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Standardized methods for determining the basic properties of energysaturated materials in Ukraine are considered. The optimal directions for the use and development of explosives testing methodology in Ukraine are presented. All of the methods considered can be applied under certain conditions, depending on the initial requirements for the test explosive.
Parameters of a fire-quenching system based on explosive water-aerosol production and spreading are presented. Such a system with correctly tailored amounts of the water and the explosive material produces water-aerosol with high fire-quenching efficiency due to the small radii of the droplets and at the same time secures that shock-wave pressures are safe for the human body at distances exceeding 30 m from the explosion axis.
Przedstawiono parametry instalacji gaśniczej opartej na wytwarzaniu i rozprzestrzenianiu się wybuchowego aerozolu wodnego. Taki system z odpowiednio dobranymi ilościami wody i materiału wybuchowego wytwarza aerozol wodny o dużej skuteczności gaszenia pożaru dzięki małym promieniom kropelek i jednocześnie zapewnia, że ciśnienie fali uderzeniowej jest bezpieczne dla ludzi w odległości powyżej 30 m od osi wybuchu.
In this work a new putty-like explosive containing 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was prepared and its properties were studied. The plasticity and the decomposition temperature of the explosive were determined. The sensitivity to friction, impact, shock wave and internal ignition were tested. The heats of combustion and explosion of the formulation were also measured. The diameter and critical layer as well as the detonation velocity of charges of different diameters were determined. The research results obtained were analyzed.
Rozważania zamieszczone w artykule dotyczą problematyki modelowania i zarządzania portami morskimi oraz terminalami kontenerowymi podczas przeładunku materiałów wybuchowych na ich terenie. Celem artykułu było usystematyzowanie kwestii odnoszących się do wybranych zagadnień wymagających specjalistycznej wiedzy, która obejmuje swoim zakresem przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom bezpieczeństwa. Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w portach morskich, a w tym bezpieczeństwa infrastruktury portów i terminali, jest ściśle związane z dostosowaniem ich usług portowych do obrotu towarowego.
The considerations in the article relate to the problems of modeling and management of sea ports and container terminals during the reloading of explosives on their premises. The aim of this article was to systematize issues related to selected issues requiring specialist knowledge, which covers the prevention of security threats. Ensuring security in seaports, including the security of port and terminal infrastructure is closely related to the adaptation of their port services to commodity turnover.
The technique of blasting in a mining is based mainly on application of the systems of the prolonged charges, which provide the rational distributing of charges explosive in the destroyed volume of rock mass. Large majority of output volumes is provided by the opencut method which fully is practically based on application of the downhole charges systems. A downhole charge must execute a few functions. Main of them is destruction of rocks around the mining hole, bit also avoiding the problem of overdrill in mass explosions is very important. Reduction or complete liquidation of overdrill is possible by introduction of structural decisions, which create the reorientation of power stream of explosion in direction which coincides with the plane bench toe. Additional structural decisions for a control of overdrill size, capable to orient development of deformation process from the axis of downhole charge along the project bench toe, are needed. The article discusses the development of the deformation zone during the explosion, which allows to solve the problem of over-drilling.
W technika strzelniczej w przemyśle górniczym wykorzystuje głównie wydłużone ładunki wybuchowe, gdyż zapewnia to optymalne rozmieszczenie materiałów wybuchowych w obszarze, w którym niszczony jest górotwór. Zdecydowanie najczęściej stosuje się otwarte otwory strzałowe, gdyż ułatwia to ich elaborację. Ładunek materiału wybuchowego umieszczany w otworze strzałowym powinien spełniać kilka funkcji. Przede wszystkim, powinien efektywnie kruszyć górotwór wokół otworu strzałowego. Powinien także zabezpieczać przed wystąpieniem efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu wokół otworu strzałowego. Zmniejszenie lub całkowita likwidacja efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu jest możliwa w wyniku wprowadzenia rozwiązań strukturalnych, powodujących zmianę kierunku strumienia energii wybuchu w pożądany sposób. W omawianym obszarze nadal poszukiwane są nowe rozwiązania. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę rozwoju procesu deformacji górotworu w strefie wybuchu, w celu opracowania metody zabezpieczającej przed niewłaściwym przebiegiem fragmentacji materiału skalnego.
