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W artykule przedstawiono perspektywy przyszłych kierunków badań mających na celu optymalizację procesu spalania węgla. Nowe nurty w dziedzinie energetyki koncentrują się na zwiększeniu zrównoważonego wykorzystania zasobów węgla, minimalizacji negatywnego wpływu na środowisko oraz rozwoju bardziej wydajnych i ekologicznych rozwiązań w produkcji energii. Wśród omawianych kierunków działań należy wskazać dobór jakościowy i ilościowy katalizatora procesu spalania, sposób jego efektywnego dostarczenia do transportowanego pyłu węglowego, automatyzacje procesu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metod sterowania, kontroli i wizualizacji. Mimo mnogości prac teoretyków i praktyków dotyczących tego zagadnienia wciąż istnieje przestrzeń do dalszych ulepszeń oraz znaczących rozszerzeń w zakresie danych dostępnych dla naukowców i inżynierów. Węgiel nadal odgrywa kluczową rolę, jako najbardziej stabilne źródło energii, co podkreśla jego istotność w kontekście zapewnienia niezawodności dostaw energii.
The article presents perspectives on future research directions aimed at optimizing the coal combustion process. Emerging trends in the field of energy focus on increasing the sustainable utilization of coal resources, minimizing negative environmental impacts, and developing more efficient and environmentally fiiendly energy production solutions. Among the discussed areas of action, it is important to highlight the qualitative and quantitative selection of combustion process cata lysts, the effective delivery of catalysts to transported coal dust, and the automation of the process with a focus on control, monitoring, and Visualization methods. Despite the abundance of work by theorists and practitioners on this issue, there is still room for further improvements and significant expansions in the scope of data available to scientists and engineers. Coal continues to play a crucial role as the most stable source of energy, underscoring its importance in ensuring energy supply reliability.
The article presents the latest forecasts for global coal demand and supply in the short and long term. According to IEA analyzes, there was to be a peak in global coal production and consumption in 2023 (amounting to 8.7 and 8.5 billion tons, respectively), with a successive decline in the following three years. At the 2026 horizon, global coal production will be 8.5 billion tons, declining by 4% from 2023. Coal demand will fall by 2% to 8.3 billion tons. In the 2050 outlook, according to the State Policies Scenario, coal production compared to 2022 will decrease by 43% to 3.5 billion tce. By contrast, according to the Announced Pledges Scenario, the decline will be 75%, with production expected to fall to 1.5bn tce. Coal production and demand will decline due to the decarbonization of many global economies. The article also presents forecasts of global coal production and demand by region. In Poland, coal is an important energy carrier based on indigenous production, supplemented by imports. Poland is one of the important producers and users of coal in Europe and the EU27. Between 2016 and 2022, Poland’s coal production decreased from 36 to 28 million tce. Coal production in Poland accounts for 14–15% of coal production in Europe and 20–22% of production in the EU27. Poland’s share is relatively small at 0.5–0.7% relative to global production. In terms of coal consumption, Poland’s share is relatively stable (32–38 million tce in 2016–2022). It accounted for 8–10% of European consumption, 11–16% of EU27 consumption and 0.6–0.7% of global coal consumption. The latest Polish forecasting document, a draft update of the National Plan Energy and Climate Plan to 2030, assumes in the 2030 horizon, relative to 2020, a 32% decrease in coal production to 30 million tce, and a 23% decrease in coal consumption to 19 million tce. Similarly to global trends, Poland is also pursuing a decarbonization policy for many branches of the economy.
