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In this paper, two scenic caves, five selected karst rock forms, and five rock outcrops situated in the Ojców National Park and its protected zone area are the subject of comparative research, considered as very essential examples of geotouristic potential. Most of their karst forms differ between each other. These include Łokietek and Ciemna (Dark) cave, Kraków Gate, Rękawica and Igła Deotymy rock-cliff at Ojców, Duży Pochylec rock-cliff in Skała, and Maczuga Herkulesa rocky tower at Pieskowa Skała. Apart from them, outcrops of Quaternary calcareous tufa and rock falls at Ojców, an abrasion surface cutting Upper Jurassic limestones and covered with Cretaceous limestones and marls, Pleistocene loess at Januszowice, and the Duże Skałki (Big Rocks) former quarry of Upper Jurassic limestone at Czajowice were also studied. All of them are situated in the Silesian-Kraków Monocline. The caves, rock-cliffs and Maczuga Herkulesa rocky tower developed in the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian massive limestone. Their karst forms are diverse and picturesque. The other objects selected for research are also very interesting and important examples, displaying products of very complex geological processes. The comparative geotouristic potential evaluation of all 12 objects was made to meet tourists', educators' and investors' expectations and needs to increase their geotouristic development level. The statistical data of the annual number of visitors at the described two caves is also discussed. In general, interest in them as geotouristic abiotic nature objects has been growing regularly until today. They have become very widely known in Poland. Moreover, the Łokietek Cave, Kraków Gate rock-cliff and Maczuga Herkulesa rocky tower have become very popular worldwide.
The paper presents comparative research on three selected karst rock forms and six rock exposures situated in the Dłubnia Landscape Park and its protected zone area, considered as very essential examples of geotouristic potential. Most of them display their karst forms different from each other. These include three rock-cliffs in the Ostrysznia Gorge and one in the Dłubnia valley in Imbramowice. Two of them host very short caves. The study also covers exposures of Upper Jurassic limestones in the Dłubnia valley in Imbramowice and Iwanowice, Quaternary slope deposits in Glanów, and Pleistocene loess in Damice. All of them are situated in the Silesian-Kraków Monocline. The rock-cliffs with their caves developed in the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian massive limestone. Their karst forms are diverse and picturesque. The other objects selected for research are also very interesting and important examples displaying products ofvery complex geological processes. The comparative geotouristic potential evaluation of all nine objects was made to meet the expectations and needs of tourists, educators and investors, to increase their geotouristic development level. In general, interest in them as geotouristic abiotic nature objects has been growing regularly up until today. They have become widely known in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland area.
Content available remote Parametryzacja sztywności podłoża lessowego z wykorzystaniem testów in situ
Pomimo względnej jednorodności makroskopowej, lessy charakteryzują się zróżnicowaną sztywnością. Budowa modelu geotechnicznego podłoża powinna bazować na testach in situ. Właściwy opis zachowania gruntu możliwy jest jedynie z wykorzystaniem danych z wielu metod badawczych, pozwalających na ocenę statystyczną, jak np. CPTU i DMT. Testy te zapewniają duży zbiór danych, umożliwiając wyodrębnianie stref o zbliżonej sztywności oraz wyprowadzanie parametrów odkształceniowych. W artykule przedstawiono metodę interpretacji parametrów odkształceniowych z testów in situ.
Despite the relative macroscopic homogeneity, loess has diversed stiffness. The construction of the geotechnical model of the subsoil should be based on in situ tests. Proper description of soil behaviour is possible only with the use of data from many investigation methods, in particular allowing for statistical evaluation, such as CPTU and DMT. These tests provide a large set of data, enabling the identification of zones of similar stiffness and the derivation of deformation parameters. The paper presents the methodology of interpreting deformation parameters from in situ tests.
