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W pracy omówiono stan jakości powietrza w Krakowie na podstawie wyników pomiarów prowadzonych na stacjach monitoringu jakości powietrza: Aleja Krasińskiego, Kraków Nowa Huta, Kraków Krowodrza i Kurdwanów. Obliczono częstość przekraczania norm jakości powietrza (dla PM10) oraz przekroczenia poziomów alarmowych (dla NO2, SO2, PM10). W pracy zbadano również związek pomiędzy elementami meteorologicznymi a stężeniem analizowanych zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Badania wykazały, że głównym problemem w zakresie jakości powietrza w Krakowie było częste przekroczenie poziomu dopuszczalnego przez pył zawieszony PM10. Wyniki analizy regresji wielokrotnej wykazały, że elementy meteorologiczne wpływały na kształtowanie stężeń zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Uzyskano znaczne zróżnicowane charakteru związku między stężeniem analizowanych zanieczyszczeń a elementami meteorologicznymi. Wskazuje to na dużą złożoność tych zależności, na niektóre wpływa zespołowo wiele czynników. W Krakowie w okresie badawczym 2006–2012 odnotowano wystąpienie 81 epizodów ponadnormatywnych stężeń zanieczyszczeń powietrza pyłem PM10. Najdłuższe zaobserwowane epizody trwały przez 23 i 19 dni. Występowaniu epizodów ponadnormatywnych stężeń zanieczyszczeń towarzyszyły następujące czynniki: brak pionowego mieszania powietrza, niska temperatura powietrza, zaleganie gęstego, wymrożonego powietrza, występowanie mgieł i inwersji termicznej.
The paper discusses the state of air quality in Cracow based on the results of measurements carried out at air quality monitoring stations: Krasiński’s Avenue, Cracow Nowa Huta, Cracow Krowodrza, and Kurdwanów. The frequency of exceeding air quality standards (PM10) and alarm levels (for NO2, SO2, PM10) was calculated. The study also examined the relationship between meteorological elements and the concentration of air pollutants. Studies have shown that the main problem in case of air quality in Cracow is a frequent exceeding of acceptable levels for particulate matter PM10. Results of multiple regression analysis showed that meteorological elements influence the formation of air pollution concentrations. Significant diversification of the relationship between analyzed pollutants and meteorological factors was noted. This indicates high complexity of such relationships, some of which are affected by many factors simultaneously. In Cracow in 2006–2012 study period 81 episodes of air pollutants PM10 exceedance were reported. The longest episodes were observed for 23 and 19 days. The presence of exceeded concentrations of pollution episodes is often accompanied by the following factors: the lack of vertical air mixing, low temperature, deposition of dense frozen air, the occurrence of fog and thermal inversion.
The paper presents the evaluation of the relation between meteorological elements and air pollutants’ concentrations. The analysis includes daily concentrations of pollutants and variation of meteorological elements such as wind speed, air temperature and relative humidity, precipitation and total radiation at four monitoring stations located in the province of Lower Silesia in individual months of the winter half-year (November–April, according to hydrological year classification) of 2005–2009. Data on air quality and meteorological elements came from the results of research conducted in the automatic net of air pollution monitoring conducted in the range of the State Environment Monitoring. The effect of meteorological elements on analysed pollutant concentration was determined using the correlation and regression analysis at significance level α < 0.05. The occurrence of maximum concentration of NO, NO2, NOX, SO2 and PM10 occurred in the coldest months during winter season (January, February and December) confirmed the strong influence of “low emission” on air quality. Among the meteorological factors assessed wind speed was most often selected component in step wise regression procedure, then air temperature, less air relative humidity and solar radiation. In the case of a larger number of variables describing the pollution in the atmosphere, in all analyzed winter seasons the most common set of meteorological elements were wind speed and air temperature.