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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zastosowaniem poli-merów syntetycznych zbudowanych z merów winylowoamidowych, winylowosulfonowych, akrylowosulfonowych lub bezwodnika maleinowego do regulowania filtracji płuczek wiertniczych. Płuczki te zawierały w swoim składzie koloid ochronny typu skrobiowego, biopolimer, nanokrzemionkę hydrofobową dyspergowaną za pomocą sonifikatora w wodnym roztworze środków powierzchniowo czynnych oraz jonowy inhibitor hydratacji skał (KCl) i blokator węglanowy celem wytworzenia osadu filtracyjnego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań z wykorzystaniem nowych środków syntetycznych dokonano ich doboru do regulowania filtracji oraz parametrów reologicznych płuczek wiertniczych w różnych warunkach geologicznych. Badania przeprowadzono dla płuczek o różnym stopniu zmineralizowania, przy różnej zawartości fazy stałej. Wykonano również badania właściwości smarnych i inhibicyjnych płuczek. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zaproponowano składy płuczek charakteryzujące się niską filtracją w warunkach HPHT. Przeprowadzono pomiary statycznej filtracji HPHT na standardowych sączkach do pomiaru filtracji oraz w temperaturach 60°C i 120°C. Filtrację przy użyciu aparatu Grace M2200 HPHT wykonano na rdzeniach o porowatości 20 µm. W celu odtworzenia warunków otworowych do płuczek dodawano zwierciny (zmielony łupek mioceński) i skażenia chemiczne w postaci chlorków wapnia i magnezu. Wyniki pomiarów na aparacie Grace M2200 HPHT podane w artykule zostały przeliczone na podstawie stosunku po- wierzchni filtracji w celu porównania ze statyczną filtracją HPHT. Uzyskane wyniki badań mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w warunkach przemysłowych podczas głębokich wierceń oraz pozyskiwania energii geotermalnej.
The article presents the results of research on the use of synthetic polymers made of vinylamide, vinylsulfonic, acryl-sulfonic or maleic anhydride to regulate the filtration of drilling fluids. These muds contained a starch-type colloid, a biopolymer, hydrophobic nanosilica dispersed using a sonificator in an aqueous solution of surfactants, as well as an ionic rock hydration inhibitor (KCl) and a carbonate blocker to produce a filter cake. Based on the research carried out with the use of new synthetic agents, their selection was made for regulating the filtration and rheological parameters of drilling fluids under various geological conditions. The tests were carried out for muds of various mineralization levels, with different solids content. The lubricating and inhibitory properties of the muds were also tested. On the basis of the obtained results, the drilling fluids compositions with low HPHT filtration were proposed. Static HPHT filtration measurements were performed on standard filters for filtration measurement and at a temperature of 60 and 120°C. Filtration using a Grace M2200 HPHT apparatus was performed on cores with a porosity of 20 µm. In order to restore the borehole conditions, drill cuttings (ground Miocene shale) and chemical contamination in the form of calcium and magnesium chlorides were added to the muds. The results of the measurements made using the Grace M2200 HPHT apparatus given in the article were converted from the filtration area ratio for comparison with the static HPHT filtration. The obtained research results can be used in industrial conditions during deep drilling and the acquisition of geothermal energy.
