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An analysis of the security of the state and its citizens in terms of individual critical infrastructure systems in a situation of threats from cyberspace is one of the topics taken up by the authors of this article. As part of an experiment of a research nature conducted among students of the course Cybernetics Engineering, National Security at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk and students of the course Internal Security at the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, an analysis was carried out of the students’ opinion of the impact of the phenomenon of cyber-terrorism on the level of national security and actions taken to combat and counteract it was presented. The article is focused on assessing the incidence of threats to critical infrastructure systems from cyberspace. The main objective of the study is to identify selected aspects of an inclusive vision of the digital society in terms of forecasting the direction of information flow and storage management in the opinion of security students of two purposefully selected universities.
Analiza bezpieczeństwa państwa i jego obszarów w zakresie poszczególnych systemów infrastruktury krytycznej na zagrożenia pochodzące z cyberprzestrzeni jest elementem dyskursu autorów artykułu. W ramach prowadzonego eksperymentu o charakterze badawczym wśród studentów kierunku Inżynieria Cyberprzestrzeni, Bezpieczeństwo Narodowe Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku oraz studentów kierunku Bezpieczeństwo Wewnętrzne Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Humanistycznego im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu przedstawiono analizę wpływu zjawiska, jakim jest cyberterroryzm, na poziom bezpieczeństwa narodowego oraz działania podejmowane ku jego zwalczaniu i przeciwdziałaniu w ocenie studentów. Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie wystąpienia zagrożeń w zakresie systemów infrastruktury krytycznej pochodzących z cyberprzestrzeni. Głównym celem opracowania jest wskazanie wybranych aspektów integracyjnej wizji społeczeństwa cyfrowego o prognozowaniu kierunku zarządzania przepływem i magazynowaniem informacji w opinii studentów kierunku bezpieczeństwa dwóch celowo wybranych uczelni.
Purpose: The occurrence of mining damage has a huge impact on the quality and safety of railway infrastructure. Damage to the railway infrastructure due to mining damage may result in the need to temporarily close the railway line, reduce capacity and thus cause disruptions in the supply of goods and services in part of the value chain requiring non-standard actions. Due to the occurrence of mining damage, there is also a need to increase funds for infrastructure maintenance. Design/methodology/approach: Railway infrastructure is a kind of critical infrastructure and its elements are subject to special protection. In order to prevent threats and minimize their effects, risk assessment should be carried out systematically and control mechanisms should be introduced in order to increase the security and quality of services provided. Findings: Analyzing the scope of activities of Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa sp. z o.o. numerous potential hazards have been noted. The risk may result from deterioration of the quality of railway infrastructure, railway event, incident, potentially dangerous situation, but also loss of human life. Taking into account the location of railway infrastructure in mining areas, ensuring its required quality is a huge challenge for its manager due to the intensity of mining damage. Originality/value: The article includes, among others, an analysis and risk assessment and presents control mechanisms to increase the security and quality of services provided by JSK sp. z o.o. In the article, this problem was looked at prognostically.
Ukraine which is experiencing the war is an exemplification of the state that requires urgent military, material (e.g.: reconstruction of infrastructure) and first of all humanitarian aid. The aim of the paper is to identify task for civil protections in the future war environment and consequently suggest how to organize the civil protection to face the new realities. The emergency/humanitarian operations in Ukraine prove that delivering any aid should be coordinated by the centers/units consisting of the representatives of all sectors responsible for providing security to citizens. This units would ensure higher effectiveness and minimize/eliminate tasks duplication. The method applied for this research is a case study of the Russian - Ukrainian war (2022) with a focus on civilians, critical infrastructure and assistance provided as the referral points of the analysis. The concept of ecosystem as a multi-actor network and the concept of fractal organization are the theoretical base for the analysis.
Nowadays, companies are increasingly using a risk-based approach to achieve their business goals. A key element of this approach is the identification of threats that may materialize and affect the functioning of the company. Following the example of the gas sector, with the gas infrastructure as the subject of research, the authors presented selected contemporary gas network threats that may occur within the mentioned sector.
