pracy zestawiono dobowe stężenia pyłu zawieszonego PM10 w Żywcu z dobową sytuacją baryczną z dorzecza górnej Wisły. Sytuacja antycyklonalna przyczyniała się do zwiększenia stężenia pyłu PM10 w immisji we wszystkich sezonach grzewczych 2016-2021. We wszystkich analizowanych miesiącach okresów grzewczych dostrzec można różnice w średnim miesięcznym stężeniu PM10 w zależności od sytuacji barycznej, a im wyższy poziom stężenia tym ta różnica jest większa. Podobnie ilość dni z przekroczeniem normy D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była wielokrotnie wyższa w okresie, kiedy występowała sytuacja antycyklonalna. Analiza typu mas powietrza wykazała że najgorszy stan aerosanitarny towarzyszył masom powietrza polarno-kontynentalnego.
Since January 2021, Havila Kystruten has been one of two companies sailing the coastal route between Bergen and Kirkenes. This paper contains information on the new shipping company Havila Kystruten and their 2019 bid for a 10-year operational license to sail the coastal route. The government's tender documents for the new license specified that the vessels operating the route had to be low-emission vessels. This requirement was in line with the government's white paper on the reduction of emissions for commercial and fishing vessels sailing in Norwegian waters. Thus, companies bidding for the new license had to offer new ships with low emission characteristics or rebuild existing vessels to obtain the low emission requirements. Based on the offers, the government decided to split the operational license between two companies. One part was given to the company previously operating the route (Hurtigruten) and the other to the new company Havila Kystruten. While Hurtigruten would rebuild the engine systems on some of their existing vessels, Havila Kystruten would operate the route using new vessels with low emission signature. The design requirements for these vessels were given by Havila Kystruten to the ship designer, Havyard Design and Solutions (now HAVDesign). Some of the requirements are listed in section 4 below. The latter part of this paper investigates the manoeuvring performance of the new Havila Kystruten vessels, containing a summary of a Research Council of Norway funded innovation project on harsh weather ship handling during port operations. The Port of Trondheim was selected as a case study.
Cały sektor budownictwa w skali globalnej odpowiada za 40% zużycia energii oraz aż za 38% globalnej emisji dwutlenku węgla. W artykule wskazano dwie główne bariery stojące na drodze w osiągnięciu niskoemisyjności w geotechnice: znaczny koszt badań i opracowań służących do wdrożenia niskoemisyjnych praktyk projektowych i technologii budowlanych, jak również trudności w określaniu wpływu niektórych działań geotechnicznych na ogólną trwałość projektu w aspekcie niskoemisyjności. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie ogólnodostępnego kalkulatora opracowanego przy udziale Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Wykonawców Fundamentów Specjalnych (EFCC) w odniesieniu do trzech projektów budowlanych, tożsamych pod względem technicznym, ale zrealizowanych przy zastosowaniu rożnych technologii i produktów. Na podstawie kalkulacji śladu węglowego wykazano, iż technologie wzmocnienia gruntu, które nie wykorzystują betonu i cementu, zazwyczaj wykazują się zdecydowanie niższą emisję CO2.
The entire construction sector on a global scale is responsible for 40% of energy consumption and as much as 38% of global carbon dioxide emission. In the article there were stated two main barriers to achieving low-carbon geotechnics: the significant cost of research and scientific descriptions made to implement low-emission design practices and construction technologies, as well as the difficulties in determining the impact of certain geotechnical activities on the overall sustainability of the project in the aspect of low-emission. In the article’s title there was presented the use of a publicly available calculator developed with the participation of The European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFCC) in relation to three construction projects, identical in technical terms, but realised using different technologies and products. Based on carbon footprint calculations it was shown, that soil improvement technologies not using concrete and cement usually have significantly lower CO2 emissions.