Ze względu na wysoką cenę lekkich rop większość rafinerii skłania się do zakupu większych ilości tańszych rop „okazyjnych”, które są cięższe i zawierają wyższe stężenia siarki i kwasów naftenowych. Takie podejście doprowadza do większej częstotliwości prac serwisowych związanych z oczyszczaniem instalacji procesowej w rafinerii. Na szczęście zrozumienie przyczyn i metod łagodzenia wytrącania się zanieczyszczeń ropopochodnych uległo ostatnio znacznej poprawie dzięki opracowaniu narzędzi do przewidywania i identyfikacji. Co zaskakujące, 90% zanieczyszczeń ropopochodnych w rafinacji ma tylko kilka wspólnych przyczyn. Analiza osadu zwykle pozwala na zidentyfikowanie pierwotnej przyczyny, którą potwierdza odnalezienie prekursora tego niekorzystnego zjawiska w ropie naftowej przepływającej przez zanieczyszczoną jednostkę instalacji. Odpowiednie rozpoznanie zagadnienia może wprowadzić szereg potencjalnych metod łagodzących, z których dana rafineria może wybrać najlepszą do wdrożenia. Każdy kraj na świecie dąży do osiągnięcia jak największego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, a tym samym do dywersyfikacji dostaw ropy i innych surowców. W przypadku ropy, gdy pozyskiwana jest ona z różnych źródeł, generuje się dodatkowy problem, a mianowicie kompatybilność. Okazuje się, że po zmieszaniu niektóre ropy wykazują tendencje do wytrącania osadów w zbiornikach magazynowych, a następnie w ciągu logistycznym. W jednej z poprzednich prac opracowano skuteczną metodę filtrowania pozwalającą na określenie kompatybilności rop i ich mieszanin. W obecnej pracy skoncentrowano się na tym, aby nowa metoda pozwoliła na szybszą możliwość wykonania pomiaru kompatybilności przy jednoczesnej możliwości ponownego wykorzystania tej samej próbki. Opracowany nowy sposób badań kompatybilności z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu (ang. high-pressure microscope, HPM) zastosowano do dwóch rop pochodzących z różnych kierunków dostaw. Pomiary wykonano dla rop i ich mieszanin w temperaturze 120°C i pod ciśnieniem 25 bar. Pomiar kompatybilności rop metodą filtrowania wykorzystano do celów porównawczych, gdzie masa odseparowanego osadu na specjalistycznych filtrach stanowiła wyznacznik kompatybilności badanych rop.
Since the price of light crude oil is high, most refineries prefer to purchase higher volumes of cheaper bargain crude, which is heavier and contains higher concentrations of sulfur and naphthenic acids. This approach leads to a higher frequency of treatment service works to maintain the refinery's process plant. Fortunately, understanding precipitation mechanisms and the development of methods to mitigate precipitates of petroleum contaminants has recently improved with the advancement of prediction and identification tools. Surprisingly, 90% of petroleum contaminants in refining have only a few common causes. Sediment analysis usually identifies the initial trigger, which is confirmed by finding a precursor to this unfavourable phenomenon in the crude oil flowing through the contaminated unit. Appropriate identification of the issue can result in several potential mitigation methods from which a particular refinery can choose the best one to implement. Every country in the world strives to achieve greater energy security and thus diversification of the supply of oil and other raw materials. When crude oil is obtained from different sources, an additional problem can appear during processing in the refinery, namely oil compatibility. Some crude oils, when blended, tend to precipitate sediments in the process chain. In the previous statutory work, an effective filtering method was developed to determine crude oils' compatibility. Now, attention has been paid to speeding up the measurements and reusing the sample. A new method of compatibility testing using an HPM microscope was developed for two crude oils from different supplies. The measurements were performed for crude oils and their mixtures at 120°C under 25 bar pressure. Compatibility tests using the filtering method were used for comparative studies. The mass of sediment separated on dedicated filters was taken as an indicator of compatibility for investigated crude oils.
This study aimed to determine the ability to modify slow sand filter (SSF) media with silica sand or Anadara granosa shells on the efficiency of removal of turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), and iron in the water of Kali Jagir Surabaya as an effort to achieve clean water in disaster areas, to obtain the influence of variables, and to optimize the obtained results. The research data was processed using Design Expert 11 Software which factors consisted of media type, filtering speed, and running time, for the responses of removal efficiencies for each parameter. The reactor was operated continuously for 6 days, and samples were analyzed for turbidity parameters based on Indonesian standard (SNI 06-6989.25-2005); TSS and Iron Standard Method 23rd 3500A. In addition, the results of the parameters were processed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to show the significant effect of the variables on the efficiency of the elimination of all parameters. Optimal research was achieved in the SSF reactor unit with silica sand media type and filtering speed of 0.1 m/hour turbidity removal efficiency of 82.07%; TSS 89.5%; and 50.14% iron. However, the reactor that was chosen was the filtering speed of 0.1 m/hour with a flow rate of 22.8 L/day, while the SSF was suitable to be applied in disaster areas, which had a large discharge. Hence, the reactor is suitable for use in water sanitation in disaster areas, namely with a filtering speed of 0.3 m/hour which produces a discharge of 68.4 L/day with variations of sand, geotextile, and silica sand media.
