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Purpose: The article presents the research results concerning employees’ competencies in JZR Ltd. (Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Ltd.). Human resources management directly affects the operational results of the activity of a manufacturing company. The managers need to recruit employees possessing a high level of competencies. The key expected result is better economic effects. The JZR Development Programme is a good example of the complexity of processes that should be taken into account in good decisions in the area of human resources management in an activity of a manufacturing company. The main purpose of the research was to identify and analyse key employees’ competencies needed to launch new products on the market. The specificity of machine-building enterprises determines the scope and scale of the necessary activities for efficient and effective human resources management. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives of the research were achieved by the analysis of a recruitment process executed in the JZR Development Programme and a questionnaire survey within the project "Development of the skills ecosystem in four countries of the Visegrad Group". Findings: It was found that key elements determining the productivity level of the JZR Development Programme are the high technical and soft competencies of new employees. A risk analysis is also of high magnificence in so complex and capital-consuming projects. Research limitations/implications: The research limitations are due to the complexity of the system, the difficulties arising from the specificity of the mine environment, the lack of the possibility of ongoing diagnostics of the entire infrastructure (e.g. pipeline specification, the ability to measure sediment in water galleries, smooth change of the speed of drive mechanisms, etc.). Practical implications: The analysed investment programme requires workers specializing in the construction and designing of scraper conveyors, belt conveyors and powered supports. Soft skills such as teamwork skills or knowledge of project management methods and tools are highly needed as well. The activity of JZR Ltd. needs specialized software in the field of machine construction in terms of technology and design. Social implications: The expected requirements are strictly connected with IT skills which should be developed within the education process, especially at technical universities. Manufacturing companies like JZR Ltd. need to participate actively in creating the profile of a graduate at universities. Another possible activity could be achieved by cooperation with a potential candidate for work in a manufacturing company. Originality/value: The value of the research is the identified requirements in the range of analyzed technical and soft competencies which could be treated as a benchmark for similar complex manufacturing development projects. According to what was analyzed in the area of literature review we were able to find, there are no specific studies referring and reporting on employees’ competencies required in projects in mining industry.
The study presented in this article expands the knowledge base regarding the implementation of digital innovations and gamification in Central and Eastern European businesses and their potential positive influence on people management efficiency. Furthermore, there are highlights of the relationship between positive economic outcomes and the tendency to invest more in innovative strategies, as their effective implementation and execution might require certain financial and personnel resources. The findings and deductions expounded within this contribution emanate from an examination of a research specimen (n=1112 in 2020 and n=1109 in 2021) encompassing feedback acquired from managers of enterprises operating within the economic domain of Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the evaluation of the survey results, it can be argued that companies with positive economic results achieve higher values both in the indicator of utilizing as well as perceptions of the importance of implementing innovative tools in the near future.
Badanie przedstawione w niniejszym artykule poszerza bazę wiedzy na temat wdrażania innowacji cyfrowych i grywalizacji w przedsiębiorstwach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej oraz ich potencjalnego pozytywnego wpływu na efektywność zarządzania ludźmi. Ponadto podkreślono związek między pozytywnymi wynikami ekonomicznymi a tendencją do inwestowania w innowacyjne strategie, ponieważ ich skuteczne wdrażanie i realizacja może wymagać pewnych zasobów finansowych i kadrowych. Ustalenia i wnioski przedstawione w niniejszym artykule wynikają z analizy próby badawczej (n=1112 w 2020 r. i n=1109 w 2021 r.) obejmującej informacje zwrotne uzyskane od menedżerów przedsiębiorstw działających w obszarze gospodarczym Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Na podstawie oceny wyników badania można stwierdzić, że firmy o pozytywnych wynikach ekonomicznych osiągają wyższe wartości zarówno we wskaźniku wykorzystania, jak i postrzegania znaczenia wdrażania innowacyjnych narzędzi w najbliższej przyszłości.