A number of cities in Poland have been coping with the problem of air pollution levels exceeding the allowable limits, with PM10 airborne particulate considered one of the most hazardous factors for human health. Poland ranks high among European countries with some of the highest levels of airborne particulate pollution, and the Polish cities regularly place high in the EU ranking of those with the highest PM levels (and benzo(a)pyrene, a toxic airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs). Airborne PM10 concentration levels greatly depend on the prevailing atmospheric and topographic conditions. Temperature inversion represents one of the unfavorable weather conditions and this article attempts to study the effect of thermal conditions prevailing in the Żywiec Basin on airborne PM10 particulate concentrations in immissions. The 2016–2021 winter (heating) seasons were analyzed for pollution emissions, especially those related to heating by the municipal sector and classified as “low emissions”, i.e. emissions from sources not higher than 40 meters. An analysis of the 2016–2021 heating seasons showed the air temperature exerted a significant effect on combustion processes (low emissions) within the Żywiec Basin. The difference between airborne PM10 particulate levels in immissions at temperatures both above and below zero ranged from 86 μg/m3 in the 2016–2017 heating season to 25 μg/m3 in the same period in 2020–2021. Average airborne PM10 particulate concentrations throughout the entire period analyzed stood at 41.3 μg/m3 for the typical temperature distribution in the elevation profile, whereas inversion almost doubled it (72.2 μg/m3).
Human-induced climate change is caused by the emission of pollutants into the environment. One of the sources of the formation of harmful compounds is the combustion of solid fuels in heating boilers. These contribute to the occurrence of respiratory and circulatory system diseases, allergies, cancer and developmental disorders in children. In this research, the concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons in samples obtained from the combustion of hard coal intended for fuel in household furnaces were measured using an exhaust-gas analyzer equipped with electrochemical sensors. The combustion of test samples was performed using an up-draft research furnace. The results show that the average total concentration of the tested pollutants emitted from the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal is over 20% lower compared to the emission from the combustion of type 31 coal. Moreover, the concentration of carbon monoxide, the permissible levels of which are regulated by the chimney emission standards, is significantly lower during the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal compared to the combustion of type 31 coal. Therefore, one of the ways to locally reduce pollutant emission from the combustion of solid fuels in home heating boilers might be the accurate choice of the type of hard coal used for heating. Before the use of coal stoves in households is completely dismissed, local regulations can be introduced to limit emissions in places where air quality indicators are exceeded and improve the health of the population.
Zmiany klimatyczne, do których prowadzi działalność człowieka, są wynikiem emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska. Jednym ze źródeł powstawania szkodliwych związków jest spalanie paliw stałych w kotłach grzewczych. Przyczyniają się one do występowania chorób układu oddechowego i krążenia, alergii, nowotworów oraz zaburzeń rozwojowych u dzieci. Przeprowadzono pomiary stężeń tlenku węgla, tlenków azotu, dwutlenku siarki oraz węglowodorów ze spalania próbek węgla kamiennego przeznaczonego do opału w piecach domowych z wykorzystaniem analizatora spalin wyposażonego w czujniki elektrochemiczne. Próbki spalano w piecu badawczym górnociągowym. Wyniki badań wskazują, że średnie sumaryczne stężenie badanych zanieczyszczeń emitowanych ze spalania węgla typu 32 oraz 33 jest o ponad 20% niższe w porównaniu z emisją ze spalania węgla typu 31. Ponad to, poziom tlenku węgla, którego dopuszczalne stężenie objęte jest normami emisji kominowych, podczas spalania węgla typu 32 oraz 33 wykazał znacznie niższe wartości względem typu 31. Zatem, jednym ze sposobów lokalnego obniżenia emisji zanieczyszczeń ze spalania paliw stałych w przydomowych kotłach grzewczych może okazać się właściwy wybór typu węgla kamiennego. Zanim nastąpi całkowite odejście od stosowania pieców węglowych w gospodarstwach domowych, co przyniesie znaczną poprawę stanu zdrowia ludzi w relatywnie krótkim czasie, można wprowadzić lokalne przepisy ograniczające emisję w miejscach, gdzie przekraczane są wskaźniki jakości powietrza.
