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Content available Osuwiska na stokach Magury Witowskiej (Podhale)
The landslide on the northern slopes of Magura Witowska is an example ofa consequent-structural type oflandslide. It has been developed due to several favorable conditions like: monoclinal layer deposition where the dip angle and direction of collapsing layers are close to those of slope exposition. Moreover, shale packages are commonly present in the bedrock. In the lower part of the landslide an elongated basin filled with peat sediments is situated. The 8-m long profile was recovered with an Instorf sampler for 14C dating and pollen analysis purposes. The results of radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis point to Subboreal and Subatlantic age of these sediments. Undisturbed biogenic sedimentation, lack of minerogenic intercalations together with the unbroken course of pollen succession suggest that the studied landslide has not undergone any significant active events since its formation.
The paper presents general climate changes during the last 2.6 Ma in the Northern Hemisphere. Plant formations of warm intervals (interglacials and interstadials) are briefly described. Disappearance of some more climate-sensitive tree taxa as well as climate changes during the Pleistocene in Northern Europe are also portrayed.
Though the stratigraphical and palaeogeographical framework of the Quaternary in Poland is still to be completed, several crucial points have been confirmed recently. The preglacial series, accepted for years as belonging to the Lower Pleistocene, is undoubtedly of Early Pliocene age, with a huge hiatus above almost until the uppermost Lower Pleistocene. The earliest glaciation in Poland (Nidanian) occurred at about 900 ka BP when the ice sheet reached the mid-southern part of the country. The following Podlasian Interglacial embraced the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary in the middle, in a similar fashion to the corresponding Cromerian Complex in Western Europe. The late Early and early Middle Pleistocene interglacials in Poland comprised 2-3 optima each, whereas every one of the younger interglacials was characterised by a single optimum only. The Late Vistulian ice sheet was most extensive in the western part of Poland (Leszno Phase) whereas the younger Poznań Phase was more extensive in the central and eastern part of the country. This was due to the varied distance from the glaciation center in Scandinavia, making the ice sheet margin reach a terminal position in different times. Palaeoclimatological research in the Tatra Mountains has provided new evidence for the atmospheric circulation over Europe. During cold phases of the Pleistocene in Poland a continental climate extended further westwards, quite the opposite that occurring during warmer intervals.
Podczas prac kartograficznych prowadzonych w celu realizacji arkusza Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą Szczegółowej Mapy Geologicznej Polski (SMGP) 1:50 000 wykonano następujące otwory badawcze: Wólka Ligęzowska, Wysokin, Sacin, Ceteń 8 i Ceteń 9. Osady występujące w profilach Wysokin, Sacin, Ceteń 8 i Ceteń 9 reprezentowały formację preglacjalną z charakterystycznymi warstwami piaszczystymi, mułkowymi, piaszczysto-mułkowymi i ilastymi, często z humusem i przewarstwieniami torfu. Seria z Wólki Ligęzowskiej miała charakter jeziorno-bagienny. W celu rekonstrukcji zmian roślinności i klimatu posłużono się metodą analizy pyłkowej. Historię zmian roślinności odniesiono do wydzielonych poziomów pyłkowych, które pogrupowano w fazy rozwoju roślinności, a następnie okresy klimatyczno-stratygraficzne. Podstawę do wydzielenia tych faz i okresów stanowiły: podobieństwo florystyczne lokalnych zespołów poziomów pyłkowych (L PAZ), występowanie elementów flory subtropikalnej (P2), arktycznotrzeciorzędowej (A), procentowy udział poszczególnych taksonów w poziomach pyłkowych, procentowy udział taksonów ciepłoumiarkowanych (A1) i chłodnoumiarkowanych (A2), należących do geoflory arktycznotrzeciorzędowej (A). Ponadto wzięto pod uwagę stosunek wartości pyłku drzew i krzewów (AP) do pyłku krzewinek i roślin zielnych (NAP) jako wskaźnik odlesienia i otwartości krajobrazu, skład taksonomiczny oraz procentowy udział NAP, wskazujący na charakter zbiorowisk występujących na siedliskach otwartych. Okresy klimatyczno-stratygraficzne stanowią podstawę do podziału stratygraficznego badanych osadów i jednocześnie dokumentują wielkoskalowe zmiany klimatyczne, wyrażające globalne zmiany klimatu. Interpretacja danych palinologicznych pozwala na określenie wieku osadów z Wólki Ligęzowskiej. Dane pyłkowe pozwalają na korelację fazy 1 WL z poziomem XIII Sequoiapollenites i odniesienie do piętra zankl. Następne fazy, 2 i 3 