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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to assess the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, survey questionnaire research, correlation analysis. Findings: The article describes the correlations between the CSR instruments used and the implemented Pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, based on the research conducted using a survey questionnaire. Subjecting the results of the questionnaires, to correlation analysis, made it possible to isolate the most strongly correlated pairs of variables, juxtaposing CSR Instruments and Industry 4.0 Pillars. The overall level of correlation is not at a very high level, which may indicate a moderate or differentiated relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0 Pillars. Despite such results, it was possible to observe distinctive pairs of variables that significantly stand out from the others. These include pairs such as Socially Engaged - Incremental Manufacturing, Investment in Ecology - Cybersecurity and Eco-labeling - Big Data. Despite the existing limitations, the area of research presented in the paper can inspire further research to identify the relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0. Originality/value: An assessment of the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, which may inspire further research in this area.
The main idea of the article is assessing the feasibility of introducing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for airlines. Moreover, the authors think that the environmental aspect in CSR is the most important, which predetermined the focus on this CSR component in the article. The article provides several examples of airlines that actively use CSR to improve their image, attract new, and increase the loyalty of existing customers. Environment indicators of the flight operations group on the performance indicators were established.
In research, there is a growing interest in using artificial intelligence to find solutions to difficult scientific problems. In this paper, a deep learning algorithm has been applied using images of samples of materials used for road surfaces. The photographs showed cross-sections of random samples taken with a CT scanner. Historical samples were used for the analysis, located in a database collecting information over many years. The deep learning analysis was performed using some elements of the VGG16 network architecture and implemented using the R language. The learning and training data were augmented and cross-validated. This resulted in the high level of 96.4% quality identification of the sample type and its selected structural features. The photographs in the identification set were correctly identified in terms of structure, mix type and grain size. The trained model identified samples in the domain of the dataset used for training in a very good way. As a result, in the future such a methodology may facilitate the identification of the type of mixture, its basic properties and defects.
W badaniach naukowych obserwuje się coraz większe zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji do poszukiwania rozwiązań trudnych problemów naukowych. W niniejszym artykule został zastosowany algorytm głębokiego uczenia z użyciem obrazów próbek materiałów wykorzystywanych do budowy nawierzchni drogowych. Fotografie przedstawiały przekroje losowych próbek wykonane za pomocą tomografu komputerowego. Do analizy wykorzystano próbki historyczne, znajdujące się w bazie danych zbierającej informacje z wielu lat. Analizę głębokiego uczenia wykonano przy użyciu niektórych elementów architektury sieci VGG16 i zaimplementowano, stosując język R. Dane uczące oraz treningowe poddano augmentacji oraz walidacji krzyżowej. W rezultacie uzyskano wysoki poziom 96,4% jakości identyfikacji rodzaju próbki oraz jej wybranych cech strukturalnych. Fotografie w zbiorze identyfikacyjnym zostały poprawnie zidentyfikowane pod względem struktury, typu mieszanki oraz uziarnienia. Wytrenowany model w bardzo dobry sposób zidentyfikował próbki w obszarze dziedziny trenowanego zbioru danych. W rezultacie taka metodyka może w przyszłości ułatwić identyfikację rodzaju mieszanki, jej podstawowych właściwości oraz defektów.
