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Content available remote Induction of decision trees for building knowledge bases of production processes
The article presents the process of acquiring the knowledge based on the induction of decision trees, graphically illustrating the differences between acquiring the knowledge in a traditional way, from the expert, and the process of acquiring the knowledge supported by the machine learning methods. The methods of acquiring the knowledge are discussed and specified. The practical part represents the use of De Treex 4.0 software dedicated to the induction of decision trees, which is a part of the Sphinx 4.0 artificial intelligence package.
W artykule przedstawiono proces pozyskiwania wiedzy w oparciu o indukcję drzew decyzyjnych, w sposób graficzny zilustrowano różnice pomiędzy pozyskiwaniem wiedzy w sposób tradycyjny, od eksperta, a także procesem pozyskiwania wiedzy wspomaganym metodami uczenia maszynowego. Omówiono i wyszczególniono metody pozyskiwania wiedzy. W części praktycznej przedstawiono wykorzystanie oprogramowania DeTreex 4.0 dedykowanego do indukcji drzew decyzyjnych wchodzącego w skład pakietu sztucznej inteligencji Sphinx 4.0.
Current fast development requires continuous improvement of employees’ skills and knowledge. Therefore, companies are looking for the best way for improving the employees’ qualifications and understanding of new concepts and tools which have to be implemented in manufacturing areas. One method employs gamification for this purpose. The aim of this paper is to present how gamification can increase the acquisition of knowledge concerning lean manufacturing concept implementation. Gamification is an active learning approach for people who will understand the subject easier by ‘feeling’ and ‘touching’ personally the analysed problems. The research utilized a questionnaire which assessed the game participants’ engagement level. The assessment focused specifically on the participants’ motivation, cognitive processing and social aspects. The participants were also examined before and after the game in order to assess the increase of their understanding of different lean manufacturing topics and tools. Five different games with different groups of participants were played. The results confirmed the hypothesis that gamification has a positive impact on the knowledge acquisition as well as on motivation, cognitive processing and social aspects. Finally, various insights on how to better design, conduct and utilize gamification in the similar technical context are presented.
Content available remote Knowledge Acquisition Process for a Generative Model Development
Knowledge engineering becomes more frequently seen in engineering practice. The possibility of developing an application which is able to increase speed and quality of for example designers’ work is invaluable useful. The main task of Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) is providing new and intelligent applications to support routine engineering work tasks. To prepare such kind of application it is necessary to go through the procedure of knowledge acquisition and knowledge postprocessing. This process requires a lot of a knowledge engineer work and experience. In this paper authors shown the main things related to knowledge acquisition process in the context of a Generative Model development. Additionally, some new approach to knowledge storage with Microsoft Excel is presented.
The knowledge acquisition model proposed in this paper is designed to assist with the acquisition of knowledge in a company possessing its own maintenance department. The model is built on the basis of knowledge bases. The authors focus on basic information required for maintenance department operation and expert archiving of technical documentation. Three main areas are covered by the model: knowledge acquisition and formalization, knowledge systematization and knowledge retrieval by problem or field. It is assumed that the implementation of the model coupled with an electronic knowledge acquisition report and with an application for information retrieval will bring benefits for the company.
Lexical knowledge sources are indispensable for research, education and general information. The transition of the reference works to the digital world has been a gradual one. This paper discusses the basic principles and structure of knowledge presentation, as well as user access and knowledge acquisition with specific consideration of contributions in German. The ideal reference works of the future should be interactive, optimally adapted to the user, reliable, current and quotable.
