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In the domain of clinical imaging, the exact and quick identification proof of bone fractures assumes a crucial part in a pivotal role in facilitating timely and effective patient care. This research tends to this basic need by harnessing the force of profound learning, explicitly utilizing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model as the foundation of our technique. The essential target of our study was to improve the mechanized recognition of bone fractures in X-ray images, utilizing the capacities of deep learning algorithms. The use of a CNN model permitted us to successfully capture and learn intricate patterns and features within the X-ray images, empowering the framework to make exact fracture detections. The training process included presenting the model to a various dataset, guaranteeing its versatility to an extensive variety of fracture types. The results of our research show the excellent performance of the CNN model in fracture detection, where our model has achieved an Average Precision 89.5%, Average Recall 87%, and the overall Accuracy 91%. These metrics assert the vigour of our methodology and highlight the capability of deep learning in medical image analysis.
Obecnie szerokim zainteresowaniem naszych klientów cieszą się badania rentgenowskie, ze względu na szybką wykrywalność różnego rodzaju wad w badanych wyrobach elektronicznych, bez konieczności trwałego niszczenia zmontowanych płytek lub innych trudno demontowanych podzespołów. Aby wyjść naprzeciw oczekiwaniom naszych klientów w Instytucie Tele i Radiotechnicznym staramy się nadal unowocześniać park maszynowy podnosząc jednocześnie naszą wiedzę w tego rodzaju badaniach.
Currently, our customers are widely interested in X-Ray inspection, due to the fast detection of various types of defects in the tested electronic products, without permanently destroying the assembled board or other hard-to-demount components. In order to meet the expectations of our clients at the Tele and Radio Research Institute, we still try to modernize the machine park, while raising our knowledge in this type of research.
W artykule przedstawiono aspekty oceny niepewności pomiarów parametrów anatomicznych na obrazach radiologicznych. Oceny dokonano na podstawie pomiarów realizowanych z wykorzystaniem obrazów radiologicznych wykonanych w standaryzowanych projekcjach. Pomiary przeprowadzono za pomocą programu opracowanego do wyznaczania wybranych parametrów i wskaźników radiologicznych umożliwiających ocenę budowy stawu biodrowego u dzieci. Wykonano kilka serii pomiarowych dla pacjentów w różnym wieku. Dokonano oceny niepewności wyników pomiarów parametrów anatomicznych, takich jak kąt Wiberga (WB), kąt nachylenia panewki Sharpa (NP), kąt centrowania szyjki kości udowej (CS).
The paper presents aspects of the evaluation of measurement uncertainty of anatomical parameters on radiological images. Measurements carried out on the basis of radiological images taken in standardized projections were evaluated. Measurements were made in a specially designed measurement program for selected radiographic parameters and indicators to assess the hip joint structure in children. Several measurement series have been made for patients of different ages. Factors influencing the uncertainty of anatomical parameters such as patient age, bone marrow pathology, and operator skills have been evaluated.
Assessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic ICES subdivisions 24, 25, and 26, in which Poland is responsible for the acoustic herring abundance assessment. The paper addresses the numerical analysis of the backscattering properties of the southern Baltic herring. The modelling approach used to study the backscattering was based on the Modal Series-Based Deformed Cylinder Model approximation. Details of the individual herring swimbladders were taken into account. Morphometric data necessary for the analysis was obtained from X-ray images of herring from the Polish coastal zone (ICES subdivision 26).
W artykule przedstawiono różne możliwości kontroli jakości połączeń lutowanych pakietów elektronicznych. W Instytucie Tele- i Radiotechnicznym od wielu lat z ogromnym powodzeniem prowadzone są tego typu prace badawcze dla wielu znanych klientów. Nie są to badania jednostkowe, ale wielokrotnie powtarzające się usługi na szeroką skalę. Celem takich badań jest ograniczenie wysokich kosztów naprawy urządzeń elektronicznych spowodowanych wystąpieniem wad połączeń lutowanych.
The paper presents various options of solder joints quality control of electronic packages. In the Tele & Radio Research Institute for many years with great success are conducted this type of research for many well-known clients. These are not the test unit, but the multiple repetition of services on a large scale. The aim of this research is to reduce the high costs of repair of electronic equipment caused by the occurrence of defects in solder joints.
