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W artykule przedstawiono zmiany w spożyciu mięsa w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2010-2021 oraz wskaźniki samowystarczalności w zakresie mięsa w latach 2019-2021. Do oceny zmian w spożyciu mięsa posłużyły bilanse żywnościowe Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa. Kierunki zmian w spożyciu mięsa w krajach UE są z reguły zbliżone. Jednak poziom spożycia różnych gatunków mięsa jest bardzo zróżnicowany. Wynika to głównie z czynników ekonomicznych i pozaekonomicznych, przede wszystkim czynników geograficznych, jak i kulturowych, które wyznaczają główne kierunki produkcji mięsa. We wszystkich krajach UE-27 spożycie mięsa czerwonego jest znacznie wyższe niż rekomendowane przez Międzynarodową Agencję ds. Badań nad Rakiem. Otrzymane wyniki służą do monitorowania postępów w kierunku przejścia na zdrowszą i bardziej zrównoważoną dietę. Tylko Hiszpania, Holandia i Irlandia są samowystarczalne w zakresie wszystkich gatunków mięsa.
The article presents changes in the meat consumption in the European Union countries in 2010-2021 and self-sufficiency rates in meat in 2019-2021. Food Balance Sheets of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations were used to assess changes in meat consumption. The directions of changes in meat consumption in EU countries are usually similar. However, the level of consumption of different types of meat varies greatly. This is mainly due to economic and non-economic factors, primarily geographical and cultural factors, which determine the main directions of meat production. In all EU-27 countries red meat consumption is much higher than recommended by International Agency for Research on Cancer. The obtained results are used to monitor progress towards a transition to a healthier and more balanced diet. Only Spain, Netherlands and Ireland are self-sufficient in all types of meat.
W.artykule opisano poziom i zmiany produkcji soków zagęszczonych oraz soków pitnych w Polsce w latach 2015-2022. Przedstawiono także tendencje spożycia tych produktów w kraju oraz zmiany w poziomie eksportu i cen eksportowych zagęszczonego i pitnego soku jabłkowego, które to produkty dominują w produkcji i spożyciu soków w Polsce. Oceniono ponadto pozycję polskiego sektora soków i napojów wśród państw UE. Z.analizy wynika, że produkcja soków zagęszczonych nie wykazuje tendencji wzrostowych. Dynamicznie zwiększa się natomiast produkcja soków pitnych, głównie soku jabłkowego tłoczonego bezpośrednio, przeznaczonego przeważnie na eksport. W.latach 2015-2022 zwiększało się spożycie soków owocowych ogółem, a w miarę stabilna była konsumpcja soków warzywnych i owocowo-warzywnych. Jednocześnie Polska cały czas umacniała się na pozycji jednego z najważniejszych w UE producentów i konsumentów soków. Pod względem wartości produkcji soków znalazła się na wysokiej, trzeciej pozycji, a pod względem spożycia soków na osobę zajmowała piąte miejsce w UE. Wyniki finansowe producentów, mimo niewielkiego pogorszenia w 2022 r., zapewniały firmom bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania.
The article describes the level and changes in the production of concentrated juices and drinking juices in Poland in the years 2015-2022. It also presents trends in the consumption of these products in the country as well as changes in the level of export and export prices of concentrated and drinking apple juice, which dominate the production and consumption of juices in Poland. Moreover, the position of the Polish juice and beverage sector among the EU countries was assessed. The analysis shows that the production of concentrated juices does not show an upward trend. On the other hand, the production of drinking juices, mainly direct-pressed apple juice, mainly intended for export, is growing dynamically. In the years 2015-2022, the total consumption of fruit juices increased, and the consumption of vegetable and fruit and vegetable juices was relatively stable. At the same time, Poland was constantly strengthening its position as one of the most important producers and consumers of juices in the EU. In terms of the value of juice production, it was ranked third in the EU, and in terms of per capita juice consumption, it was ranked fifth in the EU. The financial results of producers, despite a slight deterioration in 2022, ensured the safety of operations for companies.
