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Celem pracy było sprawdzenie możliwości wykorzystania danych z lotniczego skanowania laserowego do detekcji budynków na terenach leśnych. Ponadto sprawdzono możliwość wykorzystania tych danych do aktualizacji wybranych warstw z leśnej mapy numerycznej. W pracy przeanalizowano obszar leśny wraz z buforem 100 m wokół wydzieleń na terenie dwunastu nadleśnictw górskich, położonych na obszarach badawczych w Sudetach i Beskidach. Przy wykorzystaniu danych z lotniczego skanowania laserowego wykryto 515 budynków co stanowiło 89,2% wszystkich budynków znajdujących się w wektorowej warstwie wydzieleń leśnych. Na poszczególnych obszarach badawczych osiągnięto dokładność odpowiednio 80,5%, 94,2% i 91,2%. Podsumowując, lotnicze skanowanie laserowe może być wykorzystywane do aktualizacji wybranych warstw w leśnej mapie numerycznej, zawierających informacje o budynkach oraz obiektach budowlanych. Istniejące algorytmy detekcji budynków nie są bezbłędne, więc przyszłe prace powinny skupić się na poprawie dokładność analiz.
The aim of the presented studies was to determine the ability to detect buildings in forest areas on the basis of airborne laser scanning data. Moreover, the usefulness of this data for updating selected items of the FDM has been evaluated. In this study forest areas with a 100 m buffer zone have been analyzed, including twelve mountain forest districts, grouped in three research areas located in the Sudety and the Beskidy Mountains. Using LiDAR data 515 buildings have been detected which represents 89.2% of all buildings in the vector layer of the digital forest map. In particular research areas the detection accuracy reached to 80.5%, 92.4%, 91.2%. As a result of the study it can be concluded that the airborne laser scanning data may be helpful in updating the selected layers of the digital maps of forest, containing information of forest engineering. Existing building detection algorithms are not error-free, so further research should be conducted to improve the accuracy of analyzes.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem leśnej mapy numerycznej, w połączeniu z danymi dotyczącymi szerokiego kontekstu przyrodniczego, kulturowego i społecznego, w planowaniu zagospodarowania turystycznego obszarów leśnych. Omówiono możliwości leśnej mapy numerycznej w tym zakresie oraz przedstawiono koncepcję jej uzupełnienia w taki sposób, by możliwe było przygotowanie opracowań strategicznych i analiz. Podkreślono podstawową rolę tego zasobu danych oraz jego wartość informacyjną. Zintegrowana informacja o lasach może być również wykorzystana w promocji obszarów leśnych udostępnionych dla turystyki.
In the paper, issues connected with the use of a digital forest map in tourist development of forest areas are presented in conjunction with data about broad natural, cultural and social background. Opportunities in this respect provided by the digital forest map are discussed and a concept of supplementing it in such a way that it could be used in development of strategic analyses is put forward. Basic role of this data set and its information value is emphasized. Integrated information about forests may be also used in promotion of forest areas accessible for tourism.
Badania zostały oparte na warstwach wektorowych Leśnej Mapy Numerycznej (LMN) takich jak: komunikacja, leśnictwa, oddziały, wydzielenia oraz elementach sieci komunikacyjnej Puszczy Niepołomickiej, pozyskanych na podstawie materiałów geodezyjnych. Na podstawie danych PZGiK na obszarze Puszczy Niepołomickiej pozyskano 356.6 km linii komunikacyjnych, w tym największym udziałem charakteryzowały się drogi gruntowe polne lub leśne (48.8%). Blisko o połowę niższy udział procentowy posiadały drogi o nawierzchni utwardzanej i szerokości poniżej 3 m (24.6%), natomiast około 13.8% oraz 11.6% stanowiły odpowiednio drogi gruntowe wiejskie oraz ścieżki. Najniższy procent to drogi o nawierzchni twardej i szerokości od 3 do 7 m – nieco ponad 1.1%. Dla porównania ogólna długość linii komunikacyjnych dostępnych w LMN wynosiła 419.7 km. Dla wyselekcjonowania różnic pomiędzy liniami komunikacyjnymi dostępnymi w LMN a występującymi w materiałach PZGiK wykonano analizy przestrzenne GIS. W ich wyniku ustalono, iż linie komunikacyjne pozyskane w oparciu o geodane a nieposiadające swych odpowiedników w LMN charakteryzowały się całkowitą długością równą 61.7 km. Natomiast długość szlaków komunikacyjnych LMN, dla których obserwowano brak odpowiedników w materiałach PZGiK wynosiła 125.8 km. W obu przypadkach główny udział różnicy (około 70%) stanowiły drogi gruntowe polne i leśne, a następnie ścieżki o udziale około 28%. Zgodność linii komunikacyjnych dla obu analizowanych źródeł występowała łącznie w około 294 km obiektów. Zaobserwowano także przesunięcie obiektów LMN względem szlaków komunikacyjnych przedstawionych na mapach topograficznych. W większości przypadków rozbieżność lokalizacji kształtowała się w przedziale od 0–5 m. Efektem prac było opracowanie mapy sieci komunikacyjnej Puszczy Niepołomickiej, której treść stanowiły drogi i ścieżki LMN uzupełnione o linie komunikacyjne pozyskane na bazie geodanych.
