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Content available Ogrody zabytkowe – czy dla wszystkich?
Wśród wielu kategorii zabytków dostępność ogrodów zabytkowych stanowi zagadnienie nadal słabo rozpoznane. Wymagania ustawowe koncentrują się na dostępności budynków i nie nakładają obowiązku dbania o przestrzeń otaczającą. Pomijają więc teren otaczający budynek, który jest najczęściej jego niezbędnym dopełnieniem i często podlega ochronie prawnej jako wpisane do rejestru zabytków otoczenie, ogród lub park, jako część zespołu czy zabytku obszarowego. Zapewnienie dostępności zabytków, w tym ogrodów zabytkowych jest zagadnieniem wspólnym dla budynku i jego zabytkowego otoczenia - obszernym i złożonym, które należy analizować kompleksowo, w kontekście całego obiektu zabytkowego. W jego realizacji nie chodzi jednak o dopasowanie zabytku do wymogów dostępności - w rozumieniu przebudowy całości czy jego części, ale o wybór odpowiedniej opcji udostępniania – czyli zapewnienia takich rozwiązań, które nie wiążą się z nadmiernym obciążeniem, czy naruszeniem wartości ogrodu zabytkowego, w przeciwnym wypadku byłoby to sprzeczne z zasadami ochrony konserwatorskiej tych obiektów. Udostępnienie obiektu poprzez rozwiązanie kwestii dostępności architektonicznej może być skutecznie wspierane przez działania w sferze komunikacyjno-informacyjnej, które wydają się znacznie bezpieczniejsze w kontekście negatywnego wpływu na wartości zabytkowe obiektu niż likwidacja barier architektonicznych. Podstawowym warunkiem, który musi być przy tym spełniony jest przekazanie różnym grupom zainteresowanych uczciwej i wyczerpującej informacji o przygotowanej ofercie i o ewentualnych ograniczeniach dostępności. Ze względu na charakter zabytków obszarowych należy się spodziewać, że rzadko kiedy zarządzający ogrodem, będzie w stanie udostępnić go w pełni.
Among the many categories of historical monuments, accessibility of historical gardens is still a poorly recognized issue. Legal requirements focus upon accessibility of buildings, and yet they do not impose any obligations to care for the neighboring space. Thus, they omit the area which surrounds the building. The area that is a necessary complement of the building, and it is often subject to legal protection. The grounds and landscape of a particular building that is documented in the Register of Historical Monuments also fall under such protective clauses. Ensuring accessibility of historical monuments, including historical gardens, is an issue common for the building and its historical surroundings. This extensive and complex issue should be analyzed in a comprehensive manner, in the context of the entire historical site. However, the problem should not simply be solved by adapting the historical monument to accessibility requirements understood as re-construction of the entire object or its parts, but by selecting the appropriate manner of making it accessible, i.e. by ensuring such solutions which do not result in an excessive load or infringement of the values of the historical garden. Otherwise, it would go against the principles of conservator's protection of such sites. Making a site accessible by solving the problem of architectural accessibility may be effectively supported by communication and information activities which seem much safer in the context of negative impact on historical values of the site than liquidation of architectural barriers. The crucial condition that must be met here is to provide various involved groups honest and exhaustive information about the offer and about accessibility limitations (if any). Due to the nature of such areas, we should also understand the administrator of such gardens can seldom make it fully accessible.
Background: With the emergence of supply chain management as a key strategic function in the agri-food sector, a lot of research has been conducted to find ways to improve the performance and sustainability of agri-food supply chains. The Triple-A Supply Chain concept, which refers to the agility, adaptability, and alignment of the supply chains, has been a field of study for various researchers aiming at shaping meaningful and sustainable competitive advantages for businesses and organizations in various sectors. Over the years, alternative, complementary, or upgraded versions of this approach have been proposed, such as the “New AAA Supply Chain”, which describes the renewed Triple-A Supply Chain model based on Super-Agility, Architectural Adaptability, and Ecosystem Alignment, and the “Triple A & R” framework, which refers to Agility for Robustness, Adaptability, and Resilience, and Re-Alignment. Methods: This paper presents the results of a selective study of the bibliography considering the Triple-A Supply Chain model, the “New AAA Supply Chain” model and the “Triple A & R” framework. These frameworks are analyzed and compared with each other considering their principles, and their implementation in the agri-food sector is researched. The scope of this study is to analyze the potential of the application and suitability of these frameworks in agri-food supply chains, having considered the particularities of the sector. Results: Examining the models concerning the evolution of the Triple-A Supply Chain paradigm, it is evident that they differ from each other, as they approach supply chain management from different viewpoints. Conclusions: The potential of application of various models originating from the Triple-A Supply Chain paradigm was examined in the case of the agri-food sector considering product nature, sustainability, and investment cost as the factors affecting it. These frameworks could partially find application in the agri-food sector, as some of their guidelines promote the increase of the agri-food supply chain effectiveness.
