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In the Triassic-Jurassic boundary profiles of the Upper Silesian region, there are locally developed coarse clastic deposits, commonly known as the Połomia Gravels, Połomia Beds or “Połomia Formation’’ (informal name). Due to the lack of reliable stratigraphic tools, the chronostratigraphic position of these deposits remains one of the most controversial aspects of the Triassic-Jurassic lithostratigraphy in the region. Sparse biostratigraphic data from the overlying and underlying deposits indicate a wide range of ages, from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. This paper presents the results of sedimentological, petrographical and palynological analyses of the coarse-grained deposits from the Kamienica Śląska gravel pit, which is currently one of the biggest facilities of this type in Upper Silesia. The outcrop section, with a total thickness of up to 20 m, is dominated by friable, light grey to beige and locally dark grey, large-scale planar to trough cross-stratified conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones with subordinate thin interbeds of grey and reddish brown mudstones. Three facies associations have been distinguished, representing a main channel belt, secondary channels and floodplains subenvironments. Facies analysis points to a braided river tract with localised floodplain sediments. The grain composition of the Kamienica Śląska gravel/conglomerate is less diversified than that of the polymictic typical Połomia Beds of the Myszków area and resembles oligomictic conglomerates known from the Grabowa Formation of the Norian age and/or conglomerates of the Gorzów Beds of Rhaetian age, which also occur on the studied region. Palynological analysis of mudstone interbeds within the conglomeratic deposits shows the presence of miospores guiding and characteristic for subzone c of the Corollina meyeriana zone of the late Norian-early Rhaetian age. The appearance of the coarse-grained deposits in late Norian could be associated with the development of a long-reach braided fluvial tract, draining the S and SE part of the Sudetian-Malopolska-Lublin land (S-M-L land) in response to the tectonic rearrangement in the source area and gradual climatic change from semi-arid to humid in the Rhaetian.
We review the three regional anastomosing fluvial systems, both ancient and modern. The dinosaur-bearing upper Triassic succession in Krasiejów (S Poland) is composed of siltstones and claystones that are divided into three facies associations. One of the fluvial associations is characterized by features typical of a low-energy anastomosing river system in a tropical semiarid climate, interpreted as the result of accumulation in deep, wide and low-sinuosity palaeochannels with pronounced vertical accretion. Deposition from suspension predominated in flows of very low stream power. The upper Neogene muddy succession in a tectonically active area (Kleczew Graben, central Poland) includes a great number of fluvial palaeochannels filled with sand and/or mud. These ribbon-shaped fluvial bodies are deep and wide, and represent channels showing very lim ited lateral migration. They were filled mostly under low-energy condi tions, and their mapped course shows an “anabranching” pattern in plan view. The palaeochannels are transitional from sand- to mud-dominated. The Holocene upper Narew River (NE Poland) represents a modern anastomosing fluvial system. The interconnected channels form an anabranching pattern. The channels are straight to slightly sinuous, relatively deep and wide. Interchannel, low-lying “islands” are covered by peat-forming plants. Despite the low stream power, in-channel deposition is dominated by sand transported as bedload. The channel banks are stabilised by vegetation, which effectively prevents their lateral migration.
The present account summarizes the results of lithological and facies analysis of representative sections of the Godula Formation, in order to contribute to the understanding of the lithofacies structure of this formation, the processes involved in its development and the character of the depositional environment. The sedimentology of different parts of the Godula Formation was investigated in six representative sections in the western and central parts of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. The Godula Formation is made up mainly of Upper Cretaceous siliciclastic turbidites and was formed during the most significant depositional phase of the filling of the deep-sea Silesian Basin. On the basis of sedimentological research, five facies classes (including four subclasses) were defined: 1) conglomeratic sandstones, 2) sandstones, 3) sandstones with mudstones, 4) mudstones with sandstones and siltstones, and 5) mudstones with siltstones. The methodology of facies analysis allowed the identification of several facies association, corresponding to the medial and distal parts of a turbidite fan and associated siliciclastic apron. The facies of depositional lobes, lobe transitions and the apron are described. The sandstone and mudstone facies (F3) occurs mostly in the depositional lobes. The sandstone facies (F2) and mudstone with sandstone and siltstone facies (F4) are present only to a lesser degree. The facies of the lobe transitions include lithologic associations of the lobe fringe and channel levee environments. They comprise mainly the mudstones with sandstones and siltstones (F4) and the mudstone with siltstone facies (F5). In the apron deposits, the sandstone facies (F2) and the conglomeratic sandstone facies (F1) predominate. Palaeocurrent analysis from measurements made in selected profiles showed that in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., the dominant direction of sediment transport was from SW to NE. After applying correction of the known counterclockwise rotation of the nappes of the Outer Carpathians, this corresponds to a longitudinal direction along the original axis of the basin.