The research is based on the vector layers of a Digital Forest Map (LMN), such as: transportation, forest districts, departments, allotments, as well as vectorized elements of the transportation network of the Niepołomice Forest obtained from geodetic materials, mainly from topographic maps. Transportation lines (356.6 km) were vectorized on the basis of the data contained in the State Geodetic and Cartographic Resource (PZGiK), the majority of which were field and forest dirt roads (48.8%). The percentage of paved roads no more than 3 m wide was smaller by nearly a half (24.6%), while contribution of farm dirt roads and paths was similar and added up to about 13.8% and 11.6% respectively. Paved roads 3–7 m wide constituted the smallest percentage of the transportation lines – slightly more than 1.1%. In comparison, the total length of transportation lines included in the LMN maps 419.7 km. GIS spatial analyses were carried out for the selected discrepancies between the transportation lines included in the LMN and the ones vectorized on the basis of PZGiK data. As a result, it was discovered that the total length of the transportation lines vectorized from the geodata and not found in the LMN equaled 61.7 km. On the other hand, the length of communication routes included in the LMN, yet missing from the PZGiK data, amounted to 125.8 km. In both instances, it was mainly field and forest dirt roads (approximately 70%) that contributed to the discrepancies, followed by paths (28%). The transportation lines in case of both sources were congruent for 294 km of objects. Additionally, it was observed that the objects within the LMN were misaligned with respect to the transportation routes presented in topographic maps. In most situations, however, the divergence ranged from 0 to 5 m. As a result of the research, a map of the transportation network within the Niepołomice Forest was devised, which included the roads and paths of the LMN, supplemented by the communication routes vectorized from geodata.
Jednym z celów omawianej pracy była prezentacja zasobów systemu informacji geograficznej zgromadzonych w nadleśnictwie szerokiemu gronu odbiorców przez zamieszczenie ich na stronie internetowej. Jednostki Lasów Państwowych posiadają dane wektorowe w postaci plików shape (SHP), niezbędne było więc odpowiednie oprogramowanie, które pomogło w prosty sposób przekonwertować posiadane informacje graficzne na pliki typu KML. Zaproponowany format plików KML (Keyhole Markup Language) pozwolił na zamieszczenie dowolnych informacji w formie punktów, linii czy poligonów w serwisie internetowym Google Maps i Google Earth. Fakt zamieszczenia na stronie internetowej Nadleśnictwa Kozienice mapy turystycznej, przyczyni się do ukierunkowania i rozładowania ruchu turystycznego, który dotychczas skupiał się głównie na jednej ścieżce edukacyjnej. Nie należy zapominać, że jest to również dobry sposób edukacji . krótkie opisy oraz zdjęcia w przystępny sposób prezentują informacje przyrodnicze i historyczne. Taka metoda promocji stanowi także dobre uzupełnienie innych tradycyjnych form przekazu . folderów, ulotek itp.
