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Artykuł przedstawia wstępne wyniki wdrożenia kontrolera SDN do zarządzania punktami dostępowymi sieci standardu IEEE 802.11. Skorzystano z architektury 5g-EmPower oraz przeprowadzono badania przepustowości sieci działającej w oparciu o to rozwiązanie. Wyniki badań pokazały, że wydajność takiej sieci jest niska oraz, że zarządzanie sieciami Wi-Fi oparte na kontrolerach SDN wymaga dalszych badań. Dodatkowo, w artykule przedstawiono przegląd dostępnych rozwiązań SDN przeznaczonych dla sieci Wi-Fi.
The article presents the results of the deployment of an SDN controller for managing IEEE 802.11 network access points. The 5g-EmPower architecture was used and network capacity was tested for this solution. The conducted research showed that the performance of the network based on the 5g-EmPower SDN controller is low, and managing WiFi networks with SDN controllers should be further investigated. In addition, the article presents an overview of available SDN controller solutions for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks.
Praca ma na celu porównanie wybranych otwarto-źródłowych implementacji sterowników SDN. Parametry związane z wydajnością zmierzono za pomocą programu CBench. Wykonano symulację pozwalającą zmierzyć czasy reakcji na awarię łącza i awarię sterownika. Do przeprowadzenia testów bezpieczeństwa wykorzystano dedykowane narzędzie sdnpwn. Zebrane informacje pozwoliły wskazać mocne i słabe strony poszczególnych sterowników, umożliwiając określenie odpowiednich zastosowań dla każdego z nich.
The aim of the presented work is to compare selected open-source implementations of SDN controllers. Throughput and latency measurements were taken using the CBench program. The simulation of link failure and controller failure were made using the API provided by Mininet network simulator. For detecting security vulnerabilities, a dedicated program sdnpwn was used. The work provides an overview of the selected controllers, indicating their strengths and weaknesses.
Digitization is a megatrend that strongly influences organisations and is reflected in all business processes and operational functions. It is therefore not surprising that controlling is also affected by digitization. This paper first defines and explains the key sub-processes of controlling and describes the traditional role and tasks of controllers that are derived from this. Next, selected technologies such as the internet of things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence are described in detail and their influence on controlling and the role of the controller is analysed. It is shown that digitization is already having a significant impact on controlling and still holds considerable potential for the future. This will also lead inevitably to a continuous refinement of the role and tasks of controllers, whereby they will have to further expand their knowledge and skills in the future.
Controller placement problem (CPP) is a significant technological challenge in software defined network (SDN). Deployment of a properly designed SDN-based network is required to detect optimal number of controllers for enhancing the network’s performance. However, the best possible controller placement for enhancing the network’s performance faces many issues. To solve the CPP, a novel technique called the hybrid evolutionary algorithm of optimized controller placement (HEA-OCP) in SDN environment is introduced to increase network’s performance by different network topologies. In the proposed model, optimized controller placement using improved multi-objective artificial fish optimization is employed to improve data transmission and reduce latency. Controller placement can be determined using an undirected graph based on a variety of factors, including propagation delay, load balancing capabilities and bandwidth, fault tolerance and data transfer rate, and a variety of other factors. For each controller, the fitness value is calculated over multi-criteria functions. The optimizer’s performance can be improved with the use of Gaussian chaotic maps. In large-scale SDN networks using HEC-OCP, the algorithm dynamically analyzes the optimal number of controllers and the best connections between switches and controllers. As a result, the overall network performance is improved and the delay minimization-based controller placement strategy is obtained. The simulation of HEA-OCP with existing methods is conducted by a network topology dataset of various metrics, namely packet delivery ratio, packet drop rate, throughput, average latency, and jitter. The proposed HEA-OCP improves the packet delivery and throughput with reduced average latency, and packet drop ensures more instantaneous communications in real-time applications of SDN for better decision-making.