Content available remote Budowa modelu geotechnicznego podłoża lessowego
Lessy charakteryzują się zróżnicowaną sztywnością pomimo względnej jednorodności makroskopowej. Budowa modelu geotechnicznego podłoża powinna bazować na testach in situ. Właściwy opis zachowania gruntu możliwy jest jedynie z wykorzystaniem danych z wielu metod badawczych, a przede wszystkim pozwalających na ocenę statystyczną, jak np. CPT/CPTU (test statycznego sondowania/test CPT z pomiarem ciśnienia wody w porach) i DMT (test dylatometrem płaskim). Testy te zapewniają duży zbiór danych, umożliwiając wyodrębnianie stref o zbliżonej sztywności oraz wyprowadzanie parametrów odkształceniowych. W artykule przedstawiono metodę budowy modelu geotechnicznego z testów in situ.
Despite the relative macroscopic homogeneity, loess has versed stiffness. The construction of the geotechnical model of the subsoil should be based on in situ tests. Proper description of soil behaviour is possible only with the use of data from many investigation methods, in particular allowing for statistical evaluation, such as CPT/CPTU (Cone Penetration Test/CPT test with pore pressure measurement) and DMT (Flat Dilatometer Test). These tests provide a large set of data, enabling the identification of zones of similar stiffness and the derivation of deformation parameters. The paper presents the methodology of creating a geotechnical model from in-situ tests.
W artykule scharakteryzowano lessowe osady eoliczne Pogórza Karpackiego z rejonu Rzeszowa. Przedstawiono warunki geologiczne i fizjograficzne obszaru badań. Przeanalizowano właściwości fizykomechaniczne gruntu lessowego na podstawie lokalnych doświadczeń badawczych w nawiązaniu do litologii, stratygrafii i cech zapadowych podłoża. Sklasyfikowano badane grunty lessowe na podstawie parametrów uziarnienia i plastyczności.
The article characterizes the loess aeolian deposits of the Carpathian Foothills from the Rzeszów region. Geological and physiographic conditions of the study area are presented. The physico-mechanical properties of the loess soil were analyzed on the basis of local research experience in relation to the lithology, stratigraphy and collapsing features of the subsoil. The investigated loess soils were classified on the basis of granulation and plasticity parameters.
The non-linearity of the modulus in the zone of small deformations has become one of the three basic concepts of modern soil mechanics, together with “effective stresses” or “critical state”. It is therefore necessary to obtain suitable parameters to describe these phenomena through the development of modern measuring equipment and new research methods. Limitations in the availability of the research area or research equipment indicate the need to create a data set, in the formula of regional assessments. The article presents a compilation of data on the deformation characteristics of soils covering about 75% of the country’s area, which are the most common subsoils for building. Descriptions, images of microstructures, and a record of mechanical parameters are presented for various age-old glacial clays and marginal clays and loesses. Emphasis is placed on parameters obtained from triaxial tests, including the determination of the shear modulus at small deformations obtained from BET measurements. In combination with the patented solution of sample strain measurement, complete deformability curves of the tested samples were obtained, indicating model reference curves developed for the above soil types. The statistically significant amount of data collected allowed the creation of a specific portfolio for selected soils as a starting point for assessing deformability. This corresponds to the current expectations regarding the characteristics of the behaviour of the substrate in the full spectrum of stresses and deformations, obtained from different types of tests, which, as in the case of soil stiffness degradation, together allow the correct determination of the necessary parameters.