Content available remote Zagrożenia cyberbezpieczeństwa dla infrastruktury lotniczej
Lotnictwo stanowi przykład sektora o rozległych wzajemnych połączeniach i złożoności, wysokim poziomie ekspozycji w mediach oraz kluczowej roli w rozwoju społeczno - gospodarczym państw. Infrastruktura lotnicza (liniowa i punktowa) stanowi elementy infrastruktury krytycznej, przez co podlega szczególnej ochronie. Wobec zachodzących zmian, cyfryzacji wielu procesów w funkcjonowaniu lotnisk, linii lotniczych, obsługi pasażerów, transferu danych bezpośrednio związanych z charakterem lotnictwa, za komponenty infrastruktury lotniczej należy uznać również systemy informatyczne wykorzystywane przez podmioty rynku lotniczego w tym m.in.: lotniska, linie lotnicze, organizacje obsługowe, służby lotniskowe. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia cyberbezpieczeństwa w lotnictwie cywilnym oraz główne kierunki działań organów nadzoru nad lotnictwem cywilnym światowego ICAO oraz europejskiego EASA. Autorka przedstawia wiodące dokumenty oraz dotychczasowe działania podjęte w kwestiach zapewnienia cyberbezpieczeństwa w zakresie ochrony danych wszystkich uczestników runku lotniczego opracowane na szczeblu międzynarodowym. Autorka wskazuje inicjatywy ICAO i EASA odnoszące się do cyberprzestrzeni, potrzebę skoordynowania krajowych regulacji z odpowiednimi przepisami dotyczącymi zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i ochroną danych oraz włączenia cyberbezpieczeństwa do państwowych systemów nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem i ochroną lotnictwa jako części kompleksowych ram zarządzania ryzykiem. W artykule przedstawione zostały również przykłady cyberincydentów w branży lotniczej w kontekście zdarzeń monitorowanych przez Eurocontrol oraz zalecenia dotyczące poprawy zdolności przewidywania, wykrywania, reagowania i łagodzenia cyberzagrożeń w lotnictwie cywilnym.
Aviation is an example of a highly interconnected and complex sector, with a high level of media exposure and a key role in the socio-economic development of countries. Aviation infrastructure (line and point) constitutes elements of critical infrastructure, which is why it is subject to special protection. In view of the ongoing changes, digitization of many processes in the functioning of airports, airlines, passenger service, data transfer directly related to the nature of aviation, IT systems used by aviation market entities, including: airports, airlines , maintenance organizations, airport services. The article presents the issues of cyber security in civil aviation and the main directions of activities of the civil aviation supervision authorities of the global ICAO and the European EASA. The author presents the leading documents and actions taken so far to ensure cyber security in the field of data protection of all participants of the aviation market, developed at the international level. The author points to ICAO and EASA initiatives relating to cyberspace, the need to coordinate national regulations with relevant regulations on data security and protection management, and to include cybersecurity in state aviation safety and security oversight systems as part of a comprehensive risk management framework. The article also presents examples of cyber incidents in the aviation industry in the context of events monitored by Eurocontrol and recommendations for improving the ability to predict, detect, respond and mitigate cyber threats in civil aviation.
Content available remote Infrastruktura krytyczna a odporność strategiczna państwa
W ostatnim okresie pandemia COVID – 19 i wydarzenia związane z agresją Rosji na Ukrainę oraz ogólny wzrost napięcia w stosunkach międzynarodowych poddały surowemu sprawdzianowi systemy bezpieczeństwa globalnego, regionalnego oraz narodowego poszczególnych państw. Doświadczenia z tych wydarzeń dostarczają wielu wniosków, które powinny być wykorzystane w procesie dostosowywania systemów bezpieczeństwa do nowego i wciąż zmieniającego się środowiska polityczno – militarnego, ekonomicznego, społecznego i naturalnego. Doświadczenia te uwypukliły znaczenie odporności strategicznej państwa, a także sojuszy. Znalazło to swoje odbicie w dokumentach normatywnych zarówno narodowych jak i sojuszniczych. W Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckim powołany został Komitet Odporności jako najwyższy organ doradczy ds. odporności strategicznej oraz przygotowania społeczeństwa do funkcjonowania w czasie kryzysu i wojny. W kilku państwach trwają intensywne prace nad stworzeniem strategii odporności państwa powiązanej ze strategią bezpieczeństwa narodowego. W odróżnieniu od tych ostatnich strategie odporności państwa mają za zadania ograniczenie do akceptowalnego poziomu ryzyka zakłócenia najbardziej podstawowych funkcji państwa i społeczeństwa oraz zapewnienie możliwości ich przywrócenia w rozsądnym czasie i za rozsądną cenę.
Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic and the events related to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as the general increase in tension in international relations, have put the global, regional and national security systems of individual countries to a severe test. Experiences from these events provide many conclusions that should be used in the process of adapting security systems to the new and constantly changing political-military, economic, social and natural environment. These experiences have highlighted the importance of the strategic resilience of the state, as well as of alliances. This was reflected in both national and allied normative documents. In the North Atlantic Alliance, the Resilience Committee was established as the highest advisory body for strategic resilience and preparing the society to function in times of crisis and war. In several countries, intensive work is underway to develop a state resilience strategy linked to a national security strategy. Unlike the latter, state resilience strategies are designed to limit the risk of disruption to the most basic functions of the state and society to an acceptable level and ensure that they can be restored in a reasonable time and at a reasonable price.
Jednym z bardzo istotnych elementów infrastruktury krytycznej i obronnej Polski, obok sieci lotnisk wojskowych i cywilnych, są drogowe odcinki lotniskowe, których funkcja, znaczenie i przydatność nabrały szczególnego wymiaru w aktualnej sytuacji geopolitycznej, w tym przede wszystkim podczas trwającego konfliktu zbrojnego w Ukrainie. Drogowe odcinki lotniskowe (DOL) to specjalnie przygotowane odcinki dróg publicznych przystosowane do wykonywania operacji lotniczych startu i lądowania wojskowych statków powietrznych (WSP) realizujących zadania operacyjne w czasie kryzysu i wojny oraz zadania wynikające z realizacji procesu szkolenia lotniczego. Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące wymagań stawianym DOL przedstawiono w normie obronnej NO-17-A207:2022 Nawierzchnie lotniskowe – Drogowe odcinki lotniskowe – Wymagania i badania [1]. W ww. dokumencie normatywnym określono minimalne wymagania w zakresie wymiarów geometrycznych, obszarów o ograniczonych przeszkodach oraz układów konstrukcyjnych nawierzchni DOL. Przedstawiono wymagania dla podstawowych parametrów eksploatacyjnych nawierzchni na obiektach użytkowanych przez służby drogowe, które należy stosować przede wszystkim: przy projektowaniu i budowie DOL, modernizowaniu i przebudowie istniejących drogowych odcinków lotniskowych, odbiorze wykonanych robót, ocenie technicznej i eksploatacyjnej. Postanowienia normy są właściwe dla oceny stanu technicznego DOL w całym okresie ich technicznej żywotności, a szczególnie w okresie ich użytkowania przez wojskowe statki powietrzne. Stan techniczny i użytkowy nawierzchni DOL ma bezpośredni wpływ na bezpieczeństwo wykonywania operacji lotniczych. Wymusza to konieczność posiadania aktualnej, pełnej wiedzy o ich stanie technicznym, co będzie pozwalało podejmować odpowiednie decyzje mające na celu zapewnienie ich bezpiecznej eksploatacji. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań parametrów eksploatacyjnych nowowybudowanych konstrukcji nawierzchni drogowego odcinka lotniskowego Wielbark w ciągu drogi wojewódzkiej nr 604 oraz wymagania obowiązującej normy obronnej NO-17-A207:2022. Omówiono również możliwe zagrożenia eksploatacyjne dla wykonywania operacji lotniczych przez wojskowe statki powietrzne oraz realizowane prace dla poprawy bezpieczeństwa na DOL, wchodzących w skład elementów infrastruktury krytycznej i obronnej państwa.