The general access to electronic information available in Internet significantly increased the need for spatial data. Dynamic growth of tourism is a positive phenomenon, because it contributes to the development of many so far poor regions of the country. On the other hand, strong tourist pressure on the environment calls for intensified efforts to protect valuable natural areas. Interactive web-based maps provide excellent solution not only to present information about the environment in an attractive way but also to protect nature by targeting tourist traffic. In this paper, a simple way is presented how to provide spatial data about Kozienice forests. For this purpose, generally accessible Google Maps application and vector and multimedia data gathered by employees of the forest district office were used. In the whole project, only free software was used and that makes it available to all users of Internet. In addition, it shows that without the knowledge of advanced programming techniques a valuable information website may be created.
Prof. Heronim Olenderek w swoim artykule (Olenderek, 2010) napisał, że problem geoinformacji w Lasach Państwowych, ze wszystkimi jej aspektami, a więc pozyskiwaniem przetwarzaniem, wykorzystywaniem i udostępnianiem jest problemem ważnym i znaczącym w kontekście krajowej infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej. Rozwijając tę myśl należy stwierdzić, że trwa szybki rozwój technologii informacyjnych i telekomunikacyjnych oraz powiązanych z nimi technologii geomatycznych, przy jednoczesnym zwiększaniu się potrzeb informacyjnych w skali Polski i całej Unii Europejskiej. Rozwój ten sprawia, że przed polskimi leśnikami staje nowe wyzwanie, którym jest utworzenie leśnej infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej na podstawie zgromadzonych zasobów danych leśnych map numerycznych. Infrastruktura ta powinna jednocześnie: spełniać przepisy i standardy określone przez dyrektywę ustanawiającą infrastrukturę informacji przestrzennej we Wspólnocie Europejskiej (INSPIRE) z roku 2007 oraz ustawę o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej (IIP) z roku 2010, jak też przez przepisy wykonawcze zarówno tej dyrektywy jak też ustawy, odpowiadać w pełni szeroko pojętym potrzebom występującym w jednostkach organizacyjnych Lasów Państwowych przy wykonywaniu ich zadań. Wynika stąd, że leśna infrastruktura informacji przestrzennej powinna stanowić wyodrębnioną, branżową część IIP, powiązaną jednocześnie z Systemem Informatycznym Lasów Państwowych (SILP).
This short paper calls for creation of a forest spatial information infrastructure based on available resources of data of digital forest maps. The infrastructure should meet two conditions: comply with the provisions and standards defined in the Directive establishing spatial information infrastructure in the European Community (INSPIRE) of 2007 and with the Polish Law on spatial information infrastructure (SII) of 2010 as well as with implementation rules both of the Directive and the Law, fully meet broadly understood needs of organizational units of the State Forests in realization of their tasks. Hence, the forest spatial information infrastructure should constitute a component of SII linked at the same time with the Information System of the State Forests (SILP). Therefore, the forest spatial information structure should be composed of: spatial data acquired from existing resources of digital forest maps, services related to forest spatial data, metadata concerning spatial data sets and services. The infrastructure should be designed in the way ensuring its interoperability within the framework of both SII and SILP. At present, the all-important task should be elaboration of feasibility study of this undertaking.
Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom is the oldest regional directorate in State Forests. It consists of 22 forests districts, of which 12 were subject of investigation in this master.s degree thesis. The aim of this work was to examine actual use of a forest digital maps in forest district. The research carried out proved, that forest digital map is popular among forest officials. The possibility of frequent updating, and constant access to current data allows to take correct decision by the general forester in the forest district, who is responsible for correct course of economic events in forest district.
Content available remote Stan prac nad zintegrowanym systemem katastralnym w świetle potrzeb leśnictwa
Cadastre describes geometrical state of property, its legal status, natural and man-made components. The information added in many countries is the value of the property with is estimated in a special way for tax purposes. Integrated Cadastral System in Poland includes (according to the government.s program): estate cadastre, system of new realestate registers and tax records. The concept of multifunctional forestry, according to the rules of sustainable development, is valid for all forests. The proper tool for introducing such ideas could be a multifunctional cadastre with additional set of environmental data. In the paper the difficulties in creating an integrated cadastre and possibilities of using it are discussed.
