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Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the determinants of managerial competencies in the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The identification of the elements of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. and its characteristics were also performed. Design/methodology/approach: In the theoretical part, a critical literature analysis was conducted. This included international literature from major databases and Polish literature. Additionally, in order to identify research problems, a diagnostic survey method with Likert scale analysis was used. Findings: The research conducted was based on the authors' categorization of leadership competency areas. The most important competency areas were identified. Furthermore, the research results enabled the identification of criteria distinguishing a leader from a manager. Factors essential for the effective performance of the leader's role were presented. Additionally, indicators of competence within the context of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0 were highlighted. Research limitations/implications: The research is intended to be expanded in the future to include a more extensive and more diverse research sample. Practical implications: The research results and conclusions constitute implications for the development of competencies adequately matching the challenges of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The 5.0 Leadership ecosystem brings many benefits, such as increased efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability. For managers responsible for team creation, member selection, and work organisation, the results and conclusions of the research are deemed a valuable information source aimed at enhancing the organisation's effectiveness. Originality/value: The article proposes an original model of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. It presents the conceptualization process and characterizes the elements of this ecosystem.
W związku z dostrzeżonymi wadami dotychczas stosowanej metody analizy wpływu drzew na stabilność posadowienia obiektów budowlanych autorzy postanowili zmienić kilka szczegółów procedury. Postanowiono wykorzystać pomysł stosowany już od dawna w innych dziedzinach wiedzy – mapę warstwobarwną. W artykule zamieszczono praktyczne wskazówki, jak taką mapę wykonać i zinterpretować.
Due to the noticed shortcomings of the previously used method of analyzing the impact of trees on the stability of the foundations of building structures, the authors decided to change several details of the procedure. It was decided to use an idea that has long been used in other fields of knowledge – a color layer map. The article contains practical tips on how to create and interpret such a map.
Kryzys klimatyczny jest problemem, którego doświadczamy na wielu płaszczyznach. Mniej więcej na tyle samo sposobów próbujemy zażegnać jego skutki. Narzędziami powstrzymywania niekorzystnych zmian są m.in. rozwiązania legislacyjne. Z humanistycznego punktu widzenia ich rolą jest wychowywanie – przepisy wskazują, które postawy są pożądane, a które wręcz przeciwnie. Poprzez system zachęt i kar regulują stare nawyki i wprowadzają nowe. Pośrednio kształtują nawet gusty i ostrzegają, które nasadzenia mogą przynieść więcej szkody niż pożytku.
W języku potocznym znaczenie słowa „ekologia” odbiega istotnie od jego właściwej definicji. Cała rodzina wyrazów utworzona od tego terminu, a zwłaszcza „ekologiczny”, to jedne z najpopularniejszych słów w branży reklamowej, często występujące w koszmarnych zbitkach typu „ekoproszek do prania” czy „ekomięso”. Znaczenia tych słów nie trzeba zapewne czytelnikom przybliżać, natomiast zazwyczaj zapomina się, że „ekologia” to nic innego jak poważna dziedzina nauki, jedna z najważniejszych i najbardziej interdyscyplinarnych, która szuka także rozwiązań wielu problemów dotyczących miast.
The aggregate of various taxonomic groups of microorganisms colonising living organisms is known as the microbiome. The plant microbiome encompasses a wide network of biological, chemical and metabolic interactions between the plant and microorganisms (mainly algae, bacteria and protozoa). The relationships between microbes and peatland plants, particularly carnivorous plants, are a very interesting subject that is still little understood. Microbes colonising carnivorous peatland plants may be present in their traps or on the surface of the plant. Previous research on the relationships between the microbiome composition of carnivorous plants and the external factors influencing it directly and indirectly is still inadequate. There is a lack of review articles analysing the current state of knowledge regarding carnivorous plant-microbiome interactions. This review of the literature is a collection of data on the functioning of the microbiome of carnivorous plants growing in peatland ecosystems. In addition, it summarises the available information on host–microorganism relationships.