Elektrometal S.A. celebrates its 75th anniversary. The article describes the key product groups introduced to the company's offer in the last 20 years. The company has supplied the mining market with: technological communication systems, helmet lamps, modular controllers (PLC) in intrinsically safe design, data transmission modules, distribution field. Besides the mining market the most important market for Elektrometal its area of interest is also the gas market, where it offers reducers, gas meters and gas cabinets. Recently, it has also been implementing comprehensive installations related to reduction and measurement points. The company provides industrial lighting, high-power chargers for the electromobility market and is interested in alternative energy sources, such as biogas plants.
Artykuł opisuje kluczowe grupy produktowe wprowadzone do oferty firmy w okresie ostatnich 20 lat. Krótko charakteryzuje przyczyny ich powstania oraz cele związane z ich zastosowaniem na rynku górniczym. Rozwój wyrobów przedstawiony jest na tle rozwoju całej branży górniczej.
The article is concerned with the issues of practical utilization of controllers for automation in various technical fields as example Mitsubishi controllers of MELSEC FX1N and FX3U series. Any task, which requires the utilization of electrical control devices, is easy to solve by means of usage of programmable logic controllers. By using software with controllers programming package GX Developer, user has the possibility to program the controller or input changes into existing program. The Laboratory Stand was developed for effective learning of controller programming in LD language.
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnień praktycznego wykorzystania sterowników do automatyzacji w różnych dziedzinach technicznych, na przykład sterowników Mitsubishi serii MELSEC FX1N i FX3U. Każde zadanie, które wymaga wykorzystania elektrycznych urządzeń sterujących, można łatwo rozwiązać za pomocą programowalnych sterowników logicznych. Korzystając z oprogramowania z pakietem programowania sterowników GX Developer, użytkownik ma możliwość zaprogramowania sterownika lub wprowadzenia zmian do istniejącego programu. Stanowisko laboratoryjne zostało opracowane z myślą o efektywnej nauce programowania sterowników w języku LD.
W artykule przedstawiono wytyczne unijnego rozporządzenia oraz stanowisko polskiego organu nadzorczego dotyczące naruszeń ochrony danych osobowych i sposobu postępowania z nimi. Zdefiniowano obowiązki administratora oraz określono jak należy rozpatrywać incydenty bezpieczeństwa informacji i jak należy definiować naruszenie bezpieczeństwa danych osobowych osób fizycznych. Przedstawiono przesłanki naruszenia ochrony danych osobowych, opisano typy naruszeń oraz wymieniono przykładowe naruszenia. Jak istotna dla administratora danych jest dokumentacja w postaci procedur i ewidencji naruszeń. W artkule przedstawiono również proces zgłaszania naruszeń oraz opisano przypadki w których dochodzi do naruszenia danych. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność zindywidualizowanego podejścia do wyjaśniania incydentów bezpieczeństwa informacji. Incydenty bezpieczeństwa w wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy ryzyka i określeniu poziomu tego ryzyka, mogą okazać się naruszeniem, zagrażającym przysługującym prawom, wolności lub możliwości sprawowania kontroli nad danymi osób fizycznych. Przedstawiono jak ogromne znaczenie ma ciągły monitoring zastosowanych środków bezpieczeństwa poprzez cykliczne audyty i analizę ryzyka. Jaką wartość ma dobrze przeprowadzone postępowanie wyjaśniające incydentu bezpieczeństwa danych osobowych.
The article presents the guidelines of the EU regulation and the position of the Polish supervisory authority regarding personal data breaches and the manner of dealing with them. The article points out Controller’s responsibilities, manners to handle information about security incidents and ways to define a personal data breach. The article also presents reasons that cause violation of personal data protection, the types of violations and examples of such violations. Importance of documentation and the form of procedures is pointed, as a basic obligation for the Controller (for ex. records of violations). The article also covers the breach notification process and describes the cases of data breaches. The necessity of an individualized approach to explaining information security incidents was emphasized. Security incidents as a result of the conducted risk analysis and determination of the level of this risk may turn out to be a violation, that threatens the rights, freedoms or the ability to exercise control over the data of natural persons. It is accentuated how important is the continuous monitoring of the applied security measures through periodic audits and risk analysis. What is the value of a well-conducted investigation of a personal data security incident.