One of the essential elements of the Polish critical and defence infrastructure, apart from the network of military and civil airports, are highway landing strips, which function, importance and usefulness have taken on a special dimension in the current geopolitical situation, especially during the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine. Highway Landing Strips (Polish. DOL) are specially prepared sections of public roads adapted to perform air operations of take-off and landing of military aircraft (Polish. WSP) intended for operational tasks during crisis and war, as well as tasks resulting from the implementation of the flight training process. Detailed information on the requirements for DOL is presented in NO-17-A207:2022 Airfield pavements – Airfield road strips – Requirements and tests [1]. The above normative document outlines the minimum requirements for geometric dimensions, runway obstacle free zones and DOL surface construction systems. Requirements for the basic operating parameters of pavements on facilities used by road services have been presented. In addition, these requirements should be primarily used in designing and constructing DOL, modernizing and reconstructing the existing road sections of airfields, accepting the performed works, and technical and operational assessment. The normative provisions are appropriate for assessing the technical condition of DOLs throughout their entire technical lifetime, especially during their use by military aircraft. The technical and operational condition of the DOL surface has a direct impact on the safety of air operations. This enforces the need for up-to-date, full knowledge about their technical condition, which will help make the appropriate decisions to ensure their safe operation. The article presents the results of testing the operational parameters of the newly built structures of the surface of the Highway Landing Strip of Wielbark airport along provincial road No. 604 and the requirements of the applicable defence standard NO-17-A207:2022. The possible operational hazards for performing air operations by military aircraft and the ongoing works aimed at improving the security of the DOL, which are part of the critical and defence infrastructure of the country, are also discussed.
The purpose of the article is to characterize crisis management, including the main stages of the activities of anti-crisis headquarters. The paper presents extensive examples of critical infrastructure and develops sample maps in QGIS software, which can be important tools in conducting the activities of crisis management services. It presents A Free and OpenSource Geographic Information System QGIS software for identifying selected critical infrastructure objects based on available GIS Open data from the Malaysian region and Poland. The analysis presents selected geoprocessing tools for generating areas with a set distance from identified critical infrastructure objects called buffers. Buffer layers are areas, visible on the generated maps, that can be used as a tool to visualize potential actions for emergency management services. Identifying these buffer zones makes it possible to build strategies for implementing adequate prevention or rescue actions during an emergency. Risk classification in specific buffer zones is presented, which can be used to optimize the actions taken by crisis management services. A wide range of functionality of geographic spatial information systems is demonstrated, which increases the efficiency of operations and optimization of decision-making in crisis management. The publication can provide a valuable example of the use of available information systems in crisis management.
Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie zarządzania kryzysowego, w tym głównych etapów działania sztabów antykryzysowych. W artykule przedstawiono obszerne przykłady infrastruktury krytycznej oraz opracowano przykładowe mapy w oprogramowaniu QGIS, które mogą być ważnymi narzędziami w prowadzeniu działań służb zarządzania kryzysowego. Przedstawiono oprogramowanie QGIS Free i OpenSource Geographic Information System do identyfikacji wybranych obiektów infrastruktury krytycznej na podstawie dostępnych danych GIS Open z regionu Malezji i Polski. W analizie przedstawiono wybrane narzędzia geoprzetwarzania służące do generowania obszarów o ustalonej odległości od zidentyfikowanych obiektów infrastruktury krytycznej zwanych buforami. Warstwy buforowe to obszary widoczne na generowanych mapach, które mogą posłużyć jako narzędzie do wizualizacji potencjalnych działań dla służb zarządzania kryzysowego. Zidentyfikowanie tych stref buforowych umożliwia budowanie strategii wdrażania adekwatnych działań zapobiegawczych lub ratowniczych w sytuacji zagrożenia. Przedstawiono klasyfikację ryzyka w poszczególnych strefach buforowych, która może posłużyć do optymalizacji działań podejmowanych przez służby zarządzania kryzysowego. Zademonstrowano szeroki zakres funkcjonalności systemów informacji przestrzennej geograficznej, który zwiększa efektywność działań i optymalizację podejmowania decyzji w zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Publikacja może stanowić cenny przykład wykorzystania dostępnych systemów informatycznych w zarządzaniu kryzysowym.