In February 2006 the Director General of the State Forests appointed a task team for a test project to examine the use of satellite imagery. The commissioned task was to test the possibility of updating forest digital maps with the use of satellite images as well as to test the use of those images for other purposes. In the project, high resolution satellite images were used made by IKONOS satellite and the ortophotomap produced of those images. The test positively verified the possibility to use the ortophotomap for updating forest digital maps. In the next step it was decided to test, whether the ortophotomap could be the source data to verify the accuracy of the existing vector maps and to make new ones. To do that forest compartments of two forest districts picked by chance were digitalized and then the geometric shapes of objects created in this way were compared with the same objects on the existing maps. In conclusion of the test it was ascertained that the use of the ortophoto map made of high resolution satellite imagery from IKONOS satellite could improve accuracy but the imagery itself is not sufficient data source to produce all elements of the forest digital map.
Development of geomatic techniques calls for use of the VHR satellite imagery (e.g. IKONOS-2, QuickBird-2) in forest inventory practices. The experiences of Scandinavians, USA and Canada prove, that such practices can be used, although Polish forests differ with regard to tree species and stand structure from coniferous boreal forests in North America and Canada. Polish forest inventory practices are based on old and traditional (time and money consuming) methods of field measurements. The new Polish Instruction of Forest Inventory (2003) allows the use of satellite imagery (VHR; pixel size; 6,0 m) to locate and delineate forest stands and gaps. This paper is a part of research project executed by the Forest Management and Monitoring Unit (Forest Research Institute in Warsaw) in cooperation with the Lab of GIS & Remote Sensing of the Forest Ecology Department (Forestry Faculty; Agricultural University of Krakow). The usefulness of QuickBird technology was demonstrated on the example of the Staszów Forests District (Regional Directorate of the Polish State Forests in Radom) and was supported by the General Directorate of Polish State Forest Holding. In the study, the VHR QuickBird-2 satellite imagery and DGPS measurements were applied and tested for the forest inventory purposes. The selected forest stands were delineated again by interpretation based on QuickBird-2 composition (432 .pan-sharpened.) and then compared with DGPS measurements and digital forest map (LMN) with regard to location (XY), shape and area. The results show the need for immediaterevision and updating of the .newest. digital forest map. The technology of LMN is based mainly on the vectorization of scanned old maps without any serious verification. The reference geodata such like VHR QuickBird-2 images may promptly change the quality of the process of creating maps by supporting the delineation of forest stands and gaps. The authors concluded that the so called .combined methods., based on visual interpretation and vectorisation of the VHR QuickBird composition, DGPS survey and existing forest digital map (LMN) with related database from the latest forest inventory is the best practice in the Polish Forest Inventory.
Content available remote Mapan - nowa przeglądarka leśnych map numerycznych
In the paper, a new version of Mapan software serving in exploitation of digital forest maps (DFM) is presented. The software is adapted to the requirements of DFM Standard introduced by the Regulation 74/2001 of the Director General of the State Forests. Each function of the Mapan software may be assigned to one of four categories: 1) data sources management, 2) reporting, 3) edition, 4) auxiliary operations. Within the category of data sources management the issues discussed are as follows: a) selection of the mode of link to the database Information System of the State Forests (direct, work on a copy of the base, work without link) and their working possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of each mode of link; b) configuration of the software, including setting and control of parameters; c) layer catalogue and its functions; d) layer manager and its functions. Within the category of reporting three groups of reports are discussed: a) selection (by object designation; by address; by queries concerning: taxation description, plans, timber; by SQL queries), b) descriptive information (tabular reports, lists, descriptions and other) for objects and exclusions, c) thematic maps (economic types of tree stands; tree stands; habitat; division of forest districts, communes, counties, reporting ranges; industrial threat zones; hunting districts; protected forests; economic seed stands; reserve protection zones). Within the category of edition possibilities of editing layers and descriptive information are discussed as well as a possibility to create and edit own layers to include them into the information system, which are not provided for in the DFM Standard Within the category of auxiliary operations typical operations are distinguished connected with maps and a number of useful operations, e.g. showing kilometers grid, highlighting selected elements, length and area measurements, developed fire-fighting application, print preview with possibility of smooth change of the scale and setting of other parameters. In elaboration of the new version of the Mapan software attention was paid to the user.s work comfort, and to fast and easy access to data. In view of the needs of foresters, options for data presentation were expanded. Taking into account multiple functions of the software, its proper assessment may take place only after its sufficiently long exploitation.