The research objective is to develop and test mathematical model of gas storage in the layered aquifer with poorly permeable interlayer if plane-parallel and axisymmetric filtration takes place. The paper evaluates the gas-hydrodynamic operational indices of the underground gas storages within aquifers in the South East Ukraine. Comprehensive approach has been applied involving collection, systematization, and analysis of actual data on filtration and physicomechanical properties of enclosing rocks impacting formation of natural and technogenic deposits as well as analytical and numerical methods to solve equations of the gas-water contact shift under different conditions. A gas-hydrodynamic model of underground gas storage within the nonuniform aquifer has been substantiated to calculate its cyclic operation in the three-layered seam taking into consideration crossflows through a poorly permeable stopping. The calculation results show significant impact of characteristics of the layered porous environment on the gas water contact transfer through certain seams. The derived new technique linearizing a system of differential equations to identify pressure within a reservoir is generalization of the earlier applied procedures with introduction of ‘boundary schemes’. The calculation results demonstrate significant impact of the layered porous environment on the gas water contact transfer through certain seams. The findings may be applied while making evaluations at the stage of gas storage design within aquifers.
Celem badań jest opracowanie i przetestowanie modelu matematycznego magazynowania gazu w warstwie wodonośnej ze słabo przepuszczalną międzywarstwą, przy założeniu filtracji płasko-rownóległej i osiowo-symetrycznej. W artykule dokonano oceny gazowo-hydrodynamicznych wskaźników eksploatacyjnych podziemnych magazynów gazu w warstwach wodonośnych południowo- wschodniej Ukrainy. Zastosowano kompleksowe podejście polegające na zebraniu, usystematyzowaniu i analizie rzeczywistych danych, dotyczących właściwości filtracyjnych i fizykomechanicznych skał otaczających, wpływających na powstawanie osadów naturalnych i technogenicznych, a także analityczne i numeryczne metody rozwiązywania równań przesunięcia kontaktu gaz-woda w rożnych warunkach. Model gazowo-hydrodynamiczny podziemnego magazynowania gazu w niejednorodnej warstwie wodonośnej został uzasadniony w celu obliczenia jego cyklicznej pracy w pokładzie trójwarstwowym z uwzględnieniem przepływów krzyżowych przez słabo przepuszczalną zaporę. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują na istotny wpływ charakterystyk warstwowego środowiska porowatego na kontakt gazu z wodą przez określone pokłady. Nową techniką linearyzującą układ równań różniczkowych do identyfikacji ciśnienia w zbiorniku jest uogólnienie wcześniej stosowanych procedur poprzez wprowadzenie „schematów brzegowych”. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują na istotny wpływ warstwowego środowiska porowatego na kontakt gazu z wodą przez określone pokłady. Uzyskane wyniki mogą być wykorzystane przy dokonywaniu ocen na etapie projektowania magazynów gazu w warstwach wodonośnych.
Content available remote Zjawiska, których nie uwzględniano w modelowaniu filtracji
Opisano sposób przeprowadzenia oraz wyniki eksperymentów świadczących o dużym wpływie na filtrację wgłębną takich zjawisk, jak zagęszczanie się w czasie złoża filtracyjnego i ściśliwość osadów pokoagulacyjnych, a także prawdopodobnie pod koniec filtracji inaczej rozumiana niż dotychczas sufozja osadu. Zjawiska te są współodpowiedzialne, wraz z innymi, za brak sukcesów w stosowaniu metod matematycznego modelowania procesu filtracji.