The paper presents the correlation between the mechanical properties of the mineral-aggregate mixture with foamed bitumen (MCAS) and the mechanical properties of mortars containing hydraulic binder. A significant aspect of the presented research results was an attempt to determine whether it is possible to predict the properties of the recycled cold mix with foamed bitumen (MCAS) based on preliminary results obtained for mortars. The prediction of MCAS properties through mortar properties was limited to basic mechanical properties of mortars, namely compressive strength (RC) and flexural tensile strength (Rf). To achieve this goal, seven hydraulic binders were designed with a controlled composition using a simplex-centroid experimental plan known as the mixture design plan. The components of the hydraulic binders used in its composition were Portland cement CEM I 32.5R, hydrated lime Ca(OH)2, and by-products of cement production in powder form (UCPP). The designed and prepared hydraulic binders were then used in the composition of the mineralaggregate mixture with foamed bitumen at a quantity of 3.0% (m/m). Subsequently, in laboratory conditions, the mineralaggregate mixture with foamed bitumen was prepared, and mechanical property tests were conducted, including indirect tensile strength (ITSDRY), axial compressive strength (UCS), modulus of stiffness (Sm), fracture toughness (KIC), and the dynamic modulus |E*| determined as a function of frequency and temperature. The analysis results suggest that there is potentially the ability to predict selected mechanical properties of the MCAS mixture by analyzing the mechanical results for mortars. However, this application is limited. The research results obtained for non-destructive properties, such as the dynamic modulus |E*|, are satisfactorily described by the compressive strength results of mortars after 28 days of curing. Other analyzed characteristics did not show a significant correlation.
W artykule przedstawiono korelację pomiędzy właściwościami mechanicznymi mieszanki mineralno-spoiwowej z asfaltem spienionym (MCAS) a właściwościami mechanicznymi zapraw, w których składzie zastosowano spoiwo hydrauliczne. Istotą prezentowanych wyników badań była próba wyjaśnienia, czy za pomocą wstępnych wyników badań uzyskanych dla zapraw możliwe jest prognozowanie właściwości recyklowanej mieszanki na zimno z asfaltem spienionym (MCAS). Prognozę cech MCAS przez właściwości zapraw ograniczono do podstawowych właściwości mechanicznych zapraw, tj. wytrzymałości na ściskanie (RC) oraz wytrzymałości na rozciąganie przy zginaniu (Rf). Do osiągnięcia zamierzonego celu zaprojektowano siedem spoiw hydraulicznych o składzie kontrolowanym poprzez plan eksperymentu sympleksowo-centroidowy, zwany planem mieszaniny. Składniki spoiw hydraulicznych, które zostały wykorzystane do jego kompozycji to: cement portlandzki CEM I 32,5R, wapno hydratyzowane Ca(OH)2 oraz uboczne cementowe produkty pylaste (UCPP). Zaprojektowane i przygotowane w warunkach laboratoryjnych spoiwa hydrauliczne zastosowano w składzie mieszanki mineralno-spoiwowej z asfaltem spienionym w ilości 3,0% (m/m). Następnie w warunkach laboratoryjnych przygotowano mieszankę mineralno-spoiwową z asfaltem spienionym i wykonano badania właściwości mechanicznych, tj. wytrzymałość na pośrednie rozciąganie ITSDRY, wytrzymałość na ściskanie osiowe UCS, moduł sztywności (Sm), odporność na pękanie (KIC) oraz moduł dynamiczny |E*| wyznaczony w funkcji częstotliwości i temperatury. Wyniki analiz pozwalają stwierdzić, że istnieje potencjalnie możliwość prognozowania wybranych właściwości mechanicznych mieszanki MCAS dzięki analizie wyników mechanicznych dla zapraw. Ma to jednak ograniczone zastosowanie. Wyniki badań uzyskane dla właściwości nieniszczących, tj. dla modułu dynamicznego |E*|, w sposób zadowalający zostają opisane przez wyniki wytrzymałości zapraw na ściskanie po 28 dniach pielęgnowania. Pozostałe analizowane cechy nie wykazały istotnej zależności.
Dry beneficiation methods were popular in the first part of the 20th century. In the 1930s, before World War II, dry separators were used more commonly in the United States. Currently, this method is very popular in China, the United States, India, Russia and other places where its implementation is possible. In Poland, by contrast, dry separation still remains uncommon. However, during the last 30 years, dry separators have started to be more commonly used in coal beneficiation. One example of this type of separator might be the FGX air-vibrating separator. This type of separator uses air suspension to separate heavier particles (tailings) from lighter coal grains. The process of dry separation may depend on various parameters, e.g. particle size fraction, air supply, feed parameters, etc.. This paper describes the mathematical model which shows the scope for using this separation method for coal beneficiation. Mathematical models are based on dependencies between calorific value and ash content in the samples tested as well as relations between arsenic, thallium, mercury, lead and other coal characteristics. The latter parameters are of vital importance as Polish emission standards do not have any limits for the elements mentioned above (arsenic, thallium, mercury and lead).