The present article focuses predominantly on sandy deposits that occur within the Middle Miocene lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine, owned by the Konin Lignite Mine. As a result of mining activity, these siliciclastics were available for direct observation in 2015–2016. They are situated between two lignite benches over a distance of ~500 m in the lower part and ~200 m in the higher part of the exploitation levels. The maximum thickness of these sandy sediments, of a lenticular structure in a S–N cross section, is up to 1.8 m. With the exception of a thin lignite intercalation, these siliciclastics comprise mainly by fine-grained and well-sorted sands, and only their basal and top layers are enriched with silt particles and organic matter. Based on a detailed analysis of the sediments studied (i.e., their architecture and textural-structural features), I present a discussion of their genesis and then propose a model of their formation. These siliciclastics most likely formed during at least two flood events in the overbank area of a Middle Miocene meandering or anastomosing river. Following breaching of the natural river levee, the sandy particles (derived mainly from the main river channel and levees) were deposited on the mire (backswamp) surface in the form of crevasse splays. After each flooding event, vegetation developed on the top of these siliciclastics; hence, two crevasse-splay bodies (here referred to as the older and younger) came into existence. As a result, the first Mid-Polish lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine is currently divided in two by relatively thick siliciclastics, which prevents a significant portion of this seam from being used for industrial purposes.
The entrenched Odra palaeovalley, cut into the bedrock of the distal margin (forebulge basal unconformity) of the Moravian Carpathian Foredeep (peripheral foreland basin) is filled with an almost 300 m thick pile of Miocene deposits. The directon of the valley (NW-SE to NNW-SSE) has been controlled by faults subparallel with the system of “sudetic faults“. The sedimentary succession consists of 5 facies associations/depositional environments, which are interpreted (from bottom to top, i.e. from the oldest to the youngest) as: 1 - colluvial deposits to deposits of alluvial fan, 2 - deposits of alluvial fan, 3 - fan-delta deposits, 4 - shallow water delta to nearshore deposits and 5 - open marine deposits. This fining-up and deepening-up succession reveals the following: the formation of the new flexural shape of the basin; deep erosion connected with uplift and tilting of the forebulge and reactivation of the NW-SE trending basement faults; the Early/Middle Miocene sea level fall; alluvial deposition mostly driven by tectonics and morphology; forebulge flexural retreat; Middle-Miocene sea level rise; back-stepping of valley infill; marine invasion during the Early Badenian with shift of the coastline further landward of the pallaeovalley. Tectonics related to contemporary thrusting processes in the Western Carpathians are assumed to be the dominating factor of the studied deposition at the expense of eustatic sea level changes. Provenance studies have proven that the pre-Neogene basement (i.e. the Early Carboniferous clastic “Culmian facies” ofthe Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic) represents an important source for the conglomerates and sands, which volumetrically dominate in the palaeovalley infill. However, they also showed, that the deposits of the earlier Carpathian Foredeep Basin sedimentary stage (Karpatian in age?) covered the area under study and were eroded and resedimented into the palaeovalley infill.
This study is a detailed lithofacies analysis of the Wiar and Leszczyny members of the deep-marine Ropianka Formation (Campanian–Paleocene) exposed in the Hucisko Jawornickie section of the Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathian Flysch. The sedimentary succession (>400 m thick) represents a channelized lobe complex that prograded at the base of submarine slope. Seven sedimentary facies are recognized as a record of the principal modes of sediment deposition. Based on their stratigraphic grouping and grain-size trends, six facies associations are distinguished as representing specific sub-environments of the depositional system: distributary channels, channel-mouth lobes, channel levees, crevasses and interlobe basin plain with crevasse splays. The individual facies associations are characterized statistically and their internal facies organization is analysed by the method of embedded Markov chains to reveal the time pattern of depositional processes. The environmental changes indicated by the vertical succession of facies associations are attributed to the autogenic processes of the distributary channel shifting within an aggrading lobe area and the lateral switching of depositional lobes. Eustatic influences are likely, but difficult to ascertain with poor biostratigraphic data. The bulk basinward advance of the base-of-slope system was probably due to a pulse of the tectonic narrowing of the synclinal Skole Basin.