Detonation velocity is one of the basic parameters characterising explosives. Its value is influenced by many factors related to the conditions under which they are used. The value of the detonation velocity measured in the blasthole may differ from the value measured utilising the standard method under laboratory conditions. Thus, comparative velocity of detonation (VOD) tests were carried out, which included the start-stop method (in accordance with the EN 13631-14:2003 standard) and the continuous method (utilising the MicroTrap VOD/Data Recorder). An analysis of the influence of ambient temperature on the resistance changes of the measurement probes in the continuous VOD method was also carried out. Based on the conducted comparative tests for 5 types of packaged emulsion explosives used in the mining industry, it was determined that the MicroTrap recorder enables the obtaining of results complementary with the ones obtained using the standard method.
Prędkość detonacji jest jednym z parametrów charakteryzujących materiały wybuchowe. Na jej wartość wpływa wiele czynników związanych z warunkami, w jakich są stosowane. Wartość prędkości detonacji zmierzonej w otworze strzałowym może różnić się od wartości zmierzonej metodami znormalizowanymi w warunkach laboratoryjnych. W związku z powyższym przeprowadzono badania porównawcze metod pomiaru prędkości detonacji, w tym metody odcinkowej (zgodnej z normą EN 13631-14:2003) oraz ciągłej (przy pomocy urządzenia MicroTrap VOD/Data Recorder). Przeprowadzono także analizę wpływu temperatury otoczenia na zmianę oporności sond pomiarowych w ciągłym systemie pomiaru prędkości detonacji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań porównawczych dla 5 typów nabojowanych materiałów wybuchowych emulsyjnych stosowanych w górnictwie stwierdzono, że przyrząd MicroTrap pozwala na uzyskanie wyników komplementarnych z wynikami badań prowadzonymi metodą znormalizowaną.
An airport is a designated area on land, water or other surface, in whole or in part, intended for take-offs, landings and above-ground aircraft traffic, including permanent structures and construction facilities contained in its boundaries, entered into the register of airports [Air Law]. In accordance with applicable legal regulations regarding civil aviation security, air transport requires both the passenger and the airport manager to meet a number of conditions determining the ability to travel on board an aircraft. This is mainly related to the limitations imposed by national and EU legal regulations. The growing threat of unlawful interference results in further consequences in the form of tighter security controls at airports. Technological development, new ways and areas conducive to greater vulnerability, have a decisive impact on the methodology and the entire process of screening people and luggage. These activities are aimed, inter alia, at detection in a luggage carried by a passenger, a prohibited item that would serve to commit a broadly understood act of unlawful interference, which in turn may be, for example, a plane crash. No wonder that the airport manager, who is burdened with the main obligation to ensure that the passenger does not have access to prohibited articles on board the aircraft, undertakes a number of organizational measures to fulfill this obligation.
Celem niniejszego artykułu było usystematyzowanie zagadnień odnoszących się do wybranych technologii informacyjnych wspomagających m.in. proces transportu materiałów wybuchowych. Przewóz materiałów wybuchowych jest złożonym procesem transportowym, wymagającym specjalistycznej wiedzy, który obejmuje swoim zakresem monitorowanie przewozu, identyfikację i przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom bezpieczeństwa. Organizacja transportu, zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami i normami w zakresie bezpieczeństwa, gwarantuje nie tylko zminimalizowanie zagrożeń wynikających z przewozu materiałów niebezpiecznych, ale i pełną jego efektywność.
The purpose of this article is to systematize issues relating to to selected information technologies supporting, among others the process of transporting explosives. Transportation of explosives is a complex transport process requiring specialist knowledge, as well as monitoring of carriage, identification and counteracting security threats. The organization of transport in accordance with applicable safety regulations and standards, guarantees not only minimizing the risks resulting from the transport of hazardous materials, but also its full effectiveness.
Content available remote Przypadki użycia improwizowanych urządzeń wybuchowych
W artykule przedstawiono analizę przypadków użycia improwizowanych urządzeń wybuchowych z udziałem pojazdów kontyngentu Polskich Sił Zbrojnych w Afganistanie w 2011 r. Na podstawie zebranych przypadków opisano metody ich użycia oraz sposoby detonacji ładunków przez przeciwnika. We wnioskach odniesiono się do wprowadzonych działań zapobiegawczych – zalecanych zmian w konstrukcji i wytycznych w zakresie eksploatacji pojazdów wojskowych.
The paper presents an analysis of the cases of the use of improvised explosive devices (IED) in 2011 where vehicles of the Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan were involved. Methods of IED use and methods of their detonation are described. Conclusions refer to the implemented preventive measures, recommended modifications in the design of military vehicles and guidelines for their use.