Nieliniowość modułu w strefie małych odkształceń stała się jednym z trzech podstawowych pojęć we współczesnej mechanice gruntów, podobnie jak „naprężenia efektywne” czy „stan krytyczny”. Tym samym konieczne jest pozyskiwanie odpowiednich parametrów do opisu tych zjawisk poprzez rozwój nowoczesnej aparatury pomiarowej i nowych metod badawczych. Ograniczenia w dostępności terenu badań czy aparatury badawczej wskazują na potrzebę tworzenia zbioru danych, w formule zestawień o charakterze regionalnym. W artykule przedstawiono kompilację danych w zakresie charakterystyki odkształceniowej dla gruntów zajmujących ok. 75% powierzchni kraju, stanowiących najczęstsze podłoże obiektów budowlanych. Przedstawiono opisy, obrazy mikrostruktur oraz zapis parametrów mechanicznych dla różnowiekowych glin polodowcowych i iłów zastoiskowych oraz lessów. Główny nacisk został położony na parametry uzyskane z badań „trójosiowych”, w tym oznaczenia modułu ścinania przy małych odkształceniach uzyskane z pomiarów sejsmicznych metodą BET. W połączeniu z opatentowanym rozwiązaniem napróbkowego pomiaru odkształceń uzyskano pełne przebiegi odkształcalności badanych próbek wskazując modelowe krzywe referencyjne opracowane dla ww. typów gruntów. Istotna statystycznie ilość zebranych danych pozwoliła na stworzenie swoistego portfolio dla wybranych gruntów, jako punkt wyjścia do oceny zdolności deformacyjnych. Spełnia to obecne oczekiwania odnośnie charakterystyk zachowania podłoża w pełnym spektrum naprężeń i odkształceń, uzyskiwanych z różnego typu badań, które tak jak w przypadku degradacji sztywności gruntu zebrane razem pozwalają na poprawne wyznaczenie niezbędnych parametrów.
The characteristic feature of the geological structure in the Lublin Region is loess covers, which at the same time constitute the main subsoil for setting building structures. Geological structure is the basis for developing a geotechnical model of the subsoil, which may be identical to the geological model. However, these two types of models in many cases should differ, because the geotechnical model is developed depending on the type of structure, its dimensions, the method and depth of the foundation, and the loads transferred. Identifying geological layers only on the basis of lithology and subsoil state leads to significant and excessive simplification, especially when these layers occur at different depths. Soil stiffness and its bearing capacity depend not only on the state, i.e. wetness but also on several other factors which are difficult to identify based on a superficial macroscopic assessment, even with the verification of individual samples with laboratory tests. A good foundation for the geotechnical assessment of the subsoil is provided by in situ tests such as CPTU and DMT, which allow for a statistical evaluation of parameters. The work presents the methodology for creating a geotechnical model of the loess subsoil based on in situ tests.
Content available remote Ocena właściwości zapadowych lessowego podłoża gruntowego
Atrakcyjność gospodarcza i turystyczna obszarów lessowych sprawia, że są one intensywnie wykorzystywane w celu realizacji inwestycji budowlanych, zarówno kubaturowych, jak i liniowych. Warunki podłoża budowlanego zbudowanego z utworów lessowych są jednak uznawane za niekorzystne przede wszystkim z powodu dużej wrażliwości na zmiany zawilgocenia. W pracy przedstawiono problematykę procesów deformacyjnych w tych gruntach z uwzględnieniem analizy mikrostrukturalnej. Przeanalizowano zastosowanie wybranych kryteriów pośrednich i bezpośrednich do oceny właściwości zapadowych na przykładzie badania lessów z rejonu Rzeszowa.
The economic and tourist attractiveness of loess areas means that they are intensively used for construction investments, both cubature and linear. However, the conditions of the construction substrate made of loess formations are considered unfavorable mainly due to high sensitivity to changes in moisture. The paper presents the problems of deformation processes in these soils, taking into account the microstructural analysis. The application of selected direct and indirect criteria for the assessment of collapsing properties has been analyzed on the example of loess research in the Rzeszów region.
