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This paper investigates information potential contained in tropospheric delay product for selected International GNSS Service (IGS) stations in climatologic research. Long time series of daily averaged Integrated Precipitable Water (IPW) can serve as climate indicator. The seasonal model of IPW change has been adjusted to the multi-year series (by the least square method). Author applied two modes: sinusoidal and composite (two or more oscillations). Even simple sinusoidal seasonal model (of daily IPW values series) clearly represents diversity of world climates. Residuals in periods from 10 up to 17 years are searched for some long-term IPW trend – self-evident climate change indicator. Results are ambiguous: for some stations or periods IPW trends are quite clear, the following years (or the other station) not visible. Method of fitting linear trend to IPW series does not influence considerably the value of linear trend. The results are mostly influenced by series length, completeness and data (e.g. meteorological) quality. The longer and more homogenous IPW series, the better chance to estimate the magnitude of climatologic IPW changes.
1. stycznia 1938 r. rozpoczęło działalność nowoczesne Wysokogórskie Obserwatorium Meteorologiczne (WOM) na Kasprowym Wierchu w polskich Tatrach. Inicjatorem budowy WOM był inż. Jean L u g e o n (1898-1976), szwajcarski meteorolog, fizyk atmosfery i hydrolog, profesor Politechniki w Zurichu, a w latach 1929-1936 dyrektor Państwowego Instytutu Meteorologicznego w Warszawie. Budowa WOM została powiązana z budową kolejki linowej Kuźnice – Myślenickie Turnie – Kasprowy Wierch. Granitowy gmach WOM zaprojektowali słynni warszawscy architekci Anna (1901-1944) i Aleksander (1898-1973) Kodelscy. Pierwszym kierownikiem WOM został geofizyk dr Edward Stenz (1897-1956). Realizowany program badań początkowo obejmował spostrzeżenia meteorologiczne i klimatologiczne, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem opadów atmosferycznych, zlodzenia, pokrywy śnieżnej, promieniowania słonecznego i zjawisk optycznych. Wybuch II wojny światowej we wrześniu 1939 r. przerwał doskonale rozwijającą się pracę WOM. Stację przejęło niemieckie lotnictwo wojskowe (Luftwaffe) i przez lat 5 wykorzystywało ją do własnych celów. Pod koniec wojny aparatura pomiarowa została zniszczona. WOM „Kasprowy Wierch” wznowiło działalność 1 czerwca 1945 r.
On January 1, 1938 began operating a modern Mountain (Alpine) Meteorological Observatory (MMO) at the peak called “Kasprowy Wierch” in the Polish Tatra Mountains. The initiator of the construction of the MMO was Jean Lugeon (1898-1976), Swiss meteorologist and physicist of the atmosphere, a professor of the Technical University of Zurich; in the years 1929-1936 the head of the State Meteorological Institute in Warsaw also. The build of MMO has been correlated with the construction of the aerial cable car from Zakopane (Kuźnice) to “Myslenickie Turnie” and Kasprowy Wierch (Kasprowy Peak). The granite building was designed by famous Warsaw architects, married Anne (1901-1944) and Alexander (1898-1973) Kodelski. The first chief of MMO was geophysicist Dr. Edward Stenz (1897-1956). Implemented a research program initially covered climate and meteorologic observations with particular emphasis on precipitation, ice cover, snow cover, solar radiation and optical atmospheric phenomena. The outbreak of Second World War in September 1939, interrupted the activity of developing prosperous MMO. This station was taken by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) and 5 years have used it for their military purposes. At the end of the war meteorological research equipment was destroyed. June 1, 1945 the “Kasprowy Wierch” MMO resumed operations.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę cytowań artykułów opublikowanych w 24 tomach rocznika „Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej” w latach 1992-2014 opracowaną na podstawie bazy Web of Science i serwisu naukowo-informacyjnego Google Scholar. Przeprowadzono również kwerendę takich cytowań w polskich publikacjach zwartych z zakresu geografii fizycznej, ekologii i biologii. Analizy ujawniły dużą liczbę cytowań w czasopismach z tzw. Listy Filadelfijskiej (164) i bardzo dużą liczbę cytowań w czasopismach i wydawnictwach polskich.