Suche metody wzbogacania były popularne w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Separatory suche były używane zwłaszcza przed II Wojną Światową w latach 30-ych w USA. Obecnie, metoda ta jest bardzo popularna w Chinach, USA, Indiach, Rosji oraz w innych miejscach, gdzie możliwe jest jej zastosowanie. W Polsce proces ten jest wciąż bardzo mało popularny. Podczas ostatnich 30 lat systemy wzbogacania węgla zaczęły szerzej korzystać z separatorów suchych a przykładem bardzo popularnego urządzenia tego typu jest FGX – wibracyjny stół powietrzny. Ten typ separatora korzysta z zawiesiny powietrznej w celu wydzielenia cięższych ziaren (odpadów) od lżejszych ziaren węgla. Sucha separacja może zależeć od różnych parametrów, tj. klasa ziarnowa, zasoby powietrza, parametry nadawy itp. Artykuł ten opisuje model matematyczny, który pokazuje możliwości zastosowania tej metody separacji przy wzbogacaniu węgla. Modele matematyczne oparte były na zależnościach pomiędzy wartością opałową oraz zawartością popiołu w testowanych próbkach, jak również na relacjach pomiędzy zawartościami arsenu, talu, rtęci, ołowiu i innych charakterystyk węgla. Ostatnie parametry są bardzo ważne ponieważ polskie standardy emisji nie zawierają limitów dla pierwiastków wymienionych powyżej, a więc arsenu, talu, rtęci oraz ołowiu.
The heat transfer coefficient during the pool boiling on the outside of a horizontal tube can be predicted by correlations. Our choice was based on ten correlations known from the literature. The experimental data were recovered from the recent work, for different fluids used. An evaluation was made of agreement between each of the correlations and the experimental data. The results of the present study firstly showed a good reliability for the correlations of untsov [10], Stephan and Abdeslam [11] with deviations of 20% and 27%, respectively. Also, the results revealed acceptable agreements for the correlations of Kruzhlin [6], Mc Nelly [7] and Touhami [15] with deviations of 26%, 29% and 29% respectively. The remaining correlations showed very high deviations from the experimental data. Finally, improvements have been made in the correlations of Shekriladze [12] and Mostinski [9], and a new correlation was proposed giving convincing results.
This article describes the links between economic level, investment in Research & development (R&D), and Catalan freight transport between 2006 and 2016. Catalonia is the second most populous area in Spain, northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, whose economy ranks second among the Autonomous Communities, surpassed only by the Community of Madrid, to speak of a significant economic and social region. The study sought to answer the question of what economic contexts exist in the region regarding freight transport. To do all this, it uses mathematical-statistical tools to explore the relationships between real data sets, which were calculated using seven indicators. The analyses suggest a positive increase in the volume of imports and exports of goods in the region. The same is true for GDP per capita. It came as a surprise that virtually no positive correlations existed between R&D and any other indicators. In analysing the indicators, we found that the current economy was pushed back by the 2008 world economic change, similarly to international trends. At the same time, there has been rapid growth since 2010, especially in exports. This also means that Spain, particularly the Catalan region, has serious trade relations, which affect the region’s economic development and the freight transport industry.
Persistence expressed by hurst exponent (H) is estimated for streamflow of 122 stations in the basins of Peninsular India by three methods at different aggregation scales (daily, monthly mean, monthly and annual maximum). Mean H values indicated long term persistence (LTP) and the data of more than 70% stations showed LTP for other temporal resolutions. H displayed negative correlation with time series length, mean annual and specific mean discharges, while no significant correlation with catchment area. Positive dependence was found between persistence of streamflow and different climatic attributes (rainfall; maximum, mean and minimum temperature) for daily and annual maximum datasets.