Fires in natural ecosystems require a comprehensive approach due to the dependence of these processes on many factors – climatic conditions, moisture content of combustible material, type of ignition source, soil temperature regime, availability of possibilities and tools for extinguishing, presence of fire-fighting obstacles, organization of localization and elimination. The investigation of natural fires today takes into account (developed and effectively used) computer models, which are based on numerical methods of the physics of combustion of substances and materials. In the presented work, a study of the fire at the site was carried out, which included the growth of grass and other components of the phytocenosis, particularly shrubs. The research was carried out taking into account the environmental conditions and the combustible material’s physical and chemical properties. In general, the fire simulation lasted 180 seconds. Rapid burning stopped 66 s from the beginning of ignition, and after that, single burning and smoldering of the studied area were observed. It was established that the maximum flame temperature was more than 1250 °C, which was observed in 33 s within the limits of burning grass in stacks. The maximum power from the fire of the studied area is reached approximately at the 65th second and was 09650 kW/m3, and starting from the 66th second, it was decreasing. It should be noted that the species composition of the pyrogenic succession is depleted, and on the site of the fire, there is a scattering of plants and a spontaneous arrangement in the studied area. The predominance of Asteraceae in the pyrogenic succession is a rather positive phenomenon because they are the most widespread family of the flora of Ukraine and have great practical applications and are used as medicinal, food, fodder, honey, oil, and decorative species.
Content available remote The influence of ecoenvironment factors on the development of skiing
Skiing depends on the external environment, in which material, energy and information are frequently exchanged, and this external environment greatly affects the quality of skiing’s existence. In this article, an ecosystem assessment algorithm based on ANN (Artificial Neural Network) is put forward. Based on this, a skiing development model under the influence of ecosystem factors is constructed to explore the influence of ecosystem factors on skiing development. The simulation results show that after many iterations, the error of this method is better than that of the comparison algorithm in ecosystem analysis, with the error reduced by 28.17 % and the recall rate reaching 94.65 %, which is improved by 16.88 % compared with the comparison algorithm. Therefore, this model can provide theoretical support for studying the influence of ecological and environmental factors on the growth of skiing. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the regional landscape ecosystem, the eco-environmental impact assessment of the ski resort project predicts the impact of project construction on the regional landscape ecosystem. It explores ways and means to maintain the ecological integrity of the natural system to carry out project construction on the premise of protecting the local ecosystem and building a natural and artificial composite landscape ecosystem with reasonable structure and high efficiency.
This paper analyzes the steps of the strategic development and use of innovations in the field of biotechnology in the largest and most developed countries of the world. Support for applied recommendations for state-level fundamental provisions regarding initiatives to develop the capacity of the biotechnology sector and increase the level of an international, strategic and competitive industry is presented. The authors conducted a study and evaluated the further promising use of innovations in biotechnology on the example of the EU-15 and EU13 countries. A regularity was revealed that the biotechnology of the EU countries (EU-15) is developed at a high national and international level. The overall results of our work have helped to define further strategic directions and presented potential prospects for innovation in the field of biotechnology, which will subsequently lead to increased investment in this area. Using the graphical method, a dynamic model of trade turnover in the bioeconomy of the EU-15 countries is presented, followed by the construction of a trend line. And also formulated and predicted the value of trade in the bioeconomy of the EU-15 and EU-13 for the next decade.
Mnogość różnych gatunków i ich siedlisk w miastach jest niezwykle istotna dla ludzi w nich mieszkających, bo wspiera np. świadczenie tzw. usług ekosystemowych. Pozwala też na zachowanie kontaktu człowieka z dziką przyrodą. Natomiast nieuwzględnianie tego rodzaju relacji i zależności to duży błąd.
Wielu ludzi wkłada bardzo dużo energii w to, by nasze miejskie życie stało się bliższe naturze, a idea miasta przyjaznego człowiekowi staje się coraz bardziej popularna. I to do tego stopnia, że opinia „zielonego miasta” staje się gwarancją rozwoju. Nadeszła więc pora na to, by to pokazać.
Zasoby przyrodnicze są wspólnym dobrem ludzkości, gdyż zapewniają jej warunki do życia. Przyroda, a dokładniej ekosystemy biosfery, dostarcza społecznościom ludzkim poprzez różnego rodzaju dobra i usługi wiele korzyści (np. żywność, wodę, niezanieczyszczoną glebę, możliwości pochłaniania dwutlenku węgla, regulację klimatu, substancje farmaceutyczne, surowce naturalne, miejsca rekreacji). Ogólnie nazywane są one usługami ekosystemowymi, będącymi stanami i procesami, dzięki którym ekosystemy podtrzymują i wypełniają ludzkie procesy i potrzeby życiowe.