WL, odniesiono do poziomu XIV Faguspollenites. W związku z brakiem poziomu pyłkowego dla fazy 4 WL zaproponowano wydzielenie poziomu XV Pinuspollenites. Okres II skorelowano z piętrem piacenz. Zapis silnego ochłodzenia klimatu, jaki występował między II i III okresem klimatyczno-stratygraficznym w Wólce Ligęzowskiej, można korelować z globalnymi zmianami klimatycznymi występującymi na granicy neogen/ czwartorzęd, które są datowane astronomicznie na 2,588 Ma, a strop osadów okresu II należy korelować z morskim stadium izotopowym MIS 103. Sekwencja zmian roślinności i klimatu z Wólki Ligęzowskiej doskonale koreluje się z globalnymi zmianami klimatycznymi charakterystycznymi dla pliocenu (do 2,6 Ma) i plejstocenu dolnego. W profilach z Wysokina, Sacina, Cetenia 8 udokumentowano głównie zapis palinologiczny schyłku okresów ciepłych i okresy zimne zgodne z cyklem zmian klimatycznych w plejstocenie dolnym, w którym występują oziębienia i ocieplenia klimatu związane z rozwojem i zanikiem pokrywy lodowcowej na półkuli północnej. Facje rzeczne, z których w większości jest zbudowana formacja preglacjalna, powodują występowanie luk w zapisie palinologicznym, a stopień rozpoznania zmian roślinności w tym czasie jest bardzo ogólny. W miarę konsekwentny przebieg zmian roślinności i klimatu pozwala na wyróżnienie w obrębie plejstocenu dolnego nowej jednostki klimatyczno-stratygraficznej – ocieplenia ceteń. Na podstawie wyników analizy pyłkowej wiek osadów skorelowano z innymi stanowiskami z Polski i Europy.
Mapping survey carried out within the Detailed Geological Map of Poland, 1:50,000, sheet Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą, included drillings at the following locations: Wólka Ligęzowska, Wysokin, Sacin, Ceteń 8 and Ceteń 9. Sediments of Wysokin, Sacin and Ceteń 8 and 9 represented a preglacial series with characteristic sandy, silty, sandy-silty and clayey layers, frequently with humus and interbeddings of peat. The series from Wólka Ligęzowska was of a lacustrine-boggy type. Changes in vegetation and climate were reconstructed by means of pollen analysis. The history of vegetational changes was referred to the distinguished Local Pollen Assemblage Zones, grouped into phases of vegetational development and, eventually, into climatostratigraphic periods. Climatostratigraphic periods provided a basis for the distinction of stratigraphic units within the examined sediments and served as a record of large-scale climatic changes resulting from global climate changes. The phases and periods were defined on the basis of: floral similarity of L PAZ, occurrence of subtropical (P2) and arctic-Tertiary (A) elements and their frequency, percentage values of particular taxa in zones, percentage values of warm-moderate (A1) and cool-moderate (A2) taxa of the arctic-Tertiary (A) geoflora, AP/NAP ratio (pollen of trees and shrubs/ pollen of dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants) as an indicator of deforestation and landscape openness, percentage values and taxonomic composition of NAP. Interpretation of the obtained palynological data provided a basis for determining the age of sediments from Wólka Ligęzowska. Pollen data support a correlation of phase 1 WL with zone XIII Sequoiapollenites (Piwocki, Ziembińska-Tworzydło, 1995, 1997) and with the Zanclean. The subsequent phases, 2 and 3 WL, are conformable with zone XIV Faguspollenites. As phase 4 WL could not be assigned to any zone, distinction of zone XV Pinuspollenites was proposed. Phase II was correlated with the Piacenz. The strong climatic cooling, recorded in Wólka Ligęzowska between climatostratigraphic periods II and III, is likely to correspond to global climatic changes typifying the Neogene/ Quaternary boundary, astronomically dated to 2.588 Ma, while the top part of period II sediments should be correlated with MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 103. The sequence of vegetational and climatic changes from Wólka Ligęzowska shows an excellent correlation with global climatic changes typifying the Pliocene (up to ca. 2.6 My) and Lower Pleistocene. The sections of Wysokin, Sacin and Ceteń 8 bear mainly a palynological record of the closing phases of warm and cold periods, conformable with the Lower Pleistocene cycle of climatic changes, following the de¬velopment and disappearance of glacial cover in the Northern Hemisphere. Regrettably, the most of the preglacial series are formed by fluvial facies: the palynological record includes gaps, allowing only for a partial reconstruction of the vegetational changes proceeding in this time. Within the Lower Pleistocene, the climatostratigraphic unit of the Ceteń warming was defined. Results of pollen analysis provided a basis for correlating the age of sediments with other Polish and European sites.
