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The paper deals with the topic of social responsibility in selected organizations in the Czech Republic. This topic is mainly associated with the requirements for economical and ecological production. In reality, however, this area has a much broader meaning. In the introduction, the paper deals with the definition of corporate social responsibility, the importance of this industry, the description of stake-holders and the basic principles of the whole concept. Furthermore, the paper deals with the benefits of implementing corporate social responsibility in the overall concept of the organization and describes the most common barriers to the adoption of the concept of CSR in organizations. The next part analyses the current attitude of organizations to CSR in the form of a questionnaire survey. Organizations from various areas of the private as well as the public sector were involved in the survey. The questionnaire is divided into three groups within the questions asked to the respondents. The first part of the questions is focused on the identification of organizations, focus size and other information. The second part focuses on awareness of corporate social responsibility and the last part deals with issues related to strengthening awareness of CSR.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane modele systemów zarządzania opisane w normach międzynarodowych możliwe do wykorzystania w instytucjach szkolnictwa wyższego. Systemy te mogą stanowić bowiem korzystną alternatywę dla obarczonych wieloma mankamentami mechanizmów przyjmowanych przez kadrę kierowniczą uczelni w odniesieniu do kluczowych procesów tych instytucji.
The article presents selected models of management systems described in international standards that can be used in higher education institutions. These systems can be a beneficial alternative to the mechanisms that are burdened with many shortcomings, adopted by the management of universities in relation to the key processes of these institutions.
Background: In practice, the developers focus is on early identification of the functional requirements (FR) allocated to software, while the system non-functional requirements (NFRs) are left to be specified and detailed much later in the development lifecycle. Aim: A standards-based model of system performance NFRs for early identification and measurement of FR-related performance of software functions. Method: 1) Analysis of performance NFR in IEEE and ECSS standards and the modeling of the identified system/software performance functions using Softgoal Interdependency Graphs. 2) Application of the COSMIC-FSM method (e.g., ISO 19761) to measure the functional size of the performance requirements allocated to software functions. 3) Use of the COSMIC-SOA guideline to tailor this framework to service-oriented architecture (SOA) for performance requirements specification and measurement. 4) Illustration of the applicability of the proposed approach for specification and measurement of system performance NFR allocated to the software for an automated teller machine (ATM) in an SOA context. Results: A standards-based framework for identifying, specifying and measuring NFR system performance of software functions. Conclusion: Such a standards-based system performance reference framework at the function and service levels can be used early in the lifecycle by software developers to identify, specify and measure performance NFR.
Content available remote Development and Standardization of Intelligent Transport Systems
The paper refers to theoretical basis and history of Intelligent Transport Systems. The first term telematics was created in 1978, then transport telematics in 1990 and term - Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems (ITS) were approved in USA and Japan in 1991 and in Europe in 1994 on the world ITS Congress in France. The development and standardization of Intelligent Transportation Systems has been presented. ITS standardization in Europe is dealt with by the following institutions: CEN, ETSI and CENELEC. Furthermore standards of the applications of maritime intelligent transport systems have been presented including maritime Management and Information Systems, sea environment and interactive data on-line networks, ship integrated decision support systems, Advanced maritime navigation services, automatic identification, tracking and monitoring of vessels, as well as safety purposes.
W artykule zaprezentowano Common Information Model CIM, opracowany w Electric Power Research Institute EPRI w USA. Model ten wypełnia brak uniwersalnego języka opisu topologii i stanu sieci elektroenergetycznej. Stworzony został na potrzeby integracji narzędzi stosowanych przez podmioty sektora elektroenergetycznego. CIM wykorzystuje RDF Schema Definition (RDFS) i RDF. Na tle tego standardu przedstawiono własny zestaw pojęć mapujący metaontologię systemu elektroenergetycznego na potrzeby integracji programów obliczeniowych. Zaproponowano także pewne modyfikacje modelu CIM.
In power sector it was necessary to find a data exchange standard for addressing the operational model exchange needs. Good example of model exchange format is Common Information Model CIM from Electric Power Research Institute EPRI in USA. The CIM is UML designed model which is translated to XML schema as implementation of RDF Schema Definition (RDFS). Against a background of CIM the own model exchange format was presented as XML Schema definition. This XML definition could be used for mapping meta-ontology for integration of Polish Power System with CIM models of neighboring systems. In the paper were presented also some suggestions to CIM development.