Przebudowa krajowego systemu wytwarzania energii elektrycznej na niskoemisyjny, zaplanowana w polityce energetycznej z lutego 2021 r., zakładająca wykorzystanie gazu jako paliwa przejściowego, w związku z działaniami wojennymi na Ukrainie, musi ulec pilnej weryfikacji. O ile przyspieszenie inwestycji w źródła odnawialne nie jest dyskusyjne, to istotne zwiększanie ilości gazu do produkcji energii elektrycznej, w warunkach zatrzymania importu z Rosji od 2023 r., powinno ulec odwróceniu.
The article presents the continuation of the research aimed at designing, manufacturing and selecting the operating parameters of the electrostatic precipitator for household applications. The tests were carried out in the laboratory and real conditions. The object of the research was a pre-production prototype of the electrostatic precipitator installed in the flue gas duct of a single-family building. The source of exhaust gases was a coal-fired, low-temperature water heating boiler with a nominal power of 21 kW (old generation boiler-year of production: 2007). The obtained results showed that the adopted design of the electrostatic precipitator enables the reduction of dust emissions generated in the combustion of solid fuels in households at relatively low operating costs.
The energy obtained from biomass in the global balance of energy carriers is the largest source among all RES. It should be borne in mind that the share of biomass as an energy carrier in the total balance is as much as 14%. The basic sources of renewable energy used in Poland are the wind power industry and biomass. Organic chemical compounds are the source of chemical energy for biomass. The biomass can be used in a solid form (wood, straw) or after being converted to liquid (alcohol, bio-oil) or gas (biogas) form. Pellets, meaning, the type of fuel of natural origin created from biomass compressed under high pressure without the participation of any chemical adhesive substances are recognized as the most common and available grades of biomass. Wood pellets manufactured from sawdust, shaving, or woodchips are the most popular type of pellets on the market. Fuel created in the form of granules is very dense and can be manufactured with low humidity content, which translates into an exceptionally high burn efficiency. The authors of this article burned agro pellets from Miscanthus giganteus without additives and with solid catalyst and conducted a series of tests that determine the impact of boiler settings (blast power, time of feeding, chimney draft) on the process of burning fuel in real conditions. A solid catalyst was used to improve combustion conditions in one of the fuels. The catalyst burns carbon monoxide and reduces nitrogen oxides. The results in the form of observation of selected parameters are summarized in the table.
Energia uzyskiwana z biomasy w globalnym bilansie nośników energii jest największym źródłem spośród wszystkich OZE. Należy pamiętać, że udział biomasy jako nośnika energii w całkowitym bilansie wynosi aż 14%. Podstawowymi źródłami energii odnawialnej wykorzystywanymi w Polsce są energetyka wiatrowa i biomasa. Organiczne związki chemiczne są źródłem energii chemicznej dla biomasy. Tę z kolei można wykorzystać w postaci stałej (drewno, słoma) lub po przekształceniu w płynną (bioetanol, bioolej) lub gazową (biogaz). Pellety, czyli rodzaj paliwa pochodzenia naturalnego wytworzonego z biomasy sprasowanej pod wysokim ciśnieniem bez udziału jakichkolwiek chemicznych substancji klejących, są uznawane za najbardziej powszechne i dostępne rodzaje paliwa z biomasy. Pelety drzewne wytwarzane z trocin, wiórów lub zrębki są najpopularniejszym rodzajem peletów na rynku. Paliwo wytwarzane w postaci granulatu (granulek) jest bardzo gęste i może być wytwarzane przy niskiej wilgotności, co przekłada się na wyjątkowo wysoką efektywność spalania. Autorzy tego artykułu wykonali serię testów spalania peletów agro z trawy Miscanthus giganteus bez dodatków uszlachetniających oraz z katalizatorem stałym. Badania miały na celu określenie wpływu ustawień kotła (moc dmuchawy, czas podawania, ciąg kominowy) na proces spalania paliwa w rzeczywistych warunkach. Stały katalizator zastosowano do poprawy warunków spalania w jednym z paliw. Katalizator pozwala dopalić tlenek węgla i redukuje tlenki azotu. Wyniki w postaci obserwacji wybranych parametrów zestawiono w tabeli.