Thick deep-water sandstone successions are known from many localities in the Outer Western Carpathians. The present study is focused on comparison of deposits of the Piwniczna (PwSM) and Poprad (PpSM) Sandstone members belonging to the Magura Formation of the Magura Unit, outcropping in the eastern Slovakia and Poland border area. At the general level, a close similarity of the sandstone successions was confirmed by this study. However, in more detail, facies analysis shows differences in the thickness of the sandstone successions, in grain size and in the character of intervals between the thick sandstones. Thin-section study, though, showed almost the same modal composition in the sandstones analysed. The sandstone successions studied are interpreted as sandy debrites, the PwSM showing transitional facies to turbidites. These deposits rep resent channelized depositional lobes in the proximal part of a submarine fan with the PpSM closer to the source. The sediment source area was common to both lithostratigraphic units, and was most likely the South-Magura Ridge.
Aim of the study was to investigate the detailed stratigraphic architecture of the alluvial Volkovce Formation, which was deposited in the northern Danube Basin during the interval between 10 and 6 Ma. Two type locality exposures were subject to facies analysis and interpretation of depositional processes and >500 boreholes served for correlation of spatial variability in the character of the formation. The study was focused on the northern Blatné and western Rišňovce depressions, which are partly separated by the Považský Inovec Mountains horst. It was revealed, that a mostly gravelly fluvial distributary system of the Piešťany Member was deposited in the northern Blatné depression, partly confined by the exposed horst and by incised palaeotopography. The sequence is composed of amalgamated braided river channel bodies with no overbank strata, in response to high sediment supply and low accommodation. The palaeo-stream then crossed the horst in its southern part towards the Rišňovce depression, where there was four times more accommodation. The submerged horst acted as a boundary, where the depositional processes changed to a meandering river and significant overbank deposits started to be preserved. Only small streams were present in the northern Rišňovce depression, which led to very low sediment supply compared to the high accommodation there. The depositional system was affected mainly by the incised palaeotopography, by the location of sediment input together with spatial differences in accommodation rate caused by the activity of the Ripňany Fault on the southeastern side of the Považský Inovec Mts.
This article reports on the first detailed study of the Skole Nappe’s Ropianka Formation in the Słonne outcrop section along river San. Lithological and micropalaeontological similarities indicate that the sedimentary succession correlates with the formation’s Wiar Member of Campanian–late Maastrichtian age. The sedimentary succession, more than 140 m thick, is interpreted as a deep-marine complex of turbiditic depositional lobes and the study reveals its sedimentary anatomy. Six component facies of sediment gravity-flow deposits and their stratigraphic grouping into four facies associations are recognized, with these latter considered to represent deposits of the lobe axial zone, lateral flank zone and featheredge fringe zone, as well as an interlobe outer-fringe zone. Semi-quantitative characterization and comparison of facies associations gives insight into the succession’s sedimentary heterogeneity. Six depositional lobes superimposed upon one another are recognized in the stratigraphic succession, and their pattern of vertical stacking is interpreted in terms of dynamic stratigraphy on the basis of the upward succession of facies associations. The stratigraphic arrangement of facies associations is attributed to autogenic morphodynamic changes within the evolving depositional system, although it cannot be precluded that also eustatic and local tectonic forcing came into play. The case study sheds more light on the sedimentary environment, sediment sourcing system and spatial depositional pattern in the Late Cretaceous Skole Basin, where the aggrading seafloor apparently oscillated around the lysocline depth that could be mid-bathyal at that time.
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of sedimentary rocks has been used for interpreting wide range of processes: early rock deformations, palaeotransport directions, as well as the evolution of mineral content. Various sedimentary factors which may determine magnetic susceptibility within lacustrine, river, floodplain and swamp deposits have been examined in the Oravica section of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin. Multiple components of mineral content: illite, chlorite, smectite, kaolinite, quartz and unidentified high susceptibility phase make an AMS interpretation of this content ambiguous. However, this method may be useful for tracing early diagenetic geochemical/microbial processes where iron element is involved. Some sedimentary processes may be recognized from AMS when an assemblage of parameters is studied together: bulk susceptibility, the degree and the shape of anisotropy, principal directions, and the distribution of all these parameters within a set of specimens. Debris-flow processes, as well as lacustrine and floodplain sedimentation are especially well-defined in AMS results. Palaeotransport directions are ambiguous because studied rocks have undergone weak deformation what overprints this sedimentary feature. Most specimens represent an oblate shape of anisotropy and show a good correlation of minimum susceptibility axis and normal to bedding plane.
