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Morphological relationships of meander evolution in terms of hydraulic and geometric characteristics are essential for river management. In present study, an experimental based study of meander evolution was employed to develop a prediction formula for identifying the pool-point bar location by using the dimensional analysis technique and multiple nonlinear regressions. Through the experimental work on a race of the non-uniform river sand, a set of experimental runs have been carried out through combining different hydraulic and geometric parameters to produce different empirical conditions that have a direct impact on the pool-point bar location. Based on the experimental observations and measurements, the variation in pool–point bar locations could be interpreted to that the hydraulic and morphologic properties through the meander evolution were varied during the time causes the variations in the patterns of the pool-point bar formations accordingly. The developed formula was verified by using another set of the experimental data and tested with three statistical indicators. The predicted results indicated that the proposed formula had high reliability for practical estimation of the pool-point bar location. This reliability was tested by the statistical indicators, where the less values have been resulted for bias and mean absolute error (MAE), 0.0004 and 0.0110 respectively, whereas the higher values 0.935 and 0.930 are achieved for the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and the determination coefficient R2, respectively.
Morfologiczne zależności rozwoju meandrów, określane cechami hydraulicznymi i geometrycznymi, są ważne dla gospodarki wodnej. W przedstawionej pracy opisano eksperymentalne badania rozwoju meandrów celem uzyskania prognostycznego wzoru do określenia lokalizacji odsypiska z użyciem techniki analizy wymiarowej i wielorakiej regresji nieliniowej. Przeprowadzono serię eksperymentów nad przemieszczaniem niejednorodnego piasku rzecznego poprzez łączenie różnych parametrów hydraulicznych i geometrycznych, aby osiągnąć różne warunki doświadczalne, które mają wpływ na lokalizację odsypiska. Na podstawie obserwacji i pomiarów z doświadczeń zmienność lokalizacji można interpretować jako zmienność w czasie hydraulicznych i morfologicznych cech tworzenia meandru, które odpowiednio zmieniają położenie odsypiska. Uzyskany wzór weryfikowano, używając innego zestawu danych eksperymentalnych i testowano za pomocą trzech wskaźników statystycznych. Wyniki wskazują, że proponowany wzór ma dużą wiarygodność w praktycznym szacowaniu lokalizacji odsypiska. Wiarygodność tę sprawdzono za pomocą wskaźników statystycznych, w których uzyskano mniejsze wartości dla błędu systematycznego – 0,0004 i średniego błędu bezwzględnego (MAE) – 0,011, podczas gdy wyższe wartości osiągnięto dla współczynnika efektywności Nasha–Sutcliffe’a (NSE) – 0,935 i współczynnika determinacji R2 – 0,930.
Ultrasound is the most widely used imaging modality for screening of breast tumors. However, due to the presence of speckle noise in an ultrasound image, the diagnostic information gets masked and the interpretation of the breast abnormalities becomes difficult for the radiologist. The texture of the tumor region and the shape/margin characteristics are considered to be important parameters for the analysis of the breast tumors. In the present work, exhaustive experimentation has been carried out for the design of CAD systems for classification of breast tumors by considering (a) original images only, (b) despeckled images only and (c) both original and despeckled images together (hybrid approach). Total 100 breast ultrasound images (40 benign and 60 malignant) have been used for the analysis. Initially, these images have been despeckled using six filters namely Lee sigma, BayesShrink, DPAD, FI, FB and HFB filters. Total 162 features (149 texture and 13 morphological features) have been computed from both original and despeckled breast ultrasound images and SVM classifier has been used extensively for the classification. The results of the study indicate that the hybrid approach of CAD system design using texture features computed from original images combined with morphological features computed from images despeckled by DPAD filter yield optimal performance for classifica-tion of benign and malignant breast tumors with a classification accuracy of 96.0%. From the promising results of the study it can be concluded that the proposed hybrid CAD system design could be used as a second opinion tool in clinical setting.