Achieving reliable power generation from Dry Low Emission gas turbines together with low CO2 and NOx discharge is a great challenge, as the rigorous control strategy is susceptible to frequent trips. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a dynamic model of the turbine (such as the one commonly attributed to Rowen) to ascertain the stability of the system. However, the major distinctive fuel system design in the DLE gas turbine is not constructed in the well-established model. With this issue in mind, this paper proposes a modelling approach to the DLE gas turbine fuel system which consists of integrating the main and pilot gas fuel valve into Rowen’s model, using the First Principle Data-Driven (FPDD) method. First, the structure of the fuel system is determined and generated in system identification. Subsequently, the validated valve models are integrated into Rowen’s model as the actual setup of the DLE gas turbine system. Ultimately, the core of this modelling approach is fuel system integration based on the FPDD method to accurately represent the actual signals of the pilot and main gas fuel valves, gas fuel flow and average turbine temperature. Then, the actual signals are used to validate the whole structure of the model using MAE and RMSE analysis. The results demonstrate the high accuracy of the DLE gas turbine model representation for future utilization in fault identification and prediction study.
It is important to notice that aircraft turbine drive units are commonly used in the modern aviation. The piston engines are often reserved for small and/or sportive aircraft. The turbine drive units are also combustion engine. This paper presents the most popular combustors used in the aeronautical turbine engines. Firstly there are listed the requirements that a combustor has to achieve. Then are presented the combustor designs that permit to achieve the firstly presented requirements. In this work are presented the LPP, TAPS, RQL, graduated combustion zone, VGC, exhaust recirculation system combustors. For each combustor design is enlighten its principle of work, described the etymology of the given name to this design and shown a scheme. The work is closed by a briefly conclusion about the described combustor.
The elimination of low-emission sources harmful to human health, mainly domestic boilers, has recently grown into a nation-wide problem in Poland. Emissions of harmful substances from power plants are many times lower than from domestic coal furnaces and are subject to strict regulatory regimes. Hence, companies of the professional and thermal power industry can play an important part in the process of liquidation of low emissions by offering to replace the combustion of coal in home furnaces with the use of it for the production of electricity and system heat in electrical cogeneration, which can then be used for home heating purposes. In addition, it is essential for the professional power industry to maintain a constant daily load of power units, so that the loss of efficiency in regulatory work, increased failure frequency or the need for frequent commissioning does not negatively affect the economy of production. Therefore, the selection of the part of the dispersed heat market that can be replaced with system heat and the use of electricity for heating purposes, while contributing to the elimination of low emissions and improving the economy of new energy units by increase their work in the night low demand periods, must be carried out properly.
One of the most dangerous pollutants in the atmospheric air is particulate matter (PM). The National Center for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) indicates that approx. 50% of PM10 emission is responsible for the so-called low emission. Home sources are particularly dangerous during the heating season, not only because of the higher amount of fuel burned compared to the rest of the year but above all because of its quality. Individual sources use low-quality coal, biomass for heating purposes and municipal waste (despite the government ban). Dust emitted from households, due to its chemical composition, and toxic effects pose a threat to human health. The aim of the work was to investigate the concentration of PM10 and trace elements content (chromium, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, nickel and lead). The studies were carried out in Tarnowskie Góry, Upper Silesia Region during the heating season. The measuring point was located on the estate of single-family houses at a distance of 100 m from the road with high traffic volume. The 24 h PM10 samples were collected for 30 days from 3.01.2018 to 3.02.2018 using the gravimetric method. Dust samples were collected using the ATMOSERVICE dust sampler. The next step obtained the determination of the concentration of heavy metals in PM10 by atomic absorption spectrometry, AVANTA PM, GBC. The results show that PM10 concentration in the heating season exceeded the limit value 50 μg/m3 (for 19 out of 30 days). The average concentration was 64.56±30.38 μg/m3, the highest concentration of PM10 was 119.99 μg/m3 (exceeded the limit value 2.4 fold), while the lowest concentration was 18.78 μg/m3. On the basis of the chemical analysis, small concentrations of heavy metals were found. The following order of average concentration of seven trace elements was found: Zn > Pb > Mn > Cr > Cd > Co > Ni. The concentration values of individual heavy metals in samples collected in the area of Tarnowskie Góry ranged from 0.14 ng/m3 in the case of cadmium to 476.97 ng/m3 for zinc. The concentration of cadmium, nickel, and lead in PM10 did not exceed the permissible level, while in the case of cadmium, the permissible level was exceeded for 14 days from 30 measurement days. Higher concentrations of Zn and Pb indicate the important role of Zinc Smelter Miasteczko Śląskie influencing the air quality of the city of Tarnowskie Góry. In order to improve the air quality in the city of Tarnowskie Góry, strict control activities should be carried out in order to execute the ban on waste incineration. The second aspect should include the guidelines on working heat and electricity supply systems that do not cause excessive pollution, in particular, particulate matter.
Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów stężeń pyłu PM10 pobranego w mieście Tarnowskie Góry woj. śląskie w trakcie sezonu grzewczego (styczeń 2018 r.). Zgodnie z indeksami jakości powietrza, ze względu na stężenie pyłu PM10 uzyskane wyniki pomiarów wskazują na umiarkowaną jakość powietrza w mieście. Przeprowadzone badania występowania wybranych pierwiastków śladowych, takich jak: chrom, cynk, kadm, kobalt, mangan, nikiel oraz ołów, w pyle PM10 utworzyły następujący szereg Zn > Pb > Mn > Cr > Cd > Co > Ni. Analiza uzyskanych stężeń pierwiastków śladowych wskazuje na dwa istotne źródła emisji tych metali do powietrza atmosferycznego. Stężenia kadmu, przekraczające wartość dopuszczalną, wskazują istotny wpływ niskiej emisji z palenisk indywidualnych, w szczególności ze spalania odpadów. Natomiast 10-krotnie wyższe stężenia cynku oraz 20-krotnie wyższe stężenia ołowiu w porównaniu do innych miast Śląska wskazują na istotny udział Huty Cynku Miasteczko Śląskie w kształtowaniu jakości powietrza miasta Tarnowskie Góry.
Content available remote Metody ograniczania niskiej emisji w zabudowie miejskiej
Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie metod zmniejszania emisji niskiej oraz pokazanie jak pozytywnie na środowisko wpłynie wymiana źródła ciepła w budynku. Przez niską emisję rozumiemy zanieczyszczenie niższej troposfery od emiterów nieprzekraczających 50 m wysokości i najczęściej zlokalizowanych na poziomie 10 m wysokości. Z tego powodu zanieczyszczenia gromadzą się wokół jego miejsca pochodzenia. Podstawowym źródłem niskiej emisji na terenach miejskich jest produkcja energii elektrycznej i ciepła oraz transport. Dlatego wykonano symulację, która miała na celu określić ile powstanie produktów spalania (w tym tych najgroźniejszych dla zdrowia człowieka i środowiska: dioksyny, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne (benzo(a)piren), tlenek węgla, dwutlenek siarki, tlenki azotu, metale ciężkie) w ciągu roku w przeciętnym budynku (zapotrzebowanie na ciepło przyjęto 90 kWh/rok·m2) przy spalaniu miału węglowego w najstarszych kotłach i jak te wartości zmienią się przy zmianie źródła ciepła i paliwa.
The subject of the study is to present methods for reducing low emission and to show how positive the environment will be affected by the replacement of the heat source in the building. By low emission we mean pollution of the lower troposphere from emitters not exceeding 50 m in height and most often located at the level of 10 m in height. For this reason, pollution accumulates around its place of origin. The basic source of low emission in urban areas is the production of energy and heat as well as transport. Therefore, a simulation was carried out to determine how many combustion products (including the most hazardous to human health and the environment are: dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzo (a) pyrene), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals) within in the average building (90 kW/year for heat demand) for the combustion of fine coal in the oldest boilers and how these values will change when the heat and fuel source changes.
Content available remote Is the Polish smog a new type of smog?