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mające na celu ocenę związków między stężeniem zanieczyszczeń powietrza a elementami meteorologicznymi. Analizą objęto średniodobowe wartości emisji zanieczyszczeń gazowych i pyłowych oraz wybrane elementy meteorologiczne, tj. prędkość wiatru, temperaturę, wysokość opadu atmosferycznego, wilgotność względną oraz promieniowanie całkowite na czterech stacjach pomiarowych zlokalizowanych na terenie województwa dolnośląskiego w okresie zimowym (listopad–kwiecień, zgodnie z klasyfikacją roku hydrologicznego) dla lat 2005– 2009. Dane te pochodziły z badań z automatycznych sieci monitoringu zanieczyszczeń powietrza prowadzonych w ramach Państwowego Monitoringu Środowiska. Wpływ elementów meteorologicznych na stężenie analizowanych zanieczyszczeń określono z zastosowaniem analizy korelacji oraz regresji krokowej na poziomie istotności α < 0,05. Występowanie maksymalnych wartości stężenia NO, NO2, NOX oraz SO2 w najchłodniejszych miesiącach okresu zimowego (styczeń, luty i grudzień) potwierdziło duży wpływ „małej emisji” na jakość powietrza. Elementami meteorologicznymi najczęściej wskazywanymi w opisach zależności i za pomocą procedury regresji krokowej były prędkość wiatru, następnie temperatura powietrza i rzadziej wilgotność względna powietrza, temperatura powietrza, promieniowanie całkowite oraz wilgotność powietrza. W przypadku występowania większej ilości zmiennych opisujących zanieczyszczenia w atmosferze, we wszystkich analizowanych półroczach zimowych najczęściej występującym układem elementów meteorologicznych była prędkość wiatru i temperatura powietrza.
Skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo żeglugi morskiej zależy w dużym stopniu od warunków atmosferycznych. W większości przypadków niebezpieczne zjawiska pogody są związane z frontami atmosferycznymi, stąd dla prawidłowego wsparcia meteorologicznego niezwykle istotnym jest zapewnienie głębokiej analizy i precyzyjnej prognozy obszarów rozwoju i rozpadu frontów atmosferycznych. Artykuł przedstawia metodę wyznaczania obszarów występowania stref frontogenetycznych i frontolitycznych opracowaną z wykorzystaniem wyników badań dotyczących procesów frontogenezy i frontolizy. Metoda opiera się na kompleksowej analizie wartości funkcji frontogenetycznej i dywergencji Q-wektorów.
Efficiency and safety of maritime navigation depends very much on weather conditions. Since, in majority of cases, severe weather conditions are related with atmospheric fronts, it is crucial for meteorological support to provide a profound analysis and precise forecast of atmospheric fronts development and dissipation areas. The paper presents a method of determining the areas of frontogenetic and frontolytic zones worked out with the use of the results of research concerning the frontogenesis and frontolysis processes. The method is based on extensive analysis of the values of the frontogenetic function and the Q-vectors' divergence.
The aim of the studies was to determine relationships between the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the countryside area and the selected meteorological elements. In the studies the data concerning the immission of gas pollution and meteorological data were taken into account and they were gathered, respectively, at the station monitoring the air quality and the agrometeorological station of Agricultural University of Szczecin, situated in the middle part of Szczecin Lowland (in Lipnik, near Stargard Szczeciński) in 1998-2005. In the countryside area of Szczecin Lowland the time distribution of the NO2 and SO2 concentrations did not show a distinct seasonal structure. During the seasonal heating the amount of the SO2 immission was the same as during the summer. In 1998-2005 the improvement of the air quality in Szczecin Lowland resulted from a decreasing tendency of the SO2 concentration during all the months of the year and a decreasing tendency of the NO2 concentration in August and September. In the set of meteorological elements, the most strongly correlated with concentrations of the two gas pollution factors and of the strongest role were the average speed of wind, the atmospheric pressure and the maximum air temperature.
