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Increasing energy efficiency will be essential to achieving the climate goals laid out in Euro-pean Union directives. This is particularly true for industries, whose share of heat and energy consumption, using Poland as an example, is about one-third of the total. This challenge has implications both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, but also for main-taining the competitiveness of EU countries' industries in the global market. Implementation in industrial processes of energy management systems - EMS, monitoring energy key perfor-mance indicators - KPI, is a tool for making informed investment decisions, in increasing en-ergy efficiency of enterprises and industrial processes. There is the Industrial Energy Manage-ment System (IEMS), which focuses on energy efficiency in industrial processes, the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) for buildings, such as commercial buildings, and the Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which is becoming increasingly popular for residential users and small properties. The concept of measuring, or rather calculating, the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of a man-ufacturing process is derived from the broader concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in general. The PCF is expressed in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) equivalent units, or CO2-eq. The essence of the PCF calculation is a multi-faceted approach to addressing the sources of GHG emis-sions, from the acquisition of raw materials, their processing with tools and the energy supplied to the process, through the supply chain and transport to the customer. Each of these stages generates a cost in the form of greenhouse gas equivalent (GHG) emissions to the environ-ment, and the sum of these costs is the present carbon footprint (PCF). Typically, the majority of a product's PCF comes from the extraction and pre-processing of the raw material itself.
Polska ma największy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej rynek powierzchni biurowych oraz handlowo-usługowych. Same zasoby nowoczesnych powierzchni biurowych w największych ośrodkach w kraju szacowane są na ok. 13 mln m2. W obiektach tych kryje się bardzo duży potencjał zarządzania energią oraz dekarbonizacji budownictwa. Dysponujemy już narzędziami do integracji wszystkich systemów technicznych budynku i zarządzania nimi, które umożliwiają czynne zarządzanie energią i generują oszczędności eksploatacyjne.
Air pollution is a global problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Climate warming, increasingly difficult access to drinking water resources, and desertification of areas have all resulted in population migrations in search of better areas to live and work. High mortality rates due to smog and crop, soil, and water pollution are just some of the problems facing the whole civilised world. In 2019, in response to these and other climate challenges, the EU adopted the Green Deal, a strategy whereby the EU member states have committed to an energy transition. Climate neutrality, according to the document, should be achieved by 2050. From 2018 to 2029, the government program “Clean Air” will be implemented in Poland with the aim of reducing environmentally damaging emissions from heating single-family houses with harmful fuel in old and polluting stoves. The article presents the program's assumptions in relation to the priorities of the European Green Deal and statistical data concerning the replacement of boilers under the “Clean Air” program by province, the use of various heat sources in Poland, as well as the demand for each heat source based on the number of applications submitted. The paper highlights two aspects related to the functioning of the “Clean Air” program, the first of which is economic in character and pertains to heat source replacement costs, whilst the second concerns the management of renewable energy sources. Statistical data referred to in this article were finalised as of December 2022.
Zanieczyszczenie powietrza jest problemem globalnym, dotykającym miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Ocieplenie klimatu, coraz trudniejszy dostęp do zasobów wody pitnej i pustynnienie obszarów wpłynęło na migracje ludności w poszukiwaniu lepszych terenów do życia i pracy. Wysoki wskaźnik śmiertelności spowodowany smogiem oraz zanieczyszczenie upraw, gleby i wody to tylko niektóre z problemów, z którymi musi się zmierzyć cały cywilizowany świat. W 2019 r. w odpowiedzi na te i inne wyzwania klimatyczne UE przyjęła Zielony Ład, czyli strategię, w ramach której państwa członkowskie UE zobowiązały się do transformacji energetycznej. Zgodnie z dokumentem neutralność klimatyczna powinna zostać osiągnięta do 2050 r. W latach 2018-2029 w Polsce realizowany będzie rządowy program „Czyste Powietrze”, którego celem jest ograniczenie emisji szkodliwych dla środowiska substancji powstających w skutek ogrzewania domów jednorodzinnych szkodliwym paliwem w starych i nieekologicznych piecach. W artykule przedstawiono założenia programu w odniesieniu do priorytetów Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu oraz dane statystyczne dotyczące wymiany kotłów w ramach programu „Czyste Powietrze” z podziałem na województwa, wykorzystania różnych źródeł ciepła w Polsce, zapotrzebowanie na poszczególne źródła ciepła na podstawie złożonych wniosków. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na dwa aspekty związane z funkcjonowaniem programwu „Czyste Powietrze”, z których pierwszy ma charakter ekonomiczny i dotyczy kosztów wymiany źródeł ciepła, natomiast drugi dotyczy zarządzania odnawialnymi źródłami energii. Dane statystyczne, na które powołano się w artykule, dotyczyły stanu na grudzień 2022 r.