In recent years, every winter we face the problem of excessive air pollution in the cities in Poland. This phenomenon is usually called smog and is associated with the concept of acidic smog of London type. However, there is a fundamental difference between the Great Smog of London known from the literature and winter smog episodes in Poland. While in 1952 in London the smog occurred at low atmospheric pressure, in foggy and windless weather conditions, in Poland smog episodes occur most often at the influx of cold, high-pressure air masses from the east in sunny weather. There are also various harmful components of smog - in London it was dust (suspended particulate matter), sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, while in Poland it is suspended particulate matter and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, especially benzo(a)pyrene. A common factor is the inversion of temperature in the ground level of the atmosphere. The chemical composition of the “Polish smog” is analyzed in the study justifying the need to distinguish the two types of smog described.
Attempts were made to find a more environmentally friendly technique for the printing of polyester (PET ) fabric, acting as an alternative to a usual disperse dye direct-printing process by using a plenty of water and salt and producing effluent contaminants. The low-emission printing technique includes the recipe containing disperse dye paste, synthetic thickener and the water-based silicone-modified acrylate and high-temperature curing process. The water-based silicone-modified acrylate for adhesive coating of polyester (PET) fibres was synthesized using butyl acrylate (BA), eight four methyl siloxane (D4), acrylonitrile (AN), styrene (St), methyl acrylic acid (MAA) and N-methylol acrylamide (NMA).The results showed that the silicone-modified acrylate adhesive could increase the percentages of dye fixation and the colour strength. The superior colour fastness (≥level 4) with the low-emission printing process was realized. The wastewater stream produced by the technique had a residual dye concentration of 2.62 mg/L, which was reduced by approximately 19 times that produced by traditional direct printing. The effluent wastewater drainage was reduced by 76.9%.
Uzdrowiska odgrywają istotną rolę w lecznictwie opartym na naturalnych zasobach środowiska. Jednakże w uzdrowiskach coraz częściej obserwowane jest zjawisko niskiej emisji. Wyniki pochodzące ze stacji pomiarowej Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska potwierdzają zły stan jakości powietrza w uzdrowisku Rabka-Zdrój. Podstawowym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie założeń projektu pt. Badania możliwości ograniczenia niskiej emisji w uzdrowisku Rabka-Zdrój poprzez wykorzystanie lokalnych zasobów odnawialnych źródeł energii. W projekcie realizacja badań ukierunkowana jest na rozpoznanie i wskazanie potencjału lokalnych zasobów odnawialnych źródeł energii dla ograniczenia niskiej emisji w uzdrowisku Rabka-Zdrój. Docelowo wyniki prac badawczych będą stanowiły ważne narzędzie umożliwiające społeczności lokalnej zapoznanie z faktycznymi możliwościami wykorzystania alternatywnych, proekologicznych rozwiązań technicznych. Wyniki projektu będą miały istotne znaczenie środowiskowe, społeczne i gospodarcze.
The health resorts plays an important role in health care based on natural resources of the environment. However, in health resort the phenomenon of low emission is increasingly common. The results from the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection monitoring station confirmed the poor air quality in the Rabka-Zdrój health resort. The significant scientific purpose of the project is the implementation of the studies aimed at the identyfication and indication of local renewable energy sources potential to reduce low emission in the Rabka-Zdrój health resort. The ultimate results of the works will be an important tool enabling the local community to acquaint themselves with the actual possibilities of using alternative, pro-ecological technical solutions. The results of the project will have significant environmental, social and economic effects. Comprehensiveness and a multidisciplinary approach to the entire issue will complement the consideration of the possibility of introducing selected solutions and directions of activities in the area of the health resort and in other areas where the problem of low emission is still valid.
Content available Koks jako paliwo ograniczające niską emisję
Problem niskiej emisji jest obecnie jednym z najbardziej aktualnych zagadnień w zakresie ochrony środowiska naturalnego. W głównej mierze jest on wynikiem spalania słabej jakości paliw w gospodarstwach domowych. Aby ograniczyć jego skutki dla środowisk, konieczne jest podjęcie działań w bardzo szerokim zakresie. Jednym z obszarów w którym istnieje możliwość zmniejszenia tego problemu jest zaproponowanie konsumentom dobrej jakości paliwa po akceptowalnej cenie. Takim paliwem może być koks. W artykule omówiono sytuację prawną w Polsce w zakresie stosowania paliw tradycyjnych. Dotyczy to także uwarunkowań prawnych w zakresie wielkości i przeciwdziałania niskiej emisji. W tym obszarze przedstawiono także propozycje poprawy sytuacji poprzez zastosowanie koksu, jako paliwa czystego. Przedstawiono także wyniki analizy kosztów jego zastosowania w stosunku do innych pali. Celem opracowania jest pokazanie jednej z możliwości ograniczenia niskiej emisji, poprzez zastosowanie do ogrzewania koksu. W całokształcie działań w tym obszarze warto bowiem rozważyć również ta możliwość. Tym bardziej, że na rynku dostępne są spore ilości tego paliwa.