Stachys annua is a short-lived archaeophyte. In Poland it has been classified as threatened with extinction (VU). It prefers carbonate soils and occurs as a weed in cropped and stubble fields in traditionally farmed areas. Study of the occurrence of Stachys annua in North-Eastern Poland was conducted in 2009-2012 at four sites where the species occupied a minimum area of 30 m2 and occurred at each stage of a 4-year crop rotation (spring cereals, winter cereals, tuber crops and stubble fields). The floristically richest communities (25-34 species) were established in unploughed stubble fields, regardless of the habitat conditions. Phytocenoses with S. annua included rare species as demonstrated by high values of floristic value index (FV ranges from 25 to 36). Principle Component Analysis and Spearman rank correlations between plant traits and habitat conditions pointed to soil pH as the factor which determined S. annua phenotypic variation, in particular its height and seed production. The greatest phenotypic variation was found on the alkaline habitat, rich in nitrogen. On the other hand, the cluster analysis showed that the studied populations of inert nitrogen-poor habitats were the most similar. Electrophoretic analysis of storage proteins from S. annua seeds revealed a relatively high genetic similarity of studied populations which was reflected in the similarity coefficients — 0.76 and 0.61 by Dice and Jaccard, respectively. In the case of small or fragmented populations this poses a threat associated with inbreeding and genetic drift of S. annua, which indicates that populations of this species in the study area need to be protected from extinction.
Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentu polowego, w którym oceniano wpływ zawiesinowego bionawozu fosforowego z popiołu w dawkach P₂O₅ 40, 60 i 80 kg/ha na wybrane cechy pszenicy jarej (obsada roślin po wschodach, krzewienie ogólne i produkcyjne, długość źdźbła oraz długość, szerokość, obwód i powierzchnia liścia, długość kłosa i masa ziarna z kłosa). Odniesieniem dla bionawozu były nawozy standardowe (superfosfat, fosforyt) oraz obiekt kontrolny bez nawożenia fosforem. Analizowano także wpływ pełnej ochrony chemicznej pszenicy przed patogenami na tle obiektów nie chronionych. Wpływ bionawozu na morfologię roślin pszenicy jarej był porównywalny z wpływem nawozów tradycyjnych. Zróżnicowane dawki fosforu zmieniły znacząco tylko parametry liścia w fazie strzelania w źdźbło. Ochrona chemiczna zwiększyła wartości wszystkich badanych cech z wyjątkiem charakterystyk liścia.
Suspension P biofertilizer made from sewage sludge ash and enriched with Bacillus megaterium was compared in field expts. on spring wheat to superphosphate and phosphorite. Three levels of P₂O₅ (40, 60 and 80 kg/ha) and 2 levels of plant protection (without protection, full plant protection) were used. The effects of biofertilizer on plant d. after sprouting, general and productive tillering, stem length, the no. of plant leaves, leaf dimensions, ear length and mass of grain from ear were studied. The new biofertilizer was as active as the com. ones. Full chem. protection improved morphol. attributes of the plants.
Content available remote Spectral Signatures of Conifer Needles Mainly Depend on Their Physical Traits
The aim of this study was to determine the traits that define the optical properties of the needles of four coniferous species: Picea abies, Picea omorika, Abies alba and Pinus sylvestris. The analysis included measurements of the needles for their morphological and anatomical aspects, reflectances at the upper and lower needle surfaces through their 280–880-nm spectra, and biochemical traits. The needles of these species differed significantly in the majority of morphological and anatomical traits, with the most pronounced differences seen for the thickness of the cuticle and epidermis, the needle width and thickness, the width of the central cylinder, and the position and density of the stomata. The reflectance spectra of the upper needle surface were very similar, while for the reflectance of the lower needle surface, P. omorika reflected light the most efficiently, followed by A. alba. The biochemical properties indicated significant differences in the amounts of UV-absorbing compounds, which were highest in P. sylvestris, and relatively low in A. alba and P. abies. The upper needle surface reflectance spectra were significantly affected by thickness of the cuticle, by pore width and by total mesophyll thickness, which explained 24%, 12% and 4% of the variability, respectively. The needle traits that explained the reflectance spectra variability of the lower needle surface were the hypoderm (28%), needle thickness (4%), density of stomata (28%), length of the outer pores (9%), and amount of UV-A-absorbing compounds (7%). Our data show that the needle reflectance spectra are primarily affected by the physical structure of the needles, and little by the needle biochemistry. This calls into question the methodologies for determination of the biochemical status of conifers based on their reflectance spectra.