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W niniejszej pracy jako główny przedmiot badań została wybrana przestrzeń społeczna zabudowań mieszkaniowych doliny Gruvedalen w Longyearbyen na terenie wyspy Spitsbergen w archipelagu Svalbard. Jest to przykład przestrzeni społecznej nietypowej dla europejskich warunków. Jest ona bowiem zlokalizowana na terenie o ekstremalnie zimnym klimacie. Analizując architekturę i urbanistykę Spitsbergenu, a także jego mieszkańców, zwrócono uwagę na rolę i znaczenie przestrzeni społecznych w życiu mieszkańców, ich ogólną charakterystykę, pozytywy, negatywy, sposób wykorzystywania przez różne grupy społeczne oraz jakość i rozwiązania funkcjonalne. W pracy badawczej zastosowano badania teoretyczne, badania terenowe in situ, autorską relację oraz badania ankietowe. Przestrzenie wspomagają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie środowiska mieszkaniowego, pozwalają na poczucie bezpieczeństwa rezydentów i odwiedzających. Najważniejszym czynnikiem wpływającym na odbiór i kształtowanie przestrzeni społecznych przez mieszkańców północnych krańców świata jest forma architektoniczna, lokalizacja i powiązanie z kontekstem, otoczeniem.
The primary object of this study is the common space of a housing development found in Gruvedalen Valley in Longyearbyen, on the island of Spitsbergen, a part of the Svalbard Archipelago. It is a case of a social space that is atypical of European conditions. It is located in a territory with an extremely cold climate. When analysing the architecture and urban layouts of Spitsbergen, as well as its residents, I noted the role and significance of social spaces in their lives, and provided their general overview, which includes the positives, negatives and manner of use by various social groups, in addition to its quality and functional solutions. The research methods used in the study include: theoretical research, in situ field research, original report, and a survey. Social spaces support the correct functioning of the housing environment and enhance the sense of safety among residents and visitors. The most crucial factors that affects the reception and design of social spaces by residents are: architectural form, its location and linkages with the context and surroundings.
Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie, że przestrzenie społeczne w miastach spełniają ogromnie ważną rolę, niezależnie od strefy klimatycznej w jakiej miasta te się znajdują. Nawet na terenach o ekstremalnie zimnym klimacie, wykształcają się miejsca spotkań i współegzystowania mieszkańców. W publikacji oparto się na przykładach ze Spitzbergenu. Badania przeprowadzono w mieście Longyearbyen. Czynniki, które determinują jakość przestrzeni wspólnych, ich użyteczność, stopień akceptacji i zadowolenia ze spędzania w nich czasu przez mieszkańców, wynikają z ogólnie znanych uwarunkowań dotyczących kształtowania przestrzeni społecznych i publicznych, ale w większym stopniu, ze specyficznych warunków klimatycznych.
This article’s aim is to demonstrate that social spaces play an immensely important role within cities regardless of the climate zones in which those cities are located. Even areas with an extremely cold climate see the emergence of places where their residents meet and coexist. The publication is based on examples from Spitsbergen. Research was conducted in the town of Longyearbyen. The factors that determine the quality of common spaces, their utility, the degree of their acceptance and satisfaction derived from spending time in them are the outcomes of widely known determinants concerning the design of social and public spaces, but are affected by their specific climate conditions to a much greater degree.
This article shows acoustic measurements from Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic, located in the Arctic Ocean. The aim of the research was to show the Svalbard soundscape as well as to record and analyse the spatial-temporal dynamics of the acoustic environment, the human impact on the soundscape and to collect baseline data for future comparative research. Svalbard is interesting for many science disciplines because it has an arctic climate and, at the same time, it is relatively easily accessible. Climatologists, geologists, glaciologists, biologists and even anthropologists could find interesting themes to investigate here. Additionally, the soundscape of Spitsbergen is worthy of detailed examination. This paper presents comparative analysis of the soundscape of various spots near Longyearbyen in Management Area 10. The soundscape analysis of selected valleys shows the strong influence of human activity on the soundscape as well as the variability and characteristic features of the natural Arctic soundscape.