Soft X-ray imaging is a very useful diagnostic technique in plasma-focus (PF) experiments. This paper reports results of four experimental sessions which were carried out at the DPF-1000U plasma-focus facility in 2013 and 2014. Over 200 discharges were performed at various experimental conditions. Measurements were taken using two X-ray pinhole cameras with a line of sight perpendicular to the z-axis, at different azimuthal angles (about 20° and 200°), and looking towards the centre of the PF-pinch column. They were equipped with diaphragms 1000 μm or 200–300 μm in diameter and coated with filters of 500 μm Al foil and 10 μm Be foil, respectively. Data on the neutron emission were collected with silver activation counters. For time-resolved measurements the use was made of four PIN diodes equipped with various fi lters and oriented towards the centre of the PF-column, in the direction perpendicular to the electrode axis. The recorded X-ray images revealed that when the additional gas-puff system is activated during the discharge, the stability of the discharge is improved. The data collected in these experiments confi rmed the appearance of a filamentary fi ne structure in the PF discharges. In the past years the formation of such fi laments was observed in many Z-pinch type experiments. Some of the recorded X-ray images have also revealed the appearance of the so-called hot- -spots, i.e. small plasma regions of a very intense X-ray emission. Such a phenomenon was observed before in many PF experiments, e.g. in the MAJA-PF device, but it has not been investigated so far in a large facility such as the DPF-1000U. The time-resolved measurements provided the evidence of a time lapse between the X-ray emission from plasma regions located at different distance from the anode surface. The formation of distinct ‘hot-spots’ in different instants of the DPF-1000U discharge was also observed.
W Instytucie Tele- i Radiotechnicznym od wielu lat wytwarzane są obwody drukowane elastyczne lub sztywno-elastyczne, mające szerokie zastosowanie w wielu urządzeniach ze względu na możliwość zmiany położenia części elastycznej. Montaż podzespołów na mało stabilnym podłożu elastycznym wymaga znacznego doświadczenia, aby uzyskać wysokiej jakości połączenia lutowane. W pracy analizowano jakość połączeń lutowanych wykonanych w technologii bezołowiowej na podłożu elastycznym i sztywnym. Wykonano obserwację rentgenowską badanych połączeń lutowanych oraz analizę zdjęć ich zgładów metalograficznych.
In the Tele and Radio Research Institute flex or flex-rigid printed circuits boards have been produced for many years. They are widely used in various devices due to possibility to change the position of a flex part of PCB. Assembly of components on a not stable flexible surface requires considerable experience to get high quality solder joints. In this work, quality of solder joints made in lead-free technology on flexible and rigid substrate was investigated. X-Ray analysis as well as observation of metallographic cross-sections were performed.
W Instytucie Tele- i Radiotechnicznym od wielu lat prowadzone są prace badawcze, pozwalające ocenić jakość uzyskanych połączeń lutowanych po montażu elektronicznym. Obecnie szerokim zainteresowaniem naszych klientów cieszą się badania rentgenowskie, ze względu na szybką wykrywalność różnego rodzaju wad w badanych połączeniach, bez konieczności trwałego niszczenia zmontowanych płytek.
In Tele and Radio Research Institute research works have been conducted for many years which allows to assess the quality of formed solder joints after electronic assembly. Currently, our customers are widely interested in X-ray inspection, due to the fast detection of various types of defects in the tested connections, without permanently destroying the assembled board.
Do prawidłowej oceny zmian układu kostnego oraz przebudowy kości po implantacji protezy niezbędna jest dobra jakość RTG. Nie zawsze jednak po wywołaniu kliszy możliwa jest jednoznaczna ocena zmian ze względu na słabą jakość zdjęcia, a dodatkowe prześwietlenie pacjenta wiąże się z zwiększeniem dawki promieniowania. W artykule podjęto próbę przystosowania komputerowej analizy obrazu do poprawy czytelności zdjęć RTG.
More and more advanced diagnostics technologies enable very precise assessment of skeleton state and determination of degenerative changes. Due to the fact that top diagnostics technologies are very expensive, X-ray images are mostly taken. In order to perform proper assessment of changes in bone system and bone remodelling after prosthesis implantation, a high quality of X-ray images is necessary. However, unequivocal assessment of changes is not always possible after film developing due to low quality of images and additional X-ray examination is connected with patient being exposed to increased radiation dose. This paper describes the attempts made to adjust computer image analysis in order to improve readability of X-ray images.
W pracy analizowano szerokość szpary stawowej w stawach międzypaliczkowych obu dłoni. Grupa badana liczyła 9 zdrowych osób, w tym 7 kobiet w wieku od 23 do 70 lat i 2 mężczyzn w wieku 22 i 72 lata. Średni wiek badanych kobiet wynosił 43 š18,3, zaś mężczyzn 47 š35,4. Wszystkie osoby były zdrowe i u żadnej nie stwierdzono reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów. Na zdjęciach rentgenowskich również nie stwierdzono zmian charakterystycznych dla procesu chorobowego, takich jak np. zanik szpary stawowej, nadżerki etc. Wykazano, że szerokość szpary stawowej maleje z wiekiem. Wyniki potwierdzono też, analizując histogramy i trójwymiarowe łuminancje obrazu okolicy szpary stawowej stawu międzypaliczkowego bliższego II, III i IV palca lewej i prawej dłoni. Wyniki te powinny być brane pod uwagę przy diagnostyce obrazowej w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów międzypaliczkowych.