Human Resource Management (HRM) practices have profoundly transformed due to the ongoing development of information and communication technology (ICT). This study aims to analyze how digitalization is reshaping traditional HRM practices and its potential impact on organizational success. The study's novelty is bridging the gap by shifting the focus from digitalization's effects on marketing and business outcomes to its internal impact within organizations in HRM. The research enhances our understanding of the emerging field of digitalization in human resource management (HRM) and its many effects on organizational performance. The methodology involves a two-step approach that combines bibliometric analysis and an integrative literature review. The findings indicate the significant impact of digitalization on HRM, particularly in data capture, storage, and utilization, as well as the redefinition of job roles and workplace dynamics. Organizations are encouraged to assess the efficacy of HR initiatives, prioritize desired outcomes, invest in sophisticated HR software, and prioritize employee learning and development to optimize HR activities.
Praktyki zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi (HRM) uległy głębokiej transformacji ze względu na ciągły rozwój technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT). Niniejsze badanie ma na celu przeanalizowanie, w jaki sposób cyfryzacja przekształca tradycyjne praktyki HRM i jej potencjalny wpływ na sukces organizacyjny. Nowatorstwo badania polega na wypełnieniu luki poprzez przeniesienie nacisku z wpływu cyfryzacji na marketing i wyniki biznesowe na jej wewnętrzny wpływ na HRM w organizacjach. Badanie zwiększa nasze zrozumienie wyłaniającej się dziedziny cyfryzacji w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi (HRM) i jej wpływu na wyniki organizacji. Metodologia obejmuje dwuetapowe podejście, które łączy analizę bibliometryczną i integracyjny przegląd literatury. Wyniki wskazują na znaczący wpływ cyfryzacji na HRM, w szczególności w zakresie przechwytywania, przechowywania i wykorzystywania danych, a także redefinicji ról zawodowych i dynamiki miejsca pracy. Organizacje są zachęcane do oceny skuteczności inicjatyw HR, ustalania priorytetów pożądanych wyników, inwestowania w zaawansowane oprogramowanie HR oraz priorytetowego traktowania uczenia się i rozwoju pracowników w celu optymalizacji działań HR.
Content available Internal conditions of professional aspirations
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to outline the theoretical approach of internal conditions of professional aspirations. It is to describe the essence of aspirations and its internal conditions. Design/methodology/approach: The aim of the article was to organize, systematize and describe the knowledge about the role and essence of professional aspirations and its internal determinants. Methods: analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction. Findings: In the course of the work were found results, which show the important role of aspirations in the area of human resources management. Social implications: Publication of the article may contribute to increasing social awareness of the essential role of professional aspirations in human resources management in the organization and in the armed forces. Originality/value: The article organizes and systematizes the knowledge about the professional aspirations and its internal determinants. It is addressed to managers, human resources workers as well as academic lecturers and soldiers.
Purpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural dimensions model. Structured questionnaire developed by Rynes et al. (2002) in the US and used by Tenhiälä et al. (2016) in Finland, Spain and South Korea including 34 items on management practices, employment practices, training and development, staffing and compensation and benefits have been used. Comparative analysis of managers’ perceptions in 5 countries have been performed, and analysed from the perspective of cultural determinants. Findings: Significant differences among analysed countries have been noted in relation to managers’ perceptions of HRM practices, interpreted using the Hofstede’s model of cultural determinants. Five dimensions have been identifies as the most likely determinant of observable differences. Cultural factors have been found to explain perceptions of HRM practices in Poland, as well as in countries with both similar cultural dimensions profiles or shared characteristics. Research limitations/implications: The empirical part – questionnnaire in Poland – was performed during Covid-19 pandemic, which might have affected the perceptions of managers on what works in relation to HRM practices, as well as the external conditions under which the research was performed changed significantly over the course of last two years. Practical implications: Findings from the managers’ survey have been analysed from the perspective of cultural determinants, therefore making a link between perceptions and measurable and well defined variables of cultural origin, as represented by Hofstede’s dimensions. This implies, that more attention should be paid to culturally-grounded differences in cases where more evidence-based practices are intended to be implemented in organisations. Originality/Value: Paper presents original research findings, by providing comparative evidence on the managers’ perceptions of HRM practices in cross-cultural context, with application of the Hofstede cultural dimensions model.