W artykule zaprezentowano najnowsze prognozy dotyczące światowego popytu i podaży węgla w horyzoncie krótko- i długoterminowym. Według analityków IEA w 2023 r. miało wystąpić maksimum światowej produkcji i zużycia węgla (wynoszące odpowiednio: 8,7 oraz 8,5 mld ton), a kolejne trzy lata przynieść jej sukcesywny spadek. W perspektywie 2026 r. światowa produkcja węgla wyniesie 8,5 mld ton, malejąc o 4% względem 2023. Zapotrzebowania na węgiel spadnie o 2% do 8,3 mld ton. W perspektywie 2050 r. według State Policies Scenario produkcja węgla zmaleje w porównaniu z 2022 r. o 43% do poziomu 3,5 mld tce. Natomiast według Announced Pledges Scenario spadek ten wyniesie 75%, a produkcja ma zmaleć do 1,5 mld tce. Produkcja i zapotrzebowanie na węgiel będzie maleć ze względu na dekarbonizację wielu światowych gospodarek. W artykule zaprezentowano także prognozy światowej produkcji i zapotrzebowania na węgiel w podziale regionalnym. W Polsce węgiel jest istotnym nośnikiem energii, którego bazą jest rodzima produkcja, uzupełniana jego importem. Polska jest jednym z istotnych producentów i użytkowników węgla w Europie i UE27. W latach 2016–2022 produkcja węgla w Polsce zmalała z 36 do 28 milionów tce. Stanowiło to 14–15% produkcji węgla w Europie i 20–22% produkcji EU27. W stosunku do produkcji światowej, udział Polski jest relatywnie niewielki wynosząc 0,5–0,7%. Pod względem zużycia węgla udział Polski jest relatywnie stabilny (32–38 milionów tce w latach 2016–2022). Stanowił on 8–10% zużycia w Europie, 11– –16% zużycie w EU27 i 0,6–0,7% światowego zużycia węgla. Najnowszy polski dokument prognostyczny: draft aktualizacji National Plan Energy and Climate Plan to 2030, zakłada w horyzoncie 2030 r. względem 2020 r.: 32% spadek produkcji węgla do 30 milionów tce, oraz 23% spadek jego zużycia do poziomu 19 milionów tce. Podobnie, jak w trendach ogólnoświatowych, w Polsce również realizowana jest polityka dekarbonizacji wielu gałęzi gospodarki.
Macerals are the basic constituents of coal that can be distinguished and identified under the microscope. Depending on the difference in optical properties, the macerals are divided into four maceral groups, including liptinite, vitrinite, huminite and inertinite. These maceral groups not only affect coal mining and utilization but also play different roles in coal beneficiation. According to the different properties of maceral groups, they can be separated (or enriched) to provide high-quality raw materials for the coal industry. This review briefly introduces the international maceral classification system and reviews in detail the role of maceral groups in coal beneficiation combined with their properties.
The topic of waste incineration/co-incineration is critical, given the increasingly stringent regulations on environmental aspects. The widespread use of polymeric materials generates significant waste, posing an ecological problem. Current regulations mandate a reduction in the landfilling of plastic waste, which should be replaced by recycling, with the possibility of exploiting the energy potential due to its high calorific value. The electricity generation in Poland is mainly based on coal, so using polymers as alternative fuels is an important research issue. The research results presented in this paper make it possible to compare the properties of selected waste plastics and coal and their behavior during thermal processes, considering the quality of the gases released. Based on the thermal analyses, a FuzzyTherm model was introduced based on one of the fuzzy logic methods, one of the main artificial intelligence modeling approaches. The model predicts the temperatures corresponding to endothermic and exothermic reactions. The model achieved good accuracy. The maximum relative error between measured and calculated data is lower than 11%. These aspects constitute an innovative element of this paper.
Procesy dekarbonizacji unijnej gospodarki rozpoczęte w ubiegłym wieku zostały zapoczątkowane w innej rzeczywistości politycznej. Walka z ociepleniem klimatu, nakierunkowana praktycznie była wyłącznie na walkę z węglem. Decyzje dotyczyły w większej mierze ograniczenia zużycia węgla bez równoważenia deficytu energii z innych, ekologicznych źródeł. Napad Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę i wprowadzone pakiety sankcji spowodowały braki węgla kamiennego zwłaszcza dla odbiorców indywidualnych wykorzystujących go jako źródło ciepła. Polskie embargo na rosyjski węgiel wyprzedzające sankcje unijne stało się źródłem obaw przed zagrożeniem skokowego wzrostu cen dla społeczeństwa. Działania rządu mają na celu złagodzenie i ograniczenie przede wszystkim kosztów, które ponosić zmuszone jest społeczeństwo. Brak koordynacji i należycie przygotowanych przepisów prawa, częste zmiany i nowelizacje powodują niepokoje w społeczeństwie. Jednak nawet najlepsze programy rekompensujące wzrost cen nie zlikwidują podstawowego problemu, jakim jest brak węgla. Import drogiego węgla staje się koniecznością i to wszystko w sytuacji posiadania własnych zasobów. W związku z agresją Rosji podpisana umowa społeczna zakładająca likwidację kopalń powinna zostać wobec tego zmieniona, zważając na dalsze możliwości wykorzystywania tego surowca, przy uwzględnieniu nowoczesnych metod jego użytkowania. Metody „czystego wykorzystania” węgla znane są od dawna i należy je w dalszym ciągu rozwijać. Z tego powodu węgiel kamienny może być i powinien być jak najdłużej gwarancją bezpieczeństwa energetycznego nie tylko Polski, ale również Unii Europejskiej.