Content available Diagnostic shell expert systems
The paper presents the issues related to shell expert systems which are presented from different perspectives among others end-users, knowledge engineers engaged in the acquisition of knowledge and its edition and system administrators. The main characteristic of described shell expert systems is the ability to integrate knowledge from many different sources and an explicit form of representation of acquisited knowledge which allow to permanent maintenance and management of knowledge stored in the knowledge base.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z budową szkieletowych systemów doradczych. Opisano podstawową funkcjonalność takich systemów z różnych perspektyw tj. widzianych od strony użytkownika systemu, inżynierów wiedzy zajmujących się pozyskiwaniem wiedzy i jej edytowaniem oraz administratorów systemu. Główną cechą charakterystyczną opisywanych systemów doradczych jest możliwość integracji wiedzy z wielu źródeł oraz jawna postać pozyskiwanej wiedzy umożliwiająca ciągłą pielęgnację i zarządzanie baz wiedzy szkieletowego systemu doradczego.
This study analyzes the interplay between the characteristics of business strategy implementations and their interaction with different types of knowledge in the manufacturing enterprise. It is based on a survey and data obtained from 119 Polish manufacturing enterprises. This study is innovative in applying the Group Method of Data Handling to the business context. This article develops a framework of achieving the strategy’s goals in terms of the types of knowledge acquisition in a manufacturing company, and further discusses the research results.
W artykule opisano implementację agenta uczącego się zasad panujących w świecie Wumpusa. W realizacji przyjęto założenie, że agent ma ograniczoną wiedzę, ktorą rozwija w miarę poruszania się po lochach. Przedstawione zostały rożne sposoby rozwiązania zagadnienia akwizycji wiedzy oraz podano szczegółowy opis zaimplementowanego algorytmu nauki. Przeprowadzono testy jakościowe wykonanej implementacji oraz dokonano dyskusji osiągniętych rezultatów.
The article describes the implementation of an agent able to learn rules in Wumpus world. The implementation assumes that the agent has limited knowledge, which develops as it is navigating through the dungeons. Various solutions to knowledge acquisition related problems are presented and a detailed description of the implemented learning algorithm is provided. Qualitative tests of the implementation were made followed by the discussion of the achieved results.
Badanie wiedzy jako pewnej wyodrębnionej dziedziny zarządzania przypada na ostatnie dziesięciolecia. Jednym z ważniejszych wniosków wynikających z tych badań jest konstatacja, że współczesna gospodarka nie zmierza do pozyskiwania wiedzy, a pozyskiwania umiejętności. Tymczasem współczesne uniwersytety dostarczają raczej wiedzę, a nie umiejętności.
The last ten years this the time of the research of the knowledge, the distinctly defined field of science. One of the major conclusions formulated based on this research is that, the modern economy is not aimed at knowledge acquisition but rather at the acquiring of the competencies, whereas the modern universities deliver mostly knowledge not the competencies.
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono główne idee systemów ekspertowych. Następnie zaproponowano ogólną koncepcję systemu ekspertowego wspomagającego pozyskiwanie wiedzy faktograficznej. Ponadto, w artykule przedstawiono dwie metody optymalizacji procesu wnioskowania w regułowym systemie ekspertowym.
The first part of the article presents the main ideas of expert systems. Then the author proposes the general concept of the supporting factual knowledge acquisition, which make use of the expert system. Additionally, the article presents, how to optimize the inference process in the rule expert system.
Content available remote Analysis of knowledge sources and processing in the construction area
A presentation of knowledge sources in the construction industry studied amounting to several years of experience. Knowledge is an indispensable element of engineering activity. Its characteristics, like the characteristics of the construction industry, require frequent updating of knowledge, and the knowledge itself is often hidden and not accessible directly. In a certain way, this justifies building knowledge-based support systems as tools for faster, more efficient and prompt functioning in the engineering business. Apart from characteristics of knowledge sources, the article presents the sometimes critical overview of methods for acquiring and further processing such knowledge. The usefulness of knowledge acquisition methods tested by the author largely depend on the source itself, as well as the form and content of this knowledge.