Wojsko, podobnie jak inne organizacje sektora publicznego i biznesowego podlega ciągłemu doskonaleniu kadry, szczególnie w obszarach techniki i technologii. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie strategicznego podejścia do realizacji szkoleń w Siłach Zbrojnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem specyfiki szkoleń technicznych. W materiale przedstawiono perspektywę potrzeb żołnierzy w zakresie realizacji szkoleń technicznych, które zostały zidentyfikowane w ramach przeprowadzonych badań przez interdyscyplinarny zespół projektu SZKOLTECH 4.0. Utylitaryzm opracowania wynika z możliwości jego wykorzystania przez wojsko do określenia standardu szkolenia personelu (użytkowników, obsługi serwisowej) przez dostawców sprzętu wojskowego.
The military, like other organisations in the public and business sectors, is subject to continuous staff development, particularly in the areas of technology and engineering. The aim of the article is to present a strategic approach to the delivery of training in the Armed Forces with a particular focus on the specifics of technical training. The material presents a perspective on the needs of soldiers in the implementation of technical training, which were identified in the framework of the research conducted by the interdisciplinary team of the SZKOLTECH 4.0 project. The utilitarianism of the study stems from the possibility of its use by the military to determine the standard of training of personnel (users, maintenance) by suppliers of military equipment.
This study is aimed to explain the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) capabilities and Supply Chain Performance in the textile and apparel industry and to determine the mediating role of Process Innovation (PI), which improves supply chain processes in this relationship. Two research models were introduced in the study. Hypotheses belonging to research models have been developed. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the hypotheses. The sample area of the research consists of textile and apparel companies operating in Turkey. The research level is at the executive level. HRM capabilities significantly affect SC performance in the textile and apparel industry. In addition, it was concluded that PI has a full mediating effect on the HRM-SC performance relationship. It has been determined that PI applications contribute to increasing efficiency in supply chain management processes and performance and support the development of HRM capabilities.
Niniejsze badanie ma na celu wyjaśnienie związku między zdolnościami zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi (HRM) a wydajnością łańcucha dostaw w przemyśle tekstylnym i odzieżowym oraz określenie pośredniczącej roli innowacji procesowych (PI), które usprawniają procesy łańcucha dostaw w tej relacji. W badaniu wykorzystano dwa modele badawcze. Opracowano także hipotezy należące do modeli badawczych. W celu przetestowania hipotez zastosowano modelowanie równań strukturalnych. Przykładowy obszar badań stanowią firmy tekstylno-odzieżowe działające w Turcji. Badania przeprowadzono na poziomie zarządu. Wykazano, że możliwości zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi istotnie wpływają na wydajność SC w przemyśle tekstylnym i odzieżowym. Ponadto stwierdzono, że innowacje procesowe (PI) mają pełny wpływ mediacyjny na relację wydajności HRM–SC, a aplikacje PI przyczyniają się do zwiększenia efektywności procesów i wydajności zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw oraz wspierają rozwój możliwości HRM.
Głównym celem przeglądu piśmiennictwa była analiza prac związanych z zarządzaniem programistami z niepełnosprawnościami, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dysleksji. Systematyczny przegląd literatury został przeprowadzony na podstawie wzorca PRISMA 2020. Bazy danych będące źródłem informacji były przeszukiwane w czerwcu 2021 r. w myśl zasady należytej staranności. Z 2324 prac po pierwszym etapie przeglądu otrzymano 90 pozycji literaturowych, a po drugim etapie – 2 artykuły. Pierwszy odnosi się do zarysu profilu programisty mającego dysleksję i pokazuje brak literatury na temat programistów z dysleksją. Drugi artykuł dotyczy pracy zdalnej podczas trwania pandemii COVID-19, którą wykonują specjaliści z różnych branż, w tym programiści – osoby neuronietypowe. Stwierdzono, że osoby neuronietypowe często mają szczególne potrzeby komunikacyjne i preferencje, podwyższoną wrażliwość sensoryczną oraz wyzwania związane z funkcjonowaniem wykonawczym. Wykonany przegląd literatury wskazuje na lukę badawczą, mimo że problem dysleksji dotyczy ok. 10% dorosłej populacji. Zasadne i wartościowe jest prowadzenie badań w różnych aspektach zarządzania ludźmi z branży IT – nie tylko uwzględniając programistów. Znaleziona luka badawcza odnosi się do niedostatecznie zbadanych obszarów, jak te związane z zarządzaniem pracownikami, w tym programistami z dysleksją, co daje możliwość dalszych badań.
