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Artykuł prezentuje zmiany prawne wprowadzone w roku 2023, które dotykają swoim zakresem regulacji procesu rozwoju projektów instalacji odnawialnych źródeł energii (elektrownie fotowoltaiczne i wiatrowe). Wskazano zmianę przepisów kwalifikujących systemy fotowoltaiczne jako przedsięwzięcia mogące potencjalnie znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko. Wychodząc z praktycznego przykładu elektrowni fotowoltaicznej wskazano na trudności interpretacyjne zmienionego brzmienia rozporządzenia OOŚ. Wskazano też zmiany tzw. ustawy ocenowej, przez które uproszczona została procedura wydania decyzji o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach dla przedsięwzięć realizowanych w granicach parków krajobrazowych i obszarów chronionego krajobrazu. Przeanalizowano zmiany w systemie planowania przestrzennego w kontekście inwestycji z zakresu elektrowni fotowoltaicznych. Analizie poddano także ustawę określającą możliwości lokalizacyjne elektrowni wiatrowych.
The article presents legal changes introduced in 2023, which affect the regulation of the development process of renewable energy installations projects (photovoltaic and wind power plants). Legal changes qualifying photovoltaic systems as a projects potentially capable of having a significant impact on the environment were indicated. Starting with a practical example of photovoltaic power plant, problems of interpretation of amended text of the EIA regulation were pointed out. Amendments to the so-called Assessment Act were also indicated, which simplified the procedure for issuing a decision on environmental conditions for projects implemented within the boundaries of landscape parks and protected landscape areas. Then, legal changes in spatial planning system in the context of investments in the field of photovoltaic power plants were analysed. An analysis was also made of the act defining the location possibilities of wind farms.
Several environmental impact assessments (EIAs) have been conducted since the petroleum ındustry environmental guidelines and standards were issued in 1991. Thus, EIA has become a standard practice in environmental planning for various project operations and activities. However, studies indicate that little has been achieved regarding environmental management in Iraq’s oil industries. The reason for this is the reluctance of institutions to adopt environmental management systems, either due to the scarcity of basic information through which environmental impacts are measured, or the lack of financial allocations to implement mitigation measures and control plans, or the lack of human resources and the lack of political commitment to implementing environmental management plans.This research aims to assess the environmental impact of the East Baghdad field in the Midland Oil Company, by identifying a number of indicators that have been selected in proportion to the nature of the company’s work. A rapid impact assessment matrix was used, which includes a set of components (physical and chemical, environmental and biological, social and cultural, economic and operational) and for each component a set of sub-indicators that ultimately indicate the environmental degree of environmental impact. Accordingly, the research reached a group of results, the most important of which is the presence of serious negative environmental impacts in the field site and the operations and activities related to it, such as soil and air pollution, obsolescence of equipment and scarcity of technology with a percentage of 70.8%, while the positive effects amounted to 25% only, which predicts an environmental deterioration in the company’s work sites.
Water is one of nature’s resources. As urbanisation grows, new roadways and highways are constructed for the transport sector and development. Due to roadway infrastructure, the development of the quality of surface water bodies in close proximity to roads is deteriorating and has become a major environmental challenge. Considered as one of the major nonpoint pollution sources, the construction of new roadways can have short and long-term effects on water quality conditions. This study revealed that road construction activities may be responsible for introducing pollutants in nearby water sources, leading to the deterioration of water quality. The roadway expansion activities affect both the surface and groundwater quality. Furthermore, this study was conducted to assess the effects of a road construction project situated in the southern part of Albania, on physic-chemical parameters of surface water by collecting water samples from Skotini stream. The analysed parameters included pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), electrical conductivity (ECw), total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, nitrites (NO2-), ammonium (NH4+) and total phosphorus (Ptot). The results revealed that all physic-chemical parameters analysed in the laboratory are between the normal standards classifying these waters as very clean. Further surveillance for quality assessment of water sources near roadway’s construction activities is needed. Various best management practices have been developed and implemented to prevent negative environmental impacts in the transport sector and roadway construction activities. Results of the water quality help strengthen the theory that roadway construction projects in the transport sector, using appropriate best management practices, could yield minimal impact on the overall water quality of surrounding water bodies.
Procedura oceny oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ) (ang. environmental impact assessment - EIA) należy do najważniejszych i najszybciej rozwijających się prewencyjnych instrumentów ochrony środowiska na świecie. Jest także jednym z zasadniczych narzędzi przeciwdziałania dalszej degradacji środowiska i pogarszaniu się jakości życia ludzi oraz zapobiegania stratom.