The study was aimed at the evaluation of seasonal variability of the sulphur dioxide concentration in selected localities in north-western Poland in relation to weather conditions. The research was based on the 24 hour period concentration values of sulphur dioxide and on 24 hour period meteorological data collected from 1 May 2005 to 30 April 2007 at five stations (Gorzów Wlkp., Koszalin, Piła, Widuchowa and Szczecin), situated in north-western Poland. The temporal distribution of the SO2 concentration in the analysed localities of north-western Poland was characterized by a distinct seasonal structure and the largest variability of the SO2 concentration occurred in winter and the lowest in summer. The largest number of significant relations to the amount of SO2 concentration was observed in respect of the average air temperature and air humidity, more in summer and fewer in autumn. The largest coefficients of determination of multiple regression equations describing the relation of the sulphur dioxide with meteorological elements were obtained in summer and they varied from 10% at the Piła station to about 40% at the stations in Gorzów Wlkp. and Szczecin.
Content available remote Klimatyczne uwarunkowania rozwoju turystyki na Pomorzu Środkowym
In the paper the analysis of the time variability of meteorological elements affecting tourist values of the climate in Central Pomerania in 1971-2000 was carried out. On the basis of the tourism climatic index (TCI) the usefulness of climatic conditions of the towns of Chojnice and Szczecinek for tourism during a year was assessed. It was observed that in 1971-2000 the values of some meteorological elements changed statistically significantly. The largest changes were noticed in the number of cloudy days (an increase from 1.3 to 3.5 days/10 years in Szczecinek, a decrease by 1.7 days/10 years in Chojnice in October) in the maximum air temperature (an increase from 1.3 to 1.6 o C/10 years in January and April), in the minimum temperature (a decrease from 0.8 to 1.1°C/10 years in August and in Chojnice also from June to September) and in the precipitation total (an increase by 7.6 to 11.7 mm/10 years in February and March, a decrease by 10.2 mm/10 years in Szczecinek in November). According to the value index TCI the climatic conditions of Central Pomerania are at least “good” for the tourism for five months during a year, from May to September. In a holiday season (July-August) the conditions are very good and even excellent in Chojnice in August. Unfavourable weather conditions occur during two-four months in a year, from November to February in Chojnice and in December and January in Szczecinek.
Celem pracy była ocena zmienności stężenia ditlenku siarki i ditlenku azotu na Pomorzu w zależności od głównych elementów meteorologicznych. Zależność tę opisano za pomocą analizy korelacji oraz regresji pojedynczej i wielokrotnej, stosując program STATISTICA 6. W pracy uwzględniono dobowe wyniki stężenia SO2 i NO2 z dziesięciu stacji pomiarowych oraz wartości elementów meteorologicznych z lat 1993-2002 ze stacji meteorologicznych IMGW, położonych najbliżej stacji imisyjnych. Stwierdzono, że na stężenie ditlenku siarki oddziałuje głównie temperatura powietrza oraz liczba dni z opadem dobowym ≥ 0,5 mm, natomiast na stężenie ditlenku azotu - prędkość wiatru, liczba dni z opadem ≥ 0,5 mm oraz usłonecznienie rzeczywiste. Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na stężenie SO2 ujawnia się przede wszystkim zimą, podczas gdy na stężenie NO2 - głównie jesienią.
The aim of the study was to assess variability of concentrations of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in relation to main meteorological factors. This relationship was described by correlation analysis and linear and multiple regressions using the STATISTICA 6 software. 24 hour concentrations of SO2 and NO2 from ten measurement stations and meteorological factors gathered at IMGW meteorological stations closest to the immission stations in the period 1993 to 2002 were taken for the analysis. Air temperature and the number of days with 24 hour precipitation of ≥ 0.5 mm were found to mainly affect the concentrations of sulfur dioxide, whereas the wind velocity, the number of days with 24 hour precipitation of ≥ 0.5 mm and real solar radiation influenced the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. The effect of meteorological conditions on the concentrations of sulfur dioxide was particularly visible in winter, while the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide were affected by meteorological conditions mainly in autumn.