The main objective of conducting the literature review was to analyse work related to the management of programmers with disabilities, with a particular focus on dyslexia. A systematic literature review was conducted based on the PRISMA 2020 template. The databases providing the information were searched in June 2021 according to the due diligence principle. Out of 2324 papers, 90 literature sources were obtained after the first stage of the review and 2 articles after the second stage. The first article contains an outline of the profile of a dyslexic programmer and points to the lack of literature on dyslexic programmers. The second article relates to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is carried out by professionals from different industries including programmers – neuroatypical individuals. It was found that neuroatypical individuals often have specific communication needs and preferences, heightened sensory sensitivity, and challenges with executive functioning. The literature review performed indicates a research gap, despite the fact that dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the adult population. It is legitimate and valuable to conduct research on the different aspects of managing people in the IT industry – not just including programmers. The research gap found relates to under-researched areas, such as those related to managing employees including dyslexic programmers, which provides an opportunity for further research.
The paper analyses the relations and influence of employee motivation factors on job satisfaction in mining companies. The empirical study was conducted among the two largest mining companies in the Republic of Serbia. The sample consisted of 200 respondents employed in the selected companies. The data were processed using SPSS 21.0. Package, which was applied in order to conduct standard multiple regression analysis and determine the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results indicate a significant correlation between motivation factors and job satisfaction among the employees. In addition, the findings imply that motivation factors, such as nonmaterial motivators related to work (NMW) and material motivators (MAT), have a significant influence on satisfaction. The research has theoretical contribution regarding the limited studies exploring the motivation of employees in the mining sector. In practice, the study provides significant insight into designing motivation systems to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in mining companies. Bearing in mind that the business success of mining companies strongly affects the country’s economy, this research has greater importance and broader perspective.
Artykuł analizuje relacje i wpływ czynników motywacji pracowników na satysfakcję z pracy w przedsiębiorstwach górniczych. Badanie empiryczne przeprowadzono wśród dwóch największych firm górniczych w Republice Serbii. Próba składała się z 200 respondentów zatrudnionych w wybranych firmach. Dane zostały przetworzone przy użyciu SPSS 21.0. Pakiet, który zastosowano w celu przeprowadzenia standardowej analizy regresji wielokrotnej i wyznaczenia współczynnika korelacji Pearsona. Wyniki wskazują na istotną korelację pomiędzy czynnikami motywacyjnymi a satysfakcją z pracy wśród pracowników. Ponadto wyniki sugerują, że czynniki motywacyjne, takie jak niematerialne motywatory związane z pracą (NMW) i materialne motywatory (MAT), mają istotny wpływ na satysfakcję. Badania mają wkład teoretyczny w zakresie ograniczonych badań eksplorujących motywację pracowników w sektorze górniczym. W praktyce badanie dostarcza istotnego wglądu w projektowanie systemów motywacyjnych w celu poprawy efektywności zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w przedsiębiorstwach górniczych. Mając na uwadze, że sukces biznesowy firm górniczych silnie wpływa na gospodarkę kraju, badanie to ma większe znaczenie i szerszą perspektywę.
