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W listopadzie 2021 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła wniosek dotyczący rozporządzenia w sprawie udostępniania na rynku unijnym, jak również wywozu z Unii niektórych towarów i produktów związanych z wylesianiem i degradacją lasów, zwane rozporządzeniem w sprawie wylesiania.
Fragmentation of landscapes and habitats has been identified as the main driver of biodiversity loss. Ecological corridors may support the conservation of biota in fragmented landscapes due to enhanced habitat connectivity. We conducted a study in order to assess the potential of a linear woodland landscape element along a railway line as ecological corridor using carabid beetles as indicators. The results showed that for some forest species the studied woodland strip has potential as an ecological corridor. Trophy and soil acidity were most often significantly correlated with parameters and species, but width of the woodland strip and distance from the forest site were of highest importance for the formation of the whole carabid assemblages. The results of our study provide with information regarding rules for the construction of woodland strips as ecological corridors. Management strategies should integrate such areas in concepts of sustainable regional development.
The international community affirms the critical role of forests in climate change mitigation, which includes reducing emissions from degradation and deforestation, carbon stock conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing carbon stocks in developing countries. It relates to land use and land cover changes. This study aims to review land use and land cover changes (LULC) in two decades, namely 2000-2010 and 2010-2020, and the impact on carbon stocks. Landsat satellite imagery in 2000, 2010, and 2020 are classified into six categories: built-up area, cropland, forest, water body, bareland, and grassland. This classification uses supervised classification. The accuracy kappa coefficient values obtained for the LULC 2000, LULC 2010, and LULC 2020 maps were 89.61%, 83.90%, and 87.10%, respectively. The most dominant systematic LULC change processes were forest degradation in 2000-2020; the transition of forest to cropland (349.20 ha), forest to bareland (171.19 ha), and forest to built-up area (661.68 ha). Loss of using the forest for other uses was followed by a decrease in carbon stock. There was a high decrease in carbon stock in the forest category (11,000 Mg C∙y-1). The results showed a significant change in land use and cover. The decline in the area occurred in the forest category, which decreased from year to year. Meanwhile, the built-up area increases every year. Carbon stocks also decrease from year to year, especially forests as the most significant carbon store, decreasing in the area.
This study aims to determine the relationships likely to exist between the edaphic variables and the abundance of oak species in the Edough forest of the commune of Seraidi (North East of Algeria), a humid bioclimatic stage where rainfall is abundant. In order to characterize the properties of the soils of the Edough forest (Seraidi) and to verify the usefulness of the fractionation of organic matter in a forest ecosystem, we have established a prospecting sampling plan based on a topographic background of the superposition of the different plant groups. In this context, the approach we adopted consisted on three main steps (i) a stratified sampling of the soil, (ii) the determination of the different strata of vegetation, (iii) describing the soil on which these plant formations settle and develop. Our results revealed that the soils of the Edough forest are acidic to very acidic and non-saline. It is also characterized by clayey texture that is not very permeable, with a high rate of organic matter, which controls the buffering capacity of the soil. The characterization of the soils allowed determining three types of plant formations and thus three types of soils where pedogenesis is under direct control of the supply of organic matter. The relationship between the soil and the vegetation in this forest is clearly close. It is mainly controlled by the supply of organic matter, which shows a significant dynamic and evolution. On the other hand, the climatic conditions and the type of plant formations have a capital role in the mineralization of the existing organic matter.
Content available remote Vis Maior – Pożary naturalnego środowiska – a sprawa Polska
Do 17.03.2022 roku na terenie kraju strażacy interweniowali 9635 razy przy pożarach traw i nieużytków rolnych, w tym na terenie woj. dolnośląskiego 1422 , woj. mazowieckiego 1240 oraz woj. śląskiego 1038. Niestety, w pożarach, odnotowano trzy ofiary śmiertelne oraz 22 osoby ranne.
Badania ukazują prostą zależność: To, czym się otaczamy, ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na naszą psychikę i kondycję zdrowotną. O ile świadomość bogactwa usług ekosystemowych dostarczanych przez drzewa rośnie, o tyle społeczne znaczenie drzew nadal pozostaje słabo dostrzegalne w naszym kraju. A szkoda.