The paper presents an analysis of citations of articles published in the yearbook ‘Problems of Polar Climatology’ for the period 1992-2014 developed on the basis of Web of Science and Google Scholar scientific- information service. A query of such citations in Polish shorted publications was also carried out in the field of physical geography, ecology and biology. The Journal is indexed by "Cold Regions Bibliography" and Polish "BazTech". 272 articles by 104 authors were published in 24 volumes of ‘Problems of Polar Climatology’. Research problems of vast majority of works related to the Arctic, including, in particular, Svalbard (133 articles), which was the focus of Polish scientists’ research activities. Issues relating to the Antarctic were discussed in 66 articles and focused mainly on the characteristics of different climatic elements and weather processes in the area of Arctowski Station in the South Shetland Islands. The analysis revealed a large number of citations (164) in journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (Table 1) and a very large number of citations in Polish journals (705) and publications (441) – Table 4. Taking into account very large number of citations, thematically narrow profile of journals and a relatively small group of authors dealing with issues of polar meteorology and climatology in Poland, it can be concluded that this magazine plays an important role in spreading research achievements in this field.
Content available Badania polarne Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni
W pracy omówiono tematykę badań prowadzonych przez pracowników Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej/Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni w wysokich szerokościach półkul północnej i południowej. W latach 1975-2015 pracownicy tej uczelni opublikowali łącznie 231 artykułów, komunikatów i sprawozdań oraz 14 pozycji książkowych o charakterze monograficznym dotyczących różnych aspektów badań polarnych. Wśród tych prac 142 pozycje dotyczyły Arktyki i 103 pozycje – Antarktyki. Podstawowa problematyka badawcza obejmowała zagadnienia zmienności i zmian warunków hydroklimatycznych w Arktyce i Antarktyce, kształtowania się warunków lodowych i problemów żeglugi w lodach oraz zagadnień uprawiania żeglugi w rejonach słabo rozpoznanych pod względem nawigacyjnym, w tym badań dotyczących batymetrii dna i geomorfologii wybrzeży. Artykuł zawiera jako załącznik bibliografię prac polarnych pracowników Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej i Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni.
The paper discusses topics of research conducted by the staff of the Gdynia Maritime University in the high latitudes of northern and southern hemispheres. In the years 1975-2015 the employees of the university have published a total of 231 articles, communications and reports and 14 books of monographic covering various aspects of polar research. Among the 142 works related to the Arctic positions and 103 positions – Antarctica. The basic research problems included issues variability and change hydro-climatic conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic, the formation of ice conditions and navigation in ice problems and issues of navigation in areas poorly recognized in terms of navigation, including research on the bottom bathymetry and geomorphology coasts. The article includes as an annex a bibliography of works polar employees Gdynia Maritime University.
The paper aims to present the structure of weather types at two meteorological stations Galle and Nuwara Eliya (Sri Lanka). The weather type is determined as a generalized characteristic of the weather by features and gradation of selected meteorological elements. All available data on daily average, maximum and minimum air temperature, the average daily total cloud amount and the daily precipitation amount come from OGIMET database and have been used to designate weather types. The analysis was performed for the period April 2002 - March 2012. The weather types were designated based on the modified A. Woś (2010) classification of weather types. The frequency of groups, subgroups, classes, and types of weather were determined. Additionally, determined frequency of sequences of days with the same weather type. The analysis allows to conclude, that the structure of weather types at both stations was poorly differentiated. There were very stable weather conditions. In Galle, the most frequent was very warm, partly cloudy weather, without precipitation (920) and in Nuwara Eliya warm, partly cloudy weather without precipitation (820).
W artykule przedstawiono próbę nowego spojrzenia na warunki klimatyczne w Polsce w aspekcie projektowania urządzeń wentylacyjnych i klimatyzacyjnych. Na klimat w naszym kraju wpływa wiele czynników i w okresie ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat zauważa się wyraźne zmiany warunków zewnętrznych. W związku z koniecznością certyfikacji energetycznej budynków w Polsce zostały opublikowane bogate informacje na temat parametrów powietrza zewnętrznego, zebrane w latach 1970-2000, pochodzące z wielu stacji pomiarowych. Na podstawie danych wybranych z kilkudziesięciu stacji meteorologicznych podjęto próbę sprawdzenia jak te informacje mają się do starszych publikacji na ten temat oraz danych zawartych w normie PN-76/B-03420 Wentylacja i klimatyzacja. Parametry obliczeniowe powietrza zewnętrznego.
A new perspective on climatic condition in Poland is presented, in the context of ventilation and air-conditioning system design. Climate in Poland is influenced by many factors; within the last few decades, there has been a marked change in outside climate conditions. Based on a wealth of data on outside air parameters for the period of 1970-2000, collected from various gauge stations in Poland for the purpose of energy certification of buildings, the current parameter trends of outside air were compared with past reports on the subject, as well as with guidelines of the PN-76/B-03420 Ventilation and air-conditioning. Outside air computing parameters.