Komary – szczególnie w lecie – bywają kłopotliwe, ale mało kto wie, że bez komarów nie będzie ekomiast. Stanowią one bowiem podstawowe źródło pokarmu dla wielu organizmów żywych, które chronimy i o których dużo się mówi. Owady te to pierwszy element bioróżnorodności miast. Przyszedł czas, żeby oswoić się z ich obecnością i to pomimo naszej niechęci do nich. 
Chociaż wiedza oparta na podstawach naukowych i technologie stosowane dla ochrony i poznania różnorodności biologicznej, jej wartości, funkcji, stanu i kierunków zmian, a także konsekwencji jej utraty, są ulepszane, to jednak nie są szeroko rozpowszechniane, przenoszone, a zwłaszcza stosowane. O działaniach tych nie decydują eksperci, ale niemający o tym żadnego pojęcia politycy. Zapadające decyzje nie mają nic wspólnego z fachowością i podejmowane są w polityce bez wartości. Jak zawrócić z tej zgubnej drogi?
Najbardziej znanymi bezkręgowcami żyjącymi w glebach różnego rodzaju środowisk lądowych, w tym także w miastach, są dżdżownice. W glebach miast występują głównie gatunki tych zwierząt o dużych zdolnościach przystosowawczych do zmieniających się warunków klimatycznych i środowiskowych. Dzięki tym cechom mogą one odegrać dużą rolę w projektowanych ekosystemach miast.
Protecting and preserving the environment and marine resources is a constant concern of countries. The seas and oceans face increasing threats to their flora and fauna from pollution, both from land and sea sources. Overexploitation of marine resources and overfishing pose serious threats to biodiversity and the balance of marine ecosystems. Especially for countries that rely on fisheries resources to feed their populations in closed or semi-closed seas. It is unusual to highlight overfishing by ships, as coastal states' resources do not allow for effective safety controls and as a result, there are a number of severely depleted fisheries worldwide. It is therefore vital that conservation and management measures for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks continue and increase, as it is a resource that has transcended many national jurisdictions. According to the priorities of the current research project, which include alignment and adaptation to the regulations of the Saudi marine environment, the research group of the current marine ecosystem project tries to analyze the variables contained in maritime transport and shipping and to measure the impact of these variables on the marine ecosystem, by focusing on four national priority areas: 1) reliable and long-term seafood supply; 2) thriving coastal ecosystems; 3) sustainable coastal development; and 4) risk resilience in coastal communities. Prioritizing coastal issues and gathering desired outcomes from.
We evaluated the temporal and spatial trends of the hydrological (temperature and sea ice) and biochemical (chlorophyll-a concentration) characteristics in springtime in the Baltic Sea. Both are strongly affected by climate change, resulting in a decrease in the duration of sea-ice melting in the previous decade. A new regime of sea ice began in 2008 and in all basins of the Baltic Sea, a rapid warming during spring could be detected. Using satellite data, the temporal and spatial variations in spring bloom were analysed during severe and warmer winters. Using a coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model, we tested the response of spring bloom to the changing ice conditions. The results of the modelling indicated that the presence of ice significantly influences the predicted chlorophyll-a concentration values in the Baltic Sea. Therefore, it is necessary that any coupled model system has a realistic ice model to ensure the best simulation results for the lower trophic food web as well.
Based on the analysis of a number of studies, it was found that to assess the state of the environment (including surface waters and soils) it is advisable to use indicators of microbiological pollution, which in general integrally reflect the state of the ecosystem. To assess the dynamics of changes in the pollution of the studied areas, a comparison of monitoring data with the corresponding level of pollution in protected areas (Vyzhnytsia National Nature Park) was used. Research methods included soil and surface water sampling, inoculation on appropriate nutrient selective media, counting of colony forming units (CFU) and other microbiological indicators. To assess the biological activity of soils, urease activity was determined by a method generally accepted in biochemistry. It is established that within the protected areas, despite some existing annual fluctuations, the relative stability of the studied indicators of the hydrosphere is preserved. Studies have shown that soils of anthropogenically altered landscapes are characterised by a high content of sanitary-indicative bacteria. As our research shows, according to the colony forming units (CFU), total microbial count, and titer of Escherichia coli, the soils selected in the protected area of the Vyzhnytsia National Nature Park correspond to the “pure” level. The soils of the territories out of the National Nature Park are characterised by high biological capacity, as evidenced by the level of activity of the enzyme urease and the ratio of the main forms of nitrogen compounds.