Among all the functions served by forest ecosystems an increasingly important role is played by their social function. These ecosystems have been traditionally associated with tourism and recreation and as a result also interest in the appraisal of non-productive functions of forests has been increasing. The value of the natural environment is not tangible and it may be assessed only based on subjective opinions and attitudes of the general public. A contingent valuation method based on the Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept has been applied to determine the nature value of a landscape dominated by forests within the boundaries of a national park in central Poland. The most important aim of this study was to determine the propensity of individuals actively using the environmental goods to pay fees charged by the Wielkopolska National Park. Dependencies between the inclination of local residents to pay fees for the possibility to use the Wielkopolska National Park and selected variables were determined using the logit model approach. It was observed that the willingness to incur costs for the use of the Wielkopolska National Park grows with an increase in the awareness of the respondents concerning financial requirements related to environmental protection, their knowledge on the Park and membership in environmental organisations. Based on the conducted studies it was found that environmental education provided to the general public is a necessary pre-requisite to making the public aware of the need to finance actions related to preservation of the natural environment and nature conservation.
Spośród wielu funkcji jakie pełnią ekosystemy leśne coraz większe znaczenie odgrywa ich funkcja społeczna. Od dawna kojarzone są z turystyką i rekreacją wobec czego rośnie zapotrzebowanie na ocenę wartości pozaprodukcyjnych funkcji lasów. Wartość środowiska przyrodniczego nie jest mierzalna tylko ocenia się ją na podstawie subiektywnych odczuć społeczeństwa. Metoda wyceny warunkowej w formie Willingness to Pay oraz Willingness to Accept została użyta do określenia wartości przyrody krajobrazu zdominowanego przez lasy na obszarze parku narodowego w środkowej Polski. Najważniejszym celem pracy było określenie skłonności osób korzystających czynnie z dóbr środowiska do ponoszenia opłat na rzecz Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego. Zależności pomiędzy inklinacją mieszkańców do ponoszenia opłat za możliwość korzystania z Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego a wybranymi zmiennymi objaśniającymi określono przy zastosowaniu metody logitowej. Zaobserwowano, że skłonność do ponoszenia opłat na rzecz Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego rośnie wraz ze wzrostem świadomości respondenta na temat finansowych wymagań ochrony środowiska, jego wiedzy o Parku oraz przynależności do organizacji ekologicznych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że edukacja ekologiczna społeczeństwa jest niezbędnym elementem uświadamiania ludzi o potrzebach finansowania działań związanych z zachowaniem w naturalnym stanie środowiska przyrodniczego.
W artykule zaprezentowane zostało zagadnienie prawne dotyczące ustalenia znaczenia normatywnego pojęcia „las” zapisanego w art. 3 ustawy o lasach. W nawiązaniu do poglądów judykatury i orzecznictwa przedstawiono istniejące w obiegu prawnym rozbieżności w interpretacji tego pojęcia oraz skutki z tego wynikające. Na tym tle przedstawiona została wykładnia logiczna i językowa tego terminu oraz pojęć definiujących to określenie, w nawiązaniu do całego aktu normatywnego. Poczynione uwagi pozwoliły na sformułowanie tezy, iż dla ustalenia, że grunt jest lasem nie tylko w znaczeniu przyrodniczym, ale także prawnym (art. 3 u.o.l.), konieczne jest spełnienie łącznie nie tylko kryterium przyrodniczego (pokrycia roślinnością leśną) i kryterium przestrzennego (zwarta powierzchnia co najmniej 0,10 ha), lecz także jednej z przesłanek wymienionych alternatywnie w art. 3 pkt 1 lit. „a,b,c” u.o.l, w tym w szczególności przeznaczenia tych gruntów do produkcji leśnej.
The article presents a legal issue regarding the determination of the normative meaning of the term „forest” represented in article 3 of the Forests Act. Referring to the views of jurisprudence and jurisdiction, differences in the interpretation of this concept existing in the legal circulation are presented, as well as the consequences resulting therefrom. Against this background, the logical and linguistic interpretation of this term and the concepts defining this term in relation to the entire normative act have been presented. The comments made allowed the formulation of the thesis that in order to establish that land is a forest not only in natural meaning, but also in legal terms (art. 3 of the Forest Act), it is necessary to meet not only the criterion of nature (coverage with forest flora) and the spatial criterion (compact surface of at least 0.10 ha), but also one of the conditions listed alternatively in art. 3 point 1 a-c of the Forest Act, including in particular the purpose of these lands for forest production.
The article examines peculiarities of implementing the concept of sustainable development in the forest legislation of Russia. On the basis of analysis of legislative provisions and law enforcement practice the authors substantiate the conclusion that, despite a number of drawbacks of Russian criteria and indicators of sustainable development in the field of forest use, their approval means Russia’s commitment to their observance to assess the level of sustainable development, since they are a mechanism for monitoring of and influence on the system of sustainable management of forests. These criteria and indicators require further development by including social indicators of sustainable development in them, which will allow moving from the strategy for ensuring rational use of forests aimed only at finding a balance between environmental and economic interests to full implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the field of forest use.