The present study attempts to investigate physicochemical features and evaluate quality of collected ground water samples from benchmark locations in Fazilka district, southwestern (SW) side of the Punjab. The samples of groundwater (GW) as well as soil were collected from different locations and examined for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), carbonates (CO3 2 ), bicarbonates (HCO3 −), chlorides (Cl−), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO42−) and potassium (K+). The appropriateness of water for drinking was checked using water quality index (WQI), while indices like soluble sodium percentage (SSP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate, magnesium hazard, permeability index and Kelly’s ratio were investigated for appraisal of irrigation water quality. Samples are statistically tested using two-way ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA) to extract correlation between water parameters. Most of the samples were under high to low (C3S1), high to medium (C3S2) and very high to high (C4S3) based on US Salinity Laboratory (USSL). On the base of RSC, samples were under safe to unsuitable category. For hydrochemistry analysis, the piper diagram indicates that water samples were mixed type and Ca-Mg-HCO3 type. Study indicated that water with high salinity was used for irrigation of crops and it has adverse effects on the soil quality and crop yield is of concern for future.
The oldest Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk occurs in Wattendorf on the northern Franconian Alb (southern Germany). It is a 15 m thick alternation of laminated dolomite and limestone, interbedded with carbonate debris layers in a depression ~2 km across and a few tens of metres deeper than the surrounding microbial-sponge reefs. The Plattenkalk overlies a few tens of metres of microbialsponge biostrome facies and bedded, micritic basinal limestone. The bulk-rock stable isotopes of the micritic basinal facies gradually change from normal marine (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB) to lower values (δ13C ~ 0‰, δ18O ~ –6‰) in a ~ 40 m thick interval including Plattenkalk and suggest ageing of the bottom waters. The surrounding reefs are isotopically nearly invariant (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB). An isotope anomaly (δ13C of > ~ –9‰) is restricted to the basinal facies and is most pronounced in the biostrome facies. This indicates methanogenesis, which is documented in negative δ13C in dedolomite, calcite-cemented dolomite and calcite concretions and occurred probably mainly below seabed. The Konservat-Lagerstätte was probably deposited near an oxygen minimum zone in a water column with low productivity of organic material. Dolomite is in isotopic equilibrium with Plattenkalk and was probably deposited as protodolomite from chemically modified, aged seawater. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of bulk carbonate are often slightly radiogenic, probably due to random analytical sample contamination by clay minerals. Belemnite and some matrix 87Sr/86Sr is slightly lower than that of Kimmeridgian seawater, either caused by basin restriction or by fluids derived from the diagenesis of Oxfordian rocks below. An equivalent Upper Kimmeridgian depression ~23 km distant and a somewhat younger Konservat-Lagerstätte in Poland show a δ13C isotope anomaly below the main fossil beds. Isotopic evidence for saline bottom waters, the current interpretation, is lacking. This study also shows that micritic carbonates can preserve their early diagenetic, marine δ18O signal, which is correlatable over tens of kilometres
Tool wear and surface roughness as performance indexes are considered to be the most important in terms of hardened materials’ machinability. The best combination of cutting parameters which enhances the compromise between tool life, productivity and machined surface quality contribute to benefice on production cost, which makes manufacturing industry interested in it. The aim of this research is to investigate the life of ceramic cutting tool and machining productivity together with surface roughness during turning of hardened steel C45, with focus on the selection of the optimal cutting parameter combination. The experiments are carried out based on uni-factorial planning methodology of cutting speeds and feed rates. The results show that the mixed ceramic tool is suitable for turning hardened steel C45 (40 HRC) and the conclusion is that it performed well in terms of tool life, productivity and surface quality at a combination of cutting speed (200 m/min), feed (0.08 mm/rev) and depth of cut (0.3 mm). Additionally, a tool life model has been proposed which is presented very high coefficient of determination.