The aim of the article is to identify and analyze how to manage the energy supply chain as part of public-private partnership and to try to answer the question in what direction should the Polish industry go to compete on global markets in the face of many challenges of decarbonisation? Maybe by using green energy produced close to its recipients and supplied bypassing the transmission grid? Maybe through the diversification of installations processing energy from various sources (RES), which would constitute an additional regulatory value for the power system? Could solutions, e.g. based on a direct line system, help in such a difficult technological and regulatory time for the energy market? As a research problem, an attempt was made to answer the question to what extent, for example, a systemic approach based on the model of direct lines can help strategic industry organizations in managing the energy supply chain, especially in situations of energy crisis? What actions can be taken to keep a secure energy supply chain management system operational or how to deal with threats affecting the functioning of the energy supply chain? The essence is to emphasize the role of the energy supply chain management system, based on specific requirements or innovative solutions, e.g. a sharing system or direct lines, in maintaining an appropriate level of energy supply security, especially during an energy crisis. To what extent can the requirements of reference documents focusing on operational control and process control ensure the security of the energy supply chain? With regard to the research problems defined in this way, the working hypothesis was formulated as follows: Searching for innovative solutions in the energy sector, and in particular the implementation of direct systems, can effectively counteract or at least reduce the effects of the recent electricity crisis and increase economic attractiveness for the industry. The article uses theoretical and empirical research methods adapted to the problems posed and the purpose of the article. These include: analysis of the literature, normative and legal documents and internal system documentation of sample organizations, the audit method using direct interview and observation of processes and activities.
The article presents the issues regarding the possibility of using innovative drive systems designed by ZAiUP AREX Sp. z o.o. for various types of electric vehicles for seaports, container and logistics terminals. ZAiUP AREX Sp. z o.o. specializes in the design and production of technologies and innovative solutions dedicated to both the civil and military markets. Over 34 years of experience have built a solid and reliable brand. The enduring activity and a number of various projects have allowed us to gain invaluable experience and deepen our unique skills in the projects dedicated to electromobility. This publication presents proprietary technological solutions developed by ZAiUP AREX Sp. z o. o. – an electric drive system that can be used in passenger, delivery and purpose-built vehicles. Thanks to the proposed solutions, the seaports, container and logistics terminals paying attention to cargo operations, security and cybersecurity, as well as energy and innovation, can be improved to become more competitive.
W artykule omówiono wybrane sposoby magazynowania energii elektrycznej oraz strukturę pozyskiwania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w Polsce. Zwrócono uwagę na zasilanie odbiorców z kilku źródeł, w tym z sieci elektroenergetycznej (układy hybrydowe), w okresach niedoborów energii.
The article discusses selected methods of electricity storage and the structure of obtaining energy from renewable sources in Poland. It draws attention to the power supply of consumers from several sources, including the power grid (hybrid systems), during periods of energy shortages.
Hydrogen electric vehicles are environmentally friendly and highly efficient. They derive their energy from fuel cell as a main component in addition to lithium-ion battery and supercapacitor as auxiliary elements. However, there are problems in securing the required power and the optimal power control strategy with different operating conditions. In order to solve these problems, we seek in our work to improve energy economy and continuity, make use of some of the energy that is often lost as heat, and increase system life. To with considering various operating restrictions. So, we adopted this hybrid energy storage system. A specialized strategy is designed for optimal control of energy sources. Therefore, an artificial neural network was trained using Matlab/Simulink software. The obtained results showed the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed system. Which can be used in practice.
Pojazdy napędzane wodorem są przyjazne dla środowiska i bardzo wydajne. Energię czerpią z ogniwa paliwowego jako głównego elementu, oprócz akumulatora litowo-jonowego i superkondensatora jako elementów pomocniczych. Istnieją jednak problemy z zapewnieniem wymaganej mocy i optymalną strategią sterowania mocą przy różnych warunkach pracy. Aby rozwiązać te problemy, w naszej pracy staramy się poprawić ekonomię i ciągłość energii, wykorzystać część energii, która często jest tracona w postaci ciepła, oraz wydłużyć żywotność systemu. Aby wziąć pod uwagę różne ograniczenia operacyjne. Dlatego przyjęliśmy ten hybrydowy system magazynowania energii. Specjalistyczna strategia ma na celu optymalne sterowanie źródłami energii. Dlatego sztuczna sieć neuronowa została przeszkolona przy użyciu oprogramowania Matlab/Simulink. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały skuteczność i dokładność proponowanego systemu. Które można wykorzystać w praktyce.
