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W przypadku wystąpienia na stanowiskach pracy szkodliwych i niebezpiecznych czynników chemicznych i pyłów konieczne jest zapewnienie przez pracodawcę skutecznej ochrony pracowników narażonych na te czynniki. Priorytetowym rozwiązaniem są działania organizacyjne i zbiorowe środki techniczne. Na wielu stanowiskach pracy stosuje się jednak w tym celu środki ochrony indywidualnej. W szczególności dotyczy to sprzętu ochrony układu oddechowego, odzieży ochronnej, środków ochrony rąk i nóg oraz środków ochrony oczu i twarzy. Podstawowym problemem jest wybór przez pracodawcę optymalnego zestawu tych środków, biorąc pod uwagę narażenie na czynniki chemiczne i pyłowe oraz minimalny dyskomfort dla pracownika. Przydatne do tego celu są dane związane z charakterystyką poszczególnych rodzajów środków, sposobem ich klasyfikacji oraz procedurami doboru do różnego poziomu zagrożeń. Informacje te można znaleźć w licznych publikacjach tematycznych, ale ich analiza wydłuża czas potrzebny pracodawcom do podjęcia prawidłowej decyzji. W ramach V etapu programu wieloletniego zrealizowano zadanie 3.SP.08, którego celem było zebranie i usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat środków ochrony indywidualnej. W artykule zaprezentowano próbkę informacji, które dotyczą doboru przykładowych środków ochrony indywidualnej do zagrożeń chemicznych i pyłów. Zakres tematyczny artykułu obejmuje zagadnienia zdrowia oraz bezpieczeństwa i higieny środowiska pracy będące przedmiotem badań z zakresu nauk o zdrowiu i inżynierii środowiska.
In the event of an emergence of harmful and hazardous chemical and dust factors at workplaces, the employer must provide adequate protection for employees exposed to these factors. As a rule, organizational measures and collective technical measures are a priority. However, many workplaces use personal protective equipment for this purpose. This applies particularly to respiratory protective devices, protective clothing, hand and leg protection, and eye and face protection. The selection of the optimal set of these measures, considering the exposure to chemical and dust factors and the need to ensure employees suffer from the minimum level of discomfort, is a fundamental problem. The data related to the characteristics of individual types of hazards, their classification and selection procedures for various levels of exposure is essential in this regard. This information can be found in numerous thematic publications, but their analysis extends the time needed by employers to make the correct decision. Therefore, as part of the 5th stage of the Multiannual Program, task no. 3.SP.08 was carried out to collect and systematize knowledge about personal protective equipment. The article presents an extract of information from the knowledge base concerning selecting personal protective equipment for chemical and dust hazards. This article discusses the problems of occupational safety and health, which are covered by health sciences and environmental engineering.
The adaptation of the Ukrainian economy to the requirements of the European Union requires increasing the effectiveness of the system of making public management decisions regarding the development and assessment of the labor potential of our country. Currently, a unified system of evaluation indicators of the labor potential of Ukraine has not yet been developed. The authors substantiated and systematized the groups of medicodemographic, socio-economic and educational factors that affect the health of the employed population, and suggested the use of the "preserving the health of the employed population" indicator for assessing the labor potential. Accordingly, a mathematical model for evaluating the health of the employed population at the macro level is proposed, which is based on the theory of fuzzy logic. The application of the proposed model will make it possible to increase the efficiency of the system of public management decision-making in the process of developing concepts, strategies, and practical measures for the implementation of policies for the preservation of the health of the employed population, as well as to make timely adjustments during implementation, which should positively reflect on the steady growth of the index human development (HDI).
