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The Terebowiec stream is an 8 km long watercourse which flows through the strictly protected Bieszczady National Park. The studies on bentic diatoms were conducted between 2013–2015 at three sampling sites along the Terebowiec stream and its unnamed tributary. 260 diatom taxa were identified in the streams, of which 13 taxa were considered as frequent. Chemical analysis showed good and high status of the water. In the studied samples, 27 taxa from the Polish Red List of Algae were determined.
The studies on bentic diatoms were conducted in 2009–2011 at eight samplings sites over the Żołynianka stream and its tributary, the Jagielnia. 427 diatom taxa were recorded in total. Achnanthidium minutissimum var. minutissimum, Aulacoseira ambigua, Fragilaria capucina var. capucina, Gomphonema parvlum, Navicula gregaria, Nitzschia palea and Planothidium lanceolatum were dominant taxa in both watercourses. Chemical analysis of water showed high chemical status of water at most of sampling sites. The results of diatomaceous analysis conducted with OMNIDIA software revealed moderate and poor condition of water. The best water quality was recorded in the Jagielnia stream (good or moderate status). The values of the analyzed indices showed the worst water quality on the Żołynianka at site four, showing bad ecological status. TDI index deviated the most from the other two indices (IPS and GDI), always indicating poorer water quality.
Rzeka Biała Tarnowska jest prawobrzeżnym dopływem Dunajca. Wypływa z Beskidu Niskiego, płynie na granicy Pogórza Rożnowskiego i Ciężkowickiego, następnie uchodzi do Dunajca na terenie Niziny Nadwiślańskiej. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie różnorodności okrzemek na poszczególnych stanowiskach oraz próba oceny zanieczyszczenia rzeki z wykorzystaniem okrzemek jako wskaźników jakości wód. Wody rzeki Biała Tarnowska charakteryzowały się odczynem zasadowym lub zbliżonym do obojętnego. Wartości stężeń azotanów wskazywały na II klasę jakości, jedynie na ostatnim stanowisku (5) mieściły się w normach odpowiadających I klasie. Na stanowiskach wyznaczonych wzdłuż biegu rzeki zidentyfikowano łącznie 205 taksonów okrzemek. Najbogatszymi w gatunki rodzajami były: Nitzschia (29), Navicula (21) oraz Gomphonema (15). Najczęściej występującym dominantem było Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hust.) Kobayasi. Bardzo liczne populacje tworzyła także Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Kütz., w dolnym biegu rzeki, na dwóch ostatnich stanowiskach. Celem określenia statusu ekologicznego rzeki Białej Tarnowskiej wykonano analizę struktury zbiorowisk okrzemek. Wyniki analiz przedstawiono za pomocą wybranych indeksów okrzemkowych. Według indeksu IPS Biała Tarnowska posiada dobry status ekologiczny (II klasa) na większości badanych stanowisk. Wartości wskaźnika TDI przedstawiały się najgorzej w klasyfikacji i wskazywały najczęściej na wody słabej i złej jakości (IV i V klasa) zwłaszcza w środkowym i dolnym biegu.
The Biała Tarnowska River is a right-bank tributary of Dunajec. It flows from the Low Beskid Mountains, flowing on the border of Ciężkowickie and Rożnowskie foothills and then flows into the Dunajec on the territory of Vistula Lowland (Nizina Nadwiślańska). The aim of this work was to investigate the diatoms diversity at the individual sites and attempt to evaluate pollution of the river with the use diatoms as water quality indicators. The waters of Biała Tarnowska River were characterized by alkaline or circumneutral pH. Values of nitrates concentration indicated II water quality class, only at the last site (5) corresponded to the standards for the I class. At the studied sites located along river course 205 diatom taxa were identified. The riches in species were genera: Nitzschia (29), Navicula (21) and Gomphonema (15). The most popular dominant was Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hust.) Kobayasi. Very numerous communities were created by Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Kütz, at the lower current of river, on two last sites. In order to determine the ecological status of Biała Tarnowska River the analysis of the diatom assemblages structure was performed. The results of the analysis were shown by the selected diatomaceous indices. According to IPS index Biała Tarnowska has a good ecological status (II class) at the most of study sites. Values of TDI index were the worst and indicated poor and bad water quality (IV and V class) especially in middle and lower current.
Water of the San River was characterized by good and high ecological status and high diatom richness. During four studied seasons at two sites 353 diatom taxa were identified in total, from which the most numerous were Achnathidium pyrenaicum (Hust.) Kobayasi and Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarnecki var. minutis-simum. Water of the San River, was characterized by high and good water quality (II and I class) in all seasons and at both studied sites.