The method of carrying out and the results of experiments are described, showing a significant impact on depth filtration of phenomena such as the thickening of the filter bed over time and the compressibility of post-coagulation sediments, as well as, probably at the end of filtration, sediment suffusion of a different character than was expected before. These phenomena are co-responsible, together with others, for the lack of success in using methods of mathematical modelling of the filtration process.
Wody podziemne, stanowiące główne źródło zaopatrzenia ludności w wodę do picia, ze względu na swój skład wymagają często uzdatniania z wykorzystaniem procesów napowietrzania i filtracji. O skuteczności przebiegu tych procesów decyduje wiele parametrów eksploatacyjnych poszczególnych procesów jednostkowych, które powinny być kontrolowane, a w wypadku pogorszenia jakości uzdatnionej wody odpowiednio weryfikowane. W artykule, na podstawie przeprowadzonych badan, pokazano ze oceny przebiegu usuwania związków żelaza i manganu podczas uzdatniania wód podziemnych można dokonać na podstawie badań w skali wielkolaboratoryjnej oraz technicznej.
Groundwater, the main source of the drinking water supply, due to its composition, often requires treatment using aeration and filtration processes. The effectiveness of the process is determined by a number of operational parameters of individual unit processes, which should be controlled and, in the case of the treated water quality deterioration, properly verified. In the article, based on the performed studies, it is shown that the evaluation of iron and manganese compounds removal during groundwater treatment can be carried out on the basis of large-laboratory and technical scale studies.
As a result of poor human activities, storm water is now contaminated, notably in the Middle East. The filtering process is a physical separation with no chemical reactions occurring throughout the operation. The goal of this research is to use three distinct types of filters to improve the quality of storm water: sand, sand with granular activated carbon (GAC), and sand with cotton. Before and after treatment, the pH, turbidity, electric conductivity, TDS, and temperature of storm water are all monitored. In addition, the water quality index (WQI) was computed. The parameters of treated storm water varied depending on the filter media used, such as sand (turbidity = 83 NTU, TDS = 585 mg/L, conductivity = 1190 S/cm, pH = 7.1 and temperature =17.8 °C), sand with GAC (turbidity = 12NTU, TDS = 540 mg/L, conductivity = 910 S/cm, pH = 7 and temperature =18 °C) and sand with cotton (turbidity = 6.4 NTU, TDS = 490 mg/L, conductivity = 1090 μS/cm, pH = 7.2 and temperature =17.6 °C). Sand has a treatment efficiency of 63.6 percent, sand with GAC has an efficiency of 84.9 percent, and sand with cotton has an efficiency of 84.2 percent at a flow rate of 0.66 L/min, when WQI is clean. With GAC, it is clear that the dual media filter is the finest special sand.
Polymermineral material "PMM" has multiple cycles of swelling and drying. It does not decompose under soil, biological and atmospheric influences and is environmentally safe. By adding the proportion of up to 30 g/kg of PMM additive to soil and tamping, we get a waterproofing material that can be used in urban construction and water supply. Taking into account the fact it is not always technically possible to carry out high-quality ramming when repairing channel walls, the task was to conduct an experimental study in order to determine the total moisture content of the mixture of PMM additive with soil. Experimental results of laboratory studies show that when PMM is added to the soil at a ratio of 30 g/kg under evaporation conditions, the mass of excess water in the substrate increases with time.
Modern climatic changes, in particular, changes in the amount and intensity of soil moisture (precipitation regime), have a significant impact on the water-physical properties of mineral soils. The state of soil’s solid phase and the mutual arrangement of its structural particles can be considered as the most significant factor for soil properties. Due to the structure of the soil, it is possible to influence the uniformity of the distribution of water in the soil sample not only in the vertical direction, but, partially, also in the horizontal direction, which will allow to resolve the issue of local flooding of individual areas and the bearing capacity of mineral soils. For the analysis of changes in the water-physical properties of the soil environment, the soil was considered as a homogeneous in density and continuous environment formed by a set of separate structural aggregates connected by cohesive forces. Based on the experimental results of the physical modelling, it was determined that the presence of structural soil macroaggregates with a size of 4 to 6 mm is the most appropriate for slowing down the vertical filtration of water saturating the lower soil layers, and the formation of structural soil macroaggregates of size larger than 6 to 10 mm for the predominant types of soils is necessary to increase the vertical filtration. Due to the size of the formed macroaggregates, it is possible to predict a change in the water-physical parameters of the soil, which then can be used for the assessment of the calculated characteristics of the soil environment.