The aim of the paper is to identify and evaluate the indications of general digitization in SMEs and determine the critical factors of SME digitization at the present time while focusing on the management of small and medium-sized enterprises. The structure of the sample is based on a distributed questionnaire. The verdicts confirming or rejecting hypotheses were based on research questions, formulated hypotheses, and statistical evaluations using MS Excel and R-Commander software, and these statements were further supported by the decision on validity or invalidity of a hypothesis in the whole population. Research has shown that although there is a strong linear relationship between the growth of digitization and the importance of digitization for enterprises, the current requirements for digitization of human resources management activities in SMEs are higher than businesses are able to implement in practice, so the digitization in SMEs is lagging behind. The main reason is that small businesses do not generate sufficient financial returns to invest in comprehensive restructuring of enterprise systems and structures, thus digitizing most of their departments. Another reason is the smaller number of employees in those businesses where digitization as such would not pay off now. However, SMEs often follow the path of partial digitization, especially in human resources management which is supported by the fact that SMEs very often implement at least a basic human resources management information system, namely this system is used in more than 60% of SMEs.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena przejawów ogólnej cyfryzacji w MSP oraz określenie krytycznych czynników cyfryzacji MSP w chwili obecnej, skupiając się na zarządzaniu małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami. Struktura próby oparta jest na kwestionariuszu rozproszonym. Werdykty potwierdzające lub odrzucające hipotezy oparto na pytaniach badawczych, sformułowanych hipotezach i ocenach statystycznych przy użyciu programu MS Excel i R-Commander, a twierdzenia te zostały dodatkowo poparte decyzją o słuszności lub nieważności hipotezy w całej populacji. Badania wykazały, że chociaż istnieje silna liniowa zależność między wzrostem cyfryzacji a znaczeniem cyfryzacji dla przedsiębiorstw, obecne wymagania dotyczące cyfryzacji działań z zakresu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w MŚP są wyższe niż przedsiębiorstwa są w stanie zrealizować w praktyce, więc cyfryzacja w MŚP pozostaje w tyle. Głównym powodem jest to, że małe firmy nie generują wystarczających zwrotów finansowych, aby inwestować w kompleksową restrukturyzację systemów i struktur przedsiębiorstwa, a tym samym cyfryzując większość swoich działów. . Innym powodem jest mniejsza liczba pracowników w tych firmach, w których cyfryzacja jako taka by się teraz nie opłacała. Jednak MŚP często podążają ścieżką częściowej cyfryzacji, zwłaszcza w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, o czym świadczy fakt, że MŚP bardzo często wdrażają co najmniej podstawowy system informacji o zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi, a mianowicie system ten jest używany w ponad 60% MŚP.
Introduction/background: In the constantly changing economic and social environment, the management of a company aiming at staying competitive on the market becomes a challenge. Constant development and adjustment to the changeable conditions require flexible and pro-innovative organizational culture in a company. There is still a relative paucity of up-to-date knowledge about the relationship between the innovative organizational culture in large Polish companies and their development and profitability. Aims of the paper: The purpose of this paper is to identify the relationship between pro-innovative organizational culture in large Polish companies and their development and profitability. Several indicators of the above mentioned phenomena have been chosen and investigated in terms of interdependencies. Material and methods: The research was conducted with the use of the survey method and the tool of questionnaire distributed with the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) and CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) technique. The research is of quantitative nature. The research is part of the scientific project conducted in 2019 on 179 largest by revenue companies in Poland. Results and conclusion: Several interesting relationships between the indicators of pro-innovative culture and the indicators of development and profitability have been observed. Pro-innovative aspects of organizational culture in large Polish organizations facilitate their flexibility and development as well as support their profitability. It is especially evident in the present pandemic situation, where flexibility and innovativeness of companies becomes one of their most important quality.
Introduction/background: Dynamic growth and competition of an organization need also improving the human resources management processes. However in local government units, this system has always been shaped under completely different conditions, determined by legal provisions. Meanwhile with socio-economic development and changing society people started to expect effectiveness and efficiency also in the public sphere, which resulted in focusing attention on the effectiveness of people employed and raising the level of customer service in public administration. Therefore, it became necessary to introduce the process of human resources management also in local government. Aim of the paper: The objective of the conducted research was to make an analysis and qualitative assessment of the process of human resources management in local government units and to show the influence of this process in local government on the efficiency and effectiveness of its functioning. Materials and methods: The conclusions presented in this paper are a result of a critical evaluation of the literature related to the topic of the work, legal provisions, participant observation, individual case study of the examined public organisation and a survey conducted among 60 people. The research methodology that was used in the study is a quantitative method. Results and conclusions: The research showed that local government units improve the recruitment process, carry out periodic assessments and develop an employee development plan, but do not create a coherent process and limit themselves to the obligatory minimum. So, the local government administration must strive to fill job positions with professional, competent and properly prepared employees.