Waters provide essential needs both for human societies as well as natural ecosystems. Floating solar PV (FPV) applications on water bodies are currently in strong demand worldwide. Floating solar PV system is a new concept in renewable energy with the solar plants by harnessing available water surface, such in dams, lakes, and other water bodies. Although the floating solar PV industry is becoming more and more popular, the study on the biological, chemical, and physical properties effects of using FPV cover on natural water coverage – especially in tropical countries – has not been widely carried out yet. This paper aimed to evaluate the effect of floating solar PV on temperature, DO (dissolved oxygen), TDS (total dissolved solids), total phosphorus concentration, and chlorophyll-a concentration using mesocosm experiments to understand the biological, chemical, and physical process under closed environment. The experiment was conducted in a natural water body, Mahoni Lake, in which a total amount of 7 water samples were collected from each mesocosms. The results show that the floating solar PV reduces the average temperature, DO, conductivity, TDS, and chlorophyll-a concentration changes (p-value < 0.05); and the floating solar PV does not directly reduce the average total phosphorus concentration due to high probability of thermal stratification (p-value > 0.05).
Formation of so-called open-pit lakes has become an increasingly common practice in Romania (more precisely in the Oltenia Mining Basin, where the lignite deposit contained in Dacian and Romanian formations was and is extracted through open-pits). The flooding process of the remaining gaps is in general a natural one, as water comes from underground sources (phreatic and pressurized aquifers) and from precipitations (including runoff waters from the surrounding terrains). This practice is considered to be a type of ecological reconstruction of former exploitation areas and has been applied worldwide for quite a time (in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, USA, Australia, etc.). The present paper aims to present some ecological aspects regarding these lakes, and, as case study, we chose the lake formed in the remaining gap of Urdari open-pit (within the Rovinari Mining Basin). However, the authors consider that given the multitude of similar conditions (bioclimate, geology, topography, etc.) in which they form, the preliminary conclusions of this study can be extrapolated for other lakes in the area (existing, such South Peșteana and Moi, or planned, such as Roșia and North Peșteana). This study presents data on the existing biotope and biocenoses (restricted to species identification), without going into specific details about populations, ecosystem production, energy and matter flows within it, as these investigations demand a longer period of time and more resources and are foreseen for a future development stage of this study.
Tworzenie jezior w wyrobiskach pozostałych po kopalniach odkrywkowych staje się coraz bardziej powszechną praktyką w Rumunii (dokładniej w Zagłębiu Górniczym Oltenia, gdzie metodą odkrywkową wydobywane było i jest złoże węgla brunatnego zawarte w formacjach dackiej i rumuńskiej). Proces zalewania pozostałych wyrobisk jest na ogół naturalny, gdyż woda pochodzi ze źródeł podziemnych (warstwy wodonośne freatyczne i ciśnieniowe) oraz z opadów atmosferycznych (w tym spływów z otaczających terenów). Praktyka ta jest uważana za rodzaj ekologicznej rekonstrukcji dawnych terenów eksploatacyjnych i od dłuższego czasu jest stosowana na całym świecie (w Niemczech, Polsce, Czechach, Hiszpanii, USA, Australii itd.). Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie niektórych aspektów ekologicznych dotyczących tych jezior, a jako studium przypadku wybrano jezioro utworzone w wyrobisku pozostałym po odkrywce Urdari (w obrębie Zagłębia Górniczego Rovinari). Autorzy uważają jednak, że biorąc pod uwagę mnogość podobnych warunków (bioklimat, geologia, topografia itp.), w których te jeziora powstają, wstępne wnioski z tego badania można ekstrapolować na inne jeziora na tym obszarze (istniejące, takie jak Południowa Peșteana i Moi lub planowane, takie jak Roșia i Północna Peșteana). Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia dane na temat istniejącego biotopu i biocenoz (ograniczone do identyfikacji gatunków), bez wchodzenia w szczegółowe dane dotyczące populacji, produkcji ekosystemu, przepływów energii i materii w jego obrębie, ponieważ badania te wymagają dłuższego czasu oraz większej ilości zasobów i przewidziane są w przyszłym etapie badań.
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