Processes of decarbonization of European Union economy started last century began in another political reality. Fight against climate warming was directed towards fight against coal. Decisions were made, for the most part, towards limitation of coal consumption without balancing energy deficit with other, ecologic sources. Invasion of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and implemented sanction packages caused deficits of coal especially for individual clients using it as heat source. Polish embargo on Russian coal pre-empting EU sanctions became the source of concern for society fearing jumps in prices. Government actions aim to ease and limit the costs which society has to bear. Lack of coordination and properly prepared regulations, frequent changes and amendments cause distress to society. However, even the best compensation programs for rise in prices of coal will not take away the basic problem which is the lack of coal. Import of important coal is becoming a necessity, and it’s all in position of having local resources. Signed social contract assuming liquidation of coal mines should be changed with regards to further usage of said resource, using modern methods of its application. Methods of “clean usage” of coal have been known for a long time and should still be developed. For this reason coal can be, and should be for as long as possible the guarantee of energetic security not only for Poland, but also the European Union.
Pomiary termiczne znajdują zastosowanie w analizie rozkładu różnych materiałów. Umożliwiają one, m.in. badanie przemian fizycznych i chemicznych substancji, zachodzących pod wpływem zmiany temperatury, oznaczenie składu fazowego i chemicznego materiału, badanie kinetyki poszczególnych etapów procesów termicznych prowadzonych w różnych atmosferach. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano przykładowe wyniki matematycznego modelu procesów cieplnych zachodzących w przykładowej próbce węgla kamiennego, poparte wynikami badań termicznych TG/DTG/DSC dla rozpatrywanego paliwa.
Thermal measurements are used in the analysis of the decomposition of various materials. They enable, e.g. study of physical and chemical transformations of substances under the influence of temperature change, determination of the phase and chemical composition of the material, study of the kinetics of individual stages of thermal processes carried out in different atmospheres. This paper presents exemplary results of thermal tests TG/DTG/DSC for a hard coal sample, together with the results of a mathematical model of thermal processes occurring in the considered fuel.
Podczas prac inwentaryzacyjnych starych dokumentów niemieckich z terenu Wałbrzycha (Dolny Śląsk) odnaleziono zbiory różnych map z XIX i początku XX w., które mają charakter geodezyjny i górniczy. Dotyczy to różnych kopalń, jak np. Victoria, Julia czy Wałbrzych, które z biegiem czasu ulegały licznym zmianom zarówno pod względem obszaru, charakteru, jak i nazwy. W artykule opisano ich konstrukcje boczne – dworce kolejowe w osadach Szczawno Zdrój i Biały Kamień.
Some sets of different 19th and early 20th century maps and cross-sections have been found during inventory works of old, German documents from the Wałbrzych region (Lower Silesia) that display a geodesy and mining character. That concerns different coal mines as e.g., Victoria, Julia or Wałbrzych mines, which have undergone multiple changes in the area, character and also the name with time. The present paper describes their side-constructions – train stations in the Szczawno Zdrój and the Biały Kamień settlements.
