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w słowach kluczowych:  ionospheric monitoring
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Content available remote Autoscala: an aid for different ionosondes
Autoscala is a software to automatically scale ionospheric characteristics from an ionogram. Initially it was only applied to the ionograms recorded by the AIS-INGV ionosondes installed at Rome and Gibilmanna (Italy), and Tucumán (Argentina), that are not able to record the polarization of the received echo. Recently, Autoscala was also applied to the ionograms recorded by the AIS-Parus ionosonde installed at Moscow (Russia), that is not able to tag the received echo in terms of polarization, and by the VISRC2 ionosonde installed at Warsaw (Poland) that is instead able to perform the polarization tagging of the ordinary and extraordinary echoes. This work shows different examples of processing performed on ionograms recorded by all these three different types of ionosondes.
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