Dostosowanie gospodarki ukraińskiej do wymogów Unii Europejskiej wymaga zwiększenia efektywności systemu podejmowania decyzji z zakresu zarządzania publicznego dotyczących rozwoju i oceny potencjału pracy kraju. Obecnie nie został jeszcze opracowany jednolity system wskaźników oceny potencjału pracy Ukrainy. Autorzy uzasadnili i usystematyzowali grupy medyczno-demograficznych, społeczno-ekonomicznych i edukacyjnych czynników, które wpływają na zdrowie populacji zatrudnionych, i zaproponowali wykorzystanie wskaźnika "zachowanie zdrowia populacji zatrudnionych" do oceny potencjału pracy. W związku z tym zaproponowano model matematyczny oceny stanu zdrowia populacji zatrudnionych na poziomie makro, który opiera się na teorii logiki rozmytej. Zastosowanie proponowanego modelu umożliwi zwiększenie efektywności systemu podejmowania decyzji w zarządzaniu publicznym w procesie opracowywania koncepcji, strategii i praktycznych środków realizacji polityki zachowania zdrowia populacji zatrudnionych, a także dokonywania terminowych korekt w trakcie realizacji, co powinno pozytywnie wpłynąć na stały wzrost wskaźnika rozwoju społecznego (HDI).
Content available remote Ontology-Based Semantic Checking of Data
Semantic checking of railway infrastructure information support data is one of the ways to improve the consistency of information system data and, as a result, increase the safety of train traffic. Existing ontological developments have demonstrated the applicability of description logic for modelling railway transport, but have not paid enough attention to the data resources structure and the railway regulatory support. In this work, the formalization of the tabular presentation of data and the rules of railway transport regulations is carried out using the example of a connection track passport and temporary speed restrictions using ontological means, data wrangling and extraction tools. Ontologies of the various formats data resources and railway station infrastructure, tools for converting and extracting data have been developed. The semantic checking of the compliance of railway information system data with regulatory documents in terms of the connection track passport is carried out on the basis of a multi-level concretization model and integration of ontologies. The mechanisms for implementing the constituent ontologies and their integration are demonstrated by an example. Further research includes ontological checking of natural language normative documents of railway transport.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące internetowej bazy wiedzy o środkach ochrony indywidualnej. Zawiera ona moduły tematyczne: Budownictwo, Rolnictwo, Służba zdrowia, Górnictwo, Środki ochrony indywidualnej, Przepisy prawne oraz moduł Szkolenia w postaci pakietu prezentacji PowerPoint i interaktywnych sprawdzianów wiedzy odnoszących się do poszczególnych zagadnień. Jako przykład treści zawartych w jednym z modułów bazy wiedzy omówiono wybrane problemy dotyczące sprzętu ochrony układu oddechowego. W celu oceny funkcjonalności bazy oraz wytyczenia kierunków jej doskonalenia przeprowadzono badania ankietowe online z użyciem formularza Google. Analiza wyników potwierdziła, że internetowa baza wiedzy o środkach ochrony indywidualnej jest potrzebna.
The article presents basic information on the Internet knowledge base on personal protective equipment. It includes thematic modules, i.e. Construction, Agriculture, Healthcare, Mining, Personal Protective Equipment, Legal Regulations, and a Training module in the form of a Power Point presentation package and interactive knowledge tests relating to specific issues. As an example of the content contained in one of the knowledge base modules, selected problems related to respiratory protective equipment were discussed. In order to evaluate the functionality of the database and to set directions for its improvement, an online survey was carried out using the Google form. The analysis of the results confirmed that an online knowledge base on personal protective equipment is needed.
This article focuses on the development of the mask design knowledge base, which is expected to be applied in a personalized mask design system. To realize the proposed knowledge base, a perceptual descriptive space of the mask is first developed for the description of both functional and aesthetic perceptions of a mask. The mask ontology is also developed to form the mask element matrix. Mask design knowledge is expressed as the relationship between the perceptual descriptive space and the mask ontology, which is extracted by a group of experienced designers through a sensory evaluation procedure. This relationship is then simulated by fuzzy logic tools. The proposed knowledge base has been validated that it is reliable. The personalized mask design system can be further developed with the propose mask design knowledge base.