Odpowiednie oczyszczenie przestrzeni pierścieniowej przed zabiegiem cementowania jest jednym z ważniejszych czynników mających wpływ na prawidłowe uszczelnienie kolumny rur okładzinowych. Nieodpowiednie lub niecałkowite usunięcie płuczki lub pozostałości osadu płuczkowego może skutkować powstawaniem niekontrolowanych wypływów gazu (migracji bądź ekshalacji) na kontakcie płaszcza cementowego z formacją skalną oraz z powierzchnią zapuszczonych rur okładzinowych. Związane jest to z brakiem kompatybilności płuczki i tłoczonego po niej zaczynu cementowego, co objawia się tworzeniem na ścianach otworu żelujących kanalików, umożliwiających przepływ gazu. Dodatkowo brak odpowiedniego oczyszczenia przestrzeni pierścieniowej powodował będzie obniżenie wartości przyczepności płaszcza cementowego do powierzchni styku. Wynikiem powyższego może być brak odpowiedniej stabilizacji kolumny rur poprzez osłabione jej zespolenie w dolnej części ze ścianą otworu, a w górnej części z poprzednią kolumną rur o większej średnicy. W związku z tym w celu poprawy zarówno szczelności odwiertu, jak też jakości stanu zacementowania prowadzi się badania laboratoryjne efektywności oczyszczania przestrzeni pierścieniowej poprzez pomiar skuteczności usuwania osadu płuczkowego. Dotychczas pomiar skuteczności usuwania osadu lub działania cieczy przemywającej prowadzony był przy użyciu wiskozymetru obrotowego. Podczas badania osad płuczkowy wytwarzany jest na powierzchni rotora, a następnie usuwany za pomocą cieczy przemywającej. W ostatnim czasie w INiG – PIB opracowano nową metodę pomiaru skuteczności usuwania osadu płuczkowego przez zastosowanie nowo zaprojektowanego symulatora przepływu cieczy wiertniczych (patent P.423842). Urządzenie pozwala na symulację przepływu cieczy wiertniczej (płuczki, cieczy przemywającej, buforu) w symulowanej przestrzeni pierścieniowej. Możliwy jest dobór parametrów przepływu (wydatku tłoczenia) oraz czasu kontaktu cieczy z badaną powierzchnią. Ze względu na zróżnicowanie zasad pomiaru podczas badań przy użyciu wiskozymetru i symulatora – postanowiono przeprowadzić badania porównawcze w celu określenia stopnia zbieżności omawianych metod. Badania polegały na ocenie skuteczności usuwania tego samego rodzaju osadu przez te same ciecze przemywające, lecz przy użyciu różnych metod pomiaru. Uzyskane wartości skuteczności usuwania osadu poddano analizie korelacyjnej, na podstawie której możliwe było porównanie wyników analizowanych metod pomiaru.
The proper cleaning of the annular space before cementing is one of the most important factors affecting the proper sealing of the casing column. Inadequate or incomplete removal of the mud cake or residues of the mud may result in the formation of uncontrolled gas outflows (migration or exhalation) at the contact of the cement sheath with the rock formation and with the surface of run-down casing. It is related to the lack of compatibility in the contact of the mud and the cement. Additionally, the lack of proper cleaning of the annular space will reduce the adhesion value of the cement sheath to the contact surface. The result of the above may be the lack of adequate stabilization of the column of pipes due to its weakened connection in the lower part with the wall, and in the upper part with the previous column of larger diameter pipes. Therefore, to improve both the tightness of the borehole as well as the quality of the cementation condition, laboratory tests of the efficiency of cleaning the annular space are carried out by measuring the efficiency of washing mud removal. So far, measuring the efficiency of mud removal or the effect of washing utilization have been done using a rotary viscometer. During the test, a mud cake is produced on the rotor surface and then removed with washing liquid. Recently, the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute developed a new method for measuring the efficiency of drilling mud removal by using a newly developed drilling fluid flow simulator (Patent P.423842). The device enables the simulation of the drilling fluid flow (drilling fluid, washing fluid, spacer) in the simulated annular space. It is possible to select the parameters of the flow (delivery rate) and the contact time of the liquid with the tested surface. Due to the different measurement principles during the tests with the viscometer and the simulator, it was decided to conduct a comparison and determine the degree of convergence of the discussed methods. The same rinsing liquids were tested to remove the same type of mud, but using different measurement methods. The obtained values of mud removal efficiency were subjected to the correlation analysis, which made it possible to compare the results of the analyzed measurement methods.