The paper is devoted to approaches to creating in energy management system with dynamic control of components based on modern information technologies. It is proposed to implement the energy management strategy of local objects by coordinating supply and demand in real time. The balance between own generation and consumption in micro-energy systems with several sources should be ensured by the maximum share in their energy balance of renewable sources. It has been established that the structural-algorithmic synthesis of the dynamic management system of the polygeneration microgrid means ensuring its functional integrity based on the selected structure of sources and the coordination of the power balance of the local facility in real time, taking into account the stochastic generation of electricity from renewable sources. The conditions for creation of energy information connections are investigated. The technical platforms for the realisation of the basic principles of the dynamic energy management system using modern IT infrastructure and the possibility of remote monitoring and control of final current collectors based on the current cost of electricity is proposed.
Artykuł poświęcony jest podejściu do tworzenia w systemie zarządzania energią dynamicznego sterowania elementami w oparciu o nowoczesne technologie informatyczne. Proponuje się realizację strategii zarządzania energią lokalnych obiektów poprzez koordynację podaży i popytu w czasie rzeczywistym. Równowaga między wytwarzaniem a zużyciem własnym w mikrosystemach wieloźródłowych powinna być zapewniona poprzez maksymalny udział w ich bilansie energetycznym źródeł odnawialnych. Ustalono, że synteza strukturalno-algorytmiczna dynamicznego systemu zarządzania mikrosiecią poligeneracyjną polega na zapewnieniu jej integralności funkcjonalnej w oparciu o wybraną strukturę źródeł oraz koordynację bilansu mocy lokalnego obiektu w czasie rzeczywistym z uwzględnieniem stochastyczne wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej ze źródeł odnawialnych. Badane są warunki tworzenia powiązań informacji o energii. Zaproponowano techniczne platformy realizacji podstawowych zasad dynamicznego systemu zarządzania energią z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnej infrastruktury informatycznej oraz możliwości zdalnego monitorowania i sterowania końcowymi odbiornikami prądu w oparciu o aktualny koszt energii elektrycznej.
A hybrid energy system (HES) including hydrogen fuel cell systems (FCS) and a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery energy storage system (ESS) is established for hydrogen fuel cell ships to follow fast load transients. An energy management strategy (EMS) with hierarchical control is presented to achieve proper distribution of load power and enhance system stability. In the high-control loop, a power distribution mechanism based on a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) with an equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) is proposed. In the low-level control loop, an adaptive fuzzy PID controller is developed, which can quickly restore the system to a stable state by adjusting the PID parameters in real time. Compared with the rule-based EMS, hydrogen consumption is reduced by 5.319%, and the stability of the power system is significantly improved. In addition, the ESS degradation model is developed to assess its state of health (SOH). The ESS capacity loss is reduced by 2% and the daily operating cost of the ship is reduced by 1.7% compared with the PSO-ECMS without considering the ESS degradation.
Content available Zmiana, czy lekka korekta zielonego kursu?
Polityka energetyczna Unii Europejskiej jest obecnie przedmiotem wielu analiz, wskazujących, że tak silne uzależnienie od dostaw surowców z Rosji oraz półproduktów z Chin było błędne. Działanie takie wydaje się być zgodne z trzecim elementem teorii „czarnego łabędzia” - zwanym "retrospektywną przewidywalnością" [Nassim Taleb „The Black Swan”, 2007] - czyli działaniem, w którym wielu podkreśla: a nie mówiłem? Jednak bardziej zasadnym wydaje się zastosowanie teorii autorstwa Michele Wucker [The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore, 2016]. Według niej „szary nosorożec” - to wysoce prawdopodobne, wpływowe oraz co najważniejsze zaniedbane zagrożenie. Elementem spajającym obie te teorie z sytuacją w Europie staje się fakt systematycznej utraty przewagi technologicznej UE nad resztą świata.
