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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are one of important tools for controlling and collecting data in the internet of things (IoT). For wireless sensor network design, power consumption and network lifetime functions are important for maintenance. Therefore, low-cost innovations that could reduce energy consumption and extend the network lifetime are essential in development of next-generation WSN. In this research, a hexagonal equation model for WSN was utilized to reduce energy consumption. The design was generated in an area of 35m  35m and the number of sensor nodes was 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 loads, respectively. The results of energy efficiency were compared to Developed Distributed EnergyEfficient Clustering (DDEEC) and Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering algorithm (DEEC). The results showed that the DDEEC method performed better than the DEEC method in terms of the power dissipation on the nodes 30-100 loads.
Bezprzewodowe sieci czujników (WSN) są jednym z ważnych narzędzi do kontrolowania i gromadzenia danych w Internecie rzeczy (IoT). W przypadku projektowania sieci czujników bezprzewodowych zużycie energii i funkcje związane z okresem eksploatacji sieci są ważne dla konserwacji. Dlatego tanie innowacje, które mogłyby zmniejszyć zużycie energii i wydłużyć żywotność sieci, są niezbędne w rozwoju sieci WSN nowej generacji. W tym badaniu wykorzystano model równania heksagonalnego dla WSN w celu zmniejszenia zużycia energii. Projekt został wygenerowany na obszarze 35m  35m, a liczba węzłów sensorów wynosiła odpowiednio 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 i 100 obciążeń. Wyniki efektywności energetycznej porównano z algorytmem Developed Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DDEEC) i Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DEEC). Wyniki pokazały, że metoda DDEEC wypadła lepiej niż metoda DEEC pod względem rozpraszania mocy na węzłach 30-100 obciążeń.
Content available remote Implementation of WSN based smart irrigation system
This research paper introduces a real-time, fully automated wireless sensor network (WSN) prototype for irrigation systems in agricultural fields. This automated WSN depends on the soil conditions, like the soil moisture, and takes action accordingly. The WSN is based on the ZigBee protocol represented in the XBee module. The aim is to protect the crops from over/under watering resulting in better crop quality and quantity. Also, this WSN reduces human intervention costs and eliminates or reduces water waste to the minimum acceptable extent. The WSN nodes are classified into three types, the coordinator node, the sensing node, and the relaying node. Sleep mode is used in the sensing node while inactive to achieve the best possible energy savings strategy. Four zones are to be considered in this experimental study. Results showed that the water flows only about 35% of the time of the six observation hours on average in the four zones.
W tym artykule badawczym przedstawiono działający w czasie rzeczywistym, w pełni zautomatyzowany prototyp bezprzewodowej sieci czujników (WSN) dla systemów nawadniających na polach rolniczych. Ten zautomatyzowany WSN jest zależny od warunków glebowych, takich jak wilgotność gleby, i podejmuje odpowiednie działania. WSN jest oparty na protokole ZigBee reprezentowanym w module XBee. Celem jest ochrona upraw przed nadmiernym/niedostatecznym podlewaniem, co skutkuje lepszą jakością i ilością plonów. Ponadto ten WSN zmniejsza koszty interwencji człowieka i eliminuje lub zmniejsza marnotrawstwo wody w minimalnym akceptowalnym stopniu. Węzły WSN dzielą się na trzy typy: węzeł koordynujący, węzeł wykrywający i węzeł przekazujący. Tryb uśpienia jest używany w węźle czujnikowym, gdy jest nieaktywny, aby osiągnąć najlepszą możliwą strategię oszczędzania energii. W tym badaniu eksperymentalnym należy wziąć pod uwagę cztery strefy. Wyniki pokazały, że woda przepływa średnio tylko przez około 35% czasu z sześciu godzin obserwacji w czterech strefach.