In the literature on the subject and international legal acts, there is no universal and common definition of cyberspace. Due to the above lack, countries are moving towards regional cooperation in cybersecurity. This descriptive-analytical research was conducted to illustrate cybersecurity threats (faced by countries and private individuals), the list of which, as a result of digital transformation, is constantly growing. The analysis results presented that a wide range of potential cyber-attacks may affect objects of a tangible and intangible character. This research suggests that in cyberspace, which is essentially intangible, non-physical targets (values) can also be an object of a cyber-attack.
Content available State-level Cyber Resilience: A Conceptual Framework
There is currently a gap in our academic and practical understanding of the concept of resilience in cyber space at the level of the state, hampering research and policy- making due to the lack of a rigorously constructed, shared terminology. This article contributes to this area by providing a comprehensive capacities-based conceptualisation of state-level cyber resilience. After establishing that cyber resilience is necessary and that it should be developed at the state level, we perform a rigorous exploration of the concept of resilience as it pertains to the different areas involved in state-level cyber resilience. Seeking the most salient characteristics of each one, we identify from the general concept of resilience that it is a non-static process requiring an availability of assets; from state resilience, we identify that resilience capacities are harboured at multiple levels and across actors within the polity; and from cyber resilience, we identify that there is a plethora of different potential damages. Taking all this into consideration, our resulting concept of state-level cyber resilience is the following: the ability of a state, which (a) is made up of multiple layers, to (b) harness a set of key assets in order to (c) confront a particular type of damage to its cyber space, by (d) going through the stages of coping and eventually recovering to its normal state. Having constructed this conceptual framework, this work aids researchers and decision-makers by providing a common terminology and fostering a systematic, multidimensional approach to states’ capacity for resilience in cyber-space.
W artykule przedstawiono etymologię pojęcia infrastruktury krytycznej oraz rolę obiektów infrastruktury krytycznej w funkcjonowaniu gospodarki narodowej. W dalszej części artykułu omówiono pojęcie zagrożenia oraz podstawowe zagrożenia, na jakie narażony jest obiekt infrastruktury krytycznej, w tym zagrożenia naturalne i spowodowane działalnością człowieka. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie najistotniejszych zagrożeń funkcjonowania obiektów infrastruktury krytycznej z położeniem akcentu na jedno z najważniejszych zagrożeń dla obiektu przemysłu rafineryjnego, to jest pożaru.
The article presents the etymology of the concept of critical infrastructure and the role of critical infrastructure facilities in the functioning of the national economy. The article goes on to discuss the concept of threat and the primary threats to which a critical infrastructure facility is exposed, including natural and man-made hazards. The aim of the article is to present the most important threats to the operation of critical infrastructure facilities, with the emphasis on one of the most important threats to the refinery industry facility, i.e. fire.
Rozwój różnego rodzaju zagrożeń jest oczywistą konsekwencją wzrostu zaawansowania technicznego. Podział zagrożeń dla ludzi, mienia i środowiska jest różnorodny. Wśród różnych definicji, kryteriów i pojęć znajdują się także takie, które odnoszą się do bezpieczeństwa infrastruktury krytycznej. Po przeanalizowaniu dostępnej literatury można dojść do wniosku, że jednym z zagrożeń, jakie pojawiło się stosunkowo niedawno, a wydaje się być istotnym i „rozwojowym”, jest zagrożenie ze strony bezzałogowych statków powietrznych, powszechnie zwanych dronami. Bezzałogowy statek powietrzny (z ang. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), w swej najprostszej definicji, jest maszyną, która nie wymaga do lotu załogi obecnej na pokładzie, nie ma możliwości zabierania pasażerów i jest pilotowana zdalnie lub wykonuje lot autonomicznie. W rzeczywistości sam statek powietrzny potrzebuje do działania dodatkowych zasobów i urządzeń. Urządzenia te wzajemnie się komunikują i umożliwiają statkowi wykonanie powierzonego mu zadania. W poniższym artykule autorzy mają zamiar osiągnąć cel badań w postaci analizy poziomu zagrożeń dla infrastruktury krytycznej państwa generowanych przez bezzałogowe statki powietrzne.