Zaprezentowano przeanalizowane na przestrzeni kilkuletnich doświadczeń źródła wiedzy w budownictwie. Wiedza jest niezbędnym elementem działalności inżynierskiej. Zarówno jej specyfika, jak i specyfika budownictwa wymaga częstych aktualizacji wiedzy, a ona sama jest częstokroć ukryta i niedostępna w formie bezpośredniej. Uzasadnia to budowę systemów wspomagających opartych na wiedzy, pozwalających na szybsze, efektywniejsze i sprawniejsze funkcjonowanie w działalności inżynierskiej. Oprócz charakterystyki źródeł wiedzy artykuł przedstawia krytyczne spojrzenie na metody pozyskiwania wiedzy oraz jej dalszego przetwarzania. Użyteczność przetestowanych przez autora metod pozyskiwania wiedzy w dużym stopniu zależy od samego jej źródła, a także od jej formy oraz zawartości.
Dane przemysłowe uzyskane w wyniku rutynowych kontroli procesów technologicznych i ich produktów, zgromadzone w formie elektronicznej, są cennym źródłem wiedzy technologicznej przydatnej w modelowaniu, symulacji, sterowaniu, czy kontroli jakości procesów. Jeśli dane są obiektywne, to środkiem do podejmowania właściwych decyzji może być statystyka matematyczna. W pracy pokazano złożoność procesu pozyskiwania wiedzy z danych przemysłowych. Zaprezentowano metody i instrumenty oraz wyniki analizy statystycznej, której celem była ocena procesu wielkopiecowego. Analiza wybranych parametrów upoważnia do sformułowania następującej tezy: w badanym okresie wielkość produkcji dobowej wielkiego pieca była stabilna, natomiast brak stabilności stwierdzono dla parametrów charakteryzujących jakość surówki żelaza: zawartości w niej krzemu i temperatury spustu.
Industrial data obtained as a result of a routine control of industrial processes and their products gathered in the electronic form are a valuable source of the technological knowledge useful in modeling, simulation, guidance and control of the quality processes. If data are objective, then the mathematical statistics is a measure for making the right decisions. The specific outcomes of applying the chosen methods of the mathematical statistics for acquiring knowledge of the quality of the blast-furnace process were presented. A complexity of the process of gaining knowledge from industrial data as well as the applied methods and instruments were shown. The analysis results of the variable daily production of the blast furnace are pointing at the stability of the process in the analyzed period. However, a lack of the statistical stability of parameters of the product quality, that is, silicon contents in the pig iron and temperatures of its trigger, were established.
Content available remote Zasada działania i wybrane zastosowania poszerzonej rzeczywistości
W artykule omówiono podstawowe zasady funkcjonowania systemów Poszerzonej Rzeczywistości, a także możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania w procesach zdobywania i organizowania wiedzy implementowanych między innymi we współczesnych strukturach wojskowych.
This paper surveys the basic concepts of Augmented Reality, it’s capabilities and practical examples of implementation in knowledge acquisition and organization processes which are used, inter alia, in contemporary army structures.
A Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. Knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game that has been implemented on a web server, demonstrates elementary linguistic competencies based on lexical knowledge stored in semantic memory, enabling at the same time acquisition and validation of knowledge. Possible applications of the algorithm in domains of medical diagnosis and information retrieval are sketched.
Content available remote Engineering intelligent systems on the knowledge formalization continuum
In spite of their industrial success, the development of intelligent systems is still a complex and risky task. When building intelligent systems, we see that domain knowledge is often present at different levels of formalization-ranging from text documents to explicit rules. In this paper, we describe the knowledge formalization continuum as a metaphor to help domain specialists during the knowledge acquisition phase. To make use of the knowledge formalization continuum, the agile use of knowledge representations within a knowledge engineering project is proposed, as well as transitions between the different representations, when required. We show that a semantic wiki is a flexible tool for engineering knowledge on the knowledge formalization continuum. Case studies are taken from one industrial and one academic project, and they illustrate the applicability and benefits of semantic wikis in combination with the knowledge formalization continuum.