Localization is one of the oldest mathematical and technical problems that have been at the forefront of research and development for decades. In a wireless sensor network (WSN), nodes are not able to recognize their position. To solve this problem, studies have been done on algorithms to achieve accurate estimation of nodes in WSNs. In this paper, we present an improvement of a localization algorithm namely Gaussian mixture semi-definite programming (GM-SDP-2). GMSDP is based on the received signal strength (RSS) to achieve a maximum likelihood location estimator. The improvement lies in the placement of anchors through the Fuzzy C-Means clustering method where the cluster centers represent the anchors’ positions. The simulation of the algorithm is done in Matlab and is based on two evaluation metrics, namely normalized root-mean-squared error (RMSE) and cumulative distribution function (CDF). Simulation results show that our improved algorithm achieves better performance compared to those using a predetermined placement of anchors.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) plays a crucial role in many industrial, commercial, and social applications. However, increasing the number of nodes in a WSN increases network complexity, making it harder to acquire all relevant data in a timely way. By assuming the end node as a base station, we devised an Artificial Ant Routing (AAR) method that overcomes such network difficulties and finds an ideal routing that gives an easy way to reach the destination node in our situation. The goal of our research is to establish WSN parameters that are based on the biologically inspired Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method. The proposed AAR provides the alternating path in case of congestion and high traffic requirement. In the event of node failures in a wireless network, the same algorithm enhances the efficiency of the routing path and acts as a multipath data transmission approach. We simulated network factors including Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Throughput, and Energy Consumption to achieve this. The major objective is to extend the network lifespan while data is being transferred by avoiding crowded areas and conserving energy by using a small number of nodes. The result shows that AAR is having improved performance parameters as compared to LEACH, LEACH-C, and FCM-DS-ACO.
Most of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) used in healthcare and security sectors are affected by the battery constraints, which cause a low network lifetime problem and prevents these networks from achieving their maximum performance. It is anticipated that by combining fuzzy logic (FL) approximation reasoning approach with WSN, the complex behavior of WSN will be easier to handle. In healthcare, WSNs are used to track activities of daily living (ADL) and collect data for longitudinal studies. It is easy to understand how such WSNs could be used to violate people’s privacy. The main aim of this research is to address the issues associated with battery constraints for WSN and resolve these issues. Such an algorithm could be successfully applied to environmental monitoring for healthcare systems where a dense sensor network is required and the stability period should be high.
Over the past two decades, numerous research projects have concentrated on cognitive radio wireless sensor networks (CR-WSNs) and their benefits. To tackle the problem of energy and spectrum shortfall in CR-WSNs, this research proposes an underpinning decode-&-forward (DF) relaying technique. Using the suggested time-slot architecture (TSA), this technique harvests energy from a multi-antenna power beam (PB) and delivers source information to the target utilizing energy-constrained secondary source and relay nodes. The study considers three proposed relay selection schemes: enhanced hybrid partial relay selection (E-HPRS), conventional opportunistic relay selection (C-ORS), and leading opportunistic relay selection (L-ORS). We present evidence for the sustainability of the suggested methods by examining the outage probability (OP) and throughput (TPT) under multiple primary users (PUs). These systems leverage time switching (TS) receiver design to increase end-to-end performance while taking into account the maximum interference constraint and transceiver hardware inadequacies. In order to assess the efficacy of the proposed methods, we derive the exact and asymptotic closed-form equations for OP and TPT & develop an understanding to learn how they affect the overall performance all across the Rayleigh fading channel. The results show that OP of the L-ORS protocol is 16% better than C-ORS and 75% better than E-HPRS in terms of transmitting SNR. The OP of L-ORS is 30% better than C-ORS and 55% better than E-HPRS in terms of hardware inadequacies at the destination. The L-ORS technique outperforms C-ORS and E-HPRS in terms of TPT by 4% and 11%, respectively.
The intelligent farming concept involves animal identification to monitor and count in the open farm. The embedment ideas of radio frequency identification (RFID) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been a rise in the number of applications and have been successfully applied for animal tracking systems. In this paper, both RFID and IoT are implemented for a wireless tracking monitoring system. This implementation used for wireless animal monitoring in the open-farm can eliminate time wasted during manual counting of animals in the farm if they disappear. The tracked information can be recorded at any time (real-time monitoring). The RFID systems are embedded with the passive and active, and they are worked together over the wireless sensor network (WSN) platform. The WSN is helpful in case used in outdoor conditions when there is no WiFi-internet signal covering. The passive RFID card with a reader functioned low-frequency at 134.2 kHz, and they are embedded with active RFID using ZigBee-Pro through an IoT microcontroller. The RFID system integrated IoT platform evolves to transmit the information remotely to the farm-owner. This paper proposes the tag collection time and received signal strength indicator (RSSI) tests. The findings found that the embedded RFID end device achieves tag collection time performance compared to the standalone RFID of 9.26%. Moreover, the RSSI performance of the embedded RFID end device has a higher RSSI value than the standalone by ±10.32%. The individual test claimed that the embedded RFID end device achieves the outdoor condition use with a strong communication signal and sufficient time latency delay.