Content available remote Cases of using improvised explosive devices
The paper presents an analysis of the cases of the use of improvised explosive devices (IED) in 2011 where vehicles of the Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan were involved. Methods of IED use and methods of their detonation are described. Conclusions refer to the implemented preventive measures, recommended modifications in the design of military vehicles and guidelines for their use.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań nad określeniem stopnia tłumienia impulsu fali podmuchowej, generowanej wybuchem sferycznego ładunku heksogenu flegmatyzowanego cerezyną, przez przestrzenne układy materiałowe. Badane układy montowano na wahadle balistycznym a miarą stopnia absorbcji energii był stopień wychylenia się wahadła. Zastosowane panele przestrzenne z elementami absorbującymi, symulowały konstrukcję płaskiego dna pojazdu poddanego jednokrotnemu udarowi siły.
The paper presents studies to determine the degree attenuation of a blasting wave impulse from a spherical charge containing hexogene phlegmatized with ceresin, through spaced material systems. The systems were mounted on a ballistic pendulum and the amount of energy absorbed was determined from the change in inclination of the pendulum. The spaced panels containing the absorbing elements simulated the flat bottom of a vehicle being subjected to a single blast.
The present study introduces the application of a binary solvent of ethyl acetate and water for the selective separation of 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX). The effect of temperature and weight percent of ethyl acetate in water on the solubility of RDX and HMX over a temperature range of 273.15 K to 363.15 K and 70.0 wt.% to 100.0 wt.% ethyl acetate in water mixtures were modelled and optimized using a central composite design (CCD) and response surface methodology (RSM) in Minitab (ver. 16) software. Multiple regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the predicted results were in good agreement with the experimental data. The enthalpies of dissolution and mixing of the materials were determined experimentally from the solubility data. The experimental results showed that the solubility ratio of RDX to HMX can change 6.53- to 16.55-fold, indicating a much lower solubility of HMX in this binary solvent, for a relatively selective separation of RDX and HMX mixtures. Separation experiments under optimized conditions showed that 98.3% of the RDX impurity in HMX was recovered in the first precipitation with an HMX purity of > 99.5% as characterized by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Content available A model study to measure fragmentation by blasting
Accurate measurement of blast fragmentation is important in mining and quarrying operations, to monitor blasting and optimize blast design. A new digital photoanalytical method to measure the size of fragments by using FragScan system is presented here. Photographs of the broken rock are digitized, and individual measurement, based on mathematical morphology techniques, achieves, within successive openings on a binary image, a numerical sieving. The method was tested during recent full scale blasting tests in the case of open pit gold mine of Amesmessa (Algeria). It shows great potential as a practical aid to predicting, monitoring, and controlling the quality of the fragmented rock.
Highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions have been widely known and used as rocket mono-propellants and oxidisers in the aerospace industry. However, the use of hydrogen peroxide is becoming more and more important in other fields of modern industry – being applicable to novel formulations of base high explosives for use in mining as a kind of industrial “green explosive”. The authors, explain the facts and dispel some of the myths concerning both the medium and the potentially explosive mixtures based on it. The method of preparation and safe handling of 98%+ hydrogen peroxide is briefly presented and advocated by some of the experimental and literature examples. The paper contains both historical and modern approaches to concentrated hydrogen peroxide based mixtures that have been reported as undergoing detonation. The safety concerns, especially those related to their potential explosiveness during preparation, handling or utilisation are analysed as well. New potential applications of hydrogen peroxide based mixtures that can be used as industrial explosives with low NOx emission levels are presented. The potential of the medium as a “green” and easy to handle oxidising compound that may replace ammonium nitrate in a variety of emulsion and blended ANFO-emulsion commercial explosives that currently constitute the majority of explosives used in the mining industry, is underlined.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu zawartości pyłu aluminiowego na prędkość detonacji i intensywność powietrznych fal podmuchowych generowanych w wyniku detonacji emulsyjnych materiałów wybuchowych. W pierwszej fazie badań zoptymalizowano zawartość mikrobalonów, dla której prowadzono dalsze eksperymenty z dwoma rodzajami pyłów aluminiowych. Oszacowano również parametry termodynamiczne testowanych mieszanin wybuchowych przy użyciu programu MWEQ.
The paper presents results of research on the impact of the dust content of aluminum on detonation velocity and the intensity of the air blast wave generated by the detonation of emulsion explosives. In the first study phase content of the microballoons is optimized and the further experiments were carried out with two types of particulate aluminum. Also the thermodynamic parameters of tested explosive mixtures using MWEQ programme were assessed.