The following article constitutes an attempt to solve the problem of the interpretation of results based on a comparison of measured values to permissible values. When exceeded limits are observed, the recipients of acoustic analyses (mainly non-specialists) are frequently uncertain as to how to interpret the results. At the moment, there is no unambiguous way of defining acceptable, alarming or unacceptable values of noise but an original indicator methodology, which allows a clear and easy interpretation of the results obtained, has been proposed. The suggested noise load factor (NLF), based on measurements of physical quantities, enables conducting a broader assessment of the nuisance of noise originating from railway vehicles.
Although installations to convert renewable energy sources into electricity respond to the challenges of sustainable development, their operation is not without their impact on the environment. The landscape is one of environment components on which renewable energy sources (RES) infrastructure effects. The article presents a possible location for investments in wind and photovoltaic power plants based on legal requirements. The areas in which they are most frequently carried out are also mentioned. It was indicated how the infrastructure of photovoltaic and wind power plants affects spatial order and landscape.
Pomimo, że instalacje przetwarzające odnawialne źródła energii na energię elektryczną odpowiadają na wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju, to ich funkcjonowanie nie pozostaje bez wpływu na środowisko. Krajobraz stanowi jeden z komponentów środowiska, na który oddziałuje infrastruktura odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). Artykuł przedstawia możliwości lokalizacji inwestycji z zakresu elektrowni wiatrowych i fotowoltaicznych w oparciu o wymogi prawne. Zaprezentowano również obszary, na których są one najczęściej realizowane. Wskazano też sposób w jaki infrastruktura elektrowni fotowoltaicznych i wiatrowych wpływa na ład przestrzenny i krajobraz.
Content available remote Ponowna ocena oddziaływania inwestycji budowlanej na środowisko
Realizacja inwestycji budowlanych wiąże się z ingerencją w otaczające środowisko i dlatego powinna podlegać ocenie oddziaływania w odniesieniu do tych skutków. Procedura ponownej oceny oddziaływania na środowisko (EIRA) obowiązuje w Polsce od 2008 r., ale wciąż mało jest informacji na ten temat w literaturze. Lukę wypełniają przeprowadzone badania. Ich celem było opracowanie uogólnionego diagramu procedury oceny, która ma swoją specyfikę w porównaniu z oceną oddziaływania na środowisko. Artykuł wskazuje rodzaje przedsięwzięć budowlanych podlegających ponownej ocenie oraz źródła narzucania takiego obowiązku inwestorom w województwie podlaskim. W artykule dokonano analizy raportów środowiskowych przedkładanych w ramach ponownej oceny. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że aż 84% raportów miało braki. Skutkowało to koniecznością wprowadzania poprawek oraz wydłużeniem czasu wymaganego na uzyskanie zgody na realizację przedsięwzięć.
Building investments however, their implementation involves interference with the surrounding environment and must therefore be a subject to an assessment in relation to their environmental effects. Although the environmental impact reassessment (EIRA) procedure has been in force in Poland since 2008, it has been little recognized in the literature. The conducted researches fill this gap. The aim of them was to develop a diagram of the EIRA procedure, which has its own specificity compared to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) one. The article also indicates the types of construction projects that have been subjected to re-assessment and the sources of imposing such an obligation on investors in the Podlaskie province as a case-study. The article also analyses the environmental reports submitted as a part of the EIRA. Based on the results, it was found that as many as 84% of the reports were deficient. This resulted in the need to introduce amendments and extend the time required to obtain consent for the implementation of projects.
The impact of wind power plants on the environmental components is assessed taking into account a number of their parameters, in particular the technical characteristics of wind turbines, the characteristics of networks, engineering and other structures. To do this the life cycle of the wind power plants is described taking into account (by way of inventory) all the necessary materials and resources. Waste management scenarios have been developed, the use of which will make it possible to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Based on the inventory and input data on the wind farm under study, a diagram is generated - a tree of life cycle processes of the wind power plant - to determine the potential environmental impacts. A list of impact categories that represent the load on the environment caused by the wind power plant is defined; also, the relative contribution of harmful factors is determined for each category, taking into account possible scenarios of waste management. Ecological profiles have been built for all potential impacts on the environment. After normalisation and determination of significance, individual estimates of all indicators and their distribution in three categories of lesions were obtained: human health, ecosystem quality and resources, as well as four stages of the wind farm life cycle: production, dismantling and disposal, operation, transportation and installation. The obtained profiles made it possible to determine individual indicators and eco-indicators, expressed in eco-points that characterise the wind farm under study.