Omówiono zależności elementów meteorologicznych od cyrkulacji atmosferycznej w ujęciu klimatologii kompleksowej. Do tego celu wykorzystano dane z Polskiej Stacji Polarnej w Hornsundzie z lat 1991-2000 oraz uproszczony kalendarz typów cyrkulacji dla Spitsbergenu. Najczęściej występujące cyklonalne masy powietrza ze wschodu i południowego wschodu odpowiadały za najwyższą frekwencję dni ciepłych z silnym wiatrem i opadem. Wpływ oceanu przejawiał się znacznymi frekwencjami pogód ciepłych z wysoką wilgotnością i opadem przy cyrkulacji cyklonalnej z południa i południowego zachodu.
This paper describes influence of air masses advection on meteorological elements in Hornsund (SW Spitsbergen) from 1991 to 2000. Air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and precipitation occurrence were considered. First three variables were classified as a system of three classes. First class consists of elements below 25% percentile (under normal), third contains values above 75% percentile (above normal). Second class contains values between first and third threshold values (normal). Precipitation was classified using two-class system which describes if it occurs or not. All statistics are presented for three periods. First for all, for year term, next for polar day (24th April to 18th September) and in the end for polar night (31st October to 11th February). Reduced classification of circulation types by Niedźwiedź (2004) was used as a circulation index. Warm days (3WFR) with strong wind (T3FR) and precipitation occurrence (TWF1) exhibited the highest frequency in cyclonic E+SE situation for whole year period. High humidity (TW3R) dominated with cyclonic circulation from S+SW. Cold weather (1WFR) with low humidity (TW1R) was characteristic for N+NE advection, both cyclonic and anticyclonic. Central high situation (Ca+Ka) and also cyclonic advection from N+NE were typical for days with weak wind (T1FR) and no precipitation (TWF0). During polar day warm days (3WFR) had the highest occurrence in cyclonic advection from E+SE and S+SW. The highest frequency of strong wind days was noted with advection from E+SE, in both kind of air masses. High humidity (TW3R) weather was formed under the influence of cyclonic oceanic air masses from S+SW. Precipitation occurrence (TWF1) was mostly connected with situation Cc+Bc but in S+SWc situation accounted for almost 100% days. Cold days (1WFR) with weak wind (T1FR), low humidity (TW1R) and without precipitation were characteristic for situation with the highest frequency during polar day (Ca+Ka). During polar night warm days (3WFR) with high humidity (TW3R) had the highest frequency in cyclonic S+SW advection. Situation E+SEc was typical for days with strong wind (T3FR) and precipitation (TWF1). There weren't any days without precipitation occurrence at S+SWc advection. Cold days (1WFR) with weak wind (T1FR), low humidity (TW1R) and without precipitation were determined with the lowest frequency by cyclonic advection from N+NE.
The effect of meteorological parameters on conditions of air pollution in Olsztyn. In the paper analysed connection between the most often contaminative substance (CO, NOx, SO2 and concetrated dust) and basic meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, air-pressure, wind velocity and solar radiation). The study conducted on five measuring point situated in Olsztyn from the winter cycle. The coefficient of linear correlation was enumerated and the equations of multiple regression was formed on their basic. The statistical analysis demonstrated essential relation temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity of air atmospheric condition. The small wind velocity, the low temperature and relative humidity provoked growing concentration of air pollution.
On the base of meteorological data obtained from Ostrołęka measure point (years 1951-2000), the agrometeorological characteristics of north-eastern part of Mazovia region were made. It was pointed out that this region seems to be classified as typical in Poland, but most thermal harsh all over Mazovia region. Mean average air temperature amounted (7,4°C ), but growing season lasted rather no so long, only 211 days. The last occurrenees of ground frosts were recorded until ends of April. Precipitations totals were suitable for crops, and amounted about 568,7 mm. Drought periods were 110 frequent. Even those shortest, more then ten days continuously, occurred only twice a year.