The loess subsoil constitutes over 50% of the Lublin area and determines the geotechnical conditions of the western side of the River Bystrzyca. The paper discusses the geological structure of this part of Lublin and presents an analysis of the results of field research carried out by the author. The research methodology and the method of deriving parameters for the loess subsoil are also proposed. The Lublin loesses were divided into three main facies groups: aeolian (typical loess), aeolian-diluvial and aeolian-alluvial. The basis for the division and parametric characteristics of individual facies were mainly in-situ tests: CPT/CPTU static soundings, DMT/SDMT flat dilatometer tests and PMT Menard pressuremeter tests. The collected data allowed characterizing each of the facies groups and developing a synthetic geological cross-section representing the geological structure of the western part of Lublin. The number of analysed tests allowed stating that the data from CPT/CPTU static soundings are representative for Lublin. Data from DMT/SDMT tests can be considered representative, but further research is needed to refine them and, for example, to separate them by facies. Data from pressuremeter tests should be treated as preliminary. The analyses show that the most common facies in Lublin is silty aeolian one called typical loess, which, according to the author, constitutes approximately 75-80%, and their parameters are of key importance for the design of buildings. The remaining facies groups are about 8-15% for aeolian-diluvial loess and 8-10% for aeolian alluvial loess. Typical loesses are macroscopically homogeneous, but their varying stiffness is reflected in in-situ tests. The basic research method for loess subsoil should be CPT/CPTU static soundings, while the most representative parameter for geotechnical layers is the cone resistance qc. Details of the geological structure and parameters should be performed with DMT, SDMT and PMT tests, as well as laboratory tests, the necessary scope of which can be determined after the development of the subsoil model from the results of CPT tests.
Content available remote Bentonite-loess slurry for construction of diaphragm walls and bored piles
Bentonite fluids are used in narrow excavations in technologies of slurry walls and bored piles. If bentonite is characterised by high liquid limit, production of support fluid with sufficiently high density and accompanying low viscosity is impossible. The aim of the presented research was to verify the usefulness of loess for modification of bentonite slurries. Various bentonite-loess mixtures and suspensions activated with sodium carbonate were tested. It was noted that an addition of loess results in a decrease in liquid limit of the bentonite-loess mixture. Testing of suspensions produced from different bentonite-loess mixtures enabled determination of the optimum sodium carbonate content as well as the minimum bentonite-loess mixture content in the suspension ensuring the required density. The influence of loess content on viscosity and water bleed was then investigated, which enabled determination of loess content range at which suspensions with the required density fulfil also the requirements regarding viscosity and bleed. It was ascertained that an addition of loess enables production of bentonite-loess slurries with adequate properties. Based on the presented results, a patent was obtained and production of bentonite-loess mixture for use in technology of slurry walls was initiated.
Zawiesiny bentonitowe wykorzystuje się do wykonywania wykopów wąsko przestrzennych w technologii ścian szczelinowych, a także w technologii pali wierconych. Jeśli bentonit charakteryzuje się dużą granicą płynności, nie jest możliwe wytworzenie zawiesiny o wystarczająco dużej gęstości i małej lepkości. Celem badań było sprawdzenie przydatności lessu do modyfikowania właściwości zawiesin bentonitowych. Wykonano badania kompozycji bentonitowo-lessowych i zawiesin aktywowanych węglanem sodu. Stwierdzono, że dodatek lessu powoduje zmniejszenie granicy płynności kompozycji bentonitowo-lessowej. Badania zawiesin zawierających kompozycje bentonitowo-lessowe pozwoliły na określenie optymalnej zawartości węglanu sodu oraz niezbędnej ilości bentonitu i lessu w zawiesinie zapewniającej wymaganą gęstość. Następnie zbadano zależności pomiędzy zawartością lessu a lepkością umowną i odstojem zawiesin, co pozwoliło na określenie dodatku lessu, przy którym zawiesiny o wymaganej gęstości spełniają kryteria lepkości i odstoju. Stwierdzono, że dodatek lessu umożliwia uzyskiwanie zawiesin bentonitowo-lessowych o odpowiednich właściwościach. Na podstawie przedstawionych wyników badań uzyskano patent i uruchomiono produkcję kompozycji bentonitowo-lessowej do zawiesin przydatnych w technologii ścian szczelinowych.