The article presents an assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities on the quality of water in four streams flowing through a camp based on a combined assessment of environmental impacts and the water quality index. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of environmental impact was made after identifying the anthropogenic activities carried out in the camp. The water quality index (WQI) was calculated after monitoring seventeen physicochemical and microbiological variables and the Montoya index was applied. The samples were collected during 48 sampling campaigns, organised over the period of six months in eight stations. Two stations were located in each stream, one before and one after it passed through the camp. The results indicated that streams 1, 3, and 4 show a slight deterioration in water quality, affected by anthropogenic activities carried out in the said camp; meanwhile, stream 2 shows an increasing deterioration in water quality. The water quality of the streams before passing through the camp was determined to be between “uncontaminated” and “acceptable”, while after passing through the camp it was classified between “acceptable” and “slightly contaminated”. The results indicated a non-significant difference between the downstream and upstream WQI values for streams 1, 3, and 4; while stream 2 did show a significant difference in the WQI between upstream and downstream; indicating that anthropogenic activities alter the quality of the water.
W czasie przeprowadzania oceny oddziaływania na środowisko należy sporządzić kartę informacyjną przedsięwzięcia lub raport oceny oddziaływania na środowisko. Przeanalizujmy, co te dokumenty muszą zawierać i kto powinien je sporządzać.
Na podstawie doświadczeń w dziedzinie postępowania w sprawie oceny oddziaływania na środowisko sformułowano kilka krytycznych refleksji dotyczących przepisów oraz ich praktycznego zastosowania. Szerzej odniesiono się do wymogu wariantowania przedsięwzięcia. W podsumowaniu wyrażono opinię, że obowiązujące przepisy wymagają uproszczenia, bo w obecnym kształcie nie tylko nie dają się literalnie stosować, nie mają praktycznego wpływu na ochronę środowiska, ale przede wszystkim utrudniają prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej.
Based on experience in the field of environmental impact assessment, several critical reflections on the regulations and their practical application have been presented. The requirement to differentiate the project was discussed in detail. In the summary, the opinion was expressed that the current regulations require significant simplification because in their current form, not only can they not be used literally, they have no practical impact on environmental protection and, above all, they impede business activity.
W poprzednim numerze miesięcznika „Energia i Recykling” rozpoczęliśmy cykl rozważań dotyczących oceny oddziaływania na środowisko. Czas, by przeanalizować, jakie konkretnie przedsięwzięcia jej podlegają. Określenie „przedsięwzięcia” zawiera art. 3 ust. 1 pkt 13 ustawy o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz o ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko z 3 października 2008 r., który definiuje je jako zamierzenie budowlane lub inną ingerencję w środowisko, polegające na przekształceniu lub zmianie sposobu wykorzystania terenu, w tym również na wydobywaniu kopalin. Przedsięwzięcia powiązane technologicznie kwalifikuje się jako jedno przedsięwzięcie, także jeżeli są one realizowane przez różne podmioty. Definicja jest dość obszerna i niejednoznaczna. Skala niektórych przedsięwzięć jest na tyle niewielka, że niecelowe byłoby prowadzenie dla nich oceny oddziaływania na środowisko.
The Lower Vistula River is a Polish part of inland waterways E40 that has a comparatively low waterway class (Ib – III; excluding Wloclawek Reservoir part – Va), and projects and works should be undertaken to improve the waterway class conditions. This also depends upon the ratification of the AGN agreement by Poland, which obliges the country to adapt the main waterways to at least the fourth class of navigability. A catalog of investment activities must contain environmental objectives due to the inclusion of Lower Vistula River in the Natura 2000 protected areas network. This research includes an analysis of the impact on the inland waterway transport of the investments included in the Vistula River Basin Management Plans (RBMP). These documents make it possible to rationally manage water resources (also in the waterway transport) and indicate actions aimed at maintaining them for future generations. Therefore, in line with the Water Framework Directive recommendations, all planned investments should have a minimal environmental impact. In the coming years, large-scale infrastructure investments are planned, which will allow the waterway transport conditions to be improved and the environmental goals of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to be achieved.
This thesis pertains to the influence of underground technical infrastructure during the construction phase on the selected components of the natural environment. The subject of research is the DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa high pressure gas transmission system, realized in Poland from ZZU Wierzchowice till Kiełczów node. Studies identified the impacts on particular components of the environment, including land surface, plants, animals, biodiversity, air, water resources and quality, landscape and acoustic climate. An assessment was made on the impact, scale, frequency, duration or the influence type in the two stages of the investment process. It was found that the stage of DN1000 gas pipelines caused a significant change in the prevailing balance of the natural environment in the assembly area mainly due to soil transformation and vegetation removal as assessed as long-term. The impact on other components analysed in terms of frequency is usually medium-term or short-term, and in terms of duration – momentary. During the operation of the gas pipeline, the negative impact of the network was strongly determined in relation to the forested areas and forests, where the negative impact was recorded not only during the implementation of the network but also in the phase of its use.