W artykule poddano analizie wprowadzanie koncepcji rozwoju zrównoważonego do prawodawstwa odnoszącego się do lasów w Rosji. Na podstawie analizy przepisów prawnych i praktyki egzekwowania prawa autorzy uzasadniają wniosek, według którego pomimo wielu wad rosyjskich kryteriów i wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju w zakresie użytkowania lasu, ich zatwierdzenie oznacza zobowiązanie się Rosji do wejścia na drogę zrównoważonego rozwoju, ponieważ są one mechanizmem monitorowania i wpływu na systemu zrównoważonego zarządzania lasami. Te kryteria i wskaźniki wymagają dalszego rozwoju poprzez uwzględnienie w nich społecznych wskaźników zrównoważonego rozwoju, co pozwoli na przejście od strategii na rzecz racjonalnego wykorzystania lasów w celu znalezienia równowagi między interesami środowiskowymi i gospodarczymi a pełnym wdrożeniem koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w dziedzinie użytkowania lasu.
A new approach to alleviating terrestrial emissions related to climate change called 'REDD+' (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) or recently known as carbon economy has been familiarized all over the world. Although Southeast Asia hosts some early REDD+ projects, there have been notable differences between countries that have managed to implement REDD+. Thus, this paper aims to discuss the challenges faced in managing the carbon economy by using the frameworks of national culture. For that purpose, interviewees have been chosen to be interviewed using semi-structured questions from two categories; facilitator and implementer. Qualitative finding from the interview was utilized to confirm the result of quantitative data on world national culture scores for Indonesia and Malaysia. The countries are chosen as the first is the leading and the later has the least involvement in the REDD+ project in Southeast Asia. This study has identified that out of six dimensions; Indonesia is mostly compatible in all aspect while Malaysia is only fit into one category implementing the carbon economy is tremendous in Indonesia.
Nowe podejście do łagodzenia emisji naziemnych związanych ze zmianami klimatu o nazwie "REDD +" (redukcja emisji z wylesiania i degradacji lasów) lub ostatnio znane jako gospodarka węglowa zostały już poznane na całym świecie. Chociaż w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej odbywają się niektóre wczesne projekty REDD +, zauważalne są różnice między krajami, którym udało się wdrożyć REDD +. Tak, więc niniejszy dokument ma na celu omówienie wyzwań stojących przed zarządzaniem gospodarką opartą na węglu poprzez wykorzystanie ram kultury narodowej. W tym celu respondenci zostali wybrani do przeprowadzania wywiadów z wykorzystaniem półstrukturalnych pytań z dwóch kategorii; moderator i realizator. Jakościowe wyniki wywiadu wykorzystano w celu potwierdzenia wyników ilościowych danych na temat wyników ogólnokrajowej kultury narodowej w Indonezji i Malezji. Kraje wybierane są jako pierwsze, a później mają najmniejszy udział w projekcie REDD + w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej. Badanie to wykazało, że z sześciu wymiarów Indonezja jest w większości zgodna pod każdym względem, podczas gdy Malezja pasuje tylko do jednej kategorii, a wdrażanie gospodarki opartej na węglu jest ogromne w Indonezji.
The white stork Ciconia ciconia is a typical open-area species, foraging mainly in farmland and wetland areas. The main aim of this paper was to describe the foraging ecology of white storks inside un-typical habitat, i.e. forests in Poland. Data on white stork feeding in forests were based on responses to questionnaires distributed to several national mailing lists with a total of 1700 (16% subscribers) and via emails to naturalists (mainly to white stork researchers). In total 63 observations, from the years 2000-2015, were collected, mainly from eastern Poland. In all cases, only a single adult individual was recorded inside the forest, with a mean (±SD) distance to the forest edge of 50 ± 102 m (n = 597) and 1315 ± 1015 m (n = 63) to the nearest white stork nest. Birds foraging inside forests were recorded from late May to mid-August, but the greatest numbers were seen during June. The main prey was a lizard, the slow-worm Anguis fragilis, with a maximum of 10 individuals collected by a stork during one foraging session. We discuss the origin of the observed foraging behaviour, noting that the species is flexible and opportunistic in terms of consumed food. The observed foraging is probably similar to the original behaviour of the species within primeval forest, although food opportunism helps the white stork to use new foraging areas, for example landfills.