According to the Green Deal, the carbon neutrality of the European Union (EU) should be reached partly by the transition from fossil fuels to alternative renewable sources. However, fossil fuels still play an essential role in energy production, and are widely used in the world with no alternative to be completely replaced with, so far. In recent years, we have observed the rapidly growing prices of commodities such as oil or gas. The analysis of past fossil fuels consumption might contribute significantly to the responsible formulation of the energy policy of each country, reflected in policies of related organisations and the industrial sector. Over the years, a number of papers have been published on modelling production and consumption of fossil and renewable energy sources on the level of national economics, industrial sectors and households, exploiting and comparing a variety of approaches. In this paper, we model the consumption of fossil fuels (gas and coal) in Slovakia based on the annual data during the years 1965–2020. To our knowledge, no such model, which analyses historical data and provides forecasts for future consumption of gas and coal, respectively, in Slovakia, is currently available in the literature. For building the model, we have used the Box–Jenkins methodology. Because of the presence of trend in the data, we have considered the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA (p,d,q)) model. By fitting models with various combinations of parameters p, d, q, the best fitting model has been chosen based on the value of Akaike’s information criterion. According to this, the model for coal consumption is ARIMA(0, 2, 1) and for gas consumption it is ARIMA(2, 2, 2).
Yerba Mate, coffee and tea consumption varies depending on the country, region and cultural background. The highest quantity of tea is consumed in Turkey, coffee in Finland and Yerba Mate in Argentina. The purpose of this paper is to present the economic and qualitative factors that determine the consumption of Yerba Mate, coffee and tea. The determinants and factors influencing the volume of production and consumption were analysed. A comparison of selected qualitative parameters, such as polyphenols, antioxidising effects and caffeine, was drawn. The discussed parameters determine, to a great extent, the demand for these products. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the analysed products can function as substitutes for each other, both in terms of economics and sensory and health-promoting properties.
W artykule przedstawiono zmiany w spożyciu owoców i warzyw w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2010-2019 oraz wskaźniki samowystarczalności w zakresie owoców i warzyw w latach 2017-2019. Otrzymane wyniki służą do monitorowania postępów w kierunku przejścia na zdrowszą i bardziej zrównoważoną dietę. Do oceny zmian w spożyciu owoców i warzyw posłużyły bilanse żywnościowe Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa (FAO). Spożycie owoców i warzyw ogółem wykazuje tendencję wzrostową w większości krajów UE-27, wyjątek stanowią takie kraje, jak Malta, Austria, Słowacja, Szwecja, Luksemburg, Dania, Włochy i Grecja. W krajach tych zaobserwowano spadek spożycia owoców i warzyw. W Polsce odnotowano wzrost spożycia owoców i warzyw ogółem o 9,2%. W Polsce i większości krajów UE poziom spożycia owoców i warzyw jest zgodny z zalecaniami żywieniowymi rekomendowanymi przez WHO. Grecja, Hiszpania, Polska i Włochy są samowystarczalne zarówno w zakresie owoców, jak i w zakresie warzyw.
The article presents changes in the fruits and vegetables consumption in the European Union in 2010-2019 and self-sufficiency rates in fruits and vegetables in 2017-2019. The obtained results are used to monitor progress towards a transition to a healthier and more balanced diet. Food balance sheets of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) were used to assess changes in fruits and vegetables consumption. Total fruits and vegetables consumption shows an upward trend in most EU-27 countries, with the exception of Malta, Austria, Slovakia, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Italy and Greece. In Poland, the total consumption of fruits and vegetables increased by 9.2%. In Poland and most EU countries, the level of consumption of fruits and vegetables complies with the WHO nutritional recommendations. Only Greece, Spain, Poland and Italy are self-sufficient for both fruits and vegetables.
W.artykule przedstawiono poziom i zmiany produkcji oraz spożycia i eksportu soków pitnych, nektarów oraz napojów owocowych i owocowo-warzywnych w Polsce w latach 2012-2021. Oceniono także pozycję polskiego sektora soków i napojów w Unii Europejskiej. Z analizy wynika, że w minionym dziesięcioleciu dynamicznie wzrastała produkcja, a także eksport i spożycie soków pitnych owocowych, przede wszystkim soku jabłkowego. W.efekcie umocniła się pozycja Polski jako jednego z największych w UE producentów, eksporterów i konsumentów soków. W.Polsce mniejsza była natomiast dynamika produkcji i spożycia soków warzywnych, nektarów oraz napojów owocowych i owocowo-warzywnych. Polska pod względem wartości produkcji soków zajmowała wysokie, trzecie miejsce, a pod względem spożycia soków na osobę piąte miejsce w UE. Wyniki finansowe producentów, lepsze niż w 2020 r., zapewniały firmom bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania. Obniżeniu uległa jednak ich aktywność inwestycyjna.