For a decade or so, environmental impact assessments have been a tool used in investment process in order to evaluate the impact of a planning document or a given construction project on the environment. The legal regulation in force approaches determining the elements making up each assessment selectively. There is also a lack of methodological guidelines pertaining to the rules of assessment making (such guidelines were prepared in reference of e.g. motorways and dual carriage ways or wind power plants). It hinders understanding the aims and the range of environmental impact assessments by society and investors as well as obtaining acceptance for making them by the latter. The article presents the issue of the principal environmental assessments (strategic environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment and impact assessment on Natura 2000 sites) in the legal and methodological context. The conducted studies showed that unstable legal system in the field of environmental assessments endangers correctness and punctuality of preparation of an building investment.
W artykule poruszono istotne problemy związane z oceną środowiskową w procesach decyzyjnych związanych z gospodarką ściekową. Omówiono główne determinanty kształtujące proces zarządzania gospodarką ściekową i wskazano na konieczność przeprowadzania oceny środowiskowej elementów systemu zbierania, transportu i oczyszczania ścieków dla poprawy efektywności kształtowania i eksploatacji całego systemu. Zaprezentowano możliwości zastosowania oceny cyklu życia (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment) w ocenie środowiskowej systemów gospodarki ściekowej i procesach podejmowania decyzji o ich kształtowaniu.
The article presents the significant problems related to environmental assessment in decision-making processes related to wastewater management. The main determinants shaping the process of wastewater management were discussed and the need to conduct environmental assessment of elements of the collection, transport and sewage treatment system to improve the efficiency of shaping and operation of the entire system was discussed. The possibilities of using life cycle assessment (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment) in the environmental assessment of wastewater management systems and decision making processes on their shaping is also presented.
The Sea of Azov is the smallest and shallowest sea in the world with low salinity. Such properties determine its susceptibility to degradation due to anthropogenic activities. The Azovstal Iron & Steel Works in Mariupol (Ukraine) is one of the main sources of pollution of the Azov Sea. Adverse impact of the steelworks is associated primarily with the large amount of technological and cooling wastewater discharged into the sea. The paper presents the impact assessment results of wastewater discharge on the sea water quality and the ecological conditions in the discharge zone. The assessment was performed using local Ukrainian methodologies as well as applicable surface water quality standards. The comprehensive assessment was based on the three numerical integrated indicators of sea water quality: the Water Quality Index (WJW), the Water Pollution Index (WZW), the Integrated Ecological State Index (ZWSE), and the so called principle of aggregation. Based on the assessment results it was demonstrated that the wastewater discharge from the Azovstal Iron & Steel Works leads to significant increase in water pollution in the coastal zone which brings threat to the marine ecosystem and limits all types of water consumption.
This article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. LCA enables to consider the environmental impacts of the whole production system, including upstream and downstream processes and to estimate their consequences already at the project planning stage. It was illustrated using the case study of the planned furniture production plant representing the industrial sector. The conventional simplified cradle-to-gate LCA analysis, using SimaPro software and the ReCiPe Endpoint method, was performed. It revealed that unlike the findings of EIA made with the support of traditional methods, not waste, airborne emissions and noise, but the particleboard and the fibre-board used by the planned furniture production plant have the most detrimental impact on the environment in all impact categories. The greatest damage it causes in the areas of protection of resources followed by ecosystems. The research proved high applicability of EIALCA approach for the evaluation of the environmental impacts of planned industrial projects.
W artykule omówiono teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty stosowania techniki oceny cyklu życia (LCA) w procesie oceny oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ). LCA umożliwia uwzględnienie wpływu całego systemu produkcyjnego na środowisko, w tym również procesów powiązanych z etapem łańcucha dostaw, użytkowania i zagospodarowania odpadów oraz oszacowanie ich skutków dla środowiska już na etapie planowania projektu. Zostało to zilustrowane na podstawie studium przypadku - rozbudowy zakładu produkcji mebli. W tym celu wykonano konwencjonalną uproszczoną analizę LCA od kołyski do bramy, przy wykorzystaniu oprogramowania SimaPro i metody ReCiPe Endpoint. Badania wykazały, że w przeciwieństwie do wyników OOŚ wykonanej przy użyciu tradycyjnych metod, to nie wytwarzanie odpadów, emisja zanieczyszczeń oraz hałas stanowić będą największe obciążenie dla środowiska, wynikające z eksploatacji powstającego zakładu produkcji mebli, ale zużycie zasobów (płyty wiórowej i płyty pilśniowej) ma najwyższy procentowy udział we wszystkich kategoriach wpływu. Największe szkody wywołuje w obszarach zużycie zasobów oraz ekosystemów. Badania wykazały wysoką przydatność podejścia EIA-LCA do oceny wpływu na środowisko planowanych projektów przemysłowych.
