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Content available remote Zadanie proste i odwrotne w skaterometrii nierówności powierzchni
Przedstawiono dwa podstawowe problemy związane z zastosowaniem w pomiarach nierówności powierzchni zjawiska rozpraszania światła. Przybliżono ideę rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego w pomiarach wykorzystujących optyczne przekształcenie Fouriera
Two major problems associated with the use phenomenon of light scattering for the measurement of surface roughness are outlined briefly. Idea solve the inverse problem in the measurements using optical Fourier transform is shown.
The aim of this paper is analysis of the possibility of determining the internal structure of the fibrous composite material by estimating its thermal diffusivity. A thermal diffusivity of the composite material was determined by applying inverse heat conduction method and measurement data. The idea of the proposed method depends on measuring the timedependent temperature distribution at selected points of the sample and identification of the thermal diffusivity by solving a transient inverse heat conduction problem. The investigated system which was used for the identification of thermal parameters consists of two cylindrical samples, in which transient temperature field is forced by the electric heater located between them. The temperature response of the system is measured in the chosen point of sample. One dimensional discrete mathematical model of the transient heat conduction within the investigated sample has been formulated based on the control volume method. The optimal dynamic filtration method as solution of the inverse problem has been applied to identify unknown diffusivity of multi-layered fibrous composite material. Next using this thermal diffusivity of the composite material its internal structure was determined. The chosen results have been presented in the paper.
W artykule zostały wyjaśnione rozwiązanie zagadnień prostego i odwrotnego tomografii elektrycznej stosując metodę oczkową. Zostały uzyskane wyniki rozwiązania zagadnienia tomografii dla schematów zastępczych z 12, 18, 24 elektrodami zewnętrznymi, zbadano wpływ błędów metodycznych oraz instrumentalnych, a mianowicie, wpływ ilości elementów aproksymacyjnych i liczby elektrod pomiarowych, metody wymuszania obiektu oraz uśrednienia.
In the paper the direct and inverse problems solution of electrical impedance tomography is researched by a method of contour currents. Results of problem solving tomography for approximations schemes with connection 12, 18, 24 external electrodes are given, influence of methodical and instrumental errors, namely influence of quantity elements and electrodes, a type of the object incitation and an average are researched.
During development of the methods of synthesis of optimal controllers (direct problem) also the inverse problem of optimal control is investigated. The algorithm for solving a direct problem is reduced to a standard procedure (construction of the stabilizing solution of a matrix Riccati equation). But, it is difficult to indicate a similar unified algorithm for inverse problems. It seems that the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) approach can be used as a basis of such a unified algorithm. Such an approach is used for developing an algorithm for solving the inverse problems.
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