This article describes functional and diagnostic structure of the equipment of a Wind Power Station. Considering particular operational conditions of a technical object, that is a set of Wind Power Station equipment, this is a significant issue. A structural model of Wind Power Station equipment is developed. Based on that, a functional – diagnostic model of Wind Power Station equipment is elaborated. That model is a basis for determining primary elements of the object structure, as well as for interpreting a set of diagnostic signals and their reference signals.
The research deals with improvement of methods and systems of controlling integrated power systems (IPSs) on the basis of intellectualization of decision-making support. Complex analysis of large-scale accidents at power facilities is performed, and their causes and damages are determined. There is substantiated topicality of building condition knowledge-bases as the foundation for developing decision-support systems in power engineering. The top priorities of the research include developing methods of building a knowledge base based on intensity models of control actions influencing the parameters of power system conditions and introducing the smart system into information contours of the automated dispatch control system (ADCS), as well as assessing practical results of the research. To achieve these goals, the authors apply methods of experiment planning, artificial intelligence, knowledge presentation, mathematical simulation, and mathematical statistics as well as methods of power systems studying. The basic research results include regression models of a power system sensitivity to control actions, methods of building a knowledge base based on the models of sensitivity matrices, a structure of the smart decision-support system, a scheme of introducing the decision-support system into the operating ADCS environment. The problem of building a knowledge base of the dispatch decision-support system on the basis of empirical data resulted from calculating experiments on the system diagram has been solved. The research specifies practical efficiency of the suggested approaches and developed models.
The article presents a concept of an expert diagnostic system of the turbine engine’s flow path (compressor – combustion chamber – turbine) elements. The system adopts diagnostic signals obtained with the use of non-destructive methods implemented on the non-operating engine. The aim is to detect and assess early stages of damage to selected elements of the engine. The achievement of a reliable diagnosis on the condition of the elements requires the application of a set of diagnostic methods and carrying out the inference, including knowledge about the degradation processes of elements and correlation of the diagnostic (signals) tests results obtained with various methods. A convenient tool, which supports solution of such a set problem is an expert system, which on the one hand, makes it possible to organise the existing formal knowledge, and on the other hand – to use non-formal, or even uncertain, knowledge. The presented concept of the expert diagnostic system is based on PC-Shell system of AITECH Polish Company.
The article presents models of temporal dependences for constructing probabilistic temporal rules in the Markov Logical Networks. Such rules describe the relations between the states of a control object and taking account the possibility of integrating different approaches of management according to the paradigm of «Enterprise 2.0» knowledge sharing. The proposed models define constraints and conditions for changing the states of a control object, which allows predicting possible variants of its behavior in relation to the current state and providing decision support based on a choice of the most likely variants.
W artykule poddano analizie czynniki, których zbadanie powinno stanowić podstawę kształtowania polityki innowacyjnej. Za punkt wyjścia przyjęto perspektywę interakcjonistyczną. Celem artykułu jest udowodnienie, na podstawie analizy literatury, ważności budowania sieci społecznych o odpowiednich strukturach, dostosowanych do warunków otoczenia, jak również właściwych z punktów widzenia potencjału zasobowego aktorów sieci. Na zakończenie przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę wybranych aspektów działalności centrów transferu technologii (ctt) oraz sformułowano wstępne rekomendacje dla ich przyszłej działalności.
The author analyzes factors which should be examined in order for the foundations for shaping innovation policy be laid. The interactionist view was adopted as a starting point. Based on literature review the paper aims at proving the significance of building of social networks that should have the structure both suitable for environment conditions and justified when taking into account resource potential of actors in network. Finally, a short characteristic of chosen aspects of technology transfer centres’ activities is presented and next initial recommendations for their future operating are made.