Waste heat plays a significant role in obtaining the 4th and 5th generation of District Heating (DH) System in cities. This article presents the possibilities of integrating selected waste heat emitters into DH, with the objective of meeting the demand for heat for the selected residential area (approx. 4000 inhabitants) in the city of Gliwice (180 000 inhabitants). The total heating demand of the studied area was estimated at 19 800 GJ including both space heating and domestic hot water. The maximum thermal power was estimated at approx. 2.45 MW. The demand was calculated on the basis of registered metering values for individual buildings which were processed and summarized due to the lack of collective meters for the district. A detailed data classification, correction and completion procedure was elaborated to deal with non-uniform and low-quality data registration. Two industrial objects with waste heat generation were examined to be integrated with the local DH network. The waste heat generation potential equals 9.0 MW for plant #1 and 0.9 MW for plant #2. Apart from the constant generation declared by the industrial entities, realistic profiles including possible shaft-work and maintenance periods were created. It has been shown that the total heat demand for selected residential areas can be covered by integrating waste heat into the current DH network. Depending on the waste heat generation profile, the local area heat demand can be covered entirely or to a large degree (coverage factor ranges from 72 to 100%). The waste heat utilization factor ranges from 6.3 to 8.3%. To manage the remaining waste heat potential, it is required to build additional district heating pipelines and nodes connecting to the existing network to receive an additional 7.45 MW thermal power. The potential of waste heat recovery is significant at the scale of a medium sized city: integrating two large industrial emitters allows up to 13% decarbonization of heats production in the local district heating plan.
Content available remote Zarządzanie energią w zabudowie rozproszonej
W artykule przeanalizowano specyfikę rynku energetycznego w Polsce, a także przedstawiono propozycję systemów zarządzania budynkami w zabudowie rozproszonej. Wyjaśniono pojęcie protokołów komunikacyjnych oraz zwrócono uwagę na możliwości odpowiedniego oprogramowania do zarządzania energią.
The article analyses the specifics of the energy market in Poland and presents proposals for building management systems in dispersed settlements. It explains the concept of communication protocols and highlights the possibilities of suitable software for energy management.
ISO 5O001 może być skutecznym narzędziem obniżania energochłonności przedsiębiorstwa w obliczu niepewnych koszty energii.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu do integracji da nych z inteligentnych czujników. Integracja danych za pomocą proponowanego rozwiązania będzie przeprowadzana głównie na inteligentnych pomiarach energii elektrycznej. Aby platforma mogła działać poprawnie w pierwszej kolejności należy przede wszystkim opracować wyspecjalizowane algorytmy uczenia ma szynowego czy sztucznej inteligencji mogące pracować w tym systemie. Proponowane rozwiązanie pozwoli na dołączenie do systemu automatyki urządzeń o różnych protokołach komuni kacyjnych zwiększając tym samym możliwości danego systemu zarządzania.
This article presents the concept of a system for integrating data from smart sensors. Data integration by means of the proposed solution will be carried out mainly on smart electricity measurements. In order for the platform to work properly first of all, it is necessary to develop specialized machine learning or artificial intelligence algorithms that can work in this system. The proposed solution will allow devices with different communication protocols to be attached to the automation system, thus increasing the capabilities of a given management system.
The article presents a case study on the effectiveness of photovoltaic farm and battery energy storage in one of the Polish foundries. In the study, we consider two investment options: stand-alone PV farm of 1MWp and the farm together with battery energy storage with a maximum capacity of 4MWh. The Payback Period and Net Present Value were used as measures of investment profitability. The paper provides a detailed presentation of the assumptions made, as well as the PV electricity production model of the farm and the optimization model that determines the operation cycle of the energy storage. The case study presented in the article shows that the PV farm is economically sensible and profitable, but the battery energy storage is too costly to give a positive economic effect. Energy storage is an important element that provides flexibility in the energy supply system, so it is necessary to find a technical solution that gives this flexibility. Such a solution could be a virtual power plant, which could include a foundry energy system with a RES installation inside.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to present selected research results in the field of optimization of energy cogeneration processes of heating systems based on biogas sources, in terms of the possibility of obtaining ecological and energy benefits in the municipal area. Design/methodology/approach: The considerations are a case study, including an analysis of the choice of the optimal variant of agricultural biogas construction in the Łobez Municipality in the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship from the point of view of both the substrate used in biogas and the proposed technological solutions. The subject matter focuses on comparing the estimated ecological effect of biogas with different powers and choosing the optimal model solution. The research process used secondary and statistical data and the selected comparative method to calculate the carbon dioxide emission reduction factor. Findings: The authors indicate which technology of obtaining energy should be dominant in the field of optimization of energy cogeneration processes of heating systems in Poland in areas dominated by agricultural economy. Research limitations/implications: The presented research concerns the assessment of one of the parameters (substrate used in biogas) affecting the optimization of biogas production. Future research in this area should focus on the assessment of other factors determining the validity of the discussed solutions in relation to the adopted state policy in the field of development of renewable energy sources and agricultural economy. Practical implications: The results of the research are the first approach to indicate the government and regional administration the type of energy that may form the basis of the future strategy of changes in the field of energy cogeneration of heating systems in municipal and agricultural areas in Poland. Social implications: The description of the agricultural biogas model, which served as an example, can be helpful in the process of identifying benefits not only for the environment but also as an element stimulating economic and social development at the local and regional level. Originality/value: An experimental research approach may be helpful in understanding the essence of optimization of energy congregation processes of heating systems based on biogas sources in selected areas of Poland.