Buildings are the main consumer of energy resources in the total energy balance of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the main energy consumption is allocated for heating. Efficient use of energy resources for heating needs to a large extent depends on the efficiency of regulation of heating systems. In the article, dynamic mathematical models of a two-room typical apartment in Ukraine, built in 2016, were developed in Matlab and EnergyPlus software environment. The simulations were carried out using IWEC hourly climate data for the city of Kyiv. The results of simulations of thermal energy consumption in Matlab are characterized by a larger range of fluctuations of the heating system load, which is typical for the real operating conditions of the system with the controller of ON/OFF type. In EnergyPlus it is assumed that the gas boiler operates continuously in the ON mode. In the research, the change of load on the apartment heating system was studied at different numbers and locations of air temperature control sensors installation, according to which the controller of the autonomous gas boiler operates.
Content available remote Modeling of unsteady temperature regimes of autonomous heating systems
The paper analyzes the energy consumption for heating a two-room apartment based on dynamic modeling of energy processes in Matlab software environment and quasi-stationary model EN ISO 13790, which is the basis of the national standard of Ukraine DSTU B A.2.2-12:2015. A comparison of the results of modeling, taking into account the thermal interaction between the zones of the building, using a dynamic model was carried out. A comparative analysis of the installation of air temperature sensors in rooms, the signal from which is used to operate the On-Off controller, is presented. Recommendations on the installation of room temperature sensors and their number are provided.
Jeszcze do niedawna komputery były urządzeniami przeznaczonymi dla procesów badawczych i militarnych, a dziś stanowią integralną część życia człowieka. Tak szybki rozwój technologii i nowych możliwości sprawia, że nauka, która zajmuje się relacjami człowieka z komputerem (HCI) ma pełno niezbadanych lub niewystarczająco przebadanych obszarów. Niniejszy artykuł na podstawie dostępnych metod badawczych HCI ma pokazać, że obecnie mocno spopularyzowana mysz komputerowa, która jest narzędziem umożliwiającym HCI, nie zawsze będzie najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla każdego użytkownika. Zestawienie myszy komputerowej z innymi dostępnymi na rynku kontrolerami i przebadanie ich w specjalnie przygotowanym środowisku testowym przez wybraną grupę badawczą, będzie najlepszym sposobem do rzetelnego stwierdzenia, że użycie myszy komputerowa nie zawsze może okazać się najlepszym wyborem.
Until recently, computers were devices intended for research and military processes, and today they are an integral part of human life. Such a rapid development of technology and new possibilities means that the science that deals with human-computer relations (HCI) has a lot of unexplored or insufficiently studied areas. Based on the available HCI research methods, this article is to show that the currently highly popularized computer mouse, which is a tool that enables HCI, will not always be the best solution for every user. Comparing a computer mouse with other commercially available controllers and testing them in a specially prepared test environment by a selected research group will be the best way to reliably state that the use of a computer mouse may not always be the best choice.
The aim of this research is to check which of two devices the keyboard or the controller –has a positive effect on a player's game-play in a platform game. Four parameters are defined: death count, error count, game time, learning time. A custom game is designed and implemented specifically for the research. The conducted experiment is divided into thirty-minute sessions, during which one player participates in the game after getting acquainted with the game’s mechanics. After completing the game, he/she fills out a survey in which he/she can express his/her level of satisfaction while using the assigned device. Each player has only one attempt. 16 players agree to participate. They are divided into two groups of 8 people each. Participants in the first group use the keyboard while those in the second group use the controller.In order to determine final results for the tested devices, the AHP method is used. The importance values for all pairs of measured parameters are determined in order to calculate their priorities. The priorities allow for distinguishing important from less important parameters. For this purpose, a survey of experienced players is conducted. They help to identify parameter importance.After trials and analysis of responses from the game-play satisfaction and parameter importance surveys, it turns out that players using the keyboard achieve better results, and the keyboard is more satisfying to use.