Przedmiotem badań są osady wypełniające zagłębienie wytopiskowe w Dzikowie, we wschodniej części Kotliny Toruńskiej, około 20 km na południowy wschód od Torunia. Analizowane wytopisko oraz sąsiadujące z nim Jezioro Dzikowskie usytuowane są na terasie Wisły. W celu odtworzenia ewolucji środowiska przyrodniczego tego obszaru przeprowadzono badania multidyscyplinarne. Badania geologiczne pozwoliły na określenie maksymalnej miąższości osadów biogenicznych w obrębie analizowanego wytopiska na około 10 m. Szczegółowe analizy paleoekologiczne (geochemiczne, palinologiczne i makroszczątków roślinnych) dostarczyły informacji o zmianach środowiska przyrodniczego w późnym glacjale i holocenie oraz umożliwiły wyodrębnienie kolejnych etapów rozwoju paleojeziora.
The object of current research is core of the bottom sediments of a kettle-hole at the Dzikowo site. Study area is located in the eastern part of the Torun Basin, in the area of the Vistula terrace, approximately 20 km southeast of Toruń. In order to reconstruct the environmental history of this region, multidisciplinary research was carried out. Geological research allowed to determine the maximum thickness of biogenic sediments to approximately 10 m. Detailed paleoecological analyses (palynological, plant macroremains, geochemical) provided information about environmental changes in the Late Glacial and the Holocene and helped to identify stages in the evolution of the paleolake basin.
Stanowisko Piotrkowo położone jest w zachodniej części Wysoczyzny Dobrzyńskiej. Szczegółowa analiza rdzenia Piotrkowo I pozwoliła na rekonstrukcję warunków środowiska w okresie ostatnich kilkunastu tysięcy lat. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na trzy odmienne etapy warunków sedymentacji osadów organicznych, dwa jeziorne i jeden lądowy. Pierwszy etap, jeziora plenivistuliańskiego, zapisany jest w postaci mułków organicznych, częściowo laminowanych. Drugi obejmuje jezioro holoceńskie, wypełniane miąższymi pokładami gytii węglanowej. Ostatni etap, późnoholoceński, stanowi zapis dynamicznych zmian poziomu wody utrwalonych w osadach lądowych wykształconych w postaci silnie rozłożonego torfu i namułu organicznego.
Piotrkowo site is located in the western part of the Dobrzyń Plateau. Detailed pollen analysis of the Piotrkowo I core enabled a reconstruction of environmental conditions change over last several thousand years. The results indicated three different stages of the organic sedimentation, two limnic and one terrestrial. The first stage of Plenivistulian age lake is recorded in organic silt sediment, partly laminated. The second stage contains traces of Holocene age lake preserved in carbonate gyttja sediment. The last phase includes a record of dynamic changes in the groundwater level recorded in terrestrial sediments – highly decomposed peat and organic loam.
The result of palaeobotanical studies of biogenic sediments from Pakosławice made it possible to establish the age of limnic and peat sediments and reconstruct past plant communities and development phases of the sedimentary/sedentary basin. The investigated mire originated from overgrowth of a shallow lake. The lake formed probably as a result of thermokarst processes (permafrost thawing). Accumulation of gyttja started in the Alleröd to continue in the Younger Dryas and early Holocene (Preboreal and Boreal). The sedentation of peat deposits probably took place in the middle and late Holocene.