Przemysł naftowy przechodzi w ostatnich latach głęboką transformację zmieniając się pod względem technologicznym, głównie w zakresie cyfryzacji, gromadzenia i analizy coraz większej ilości danych. Przykładem odpowiedzi na wyzwania, które stawia rynek jest realizowany w oddziale PKN ORLEN – PGNiG OGiE projekt Smart Field oparty na rozwiązaniach sztucznej inteligencji i technologii chmury obliczeniowej. Wykonane w ramach projektu prace pokazały ogromne możliwości zaproponowanych rozwiązań związane przede wszystkim ze zwiększaniem potencjału zasobowego koncernu. Ponadto, rezultaty wdrożenia projektu wykazały znaczny spadek kosztów jednostkowych produkcji przy jednoczesnym wydłużeniu eksploatacji złóż oraz minimalizacji ingerencji w środowisko. W niniejszym artykule, zaprezentowane zostały szczegóły i wnioski z realizowanych projektów Cyfrowe Złoże i Smart Field, promujące wykorzystanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań technologicznych w zakresie poszukiwań i wydobycia węglowodorów.
Nowadays, oil and gas industry undergoes a profound transformation. The main change is connected with technology, particularly in terms of digitalization, collection and analysis of significant data volumes. The implementation of Smart Field project based on artificial intelligence solutions and cloud computing technology is the PKN ORLEN - PGNiG OGiE response to the challenges that market currently faces. The actual project advancement shows the enormous possibilities of the proposed solutions, primarily related to the increasing of the Company’s proved hydrocarbon reserves. In addition, the preliminary results of the project deployment indicate a significant decrease in unit production costs with a simultaneous extension of field lifetime and minimization of environmental impact. In this article, details and conclusions of the recent Digital Field and Smart Field projects are presented, promoting the use of innovative technological solutions in exploration and production sector.
The introduction of renewable energy sources (RES) and modern building automation solutions, known as smart homes, has greatly increased building energy efficiency. The number of smart home solutions and their elements in closed and open systems continues to grow. This paper attempts to present the energy management abilities in KNX smart home systems based on two different strategies applied to two model houses. Solutions based on a cost-effective strategy and solutions based on a comfort strategy were selected for a multi-criterion analysis based on an electric energy balance in selected buildings, economic analysis and analysis of the selected solutions in terms of user comfort. Finally, a comparative analysis was performed for the results of the multi-criterion analysis of smart home systems combined with RES for two selected buildings.
Przeprowadzenie pełnej procedury odbiorów typu „performance” wymaga spójnego systemu zarządzania informacją. Informacja pochodzi bowiem z wielu źródeł, w tym dokumentacji projektowej, modeli BIM, tradycyjnych checklist, protokołów pomiarowych, dokumentów odbiorowych, oświadczeń oraz raportów kontrolnych i protokołów usługi BSC. W ramach projektu stworzono system integrujący informację pochodzącą z dokumentacji z wynikami pomiarów umożliwiających ocenę faktycznego funkcjonowania systemów HVAC. Niniejszą informacją zarządza platforma zawierająca element sprzętowy i aplikacja umożliwiająca przetwarzanie informacji oraz analizę wyników. Pomiary dokonywane podczas odbiorów typu „performance” podzielono na pomiary ciągłe, pomiary z czujników oraz lokalne (in-situ). Badania przeprowadzone w środowisku odbiorów systemów HVAC rzeczywistego obiektu biurowego potwierdziły celowość integracji tradycyjnych procedur odbiorowych ze szczegółowymi pomiarami i badaniami. Umożliwiły także weryfikację metodyki odbiorów budynków typu „performance” w warunkach polskich procesów inwestycyjnych.
Building’s systems performance commissioning process requires a consistent information management system. The information during commissioning and handover comes from many sources, including design documentation, BIM models, traditional checklists, measurement protocols, acceptance documents, statements, measurement and control reports and Building Systems Commissioning (BSC) service protocols. As part of the project, a BSC system was developed as a information integration coming from project documentation with measurement results as assessment of real performance of HVAC systems. The management of information has performed at the platform containing a hardware component and an application that enables information processing and results analysis. Measurements made during the performance handover were divided into continuous measurements, measurements from sensors and local (in-situ) measurements. The research carried out on the HVAC systems of the real office building confirmed the desirability of integration the traditional commissioning procedures with detailed measurements and tests. They also made it possible to verify the methodology of performance handover of HVAC systems in the Polish investment processes conditions.
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