Population growth and increasing demand for water have posed a significant challenge to access to safe water resources. Climate change and land use in the not-too-distant future add to the complexity of this challenge. Therefore, it is essential to achieve reliable methods for predicting changes in aquifer storage to plan for the sustainable use of groundwater resources. This study aimed to investigate the management, protection, and sustainable use of groundwater resources under climate change and land use change conditions. In this regard, groundwater supply and demand in one of the important plains in Iran (Hashtgerd plain) for 2020 as the base year was simulated to forecast the trends until 2050 by considering climate change and land use to develop management scenarios to adapt to these conditions using the WEAP model. First, climate change prediction was performed using the HadGEM2-ES model under two emission scenarios, RCP2.6, and RCP8.5, of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. The LARS-WG model was used to downscale the climatic data, while land use mapping was performed using Landsat satellite images of 1990, 2005, and 2020 in ENVI 5.3 software. Then, the Markov chain method implemented in TerrSet software was used to model land use change for 2050. The effect of climate change and land use on the decrease of groundwater level was then simulated using the MODFLOW model for the period 2020–2050. In order to manage the water allocation in the area, the information obtained from MODFLOW was transferred to the WEAP model using Link Kitchen interface software. The effects of various management scenarios such as increasing irrigation efficiency, reducing the loss of drinking water distribution networks, and allocating water from the transmission line were evaluated on the adaptation to climate change and land use for a 30-year period. The results showed that with the simultaneous con sideration of climate change and land use in the most critical state, the average drop in groundwater level would reach 58 m during the study period, and aquifer reserves will be reduced by more than 50%. The evaluation of management scenarios showed that their implementation not only will protect aquifer reserves but, in addition to meeting 100% of the water needs, will result in sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources.
This study considers the impact of different factors on the degree of dividend smoothing of non-financial firms listed in Vietnam during 2008 - 2018. We use two measures (Speed of Adjustment and Relative Volatility) to evaluate the degree of dividend smoothing. Using 2SLS estimation to solve endogenous issues in the model, we show that dividend smoothing is higher for firms with fragmented ownership structure, slim growth opportunities, large size, high-profit volatility and are in the highly competitive sector. We also contribute to the literature by the new finding that the firm age has a nonlinear relation (U-shaped) with the degree of dividend smoothing. Our results support the agency theory.
Content available remote Avtomatizovannoe perenalaživaemoe modulʹnoe prisposoblenie tipa “prizma”
Существующие конструкции приспособлений типа “призма” указывают только лищь на принципиальную возможность их переналадки для базирования в них объектов манипулирования (ОМ) с различными диаметральными и линейными размерами поверхностей базирования, имеют низкую производительность и неавтоматизированы при переналадке. Предлагаемая конструкция переналаживаемого приспособления типа “призма” позволяет расширять параметры технологического взаимодействия схвата (Сх) промышленного робота (ПР) с ОМ, сбазированным в приспособлении (векторы подхода Сх к ОМ, координаты точки зажима ОМ в Сх), за счет наличия двух базирующих призм, установленных с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси ОМ (реализуется модулем горизонтальных перемещений – МГП), и перпендикулярно оси ОМ (реализуется модулями вертикальных перемещений – МВП каждой из призм). Составляющими разработанной схемы компоновочной разработанного приспособления есть шаговые двигатели для перемещений рабочих органов МГП и МВП. Рабочими органами для МГП есть модуль линейных перемещений с двумя каретками, установленными в корпусе с возможностью согласованного одновременного противоположно направленного взаимного перемещения каждой из двух кареток (выпускается серийно), а для МВП – два модуля линейных перемещений с одной кареткой на каждом модуле (выпускаются серийно). На каждой из кареток неподвижно установлена одна базирующая призма МВП. Процесс наладки (переналадки) реализует разработанный модуль наладки (МАН), состоящий из блока датчиков, контролирующих величины горизонтальных и вертикальных перемещений призм при наладке приспособления для базирования в нем ОМ с другими размерами поверхностей базирования, главного контроллера, информационно взаимодействующего с персональным компьютером и с тремя парами контролер-драйвер для МГП и МВП каждой из двух базирующих призм. Процесс переналадки разработанного приспособления сводится к управлению работой шаговых двигателей, перемещаемых базирующие призмы на основании предварительно рассчитанных параметров переналадки. Предлагаемая конструкция переналаживаемого приспособления типа “призма” предназначена для использования в роботизированных механосборочных технологиях, реализуемых в гибких компьютерно-интегрированных системах серийного и мелкосерийного типов производств.