The most representative and long Late Pleistocene pollen sequences covering the late glacial of the penultimate glaciation (Warta/Pripiat), the last interglacial (Eemian/Muravian) and the early glacial of the Last Glaciation (Vistulian/Poozerie) from the territory of Poland and Belarus have been correlated. The resemblance ofpollen spectra in these pollen sequences and a parallel succession of Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones in the considered time intervals suggest that the natural environment of Poland and Belarus underwent synchronous changes under unidirectional climatic transformations. Qualitative and quantitative features of the Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones show similarities and differences in vegetation and climate changes in the study area. A comparison of the pollen spectra from Poland and Belarus suggests that both territories were affected by a similar climate particularly during the cold intervals. Some differences between the compositions of the pollen spectra were noticed as concerns the interglacial period. For instance, Abies and Taxus pollen as well as significantly high percentages of Calluna vulgaris pollen in NE Poland towards the end of the period are present only in the Polish sections. This may suggest a more Atlantic type of the climate during the Last Interglacial in Poland than in Belarus.
Core drilling of a hole Bysławek-2 consisted of gyttja and peat, lying on the mineral deposits (fluvioglacial sand). Lake sediments and peat were investigated by pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating (AMS). Sedimentation of mineral deposits took place into the subglacial channel, during the Main Stage of the Vistula Glaciation. The beginning of sedimentation in lake is dating at 13 340 š 70 years 14C BP, but pollen data suggest the Alleröd character of vegetation. According to pollen analysis gyttja and peat covered the period from the Alleröd to the Subboreal. The Alleröd forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris became more open in the Younger Dryas. The Holocene history of vegetation is characterized by relatively low content of Carpinus and Fagus in forest. Human impact was also generally low throughout the Holocene.
Samples collected from Late Pleistocene varved clays of the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation exposed at Lębork and Złocieniec (Gardno and Pomeranian phases, respectively) yielded palynological contents that are related to the different lithologies composing the varves. The dark-coloured clay units contain very small amounts of palynological material. The lighter-coloured, much thicker coarser units yielded large amounts of organic particles consisting of predominantly palynodebris of terrestrial plants, sporomorphs and aquatic palynomorphs. The latter include fresh-water and marine phytoplankton. All particles were presumably washed out from the pre-Quaternary basement or from erratic material. This is indicated by the dinoflagellate-cyst assemblages, which represent Cretaceous and Palaeogene taxa. The large amounts of organic particles in the light-coloured layers indicate high-energy meltwaters streams, which washed them out, transported them and deposited them in ice-dammed lakes. The barren layers and those with lower amounts of organic particles were deposited during calm, presumably winter, periods, when the energy of the meltwater streams was much lower.
The paper presents results of pollen analysis of organic sediments from the site Katowice 2. Six local pollen assemblage zones identified in the section represent the youngest part of Mazovian Interglacial. The pollen spectra of the basal part of the section display some changes indicative of intra-interglacial cooling, well recorded in many profiles of this interglacial in Poland. The forest landscape was subsequently dominated by hornbeam-fir communities which were replaced later by those of pine forests. In turn, taxa of thermophilous aquatic plants, represented by pollen Trapa and microsporangia Azolla filiculoides and Salvinia evidence of lacustrine environment. The results of pollen analysis of sediments from the Katowice site and those hitherto obtained from some other localities in western and central part of the Polish Uplands (Malice, Raków, Wielki Bór, Konieczki i Białe Ługi) became the basis for distinguishing seven regional pollen zones for this area. As compared to pollen succession from Podlasie and eastern Poland, the most significant differences concern the course of pollen curves of Carpinus and Abies and the sequence of their pollen culmination.
Corresponding biostratigraphical and lithological evidences permit to conclude that the drilled Eemian sediment was formed predominantly in fluviolacustrine facies in stagnant river lakes. The mollusc faunas investigated, therefore, is also of supra-regional significance and contains many mollusc species of the interglacial fluviolacustrine type. The stratigraphical classification of the sands as of the Eemian Interglacial age can be confirmed, finally, by the presence of Theodoxus fluviatilis. Moreover, the findings of Marstoniopsis scholzi were unknown so far from the Pleistocene in Germany. A constant pollen composition suggests a very short time of sedimentation during the Eemian namely from pollen zone 4 (cf. Erd, 1973) up to the beginning of pollen zone 5. The increasing rates of amphibole show an initial interglacial weathering impact. The surrounding morainic plateaus are covered only by a single Weichselian till (Mecklenburgian phase, qW3), which in the lower Peene valley directly overlays the Eemian fluvial deposits. A till of the younger Saalian (Warthian, qS2) underlays the fluviatile Eemian sands and the lowest till is classified as the lower Saalian glaciation (Drenthian, qS1). The Eemian fluvial sediments in the modern lower Peene valley argue for the existence of a pre-Weichselian river valley.