The EU funded project “Powerful” supported the creation of new solutions to reduce fuel consumption and emission levels below current levels. The task of the related project, performed with a Golf 6 Variant TDI® BMT, is the achievement of 98 g CO2/km in NEDC under respect of EU6 minus 10% emission limits. This article describes the general activities undertaken regarding the overall technical approach, the efforts of developing the research engine, it´s integration into a special validator vehicle and the main results. Some technical features like LTC (Low Temperature Combustion) or heat storage system of engine and vehicle are described more detailed. Beside the NEDC also more dynamic cycles have been investigated including real world driving.
Finansowany przez UE projekt "Powerful" wspiera tworzenie nowych rozwiązań, w celu zmniejszenia zużycia paliwa i obniżenia emisji związków toksycznych poniżej obecnie obowiązujących poziomów. W ramach projektu wykonano badania na pojeździe Golf 6 Variant TDI® BMT, osiągając poziom emisji 98 g CO2/km w teście NEDC względem normy Euro 6 minus 10% wielkości emisji. W artykule opisano ogólne działania podejmowane w zakresie podejścia koncepcyjnego, rozwijania koncepcji na silniku badawczy, integracji zaproponowanych rozwiązań w specjalnym pojeździe weryfikującym oraz przedstawiono główne wyniki badań. Niektóre koncepcje jak LTC (spalanie niskotemperaturowe) oraz systemu magazynowania ciepła z silnika i pojazdu zostały opisane bardziej szczegółowo. Oprócz testu NEDC przeprowadzono również badania w cyklach jezdnych odwzorowujących rzeczywiste warunki jazdy.
Matysówka stream is small, under 6 km long watercourse, which is a right-bank tributary of Strug River. In 2009–2011studies on the subject of diversity of diatom communities using diatom indices IPS, GDI and TDI for water quality assessment were conducted. On the stream 271 diatom taxa were identified, among which: Achnanthidium minutissimum var. minutissimum, Navicula cryptotenella, N. gregaria, N. lanceolata, N. tripunctata, Nitzschia linearis, N. pusilla, N. recta, Planothidium frequentissimum, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata were the most frequent. Middle and lower section of Matysówka stream was characterized by increased concentrations of phosphates, nitrites, ammonium, total phosphorus and nitrogen, BOD5. On the basis of diatom indices IPS and GDI waters were characterized as III–IV quality classes, while the TDI index revealed the worst water quality classes (IV–V).
Research conducted in 2007–2008 on eight sites designated along the Wisłok River showed great diatoms diversity – indicated a total of 401 diatom taxa. Achnathidium pyrenaicum, A. minutissimum var. minutissimum, Navicula gregaria, N. lanceolata, Amphora pediculus, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Gomphonema olivaceum var. olivaceum, Nitzschia dissipata ssp. dissipata were most frequent. Based on diatomaceous indices IPS, GDI and TDI has been shown that the upper part of Wisłok had a high and good ecological status. However, the middle and lower section of river was characterized by moderate and poor ecological status, on the base of the IPS and GDI indices (III and IV class). TDI value indicated bad water quality (V class) in the middle and lower section.
The Baryczka stream is a small (about 20 km long), left bank tributary of the River San (Podkarpackie Voivodeship). Studies on diversity of diatom communities using OMNIDIA software were conducted in 2010 and 2011. Diatomaceous indices IPS, GDI and TDI and Van Dam et al. classification system were used for water quality assessment. Planothidium lanceolatum, Cocconeis placentula var. lineata, Achnanthidium minutissimum var. minutissimum, Nitzschia linearis, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata, Navicula lanceolata and Naicula gregaria were the most numerous. Values of the IPS index indicate good water quality (II–III class). Based on the GDI index, waters of the Baryczka stream were classified to III class water quality. The TDI index indicated poor and bad ecological state on the most sampling sites. On all sampling sites alaliphilous (pH>7) diatoms taxa predominated. The most common were eutraphentic and hypereutraphentic diatoms. With respect to trophy, it was shown that α- and β-mesosaprobous diatoms were the most common (III and II class water quality).