Koncepcja inteligentnej hodowli obejmuje identyfikację zwierząt w celu monitorowania i liczenia w otwartej farmie. Pomysły dotyczące osadzania technologii identyfikacji radiowej (RFID) i Internetu rzeczy (IoT) spowodowały wzrost liczby zastosowań i zostały z powodzeniem zastosowane w systemach śledzenia zwierząt. W tym artykule zarówno RFID, jak i IoT zostały wdrożone w bezprzewodowym systemie monitorowania śledzenia. Ta implementacja wykorzystywana do bezprzewodowego monitorowania zwierząt na farmie otwartej może wyeliminować czas marnowany podczas ręcznego liczenia zwierząt w gospodarstwie, jeśli znikną. Śledzone informacje mogą być rejestrowane w dowolnym momencie (monitorowanie w czasie rzeczywistym). Systemy RFID są osadzone z pasywnym i aktywnym i współpracują ze sobą za pośrednictwem platformy sieci czujników bezprzewodowych (WSN). WSN jest pomocny w przypadku użytkowania w warunkach zewnętrznych, gdy nie ma pokrycia WiFi-internetu. Pasywna karta RFID z czytnikiem działała na niskich częstotliwościach przy 134,2 kHz i są one osadzone w aktywnym RFID za pomocą ZigBee-Pro poprzez mikrokontroler IoT. Zintegrowana z systemem RFID platforma IoT ewoluuje, aby zdalnie przesyłać informacje do właściciela gospodarstwa. W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano testy czasu zbierania znaczników i wskaźnika siły odbieranego sygnału (RSSI). Wyniki wykazały, że wbudowane urządzenie końcowe RFID osiąga wydajność zbierania tagów w porównaniu z samodzielnym RFID wynoszącym 9,26%. Co więcej, wydajność RSSI wbudowanego urządzenia końcowego RFID ma wyższą wartość RSSI niż samodzielne urządzenie o ±10,32%. W indywidualnym teście stwierdzono, że wbudowane urządzenie końcowe RFID osiąga warunki zewnętrzne przy silnym sygnale komunikacyjnym i wystarczającym opóźnieniu czasowym.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is assortment of sensor nodes proficient in environmental information sensing, refining it and transmitting it to base station in sovereign manner. The minute sensors communicate themselves to sense and monitor the environment. The main challenges are limited power, short communication range, low bandwidth and limited processing. The power source of these sensor nodes are the main hurdle in design of energy efficient network. The main objective of the proposed clustering and data transmission algorithm is to augment network performance by using swarm intelligence approach. This technique is based on K-mean based clustering, data rate optimization using firefly optimization algorithm and Ant colony optimization based data forwarding. The KFOA is divided in three parts: (1) Clustering of sensor nodes using K-mean technique and (2) data rate optimization for controlling congestion and (3) using shortest path for data transmission based on Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique. The performance is analyzed based on two scenarios as with rate optimization and without rate optimization. The first scenario consists of two operations as k-mean clustering and ACO based routing. The second scenario consists of three operations as mentioned in KFOA. The performance is evaluated in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio, energy dissipation and residual energy analysis. The simulation results show improvement in performance by using with rate optimization technique.
This paper aims at designing, building, and simulating a secured routing protocol to defend against packet dropping attacks in mobile WSNs (MWSNs). This research addresses the gap in the literature by proposing Configurable Secured Adaptive Routing Protocol (CSARP). CSARP has four levels of protection to allow suitability for different types of network applications. The protocol allows the network admin to configure the required protection level and the ratio of cluster heads to all nodes. The protocol has an adaptive feature, which allows for better protection and preventing the spread of the threats in the network. The conducted CSARP simulations with different conditions showed the ability of CSARP to identify all malicious nodes and remove them from the network. CSARP provided more than 99.97% packets delivery rate with 0% data packet loss in the existence of 3 malicious nodes in comparison with 3.17% data packet loss without using CSARP. When compared with LEACH, CSARP showed an improvement in extending the lifetime of the network by up to 39.5%. The proposed protocol has proven to be better than the available security solutions in terms of configurability, adaptability, optimization for MWSNs, energy consumption optimization, and the suitability for different MWSNs applications and conditions.