Russia’s use of one of its energy resources as a tool of political pressure in 2021 destabilized the economies of many European countries. The energy crisis was exacerbated by the outbreak of Russia’s war with Ukraine in February 2022, when many countries, including those of the EU, responded by imposing sanctions on energy resources from Russia. The situation also affected Polish households. Until then, Russia had been Poland’s main supplier of coal and natural gas. It is estimated that 3.8 million households were threatened by the uncertainty of hard-coal supplies for the 2022/2023 heating season. The article presents an analysis of the supply and demand of the main fossil energy resources consumed by Polish households for heating purposes. Discussing the supply of a given raw material, both domestic production and imports are presented. The inability to increase domestic coal production for households in the short term (it is a long-term process) resulted in the introduction of intervention imports. In the case of imports, attention was paid to the need to change suppliers as well as import routes. The article also analyzes the prices of major energy carriers for domestic households from January 2018 to March 2023. Rapidly rising prices of hard coal at fuel depots in the third and fourth quarters of 2022 were higher than natural gas prices for households by PLN 13–16/GJ and amounted to PLN 81–101/GJ. By comparison, natural gas prices were then in the range of 65–88 PLN/GJ. In the first quarter of 2023, the prices of these two energy carriers had already reached a similar level (in the order of 80 PLN/GJ).
Wykorzystanie przez Rosję jednego z surowców energetycznych jako narzędzia nacisku politycznego w roku 2021 zdestabilizowało gospodarki wielu państw europejskich. Kryzys energetyczny został pogłębiony wybuchem wojny Rosji z Ukrainą w lutym 2022 r., kiedy w odpowiedzi m.in. państwa UE wprowadziły sankcje na surowce energetyczne z Rosji. Sytuacja ta wpłynęła także na polskie gospodarstwa domowe. Rosja do tego czasu była głównym dostawcą węgla kamiennego i gazu ziemnego do Polski. Sza- cuje się, że niepewnością dostaw węgla kamiennego na sezon grzewczy 2022/2023 zagrożonych zostało 3,8 mln gospodarstw domowych. Artykuł przedstawia analizę popytu i podaży głównych kopalnych surowców energetycznych zużywanych przez polskie gospodarstwa domowe w celach grzewczych. Omawiając podaż danego surowca, zaprezentowano zarówno jego produkcję krajową, jak również import. Niemożność zwiększenia krajowej produkcji węgla kamiennego dla gospodarstw domowych w krótkim okresie czasu (jest to proces długofalowy) skutkowała wprowadzeniem importu interwencyjnego. W przypadku importu zwrócono uwagę na konieczność zmiany dostawców, jak również dróg importu. W artykule przeprowadzono także analizę cen głównych nośników energii dla krajowych gospodarstw domowych w okresie od stycznia 2018 do marca 2023 r. Szybko rosnące ceny węgla kamiennego na składach opałowych w III i IV kwartale 2022 r. były wyższe od cen gazu ziemnego dla gospodarstw domowych o 13–16 PLN/GJ i wyniosły 81–101 PLN/GJ. Dla porównania ceny gazu ziemnego zawierały się wówczas w zakresie 65–88 PLN/GJ. W I kwartale 2023 r. ceny tych dwóch nośników energii uzyskały już zbliżony poziom (rzędu 80 PLN/GJ).
In this research study, we focus on the tree test results as well as the first-order kinetic model to evaluate flotation test data to propose a conceptual design of a flotation circuit for a specific coal sample. Results from the tree test showed it was possible to achieve a product with ash content less than 10% with 8% as combustible recovery and indicated for this coal sample, to obtain low ash – low recovery condition. Kinetic test results showed some of the streams had the same constant, so it could combine streams with similar rates according to configuration aspects. The proposed circuit includes stages (1- rougher, 2- rougher -scavenger, 3- cleaner, 4- cleaner -scavenger, and 5-recleaner) and recleaner concentrate indicated as the final product and rougher -scavenger tailings and cleaner -scavenger tailings also indicated as a final tailing. It is worth noting the proposed circuit is a conceptual design, so the validation of data on a larger scale for the obtainment of the optimized circuit is crucial.