Leonard Horner (1785–1864) was a pioneer in the study of loess. His 1836 paper on the geology of Bonn contained detailed descriptions of loess in the Rhine valley. He identified and presented loess as an interesting material for geological study. He investigated loess in the crater of the Rodderberg with Charles Lyell in 1833. He presented the first significant paper on loess in Britain in 1833, but it was not published until 1836. With the assistance of G.A. Goldfuss and J.J. Noegerath he conducted early studies of the Siebengebirge and published the first geological map of the region, and the first picture of loess, at Rhondorf by the Drachenfels. He became the eleventh person to be included in the list of loess scholars which Charles Lyell published in volume 3 of the Principles of Geology. These were Leonhard, Bronn, Boue, Voltz, Steininger, Merian, Rozet, Hibbert in 1833, Noeggerath, von Meyer in 1835, Horner in 1837. Horner arrived after the publication of his studies on the loess at Bonn in 1836.
W artykule przedstawiono geotechniczne i konstrukcyjne metody kompleksowego zabezpieczania Staromiejskiej Dzielnicy Opatowa. Opisano początkowe prace w tym zakresie oraz budowę geologiczną formacji lessowej występującej w rejonie Opatowa wraz z występującymi zagrożeniami w rejonie podziemnych obiektów. Przedstawiono również zakres prac badawczo-rozpoznawczych oraz zabezpieczająco-likwidacyjnych te obiekty. Opisano sposób zagospodarowania staromiejskich podziemi jako trasy turystycznej. Przedstawiono także podstawowe elementy Metody Z-S, stanowiącej schemat postępowania przy zabezpieczaniu staromiejskich dzielnic.
The geotechnical and construction comprehensive methods of securing the old-town district of Opatów have been presented. The beginnings of securing works with the geological characterization of the loess formation occurring in the area of Opatów as well as hazards occurring in the area of the underground objects have been described. The scope of research and reconnaissance as well as security and liquidation of these objects was also presented. The method of developing the Old Town underground as an tourist route was described. Also the basic elements of the Z-S Method, which illustrates the procedure for securing old districts has been presented.
Content available Desert loess: a selection of relevant topics
In discussions on loess, two types are often demarcated: glacial loess and desert loess. The origin of the idea of desert loess appears to lie with V.A. Obruchev who observed wind-carried silt on the Potanin expedition to Central Asia in 1895. It might be considered that desert loess would be defined as loess associated with deserts but it came to be thought of as loess produced in deserts. This led to some controversy as no mechanism for producing silt particles in deserts was readily available. Bruce Butler in Australia in particular cast doubt on the existence of desert-made loess. Butler indicated loess-like deposits in Australia which he called Parna; these are very like loess but the silt sized particles are actually clay mineral agglomerates of silt size- formed in dry lake regions. At the heart of the desert loess discussion is the problem of producing loess material in deserts. It has been suggested that there are no realistic mechanisms for forming large amounts of loess dust but there is a possibility that sand grain impact may produce particle shattering and lead to the formation of quartz silt. This would appear to be a reasonable mechanism for the African deposits of desert loess, but possibly inadequate for the huge deposits in China and Central Asia. The desert loess in China and Central Asia is loess associated with a desert. The material is formed in cold, high country and carried by rivers to the vicinity of deserts. It progresses then from deserts to loess deposit. Adobe ground may be defined as desert loess. Adobe occurs on the fringe of deserts, notably in the Sahelian region of Africa, and in SW USA. The use of adobe in construction represents the major utilization of desert loess in a social context. More understanding of adobe is required, in particular with respect to the adobe reaction, the low order chemical reaction which provides modest cementitious properties, and can be likened to the pozzolanic reactions in hydrating cement systems. The location of loess and loess-like ground on the peripheries of deserts is aided by the observation of the nesting sites of bee-eater birds. These birds have a determined preference for loess ground to dig their nesting tunnels; the presence of nest tunnels suggests the occurrence of desert loess, in desert fringe regions. We seek amalgamation and contrast: ten main topics are considered: words and terms, particles, parna, geotechnical, adobe, people, birds, Africa, Central Asia, Mars. The aim is some large generalizations which will benefit all aspects of desert loess investigation.