The existing designs of prismatic setup indicate only the theoretical possibility of their changeover for basing on them objects for manipulation (OM) with different diametrical and linear dimensions of the basing surfaces, have low productivity and are not automated when reconfiguring. The proposed design of a re-adjustable prismatic setup allows to advance the parameters of the technological interaction of the gripper (Gr) of the industrial robot (IR) with the OM basing on the prismatic device (translation vectors to OM, the coordinates of the clamping point of OM in Gr, due to the presence of two base prisms installed with the possibility of moving along the axis of OM (implemented by the module of horizontal displacements – MHD), and perpendicular to the axis of OM (implemented by the modules of vertical displacements – MVD of each prism). The components of the designed layout of the proposed setup are stepper motors for moving the working parts of the MHD and the MVD. The working part for MHD is a module of linear movements with two carriages having the possibility of coordinated simultaneous opposite mutual movement of each of the two carriages (manufactured commercially), and for MVD it is two linear displacement modules with one carriage on each module (manufactured commercially). On each of the carriages, a basing prism of MVD is fixed. The adjustment process is implemented with the help of developed the automated adjustment module (AAM) consisting of a block of sensors controlling the horizontal and vertical displacements of the prisms when adjusting the setup for basing OM on it with other dimensions of the basing surfaces, the main controller interacting with the personal computer and with three pairs of controller-driver for MGD and MVD of each of the two prisms. The process of readjustment of the developed setup is reduced to controlling the operation of stepper motors, moving basing prisms in accordance with previously calculated parameters of the changeover. The proposed adaptable prismatic setup is designed for using in robotic mechanic-assembly technologies implemented in flexible computer-integrated systems of large and small-scale types of production.
The paper outlines problems of employment and social issues of transport policy in the EU. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems regarding of driver remuneration in the road freight transport sector. It identifies differences in the social field of drivers by hypothesis testing and points to the fact that in the western part of the EU, the driver profession is significantly higher in the wage than the middle and eastern parts of the EU. Individual states are putting pressure on wage increases in international road transport by national regulations to reduce the competitive pressure of lower prices for carriers located in the central and eastern parts of the European Union. These problems occurring on the road freight market are mainly due to the inconsistent payroll burden and the different levels of average wages across EU Member States.
Pojęcie zmiany w systemach informatycznych klasy ERP związane jest z każdą modyfikacją, która na tym systemie jest wykonywana. W artykule przybliżono pojęcie zmiany oraz przedstawiono i omówiono rodzaje zmian wykonywanych w ramach dostosowywania systemu klasy ERP do wymagań klientów.
The concept of change in ERP systems is related to every modification that is made on this system. The article presents the concept of change and outlines and discusses the types of changes that are being made to the customization of the ERP system to customer requirements.
The present paper discusses an effective adaptive methods suited for use in parallel environment. An in-house, parallel flow solver based on the residual distribution method is used for the solution of flow problems. Simulation is parallelized based on the domain decomposition approach. Adaptive changes to the mesh are achieved by two distinctive techniques. Mesh refinement is performed by dividing element edges and a subsequent application of pre defined splitting templates. Mesh regularization and derefinement is achieved through topology conserving node movement (r-adaptivity). Parallel implementations of an adaptive use the dynamic load balancing technique.
The need to adapt the organisational structures of corporations to changing market conditions require costly measures. The highest costs are incurred in the area of redundant fixed assets and excess employment. The article presents the conditions for building the structure of a pro-accommodative organisation which combines the features of an industrial corporation with those of the organisations which flexibly adapt to the market. In this article we are presented both advantages as well as disadvantages of such an organization. These features should be verified in the course of empirical research.
Konieczność dostosowania struktur organizacyjnych korporacji do zmieniających się warunków rynkowych wymaga kosztownych działań. Największe koszty są ponoszone w obszarze zbędnych środków trwałych oraz nadmiaru zatrudnienia. W artykule przedstawione zostały warunki budowy struktury organizacji proakomodacyjnej, która łączy cechy korporacji przemysłowej oraz elastycznie dopasowującej się organizacji do rynku. W artykule zostały przedstawione zarówno zalety, jak i wady takiej organizacji. Cechy te powinny być zweryfikowane w trakcie badań empirycznych.