Content available Warunki klimatyczne Wielkopolski i Kujaw
Badania klimatu Wielkopolski i Kujaw trwają już od połowy XIX w. Dość rozległa, chociaż zmienna ilościowo sieć stacji pomiarowych dostarcza wiele informacji, na podstawie których już w pierwszej połowie XX w. obszar Wielkopolski i Kujaw pod względem termicznym został zaklasyfikowany do regionów najcieplejszych w Polsce, a pod względem opadowym - do regionów najsuchszych. Podstawą takiego podziału klimatycznego były wieloletnie, w przypadku Bydgoszczy ponad 150-letnie, ciągi temperatury i opadów. Badania ewapotranspiracji wykazały, że jest to również obszar z największymi niedoborami wody w rolnictwie. Szczegółowa analiza potwierdza zróżnicowanie w rozkładzie przestrzennym i czasowym wartości poszczególnych elementów meteorologicznych. Różnice są najbardziej widoczne w rozkładzie temperatury, opadów i parowania. Mniejsze zróżnicowanie występuje w rozkładzie ciśnienia, wiatru i usłonecznienia. Dane ze stacji pomiarowych IMUZ w Bydgoszczy i na obszarze zlewni górnej Noteci świadczą o różnicach mikroklimatycznych w różnych siedliskach: wilgotnych i suchych łąkowych w dolinach rzek, suchych na gruntach ornych oraz na terenach zurbanizowanych.
Studies on the climate of Wielkopolska and Kujawy have been carried out since the half of the 19th century. The wide, but quantitevely variable network of measurement stations provides vast observation material, on the basis of which the Wielkopolska and Kujawy region has been qualified as the warmest in Poland regarding thermal conditions and the driest regarding precipitation conditions. The base for this qualification were multi-year (over 150-year in Bydgoszcz ) observation series of temperature and precipitation. Investigations of evapotranspiration have shown that this is the region with the greatest water deficits in agriculture. The detailed analysis confirms the spatial and temporal differentiation of selected weather elements. Differences are noticed most distinctly in temperature, precipitation and evaporation distribution. Less differences are observed in atmospheric pressure, wind velocity and sunshine hours. Taking into account observations from the station of IMUZ in Bydgoszcz and in the catchment of the upper Noteć river, the microclimatic differentiation has been shown in different sites: in wet and dry meadow sites in river valleys, in dry sites in arable lands and in urban areas.
Content available remote Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na strumień ciepła w glebie
Daily sum of positive (directed into soil) heat flux relationships with meteorological elements were analysed basing on the data collected during the summer days without rainfall on the fields with bare soil. The soil heat flux density (at 1 cm depth) in the daily course was calculated by means of a combined method, i.e. from the heat storage changes within 1-20 cm layer of soil (at half-hour steps) and the soil heat flux at 20 cm depth determined by the gradient method. The meteorological data contained : sunshine duration, cloudiness, water vapor deficiency, wind speed, mean daily air temperature, daily air temperature amplitude and air temperature mean value changes from day to day. The regression equations between sums of positive soil heat flux and the meteorological data combinations, as well as the determination coefficients and standard errors of estimation were established. It was stated, that to estimate daily sum of heat flux into soil on the basis of meteorological elements it is more reasonable to use the equation with only three most important meteorological data (sunshine duration, air temperature amplitude and air temperature changes from day to day) than with all of them.
The article presents results of meteorological observations carried out in the summer of 1998 on the Kaffiöyra Plain during XVth Toruń Polar Expedition organized by the Geography Institute, Nicholas Copernicus University of Toruń. The measurements were carried out tour climatological time a day (01,07, 13 and 19 LMT) from 20th July to 2nd September 1998 i.e. 45 days. The values of meteorological elements are presented in Tab, 2 and Fig. 2. Apart tram the 1998 summer data, there have also been presented for comparison mean values of basic meteorological elements from comparable periods (July 21-August 31) of all the summer seasons when the Toruń Polar expeditions operated on Spitsbergen (Tab. 4).
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