The article presents the level and changes in the production, consumption and export of juices, nectars as well as fruit and fruit and vegetable beverages in Poland in the years 2012-2021. The position of the Polish juice and beverages sector among other European Union countries was also assessed. The analysis shows that the production, export and consumption of drinking fruit juices, especially apple juice, increased dynamically in the past decade. As a result, Poland’s position as one of the EU’s biggest producers, exporters and consumers of juice has strengthened. However, the dynamics of production and consumption of vegetable juices, nectars as well as fruit and fruit and vegetable drinks was lower in Poland. In terms of the value of juice production, Poland came in a high third place, and in terms of juice consumption per capita, fifth in the EU. The producers financial results, better than in previous year, provided companies with security of operation. However, their investment activity decreased.
The aim of the research was to present changes in the consumption of milk and its dairy products in Poland. The research covered data for the years 2004-2020. The time interval of the research was determined by the availability of data in the database of the Central Statistical Office. The research material included literature on the subject, which contributed to the characterisation of the issue of consumption and on-going changes in the consumption of dairy products. Based on the literature, the factors that determine changes in the consumption of milk and its dairy products in dynamic terms were identified. The descriptive and cause-and-effect methods were applied in the presentation of research results. Based on the research analyses and the literature review, it was shown that changes in the level of milk consumption were small in relation to changes in prices expressed in current prices, as well as consumer income. In contrast, there were changes in dairy consumption. Between 2004 and 2020, the consumption of highly processed dairy products, i.e. yoghurts, cheeses, cottage cheese, increased, while the consumption of liquid milk decreased and the consumption of fat products, i.e. butter and cream, increased at a lower rate.
Celem badań było przedstawienie zmian konsumpcji mleka i jego przetworów mleczarskich w Polsce. Badania obejmowały dane za lata 2004-2020. Przedział czasowy badań był determinowany dostępnością danych w bazie Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Materiał do badań obejmował literaturę przedmiotu, która przyczyniła się do scharakteryzowania zagadnienia konsumpcji oraz zachodzących zmian w spożyciu artykułów mleczarskich. W oparciu o literaturę wskazano czynniki, które determinują zmiany spożycia mleka i jego przetworów mleczarskich w ujęciu dynamicznym. Przy prezentacji wyników badań zastosowano metodę opisową oraz przyczynowo-skutkową. W oparciu o przeprowadzone analizy badawcze oraz przegląd literatury wykazano, że zmiany poziomu konsumpcji mleka były niewielkie w odniesieniu do zmian cen wyrażonych w cenach bieżących, a także dochodów konsumentów. Nastąpiły natomiast zmiany w konsumpcji nabiału. W latach 2004-2020 wzrosło spożycie artykułów mleczarskich wysokoprzetworzonych, tj. jogurty, sery, twarogi, przy jednoczesnym spadku konsumpcji mleka płynnego, a także mniejszej dynamice wzrostu spożycia produktów tłuszczowych, czyli masła oraz śmietany.
Content available remote Wybrane ekologiczne i etyczno-religijne aspekty konsumpcji mięsa
Wśród produktów spożywczych pochodzenia zwierzęcego najwięcej kontrowersji budzi mięso. Przez stulecia jedzenie mięsa było oznaką dobrobytu i wysokiego statusu społecznego. Dzięki wysokiej zawartości białka o korzystnym dla organizmu człowieka profilu aminokwasowym, mięso podobnie jak mleko i jaja, odgrywa ważną rolę w gospodarce żywnościowej. Światowy rozwój gospodarczy prowadzi do wzrostu zamożności społeczeństw i zwiększenia popytu na żywność, w tym na mięso. Konieczność zaspokojenia popytu na białko pochodzenia zwierzęcego jest czynnikiem napędzającym intensyfikację produkcji zwierzęcej, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do zwiększenia presji środowiskowej. Niezrównoważona konsumpcja mięsa stwarza także wątpliwości natury etycznej.
Of all animal products, the most controversial is the consumption of meat and its role in human nutrition. Eating meat has been a sign of prosperity and high social status for centuries. Thanks to its high protein content with an amino acid profile that is beneficial to the human body, meat, such as milk and eggs, plays an important role in the food economy. Global economic development leads to an increase in the prosperity of societies and an increase in the demand for food, including meat. The need to meet the demand for protein of animal origin is a factor driving the intensification of animal production, which in turn leads to increased environmental pressure. Unsustainable meat consumption also raises ethical questions.