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie oddziaływania benzyny, przepracowanego oleju silnikowego oraz oleju napędowego na żerowanie strąkowca bobowego oraz na wybrane cechy morfologiczne roślin. Ponadto zbadano wpływ procesu bioremediacji na wyżej wymienione cechy. Ocena szkodliwości strąkowca bobowego przeprowadzona została przez określenie liczby nasion uszkodzonych i ich masy. Ocena cech morfologicznych została wykonana w dojrzałości technologicznej nasion bobu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wszystkie zastosowane substancje nie miały istotnego wpływu na żerowanie strąkowca bobowego. Olej napędowy najbardziej niekorzystnie oddziaływał na analizowane cechy morfologiczne. Zastosowana bioremediacja spowodowała spadek liczby nasion uszkodzonych oraz spadek masy nasion wytwarzanych przez rośliny w obiekcie zanieczyszczonym benzyną, a w obiekcie zanieczyszczonym olejem napędowym przyczyniła się do wzrostu liczby i masy strąków oraz liczby nasion przypadającej na jedną roślinę.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of petrol, used engine oil and diesel oil on Bruchus rufimanus Boh. feeding and on selected morphological characteristics of plants. In addition, the effect of bioremediation process on the above mentioned features was examined. Pest’s feeding intensity assessment was carried out by determining the number of damaged seeds and their weight. Assessment of morphological characteristics of plants was made in the technological maturity of broad bean seeds. The results of the experiment showed that all substances used in the experiment had no significant effect on B. rufimanus Boh feeding. Diesel oil most adversely affected the analyzed morphological characteristics. Applied bioremediation caused a decrease the mass of seeds developed by plant and the number of damaged seeds in the object contaminated with petrol and contributed to the increase in the number and weight of pods and the number of seeds per one plant in the object contaminated with diesel oil.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące wybranych cech morfologicznych (procentowy udział bulw jadalnych, regularność kształtu bulw, wygląd skórki) i kulinarnych (ciemnienie miąższu bulw surowych i ugotowanych, typ kulinarno-użytkowy) bulw ziemniaka pochodzącego z sieci handlowej środkowo-wschodniej Polski. Lepszymi cechami morfologicznymi i mniejszym ciemnieniem miąższu bulw surowych odznaczały się bulwy pochodzące z supermarketów niż ze sklepów spożywczych i owocowo-warzywnych. Bulwy spełniały podstawowe wymagania jakości konsumpcyjnej ziemniaka jadalnego.
The paper presents the results of a study carried out to examine selected morphological (percentage share of tubers suitable for consumption, regularity of tuber shape, skin appearance) and cooking (raw flesh darkening, after-cooking darkening, cooking type) characteristics of potato tubers offered for sale in retail outlets in central-eastern Poland. Tubers purchased in supermarkets had better morphological characteristics and flesh which darkened less when raw, compared with grocery shops or fruit and vegetable crops. The tubers met basic requirements set for edible potato.
Celem autora artykułu było porównanie cech morfologicznych i sprawności fizycznej podchorążych IV roku oraz absolwentów wyższych uczelni cywilnych. Biorąc pod uwagę specyfikę szkolenia podchorążych w WSOSP przez cały okres studiów, dokonano porównania sprawności fizycznej pomiędzy podchorążymi a studentami wyższych uczelni w połączeniu z cechami somatycznymi.
The aim of this article is to compare morphological features and physical fitness of the fourth year cadets and graduates of civilian universities. Taking into consideration the character of the training offered to cadets throughout their study period, their fitness and that of civilian universities graduates have been compared, in conjunction with their somatic features.
Bromus secalinus L. is an annual speirochoric species growing in agrocenoses of winter crops. In the past, B. secalinus L. could be found throughout Poland. The regression of the species has caused it to be classified as a rare species threatened with extinction. The study was conducted in the 2007-2010 time period, in north-eastern Poland where a considerable increase in the number of sites and abundance of B. secalinus were observed. The plant material was collected from agrocenoses of winter crops, at 14 sites representing the habitat diversity of the species occurrence. Eight morphological features were taken into account when evaluating populations of B. secalinus. The morphological diversity of the populations of B. secalinus was correlated with different habitat conditions (type, pH of soil and cultivated plant). The populations growing on the sites with optimum trophic and moisture conditions as well as those populations growing in very poor conditions were found to differ the most. A comparison of B. secalinus was done and six groups of cluster similarities were found using the agglomeration method Electrophoretic analysis of seed storage proteins of B. secalinus L from the studied populations were performed using SDS-PAGE. Analysis revealed relatively high genetic polymorphism irrespective of whether genetic variation was compared between the populations from different sites or between the subpopulations from only site number 4. Three homologenous groups were formed which were related to the cultivated plant coverage, and partially, to the type of soil. In the investigated populations and subpopulations, protein bands of molecular weight from 8 to 68 kDa were observed. The SDS-PAGE method was found suitable for the assessment of genetic variation in populations of B. secalinus L from many sites as well as within the subpopulations from one site.