The foraminiferal contents of the lower–middle Miocene succession exposed in three sections in north Nur Abad on the northwestern side of the High Zagros Thrust Belt were studied. Assemblages of larger foraminifera from these sections can be referred to Zone SBZ 25 (and the Miogypsina globulus and Miogypsina intermedia subzones), which correlates with the Burdigalian Stage. For the first time, planktonic foraminifera documented from the Nur Abad area document Langhian deposits in the High Zagros, the upper 20 metres of the upper Sayl Cheshmeh section being characterised by the occurrence of planktonic foraminifera such as Globigerina concinna (Reuss), Globigerina diplostoma (Reuss), Globigerinoides obliquus (Bolli), Orbulina bilobata (d’Orbigny) and O.universa (d’Orbigny). This association characterises the Orbulina suturalis Interval Zone.
Over the past few decades multimedia content, particularly digital images, has increased at a rapid pace, with several complex images being uploaded to various social websites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, it is difficult to search and retrieve the relevant image in seconds. Search engines retrieve images based on traditional text-based methods that depend on metadata and captions. In the last few years, a wide range of research has focused on content-based image retrieval (CBIR) based on image mining approaches. This is a challenging research area due to the ever-increasing multimedia database and other image libraries. In order to offer an effective search and retrieval, a novel CBIR system is proposed using the image mining-based deep belief neural network (IMDBN) technique. The proposed method is designed to enhance retrieval accuracy while diminishing the semantic gap between human visual understanding and image feature representation. To achieve this objective, the proposed system carries several steps like preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and feature matching. Initially, the input database images are fed into the proposed image mining-based CBIR system, whereas colour-shape-texture (CST) feature extraction technique is applied to extract relevant feature set. The extracted features are fused and stored in the feature vector and are subjected to the proposed IMDBN classification step to retrieve similar images in one label. Whenever a new query content is created, the most relevant images are retrieved. This, in turn, achieves 94% accuracy, which is higher than in existing approaches.
In the article, the authors characterize the current European market with natural gas, describing differences in prices for households and prices for companies from the point of view of individual components, where they focus more on taxes, levies and fees. The article further deals with the possible impact of the price of natural gas on the country's economy, more specifically, the correlation with inflation, unemployment and interest rates. The main aim of the authors is to establish an appropriate econometric model, which describes the impact of the price of natural gas together with the unemployment rate and interest rates on the inflation of the country. The price of natural gas, of this strategic raw material, is one of the factors that can influence the processes for low-carbon technologies or more precisely, the process of EU decarbonisation and with it the associated amount of CO2 emissions.
Przeprowadzone badania mają na celu opracowanie nowej metody, która w sposób wiarygodny i przyspieszony umożliwiłaby przewidywanie potencjalnej reaktywności kruszyw z wodorotlenkami sodu i potasu, ponieważ dostępne metody badawcze, zarówno długotrwałe, jak i przyspieszone, nie są pozbawione wad. Należą do nich długi czas trwania badania w metodzie badania beleczek betonowych oraz złe wyniki przyspieszonego badania beleczek zaprawy. Nowa metoda nazwana krótkotrwałym badaniem beleczek betonowych [SCPT] została opracowana wraz z analizą stopnia korelacji zaprojektowanych nowych metod, z dostępnymi metodami badawczymi. W tym celu zbadano 32 rodzaje kruszyw, których właściwości eksploatacyjne można obserwować. Badania porównawcze szybką metodą badania beleczek betonowych obejmują beleczki betonowe o wymiarach 50 mm x 50 mm x 200 mm, maksymalny wymiar kruszywa wynosi 16 mm, temperatura przechowywania 60°C i roztwór korozyjny ma skład: 0,35N NaOH + 1% CaCl2 oraz czas trwania tylko 28 dni.