In the years 2008-2011, the study on the surface and subsurface water runoff from the forested loess slope was carried out to determine the concentrations of selected chemical indicators of water quality, soil suspension and loss of the pure matter component. The maximum tested concentrations of water quality indicators were low and amounted to: 1.841 mg‧dm-3 N-Nog, 0.943 mg‧dm-3 N-NH4, 0.478 mg‧dm-3 N-NO3, 0.213 mg‧dm-3 N-NO2, 0.423 mg‧dm-3 P, 1.621 mg‧dm-3 K. The masses of the eroded matter constituents were low and amounted to: 0.808 kg‧ha-1 N, 0.157 kg‧ha-1 P, 0.142 kg‧ha-1 K and 2.989 kg‧ha-1 soil. The parameters of erosive precipitation and water outflow were statistically significantly correlated with the concentration of soil suspended matter and losses of the analyzed components of matter, as well as negligible concentration of chemical indicators of water quality. Afforestation of the loess slopes threatened by erosion is a treatment that effectively protects the soil against water erosion.
Earthworms play an important role in the soil quality, including forest soils. Their presence in zooedaphone, as well as their abundance and species diversity, indicate the state of the soil profile. The species diversity of the representatives of this group of macrofauna in a beech forest in the Bieszczady Mountains is recounted in this article. Earthworms were investigated in the soil of four sites selected near Ustrzyki Górne in Carpathian Dentario glandulosae – Fagetum beech woods within the Bieszczady National Park (sites in D. g. Fagetum festucetosum, – typicum, – lunarietosum and – allietosum), every month during the annual cycle during two periods: a/ in 1986–1987 and b/ in 2009–2010. It was done according to the Zicsi’s recommendations, using the Zajonc combinated method, on each site, six 25×25×20 cm samples were extracted. The soil was divided into two layers (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm) and the earthworms were selected manually from them. From deeper layers, they were driven out with a weak (0.4%) formalin solution. In the 1980s, thirteen earthworm species were found (total of 1805 specimens) in the soil of four sites investigated. In a decreasing order of numbers there were: Dendrobaena alpina alpina (Rosa 1984), Allolobophora cernosvitoviana (Zicsi 1967), Aporectodea rosea rosea (Sav.,1826), Aporectodea caliginosa (Sav., 1826), Lumbricus terrestris L., 1758, Octolasium lacteum (Orley,1881), Allolobophora carpathica (Cog., 1927), Fitzingeria platyura montana (Cer., 1932), Octodrilus transpadanus (Rosa, 1884), Dendrobaena octaedra (Sav., 1826), Eisenia lucens (Waga, 1857), Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffm., 1843), Dendrodrilus rubidus tenuis (Eisen, 1874). Twenty years later, in the years 2009-2010, eleven earthworm species were found in the soil of the same four sites investigated (total of 660 specimens). There was no occurrence of L. rubellus, and O. transpadanus. For all the cited species, the vertical distribution dynamics in an annual cycle was investigated as well as the preferred soil layer in terms of soil profile. The features of the afore-mentioned earthworm species and the soil levels they prefer allowed their affiliation with the ecological groups defined by Bouche to be considered or determined. The knowledge on the association of earthworms to ecomorphological groups in natural or a slightly changed ecosystem is becoming very useful, for example at the time of the reclamation of degraded soils with Lumbricidae as bioindicators.
The research objective was to present social and economic functions of forests in Lublin Province against the background of other Polish provinces, at the same time pointing at the most important functions performed by the forests of the studied region. The research was conducted with the use of the diagnostic survey method by employing the technique of questionnaire, statistical data analysis and the analysis of the documentation made available by the Directorate of National State Forests. The forests of Lublin Province yield the most forest berries in Poland (on average 2725,29 tons a year). The main motivation for visiting forests among rural residents and inhabitants of small towns is the collection of forest berries and mushrooms; 61.0% and 50.8% respectively, while for inhabitants of larger cities it is recreational tourism and rest opportunities (67.8%). The added value of the study is cohesive factsheet of the economic and social functions of forests in the Lublin Voivodship.
Forest management is a scientific discipline designed to develop methods of maintaining forest areas and to ensure the sustainable development of forest resources in terms and conditions of multifunctional forestry. This is a branch of practical forestry which deals with inventorying and assessing the state of forests, defines economic tasks and draws up a program of nature conservation for forest districts. The paper presents legal conditions related to the concept of forest management plan, as well as issues related to the area division, planning economic indications and their role for the forest environment. Authors present a forecast of impact of a forest management plan on the forest environment and the Natura 2000 sites.