Badania biostratygraficzne i litologiczne wykazały, że odwiercone osady interglacjału eemskiego powstały w jeziorze przepływowym występującym w dolinie rzecznej. Przeanalizowana fauna mięczaków ma znaczenie ponadregionalne i zawiera wiele gatunków charakterystycznych dla interglacjalnych warunków rzeczno-jeziornych. Na korelację piasków z interglacjałem eemskim wskazuje obecność gatunku Theodoxus fluviatilis. Stwierdzono obecność Marstoniopsis scholzi, który dotychczas nie był znany z osadów plejstoceńskich w Niemczech. Mało zróżnicowane spektrum pyłkowe dowodzi szybkiej sedymentacji w interglacjale eemskim podczas 4. i na początku 5. poziomu pyłkowego (por. Erd, 1973). Zwiększająca się zawartość amfibolu w osadach wskazuje na wietrzenie w pierwszej części interglacjału. Otaczająca wysoczyzna polodowcowa jest pokryta jednym pokładem gliny lodowcowej (faza meklemburska, qW3), która w dolnym odcinku doliny Peene bezpośrednio przykrywa eemskie osady rzeczne. Glina lodowcowa młodszego stadiału zlodowacenia Soławy (Warthian, qS2) podściela eemskie piaski rzeczne, natomiast niżej występująca glina lodowcowa została zakwalifikowana do starszego stadiału zlodowacenia Soławy (Drenthian, qS1). Eemskie osady rzeczne współczesnego dolnego odcinka doliny Peene wskazują na istnienie doliny rzecznej starszej od ostatniego zlodowacenia.
Badania paleobotaniczne na stanowiskach archeologicznych położonych w obrębie dzisiejszego Krakowa rozpoczęto w latach 30. XX wieku, ale ich intensywny rozwój nastąpił po II wojnie światowej. W badaniach tych wyróżniono dwa etapy. W starszym (do 1965 r.) najbogatsze materiały roślinne pozyskano ze wzgórza wawelskiego i z Rynku Głównego. Badania etapu młodszego (rozpoczęte po 2000 r.) związane były z najnowszymi pracami archeologicznymi prowadzonymi m.in. na Rynku Głównym, przy ul. Kanoniczej 17, Krupniczej 7 i w kilku innych punktach Starego Miasta. Najwięcej informacji o dawnej roślinności dostarczyły analizy nawarstwień średniowiecznych. W wielu przypadkach udało się wykazać zmiany intensywności i sposobu użytkowania badanych powierzchni i obiektów. Zarejestrowano duże zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i chronologiczne rozmieszczenia szczątków roślinnych w osadach.
Palaeobotanical studies of archaeological sites situated on the territory of modern Kraków were initiated in the thirties of the 20th century but intensive explorations began after the World War II. The investigations can be divided in two periods. The older one was based on materials collected from archaeological excavations carried out from the late forties to ca. 1965. At that time the richest plant remains were obtained from the Wawel Hill and the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny). The studies of the younger period, which began after 2000, are connected with the new archaeological works carried out in the Main Market Square, at Kanonicza 17 St., Krupnicza 7 St. and in several other places of the Old Town. Most of the data were obtained from the Medieval layers. In a few cases it was possible to indicate changes in the intensity and ways of management of the studied features. Considerable spatial and chronological variation of the distribution of plant remains was observed.
Metodą analizy pyłkowej zbadano serię osadów z głębokości 93,10-126,00 m z profilu wiertniczego Czarnucha. W sukcesji pyłkowej wyróżniono 26 lokalnych poziomów pyłkowych L PAZ, które stanowią podstawę do rozważań palinostratygraficznych oraz pozwalają na odtworzenie historii roślinności. Zapis sukcesji dokumentuje dwa ciepłe okresy - interglacjały i poziomy z florą pyłkową reprezentującą zlodowacenie/ochłodzenie. Starszy interglacjał obrazuje schyłek sukcesji z dominacją borealnej flory pyłkowej i udziałem Azolla filiculoides Lam. foss. W młodszym pojawia się pyłek Carpinus i zarejestrowany jest rozwój lasów liściastych z udziałem Ulmus, Acer, Fraxinus i Corylus. W okresie chłodnym rozdzielającym interglacjały wyraźnie zaznacza się flora pyłkowa charakteryzująca ciepły interstadiał. Sukcesja pyłkowa z Czarnuchy i jej charakterystyczne cechy pozwalają na jej korelację z sukcesją augustowską.