Due to the severe damages of nuclear accidents, there is still an urgent need to develop efficient radiation detection wireless sensor networks (RDWSNs) that precisely monitor irregular radioactivity. It should take actions that mitigate the severe costs of accidental radiation leakage, especially around nuclear sites that are the primary sources of electric power and many health and industrial applications. Recently, leveraging machine learning (ML) algorithms to RDWSNs is a promising solution due to its several pros, such as online learning and self-decision making. This paper addresses novel and efficient ML-based RDWSNs that utilize millimeter waves (mmWaves) to meet future network requirements. Specifically, we leverage an online learning multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithm called Thomson sampling (TS) to a 5G enabled RDWSN to efficiently forward the measured radiation levels of the distributed radiation sensors within the monitoring area. The utilized sensor nodes are lightweight smart radiation sensors that are mounted on mobile devices and measure radiation levels using software applications installed in these mobiles. Moreover, a battery aware TS (BATS) algorithm is proposed to efficiently forward the sensed radiation levels to the fusion decision center. BA-TS reflects the remaining battery of each mobile device to prolong the network lifetime. Simulation results ensure the proposed BA-TS algorithm’s efficiency regards throughput and network lifetime over TS and exhaustive search method.
With the continuous advances in mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs), the research community has responded to the challenges and constraints in the design of these networks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus on particular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization, mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing, Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction of mobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing, stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in this article, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigation in the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory of MWSNs which was developed in recent years.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest opis zastosowania platformy IQRF® do wdrożenia bezprzewodowej sieci typu WSN. Technika IQRF® umożliwiła budowę sieci sensorowej z możliwością rekonfiguracji. Część teoretyczna zawiera opis zastosowanych rozwiązań sprzętowych IQRF®. Zakres praktyczny obejmuje opis projektu sieci WSN wdrożonej w budynku P3 Politechniki Opolskiej. Uruchomiono sieć bezprzewodową składającą się z 10 modułów IQRF®. Skonfigurowane moduły radiowe zostały umieszczone w wybranych pokojach na wszystkich pięciu kondygnacjach budynku w celu przeprowadzenia testów. Testy obejmowały pomiar czasu opóźnienia transmisji pakietu z danymi pomiarowymi oraz poziomu RSSI.
The subject of the article is a description of the use of the IQRF® platform to implement a wireless WSN network. IQRF® technology has enabled the construction of a sensor network with the possibility of reconfiguration. The theoretical part contains a description of the IQRF® hardware solutions used. The practical scope includes the description of the WSN network project implemented in building P3 of the Opole University of Technology. A wireless network consisting of 10 IQRF® modules was launched. The configured radio modules were placed in selected rooms on all five floors of the building for testing. Tests included measuring the transmission delay time of the measurement data package and the RSSI level.
One of the ways to improve calculations related to determining the position of a node in the IoT measurement system is to use artificial neural networks (ANN) to calculate coordinates. The method described in the article is based on the measurement of the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), which value is then processed by the neural network. Hence, the proposed system works in two stages. In the first stage, RSSI coefficient samples are taken, and then the node location is determined on an ongoing basis. Coordinates anchor nodes (i.e. sensors with fixed and previously known positions) and the matrix of RSSI coefficients are used in the learning process of the neural network. Then the RSSI matrix determined for the system in which the nodes with unknown positions are located is fed into the neural network inputs. The result of the work is a system and algorithm that allows determining the location of the object without processing data separately in nodes with low computational performance.
Data aggregation is the process aimed at reducing the transmission count of packets being transmitted in the framework of in-network data processing. It is the data transmission model that takes the information transmitted from different nodes and generates a single data packet after finding and eliminating the redundant packets. Accordingly, this process decreases the transmission count and makes it possible to consume less energy. The major issues in data aggregation mechanism are related to reduction of latency and to energy balancing. Moreover, it is very complex to resolve the issue of packet loss, which is the failure of one or more transmitted packets to arrive at their destination due to the bad and/or congested channel conditions. The present survey involves a collection of 50 research papers dealing with the data aggregation models in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Various data aggregation methods, like the cluster-based approach, structure-free method, tree-based approach, in-network methods, and energy based aggregation model are considered in this survey, regarding the application and the energy usage involved. On the basis of the survey, the issues and drawbacks faced by the respective methodologies are highlighted. In addition, the paper presents simple statistics of the studies considered with respect to the performance measures, simulation tools, publication year, and classification of methods. The future dimensions of the respective research are supposed to be based on the challenges identified in this survey.