According to Polish law, it is prohibited to perform excavations or locate buildings closer than 50 m from the embankment. In order to obtain exemption from this ban, filtration and stability analysis of the embankment and excavation in the flood conditions have to be performed. This paper presents results of the numerical investigations on interactions between excavations and embankment. Complex nature of the problem is presented. Methodology of numerical simulations and real case examples are described.
Stopień wodny w Krzywańcu piętrzy wody rzeki Bóbr i pozwala na skierowanie wody do kanału derywacyjnego elektrowni wodnej w Dychowie. Powyżej jazu powstał zbiornik na brzegu, którego położona jest wieś Cieszów. W przekroju wsi zwierciadło wody podniosło się o ok. 3,5 m w stosunku do normalnego poziomu wody w rzece przed budową stopnia. Aby nie dopuścić do znacznego podniesienia się wód gruntowych i podtopienia wsi wykonane zostały drenaże i rowy odwadniające. Obecnie, mimo opisanych wyżej urządzeń, obserwuje się wysoki poziom wód gruntowych na terenie zabudowanym wsi, piwnice budynków są stale zalewane wodą.
The Krzywaniec barrage dams the waters of the Bóbr River and allows the water to be directed to the derivative canal of the Dychów hydropower plant. On the shore of the reservoir, there is the village of Cieszów. In the cross-section of the village, the water table rose by about 3.5 m in relation to the normal water level in the river before the construction of the barrage. Drainage and drainage ditches were made to prevent a significant rise of groundwater and flooding of the village. Currently, despite the devices described above, a high level of groundwater is observed in the built-up area of the village, and the basements of buildings are constantly flooded with water.
W artykule przedstawiono badania laboratoryjne nad zastosowaniem do regulowania filtracji polimerów syntetycznych takich jak kopolimery i terpolimery zbudowane z merów winylowoamidowych, winylowosulfonowych, akrylowosulfonowych lub bezwodnika maleinowego. Środki te według danych literaturowych wykazują odporność termiczną powyżej 200°C. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań z wykorzystaniem nowych środków syntetycznych dokonano ich doboru do regulowania filtracji i parametrów reologicznych płuczek wiertniczych w różnych warunkach geologicznych oraz określono korelację pomiędzy wynikami badań filtracji uzyskanymi na statycznej i dynamicznej prasie filtracyjnej HPHT oraz wynikami filtracji otrzymanymi za pomocą aparatu Grace M2200 HPHT. Badania polimerów syntetycznych przeprowadzono w płuczce, w której składzie zastosowano środek skrobiowy i biopolimer XCD. Płuczka ta zawierała dodatkowo 7% inhibitora jonowego KCl i 7% blokatora węglanowego w celu utworzenia osadu filtracyjnego. Dla badanych płuczek przeprowadzono pomiary ich podstawowych właściwości oraz wykonano pomiary statycznej i dynamicznej filtracji HPHT na standardowych sączkach do pomiaru filtracji oraz krążkach ceramicznych o porowatości 20 µm. Filtrację statyczną określono w temperaturach 60°C i 120°C, natomiast dynamiczną w temperaturze 120°C. Filtrację przy użyciu aparatu Grace M2200 HPHT zmierzono również w temperaturach 60°C i 120°C na rdzeniach o porowatości 20 µm. W celu odtworzenia warunków otworowych do płuczek dodawano zwierciny (zmielony łupek mioceński) i skażenia chemiczne w postaci chlorków wapnia i magnezu oraz obciążano je barytem. Wyniki pomiarów na aparacie Grace M2200 HPHT podane w artykule zostały przeliczone na podstawie stosunku powierzchni filtracji w celu porównania z filtracją HPHT na krążkach ceramicznych. Dla płuczek dodatkowo przeprowadzono badanie dyspersji skały ilastej w celu określenia i porównania ich właściwości inhibicyjnych. Uzyskane wyniki badań mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w warunkach przemysłowych podczas głębokich wierceń oraz pozyskiwania energii geotermalnej.