In the paper, the problem of application of explanatory variables in the spatialisation methods is presented. The analysis was performed for the territory of Poland with respect to 3 main climate parameters: air temperature, precipitation totals and general cloudiness. Elaboration of meteorological/ climatological maps is a complicated task. It requires careful and detailed analysis of respective element fields and thorough knowledge of physical processes connected with the complexity of geographical environment. Simultaneously, the application of additional explanatory variables (such as altitude, aspect, land use, relative height, etc.) is highly recommended. There is no one universal spatialisation method and one explanatory variable relevant for different climatological problems and for different spatial and temporal scales. Each element and resolution requires individual approach. It was found that residual kriging is the best solution for monthly and seasonal means of air temperature and precipitation totals. Spatialisation of the precipitation totals is particularly difficult due to its highly temporal and spatial differentiation. However, for both elements and also for cloudiness the application of altitude usually improves spatialisation results. It is especially recommended for seasonal values and for larger areas. The application of circulation types . as the main predictor - usually improves spatialisation of the daily values for most climatic elements. However, the use of some non.advective types does not improve results. Maybe the application of some additional explanatory parameters should be considered (e.g. humidity, vertical profiles, air masses types, etc).
The main objective of the study is to present spatial and temporal methods in climatology using GIS techniques. The study is mainly based on the examples of climatological elements from the territory of Poland. Simultaneously, many examples from world literature were cited. Special importance of the European Union/European Science Foundation programme COST 719 .The use of GIS in climatology and meteorology. was stressed. First, a review of contemporary studies is presented with explanation of some terms such as .interpolation. and .spatialisation.. The principle features of the GIS, digital maps and spatial analyses were discussed. Spatialisation problems were explained on the Polish examples with special attention paid to the air temperature and precipitation. That was done with the reference to some European results. All mentioned studies clearly confirmed that there is no one universal spatialisation method efficient enough for all climatological elements. Moreover, each spatial and temporal scale may require application of other spatialisation method. Usually, the best results can be achieved with the application of methods using additional explanatory variables such as residual kriging, cokriging or multiple regression. Different geographic parameters, including elevation, latitude, longitude, land cover etc. can be used as the predictor variables for the spatialisation. When one can not find them and the coherence between analysing parameter and other variables is unknown application of ordinary kriging is recommended in the first step. The study confirms that application of circulation types as the main additional predictor (i.e. synoptic climatology method) together with GIS techniques e.g. residual kriging is a useful and promising tool for constructing climate maps at different temporal and spatial scales. The results show that climatological studies with this kind of methodological approach may have a prior cognitive as well as a practical importance. Using the .Grosswetterlagen. calendar of circulation types for this purpose for the territory of Poland has shown that each type causes a slightly different spatial distribution of e.g. air temperature both in winter and summer. Finally, there are some examples presenting GIS tools for the purposes of temporal analyses. They enable an easy calculation and display of the area with specified climatic conditions and constructing diagrams for the climate monitoring purposes. Gridded approach is strongly recommended as a promising tool for the studies with different spatial and temporal scales.
Content available remote Wykorzystanie GIS w meteorologii, klimatologii i hydrologii
GIS is a widely used tool in environmental issues. However, the operational use of GIS in meteorology is not yet very popular. This results from historical reasons as well as from the fact that the classic GIS packages are not well adapted to the needs of the atmospheric sciences. In the paper, problems of hydro-meteorological and geographic data integration are presented. Examples illustrate the possibilities of using GIS in meteorology, climatology and hydrology.
Content available remote Działalność naukowa Eugeniusza Romera w dziedzinie klimatologii (wyjątki)
Eugeniusz Romer (1871-1954) was the Polish geographer - primarily the cartographer and the climatologist. In 1955 his former student professor Aleksander Kosiba (1901-1981) wrote the article about scientific activity of E. Romer in the field of climatology. The present paper is the reprint of the fragments of mentioned article.
In the paper are presented examples of regionalisation, typology and delimiting climatic seasons, completed with chosen cluster analysis methods: K-means, Ward's and Wroclaw dendrite. The methods were used to distinguish atmospheric circulation regions on the Northern hemisphere, thunderstorm regions and sulphur dioxide pollution regions in Poland, and snow-cover regions in North-Western Poland. Moreover, atmospheric circulation seasons, skiing seasons and thermal seasons were defined. The methods were also used for typology of thermal structure in the air layer near the ground, and for an attempt to define the relations between physical-chemical features of precipitation and meteorological conditions. The presented examples prove that it is possible to approach the problems of regionalisation and typology in climatology in a new way, namely without a priori assumptions, without imposing at the beginning the elements determining the spatial pattern of a phenomena. Additionally, it is very important that such an analysis requires from the researcher independence, responsibility and lot of criticism while interpreting the results, especially using non-hierarchical methods. Finally, the presented methods allow us to obtain the image of both spatial and temporal differentiation of chosen elements.