Content available remote Morfologiczne i agrofizyczne uwarunkowania zbioru kombajnowego gryki
Głównym celem badań było określenie zależności między cechami morfologicznymi i fizycznymi a stratami nasion gryki w powiązaniu z pracą poszczególnych zespołów kombajnu zbożowego w czasie zbioru jednoetapowego oraz wpływu desykacji na te cechy. Sprawdzano, czy występują powiązania pomiędzy cechami morfologicznymi roślin gryki, a sztywnością, siłą i energią ich cięcia. Wysokość i grubość łodygi oraz masa rośliny to cechy mające znaczący wpływ na wyleganie roślin oraz zawilgocenie masy nasion, co decyduje o przebiegu zbioru, wysokości strat w wyniku samoosypywania nasion i ich uszkodzeń podczas zbioru. Badano czynniki mające wpływ na mechaniczne uszkodzenia nasion podczas jednoetapowego zbioru takie jak: wilgotność nasion, masa 1000 nasion, wymiary nasion i odporność na obciążenia statyczne. Zmiany wartości cech u pojedynczych nasion jak i masy nasion mogą przyczyniać się do zmian w wielkości ich plonu. Oceniano dobór parametrów pracy poszczególnych zespołów kombajnu jako czynnik sprzyjający zmniejszeniu ilości uszkodzonych nasion i poprawiający jakość masy nasion. Sprawdzano, czy pomiędzy poszczególnymi odmianami gryki istnieją istotne różnice w wartości cech morfologicznych i fizycznych, co powodowałoby konieczność doboru parametrów pracy zespołów kombajnu indywidualnie dla każdej odmiany. Stwierdzono, że badane odmiany odznaczały się dużą zmiennością cech. Sztywność, siła i energia cięcia łodygi wszystkich badanych odmian była najwyższa w pierwszym międzywęźlu i malała wraz z wysokością łodygi. Desykacja powodowała wzrost wartości siły i energii cięcia u wszystkich odmian o około 11%. Nasiona badanych odmian gryki charakteryzuje niska siła związania z szypułką w kwiatostanie, co powoduje samoosypywanie nasion. Desykacja spowodowała obniżenie siły związania nasion. Największą średnią grubością i długością nasion charakteryzowała się odmiana Emka, odmiany Kora i Hruszowska wytworzyły nasiona o zbliżonej grubości i długości Wzrost wilgotności nasion o 1% zwiększa grubość nasion o 0,02 mm, a długość o 0,025 mm. Nasiona gryki są odporne na obciążenia mechaniczne. Siła niszcząca strukturę nasion zawiera się w granicach 6,62 do 98,12 N. Najwyższe wartości u wszystkich odmian otrzymano przy wilgotności nasion 18%. Niższa i wyższa wilgotność nasion powodowała zmniejszenie wartości tej siły. Podobne zależności stwierdzono dla siły w granicach odkształceń sprężystych, jak i dla odkształcenia niszczącego strukturę nasion, odkształcenia w granicach sprężystości, energii i modułu sprężystości. Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic w wartościach tych cech pomiędzy odmianami. Wszystkie badane odmiany gryki wytwarzały pierwszy kwiatostan na łodydze na wysokości około 60 cm, co umożliwia zastosowanie podwyższonej wysokości cięcia łanu przy zbiorze kombajnem, tj. 35 cm, bez strat nasion. Grubość łodygi gryki we wszystkich międzywęźlach jest dodatnio skorelowana z silą i energią cięcia łodygi. Straty nasion podczas jednoetapowego zbioru kombajnowego sięgają około 30% plonu nasion. Przy wilgotności nasion około 20% optymalne obroty wentylatora powinny wynosić 650 obr*min-1. Dla gryki, przy 20% wilgotności nasion, optymalna prędkość obrotowa bębna zawierała się w granicach 700-800 obr*min-1. Wówczas uszkodzone nasiona stanowiły około 2% plonu. Istnieje konieczność doboru parametrów pracy zespołów kombajnu dla odmian diploidalnych i poliploidalnych.