The article presents laboratory research on the use of synthetic polymers for controlling filtration, such as copolymers and terpolymers made of vinylamide, vinylsulfonic, acryl-sulfonic or maleic anhydride units. According to the literature data, these agents show thermal resistance above 200°C. Based on the research carried out with the use of new synthetic agents, they were selected to regulate the filtration and rheological parameters of drilling fluids in various geological conditions, and the correlation between the results of HPHT filtration tests obtained on the static and dynamic filter press and the filtration results obtained with the Grace M2200 PHT apparatus was determined. The research on synthetic polymers was carried out in a mud containing a starch agent and an XCD biopolimer. This mud contained an additional 7% KCl ionic inhibitor and 7% calcium carbonate to form a filter cake. For the tested muds, measurements of their basic properties were carried out, and static and dynamic HPHT filtration measurements were made on standard filters for filtration and ceramic discs with a porosity of 20 µm. Static filtration was determined at 60 and 120°C, and dynamic filtration at 120°C. Filtration using a Grace M2200 HPHT apparatus was performed on cores with a porosity of 20 µm. In order to restore the borehole conditions, drill cuttings (ground Miocene shales) and chemical contamination in the form of calcium and magnesium chlorides were added to the muds, and weighted with barite. The results of the measurements on the Grace M2200 HPHT apparatus given in the article were converted based on the filtration area ratio for comparison with the HPHT filtration on ceramic discs. For the muds, a rock dispersion test was carried out in order to determine and compare their inhibitory properties. The obtained test results can be used in industrial conditions during deep drilling and acquisition of geothermal energy
This article presents the results of studies on the comprehensive assessment pertaining to the peculiarities of nutrition, accumulation, transit and discharge of groundwater in the adjacent territory of the Sorbulak reservoir. The information about the waste water storage was presented. The results of the analysis and decryption of satellite images, as well as the results of aerial photography of the territory of the Sorbulak were presented. The results of field route studies of the work area were presented to identify the external manifestations of directional filtration, areas of exits to the daytime surface of groundwater. The results of the calculation of the filtration flow controlled by the Sorbulak storage lake, unloading through the western side of the plateau into the Kurty River, were presented.
Iron is one of the groundwater contaminants that negatively impact health and the environment. This study is attempted at introducing low cost natural adsorbent for that adsorbs iron from synthetically prepared iron water. Sawdust and barley husks were used as a filter media, either alone or at different mixing ratio of sawdust/barley husks (1:1, 0.5:1, 1:0.5), to study the effect of adsorbent dose on the removal efficiency. Synthetic water of iron was used at different initial concentrations (10, 25, 40, 65, and 80) mg/L to study the effect of initial iron concentration on the removal efficiency. The filtration process was conducted at a surface loading rate of 3 m3/m2.hr. The results showed higher removal efficiency with the increase of iron initial concentration. The results indicated that removal of iron ranged (90–99.34%) for all types of filter media. The best removal was found to be 99.34% at a mixing ratio of 0.5:1 (sawdust/barley husks) at 80 mg/L initial concentration. As a conclusion, Removal of iron was very successfully observed with absorbent materials sawdust and barley husk, which makes the treatment of iron even possible in rural areas and when high concentration of iron is present.
The paper deals with the subject of increasing the efficiency of air purification in ventilation systems in situations of unusual hazardous indoor air pollutants. It analyzes possible locations of additional filtering and sterilizing elements in the installation to eliminate their return to the rooms. The quantities of pollutants in particular parts of the system were determined for a given fan configuration in the air handling unit and a possible leakage in the heat recovery system. Guidelines were proposed for the design and construction of systems to enable rapid modification of systems in the event of unusual contamination or pathogens in the indoor air.