Quantifying the burial of organic carbon (OC) and inorganic carbon (IC) species in marine sediments contribute to a better understanding of carbon cycle. This is especially important in the Arctic, where carbon deposition is relatively high and expected to change with climate warming. This study aimed to quantify the burial rates of OC and IC in the sediments of two high-latitude fjords – Hornsund and Kongsfjorden (European Arctic). Comparison of the results from three methods quantifying carbon burial in marine sediments was carried out. Sediment cores, pore water, and over-bottom water samples were analyzed for OC and IC. The burial rates were established by considering: carbon deposition to sediments minus carbon return flux, carbon deposited to sediments 80-100 years ago and carbon deposited to sediments recently. The radiolead method was employed for sediment dating. Carbon return flux was obtained using dissolved carbon species concentrations in pore water and over-bottom water. Sediment linear and mass accumulation rates in the fjords were 0.12-0.20 cm y−1 and 1160-2330 g m−2y−1. The OC burial rates were 19.3-30.3 g OC m−2 y−1 in Hornsund and 5.7-10.0 g OC m−2y−1 in Kongsfjorden. IC burial was taken as equal to IC deposition and ranged from 10.7 to 20.8 g IC m−2 y−1 in Hornsund and 19.4-45.7 g IC m−2 y−1 in Kongsfjorden. The “return flux” model seems most appropriate for carbon burial rate studies. The data demonstrated that OC burial dominates in Hornsund, while in Kongsfjorden, IC burial is more important.
Content available Rozwój górnictwa i energetyki na Spitsbergenie
Spitsbergen jest największą wyspą archipelagu Svalbard, graniczącą z Oceanem Arktycznym oraz Morzami: Norweskim, Grenlandzkim i Barentsa. Dominuje rzeźba górska z licznymi dolinami polodowcowymi. Zajmuje powierzchnię 38 tys km2, w tym ponad połowa powierzchni pokryta jest lodem. Zachodnią część Spitsbergenu budują góry o płaskich szczytach i stromych zboczach. W głębi wyspy są pola lodowcowe. Na zboczach gór częste są formy osuwiskowe w postaci piargów. Wieczna zmarzlina, noc polarna, suchy arktyczny klimat, niskie temperatury – to warunki, jakie występują na Spitsbergenie.
Content available remote Polska wyprawa na Spitsbergen w 1938 r.
Polish expedition to Spitsbergen in 1938 was the fifth Polish expedition to the Arctic during interwar period. Four persons participated in it: geologist Bronisław Halicki (1902-1962) from Stefan Batory University in Vilnius, geographer and geomorphologist Mieczysław Klimaszewski (1908-1995) from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, geologist Ludwik Sawicki (1893-1972), connected with the State Geological Institute in Warsaw, and Stefan Bernardzikiewicz (1907-1939) from the Warsaw Technical University (organizer and technical leader of the expedition). Polish expedition stayed from July 5th to September 6th 1938 on the Oscar II Land on Spitsbergen. The basis was set up on the Kaffioyr plain. Research was conducted within up to 100 km radius from the base. The main purpose of the expedition was to collect possibly enough data for comparison purposes that could enable studies of the Pleistocene deposits in Poland. The 2nd World War prevented researchers from working on the collected data and from publishing them. Only in 1960, M. Klimaszewski published a valuable geomorphological study devoted to the territory located between Kongsfjorden and Eidembukta. The data and experience obtained on Spitsbergen were of great importance for later interpretations, both Old Quarternary and Young Pleistocene, as well as Holocene geological profiles on the Polish Lowlands.