Sandstones and conglomerates, which northwards of Brno agglomeration build a hill (ridge) named Babí lom are strongly diagenezed (anchi-metamorphozed) and tectonically deformed. Their regional distribution and stratigraphic position between the Cambrian(?) clastics and Upper Devonian limestones, as well as their appearance meant that they age is considering as Middle Devonian. They are distinguished as the so-called „Basal Devonian Clastics“. Almost all primary sedimentary features are well preserved and distinct. In the metasediments of the Babí lom hill were distinguished both the facies and structures typical of alluvial fans and rivers. Among others they are channel lags with imbricated grains, cross beddings and debrites. Within sedimentary association was established the way-up direction what clearly evidences a coarsening upwards sequence. Assuming the lack of rotation of series of sediments in the X-Y plane, the palaeotrasport was toward the north while major supply with material was from the east.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza facjalna utworów terenewu, stanowiących najniższą część sukcesji kambryjskiej wschodniej części bloku górnośląskiego. W silikoklastycznym profilu zdefiniowano systemy depozycyjne dolnego i górnego odbrzeża, zdominowane przez facje iłowcowe z licznymi fodinichnia osadożerców oraz system depozycyjny przybrzeża reprezentowany przez piaskowce. W strefie górnego odbrzeża wyróżniono część dystalną i proksymalną.
The article is presents a facies analysis of Terreneuvian (lowermost Cambrian) deposits in the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block. The Terreneuvian siliciclastic succession consists of the lower and upper offshore depositional system dominated by claystone facies, and the shoreface system represented by sandstones. Numerous trace fossils, represented mainly by fodinichnia of deposit feeders occur in this part of the offshore system. In the upper offshore zone, distal and proximal parts have been distinguished.
This sedimentological study was based on well cores from the Polish and Ukrainian parts of the Carpa- thian Foredeep. It revealed general heterogeneity of facies in the middle Miocene of the sedimentary succession in the basin. Fourteen sedimentary facies were distinguished and their origin was interpreted: massive, non-graded sandstones; normal-graded, massive sandstones, with and without a stratified uppermost part; hydroplastically deformed sandstones; planar-parallel-stratified sandstones; trough-cross-stratified sandstones; ripple-cross-lami- nated sandstones; heterolithic deposits, composed of thinly interlayered sandstone and mudstone; massive and laminated mudstones; and basal gypsum/anhydrite evaporites, often intercalated with mudstone. Four main modalities of vertical facies organization were recognized and attributed to the following environments: (1) the mid-late Badenian, shoal-water, evaporitic environment that preceded the latest Badenian–early Sarmatian, main phase of foredeep development; (2) a littoral, tidal environment of the inner parts of storm-influenced, coastal bays and tidal flats or possibly spit-sheltered lagoons; (3) a wave-dominated, littoral, sandy environment, considered to be shoreface, extended by waves, in front of advancing deltas; and (4) a neritic to subneritic, muddy, offshore slope, characterized by frequent incursions of tempestite and turbidite sand. The study contributed to a better understanding of the mid-Miocene depositional systems in the basin, with significant implications for ongoing hydrocarbon exploration. Interpretations of the origins of potential reservoir sandstones provided important information on their possible stratigraphic distribution in the basin fill. The potential, economic importance of stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps underscored the urgent need for a full-scale facies analysis and fully cored wells in strategic parts of the basin.
Integrated sedimentological and palaeontological study of borehole cores through plat orm siliciclastic deposits of the southernmost part of Brunovistulicum (S Moravia) shows convincing evidence for the Cambrian age of a considerable portion organic-walled microfossils of Late Proterozoic (Ediacaran) age have been found in a sample from the Menín-1 borehole. Thirty genera characteristic of the Ediacaran have been recognized. Part, though, of the siliciclastic succession of S Brunovistulicum is Devonian in age. The platform deposits studied are consid red to have the same source area but the degree of maturity of the Devonian clastics rocks is generally higher than that of the older strata. Facies analysis indicates a predominance of deltaic settings (braided and fan del tas); similar sedimentary environments are suggested for both the Ediacaran/Cambrian and Devonian successions.