This experimental study basically aims to come up with a new method [SCPT], which would be a reliable accelerated performance for predicting potential alkali reactivity of aggregates, because available test methods whether long or accelerated, have some drawbacks such as long test duration in the CPT [concrete prism test] and false tests results in the AMBT [accelerated mortar bar test]. The new method called as short-term concrete prism test [SCPT] has been designed with analysing the degree of correlation between the designed new methods and available test method by examining 32 types of aggregate, whose field performances can be observable. Common specifications of the SCPT includes 50 mm x 50 mm x 200 mm concrete prisms, 16 mm maximum aggregate size, storage temperature at 60°C and soak solution with 0.35N NaOH + 1% CaCl2 and takes only 28 days.
Boiling produces vapor with a phase change by absorbing a consistent amount of heat. Experimentation and modeling can help us better understand this phenomenon. The present study is focused on the heat transfer during the nucleate pool boiling of refrigerant R141b on the surface of a horizontal copper tube. The results of the experiment were compared with four correlations drawn from the literature, and the critical heat flux was examined for different pressures and also compared with the predicted values. Simulating boiling with two-phase models allowed us to infer the plot of the temperature distribution around the tube and compared it to results from other work.
The unsusual rise in the land surface temperature is playing a vital role toward the rapid and intense changes in global climate. Occurrence of certain land use land cover and alternative changes in them is the prime cause of bringing extreme changes in temperature. In this research, using 30-year long time series (1988–2018) data from Landsat satellites for understanding relation of mean temperature with the two largest and main controlling land use classes (vegetation and built-up) in a rapidly urbanizing district, Lahore. For this purpose, multivariate statistical approaches of scatter plot and correlation coefcient were employed. Temperatures, vegetative and built-up areas were derived using a combination of diferent spatiotemporal tools in a specifcally designed model. Critical analysis suggests breaking up of investigation timeline in two portions based on changing trend. A 23-year period from 1989 to 2011 (Temporal Window-1) and a 6-year period from 2013 to 2018 (Temporal Window-2) were tested separately for the same arguments. Vegetative area showed an increase throughout the temporal window-1 and then a rapid decrease from 2013 to 2018, while built-up area and mean temperature presented an ever-increasing trend during both temporal windows but with much higher rates in second window. Correlation of tempera ture with the both the investigated thermal controls has found getting strong in Temporal Window-2 showing that relation of these landcover areas with temeperature is not linear and severity is increasing with time. Moreover, temperature is found to be strongly dependent upon changes in built-up areas than that of vegetative areas. So, an increase in built-up area has much more devastating efects over the temperature rather than decrease in vegetative area. It was concluded that Lahore district is contributing in global warming more rapidly than it had ever done before.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy statystycznej dla zależności między zawartością rtęci a zawartością siarki i popiołu w paliwach alternatywnych. Analizę przeprowadzono dla wyników badań własnych (22 próbki) oraz danych literaturowych (27 próbek). Paliwa stanowiące podstawę analizy, podzielono na pięć odrębnych grup: karton i papier, tworzywa sztuczne, RDF, osady ściekowe oraz guma i jej karbonizaty. Wyznaczono współczynniki korelacji rang Spearmana oraz współczynniki korelacji liniowej R i dokonano oceny ich istotności na poziomie ufności 0,95. Uzyskane współczynniki korelacji były relatywnie niskie, co należy tłumaczyć różnym pochodzeniem poszczególnych paliw alternatywnych i znaczną zmiennością w obrębie danej grupy. Dla całej populacji uzyskano istotną korelację między zawartością rtęci a zawartością siarki ipopiołu. Dla paliwa typu RDF uzyskano istotną korelację między zawartością rtęci i siarki oraz między zawartością popiołu i siarki. Może to świadczyć o występowaniu rtęci i siarki w tego typu paliwach w substancji mineralnej. Jednym ze sposobów obniżenia zawartości rtęci w paliwach alternatywnych może być usunięcie części składników mineralnych, jednak potwierdzenie tej tezy wymaga przeprowadzenia stosownych badań.
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