Celem badań było sprawdzenie, które z dwóch urządzeń służących do sterowania postacią w zręcznościowej grze platformowej, klawiatura czy kontroler, wpływa pozytywnie na wyniki rozgrywki gracza. W tym celu zdefiniowane zostały czteryparametry: liczba śmierci, liczba błędów, czas gry, czas nauki. Badania polegały naukończeniu gry zaprojektowanej i zaprogramowanej specjalnie na potrzeby badań. Badaniazostały podzielone na trzydziestominutowe sesje, podczas których jeden gracz brał udziałw rozgrywce po wcześniejszym zapoznaniu się z mechanikami gry. Po ukończeniu grywypełniał ankietę, w której mógł wyrazić swój poziom satysfakcji z korzystaniaz przypisanego mu urządzenia. Na każdego gracza przypadała jedna próba wykorzystującaklawiaturę lub kontroler. Do badań zgłosiło się 16 osób, które zostały podzielone na dwiegrupy badawcze po 8 osób. Uczestnicy z pierwszej grupy korzystali z klawiatury podczasbadań, a osoby z drugiej –z kontrolera.Aby wyznaczyć wyniki końcowe dla badanych urządzeń, dzięki którym możnabyło je ze sobą porównać, zastosowana została metoda AHP. Na potrzeby tej metodynależało określić przewagi pomiędzy wszystkimi mierzonymi parametrami, aby obliczyćich wagi. Wagi te przyczynić się miały do wyróżnienia parametrów ważnych od mniejważnych. W tym celu utworzona została ankieta skierowana do doświadczonych graczy,którzy pomogli w określeniu tych przewag.Po przeprowadzeniu badań i analizie odpowiedzi z ankiet dotyczących satysfakcjiz rozgrywki oraz przewag parametrów, okazało się, że gracze korzystający z klawiaturyotrzymali lepsze wyniki, a klawiatura była bardziej satysfakcjonująca w użyciu.
Purpose: On 25.05.2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) entered into force. This act established new obligations for controllers and other data processors, and their proper implementation can often be a challenge, especially in light of the system of criminal sanctions in cases of non-compliance. The goal of this article is to discuss challenges and consequences in the e-commerce sector related to the changes in personal data protection laws in the industry. Design/methodology/approach: The deliberations are based on the related subject literature and an analysis of the legal provisions applicable in the area under discussion. Findings: The main challenge faced by entrepreneurs is ensuring the safety of personal data at an appropriate level in relation to their potential breaches. This approach is based on technological neutrality and risk, and it results in the requirements to be met by entrepreneurs to become more flexible, and for the implemented protection measures to be relativized. Practical implications: The simplifications introduced by the GDPR are beneficial for small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs for whom data processing is their main activity. It is not required in small organizations, which generate lower costs. Originality/value: The publication discusses the issue from the perspective of the e-commerce industry, explaining in particular the new obligations of controllers, the principles of data processing, and the exercising of data subjects’ rights.
W artykule przedstawiono jakie dane i na jakiej podstawie mogą być przetwarzane przez pracodawcę jako Administratora Danych. Przedstawiono także wskazówki, które należy uwzględnić w wdrażaniu monitoringu wizyjnego. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność uregulowania obszaru retencji danych oraz problemów w tym zakresie.
The article presents what kind of data and on which basis can an employer process as a data controller. The article presents as well the guidelines that should be taken into account in the implementation of video monitoring. Attention was paid to the need of regulating the data retention area and problems in this respect.