W pracy porównano elastyczność silników z systemem zasilania Common Rail oraz TDI. Zostało zebranych 10 typów wybranych silników z poszczególnych pojazdów o pojemności skokowej 2 dm³ z każdym z układów. Przeprowadzono analizę statystyczną – badano współczynnik zgodności, a więc zależność między wartościami teoretycznymi a rzeczywistymi, na podstawie dobranej krzywej trendu charakteryzującej się wysoką wartością współczynnika korelacji R² Uzyskano wysoką zgodność tych wyników. Oba typy silników były silnikami wysokoelastycznymi, jednak większą wartością tego parametru (elastyczności), istotnego w warunkach ruchu, charakteryzowały się silniki Common Rail.
At the work an elasticity of engines was compared with the Common Rail power system and TDI. 10 collected types of chosen engines were from individual vehicles about jumping capacity 2 dm³ with each of arrangements. A statistical analysis was conducted - a rate of the agreement, that is a relation were being examined between theoretical but real values, based on the selected curve of the trend being characterized by a maximum value of the coefficient of correlation R². A high unanimity of these results was get. Both types of engines were high-elastic engines, however with considerable value of this parameter (flexibilities), essential in conditions of the movement, Common Rail engines were characterized.
W pracy zamieszczono wyniki badań spektrofotometrycznych zestawów szybowych przewidzianych do eksperymentalnej walidacji metody TDI. Przeszklenia stanowią układy jednoszybowe pokryte foliami ograniczającymi przepuszczalność promieniowania widzialnego. Pomiarów dokonano przy użyciu spektrofotometru UV-VIS Hitachi, model U-1800. Korzystając z rozkładów widmowych przepuszczalności wyznaczono wartości przepuszczalności promieniowania widzialnego τvis oraz barwę przepuszczanego światła. Na podstawie uzyskanych wartości przeprowadzono obliczenia rozkładu światła dziennego w Helioboxie i zaprezentowano przykładowe wyniki.
The results of laboratory measurements of daylight transmittance are presented in the following paper. Spectral distribution of transmission were obtained using spectrophotometry technique. Seven different types of transparent materials were investigated and compared with clear, single glass component. For all combination numerical simulation were conducted and obtained results for 15th of each month at 12:00 presented and discussed. All information presented in a paper are necessary for further validation of TDI method.
Toluilenodiizocyjanian (TDI) stosowany w przemyśle jest najczęściej mieszaniną dwóch izomerów: diizocyjanianu tolueno-2,4-diylu oraz diizocyjanianu tolueno-2,6-diylu. Izomery te występują w stosunku 80: 20 i są bezbarwnymi lub jasnożółtymi cieczami o ostrym zapachu. Toluilenodiizocyjanian jest stosowany jako monomer do produkcji polimerów poliuretanowych mających wszechstronne zastosowanie w wielu gałęziach przemysłu. Szacuje się, że w Polsce narażonych na działanie toluilenodiizocyjanianu jest kilkaset osób. Toluilenodiizocyjanian w warunkach przemysłowych wchłania się do organizmu przede wszystkim drogą inhalacyjną. Głównymi skutkami działania toluilenodiizocyjanian na ludzi jest jego silne działanie drażniące na błony śluzowe dróg oddechowych, oczy i skórę. Związek ten może również wywierać działanie uczulające w następstwie narażenia drogą oddechową i w kontakcie ze skórą. Toluilenodiizocyjanian działa bardzo toksycznie przez drogi oddechowe. Do najczęstszych objawów ostrego inhalacyjnego zatrucia należą: łzawienie, zaczerwienienie oraz pieczenie spojówek, błon śluzowych nosa, drapanie w gardle, kaszel, duszność, ucisk za mostkiem i bóle w klatce piersiowej. Stosunkowo rzadziej występują: bóle głowy, podwyższona temperatura ciała, nudności lub wymioty.
Toluene-2,4 and 2,6-diisocyanate (2,4-TDI; 2,6-TDI) are colorless to pale yellow liquids with a sharp acrid odor. 2,4-TDI and 2,6-TDI are two commonly used isomers of toluenediisocyanate (TDI). A commercial mixture of TDI isomers (80% 2,4-TDI, 20% 2,6-TDI) is one of the isocyanates most often employed in the manufacture of ”foamed in place” polyurethane plastics, coatings, and elastomers. The finished products range from soft and sponge-like to hard and porous. The finished polymeric foams are biologically inert and widely used in furniture, packaging, insulation, and boat building and have many other applications. Polyurethane coatings have many desirable properties for use on leather, wire, tank linings and masonry. Industrial experience has demonstrated that acute exposure to TDI vapors can produce severe irritant efects on mucous membranes, the respiratory tract, and the eyes, and an acute attact of an asthmalike syndrome may occur. Exposure to high concentrations may lead to chemical pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, headache, and insomnia. The Export Group recommended, on the basis of the results of a human chronic and epidemiological stydy, a TLV value for toluene-2,4 or 2,6-diisocyanate and the mixture of TDI isomers 0,007 mg/m3 and the value of 0,021 mg/m3 as the Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL). The proposed values of hygiene standards should protect workers against irritating and sensitizing effects of TDI mainly on the respiratory tract and skin. For the same reason, TDI isomers and their mixtures should be denoted with “I” and “A” respectively.