Palynological analysis was used to study deposits in the Czarnucha section at the depth of 93.10-126.00 m, where 26 Local Pollen Assemblage Zones (L PAZ) have been distinguished within the pollen succession. The zones are a basis for palynostratigraphic considerations and allow for a reconstruction of the vegetation history. The pollen succession recorded in this section provides an evidence of two warm interglacial periods and a number of horizons with pollen flora suggesting a glacial age. The older warm interglacial illustrates a decline of the succession with dominant boreal pollen flora and the presence ofAzolla filiculoides Lam. foss. The younger warm period is characterized by the occurrence of Carpinus and the development of deciduous forests with abundant Ulmus, Acer, Fraxinus and Corylus. In the cool interval separating the interglacials, a pollen flora typical of a warm interstadial is observed. The Czarnucha pollen succession and its characteristics allow for a correlation with the Augustów succession.
Wyniki analizy pyłkowej międzymorenowej serii dolnego plejstocenu w profilu Sucha Wieś przedstawione są na diagramie pyłkowym, który dokumentuje sukcesję pyłkową z dwoma ciepłymi okresami rangi interglacjału i przedzielającym je okresem chłodnym. W pierwszym ciepłym okresie roślinność miała charakter lasów sosnowo-brzozowych. Lasy liściaste z dębem, wiązem, grabem, lipą, olchą i leszczyną oraz obecność ciepłolubnych taksonów, takich jak Pterocarya, Juglans, Celtis, Ilex, Vitis i Hedera, reprezentują drugi ciepły okres. Nowe dane palinologiczne wskazują, że sukcesja pyłkowa z Suchej Wsi jest podobna do sukcesji ze Szczebry, chociaż w chłodnym okresie w profilu z Sucha Wieś zostało zapisanych więcej oscylacji klimatycznych. Badania palinologiczne pozwalają odnieść sukcesję z Suchej Wsi do interglacjału augustowskiego reprezentowanego przez sukcesje pyłkowe ze Szczebry i Czarnuchy. Uzyskany obraz sukcesji pyłkowej pozwala na korelację badanych osadów z interglacjalem augustowskim, stwierdzonym w profilach Szczebra i Czarnucha.
The results of pollen analysis of the Lower Pleistocene intermoraine deposits from Sucha Wieś are shown in a pollen diagram. The diagram documents a pollen sequence with two warm periods of interglacial rank separated by a cold one. The first warm period vegetation was represented by a pine-birch forest. Deciduous forest with oak, elm, hornbeam, lime, alder and hazel and the occurrence of warm demanding taxa such as Pterocarya, Juglans, Celtis, Ilex, Vitis and Hedera represent the second warm period. New palynological data indicate that the Sucha Wieś pollen succession is similar to the Szczebra succession although more climatic oscillations are recorded in the cold time between the first and second warm periods at Sucha Wieś. The palynological studies allow reffering the Sucha Wieś succession to the Augustovian Interglacial represented by the Szczebra and Czarnucha pollen successions.
Series of lacustrine-boggy sediments from a drilling core at the Żarnowo site (the Augustów Plain, NE Poland) have been investigated by means of high-resolution pollen analysis. The pollen succession from Żarnowo is of a long pollen sequence nature. Twenty three local pollen assemblage zones representing decline of the Narevian Glaciation, Augustovian Interglacial and the beginning of the Nidanian Glaciation have been distinguished. The interglacial part of the pollen succession is characterized by the presence of two warm stages (of interglacial rank) separated by a cold stage comprising stadial and interstadial intervals. This long pollen sequence was compared with other pollen sequences from the Augustów Plain, and with those of the Ferdynandovian age.