As one of the world’s coal producers, Indonesia continues to increase its coal production. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the characteristics of coal that has the potential to produce acid mine drainage. The research method is coal mapping and zoning based on formation, observation, and description of coal characteristics, coal sampling, ultimate and proximate testing, and analysis. The results of the study describe the characteristics of coal related to distribution in the early stages of evaluating the potential for acid mine formation, besides that it can be used as a basis for classifying the potential for acid mine drainage which has a high enough total sulfur based on the results of testing on 15 samples. To prevent the reaction to acid mine drainage, it can be based on the geochemical characteristics of coal by constructing a mine reservoir or making water drainage in a mine that is not close to the stockpile, because there is a possibility that water has the potential to form acid mine drainage (AMD) when it comes in contact with coal potential. So that coal does not have the potential to be a source of acid mine drainage.
Fly ash waste is a by-product of coal burning at PLTU Nagan Raya, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Since 2017, the coal used is a mixture of 90% Kalimantan coal (sub-bituminous) and 10% local Nagan Raya coal (lignite) which is still young so that the mineral ash content is still high. Silica is among the interesting minerals to be extracted from fly ash, given its wide range of benefits. This paper describes the process of extracting silica from fly ash at the Aceh power plant through the leaching method using a chemical solution and heating for 2 and 4 hours at a temperature of 100˚C. The difference in heat treatment aimed to study the changes in properties and obtain the best method in the silica extraction process. The effect of heat treatment on silica characteristics was studied based on X Ray Diffraction (XRD) test for phase identification, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test for morphological identification, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) test for mineralogy element identification, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) test for identification of functional groups and surface chemistry, and differential calorimetric analysis/ thermogravimetric (DSC/TGA) test for identification of thermal properties. As a result, it was found that fly ash still contains unburned carbon, which significantly affects its color, and has the potential for application as a hydrogen storage material because its pore diameter structure is larger than 0.7 nm. The silica extracted from fly ash is capable of achieving a purity of up to 87% and exhibits excellent thermal stability, especially at temperatures between 120–300 °C; thus, it has the potential to be a catalyst material in the adsorption-desorption reaction of hydrogen by magnesium, although further research is still needed.
According to the Green Deal, the carbon neutrality of the European Union (EU) should be reached partly by the transition from fossil fuels to alternative renewable sources. However, fossil fuels still play an essential role in energy production, and are widely used in the world with no alternative to be completely replaced with, so far. In recent years, we have observed the rapidly growing prices of commodities such as oil or gas. The analysis of past fossil fuels consumption might contribute significantly to the responsible formulation of the energy policy of each country, reflected in policies of related organisations and the industrial sector. Over the years, a number of papers have been published on modelling production and consumption of fossil and renewable energy sources on the level of national economics, industrial sectors and households, exploiting and comparing a variety of approaches. In this paper, we model the consumption of fossil fuels (gas and coal) in Slovakia based on the annual data during the years 1965–2020. To our knowledge, no such model, which analyses historical data and provides forecasts for future consumption of gas and coal, respectively, in Slovakia, is currently available in the literature. For building the model, we have used the Box–Jenkins methodology. Because of the presence of trend in the data, we have considered the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA (p,d,q)) model. By fitting models with various combinations of parameters p, d, q, the best fitting model has been chosen based on the value of Akaike’s information criterion. According to this, the model for coal consumption is ARIMA(0, 2, 1) and for gas consumption it is ARIMA(2, 2, 2).
W rozdziale omówiono rynek paliw stałych dla gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Spośród paliw stałych zużywanych przez polskie gospodarstwa domowe istotną rolę odgrywa węgiel kamienny oraz biomasa stała. Paliwa te wykorzystywane są głównie do ogrzewania mieszkań oraz wytwarzania ciepłej wody użytkowej, dlatego łączne ich zużycie koreluje się z przebiegiem liczby HDD. W artykule omówiono zmiany, jakie zaszły na przestrzeni ostatnich lat w ogólnej charakterystyce gospodarstw domowym. Skupiono się także na omówieniu podaży oraz cen węgla kamiennego oraz biomasy stałej reprezentowanej przez pellety drzewne. W przypadku węgla kamiennego wzięto pod uwagę ceny (netto, bez akcyzy) sortymentów grubych oraz ekogroszku. Ceny węgla dla gospodarstw domowych zaprezentowano na poziomie krajowych producentów, jak również importu. Średnie ceny sprzedaży kostki oferowanej na składach opałowych w regionie grupującym woj.: warmińsko-mazurskie, podlaskie, mazowieckie i łódzkie (tzw. regionie N-E) są niższe o około 7–9 zł/GJ od oferty kostki pochodzącej z krajowej produkcji. Porównując ceny ekogroszków i pelletów drzewnych, można zauważyć, że ceny pelletów są wyższe od ofert ekogroszków przeciętnie o około 20–30 zł/GJ.