One of the most significant phases for automation of communication processes in shipping is building a knowledge base for inference processes. Communication processes include: exchange of information, perception of communication and interaction between navigators. Computing with words has been used to represent inference processes covering imprecise concepts that are characteristic of natural languages. Elements of classical predicate calculus were adopted as a basic form of writing inference rules. Methods for constructing a knowledge base were chosen. The knowledge base architecture was proposed. This article also presents examples of inference rules in a knowledge base for automatic communication in shipping.
Biblioteka KBExpertLib jest nowym, w pełni autorskim pakietem, oprogramowaniem, oferującym większość typowych funkcji jądra szkieletowego systemu ekspertowego Biblioteka pozwala na budowanie systemów ekspertowych z wykorzystaniem języka Java. Celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja właściwości funkcjonalnych biblioteki KBExpertLib oraz wyników badań wydajnościowych najistotniejszy operacji przez nią oferowanych. Eksperymenty są skoncentrowane na badaniu wydajności czasowej podstawowych operacji biblioteki oraz ocenie jej wymagań pamięciowych. W trakcie badań wykorzystywane były rzeczywiste bazy wiedzy, w tym licząca ponad 20 000 reguł.
The KBExpertLib is the originally designed software package which provides most of the expert system shell’s common functions. This library allows to build expert systems using Java programming language. The presentation of the functional properties of the KBExpertLib is the goal of this paper as well as the performance study of basic activities provided by the library. The experimental research are focused on the time efficiency of the basic KBExpertLib operations. The estimation of the memory occupation of the library data structures are also presented. The experiment was performed on the real-world knowledge bases, counting more than 20 000 rules.
Content available System CastExpert do diagnostyki wad odlewów
Prace dotyczące systemu ekspertowego CastExpert prowadzone są w Instytucie Odlewnictwa od wielu lat i obejmowały kolejno: dopracowanie struktury wewnętrznej systemu i procedur diagnostycznych, wzbogacenie bazy wiedzy (w tym wykorzystanie technik multimedialnych), doskonalenie interfejsu użytkownika [1−8]. Najnowsza wersja tego systemu, zrealizowana w wyniku kolejnych modyfikacji, określona jest nazwą CastExpert++. Artykuł opisuje architekturę systemu i sposób działania z perspektywy użytkownika.
The investigations of the CastExpert system have been conducted at the Foundry Research Institute for many years now, including the following: perfecting the internal structure of the system and diagnostic procedures, enriching the knowledge base (including the use of multimedia techniques), perfecting the user interface [1−8], etc. The latest version of this system, developed as a result of further modifications, is named CastExpert++. The article describes the architecture of the system and its functions from the point of view of the user.
This article describes approach to the decision support intelligent systems development based on ontologies as part of such systems knowledge bases. Such systems are classified in terms of their functioning based on ontologies. Mathematical functioning of decision support intelligent systems is developed, which is based on ontologies. The term adaptive ontology is introduced to denote that. The adaptive ontology model is defined as classic model development by adding weights of importance of concepts and relations, stored in ontology.
Content available remote Conditional contradictions in diagnostic knowledge bases
A recognition of the actual technical state of an object is possible by means of diagnostic expert systems. Knowledge bases of such systems are collected by teams of experts and unfortunately they are not free from errors. Identification of errors, and in particular identification of conditional errors is a very hard task. The paper introduces a measure called disagreement level and enabling identification of erroneous data as well as errors in models represented by means of diagnostic knowledge bases.