The possibilities of using newly developed nano- and micro-thin films in biomedicine are intensively studied at the present time. Many research institutions are looking for ways to evaluate mechanical properties of these films. One of the most important and frequently studied characteristics is practical adhesion. A very important method for evaluating the practical adhesion strength is scratch test. Often, however, the research teams use a method based on the disunity evaluation of adhesion of biocompatible surface layer. This makes the quantitative comparison of research results impossible. We designed and tested new evaluation method and procedure based on international standards in order to eliminate these problems. This article is aimed at showing the new possibility of using established standards for evaluating adhesion of nano- and micro-thin biocompatible films and at showing the application of the standards to evaluate the often studied DLC biocompatible layers. The thickness of the film was 470 nm. As a substrate a titanium alloy Ti6Al4V was used.
Content available remote Standard for Quality Assurance: the Case of Philippine Maritime College
Higher education is challenged to be responsive to the current demands of quality education through the translation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that conform to internationally accepted standards. SCTW ’95 mandates that maritime academies should ensure the development of competent manpower for maritime industry. John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime College has articulated adherence and compliance with ISO series of standards for Maritime Academies in the Philippines. This study evaluated the extent of deployment of QSS in eight key areas and its implication to the International Shipping Industry. Findings re-vealed that JBLFMC has a very high extent of deployment in all areas of QSS that indicates an extensive implementation of its processes, procedures and services. A remarkable implication signifies the global compet-itiveness of the graduates and an assurance of a world-class workforce trained in the academe with total quality system, committed to meet the challenges of the maritime industry.
W artykule przedstawiono rozszerzenia funkcjonalne kompleksu Finansowo Księgowego - system SZYK2/KFK, wdrożonego we wszystkich spółkach węglowych, wspierającego obsługę obszaru rachunkowości formalnej i zarządczej, o rozwiązania wspierające zarządzanie aktywami z uwzględnieniem zasad MSR i MSSF. Zaprezentowano rozwiązania systemu przeznaczone do obsługi procesów wyceny aktywów trwałych, wyceny należności i zobowiązań oraz ewidencji i rozliczania inwestycji finansowych i nie finansowych.
The functional development of financial-bookkeeping complex - SZYK2/KFK system is presented, put into practice in all coal companies, supporting formal and managing accountancy service by solutions supporting assets management with taking into consideration the principles MSR and MSSF. Among others the system solutions meant to service fixed assets estimate process, amount due and obligations as well as record and accounting for financial and non-financial investments are presented.
Maszyny i urządzenia, które są zaprojektowane i W3'konane zgodnie z wymaganiami normy PN-EN-ISO 22000: 2006 są jednym z podstawowych czynników mających bezpośredni wpływ na wyprodukowanie bardzo dobrej jakości żywności oraz bezpiecznej dla zdrowia człowieka. Bezpieczna maszyna to bezpieczna żywność.
This reference paper shows the most important factors for machine and equipment manufacturers being in accordance with international standards. Each of machine and equipment manufacturers should implement the HACCP system. A reliable machine results in safe food.
Content available remote Pobieranie próbek węgla według normy PN-ISO 13909
Omówiono stan prac nad wprowadzeniem do Polskich Norm normy międzynarodowej ISO 13909 Hard Coal and Coke - Mechanical sampling (Węgiel kamienny i koks - Mechaniczne pobieranie próbek). Przedstawiono strukturę normy ISO 13909 i omówiono niektóre jej postanowienia, porównując je z ich odpowiednikami w PN-90/G-04502, dotyczącej pobierania i przygotowania próbek węgla. Podkreślono ważniejsze różnice, które istnieją w obszarze znormalizowanych procedur pobierania oraz przygotowania próbek węgla po zatwierdzeniu i opublikowaniu PN-ISO 13909. Zasygnalizowano też dalsze różnice, które mogą wynikać z wprowadzenia do Polskich Norm normy międzynarodowej dotyczącej ręcznego pobierania próbek węgla. Prace nad taką normą, prowadzone w Komitecie Technicznym ISO/TC 27 ds. Stałych Paliw Mineralnych (Solid Mineral Fuels) Międzynarodowej Organizacji Normalizacyjnej (ISO), są już na ukończeniu.
State of works on introduction into the Polish Standards the international standard ISO 13909 Hard Coal and Coke - Mechanical Sampling is discussed. The structure of the standard ISO13909 is presented and some its rulings discussed in comparison with their equivalents in PN-90/G-04502 applying to sampling and preparation of coal samples. The more important differences which would appear in the range of standard procedures of sampling and preparation of samples of coal after approval and publishing of PN-ISO 13909 are stressed. Further differences which may result from introduction into the Polish Standards the international standard applying to manual coal sampling are indicated. The works on such a standard, proceeded in The Technical Committee ISO/TC for Solid Mineral Fuels of ISO, are already nearing completion.