Humanity is one of the most important resources for businesses. Because, with human resources, the data of the institution can be obtained and information can be produced by processing. Thus, human resources make the business a learning and dynamic organization and ensure its continuity. In enterprises, personnel selection (in terms of quantity or quality) is carried out within the scope of Human Resources Management. This selection process usually takes place when a group of decision makers evaluates the candidates according to some criteria and their own opinions. However, this situation prevents an objective and fair selection. For this reason, in this study, a decision support system (DSS) has been developed by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, to ensure objectivity and to select the most suitable personnel for the job description. The said DSS provides the selection of the marketing manager among the personnel working in an enterprise. For this, the 10 employees working in the marketing department of the enterprise for the longest time were taken into account. When the results are examined, it is seen that the most qualified personnel can be selected successfully in cases where customer satisfaction, performance value and number of projects are prioritized
Content available Social competences of IT department employees
Purpose: Employee competences nowadays, when management methods are dynamically changing become one of the key elements of building competitive advantage. IT activities play an important role in business operations. Information flow, response to external stimuli with the help of IT department is becoming an important element of building competitive advantage of enterprises. Hence, it becomes important that the right people with appropriate social competences manage and work in IT departments. Design/methodology/approach: Social competences at work were identified on the basis of job advertisements on internet portals. The observation was made at the turn of April-June 2018. The study was repeated in January 2018. Findings: The article presents a list of social competences that are necessary among IT department employees. Originality/value: The work concerns social competences of IT department employees. The original is an attempt to select social competences for employees of IT departments. The exclusion of IT competences from the research allowed to examine whether there are differences between employees of individual departments in the enterprise.
Purpose: The main purpose of the article was to examine the impact of the employee trainings on the motivation among the employees of the selected organization. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical part of the article was prepared with the use of literature analysis. The practical part of the article relating to the research was carried out with the use of questionnaires. Findings: The research was intended to provide an answer whether the employees take part in various courses or not, what kinds of employee trainings are the most popular among the participants and how do they affect their level of motivation. Finally, the research intended to measure the impact of other motivational systems on the participants, as well as to obtain the data related to the most successful systems of incentives in the enterprise. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted in the selected organization and among a limited number of participants. For further research, similar organization could be selected in order to compare results and extend conclusions concerning practical and social implications. Practical implications: According to the results, the employee trainings have a big impact on people’s motivation and, in most cases, they influence the motivation positively. It is important for an organization to have at its disposal competent personnel, that is not only well-trained, but also highly motivated. Social implications: In order to affect the personnel effectively, managers should be aware of the factors that influence the behavior of employees in an organization. However, the complexity of motivational issues leads to different problems in the practical realization of motivational theories. Nevertheless, the researchers share the opinion of the importance of motivation in the effective human resource management. Originality/value: An organization cannot realize its strategies and objectives without the employees. They play a decisive role, because almost everything that occur in an enterprise depends on the people working within it. Therefore, it is important for an organization to have at its disposal competent personnel, that is not only well-trained, but also highly motivated. The article presents standard ways of motivation, but in conditions of a selected organization – English language school, a type of organization which is examined very rarely, what constitutes its new value.
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to present the possibilities of using the competence matrix in the prioritizing of manufacturing activities. Design/methodology/approach: The article discusses one of the enterprise’s human resource management instruments, which are competence matrices. Competence development model of enterprise was presented and model of using technological competences was discussed. Findings: The way of using competence matrices, as a tool to support task scheduling that is carried out by direct production employees in the area of discrete processes, was presented. The author showed, that competence matrices can enable the identification of competence gaps and thus be a tool for planning the training needs of employees, recruitment and selection of employees, making decisions about transfers and building a remuneration system. Research limitations/implications: An important condition for the successful implementation of solutions based on competence matrices is the correct determination of the level of required and expected technological competence and prior declaration of the list of technological operations. Practical implications: The solution described above, consisting in the use of technological competence matrices in the area of production planning, has been used in the calculation algorithms of the IPOsystem™ application. It is a product of the Polish company UiBS Teamwork Sp. z o.o. Originality/value: The use of competence matrices in prioritizing production tasks is undoubtedly a new issue. It is an indicator of the level of organization’s maturity, which results from the need to adapt production enterprises to changing environmental conditions.