Urządzanie lasu to dyscyplina naukowa mająca za zadanie wypracowanie metod prowadzenia lasu zapewniających realizację zasady trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju zasobów leśnych w warunkach leśnictwa wielofunkcyjnego. To dział praktycznego leśnictwa zajmujący się inwentaryzacją i oceną stanu lasu, określeniem zadań hodowlanych i ochronnych oraz sporządzeniem programu ochrony przyrody dla nadleśnictwa, przede wszystkim na najbliższych dziesięć lat, ale także w dłuższym horyzoncie czasowym. Całość zebranych danych wraz z ich analizą stanowi podstawę planu urządzenia lasu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane aspekty urządzania lasu mające istotne znaczenie z punktu widzenia środowiska leśnego.
The research described in this article was conducted in the Tatra National Park in Poland, which is considered as one of the most-visited national parks in Europe. The exceptional popularity of this place is responsible for intensification of morphogenetic processes, resulting in the development of numerous forms of erosion. This article presents the outcomes of the research whose purpose was to verify the usability of unmanned aerial vehicles to check the condition of hiking trails and forests in alpine areas. An octocopter equipped with a non-metric camera was used for measurements. The paper sketches the methodology of data acquisition in harsh conditions and demanding locations of hiking trails on steep Tatra slopes. The paper also describes stages that lead to elaboration of basic photogrammetric products relying on SfM (Structure from Motion) technique. Finally, it shows the applicability of the prepared products to the evaluation of erosion along hiking trails, and to the study of plant succession or tree stand condition in the area located next to hiking trails.
Content available Social functions of forests in Poland
Humans are a part of nature and society. They tend to satisfy their needs that guarantee the existence by using natural and social richness. Forests represent a reservoir of the natural richness. They perform economic, ecological and social functions. The paper presents characterization of the social functions of forests, with particular focus on health function, recreation and tourism function, educational function and cultural function. With specific categories of forests, the scope of organizational and managerial activities conducted by forest authorities was presented as determining factors in performance of these functions. Furthermore, the focus was on the negative factors that affect forest environment and its functions.
Mining in tropical countries contributes significantly to the global minerals supplies but unregulated mining activities in reserved forests is associated with destruction, loss of habitats and loss of biodiversity. This study determined the area of the Offin shelterbelt forest reserve, Ghana, degraded through illegal mining (galamsey) and the impacts on the livelihoods of fringe communities. Thirty-two (32) coordinates were recorded around the peripheries of disturbed site in the reserve using hand-held Global Positioning System and were then imported into a geodatabase in ArcGIS which was used to estimate the area degraded. Data was obtained from 60 purposively sampled respondents from two communities fringing the reserve and 10 key informant interviews. Increased income (13%), employment opportunities (6.7%) and increased market activities (2%) were some benefits of the illegal mining activities identified by the respondents. Eight respondents associated their employment with of the advent of illegal mining activities out which 6 (70%) were engaged directly in mining activities, while 2 (30%) were into trading. The miners earned cash income range of US $ 2.9e22.9 daily. Within 5 years, illegal mining had degraded 2.5 km2 (4.4%) of the total area of the reserve and the destruction of cocoa farms and water sources (31). Farming among respondents reduced from 90% to 76% after illegal mining. The relatively high cost (US$ 6424.1) involved in flushing out and the subsequent return of such miners poses a threat to sustainable forest management and requires a more holistic approach in tackling such a problem.
W artykule zostały opisane hydrauliczne systemy załadowczo-rozładowcze środków transportu bliskiego eksploatowanego w lesie. Mają one znaczący wpływ na zagrożenie zdrowia i życia ludzi oraz koszty eksploatacji maszyn w przedsiębiorstwie świadczącym różne usługi leśne. W opracowaniu przedstawiono charakterystyki konstrukcyjno-funkcjonalno-niezawodnościowe tych systemów i najczęściej spotykane problemy związane z ich eksploatacją oraz zaproponowano koncepcję optymalizacji ich procesu eksploatacji.
The hydraulic loading systems of land transportation vehicles realize many functions influencing safety of vehicles’ exploitation. It has the influence on threat of the men's life as well as the costs of these devices’ exploitation. It the profile of this study the construction, functionality, reliability of these systems was introduced and the most often problems connected with their exploitation as well as conception of optimization of their exploitation process was proposed.
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