Content available remote Determination of flammability limits and explosion indices of gases and vapours
Parameters of flammability and explosibility of gases and vapours have been determined. The measurement apparatus and the test procedure are in accordance with the international standards PN-EN 720-2 and PN-EN 26184-2. Examples of tests of lower and upper flammability limits and flammability areas for single combustible gases, for gas mixtures and for solvent vapours have been given. The data of explosion violence of methane-air mixtures at zero turbulence have been compared with the values obtained at high turbulence.
Na przestrzeni wielu lat węgiel wykorzystywany był do produkcji energii elektrycznej oraz w procesach przeróbki rud w przemyśle metalurgicznym. W niektórych krajach europejskich podstawowe zasoby węgla zostały dawno wyczerpane, a niezbędne zaopatrzenie w ten surowiec pochodzi z innych światowych źródeł (zagłębi). Jakość dostaw i cena węgla zależy od sposobu opróbowania i analizy każdej partii wykonanej w laboratorium niezależnym zarówno od dostawcy jak i użytkownika. Koniecznym i ważnym jest aby dostawca i użytkownik ufali, że wyniki badań laboratoryjnych są adekwatne i powtarzalne oraz że wyniki te niezależnie od zakresu są reprezentatywne dla badanych partii. Znaczy to, że wszystkie badania muszą być wykonane technikami znormalizowanymi, i że mogą być powtórzone przez doświadczonych techników - laborantów zarówno w tym samym laboratorium jak i podobnych laboratoriach na całym świecie. Międzynarodowa Organizacja Normalizacyjna (ISO) stanowi organizację nadrzędną w ramach której specjaliści z komitetów normalizacyjnych krajów uczestniczących spotykają się aby opracować niezbędne uniwersalne procedury badawcze. Normy mogą być złożone np. w przypadku badań dotyczących wzbogacania węgla albo względnie proste jak np. w przypadku badania flokulantów. Każda norma międzynarodowa opracowywana jest w odpowiednim komitecie i bazuje na procedurach stosowanych w pojedynczych krajach lub/i na doświadczeniach własnych członka komitetu. Czasem norma jest rozwiązaniem całkowicie nowym, a jej opracowanie wynika z konieczności rozwiązania problemów, na które napotykają kraje członkowskie ISO w działalności praktycznej. Proces ustanowienia normy jest długi, obejmuje bowiem przekazywanie projektu do krajów członkowskich celem skomentowania przez ekspertów i głosowania, przyjęcia projektu, przebadania procedury przez różne laboratoria, ostateczne końcowe uzgodnienia i opublikowanie przez ISO. Po opublikowaniu normy jej treść jest przeglądana co pięć lat przez komitet poręczycielski dla uwspółcześniania lub modyfikacji procedur w świetle doświadczeń praktycznych.
For many years coal has been used for the generation of electricity and as the feedstock for the refining of ores in the metalliferous industry. In some European countries the prime grades of coal have long been exhausted and suitable supplies have to be obtained from other world-wide sources. The consistency of supply and the price of coal are determined from the sampling and analysis of every consignment carried out in laboratories, independent to the both supplier and user. It is necessary and important that both the supplier and user have confidence in the consistency and repeatability of laboratory results and that these results are representative of the consignments, irrespective of their size. This means that all work must be performed to standard techniques that can be repeated by trained technicians, both in the same laboratory and in similar laboratories world-wide. The International Standards Organisation (ISO) is an umbrella organisation under which experts from the Standards Organisations of participating countries meet to devise these universal procedural techniques. These standards may be complex, for example coal cleaning tests, or relatively simple, such as the method for testing flocculants. Each international standard is constructed in a committee and is based on an individual country's own procedures and/or the committee members' own experiences. Sometimes the standard is a completely new procedure required because of problems experienced by ISO member countries. The process of establishing a standard is lengthy, requiring distribution to member countries for voting and comment by other experts, approval of drafts, testing of the procedure by various laboratories and ultimately final approval and issue by the ISO organisation. After issue, the procedure is reviewed every five years by the sponsoring committee for possible updating or modification of the procedure in light of practical experience.
As a result of the need for companies to manage occupational health and safety, as well as the absence of a globally accepted international standard, numerous organisations have developed their own models in the shape of guides, standards, or guidelines. However, the resultant dispersion is creating confusion among companies, rather than making life easier for them. In this article, we look at the current situation as far as available European management systems are concerned, and the emergent trends in the development of an international standard. Moreover, we present the special case of Spain, whose broad legislation on occupational health and safety might hinder the adoption of an international model by Spanish companies.
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