This work deals with prediction of the quantities of sewing threads required to sew a garment using cover stitches for the different classes of 600 (602, 605 and 607 cover stitches) by performing a rapid and precise methods (Geometrical and statistical). Sewing consumption value was estimated based on the geometrical method of different cover stitch shapes to prevent inventory of stocks for each stitch type. In the prediction of the sewing thread consumption for each investigated stitch, it was assumed that the consumption is a function of the input parameters, such as material thickness, stitch density, yarn linear density, and seam width. In addition, a statistical method based on multi-linear regression was established. The coefficient R2 value was determined to evaluate the precision of the geometrical and statistical methods. By comparing the theoretical thread consumption with the experimental ones, it is concluded that the geometrical method is more accurate than the statistical method regarding the range of R2 (from 98.78% to 99.38%), which encouraged industrialists to use geometrical models to predict thread consumption. The input parameters contributing to the sewing thread consumption behavior were studied and analyzed. It was concluded that the most important parameters influencing thread consumption are stitch density followed by seam width. Both yarn density and material thickness have a low contribution to the thread consumption value.
Purpose: The purpose of the research is to determine the condition of a contemporary man immersed in the realities of consumerism based on the texts of Sigmund Bauman and Józef Tischner. Design/methodology/approach: The objective has been achieved by using critical textual analysis and the phenomenological method, together with hermeneutic interpretation both in relation to the phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as the texts of Sigismund Bauman and Józef Tischner. Findings: During the course of work, a convergence of the views of the above thinkers was found. Research limitations/implications: The research process has been limited to the texts of Bauman and Tischner. Social implications: The article can be an inspiration to change the way people live in the society and restore forgotten values. Originality/value: This article is addressed both to the human being in society and to those responsible for creating human behavior.
The results of experimental studies of gasoline mixed with 10% bioethanol (E10), bioethanol mixed with 15% gasoline (E85), and hydrogen– oxygen gas (HHO) supplied as an additional fuel are presented in this paper. Research was carried out to determine whether E85 with hydrogen– oxygen gas is feasible for use as a replacement fuel. During the test, a port injection HR16DE spark ignition engine was used. Experiments were carried out at a constant engine speed (n = 2000 rpm), throttle opened at 15°, using a stoichiometric mixture λ = 1.0 and a lean mixture λ = 1.1. After determining brake torque, fuel consumption data, and energy performance, the results of various fuels were determined. It was found that the highest engine brake torque was developed using E85, but at the same time, fuel consumption increased. E85 yielded the best energy efficiency for a lean mixture (λ = 1.1). A small amount of HHO gas (~ 0.95% energy) yielded a small positive effect only on using E10 fuel at λ = 1.1.
W artykule przedstawiono poziom i zmiany produkcji soków zagęszczonych oraz soków pitnych, nektarów i napojów, owocowych i warzywnych w Polsce w latach 2011-2020. Przedstawiono także tendencje spożycia tych produktów w kraju na tle Unii Europejskiej. Oceniono ponadto pozycję polskiego sektora soków i napojów wśród innych krajów UE. Z analizy wynika, że w strukturze produkcji krajowej zwiększa się udział soków pitnych, kosztem soków zagęszczonych. Jest to w dużym stopniu wynikiem rosnącego zapotrzebowania na soki pitne w kraju, ale także zwiększającego się eksportu soków bezpośrednio tłoczonych z owoców, głównie z jabłek. Jednocześnie umacnia się pozycja Polski jako jednego z najważniejszych w UE producentów i konsumentów soków. Polska pod względem wartości produkcji soków znalazła się na wysokiej, trzeciej pozycji, a pod względem spożycia soków na osobę zajmowała piąte miejsce w UE. Wyniki finansowe producentów, mimo pogorszenia w ostatnim roku, zapewniały firmom bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania.