Our ultimate objective is to create a holistic and reference atlas of the whole adult human brain along with the head and neck. Several techniques have been employed to create atlases. Here we discuss the atlas design and use from a point of view of two key techniques, visualization and interaction. For visualization, surface rendering of a geometrical model of the brain, head and neck is employed. Geometrical model ensures anatomic parcellability, high (sub-pixel) resolution, editibility, extendibility, structure separability, structure-to-structure conflict detection, and integration a knowledge-based content with the atlas. Interaction allows the user to create and explore any region of interest along with its surroundings just with a few clicks, taking into account that the atlas provides a rich set of functions and the number of atlas components is about 3,000. There are seven types of interaction enabling to: select and deselect tissue classes/groups/individual structures, do real-time manipulation, do virtual dissections, select and scroll the original scans, query a structure to get its label or location, get stereotactic coordinates and measure distances, and support other functionality. This design of visualization and interaction provides a fast and easy to use solution, and allows the atlas to run on desktop and mobile iPad and Android-based platforms.
Zastosowanie metod sztucznej inteligencji, a w szczególności sztucznych sieci neuronowych do wykrywania uszkodzeń tłokowego spalinowego silnika okrętowego pozwala na równoległe przetwarzanie sygnałów pomiarowych, oraz na kontrolę przebiegu procesu diagnostycznego. Działanie takie umożliwia również wyeliminowanie skomplikowanych modeli matematycznych i aproksymacji nieliniowości procesów zachodzących w silniku.
Application of artificial intelligence methods, in particular, artificial neural networks for the detection of damage to the marine diesel engine allows parallel processing of measurement signals. It also allows control of the diagnostic process implementation. Such operations eliminate complicated mathematical models and approximations of non-linear processes taking place in the marine diesel engine.
W badaniach podjęto rozważania nad praktycznym wykorzystaniem technologii cyfrowych stosowanych w archeologii, projektowaniu architektonicznym i dyscyplinach pokrewnych do wirtualnej rekonstrukcji średniowiecznej osady odkrytej na dziedzińcu zamkowym w Pułtusku. Przypadek pułtuski jest na tle europejskim wyróżniającym się zjawiskiem tzw. protomiasta. Zastosowane w badaniach technologie parametryczne uznano za uniwersalną metodę wzmacniającą warsztat naukowy.
The research was concerned with the application of information technologies used in archaeology, architecture design and related disciplines to produce a virtual reconstruction of a mediaeval settlement discovered in the castle courtyard in Pułtusk. The Pułtusk settlement stands out in Europe as a case of the so-called proto-city. The parametric technologies applied in the study were found to be a universal method of enhancing research methodology.
In the article a method of actualization the distributed knowledge base of ergatic system using the method of fuzzy classification is proposed. As an example we consider the request choice formation of an alternative of decision-making from the knowledge base, according to the values of the input parameters. Genetic algorithm is used for finding optimal solutions. For automation of calculations MATLAB software package was used.
W pracy zaproponowano metodę aktualizacji rozproszonej bazy wiedzy systemu ergatycznego (system maszyna-człowiek) używając rozmytej klasyfikacji. Rozważono przykłady formułowania zapytań, wybór alternatywnych decyzji z bazy wiedzy, zgodnie z wartościami parametrów wejściowych. Celem znalezienia optymalnych rozwiązań zastosowano algorytmy genetyczne. Do automatyzacji obliczeń zastosowano pakiet MATLAB.
Przedmiotem pracy jest przedstawienie informatycznego systemu wspomagającego proces wieloetapowego podejmowania decyzji w procesie wieloetapowego rozpoznawania obiektów. Przedstawiono ideę rozpoznawania wieloetapowego jako metodę polegającą na dekompozycji problemu decyzyjnego. Przedstawiono charakterystykę drzewa decyzyjnego i ciągu uczącego. Zaprezentowano bazę wiedzy i operacyjną bazę danych do rozpoznawania wieloetapowego. Omówiono współpracę algorytmów rozpoznawania z bazą danych.
The subject of this paper is to present the specificity of computer system for systems of multistage decision making in the process multistage pattern recognition. The paper presents the idea of multi-stage recognition as a method involving the decomposition of the decision problem. The characteristics of the decision tree and the learning sequence are presented. Knowledge base and operational database to a multi-step recognition are presented. Cooperation recognition algorithms to the database are discussed.
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