Wireless sensor network is a significant piece of wireless communication. It is a gathering of an enormous number of sensor nodes that are set in remote spots. The sensors have ability to do a typical undertaking. So energy exhaustion plays a significant job in keeping up a stable network. To build the system lifetime, a different energy effective algorithm is required which expands the network lifetime and makes the network more energy productive. For the augmenting, the lifetime of the network diverse routing technique has been utilized which help in expanding the lifetime of the network. This article portrays the diverse routing protocol which helps in energy efficient routing in a wireless sensor network.
Praca dotyczy sieci bezprzewodowych czujników. Prezentowany jest ogólny model tego typu sieci. Szczególna uwaga jest zwrócona na metody oszczędzania energii oraz energooszczędne i bezpieczne protokoły komunikacyjne stosowane w bezprzewodowych sieciach sensorowych. Omawiane są dwa podstawowe podejścia do efektywnego zarządzania zasobami energetycznymi urządzeń tworzących sieci, tj. sterowanie aktywnością węzłów oraz sterowanie poziomem mocy nadawanego sygnału. Prezentowane wyniki badań symulacyjnych i laboratoryjnych potwierdzają, że zastosowanie tych rozwiązań pozwala na efektywne gospodarowanie zasobami energetycznymi sieci co znacząco podnosi jej ˙zywotność i niezawodność.
The paper is concerned with wireless sensor networks (WSN). The formal model of a WSN system is presented. Next properties, limitations and basic issues related to development of wireless sensor network applications are investigated. The focus is on energy aware inter-node communication strategies. The approaches to power control and activity control of nodes are briefly summarized. The results of the performance evaluation of energy aware protocols through simulation and testbed implementation are presented and discussed. The presented results confirm the efficiency of discussed techniques in energy saving and extending the lifetime and reliability of WSN.
In this paper a highly robust and efficient systematic-random linear network coding (S-RLNC) routing scheme is proposed. Unlike classic security systems, the proposed S-RLNC transmission model incorporates an advanced pre-coding and interleaving concept followed by multigeneration mixing (MGM) based data transmission to assure secure and QoS efficient communication. The proposed S-RLNC MGM based routing scheme exhibits higher throughput (99.5-100%) than the existing NCC-ARQ-WSN protocol (80%). Unlike NCC-ARQ-WSN, the proposed model incorporates multiple enhancements, such as RLNC concept, systematic network coding, MGM concept, IBF provision and redundant packet optimization. Combined, all these optimizations have strengthened the proposed S-RLNC MGM to exhibit optimum performance for secure and QoS-centric communication over WSNs.
In this paper a novel multi-factor authentication protocol for IoT applications, relying on enhanced Rabinassisted elliptic curve cryptography, biometric features and time stamping methods, is developed. Furthermore, a fuzzy verification algorithm has been developed to perform receiverlevel user verification, making computation efficient in terms of computational overhead as well as latency. An NS2 simulation-based performance assessment has revealed that the multifactor authentication and key management models we have proposed are capable of not only avoiding security breaches, such as smart card loss (SCLA) and impersonation attacks, but can also ensure the provision of maximum possible QoS levels by offering higher packet delivery and minimum latency rates.
This paper presents a fuzzy logic-based, service differentiated, QoS aware routing protocol (FMSR) offering multipath routing for WSNs, with the purpose of providing a service differentiated path meant for communication between nodes, based on actual requirements. The proposed protocol initially forms a cluster by fuzzy c-means. Next, the building of a routing follows, so as to establish multiple paths between nodes through the modified QoS k-nearest neighborhood, based on different QoS constraints and on optimum shortest paths. If one node in the path fails due to lack of residual energy, bandwidth, packet loss, delay, an alternate path leading through another neighborhood node is selected for communication. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol performs better in terms of packet delivery ratio, delay, packet drop ratio and throughput compared to other existing routing protocols.
Research into the topology control of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is geared towards modeling and analysis of methods that may be potentially harnessed to optimize the structure of connections. However, in practice, the ideas and concepts provided by researchers have actually been rarely used by network designers, while sensor systems that have already been deployed and are under continued development in urban environments frequently differ from the patterns and research models available. Moreover, easy access to diversified wireless technologies enabling new solutions to be empirically developed and popularized has also been conducive to strengthening this particular trend.
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