The Zygnemataceae are an extant family of freshwater filamentous green algae which produce acid-resistant zygospores. Palynomorphs of probable zygnematacean affinity occur in sediments of the Carboniferous to Holocene age (van Geel & Grenfell, 1996). These algae reproduce using four types of spores, but only zygospores and probably aplanospores are acid-resistant and can be preserved in the fossil record. The majority of recent species have zygospores of constant form of three types: elliptical (occurring in genera Debarya and Spirogyra), square (occurring in Mougeotia) or circular (occurring in Zygnema). The zygospores normally have a three-layered wall (exospore, mesospore and endospore), but only mesospore contains a decay and acid-resistant substance (most probably algaenans), so usually only this layer is preserved in fossil state, and is of interest to palynologists. The mesospore layer is smooth or ornamented with various sculptures (Kadłubowska, 1972; Grenfell, 1995). The shape and sculpture are very important features for determination of both the recent and fossil species. Two samples from the Bełchatów Lignite Mine were palynologically examined and two types of probable fossil zygnematacean zygospores, differing in shape, were encountered. The following species have been distinguished: Tetraporina sp., Spintetrapidites quadriformis Krutzsch & Pacltová as well as Ovoidites elongatus (Hunger) Krutzsch, and O. ligneolus Potonié ex Krutzsch. The fossil genus Tetraporina is usually related to the recent zygnematacean algae zygospores of Mougeotia genus, fossil Ovoidites is the nearest the recent zygospores of Spirogyra and Sirogonium, while Spintetrapidites is similar to both zygospores of Zygnemataceae and Tetraedron green algae. Species of recent genera Mougeotia and Spirogyra are usually found in shallow, freshwater, oxygen-rich environments such as ponds, lake margins (paludal or low gradient fluvial), ditches and very slowly moving streams (Kadłubowska, 1972). Occurrence of Tetraporina and Ovoidites zygnematacean zygospores in the material studied from Bełchatów points out at presence of water basin(s) during sedimentation time. That confirms the previous geological results that formation of examined sediments took place in the environment of a meandering river (including ox-bow lakes).
Highly varied hydrographic system occurs in the drainage basins of the upper Piława, Płytnica and Drawa Rivers (Middle Pomerania). Numerous radiometric dating carried out by the methods of 14C, OSL and U/Th, as well as pollen analyses and geomorphological analysis enable to study evolution of the system in the period of the last twelve thousand years. Glaciolacustrine deposits, accompanying most of the lakes, represent accumulation, which took place at the initial stage of the lacustrine basin formation. The level of lacustrine waters fell by several to more than a twelve meters in that time and was controlled by melt water runoff channeled through valleys in the southern direction. The final stage of the lake development was connected with complete melting of buried dead-ice masses and formation — bottoms of lake. Evolution from glaciolacustrine to lacustrine basins within kettles was continuous process. Lake water level started to fall abruptly when the last remnants of the dead ice blocking the runoff have melted and the inter-lake channels have been erosionaly deepened. That phase should be related to the complete decay of permafrost, probably at the end of the Allerřd. The main phase of erosion in the gorges started at the end of the Pleistocene and lasted (with lower intensity) till the Pre-Boreal and/or the Boreal. The water level in the lake system drained by the Piława and the Drawa Rivers was finally fallen by 8–16 meters and for a long time was stabilized (during the Atlantic and Sub-Atlantic) at the level of 2 meters higher than the present one. Further lowering of drained lakes by the next 2 meters was probably caused by anthropogenic activities resulting from intensive colonization in the 16th and 17th centuries and later by land improvement accomplished in the drainage basins of the Drawa and the Piława Rivers in the 19th century. Local conditions strongly influenced character of forest communities in the area investigated. The tendency was especially significant in the Atlantic. Increased importance of pine trees in the vicinity of the Lędyczek site caused that broadleaf forests with oak, maple, lime and hazel trees, typical of the Atlantic, have not developed there.
The paper shows results of pollen analysis of organic sediments from the site Malice (M1). The diagram includes 11 local pollen zones representing Mazovian Interglacial. Forest landscape in the vicinity of the site has changed together with the climate amelioration. In the beginning of the interglacial, birch and pine forests predominated in this area. Later, they were replaced by alder, spruce and yew communities, and next by multispecies deciduous forests and fir woods. Warm and humid climate of this interglacial is indicated for instance by high percentage of Taxus pollen (49%). According to Janczyk-Kopikowa, 1991 at the beginning of the pollen period III the pollen curves show that an intrainterglacial climate cooling might have taken place what has also been recorded in many pollen diagrams of this interglacial in Poland. Pollen succession from Malice, apart from features characteristic for the succession of Mazovian Interglacial, also shows many local features caused by differentiation of habitats, and various hydrological and microclimatic conditions. Similar features are also revealed from the succession at the site Konieczki located nearby. Despite the fact that the influence of oceanic climate in Mazovian Interglacial reached farther eastwards than it is now, the forest landscape of Poland was also regionally differentiated, although not as distinctly as it is today.
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