The study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability of the measuring position are located on the ground elements of the sixmeter-deep concrete foundations, from which the steel arches are derived to support the roof covering (membrane) of the Forest Opera. The tacheometer used in the measurements is located in the glass body placed on a special platform attached to the steel arcs. Measurements of horizontal directions, vertical angles and distances can be additionally subject to errors caused by the laser beam penetration through the glass. Dynamic changes of weather conditions, including the temperature and pressure also have a significant impact on the value of measurement errors, and thus the accuracy of the final determinations represented by the relevant covariance matrices. The estimated coordinates of the reference points, controlled points and tacheometer along with the corresponding covariance matrices obtained from the calculations in the various epochs are used to determine the significance of acquired movements. In case of the stability of reference points, the algorithm assumes the ability to study changes in the position of tacheometer in time, on the basis of measurements performed on these points.
The open-pit excavation of minerals results mainly in landscape transformation. In consequence, a new anthropogenic landscape form occursarises, and its dimensions are increasing with the progress of excavation – at certain point, the resulting terrain changes become irreversible. The quarry, left abandonedafter the mining process, can be filled with water and, thus, forms a water reservoir. This paper is focused on the analysis of a number of reservoirs which were established in closed gravel and limestone quarries in the area of Kraków. They were located in highly industrialized or environmentally valuable terrains. As time elapsed, both types became attractive leisure sites for nearby residents due to the natural succession of plants and high water quality. The complete usage of their values, through implementation of adequate rehabilitation and adaptation measures, would allow them to be sterling areas fulfilling certain functions, which constitute these reservoirs’considerable attractiveness and harmonious composition in the landscape.
The aim of this study was to explore ecological adaptation of seed microsculptures of Saussurea from different altitudes. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the cypselae surface of 10 taxa of Saussurea collected from the eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, China. The results indicated that the microsculptures had clear and consistent variations in some samples collected from high (4200 m a.s.l.) and low-altitude sites (2200 m a.s.l.). The thickness of stripes and distance between stripes are increasing while sulcus depth is increasing from a low to a high altitude (P < 0.01). The seed-coat surface was becoming rougher from low to high altitude. The surviving rate of seeds was lower at high altitude than that at low altitude in all the species. The surviving rate of the seeds collected from the high altitudes was higher than that of the seeds collected from low altitudes when sown at the same altitude. All the results suggested that there is selection pressure of the altitude on the development of the microsculpture patterns, which increases absorbed sunlight, the residence time of soil water and nutrition. The changes can make the seeds survive better at extreme environments (cold and dry). The cypselae microsculpture patterns should be used as potential adaptation biomarkers for the species of Saussurea from low- to high-altitude.
Content available remote Rolling process and material properties modelling
Purpose: This paper deals with rolling mill process control and optimizations using mathematical model. Design/methodology/approach: The rolling process is very complex with high demand for energy, material and equipment. Furthermore, rolling mill requires precise setup to be able to roll specific material. Therefore, rolling mill model system is required in most production, research and development facilities. Findings: A set of different kind of models coupled to one solution was shown. Usage of the described solution, like on-line process control and offline rolling conditions simulation, was demonstrated in test case for grain size modeling. Practical implications: To development or test new production practices or new materials takes long time and requires relatively high costs for preparing large number of test cases and requires expensive physical equipment. These costs and longtime for getting the results could be reduced or even canceled in some cases at all by using computer modeling. Originality/value: There is commonly used process models predicting and simulating the rolling process used for mill setup during the rolling. Additionally, to this functionality it was assumed to use such system as tool for studying new materials and its behaviour during the rolling as well as tool for analysing the specific mill problems or designing new mill depending on the required product mix.
Omówiono problematykę wykorzystania mostu składanego DMS-65 w usuwaniu zniszczeń w infrastrukturze komunikacyjnej, powstałych w wyniku klęsk żywiołowych lub innych kataklizmów. Przedstawiono propozycję poszerzenia jezdni mostu oraz nowych wariantów nawierzchni. Podano także przykłady praktycznego zastosowania mostów składanych jako obiektów tymczasowych.
The problems of using of the folding DMS-65 bridge to remove the damage in the transport infrastructure, caused by natural disasters or other catastrophes was discussed in the paper. A proposal of bridge deck widening and new variants of the bridge surface were introduced. The examples of practical application of the folded bridges as temporary transport objects was also given.
Content available remote Kontynuacja i nowatorstwo w architekturze europejskiej - historia zmian
Praca podsumowuje badania nad związkami pomiędzy funkcją konstrukcją i formą w kolejnych okresach rozwoju architektury w Europie. Na tle zewnętrznych uwarunkowań od czasów starożytnych do współczesnych przedstawia kierunki przekształceń i zmiany wzajemnych relacji komponentów triady witruwiańskiej.