At the beginning of the paper, let us ask a question . Do forest maps have to be made in digital form? The answer is positive, because the new Instruction on Forest Management issued in 2003 says so. The same refers to the digital forest map (LMN) standard, introduced by Regulation No. 74/2001 of the Director General of the State Forests, which constitutes an integral part of the Regulation. Economic maps and survey maps as well as various thematic maps, which are necessary elements in forest management plans, are to be based on LMN. A thesis is advanced that in near future the whole forest management plan will be transferred to a forest district by means of an electronic carrier and approved by electronic signature. The works presented were performed by PROLAS company commissioned by the Z3otów Forest District and consisting in adaptation of the maps of the forest district to the LMN standard. The following issues are discussed: 1) source data provided by the employer to the contractor producing digital maps, 2) verification, updating and adaptation of the maps of the Z3otów Forest District to the LMN standard, 3) thematic maps made on the basis of the LMN. Attention was drawn to a number of problems resulting from implementing nature of these works. At the end, other experiences of the PROLAS company are presented, resulting from the fact that after completing works in the Z3otów Forest District, the company performed the same task in neighbouring Lipka Forest District and is conducting similar works in a few other forest districts. Attention is draw, among other, to problems connected with delineation of common boundary between these forest districts. It is concluded that: 1) introduction of digital maps in all forest districts is the best method to eliminate irregularities, 2) it is necessary to currently organise resources without waiting for the forest managements works to begin.
Content available remote Dostosowanie istniejących w nadleśnictwach map numerycznych do standardu LMN
State Forests constitute more than 80% of all forests in Poland. Digital maps began to be made in the State Forests in mid 1990s. By subsequent regulations No. 23/1998 and No. 74/2001 released by the Director General of the State Forests first a temporary standard and then the final digital forest map standard (LMN) was introduced, defining the system of coordinates, the form, structure and scope of map information for forest districts. In this connection, a need arose to adapt the digital maps existing in the forest districts to the LMN standard. Harmonization of digital maps existing in the forest districts to the DFM standard is a one-time operation, including: 1) conversion of layers of existing maps to the structure determined in the standard, 2) updating of the content of the map. It was envisaged to complete this work in 2004, which would make digital forest maps a valuable instrument supporting management of the State Forests.
Content available remote Aktualizator LMN - program do aktualizacji leśnych map numerycznych
In the paper, a new version of Mapan software serving in exploitation of digital forest maps (DFM) is presented. The software is adapted to the requirements of DFM Standard introduced by the Regulation 74/2001 of the Director General of the State Forests. Each function of the Mapan software may be assigned to one of four categories: 1) data sources management, 2) reporting, 3) edition, 4) auxiliary operations. Within the category of data sources management the issues discussed are as follows: a) selection of the mode of link to the database Information System of the State Forests (direct, work on a copy of the base, work without link) and their working possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of each mode of link; b) configuration of the software, including setting and control of parameters; c) layer catalogue and its functions; d) layer manager and its functions. Within the category of reporting three groups of reports are discussed: a) selection (by object designation; by address; by queries concerning: taxation description, plans, timber; by SQL queries), b) descriptive information (tabular reports, lists, descriptions and other) for objects and exclusions, c) thematic maps (economic types of tree stands; tree stands; habitat; division of forest districts, communes, counties, reporting ranges; industrial threat zones; hunting districts; protected forests; economic seed stands; reserve protection zones). Within the category of edition possibilities of editing layers and descriptive information are discussed as well as a possibility to create and edit own layers to include them into the information system, which are not provided for in the DFM Standard Within the category of auxiliary operations typical operations are distinguished connected with maps and a number of useful operations, e.g. showing kilometers grid, highlighting selected elements, length and area measurements, developed fire-fighting application, print preview with possibility of smooth change of the scale and setting of other parameters. In elaboration of the new version of the Mapan software attention was paid to the user.s work comfort, and to fast and easy access to data. In view of the needs of foresters, options for data presentation were expanded. Taking into account multiple functions of the software, its proper assessment may take place only after its sufficiently long exploitation.
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