The chapter discusses the solid fuel market for households in Poland. Among solid fuels consumed by Polish households, hard coal and solid biomass play an important role. These fuels are mainly used for heating flats and producing domestic hot water, therefore their total consumption correlates with the HDD number. This paper discusses the changes that have taken place in the general characteristics of households over the last few years. It also focuses on a discussion of the supply and prices of hard coal and solid biomass, represented by wood pellets. In the case of hard coal, prices (net, without excise duty) of coarse (cobble coal) and eco-pea coal were taken into account. Coal prices for households are presented at the level of domestic producers as well as imports. Average sales prices of cobble coal offered at fuel stores in the region grouping warmińsko-mazurskie, podlaskie, mazowieckie and łódzkie voivodships (the so-called N-E region) are lower by about 7–9 PLN/GJ than the offer of cobble coal originating from domestic production. Comparing the prices of eco-pea coal and wood pellets, it may be noticed that the prices of pellets are higher than those of eco-pea coal by approx. 20–30 PLN/GJ on average.
Plastics are widely used in various industries and households, which has an impact on the condition of the natural environment in terms of waste. Today, the leading plastics’ disposal method is landfilling. It should be emphasized that the production of electricity in Poland is based mainly on hard coal and lignite, which is associated with the continuous production of various types of waste, including post-flotation coal waste (coal sludge). That is why rational waste management, recycling, proper disposal, use, and improvement of the existing and implementation of new technological solutions are crucial for environmental protection. This study undertakes cognitive research on the possibility of using PA6 polyamide waste, marked by high calorific value. Thermal analysis techniques (DSC-TG-QMS) were applied for this purpose. The study includes a comparison of the results of tests conducted for polyamide recyclate, coal sludge, and PA6 recyclate composite with a filler constituting 5% of coal sludge.
W pracy podjęto badania poznawcze nad możliwością wykorzystania odpadów poliamidowych PA6, charakteryzujących się wysoką kalorycznością. Zastosowano w tym celu techniki analizy termicznej (DSC/QMS). W pracy porównano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych dla recyklatu poliamidowego, mułu węglowego i kompozytu z recyklatu PA6 z napełniaczem stanowiącym 5% mułu węglowego.
Analizy rzeczywistego zużycia energii w budynkach wykazały, że są one niższe od wartości podanych w normach. Badania przeprowadzono w 3 budynkach - jednorodzinnym i dwóch wielorodzinnych, ogrzewanych węglem, gazem i ciepłem miejskim. Rejestrowano wartości zużycia energii cieplnej na ogrzewanie na podstawie układów pomiarowych. Ilość ciepła niezbędnego do ogrzania budynku została obliczona na podstawie norm. Wyniki były zróżnicowane, ale we wszystkich przypadkach pokazały, że ilość energii rzeczywistej do ogrzewania jest niższa niż wartość wynikająca ze standardowych obliczeń, nawet przy wyższych temperaturach wewnątrz budynku. Wartości zużywanej energii były ściśle uzależnione od czynników atmosferycznych, których podstawowe parametry były rejestrowane. Wyniki wskazują, że należy rozważyć aktualizację algorytmu normowego w celu lepszego ich dostosowania do rzeczywistych warunków. Pozwoli to na bardziej realne zużycie energii cieplnej w budynkach w Polsce.
The analyzes of the actual energy consumption in buildings have shown that they are lower than the values given in the standards. Research was carried out in 3 buildings - single-family and two Multi-family buildings, heated with coal, gas and district heat. The values of the consumption of thermal energy for heating on the basis of measurement systems were recorded. The amount of heat necessary to heat the building was calculated based on the standards. The results are showed that the amount of real energy for heating is lower than the value resulting from the standard calculations, even at higher temperatures inside the building. The values of the energy consumed were strictly dependent on the atmospheric factors, the basic parameters of which were recorded. The results indicate that the updating of the standard standards should be considered in order to better adapt them to the actual conditions. The presented research results may contribute to the development of a new approach in calculating energy demand for buildings.