As a green technology, laser ignition of a relatively insensitive secondary explosive has been experimentally investigated. The explosive, hexanitrostilbene (HNS), was doped with one of two optical sensitizers, carbon black or a laser absorbing dye, and a continuous-wave (CW) infrared diode laser was used as the igniting source. The ignition sensitivities of HNS with each of the two optical sensitizers were analysed and compared in terms of: optical power threshold for ignition, ignition delay and full burn delay at various laser powers. The results have shown that both the chemical dye and carbon black optically sensitize the explosive with similar efficiencies. In contrast to the carbon black, the dye provides wavelength specificity and selectivity in the laser ignition process and its solubility in some specific solvents improves the coating of the explosive material. It was therefore concluded that the laser absorbing dye is a better candidate for optical sensitization in laser ignition than the commonly used carbon black. The combination of laser ignition sensitivity with wavelength selectivity potentially offers higher reliability and safety at a low optical power for future ignitors of secondary explosives.
The main hurdle for the estimation of the purity of 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) is its insolubility in most of the known organic solvents. In the conventional method, TATB is digested with steam in a modified Kjeldahl digester and the ammonia evolved is estimated quantitatively. To do away with this cumbersome method, a simple, rapid HPLC technique using a reverse phase C-18 column has been established for quantitative determination of the purity of TATB. A sharp and symmetrical peak with a retention time of 2.92 min at 355 nm is obtained for pure TATB when the flow rate is 2.0 mL/min. The linearity of the detector response has been studied with sample concentrations ranging from 10 to 50 mg/L. The method addresses two important issues of sample preparation and the precision of measurement. Unlike the previously reported HPLC techniques which mainly aimed at the detection of TATB, the present work is a validated account of a quantitative estimation of purity. Regular production batch samples have been assayed by this method and the results are compared with those obtained from the conventional analysis. The HPLC method is convenient and reliable for quality control of the product at the plant level.
Wymagania bezpieczeństwa dotyczą sposobu i warunków przeprowadzania oraz trybu postępowania w sprawach robót budowlanych wykonywanych przy rozbiórce obiektu budowlanego z użyciem materiałów wybuchowych, zwanych „robotami strzałowymi”. Roboty strzałowe nie mogą stanowić zagrożenia dla interesów osób trzecich. Przy projektowaniu i wykonywaniu robót strzałowych należy uwzględniać szkodliwe skutki detonacji ładunków wybuchowych.
Safety requirements apply to the methods and conditions of conducting and handling in cases of demolition of a building object with the use of explosives, called "shooting works". Shooting works cannot pose a threat to the interest of third parties. Detrimental effects of detonations have to be considered in the process of designing and conducting the shootings.
The article presents methods for the evaluation and testing of munitions of military origin carried out at the investigative stage in the Research and Testing Department of Explosive Ordnance of the Military Institute of Armament Technology (MIAT) in Zielonka. MIAT, due to the profile of activity, qualified personnel and laboratory facilities often receives orders for ammunition expertise, including military origin ammunition of the various services responsible for State security. The article cited laws related to illegal possession of ammunition and explosives, defined the concept of preparatory proceedings and expertise and provided the definitions of ammunition and explosives. The article describes the differences in expertise carried out on ammunition in police laboratories and in MIAT. Further-more, it provides a diagram with stages of MIAT expertise on military origin ammunition. On the basis of the specified proceedings, answers are obtained to the questions. Test methods have been described on the basis of faulty examples of executed expertise. For law enforcement authorities the results provide knowledge, as to the validity of charges relating to offenses.
Przeprowadzono badania granulometryczne chloranu(V) sodu i wytypowano do badań prędkości detonacji i prędkości spalania dwie frakcje F-1 (0,8-2,0 mm) oraz F-2 (<0,6 mm). W warunkach doświadczeń nie uzyskano detonacji badanych mieszanin. Dowodem na to są pozostałości rur stalowych, w których przeprowadzano próby detonacji. Bardzo niskie szybkości spalania określono za pomocą rejestracji sygnału uzyskanego z fotodiod. Dla mieszaniny o składzie 90,5/9,5 chloranu(V) amonu i oleju napędowego uzyskano szybkość spalania wynoszącą 0,47 mm/s i 0,337 mm/s dla frakcji odpowiednio F-1 i F-2.
NaCI03 (grain size 0.8-2.0 or <0.6 mm) was mixed with a gas oil and studied for explosion affinity. No detonation process was observed. The NaCIO3/oil mixts. (90.5/9.5) showed combustion rates 0.47 mm/s and 0.337 mm/s for both NaCIO3 grain fractions, resp.
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