The Upper Bajocian-Bathonian Kashafrud Formation is a thick (>2 km), siliciclastic sedimentary unit, distributed in a NW-SE-trending, 200 km long and 80 km wide outcrop belt in the area between the Koppeh Dagh and the Binalud Mountains (NE Iran). It was deposited in a strongly subsiding rift basin developing between the Iran Plate and Eurasia (Turan Plate) in response to Middle Jurassic crustal extension following the Mid-Cimmerian tectonic movements. The Kashafrud Basin is a southeastern prolongation of the South Caspian Basin, opening along the ocean suture which has been formed by the Late Triassic closure of the Palaeotethys (so-called Early Cimmerian orogeny). The stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Kashafrud Formation are the scope of this integrated analysis. Ten sections of the Kashafrud Formation were logged in detail and sampled for lithology, macro- and trace fossils, and facies analysis. At several localities, ammonites occur near the base of the formation, in every case providing a Late Bajocian age. Within the middle and upper parts of the Kashafrud Formation, ammonites are rare. However, in its uppermost part and at the base of the overlying unit (marls of the Chaman Bid Formation), ammonites of the genus Macrocephalites indicate an Early Callovian age. Thus, the Kashafrud Formation can be mainly assigned to the Upper Bajocian-Bathonian. Commonly, the Kashafrud Formation rests with angular unconformity on rocks affected by the Early Cimmerian orogeny. Based on thicknesses and principal facies development, two NW-SE-striking (basin-axis-parallel) zones can be differentiated, i.e., a more proximal one close to the Binalud Mountains in the SW and a distal one towards the Koppeh Dagh in the NE. Basal conglomerates tend to be thickest and coarsest in the proximal zone, at the southwestern basin margin. Rapid lateral thickness changes indicate a fault-controlled deposition (proximal alluvial fans or rockfalls). Up-section, the conglomerates are replaced by highly immature arcosic sandstones and pebbly sandstones of a short-headed braided river system grading into marine fan delta deposits. Rapid deposition and subsidence are indicated by the lack of significant maturation of the sediments even in settings above the fair-weather wave base. In some sections, basal conglomerates are thin and fluvial sediments missing, and the Kashafrud Formation directly starts with coarse-grained marine fan delta deposits. In all cases, a distinct fining-upward indicates a significant deepening trend. In the distal zone, basal conglomerates are thin and commonly marine as indicated by marine fossils. They are vertically replaced by basin plain (dark shales with rare ammonites) and intercalated submarine fan deposits (including coarse upper fan feeder channels, mid-fan leveed channel and inter-channel deposits, and well bedded shale-sandstone outer fan intercalations). Bioturbation is common in turbidite sequences and a deeper marine environment is indicated by rare graphoglyptids of the Nereites ichnofacies. Also in the distal part, a general fining- and thinning-upward trend indicates a deepening. All the observations can be integrated into a rift basin model for the Kashafrud Formation. The basin axis trend was roughly NW-SE and the stratigraphic and sedimentologic data indicate a main sediment input from the southwestern basin margin (Binalud). The northeastern basin margin is inferred below the Koppeh Dagh.