Foundation of the buildings on the loessial soil is often associated only with difficulties resulting from the possibility of the collapse of the ground. For these reason, loess is too often unfairly disqualified as the construction subsoil in spite of its good strength and strain parameters. Thanks to continuous development of research and publications of the results, reliable data regarding loess are spread and, as a consequence, loess becomes more and more common soil used in the geotechnical engineering. Loess collapsibility has been studied since the middle of the 20th century, nevertheless, only the computer techniques and specialist laboratory and microstructural tests, that have been developed from the end of last century, helped us to find an answer to the important questions regarding the occurrence of this phenomenon. Detailed mechanisms that cause sudden loess volumetric reduction due to humidity and load, and the elements that affects the collapsibility are still studied. Furthermore, varied technics are researched, including in-situ tests, which allow estimating the risk of collapse, as well as the methods of its elimination. The aim of this paper is to systematize the directions of current studies of European loess collapsibility and to indicate their most significant results. The review was made on the basis of the scientific publications published in the Polish and international journals as well as the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Web of Science database.
This paper presents an example of interpretation of in situ tests, CPT static sounding and seismic Marchetti dilatometer tests (SDMT). The studies were carried out on loess soils in Lublin. Four CPT tests and four SDMT seismic tests were performed. The method of deriving geotechnical parameters from in situ testing was described. In particular, the formulas for calculating the constrained modulus based on the cone resistance qc were analysed. Some of the parameters were interpreted with the use of proposed formulas. Values of deformation parameters determined with various methods for different strain ranges were compared.
Istotną, z praktycznego punktu widzenia, właściwością gruntów stosowanych jako materiał nasypowy lub zasypowy w budownictwie ziemnym jest zagęszczalność. Wskaźnik uziarnienia wykorzystywanych w tym celu piasków, pospółek lub żwirów charakteryzuje się stosunkowo niewielką wartością, zazwyczaj wahającą się w granicach 2,5–4,0, co pozwala na określenie ich jako trudno lub średnio zagęszczalnych. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań, jakie przeprowadzono w celu określenia wpływu modyfi kacji składu granulometrycznego gruntu niespoistego – piasku średniego, za pomocą dodatku pyłu lessowego na zagęszczenie. Za grunt mało spoisty przyjęto pył lessowy pochodzący z terenu Lublina. Grunty te zajmują znaczną powierzchnię obszaru miasta, a ich częste występowanie w strefi e przypowierzchniowej, czyni je łatwo dostępnymi. Badania wykonano na próbie piasku średniego o uziarnieniu naturalnym, która stanowiła próbę kontrolną oraz dwóch mieszaninach piasku średniego z pyłem lessowym, sporządzonych w stosunku objętościowym 1:1 i 2:1. Każdy z gruntów poddano analizie sitowej i areometrycznej. Uzyskano krzywe uziarnienia, a także określono procentową zawartość poszczególnych frakcji. Analiza wyników składu granulometrycznego pozwoliła na wyznaczenie wskaźnika różnoziarnistości, który dla piasku średniego wynosił 1,71 zaś dla mieszanin piasku z pyłem lessowym wzrósł do 21,8 (w przypadku próbki materiałów zmieszanych w stosunku 1:1) oraz 13,3 (dla próbki materiałów zmieszanych w stosunku 2:1). Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, iż modyfi kacja piasku średniego pyłem lessowym pozwala na zmianę klasyfikacji wytworzonej mieszaniny z gruntu trudno zagęszczalnego na dobrze zagęszczalny, a zatem możliwe jest uzyskanie większego zagęszczenia. W celu potwierdzenia tej tezy wykonano badania zagęszczenia i wilgotności optymalnej w aparacie Proctora wg metody I, dla każdego z trzech badanych gruntów. W przypadku próby kontrolnej maksymalna uzyskana gęstość objętościowa szkieletu gruntowego wynosiła 1,751 g/cm3 przy wilgotności 11,96%. Próbki piasku łączonego z pyłem lessowym w stosunku objętościowym 1:1 oraz 2:1 wykazały maksymalne gęstości objętościowe odpowiednio 2,076 i 2,079 g/cm3 przy wilgotności około 7%. W czasie badania stwierdzono plastyczność gruntu uzyskanego przez połączenie piasku i pyłu lessowego w stosunku objętościowym 1:1 przy wilgotności powyżej 14,25%, co wynika z faktu, iż piasek o takiej zawartości pyłu stanowi grunt na granicy gruntów spoistych i niespoistych. Zwiększona plastyczność uniemożliwia zagęszczenie badanego gruntu przy wilgotności powyżej 14,5% ze względu na powstające odkształcenia oraz wykazywaną spójność. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, iż modyfi kacja uziarnienia piasku średniego pyłem lessowym w proporcji 2:1 pozwala na uzyskanie największego zagęszczenia w badanych warunkach. Wyniki badania sugerują, iż dzięki połączeniu piasku ze stosunkowo łatwo dostępnym pyłem lessowym można osiągnąć wymierne korzyści w postaci lepszego zagęszczenia gruntu, co pozwala na jego zastosowanie w budownictwie ziemnym jako grunt nasypowy lub zasypowy oraz na wykorzystanie gruntu rodzimego na terenach lessowych.
Frequent issue in the practice of soil engineering is the fi ll soil compactibility. The uniformity coeffi cient Cu of the Sand, Sand-Gravel and Gravel, that are the most common fi ll soil, is relatively low and usually is in the range of 2.5 – 4.0. These values allow to describe Sand, Sand-Gravel and Gravel as uniformly graded. The aim of the paper was to determine the impact of modifi cation of the grain size distribution of the non-cohesive soil – Medium Sand (MSa) on its compactibility. The loess silt, sampled in the territory of the Lublin city was used to modifi ed the Sand particle size distribution. Loess silt cover the considerable area of the Lublin, frequently in the surface zone. This ensures that loess silt could be reckoned as the easily accessible material. Laboratory tests were conducted on prepared samples of three kinds of soils – Medium Sand, Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 1:1 and Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 2:1. There were sieve and hydrometer analysis performed to quantify the percent fi ner by weight of grain size of prepared samples of the soils. As the result of grain size analysis particle size distribution curves were obtained. Estimated effective size D10 and D60 were used to determine the uniformity coeffi cient. The value of coeffi cient Cu for the Medium Sand was equal to 1.71 and it rose up to 21.8 (in case of Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 1:1) and 13.3 (for the Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 2:1). Obtained values suggest, that modifi cation of Sand grain size distribution with use of loess silt allows to classify received probes as soils with high compactibility. In order to prove this thesis Proctor tests were conducted. There were the same three kinds of the soil tested according to procedure I. Results indicate that Medium Sand with natural grain size distribution reached the maximum dry density of 1.751 g/cm3 at the optimum water content of 11.96 %. The maximum dry density of Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 2:1 and 1:1 reached accordingly 2.079 and 2.076 g/cm3 at the optimum water content of about 7%. During Proctor test, there were plasticity of Medium Sand combined with loess silt in the volume proportion of 1:1 remarked, for the samples of water content greater than 14.25%. Increased plasticity prevents compaction of the examined soil with humidity above 14.25%, due to the deformations and cohesion. As the results of conducted laboratory tests, there were ascertained that modifi cation of the grain size distribution of Medium Sand with loess silt with volume proportion of 2:1 allows to reached the maximum compactibility. Therefore, combination of the Sand and relatively easily accessible loess could be used in soil engineering as the fi ll soil.