The article presents the level and changes in the production of concentrated juices as well as fruit and vegetable drinking juices, nectars and beverages in Poland in the years 2011-2020. The trends in the consumption of these products in Poland against the background of the European Union are also presented. Moreover, the position of the Polish juice and beverage sector among other EU countries was assessed. The analysis shows that the share of drinking juices in the structure of domestic production is growing at the expense of concentrated juices. This is largely due to the growing demand for drinking juices in the country, but also to increasing exports of juices directly pressed from fruit, mainly apples. At the same time, Poland’s position is strengthening as one of the EU’s most important producers and consumers of juices. In terms of the value of juice production, Poland ranked high, third position, and in terms of juice consumption per person, it was in the fifth place in the EU. The financial results of producers, despite the deterioration in the last year, ensured the companies’ operational security.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie rynku tektury falistej w Polsce w 2020 r., a więc w dobie kryzysu wywołanego pandemią Covid-19. Omówiono sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą kraju, produkcję i zużycie papierów do wytwarzania tektury falistej oraz produkcję i zużycie tektury falistej – ogólne dane dotyczyły zarówno Polski, jak i krajów europejskich (członków FEFCO i CEPI). Szczegółowo omówiono rynek Polski, uwzględniając również kwestie dotyczące importu i eksportu, rodzaje fal w produkowanych tekturach oraz podział procentowy produkowanych tektur pod względem ilości kolorów zastosowanych do ich zadruku. Na koniec omówiono głównych odbiorców opakowań z tektury falistej. Biorąc pod uwagę przedstawione dane można stwierdzić, że rynek tektury falistej i opakowań dobrze poradził sobie w trudnych czasach epidemii. Producenci dostosowali się do restrykcji i obostrzeń wprowadzonych przez rząd, ale jednocześnie dołożyli wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić ciągłość produkcji, a tym samym odpowiednią ilość opakowań, które są niezbędne nawet w tak trudnych czasach (wzrost roli e-commerce, zaopatrzenie medyczne, transport farmaceutyków i żywności).
The article presents the corrugated board market in Poland in 2020, i.e. in the time of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The socio-economic situation of the country, the production and consumption of case materials as well as the production and consumption of corrugated board were briefly discussed – the general data concerned both Poland and European countries (members of FEFCO and CEPI). The Polish market was discussed in more detail, taking into account also the issues related to import and export, the fluting types in the produced corrugated board and the percentage of shipped products in terms of the number of colors used for their printing. Finally, the main recipients of corrugated board packaging were discussed. Taking into account the presented data, it can be concluded that the corrugated board and packaging market did well in the difficult times of the epidemic. Producers have complied with the restrictions introduced by the government, but at the same time they made every effort to ensure the continuity of production, and thus the right amount of packaging, which is necessary even in such difficult times (the growing role of e-commerce, medical supplies, transport of pharmaceuticals and food).
Rynek tektury falistej i opakowań od zawsze stanowił ciekawy temat zarówno dla uczestników rynku, jak i innych podmiotów sięgających po lekturę „Przeglądu Papierniczego”. Czasem jednak zdarzają się nieprzewidziane i niezależne od nas sytuacje, jak np. ograniczony dostęp do danych. To, niestety, uniemożliwiło wcześniejsze przygotowanie artykułu i dlatego dopiero teraz publikujemy materiał dotyczący roku 2019. Była to jednak sytuacja wyjątkowa. Obecnie oczekujemy na pełne dane za 2020 r., na podstawie których wkrótce powstanie kolejny artykuł.
Content available Rynek tantalu na początku XXI wieku
Tantalum, despite the low consumption level, is one of the strategically important metals for the world economy. In terms of the world production volume, it places oneself on a distant position; however, its price was one of the highest at the beginning of the 21st century. Tantalum is a transition metal with a high melting point and high chemical resistance, which determines the spectrum of its applications. It is used mainly in the capacitors production, sputtering and as an additive for superalloys. The 21stcentury is a period of noticeable changes in the structure of quantitative supplies, consumption centres and price fluctuation. There are numerous but small centres of primary production (artisanal mines) in Africa. Sources of tantalum raw-materials (mineral deposits and its reserves), basic factors determining the economic situation on the market, substitution possibilities and the prices evolution are presented and assessed in the paper. Marginal significance of the economy of tantalum raw materials for Poland is mentioned.