The width of interphalangeal joints was analyzed in the hands of 9 healthy volunteers, 7 females in age 23-70 years, and 3 males 22 and 72 years old. The mean age in women was 43 š18,3, and in men 47 š35,4. None of examined persons suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. No changes were observed on X-ray images, as well. It was stated that the width of interphalangeal joints is smaller for older subjects. These results are confirmed by analysis of 3-D luminance and histograms of the X-ray images of proximal interphalangeal joints of II, III, and IV finger. The results should be taken into account when diagnosing the rheumatoid arthritis basing on joints images.
Content available Using active models for finding landmarks
The paper presents the results of the experiments in using the active appearance models (AAM) to finding landmarks in the x-ray images of skull (especially of mandible). The landmark pointing is time-consuming in orthodontic analysis. It is useful to initially point the landmarks automatically, to help a physician in his or her work. Because the landmark are pointed not only by local features, but also by geometrical structure of skull, the model have to represent not only the local features (pixels in the image), but also the geometrical constraints. The one of many possible approaches is the active appearance model. The active appearance model was developed from the active shape models, and consists of the model of the shape and the model of appearance (texture). The model is active, that means the model fits to the object in the image. The main principle of the active models is to use two energies - internal energy represents limits of the models (shape, contour, texture), and the external energy represents the fitting the model to the image.
The goal of this paper is a presentation of the possibilities of the application of syntactic methods of computer image analysis to the recognition of the local stenoses of the lumen of coronary arteries, and to the detection of pathological signs in upper parts of ureter ducts and renal calyxes. An analysis of the correct morphology of these structures is possible thanks to the application of sequence and tree methods from the group of syntactic methods of pattern recognition. In the case of the analysis of coronary artery images, the main objective is a computer-aided early diagnosis of the different forms of cardiac ischemic diseases. Such diseases may show themselves in the form of stable or unstable disturbances of heart rhythm or infarction. In the analysis of kidney radiograms the main goal is the recognition of local irregularities in ureter lumens, and an examination of the morphology of renal pelvis and calyxes.
The article presents the group of transformations which medical pictures can be subjected to, in the aim of enhancing of their contrast and better distinguishing and diagnosis of organs shown in this pictures. In this work, the analysis was based on images acquired by various techniques, such as roentgenography (RTG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), classic computer tomography (CT) and ultrasonography (USG). Contrast expansion in these images was performed using the histogram method of balancing of gray levels and the method based on the modification of tonal curve. Such transformations were necessary during preliminary processing of these images, especially to adjust their quality to next steps of the analysis in case of automatic medical diagnosis, and also to enable their visual evaluation by specialists and diagnostic interpretation of images of organs and their structural features. The studies show that the method based on the modification of tonal curve yields better results in case of images acquired by roentgenography and magnetic resonance imaging. On the other hand, histogram method is more suitable for contrast expansion in CT and USG images.
Content available remote Geometric transformations in the shape analysis of selected biomedical structures
The article presents an algorithm of the transformation straightening outer contours of objects, allowing to transform bilogical structures of interest, visible in medical images, from two-dimensional space of the image into two-dimensional graph, representing contours of the straightened object with its possible outer morphological changes, indicating the progress of pathological processes. The developed method is based on a sequence of geometric transformations of the analyzed objects in the image, and its operation was described in detail and illustrated by examples of transformation of main pancreatic ducts, appearing in X-ray images acquired by ERCP, as well as by graphs showing outer morphology of blood vessels in the fundus of the eye and morphology of renal sinuses from kidneys roengenograms. The proposed method is universal, and due to the fact that the transformation preserves and exposes pathologic morphological changes, such as abnormal lateral branches, local dilatations or projections it can also be used in the recognition and analysis of other structure images acquired by various techniques of computer tomography, e.g. celebral vessels, bile ducts, coronary vessels of fragments of gastroin-testinal tract. The graphs of the structures of interest obtained as a result of the transformation straightening outer contours of objects are a starting point for the recognition of morphological changes, important for diagnosis, using syntactic methods of pattern recognition.
W artykule przedstawiono zwięzły przegląd metod analizy obrazów, wykorzystujących deformowalne struktury. Opisano struktury pozwalające rozpoznawać obiekty przedstawione na obrazach cyfrowych, wyznaczać ich położenie i kontury, jak też wyodrębniać i charakteryzować detale wchodzące w skład takich obiektów. Całość zilustrowano przykładami zastosowań, szczególnie uwzględniając wyniki analizy rentgenowskich obrazów ziaren zbóż.
This paper is a short review of image analysis methods that use deformable structures. Structures are described that can be applied for digital image object recognition, for finding object position and contours, as well as for locating and characterising object details. Methods discussed are illustrated by application examples, with particular emphasis on analysis of wheat grain X-ray images.
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