The article presents the preliminary results of pore-water chemistry studies of the entire Upper Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence in Zaprężyn (SW Poland). The pore-water chemical composition provides information about behaviour of the elements in the loess profile during the rock-water interactions. The applied method of ex situ water extraction allows only obtaining slightly bound water, which determines physicochemical parameters of the ground. The considerable variability of the values of pH, EC and concentrations of Al3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, SO42-, Cl- ions and SiO2 was caused by stratification of sediments. The effect of reduced-permeability barrier on the increased concentrations of some ions was also found.
Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów osiadania zespołu czterokondygnacyjnych budynków mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych. Wykonano dwa pomiary w odstępie pięciu miesięcy, w czasie których zbudowano trzy kondygnacje budynku. Pomiary wykonywano zgodnie z zasadami niwelacji precyzyjnej.
The article presents the results of settlement measurements of group fourresidential buildings. Two measurements were performed within five months and during that time the building was extended with three floors. Measurements were made in accordance with the principles of precise leveling.
Osuwisko rozwinęło się w trakcie budowy pawilonu trójkondygnacyjnego, który zlokalizowano na koronie zbocza o wysokości 12 m, w odległości 11,3 m od jego górnej krawędzi. Celem artykułu jest określenie przyczyn, które spowodowały utratę stateczności zbocza. Pawilon posadowiono na glinach pylastych (lessach) o wysokich parametrach fizyko-mechanicznych. Grunty te są wieku czwartorzędowego ze zlodowacenia północnopolskiego, w których erozja wąwozowa ukształtowała strome stateczne zbocza o współczynniku stateczności Fs ~ 2,0 (program GEO 5 stateczność zbocza). W wyniku utraty stateczności zbocza powstało osuwisko rotacyjne, asekwentne i detruzywne. Osuwisko utworzyło się z przyczyn antropogenicznych w przykrawędziowej strefie zbocza, takich jak kilkukrotne naruszenie struktury gruntu podczas prowadzenia prac budowlanych. Zmiana struktury gruntu sprzyjała jego nawodnieniu z sieciowej infrastruktury podziemnej oraz pod wpływem intensywnych i długotrwałych opadów atmosferycznych. Nawodnienie gruntu spowodowało obniżenie jego parametrów wytrzymałościowych i utratę stateczności Fs ~ 1,0.
The surface landslide developed in process of construction of three-storied high building located at the top of the slope of 12 m high and the distance 11,3 m of its upper edge. In the paper, some factors that implicated loss of the slope stability were described. Geologicaly, the slope is built of loesses of the Quaternary north-Poland glaciation of high physical and mechanical parameters. Steep stable slopes of Fs ~ 2,0 (according to GEO 5 programme of slope stability) assumed a shape during the gully erosion. Rotary and detrusive landslide is the effect of loss of the slope stability caused by antropogenous activity at the edge zone of the slope, i.e. spoiling of soil structure in process of construction of building. Spoiled ground absorbed much more water of different sources of water–supply: ground water, water in underground waterworks, as well as rain water. Resistance paramethers of hydrated ground were changed and loss of stability down to Fs ~1,0 then appeared.
The first geological and engineering investments in Lublin related to the defense and the isolation of the castle can be dated back at least 700 years. Today, the oldest ones among them are documented only during archaeological excavations in the areas of hills/promontories in the eastern edge of loessic Na³êczów Plateau, steeply sloping down to the valley of Bystrzyca River. Over the centuries, the growing town, required number of investments conditioned by the geology (surface rocks) and relief. The city expanded to the areas of different in geology and topography. As a result of geotechnical works, implemented over several hundred years, modern Lublin is the town that could boast a number of multiage and diverse geotechnical objects. These are primarily objects designed to serve the defense, streamlining communication and also widely understood economy.
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