Ukraińska Stacja Antarktyczna "Vernadsky" (65°14?S, 64°17°W) usytuowana jest na Galindez Island w archipelagu Argentine Islands, około 8 km od zachodnich wybrzeży Półwyspu Antarktycznego. Od 1996 roku stacja pracuje pod obecną nazwą, poprzednio jako angielska stacja Faraday (1977-1996) i Base F (Argentine Island) od 1947 roku, co daje jeden z najdłuższych ciągów obserwacyjnych w Antarktyce. Na stacji obserwowany jest wzrost wartości średniej rocznej temperatury powietrza (MAT). Najchłod-niejsze były lata 50.te, największe ocieplenie rejestrowano w dekadzie lat 1980-1990. W ostatnich latach obserwuje się pewną stabilizację wzrostu temperatury średniej rocznej, która lokuje się w wąskim przedziale od -1.7° do -3.7°C. Zmienność średniej rocznej wynika głównie ze zmienności temperatury miesięcy zimowych. Obserwowany dodatni trend temperatury jest wynikiem cieplejszych zim w ostatnich latach. Zimy surowe występują nieregularnie, ostatnią notowano w 1987 roku. W okresie 1988-2002 nie odnotowano średniej miesięcznej temperatury powietrza niższej niż -10°C. Lokalne warunki stacji Vernadsky wpływają na dużą częstość sytuacji z efektami fenowymi, które występują głównie podczas przemieszczania się cyklonów z NW lub W. Większość przypadków temperatur maksymalnych na stacji notowana jest w takich właśnie przypadkach. Sytuacje synoptyczne z blokadą wysokiego ciśnienia występujące w ostatnich dwóch latach stanowiły 7-10%, w niektórych miesiącach zimowych osiągając znaczącą frekwencję (25-30%). Przykład sytuacji z wyżem blokującym przedstawia rysunek 2. W takich warunkach (rys. 3 i 4A) na stacji obserwuje się zazwyczaj znaczące, kilkudniowe spadki temperatury powietrza. Sytuacje blokadowe często występują również w marcu. W marcu 2000 roku w takich warunkach obserwowano znaczący spadek ilości ozonu (rys. 5), nieomal do poziomu charakterystycznego dla końca zimy.
Dynamical properties of two simple models derived from the equations of physics of the atmosphere are investigated in this paper. Attention was paid to the structure of attraction sets (especially to their borders) of the attractors existing in the models. The influence of precision of the integrating procedures' on some of the attractors identification was investigated. The mechanism of destroying a strange attractor (by the nonlinear resonance) in a Lorenz system with thermal forcing was found.
The COST Action 719 has started in 2001 and presently 20 European countries are participating. There are manifold objectives of the Action, however, the main aspects such as establishing interfaces between GIS and meteorological data, assessing the availability, contents and accessibility of meteorological and climatological data sets,, encouraging and fostering European co-operation should be mentioned. The tasks are carried out within three working groups concentrated on tasks such as data access and availability, methods of spatial interpolation and developing recommendations for standardised GIS applications. The applications which have been already adopted are mainly focusing on three parameters, i.e. precipitation, temperature and energy balance for which three so-called Demo projects have been formulated. It is expected to achieve better and more cost-effective production of state of the art meteorological and climatological information. Also an improvement of the co-operation between European countries in the application of GIS in the field of meteorology, climatology and environmental sciences should be achieved together with better trained personnel within the operational and scientific divisions of National Meteorological Services. Additionally some tasks such as the development of a visualisation system for climate data sets for Internet application are under preparation. The paper provides the information concerning the work progress on demo projects made within COST 719.