The effect of process conditions on the co-processing technology of crude oil and coal was investigated. Crude oil/coal matching performance, swelling degree, crude oil/coal slurry viscosity-temperature characteristics and process parameters were obtained via the laboratory scale and pilot scale studies. The optimum reaction temperature of the co-processing was 445~450 °C, the pressure was 19 MPa, the catalyst addition was 3 wt.%, the reaction time was 2 h, and the ratio of hydrogen to crude oil was 1500 (V/V). Furthermore, the co-processing technology including catalyst and corresponding equipment based on the slurry bed hydrogenation were developed. By using this co-processing technology, the feed ratio of crude oil and coal can be 1:1, the coal conversion rate can be over 99%, the light oil (oil and aromatics) yield was over 70%, and the end products were gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, aromatics and LPG. The product quality meets the Euro V standard, whilst aromatics accounted for 48% of the light oil. So it was proved to be feasible to co-refine crude oil and coal at a ratio of 1:1. What’s more, the slurry bed hydrogenation plant and its equipment were tested for long-term operation, and it has been proved that this co-processing technology could be deployed as large-scale industrial application.
Accurate segmentation of dual-energy X-ray transmission (DE-XRT) coal and gangue image regions are a prerequisite for feature extraction, identification, localization, and separation. A watershed algorithm based on multi-grayscale threshold segmentation (MGTS) is proposed to mark the foreground for the adhesion and overlap of coal and gangue. The grayscale images of foreground objects are segmented using multiple grayscale thresholds, and the number of connected domains is recorded each time. As the gray threshold value decreases, overlapping and adhering objects are gradually separated. The binary image segmented at the grayscale threshold with the most significant number of connected domains is used as a marker region. This marker region is used as the seed point of the watershed algorithm to find the dividing line. The experimental results show that the segmentation accuracy is 91.35%, and the segmentation accuracy of overlapping adhesions of 2, 3, and 4 targets is higher than 90%.
The fast-growing batik industry in Indonesia raises the problem of the waste containing chromium. One method to remove chromium is by the adsorption process using activated carbon. Activated carbon can be made from coal. This commodity is a mining mineral the availability of which is still abundant in Indonesia. This study aimed to obtain: 1) the best concentration of activator and activation temperature in the manufacture of activated carbon; 2) characteristics of activated carbon (moisture content, volatile matter content, ash content, fixed carbon content, iodine number, specific surface area, pore-volume, pore surface area, pore radius, and SEM photos); 3) % activated carbon removal for chromium and maximum adsorption capacity for chromium; 4) Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm adsorption equation of activated carbon to chromium. The manufacture of activated carbon was carried out by a carbonization process followed by a chemical and physical activation processes. The chemical activator was ammonium phosphate with doses of 74.5 g/L, 149 g/L, 223.5 g/L, and 298 g/L. Meanwhile, physical activation was carried out at 848 K, 948 K, 1048 K, and 1148 K. The next step was to test the adsorption capacity of activated carbon on artificial batik waste containing chromium. The results showed that: 1) activator concentration did not significantly affect the characteristics of activated carbon. Meanwhile, the optimal activation temperature is at a temperature of 1048 K and 1148 K, which can produce the activated carbon that meets the requirements of activated carbon of the Indonesian National Standard 06-3730-1995 with the following contents: air content 0.16–0.81%; volatile matter 14.62–19.31%; ash 6.48–9.97%; fixed carbon 70.60–75.79%; iodine number 1243.13–1258.65%; specific surface area 31.930 m2/g; activated carbon pore volume 0.011 cc/g; pore surface area 8.905 m2/g; activated carbon pore radius 30.614; 3) the proportion of activated carbon removal for chromium is 37–53% and the maximum adsorption capacity for chromium is 52 mg/g; 4) the Freundlich equation test resulted in a constant R2 of 0.5126, n 2.4870, KF 8.8818 mg/g, while the Langmuir equation test resulted in a constant R2 of 0.8897, b -0.0075 L/mg, qm -90.0901 mg/g.