Archipelag Svalbard to wypiętrzony północno-zachodni fragment kontynentalnej płyty euroazjatyckiej. Do eocenu stanowił on wewnętrzny element Eurazji, granicząc z dzisiejszą Grenlandią. Od wczesnego trzeciorzędu, w związku z początkiem otwierania się północnego Atlantyku, następowało przemieszczanie Svalbardu względem Grenlandii, wzdłuż strefy tektonicznej W oligocenie lądy te oddzieliły się od siebie. Spitsbergen jest największą wyspą archipelagu Svalbard, graniczy z Oceanem Arktycznym i morzami: Norweskim, Grenlandzkim i Barentsa. Przez ponad 100 dni w roku panuje tu noc (październik – luty) lub dzień polarny (kwiecień – sierpień). Zajmuje powierzchnię 38 tys. km kw., z czego ponad połowa pokryta jest lodem.
Bacterial production and the accompanying environmental factors were measured in the water columns of two Arctic fjords during the cruise in July and August 2013. Water samples were collected at six stations located in the central part of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. In Hornsund, where average water temperatures were 1.25-fold lower than in Kongsfjorden, the bacterial production was twice as high (0.116 ± 0.102 vs 0.05 ± 0.03 mg C m−3 h−1). Statistical analysis indicated that chlorophyll a concentration itself was not a significant factor that affected bacterial production, in contrast to its decomposition product, pheophytin, originating from senescent algal cells or herbivorous activity of zooplankton. Single and multiple regression analysis revealed that water temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and pheophytin concentration were the main factors affecting bacterial production in both fjords.
This year the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology celebrates its 95th jubilee, which provides an opportunity to present the Faculty’s rich traditions in polar research. Employees and students of the faculty for almost 60 years have taken part in research expeditions to the polar circle. The article presents various studies typical of geodesy and cartography, as well as miscellany of possible measurement applications and geodetic techniques used to support interdisciplinary research. Wide range of geodetic techniques used in polar studies includes classic angular and linear surveys, photogrammetric techniques, gravimetric measurements, GNSS satellite techniques and satellite imaging. Those measurements were applied in glaciological, geological, geodynamic, botanical researches as well as in cartographic studies. Often they were used in activities aiming to ensure continuous functioning of Polish research stations on both hemispheres. This study is a short overview of thematic scope and selected research results conducted by our employees and students.
Celem opracowania jest poznanie warunków anemologicznych w okresie 1901-2010 w rejonie północno-zachodniego Spitsbergenu. W tym celu posłużono się reanalizami ERA-20C. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z przebiegiem temperatury powietrza w tym rejonie. Nad obszarem NW Spitsbergenu przeważają kierunki wiatru NNE i NE (w sumie 21,9%). Najrzadziej występuje wiatr z kierunków zachodnich (W, WNW, NW, WSW, łącznie 9,7%). Można również zaobserwować, wyraźnie różniącą się strukturę częstości kierunków wiatru w porach roku. Średnia prędkość wiatru według reanaliz w latach 1901-2010 w przyjętym punkcie węzłowym wyniosła 5,6 ms-1. Prędkość wiatru w tym okresie wykazała znaczną zmienność z roku na rok. Stwierdzono przy tym istotny statystycznie (na poziomie 0,05) rosnący trend prędkości wiatru, wynoszący 0,5 ms-1 /100 lat.
The aim of the study was to know the wind conditions in the period 1901-2010 over the north-western Spitsbergen. For this purpose they are used ERA-20C reanalises. The results were compared with the course of air temperature in this region. Over the area of NW Spitsbergen predominate wind direction NNE and NE (total of 21.9%). The least frequent wind direction is from the west (W, WNW, NW, WSW, a total of 9.7%). Observed also differing structure of the frequency of wind direction, depending on the season. The average wind speed in the years 1901-2010 in the was 5.6 ms-1. Wind speed during this period showed considerable variability from year to year. It has been found that a statistically significant (at the 0.05 level) growing trend of wind speed (0.5 ms-1 /100 years).