The development of various types of threats is an obvious consequence of the increase in technical advancement. The division of threats to people, property and the environment is diverse. In this maze of various definitions, criteria and concepts, we also find those that relate to the security of critical infrastructure. An analysis of the available literature indicates that one of the threats that appeared relatively recently, and seems to be significant and “developmental” in nature, is the threat posed by “unmanned aerial vehicles”, commonly known as drones. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, in its simplest definition, is a machine that does not require an on-board crew for flight, cannot pick up passengers and is remotely piloted or autonomously flown. In fact, the aircraft itself requires additional resources and equipment to operate. These devices communicate with each other and enable the ship to perform its assigned task. In the article below, the authors intend to achieve the research goal of analyzing the level of threats to the state’s critical infrastructure generated by unmanned aerial vehicles.
The problem area outlined in the article is the existence and effectiveness of anti-drone systems used to protect the state's critical infrastructure (CI). For the purposes of the study, the following research objective was defined: assessment of the possibility of introducing anti-drone systems in critical infrastructure entities. In the next stage, the following research problem was defined: What are the needs and possibilities of developing and applying anti-drone systems to protect the state's critical infrastructure? The following sentence was adopted as the research hypothesis: Due to the growing threats generated by drones, CI protection systems are needed against them, it is necessary to develop and put into use effective anti-drone systems. In order to achieve the outlined goals, solve problems and verify research hypotheses, the author mainly used the following theoretical methods: literature analysis, legal acts analysis, synthesis, analysis (inductive and deductive), abstraction, comparison and inference. The inference was based on the SWOT analysis, a method from the group of strategic management.
The goal of this paper is to analyse challenges related to protecting Polish critical infrastructure (CI) against air threats, such as UAVs, as a case study in a wider discussion on protection of critical infrastructure worldwide. The Polish legal definition of critical infrastructure and laws regarding the protection of such facilities are explained in the article in order to provide context. A review of scientific literature and open-source analysis of known air attacks on CI and the capabilities of air platforms are also included, with special attention being paid to unmanned systems. The threats themselves have been divided into two groups of scenarios: peacetime threats and crisis situations that have hybrid wartime scenarios. Depending on the scenario, the different capabilities of actors must be taken into account. Peacetime air threats include the use of commercially available drones. Those devices have limited capabilities, in terms of weaponisation, due to the limited weight of their cargo and the flight range. More advanced devices, including custom–built drones and military systems, can be supplied and used by state actors. Therefore, there are different requirements regarding protection systems. In peacetime, anti-drone systems are certainly recommended due to their capabilities and safety of use for bystanders. In more dangerous scenarios, typical military systems, including Very Short-Range Air Defence, Short-Range Air Defence and Medium Range Air Defence systems have to be employed or dedicated kinetic counter-drone systems deployed.
The main aim of this article is to examine how the issue of protecting critical infrastructure is addressed in Norway. To answer this question, the article addresses two important sub-questions – what is to be understood in the current historical and the specific Norwegian context as important elements of national critical infrastructure and what is the current understanding of risks and threats that this infrastructure should be protected against? This article is based on a detailed quantitative and qualitative examination of the official Norwegian documents and statements on questions related to various aspects of protecting critical infrastructure in Norway. In section one, structural factors that have played a major part in shaping Norwegian thinking about critical infrastructure are discussed. Section two provides a short summary of the current discussion on elements of critical infrastructure in Norway. In section three, the article discusses official Norwegian perceptions of threats and how they address questions related to critical infrastructure. The fourth section looks at the current official approach to protection of critical infrastructure in the country. The process of building the existing system for protecting critical infrastructure in Norway has been driven by both domestic and international concerns. The system should make it possible for citizens to meet their needs through access to various important societal functions, but it also needs to make it possible to address challenges that stem from the international environment.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) pose a threat to buildings and facilities important to the security of the state. As they are able to operate like individual aircraft, the number of ways they can be used for terrorist activity is practically unlimited. Anyone in charge of a facility that is crucial for the reliable functioning of a state is obliged to ensure an acceptable level of security. Since drones can be used to attack protected structures, they need to be protected by an anti-drone system. The paper proposes a method for assessing the effectiveness of systems for detecting and neutralising unmanned aerial vehicles. In order to suggest a new method for assessing the effectiveness of anti-drone systems, an analysis of the scientific literature and other documents describing existing anti-drone systems has been carried out. Attacks involving the use of drones, both in wartime and in incidents of terrorism, are also analysed and existing anti-drone solutions assessed. Because there are a variety of technical solutions for the detection and neutralisation of drones, and different location and weather conditions, a universal method is proposed based on probability calculations and neutralisation of drones, using mathematical formulas. This method allows for the effectiveness of the entire anti-drone system to be assessed on the basis of measuring the probability of detection and neutralisation of drones in real conditions. The proposed method allows the effectiveness of the currently existing anti-drone systems to be evaluated and for new methods for detecting and neutralising drones to be proposed. This method, based on mathematical calculations, enables software to be written for simulating anti-drone systems on computers and for the effectiveness of these systems to be confirmed before their construction in a protected facility.