TThe Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) is the northern compartment of a foreland basin system that surrounds the Carpathian orogenic belt. The axis of the eastern part of the PCFB plunges gently towards SE, where the Miocene basin-fill succession exceeds 2000 metres in thickness. The Miocene succession developed in shallow marine ramp settings and is subdivided into 3 lithostratigraphic units: sub-evaporitic (onshore-to-nearshore), evaporitic, and supra-evaporitic (offshore-to-estuarine). The upper unit includes a siliciclastic series (Upper Badenian–Sarmatian), which constitutes the main segment of the succession. It displays an asymmetric, shallowing-up trend, expressed by the following sequence: hemipelagic-turbiditic-deltaic-low-energy nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Sediment accummulation in the basin has been significantly overprinted by higher-frequency cyclicity and encloses several genetic stratigraphic sequences bounded by MFS surfaces. An early phase of the basin development was characterised by high-rate subsidence and slow-rate sedimentation (hemipelagic facies). The turbiditic facies association identified within the Sieniawa–Rudka area resulted from southward progradation of a submarine fan/prodeltaic depositional system, mainly fed from the northern and north–western continental margins of the basin. An overall SE–ward palaeoslope inclination controlled the main phase of the deltaic progradation, which had gradually replaced the turbiditic systems. The late deltaic phase was characterised by ENE palaeotransport directions. The final phase of the basin filling took place in shallow-water, low-energy, nearshore-to-estuarine environments. In the early stage of the basin development, a complex system of NW–SE elongated basement pop-ups and flower structures in the Miocene succession were produced by reactivation and inversion of Mesozoic basement faults. The growth of these positive structures modified local subsidence patterns and affected the organisation of depositional systems of the siliciclastic series. A narrow elevation of the RyszkowaWola High (RWH) gradually grew above one of the pop-up structures. Complex structural-stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps developed along the RWH, due to interaction between the growth of local faults and the development of the successive depositional systems. Tidally-modified delta-top and estuarine facies are the most common hydrocarbon hosts within individual sequences of the „deltaic” segment of the succession..
Facies analysis was applied to the six main facies of the Badenian (Middle Miocene) gypsum deposits exposed along the margin of the Carpathian Foredeep basin, from Moldova to the Czech Republic. These facies, recognised within primary selenite and fine-grained gypsum deposits, are: (i) selenites with vertical crystals; (ii) selenites with horizontal crystals; (iii) selenite debris flow facies; (iv) selenite debris facies; (v) gypsum microbialite facies; and (vi) alabastrine facies. The facies represent various environments (from shallow-brine to subaerial) of a giant salina-type basin without open-water connections with the sea and showing evaporite drawdown. Integration of facies analysis and event stratigraphic studies in the gypsum basin allowed reconstruction of its sedimentary history.The architecture of the gypsum facies suggests that the margin of the basin was occupied by a system of variable perennial saline pans (dominated by selenite deposition) and evaporite shoals (dominated by gypsum microbialite deposition). The basin was infilled with evaporite deposits by aggradation. After initial evaporite drawdown, the northern margin of the basin evolved from a large perennial saline pan (or system of pans) into an evaporite shoal and then back again into a perennial pan, whereas the east area of the basin was a vast evaporite shoal dominated by gypsum microbialites. Separate selenite pans of oligotrophic-type developed both at the periphery and in the interior of this shoal. Later, predominantly clastic gypsum deposition developed throughout the basin margin, presumably due to a drastic change in the chemistry and salinity of the brine. Evaporite deposition was arrested by a flood of marine waters and rapid deepening.
Zróżnicowanie litologiczno-strukturalne i zmiany składu chemicznego soli kamiennych (wiek: górny perm, trias, miocen) z obszaru Polski, pozwoliły wyróżnić i scharakteryzować szereg litofacji solnych, reprezentujących różne morskie i lądowe subśrodowiska ewaporatowe. Zmiany cech o znaczeniu surowcowym (np. występowanie domieszek, udział inkluzji; miąższość) w poszczególnych litofacjach w obrębie soli górnopermskich umożliwiły wydzielenie 4 kategorii solnych litofacji surowcowych, określających przydatność typów facjalnych soli dla różnych form zagospodarowania (eksploatacja, magazynowanie i składowanie). Obszary o różnej użyteczności wyznaczono na terenie pokładowo zalegających formacji solnych górnego permu w rejonie Zatoki Puckiej i na monoklinie przedsudeckiej (Lubińsko-Głogowski Okręg Miedziowy).
Variability of lithology, structure and chemical composition of rock salts (age: Upper Permian, Triassic, Miocene) from Poland enabled to distinguish and characterise several salt lithofacies, representing various marine and continental evaporitic subenvironments. Variations of resource/economic features (i.e. admixtures occurrence, inclusions content, thickness) of each sedimentary lithofacies from the Upper Permian salts allowed to define 4 categories of economic salt lithofacies, precising usefulness of salt facies for various management forms (salt mining, storage and waste deposition). Areas predestined for various managements were contoured in the stratiform Upper Permian salt formations located at the Puck Bay and on the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (the Lubin-Głogów Copper Region).