Content available Environmental Impacts Of Mining Of Mineral Resources
The article focuses on mining of non-energy mineral resources with minimum environmental impacts. It issues from research results of a project Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources implemented at the Faculty of Mining and Geology at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Geological Survey, a company Watrad ltd., a state enterprise Diamo, a company RPS Ostrava plc and a company Sedlecký kaolin plc. The paper starts with a partial analysis of the existing legal norms related to mining and processing of mineral resources. Next, it analyses mineral resource mining options free of negative environmental impacts. The fundamental tool to assess potential environmental impacts of mining is the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for a given mineral resource. In the Czech Republic environmental impact assessment is carried out by course of Act 100/2001 Coll. Its important amendment is Act 39/2015 Coll. claiming, inter alia, that the environmental impact assessment is rigidly connected with other permits and procedures, such as the zoning process and building construction permits. The article describes the environmental impacts of mining of non-energy mineral resources, including the following factors: appropriation of land, impacts on surface water, ground water and soil, noise, influence on the landscape character, and air pollution. The paper also includes a case study summarizing information on the environmental factors that may play a role in potential underground mining of graphite in the deposit Český Krumlov – Městský Vrch and the deposit Lazec– Křenov.
Artykuł jest poświęcony eksploatacji górniczej surowców nieenergetycznych w aspekcie minimalizacji oddziaływania na środowisko. Przedstawiono wyniki realizacji projektu pod nazwą Centrum Kompetencji Efektywnego i Ekologicznej Eksploatacji Zasobów Mineralnych realizowanego na Wydziale Górnictwa i Geologii na VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, przy udziale Czech Geological Survey, firma Watrad ltd., Przedsiębiorstwo państwowe Diamo, spółka RPS Ostrava plc oraz spółka Sedlecký kaolin plc. Artykuł rozpoczyna analiza obowiązujących norm prawnych związanych z wydobyciem i przetwarzaniem zasobów mineralnych. Następnie przedstawiono analizę opcje wydobywania surowców mineralnych wolne od negatywnego wpływu na środowisko. Podstawowym narzędziem oceny potencjalnego oddziaływania górnictwa na środowisko jest wdrożenie procesu oceny oddziaływania na środowisko (OOŚ) dla danych zasobów mineralnych. W Republice Czeskiej ocena oddziaływania na środowisko prowadzona jest zgodnie z ustawą 100/2001 Sb. Jej istotną zmianę wprowadza ustawa 39/2015 Sb. w której zapisano między innymi, że ocena oddziaływania na środowisko jest ściśle powiązana z innymi zezwoleniami i procedurami, takimi jak plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego i pozwolenia na budowę. W artykule opisano wpływ wydobycia surowców mineralnych nieenergetycznych na środowisko, w tym następujące czynniki: zajęcie gruntów, oddziaływania na wody powierzchniowe, wody gruntowe i gleby, hałas, wpływ na charakter krajobrazu i zanieczyszczenie powietrza. Artykuł zawiera także studium przypadku podsumowujące informacje o czynnikach środowiskowych, które mogą odgrywać rolę w potencjalnym podziemnym wydobywaniu grafitu w złożu Český Krumlov – Městský Vrch i złożu Lazec – Křenov.
The environmental impact over natural water systems, both marine and land, of the sewage is minimized with the treatment at Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), but these facilities also generate environmental impacts during the construction period and during the operation period. A review of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process of WWTPs in Spain through the analysis of records of decision (RODs) between 2000 and 2016 has been performed in this work. The major environmental impacts during the construction period are noise, land use and disturbance of the air and water’s quality. During the operation period, the major environmental impacts are noise, odors from the depuration process and the visual impact of the facilities. About the EIA process, results show the processing time is too long, scoping phase has a success rate about 57.2% and regional public administrations are the most participative, both at scoping phase and at public participation phase. In general, public participation during period of exhibition is very low, in twelve of the RODs nobody submitted any report. The role of environmental project manager and the work environmental journal must be strengthened.
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