The main purpose of the research was to determine relation between morphological and physical properties and losses of buckwheat seeds in connection with operation of selected units of a wheat combine during one-stage harvesting and influence of desiccation on these properties. The existence of relation between morphological properties of buckwheat plants and stiffness, power and energy of cutting was verified. Height and thickness as well as mass of plants are the properties which have a considerable influence on lodging of plants and dampness of seeds mass what determines the course of harvesting, amount of losses as a result of self-shattering and their damage during harvesting. Factors affecting mechanical damage of seeds during one-stage harvesting, such as seeds moisture, the mass of 1,000 seeds, dimensions and resistance to static loads were examined. Changes of properties values for single seeds as well as masses of seeds may result in changes in the amount of the seeds crop. Selection of operational parameters of particular units of a combine was evaluated as a factor contributing to the decrease of damaged seeds and improving the quality of the seeds mass. The research verified whether there are any significant differences in the value of morphological and physical differences what would result in a necessary selection of parameters of combine units operation separately for each variety. It was proved that the examined varieties were of high variability of properties. Stiffness, power and energy of cutting a stem of all the researched varieties was the highest in the first internode and was decreasing with the height of stems. Desiccation caused the increase of the power and the energy value of cutting for all varieties of about 11%. Seeds of the examined buckwheat varieties are characterised by low power of connection with a stalk in a blossom what results in a self-shattering of seeds. Desiccation caused decrease of the connection power of seeds. Emka variety was characterised by the highest mean thickness and length of seeds, Kora and Hruszowska variety produced the seeds of similar thickness and length. 1 % increase of seeds moisture increases the thinckness of seeds of 0.02 mm and their length of 0.025 mm. The buckwheat seeds are resistant to mechanical loads. A destructive power of seeds is within the range of 6.62 to 98.12 N. The highest values were obtained at the 18 % moisture of seeds for all varieties. Lower and higher moisture of seeds caused decrease of the value of the said power. Similar relations were noticed for power within the limits of elastic strain as well as for the strain destroying the seeds structure, strain in the limits of elasticity, energy and an elasticity module. No significant differences were noticed between these varieties. All researched varieties of buckwheat produced the first blossom on the height of about 60 cm what allows for using an increased height of cutting a field at combine harvesting that is 35 cm without losses of seeds. The thickness of a buckwheat stem in all internodes is positively correlated to the power and the energy of cutting a stem. Seeds losses during one-stage combine harvesting reach about 30% of the seeds crop. At the 20% moisture of seeds, optimal rotations of a fan should be 650 rot..min-1. For buckwheat, at 20% moisture of seeds, an optimal rotational speed of a drum was within the range of 700-800 rotations min-1, and then the damaged seeds constituted about 2% of a crop. The operational parameters of combine units for diploid and polyploid varieties should be selected.
W 2010 r. wykonano obserwacje kolekcji komonicy zwyczajnej, prowadzonej na terenie Ogrodu Botanicznego Instytutu Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin, Oddział w Bydgoszczy. Do szczegółowych porównań cech morfologicznych wybrano 6 ekotypów i jedną odmianę ustalona. Stwierdzono, że potomstwo ekotypów komonicy zwyczajnej dochodzącej z naturalnych lokalizacji utrzymuje cechy morfologiczne i dynamikę wzrostu podobne do materiału wyjściowego. Istotne różnice między ekotypami polegają na odmiennościach w tempie odrastania po ruszeniu wegetacji oraz tendencji do regeneracji po skoszeniu.
In 2010 an examination of morphological traits in the collection of ecotypes of the bird's foot trefoil was carried out by the Bydgoszcz Research Division of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. 6 chosen ecotypes and one cultivar were compared in detail in the study. They stated. that progeny of ecotypes of the bird's foot trefoil coming from natural location are keeping traits of the description and dynamics of the growing, it is possible to assign to the dissimilarity for conditions of their habitations of the origin. Substantial differences referred between ecotypes in the range of regrowth after moving the vegetation and the capacity for the regeneration after cutting.