The objective of this paper is to provide a view on the problem of insufficient state protection of critical infrastructure throughout the Covid-19 crisis. The paper looks at this problem with regard to the definition of critical infrastructure, its content, and also the limitations of current approaches to critical infrastructure protection. The examples relating to the Covid-19 crisis show the practices adopted and suggest possible steps forward. The research methodology implemented in this research is based on a critical analysis of the existing literature. The themes described in this paper show there is an urgent need to change current critical infrastructure protection approaches to a resilience-based modus operandi. Specifically, this paper highlights the need to shift the understanding of critical infrastructure from an object-oriented approach towards essential services/functions and to highlight its complex, socio- technical nature. It also highlights the deficiencies of current, prevention-based approaches to critical infrastructure protection such as the insufficient focus on identification and management process of vulnerabilities, especially in relation to (inter)dependencies resulting from interconnections with other systems. The gravity of the situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, despite its negative connotations, can be used as an opportunity to examine the real condition of protection of critical infrastructure. The pandemic suggests that there is much left to be done and because of the unpredictability of the future, we need to start acting as soon as possible.
Against a background of contemporary security challenges such as terrorism, violent extremism, insurgency, armed banditry, and separatist movements across the country, the study attempts to examine critical infrastructure protection. With the aid of largely secondary data, the study finds that there is an inextricable link between CIP and institutional corruption in Nigeria. Institutional corruption has been a major factor inhibiting effective critical infrastructure protection in Nigeria. This is because funds meant for the strengthening of operational effectiveness of the agencies are often diverted to other expenditure that does not have an effect on the operational strength of the agencies, thereby undermining their capacity to deliver on their mandates and increasing the vulnerability of the infrastructures to vandalism. The study recommends the adoption of a whole-of-society approach to CIP in Nigeria, because of its ability to block leakages and ensure transparency in the business of government as well as encouraging all stakeholders, the state, private, CSOs, the media, traditional institutions and all others involved, to share responsibilities in the protection of infrastructures as part of their concerns.
The purpose of this article is to examine the significance of the flood hazard for the functioning of the critical infrastructure in Poland and to suggest adequate methods and strategies for reducing the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to flooding. The main research method used is institutional and legal analysis, which shows how critical infrastructure is protected in Poland. The context of climate change is taken into account, the consequences of which may trigger increased threat, and its significance is discussed. It is also shown that river floods of a pluvial character constitute the greatest hazard in Poland, as they pose a threat to urban areas where most critical infrastructure is located. The author lists methods which can be used to protect critical infrastructure from flooding. Examples of systems are also provided. A conclusion is formed that the approach to this problem should be comprehensive and make use of methods related to flood prevention, flood defence and flood mitigation, and above all, the relocation of elements of the critical infrastructure. It is evident that the best time to reduce the susceptibility of specific systems to floods is when they are developed or modernised by taking into account the flood risk. Lastly, the biggest problem of the critical infrastructure in Poland is highlighted, namely its identification once it is already built, which means its location had not been thought through.
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