Coal flotation using inorganic salts receives special attention. It utilizes coal hydrophobicity to float coal without adding collectors. Although different salts were tested, chloride salts are the most promising ones. However, the stabilization of froth layer using the salts only is dubious. erefore, in this study, the flotation of coal was tested using either magnesium chloride or pine oil as a frother to see if there is a difference in coal flotation between these reagents in terms of ash removal and coal recovery in the float fraction. Additionally, both magnesium salt and pine oil were added together to clarify their interactive effect using statistical design. e results proved that the presence of either reagent (i.e., pine oil or MgCl.) is significant in reducing the ash content and increasing coal recovery. Using the MgCl. only reduced the ash to less than 4.3% with a coal recovery up to 28% while adding 1.0 kg/t pine oil along with 4 kg/t MgCl. enhanced the reduction of ash to less than 3% with a coal recovery of up to 80% at pH 2.
Szczególną uwagę poświęca się flotacji węgla przy użyciu soli nieorganicznych. Wykorzystuje hydrofobowość węgla do flotacji węgla bez dodawania kolektorów. Chociaż testowano rożne sole, najbardziej obiecujące są sole chlorkowe. Jednak stabilizacja warstwy piany wyłącznie za pomocą soli jest wątpliwa. Dlatego w tym badaniu flotacja węgla była testowana przy użyciu chlorku magnezu lub oleju sosnowego jako spieniacza, aby sprawdzić, czy istnieje różnica we flotacji węgla między tymi odczynnikami pod względem usuwania popiołu i odzysku węgla we frakcji flotacyjnej. Dodatkowo dodano razem zarówno sol magnezową, jak i olejek sosnowy, aby wyjaśnić ich interaktywny efekt przy użyciu projektu statystycznego. Wyniki dowiodły, że obecność każdego z odczynników (tj. oleju sosnowego lub MgCl.) ma znaczący wpływ na zmniejszenie zawartości popiołu i zwiększenie odzysku węgla. Zastosowanie MgCl. tylko zmniejszyło popiół do mniej niż 4,3% z odzyskiem węgla do 28%, podczas gdy dodanie 1,0 kg/t oleju sosnowego wraz z 4 kg/t MgCl. zwiększyło redukcję popiołu do mniej niż 3% przy odzysku węgla do 80% przy pH 2.
Accumulation of 34 trace and major elements was analysed in 9 plant species (Tussilago farfara, Arctium tomentosum, Solidago canadensis, Populus L., Eupatorium cannabinum, Verbascum sp., Solanum nigrum, Rumex crispus L., Betula pendula) and one fungus (Schizophyllum commune) collected from coal, PbZn-smelting, and mixed-type waste heaps in Upper Silesia (Poland). The most persistent and extreme enrichment was found in the burnt bark of Betula pendula from Bytom. Enrichment factors in relation to the geometric mean of elevated (PE) and hyperaccumulator (PH) plant contents show extreme values for elements toxic to vegetation, such as Zn (EFPE up to 13, EFPH up to 17), Pb (EFPH up to 4, EFPE up to 161), Tl (EFPE up to 8), Cd (EFmax of 327), Hg (EFPH up to 3), and Ag (maximum EFPE of 14). Elevated are also V (EFPN up to 13), Sc (EFPN up to 14), Ni (EFPN up to 17), Se (EFPN up to 16), Fe (EFPN up to 48), Co (EFPN up to 23), Sb (EFPN up to 31), and Bi (EFPN up to 34). Although the levels of the elements studied were usually below potentially toxic levels, they were often above the normal ones. Furthermore, significant differences in the contents between different plant tissues were observed, as reflected in the translocation factor (TF). Verbascum sp. and S. nigrum accumulate such elements mostly in their above-ground tissues, and may thus be considered useful in phytoextraction of Zn, Pb and other elements. Sl. canadensis and E. cannabinum mostly display the opposite strategy, with element immobilization in their roots. Extreme Zn contents in E. cannabinum, peaking in its roots, suggest it to be a potential Zn phytostabilizer.
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