Pracownicze plany kapitałowe (PPK) to nowa forma zakładowych systemów emerytalnych w Polsce. Będą one sukcesywnie wprowadzane najpierw w dużych (od 2019 r.), a w kolejnych latach - w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach oraz w sektorze finansów publicznych. Specyficzna konstrukcja tych programów (obowiązek tworzenia i prowadzenia dla pracodawców, dobrowolne uczestnictwo, ale z automatycznym zapisem i możliwością odstąpienia dla pracowników), zaangażowanie pracodawcy i pracownika w opłacanie składek oraz państwa w subsydiowanie programu sprawia, że istnieje realna szansa na upowszechnienie tej formy dodatkowego oszczędzania na emeryturę w zakładzie pracy. W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nad możliwościami wykorzystania PPK jako pozapłacowego długoterminowego instrumentu motywowania pracowników.
Employee Capital Plans (in Polish: PPKs) are a new form of company pension systems in Poland. They will be successively introduced, first in large companies (from 2019), and then, in subsequent years, in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as in the public finance sector. The specific design of these programs (the financial participation of the employer, employee and the State in this program), creates a real chance of accumulation of additional savings for retirement, which have so far been underdeveloped in Poland. The article presents preliminary results of research on the possibilities of using PPK as a long-term instrument for motivating employees.
Contemporary society uses the possibilities of the Internet in various areas of life. The Internet has influenced private life, social life, family users, its usefulness can also be noticed at the professional stage. Being an active user of the network, creating profiles and creating your person on various social networks, and you can see the usefulness of this type of practice. Enterprises search for employees via the Internet, employing specialists or creating appropriate positions in the company, responsible for recruitment. The Internet allows access to a wide range of candidates, and the biggest advantage of this type of recruitment is the access to the huge amount of information that users place. Specialized job placement portals or websites created to allow an employer to meet with a candidate, create the ability to view and filter job offers as well as search for suitable candidates. The scope of the paper is the analysis of the tools used to recruitment and selection of employees in the internet especially by social media. The method used in this paper is analysis of the social media platform. Research question: What social platform is best from recruiters point of view.
Content available Programy przekwalifikowywania siły roboczej w USA
Celem artykułu jest analiza metod stosowanych w zakresie przekwalifikowania bezrobotnych pracowników w USA w celu przywrócenia ich na rynek pracy. Jest to niezbędne aby zapewnić prawidłowe funkcjonowanie gospodarki. Artykuł również analizuje metody przewidywania zatrudnienia w poszczególnych zawodach przez okres następnych 10 lat, oraz metody szkolenia pracowników do przyszłych zawodów. W artykule również przeanalizowano program przekwalifikowywania weteranów w celu znalezienia dla nich odpowiedniego miejsca w gospodarce i życiu cywilnym.
The aim of the paper is to analyze the methods used to retrain unemployed workers in the US in order to make possible their return to the labor market. It is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy of the country. The article also analyzes methods of predicting employment in individual occupations over the next 10 years, and methods of training employees for future professions. The article also examines the retraining program for veterans in order to find a suitable place for them in the economy and civil life.
The strategic importance of information for the functioning of each economic entity forces entrepreneurs to properly protect them against loss, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized modification. Hence, organizations build complex security systems taking into account state-of-the-art technical solutions, while belittling often the most important element, which is the human factor. It should be emphasized that it is the intentional or accidental actions of the human that can lead to the loss of information security. In addition, it is also the potential of human capabilities and skills can provide an effective defense against the failure or technical security. The article presents the basic stages of human resource management in the aspect of information security. Complementing these considerations will be the presentation and discussion of the results of surveys aimed at assessing the level of employee awareness in the area of information security.
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