It is well-known that chemotherapy is the most significant method on curing the most death-causing disease like cancer. These days, the use of controller-based approach for finding the optimal rate of drug injection throughout the treatment has increased a lot. Under these circumstances, this paper establishes a novel robust controller that influences the drug dosage along with parameter estimation. A new nonlinear error functionbased extended Kalman filter (EKF) with improved scaling factor (NEF-EKF-ISF) is introduced in this research work. In fact, in the traditional schemes, the error is computed using the conventional difference function and it is deployed for the updating process of EKF. In our previous work, it has been converted to the nonlinear error function. Here, the updating process is based on the prior error function, though scaled to a nonlinear environment. In addition, a scaling factor is introduced here, which considers the historical error improvement, for the updating process. Finally, the performance of the proposed controller is evaluated over other traditional approaches, which implies the appropriate impact of drug dosage injection on normal, immune and tumor cells. Moreover, it is observed that the proposed NEF-EKF-ISF has the ability to evaluate the tumor cells with a better accuracy rate.
Rosyjskie podejście do projektowania obwodów pomocniczych DC - na podstawie materiałów firmy EKRA
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze zadania administratora, które powinny być realizowane aby sprostać wymaganiom RODO. Przedstawiono także wskazówki jakie należy uwzględnić w wdrażaniu wytycznych unijnego rozporządzenia. Zwrócono uwagę na problem transgranicznego przekazywania danych do państw trzecich i wyzwania jakie stoją przed administratorem w tym zakresie.
The article presents Controller’s most important tasks, which have to be fulfilled to meet the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation. Described guidelines are recommended in the process of implementing the EU regulation. Attention is paid to the problem of cross-border data transfer to third countries and the challenges that the Controller faces in this regard.
Nowadays the simulation is inseparable part of researcher's work. Its computation time may significantly exceed the experiment time. On the other hand, multi-core processors are common in personal computers. These processors can be used to reduce computation time by using parallel computing on multiple cores. The most popular software applied to simulate behavior of the plant is MATLAB/Simulink. A single simulation of Simulink model cannot be computed by multiple cores, but there are many engineering problems, that require a multiple simulation of the same model with different parameters. In these problems, the parallel computing can be employed to decrease the overall simulation time. In this paper the parallel computing is used to speed-up the auto-tuning process of state feedback speed controller for PMSM drive. In order to obtain the optimal coefficients of the controller, an Artificial Bee Colony optimization algorithm is employed.
Content available remote Determination of primary energy consumption for residential premises heating need
In this article, the calculation of energy characteristics of residential premises and the results of calculations and experiment considered the expediency of installing a controller in the individual heating system of residential premises.
In order to be fully autonomous, robots have to be resilient so that they can recover from damages and operate for a long period of time with no human assistance. To be resilient, existing approaches propose to change the robots’ behavior using a different control system when a hardware fault or damage occurs. These approaches are used for robots which have fixed morphologies. However, we cannot assume which morphology would be optimal for a given problem and which morphology allows resilience. In the present paper, we introduce a new approach that generates resilient artificial modular robots by evolving the robot morphology along with its controller. We used a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to optimize two objectives at a time, which are the traveled distance of a damage-free robot and the traveled distance of the same robot with damaged parts. The result of preliminary experiments demonstrates that during evaluation, when robots are deliberately faced to motor failures, the evolution process can optimize and generate new morphologies for which the robot’s behavior is less affected by damage. This makes the robot capable to recover its ability to move forward.
In this fast-changing environmental condition, the effect of fossil fuel in vehicle is a significant concern. Many sustainable sources are being studied to replace the exhausting fossil fuel in most of the countries. This paper surveys the types of electric vehicle’s energy sources and current scenario of the on-road electric vehicle and its technical challenges. It summarizes the number of state-of-the-art research progresses in bidirectional dc-dc converters and its control strategies reported in last two decades. The performance of the various topologies of bidirectional dc-dc converters is also tabulated along with their references. Hence, this work will present a clear view on the development of state-of-the-art topologies in bidirectional dc-dc converters. This review paper will be a guide for the researchers for selecting suitable bidirectional traction dc-dc converters for electric vehicle and it gives the clear picture of this research field.
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