The basis of every hydraulic system is based on energy transformations, which are realized through hydraulic working fluid. Hydraulic oils are certainly subject to changes within their structure, meaning the basic characteristics and parameters of hydraulic oil, such as density, viscosity, humidity. The oils that are exploited are exposed to the process of degradation, which largely leads to significantly poorer quality of hydraulic fluid. The paper deals with the influence of changes in the characteristics of the hydraulic fluid on the hydraulic operating parameters of the gear pump installed on the hydraulic press. The parameters refer to pressure, flow, and temperature, as well as the quality of hydraulic oil, which affects the volumetric efficiency of the pump, and the results presented in the conclusion are based on the measured values of parameters before and after corrective measures. The control of parameters aims to increase the efficiency and reliability of the hydraulic system, a way of modern detection of deviations of parameters from standard, required values.
The naturally pressurized gating system was used for reoxidation suppression during aluminium alloy casting. A naturally pressurized gating system appears to be a suitable solution to reduce reoxidation processes, which was proven by our previous works. The disadvantage of this system is that without inserting deceleration elements, the melt velocity is supercritical. Therefore, the aim of paper is to find a proper way to reduce the melt velocity, which is the main parameter affecting the scale of reoxidation processes. For the purpose of the melt velocity reduction, labyrinth filters, foam filters and flat filters effect on the melt velocity and the number of oxides were investigated by numerical simulation software in the first stage of the experiment. After simulations observation, the effect of filters on the mechanical properties was investigated by experimental casts. The simulations and experimental casts proved that filters had a positive effect on the melt velocity reduction and it was associated with increased mechanical properties of castings. The best results were achieved by the foam filter.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) allow relatively cheap and fast acquisition of high-resolution data for small areas, making it possible to produce not only an orthophoto, understood as a two-dimensional product, but also a three-dimensional point cloud, which is the basis for obtaining a digital terrain model (DTM). The use of high-resolution image and elevation data may allow accurate shoreline delineation in areas where such measurement is not possible with other methods and further use of these data, e.g. for the production of electronic navigation charts. The accuracy of the final product, the DTM, is significantly affected by the photogrammetric classification process of the point cloud and the correct separation of the ground class. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the algorithms used to classify ground in photogrammetric point clouds and obtain correct DTMs. Three algorithms were tested: Adaptive Triangulated Irregular Network, Progressive Triangulated Irregular Network, and Multiscale Curvature Classification. The study involved two test areas covering natural shorelines. Images acquired with a UAV on the X8 system and a Sony alpha camera with a mounted 15 mm wide-angle lens were used as data for the research experiment. Accuracy analysis of the developed models was performed using check points acquired by the GNSS-RTK method.
The short review describes typical surfactants used for micelle enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF). Concerning the kind of pollutant that has to be removed from aqueous solutions, different surface-active species can be applied. However, to get the efficient separation two bodies have to be selected: a specific surfactant and an ultrafiltration membrane. Each procedure has its own rules to be fulfilled.
The article proposes the methodology of designing dams of dry flood control reservoirs. The algorithm is developed so as to meet all the requirements given in the Eurocode 7 and, at the same time, to be efficient in terms of necessary calculation time. Furthermore, the presented numerical procedure enables the optimization of design solutions, e.g. the depth and length of the anti-filtration barrier, by means of parametric analyses. The approach assumes the use of numerical methods, in particular, finite element (FE) analysis. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the terrain topography and subsoil layer arrangement performed in step (1) sets the base for further analyses. In step (2), the filtration phenomena are assessed based on the 3D analysis of a transient groundwater flow. In step (3), the state of displacement is evaluated and the stability is verified for all the relevant phases of construction and operation of the facility, in particular, in the course of simulated flood detention. The analyses in step (3) are carried out on 2D models corresponding to the design cross-sections of the dam. This significantly reduces the computation time (compared to 3D analysis) and, at the same time, provides a safe estimate of factor of safety. The performance of the proposed algorithm is shown on the numerical examples of the computations concerning the dam of Szalejów Górny dry anti-flood reservoir located in Poland.
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