Akcja COST 719 rozpoczęła się w 2001 roku i obecnie zrzesza 20 krajów europejskich. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują zadania Akcji takie jak: Określenie dostępności i zawartości baz danych meteorologicznych oraz klimatologicznych, wzmacnianie współpracy europejskiej w rozwijaniu zastosowań GIS w badaniach meteorologicznych i klimatologicznych oraz zacieśnienie kontaktów pomiędzy Narodowymi Służbami Meteorologicznymi, środowiskiem naukowym a przemysłem GIS. W wyniku działania Akcji spodziewane jest sprawniejsze przygotowanie i prezentacji informacji meteorologicznej, a także klimatologicznej z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych metod GIS, rozwijanie europejskiej współpracy w zakresie zastosowań GIS w meteorologii, klimatologii i innych dyscyplinach badania środowiska oraz dobrze wyszkolony personel w operacyjnych i naukowych komórkach służb narodowych. Zadania te realizowane są w ramach trzech grup roboczych. Grupa pierwsza zajmuje się określeniem dostępności i osiągalności wszelkich danych, monitoringiem rozwoju technologii GIS. Druga grupa robocza koncentruje się na badaniach metod interpolacji przestrzennej. Natomiast trzecia grupa robocza opracowuje rekomendacje standardowych zastosowań GIS. W przygotowywanych zastosowaniach skoncentrowano się na trzech parametrach meteorologicz-nych, tj. opad, temperatura i bilans energetyczny. Sformułowano trzy przykładowe projekty: „Rozkład przestrzenny opadu na podstawie danych satelitarnych, numerycznych i naziemnych (synoptyczne i klimatologiczne)”, „Rozkład przestrzenny temperatur w rejonie Alp” oraz „Bilans Energii: Prognoza temperatury nawierzchni dróg”. Dodatkowo opracowywane są systemy umożliwiające internetową wizualizację danych klimatologicznych. Praca prezentuje stan zaawansowania projektów demonstracyjnych w ramach Akcji COST 719.
Content available remote Trwałe typy pogody na Stacji H. Arctowskiego
The climate surrounding Arctowski's Station is characterised by extremely large changeability of weather conditions appearing during the year and subsequent years. Changeability in the annual structure of weather types is manifested in a large number of observed weather types. On 197 different weather types were recorded in the analized period of 15 years. This number however; changes from 120 in 1981 to 174 in 1984 and 1988. No statistical dependence has been confirmed between the number of weather types in a given year and the average and extreme annual air temperatures and average annual data in air pressure. Extremely large number of weather types can by noted during winter period. The analysis of the drawing #1 demonstrates that at Arctowski's Station there are periods in which changeability decreases while the frequency of weather types increases. These types appear at the same time almost every year and their frequency states significance of “stable types of weather”. These "stable types of weather" can be observed from December until April (especially during the long day). The weather is characterised by a large or total cloudiness, rainfall and a slight wind speed, however; weather with strong winds can by recorded as well.
Content available remote Zachmurzenie w Krakowie (1906-1995)
The study aims at presenting extreme long-period, annual and diurnal cloud amount values in Kraków on the basis of 90-year records. Cloud data were taken from climatological observations made at Department of Climatology, Institute of Geography, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, in the years 1906-1995. For the biggest cloud amount the highest annual average was 78% and occurred in the years [94] and 1952, with St clouds dominating in the cloud structure. The highest monthly average was in December (81%), with As and St clouds dominating. An absolute maximum (98%) occurred in December 1959. The highest diurnal average was at noon, when convective Cu clouds were developing . For the smallest cloud amount the lowest annual average was 56% and occurred in 1982. The highest number of cloudless days (27) was observed in 1990 and the largest numbers of cases of cloudless sky were observed during the last 10 years, most often in September, particularly in 1992 The lowest monthly mean was in August (59%), but the absolute minimum (32%) occurred in March 1921. Cloudless sky was observed most often in October in the evening, the highest number of such observations (16) occurred in the year 1990. Cloudiness conditions in Krakow depend mainly on macroscale circulation processes and are modified by the loval influences only to a little extent. The changes of cloudiness show the same character of tendency and values as those in Central Europe.
Content available remote Układy baryczne w modelach propagacji zanieczyszczeń powietrza
W większości modeli wykorzystywanych do prognozy zanieczyszczeń predyktorami obok emisjii tych zanieczyszczeń, są elementy i zjawiska meteorologiczne. Wartości tych elementów i zjawisk są związane z wielkoskalowymi procesami pogodotwórczymi reprezentowanymi przez formy pola barycznego, fronty atmosferyczne i równowagę termiczną napływających mas powietrznych. Uzupełnienie danych analizą stanu atmosfery w układach barycznych, prognozą położenia i ruchu frontów atmosferycznych, prognozą elementów i zjawisk, może pozytywnie wpływać na wiarygodność opracowań modelowych oraz poprawę prognozy propagacji zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
In the majority of models used for forecast of the predictor pollution, apart of the pollution emission, the meteorology elements and phenomena occur. The values of elements and phenomena are connected with the high-scale weather determining processes represented by barric field forms, atmospheric fronts and thermal equilibrium of flowing air mass. Complement of data by analysis of atmosphere state in the basic systems, forecasting the position and motion of atmospheric fronts, forecasting the elements and processes can reasonably influence on the improving the forecasting of the air pollution propagation.
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