Problem of low emissions is one of the most current hazards in the field of protection of the natural environment. It is mainly a result of burning low quality fuel in household furnaces. To limit its impact on the environment, a wide scope of actions must be undertaken. One of the areas which display an opportunity of reducing the problem, is proposing to consumers a good quality fuel in acceptable price. Such fuel could be coke. The article describes legal status of using traditional fuels in Poland. It also concerns legal regulations in area in scope of low height emissions and its countermeasures. Propositions of improvement of this situation by using coke as a clean fuel are presented. Results of cost analysis of its application in comparison to other fuelsare described in this article. The aim of this paper is to present one of the solutions for limiting low emissions by using coke for heating. In entirety of actions in this field it is one worthy of delving into, especially considering high amounts of this fuel available on the market.
Excessive concentrations of smog toxicants constitute a critical factor influencing the health quality of inhabitants of urban agglomerations. The exposure to elevated concentrations of suspended particulate matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) is associated with an increase of adverse health effects. Prolonged exposure to air pollution, especially from low emission, may be linked not only to a greater risk of developing cancer of the respiratory system, or cardiovascular morbidity but also to the increased frequency of admissions to hospitals and emergency units as well as medical consultations in surgeries and outpatient clinics. The issue was investigated using the city of Cracow as an example. Attempts were made to find the connection between air pollution in the city of Cracow and the frequency of hospitalization and medical consultations of patients (registered in the city) due to lung and bronchial malignancy and cardiac dysrhythmia taking into account the data from the years 2010-2016 submitted by the Malopolska Regional Branch of the National Health Fund.
The article presents an analysis of pro-ecological activities undertaken by the Commune Council of Nowy Targ in order to reduce low emission, and consequently to introduce a broadly understood low-carbon economy in this area. The commune aims at abandoning fossil fuels in favor of cleaner and safer methods of obtaining energy, which is to contribute to the reduction of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter emissions. In the nationwide arena, the commune was awarded in activities leading to the liquidation of low-emission as part of the competition for communes with a population up to 50,000 inhabitants and taking the second place in Poland in the „Gmina z Misją” ranking. The town of Nowy Targ was also the laureate of the fourth edition of the „#ekoLIDERZY2017 of the Małopolska Province” contest organized by the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow (WFOŚiGW) and won the prize of PLN 20,000 in the category of „#ekoPRZEDSIĘWZIĘCIE” in the field of air protection and investments contributing to energy savings. In the commune, interventional and preventive inspections are carried out on an ongoing basis. In January 2017, the mayor appointed an advisory team for the analysis of the degree of implementation of actions in the field of air protection in the area of Nowy Targ.
The article presents an analysis of pro-ecological activities in the municipality of Wadowice in the field of air quality protection against the effects of low emission. Research conducted by the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow indicated that in the town of Wadowice, the capital of the municipality, in the period from October till March, the permissible level of particulate matter (PM10) was exceeded on average approximately 16 times within one month. The municipality of Wadowice is one of the most polluted municipalities of the Małopolska voivodeship. The elaborated municipal Low-Emission Economy Plan, updated in 2017, is coherent with the climate and energy package and implements the guidelines of the new European Union 2020 strategy for economic and social development. Until 2015, the municipality had implemented the KAWKA program, which led to liquidation of 11 coal-fired boiler rooms and installation of 11 new boiler rooms. The continuation of the system in 2016 enabled the closure of further 31 coal-fired boiler rooms and the assembly of new boiler rooms and 10 solar panel installations in order to reduce emissions in the local fuel-fired heat source.
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