W pracy przedstawiono pewną koncepcję systemu ekspertowego o nazwie LOGISTER wspomagającego organizację pracy firmy spedycyjnej. Podano podstawowe założenia budowy oraz opis funkcjonowania tego systemu. Wiedza zgromadzona w bazie wiedzy systemu reprezentowana jest przez reguły i fakty, a pozyskiwanie wiedzy odbywa się na bieżąco w trakcie pracy systemu. Zrealizowana została implementacja komputerowa zaproponowanego systemu LOGISTER i zaprezentowano przebieg procesu wnioskowania.
This paper presents certain concept of expert system, called LOGISTER, which supports work organization in logistic company. Fundamental establishments of systems construction and functional description of that system is presented. Knowledge gathered in systems knowledge base is formed as rules and facts and its acquisition is ad hoc operation. Implementation of presented LOGISTER system was accomplished and course of reasonning process was considered.
This paper summarizes our preliminary experiences with implementing some of the ideas lying behind the concept of creative environment. Research group at the National Institute of Telecommunications has developed a prototype framework for collaborative knowledge acquisition and sharing, called PrOnto. At the moment the artifacts we organize and share are typical sources of scientific knowledge, namely journal papers and web pages. In PrOnto we introduce two interrelated explicit levels of knowledge representation: keywords and ontological concepts. Each user of the framework maintains his own ontological profile, consisting of concepts and each concept is, in turn, by subjective user's decision, related to a set of weighted keywords that define its meaning. Furthermore, dedicated indexing engine is responsible for objectively establishing correspondence between documents and keywords, or in other words, the measure of representativeness of the keyword to document's content. Developing an appropriate knowledge model is a preliminary step to share it efficiently. We believe that higher level representation facilitates exploration of other people's areas of interest. PrOnto gives an opportunity to browse knowledge artifacts from the conceptual point of view of any user registered in the system. The paper presents the ideas behind the PrOnto framework, gives an outline of its components and finalizes with a number of conclusions and proposals for futuren enhancements.
A concept of knowledge acquisition system for the needs of diagnostic of rotor machines was presented in the article. The concept was developed on assumption that knowledge would be acquired inductively through analysis of measure and simulative data. The founding of the system was considered. The architecture was particularly described and example of its application was provided, as well.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu pozyskiwania wiedzy dla potrzeb diagnostyki maszyn wirnikowych. Koncepcję opracowano przyjmując założenie, że wiedza będzie pozyskiwana w sposób indukcyjny poprzez analizę danych pomiarowych lub symulacyjnych. Omówiono genezę powstania systemu. Szczegółowo opisano architekturę oraz pokazano przykład zastosowania.
An application was developed in collaborations with 4C lab in the University of Applied Science in Cologne with its industrial partner. The goal of the application was to support the designer in designing of trim steels for dies’ non-cutting shape forming. This paper describes the process of building the application from knowledge acquisition up to application distribution. Three different environments were involved in process of building the application (CATIA V5 as CAD Package, Visual Basic for application developing and Unified Model Language as Language for the Knowledge Representation).
The paper presents analysis of possible ship's safety improvement in confined waters with the use of an expert system for navigator's decision support, constructed on the grounds of the knowledge base of gathered manoeuvres for a given type of ship, loading and hydrometeorological condition. The system generates results of encountered decision problems in the form of information about proposed adjustments of main engine, helm and tugs controls and future trajectory presented by means of panoramic graphic interface equivalent to vector large scale ENC and text interface of commands.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa statku na akwenie ograniczonym stosując ekspertowy system wspomagania nawigacyjnego zbudowany na podstawie bazy wiedzy zebranych manewrów dla danego typu statku w określonym stanie załadowania i warunkach hydrometeorologicznych. System generuje wyniki rozwiązań problemów decyzyjnych w formie informacji o proponowanej nastawie maszyny głównej i steru, kącie i nastawie uciągu liny holowniczej oraz przyszłej trajektorii. Wyniki prezentowane są przy pomocy panoramicznego interfejsu graficznego odpowiadającego mapie wektorowej o dużej skali oraz interfejsu tekstowego komend.
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