Morphological traits of conifer species are known to vary adaptively with the geographic and climatic variables, but little is known about intra- and inter-population variation and impact of associated climate factors on the morphological variation. Chinese hard pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr) is a major and widespread component of coniferous forests in the temperate and semi-humid zone in northern China. Here we investigated 12 life history traits involving cone length (CL), width (CW) and dry weight (CDW), cone length to width ratio (CLW), seed length (SL), width (CW) and total weight (STW), seed length to width ratio (SLW), seed wing length (SWL), width (SWW) and total weight (SWTW), seed wing length to width ration (SWLW) at 12 sites between longitudes (102[degrees]E to 122[degrees]E) and latitudes (32[degrees]N to 43[degrees]N) covering an altitude range of 125.2581 m. Our results showed that each morphological character presented a large variation both within and among populations. Moreover, we found that proportion of phenotypic variation (i.e. V[st], %) of the all cone traits except for the cone width was over 50% among populations, indicating that the variation of these traits was mainly controlled by the environmental variables. Although the mean proportion of phenotypic variation of all measured traits was only about 28% among populations of this species, it was much higher than those of other conifers, which further suggested that this species held the higher adaptive phenotypic variation or stress-tolerance ability under varying environmental conditions. Furthermore, the phenotypic variation presented a general pattern that almost all measured traits were negatively correlated with the potential evapotranspiration which reflected the synthetic effects of multiple factors such as the temperature and rainfall, rather than a single environmental or climatic factor. In conclusion, according to the relationship between phenotypic variation and climate factors, it will undoubtedly provide important information for the reforestation and genetic conservation for this species in the changing climate.
Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences and morphological data (body length, hind foot length, etc.) for twelve populations with pairwise distances 27-600 km in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (distributed in Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan Province, and at the altitude 3020-4550 m) in Western China were used to investigate the phylogeographical pattern of Plateau zokor (Myospalax baileyi Thomas). There was a little disparity between mtDNA genetic distance and morphological Euclidean distance on population relationships. However, there is a significant correlation (P <0.001) calculated by Mantel's tests was validated between mtDNA and morphology distances. Analysis of Molecular Variance showed that most of the observed genetic variations occurred between populations, indicating little maternal gene flow between them, as a result of geographical restrictions. Phylogenetic analysis coupled with cluster analysis together showed that the substantial population structuring and phylogenetic discontinuities existed within this species. The evident allopatric population structuring of this subterranean rodent may mostly result from its specialized subterranean excavating behavior with high energy costs, predation from grassland raptors and also the influences of perennial tundra and environmental desiccation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
Introducing indigenous plants into cultivation and breeding programs in order to obtain new taxa can create the undesirable effects and pose a real threat to natural populations. The main problem of our study was to assess whether the phenotypic characters might allow distinguishing cultivated Convallaria majalis from plants occurring in natural habitats. The range of phenotype variability of Convallaria majalis L. shoots from forests and gardens growing in different edaphic factors was studied in 2005-2006 in north (Gdańsk), central (Warsaw) and south (Cracow) regions of Poland. Ten or eleven forest locations and the same number of garden locations were designated in each region. The soil at the forest sites was poorer in phosphorus and calcium and more acidic than at the garden sites from which the cultivated plants were obtained. Thirty flowering shoots were collected from each study site. The numbers as well as size of flowers, size of racemes and leaves were investigated. The following hypotheses were formulated: (a) due to conscious and unconscious selection, cultivated plants should have more numerous and larger flowers and a longer inflorescence (these characters are most significant for the ornamental appearance of the plant) than plants growing in forests; (b) cultivated plants exhibit less phenotype variability than do natural populations. The forest plants from all the three regions together had, in comparison with garden plants, significantly shorter racemes with fewer flowers, a narrower and shorter perianth, and a longer lower leaf with a narrower and longer leaf blade. In the forest plants raceme length exhibited the highest variability while the lowest was noted in perianth length. More morphological differences were noted between the forest and garden plants than among those from the three different regions. The results obtained indicate that the level of variability in the studied characters was similar in forest and cultivated plants. A high level of variability in some morphological characters of lily of the valley probably stems from the high phenotype plasticity of this plant and the diversified biotope conditions in which it occurs. The significant differences between forest and garden plants could have been related to differences in habitat conditions.
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