W referacie przedstawiono metody symulacyjne służące do określania zapotrzebowania na energię do sztucznego oświetlenia uzupełniającego. Opisano procedurę wyznaczania wskaźnika TDI oraz jego przykładowe wartości. Wyznaczane parametry służą do oceny energochłonności obiektów, a zatem niezbędne jest ich uwzględnienie w wielokryterialnej optymalizacji budynków mieszkalnych, jako jedne z wielu kryteriów decydujących o oddziaływaniu budynków na środowisko. Praca naukowa została częściowo sfinansowana z środków na naukę w latach 2008-11 w ramach Projektu Badawczego Nr 3989/B/T02/2008/35.
The energy performance of supplementary lighting is discussed in a paper. For the purpose of multicriterion optimisation refined TDI index was proposed as an indicator of illuminance level and energy requirements. Additionally, different luminous efficacy of artificial lighting source was presented and discussed. Finally, some criteria of supplementary lighting efficiency was formulated.
Content available remote High-performance IR detectors at SCD present and future
For over 27 years, SCD has been manufacturing and developing a wide range of high performance infrared detectors, designed to operate in either the mid-wave (MWIR) or the long-wave (LWIR) atmospheric windows. These detectors have been integrated successfully into many different types of system including missile seekers, time delay integration scanning systems, hand-held cameras, missile warning systems and many others. SCD's technology for the MWIR wavelength range is based on its well established 2D arrays of InSb photodiodes. The arrays are flip-chip bonded to SCD's analogue or digital signal processors, all of which have been designed in-house. The 2D focal plane array (FPA) detectors have a format of 320×256 elements for a 30-µm pitch and 480×384 or 640×512 elements for a 20-µm pitch. Typical operating temperatures are around 77–85 K. Five years ago SCD began to develop a new generation of MWIR detectors based on the epitaxial growth of antimonide based compound semiconductors (ABCS). This ABCS technology allows band-gap engineering of the detection material which enables higher operating temperatures and multi-spectral detection. This year SCD presented its first prototype FPA from this program, an InAlSb based detector operating at a temperature of 100 K. By the end of this year SCD will introduce the first prototype MWIR detector with a 640×512 element format and a pitch of 15 µm. For the LWIR wavelength range SCD manufactures both linear Hg1–xCdxTe (MCT) detectors with a line of 250 elements and time delay and integration (TDI) detectors with formats of 288×4 and 480×6. Recently, SCD has demonstrated its first prototype uncooled detector which is based on VOx technology and which has a format of 384×288 elements, a pitch of 25 µm, and a typical NETD of 50 mK at F/1. In this paper, we describe the present technologies and products of SCD and the future evolution of our detectors for the MWIR and LWIR detection.
Silicon read-out devices with input direct injection and buffered direct injection circuits and charge coupled devices (CCD) multiplexers to be used with n+ -p photovoltaic (PV) multielement arrays were designed, manufactured, and tested at T=77-300 K. Into these readout devices testing switches were incorporated which attach the sources of direct injection transistors to the common load resistors to imitate the output signal of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) photodiodes. The silicon readout devices for 2x4x128(144) arrays [two sets of 128 or 144 lines (channels) with four pixels in row] in which time delay and integration (TDI) is performed with skimming and partitioning functions, were manufactured by n-channel MOS technology with buried channel CCD register. The designed CCD readout devices are driven with four- or two-phase clock pulses. The amount of charge, which can be stored in the readout device, depends on the mode used. Without skimming and partitioning modes it is 2.4 pC per channel at an output signal of about 5V. With partitioning mode included it is about 6.4 pC, and it is about 10.0 pC with skimming and partition\ing modes switched on. Different operating modes depending on the application purposes can be selected taking into account programmable integration time, possible operation with and without TDI function, availability of skimming level and partitioning factor, etc.
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