Dla lubelsko-podlaskiego, górnoneoproterozoiczno-dolnopaleozoicznego basenu sedymentacyjnego przeprowadzono analizę subsydencji (backstripping) oraz analizę facjalną jego osadowego wypełnienia. Wydzielono cztery główne, częściowo współwystępujące, etapy tektonicznej ewolucji basenu, o odmiennych mechanizmach subsydencji: (1) późnoneoproterozoiczny ryft (faza subsydencji synryftowej w reżimie ekstensyjnym), (2) przejście od fazy syn- do postryftowej na przełomie późnego neoproterozoiku III i wczesnego kambru, (3) wczesnokambryjsko-środkowoordowicki pasywny brzeg kontynentalny (faza postryftowej subsydencji termicznej) oraz (4) późnoordowicko-późnosylurskie fleksuralne uginanie krawędzi Baltiki. Synryftowe wypełnienie basenu stanowią kontynentalne wylewy bazaltowe oraz kontynentalne zlepieńce i arkozy, obocznie zastępowane przez mułowce. Wykształcenie facjalne tych utworów dopuszcza synsedymentacyjną aktywność ekstensyjnych uskoków. Synryftowe depocentra rozwijały się zarówno wzdłuż obecnej strefy szwu transeuropejskiego, jak i wzdłuż SW przedłużenia aulakogenu Orsza-Wołyń. Efektem tych procesów było powstanie węzła potrójnego, którego porzuconym ramieniem jest druga z powyżej wymienionych stref. Przejście do fazy postryftowej subsydencji termicznej wyznaczają: stopniowo wygasająca subsydencja, równoczesna z morską transgresją, generalnym zmniejszaniem się frakcji materiału klastycznego i obocznym ujednoliceniem facjalnym oraz rozszerzaniem się zasięgu basenu. Przyjęto, że kambryjsko-środkowoordowicki pasywny brzeg kontynentalny był związany z domniemanym basenem (oceanem?) Tornquista, powstałym na SW od Baltiki w efekcie rozpadu super-kontynentu Rodinii. W takim ujęciu obecna pozycja kadomskiego orogenu na blokach małopolskim i górnośląskim w stosunku do kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego nie jest reprezentatywna dla neoproterozoiku III i kambru. Ze względu na brak niepodważalnych dowodów na obecność synryftowych deformacji ekstensyjnych uznano, iż możliwa jest interpretacja wyników backstrippingu alternatywna względem modelu litosferycznej, basenotwórczej ekstensji. W alternatywnym modelu dla późnoneoproterozoiczno-środkowoordowickiego okresu rozwoju basenu jako przeważający mechanizm subsydencji basenu przyjęto termiczne studzenie litosfery, będące następstwem jej pasywnego przegrzania w czasie aktywności wulkanicznej w neoproterozoiku III. Model ten, choć dopuszczalny dla basenu lubelsko-podlaskiego, nie tłumaczy jednak rozwoju górnoneoproterozoicznych, kambryjskich i ordowickich basenów SW skłonu kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego, genetycznie powiązanych z basenem tu omawianym. Począwszy od późnego ordowiku obserwowany jest systematyczny wzrost tempa subsydencji w czasie, które osiąga maksymalne wartości w późnym sylurze. Dla tego przedziału czasu obserwowany jest również silny wzrost subsydencji z NE ku SW, tj. ku skłonowi kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego. Generalny rozwój subsydencji omawianego basenu w sylurze jest charakterystyczny dla procesu fleksuralnego uginania litosfery, w tym wypadku SW krawędzi Baltiki.