The present work proposes several pre-injection patterns to reduce nitrogen oxides in the Wartsila 6L 46 marine engine. A numerical model was carried out to characterise the emissions and consumption of the engine. Several pre-injection quantities, durations, and starting instants were analysed. It was found that oxides of nitrogen can be noticeably reduced but at the expense of increasing consumption as well as other emissions such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. According to this, a multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model was established to select the most appropriate parameters. Besides, an artificial neural network (ANN) was developed to complement the results and analyse a huge quantity of alternatives. This hybrid MCDM-ANN methodology proposed in the present work constitutes a useful tool to design new marine engines.
In this paper the general fundamentals of the formation of the balance of fuel and energy resources were determined and the main components of the general energy balance were substantiated. It was formed according to the indicators from the state energy statistics of Ukraine, and on the basis of the obtained data the analysis of energy flows was carried out. Mathematical substantiation of its support on the traffic of energy flows from their extraction (production), transformation and final consumption was offered. The algorithm for compiling the overall energy balance was detailed to eliminate possible discrepancies between the indicators during the final operations of the balance sections. In order to ensure timely response to unsolved problems in the energy sector of Ukraine, it is proposed to implement a constant monitoring of the energy balance as a whole and by partial indicators. The use of a new algorithm for optimizing the balance of fuel and energy resources (FER) for individual balance sheet items was proposed. A model of organizational and economic mechanism was developed to study the functional interactions of international organizations in the field of energy independence, administrative and financial institutions, fuel and energy entities and the national economy, which are subjects of all hierarchical levels of energy security. It reflects the equivalence of two main aspects of energy security of the national economy: ensuring the stability and efficiency of the fuel and energy complex on one hand, and the formation of energy efficient consumers through the introduction of innovations and energy saving technologies, on the other.
Content available Operational energy footprint of vehicle
One of the many important challenges of the modern world is the greenhouse effect of CO2. It is necessary to implement solutions that will eliminate it. Since the easiest way to eliminate the greenhouse effect is to reduce hydrocarbons fuel consumption, it is important to evaluate the fuel (energy) consumption in long term operation. The article presents a proposal for the use of the so-called vehicle energy footprint. The method of creating such a trace is presented and illustrated with specific results of data analyzes. The data is publicly available, which means that the presented method can be independently verified. It has also been shown that the use of the method not only organizes the analyzes, but also leads to information that cannot be obtained with other methods. It therefore seems that an attractive tool has been developed for future applications.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to diagnose attitudes and consumption behaviors among the young adults, regarding food consumption in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: 483 respondents took a part in the research. They were students of three Cracovian universities, representing all voivodships in Poland. The research instrument consisted of two types of questions: traditional closed survey questions and a series of projection questions, based on fictional characters, which the respondents had to assess and determine the degree of identification with the attitudes and behaviors described. Findings: The research revealed some akrasia. The relatively high level of awareness regarding the effects of unsustainable production and consumption of young adults did not translate into consumption behavior of a sustainable nature. The curiosity regarding origin of the product and its composition turned out to be low, as was the feeling of responsibility for their own decisions. There was a tendency to expect the transition of responsibility to food producers and the institutional environment. Young adults pay special attention to food prices and easy access to shopping. Local marketplaces are a niche shopping place. The majority of food is purchased in large-area stores, where consumers are not informed about the place of origin of food. The respondents group is characterized by high outside-diagonality, solutions forcing more sustainable behavior, for example, the payment for plastic bags, the need for recycling of waste meet with wide acceptance. Originality/value: The research revealed enforcing proecological behaviors by institutions seems to be a more effective than building consumer awareness.
Przedstawiono doświadczenia wynikające z wieloletniej eksploatacji kotła wodnego WR-25 z niskim obciążeniem w zakresie przyspieszonego zużycia worków filtracyjnych podczas pracy układu oczyszczania spalin. Zaprezentowano wymagania jakościowe wobec spalin oraz zagadnienia związane z oczyszczaniem spalin, przedstawiono obecny stan wiedzy z zakresu eksploatacji worków filtracyjnych. Na podstawie analizy przyspieszonego zużycia worków filtracyjnych wymieniono przyczyny oraz opisano wytypowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne i eksploatacyjne minimalizujące przyczyny ich zużycia.
Legal regulations as well as technol. and ecol. conditions and construction and operational solns. for exhaust gas purifn. were reviewed. The parameters of a long-term operation of a water boiler with a bag filter under low load were analyzed. The rate of consumption of filter bags was detd. at varying compn. and temp. The most unfavorable conditions of the filter working were obsd. during flue gas temp. drops and at periodic shutdowns of the bag filter.
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