The paper summarizes research on connections among function, construction and form in monuments of European architecture in the subsequent historical periods. It presents, against the background of external situation conversions and changes of interrelations between the components of Vitruvian Triad.
Omówiono wymagania dotyczące rozwiązań dźwigów osobowych w budynkach mieszkalnych. Przedstawiono przykłady zmian w istniejących budynkach wielkopłytowych, w celu ich dostosowania do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. Stwierdzono, że wymaga to m.in. przebudowy szybu dźwigowego i likwidacji zsypu na śmieci.
Prefabricated tower blocks erected in the 1970s are considered inaccessible for the disabled, as the lifts are not designed to serve the ground level - to reach them, one has to climb one flight of stairs. The paper proposes a solution to this problem that involves rebuilding the existing lift shaft and dismantling the rubbish chute.
Content available remote Slight PPC systems adaption
Logistics is a crucial issue for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Logistics constantly varying demands on a company require adjustments of its production planning and control systems (PPC systems) to the dynamic changes of supply chains under consideration of the company's work organization. The aim of the project 'PPC adaption' is to develop a simple method for adjusting a company's used PPC system to a constantly changing production and market environment. With the help of this system SME's are able easily to adapt their PPC systems to varying external and internal influences. Regardless of the company's type of PPC system, the result is applicable in every SME's
Konsekwencją niewystarczającego dostosowania systemów planowania i sterowania produkcją (PSP) do dynamiki zmian zachodzących w obrębie łańcuchów dostaw oraz wydziałów produkcyjnych przedsiębiorstw są niestety nie w pełni efektywne systemy sterowania w/w funkcjami. Przyczyną tego stanu rzeczy jest z jednej strony nieznajomość związków przyczynowo-skutkowych, zachodzącymi pomiędzy istotnymi, zewnętrznymi czynnikami zmian i wewnętrznymi parametrami przedsiębiorstwa oraz z drugiej strony zbyt późne wdrażanie rozwiązań dostosowawczych, jak również niezbyt jasno dookreślone kompetencje dla ich wdrażania. Z tego tez względu najważniejszym wyzwaniem w tym zakresie stało się opracowanie metody dla adaptacji systemów PSP do dynamiki zmian, występujących w obrębie łańcuchów dostaw. Dla pokazania relacji pomiędzy sprawczymi czynnikami takiej adaptacji a istniejącymi parametrami wyjściowymi oraz dla identyfikacji możliwych i adekwatnych do potrzeb rozwiązań opracowano standardowy model adaptacyjny. Model ten zawiera metodę oceny potencjalnej możliwości wdrożenia określonych zmian pod względem nakładów i osiąganych korzyści. Schemat organizacyjny funkcjonowania modelu oraz instrukcja postępowania operacyjnego wspierają funkcję optymalnego kształtowania przedsięwzięć organizacyjnych w celu efektywnego dostosowania systemów PSP do relacji zachodzących zarówno w ramach wydziałów przedsiębiorstwa oraz w kontekście przebiegu określonych procesów wewnątrzzakładowych, jak i w obrębie całego łańcucha dostaw
Content available remote Application of kernel ridge regression to network levelling via Mathematica
A new method based on support vector regression (SVR) bas been developed for network levelling. Employing zero insensitive margin and first order polynomial kemel, the general form of SVR bas been reduced to a kernel ridge regressor, which is a linear function approximator. Then this function approximation problem can be transformed into an adjustment problem, simply using proper recasting of the variabIes. Only one part of the measured values (training equations) is considered in the adjustment, the other part of them (test equations) is used to compute the risk of the data generalization. Then the quality of the estimation can be measured by computing the performance index of the levelling, a value which is a trade off between adjustment quality (residual of the test equations) and the adjustment risk (the ratio of the residual of the test equations and that of the training equations). This performance index can be optimized with the regularization term of the ridge regressor. The algorithm was implemented in Mathematica 5.1 and demonstrated by numerical example.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań i analiz obiektów mostowych na odcinku Knapówka-Góra Włodawska linii kolejowej E-65. Prace podjęto w związku z przewidywanym dostosowaniem tej linii do ruchu pociągów z prędkością 200-250 km/h.
For some pre-design works connected with adjustment of railway line E-65 built in mid-seventies to trains running speed of 200-250 km/h has been performed. As the first to introduce into service with increased running speed the section Knapówka-Góra Włodawska was choosen.
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