For the Neoproterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic Lublin-Podlasie sedimentary basin 1-D subsidence analysis was conducted by means ofbackstripping. This was performed for 14 boreholes, representative for the basin, and additionally was compared with the results of similar analysis applied further to the NW, i.e. for the Baltic Basin. To constraint tectonic model for the basin the results of backstripping were related to facies architecture of the basin-fill. Four partially overlapping main tectonic phases of the basin development were identified: (I) the late Neoproterozoic syn-rift, extension-elated subsidence, (2) transition from synrift to postrift phase at the latemost Neoproterozoic III to earlymost Early Cambrian, (3) post-rift thermal subsidence of the passive continental margin during the late Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician and (4) Late Ordovician to late Silurian flexural bending. The rifting phase was initiated with deposition of continental coarse-grained sediments and emplacement of continental basalt. Subsequently the syn-rift basin was filled with continental conglomerates and arkoses, laterally replaced by mudstones, with facies development possibly controlled by extensional fault block activity. This passed up-section into shallow marine claystones and mudstones. Development of syn-rift depocentres was roughly coeval along Peri-Tornquist zone and SW prolongation ofOrsha-Volhyn zone, leading to development of triple-point SW of analysed area, with the second of the above zones being an abounded arm. Passage to post-rift thermal subsidence of the passive continental margin is indicated by subsequently ceasing subsidence, coeval with marine transgression, fining of clastic sediments and relative facies unification, as well as expansion of depocentres. The passive margin is related here to a suspected Tornquist basin (ocean?), developed to the SW of Baltica as a result of break-up of the super-continent Rodinia. This requires an assumption, that recent position of a Cadomian orogen, recognised on Małopolska and Brunovistulicum, with respect to Baltica is not representative for the Neoproterozoic III and Cambrian. Lack of definite evidences for syn-rift extensional deformations leads to an alternative interpretation of the backstripping results. Instead oflithospheric, active extension, leading to development of the sedimentary basin, in the alternative model it was assumed that the Neoproterozoic to Middle Ordovician evolution of the Lublin-Podlasie basin was exclusively a result of thermal sag, related to cooling of litho sphere. This would be a consequence of passive heating of the system due to volcanic activity in the Neoproterozoic III. This alternative model, even if suitable for the Lublin-Podlasie basin, is not capable to explain the upper Neoproterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician development of sedimentary basins at the SW slope of Baltica, which are genetically related to the analysed area. Any compromise between cooling after passive heating and cooling after active lithospheric extension, with different proportions between the both, is possible. Since the Late Ordovician gradual increase in subsidence rate in time is observed, which reaches maximum in the late Silurian (Pridoli). Overall pattern of the Silurian subsidence, both spatial and 1-D, is typical for a mechanism of flexural bending oflithosphere. A common development of Caledonian foredeep basins along e.g. some of Baltica and Eastern and Western Avalonia margins, coeval with Silurian flexural bending, enhances discussing such model for Lublin-Podlasie basin. Nevertheless, comparison of development of the analysed area with Holly Cross Mountains one during the Silurian does not support a simple foredeep model.
Seven facies (five primary and two diagenetic) and 12 subfacies are distinguished within the Nida Gypsum deposits which are a part of the widespread Middle Miocene (Badenian) evaporites of the Carpathian Foredeep cropping out in vicinity of Busko in southern Poland. Facies are defined as products of specific mechanisms of evaporitic deposition: syntaxial bottom growth of gypsum crystals, microbial gypsum deposition (mainly gypsification of organic mats), mechanical deposition and diagenetic and weathering processes. Primary facies and subfacies, and their uncommon sedimentary structures (such as: up to 3.5 m high bottom-grown gypsum crystals, several metres high selenitic domes, gypsum stromatolite domes, halite-solution collapse breccias) record a varied shallow water (0-5 m) evaporitic environment, controlled mainly by depth, salinity and climate.
W badeńskich gipsach Ponidzia wyróżniono 6 facji siarczanowych: gipsy szklicowe, rumosze kryształów gipsu, gipsy trawiaste, szablaste, mikrokrystaliczne, porfiroblastyczne i jedna fację węglanową. W obrębie 5 pierwszych facji wyróżniono 12 subfacji i scharakteryzowano środowiska ich sedymentacji, które w większości są typowe dla płytkiego, okresowo wynurzanego zbiornika ewaporacyjnego. Facje zdefiniowano jako produkty kilku podstawowych mechanizmów depozycyjnych (por. E.Mutti, F.Ricci Lucchi, 1975), takich jak: (I) syntaksjalny wzrost dużych kryształów gipsu wprost na dnie basenu (gipsy szklicowe, trawiaste i szablaste), (II) mikrobialną (sensu R.V.Burne, L.S.Moore, 1987) depozycję drobnokrystalicznego gipsu, głównie poprzez gipsyfikację mat organicznych (gipsy trawiaste), (III) depozycję mechaniczną (gipsy mikrokrystaliczne), obejmującą opadanie i osiadanie drobnych kryształów gipsu wytrąconych w tonu wodnej, oraz redepozycję osadu gipsowego. Zróżnicowanie facjalne gipsów Ponidzia wynika przede wszystkim z wahań zasolenia i głębokości basenu oraz wilgotności klimatu.
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