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę warunków meteorologicznych w północnej części Kaffiøyry (NW Spitsbergen, rys. 1) w sezonach letnich (21 VII – 31 VIII) w okresie 2012-2014 (tab. 1, rys. 2-9). Pomiary i obserwacje meteorologiczne prowadzono w ogródku meteorologicznym zlokalizowanym w pobliżu stacji polarnej UMK na morenie czołowo-bocznej Lodowca Aavatsmarka (φ=78°4’N, λ=11°51’E, h=11,5 m n.p.m.). Wykonywano je 4 razy na dobę, w terminach 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC (01, 07, 13, 19 LMT). W artykule uzyskane wyniki porównano z wieloletnimi wartościami większości elementów meteorologicznych obliczonymi z kilkudziesięciu sezonów letnich, w których zorganizowano Toruńskie Wyprawy Polarne w okresie 1975-2014 (tab. 1). W sezonach letnich 2012-2014 stwierdzono większą prędkość wiatru (5,3 m·s-1 w stosunku do 4,6 m·s-1 w wieloleciu 1975-2014). Przyczyniła się do tego przede wszystkim zwiększona jego prędkość w sezonie letnim 2012 r. (6,1 m·s-1). Świadczy to o wzroście działalności cyklonalnej na obszarze Spitsbergenu. Oprócz wiatru znaczącym zmianom podległy także wszystkie parametry temperatury powietrza (tab. 1). W największym stopniu wzrosła temperatura maksymalna (o 0,8 oC), a w najmniejszym minimalna (tylko o 0.4 oC). Warto też odnotować znaczny wzrost średniej dobowej amplitudy temperatury powietrza, o 0,5 oC. Ociepleniu klimatu w rejonie Kaffiøyry towarzyszy także znaczny wzrost opadów, który w latach 2012-2014 wyniósł nieznacznie powyżej 150% ich wielkości z lat 1975-2014. (tab. 1). Pozostałe elementy wymawiane w artykule nie wykazały większych zmian w porównaniu do danych wieloletnich.
This article provides the characteristics of meteorological conditions in the north of Kaffiøyra (NW Spitsbergen, Fig. 1) in the summer seasons (21 July – 31 August) of 2012-2014 (Table 1, Figs 2-9). The observations and measurements were carried out at a meteorological site located near the NCU Polar Station on the terminal-lateral moraine of the Aavatsmark Glacier (φ=78°4’N, λ=11°51’E, h=11.5 m a.s.l.). The measurements were taken four times per day at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC (01:00, 07:00, 13:00 and 19:00 LMT). In this article, the obtained results are compared with multi-annual values of most meteorological elements obtained from a few dozen summer seasons, during which Toruń Polar Expeditions were organised in the years 1975-2014 (Table 1). In the summer seasons of 2012-2014, the observed wind speed was greater than in the years 1975-2014 (5.3 m· s-1 vs. 4.6 m·s-1, respectively). This was mainly due to its increased speed in the summer of 2012 (6.1 m·s-1) and it is also an indication of intensified cyclonic activity in the area of Spitsbergen at the time. Besides the wind, all other parameters of air temperature were also subject to considerable changes (Table 1). The maximum temperature of air increased the most (by 0.8 oC), whereas the change in minimum temperature was the smallest (only by 0.4 oC). A substantial increase in the mean diurnal amplitude of air temperature by 0.5 oC is also noteworthy. The warming of the climate of Kaffiøyra is accompanied by greater precipitation, which in the years 2012-2014 slightly exceeded 150% of its respective amount for 1975-2014 (Table 1). The other meteorological elements analysed in this article do not show any major changes as compared with the long-term data.
W pracy omówiono związki rocznych i kwartalnych sum opadów w Hornsundzie z intensywnością składowej powierzchniowej cyrkulacji termohalinowej (THC) na Atlantyku Północnym. Fazę i intensywność THC opisuje wskaźnik oznaczony jako DG3L. Analizy wykazują, że związki takie, silnie rozciągnięte w czasie, istnieją. Związki rocznych sum opadów oraz sum opadów w drugim półroczu (lipiec-grudzień) z THC są związkami pośrednimi. Wraz ze zwiększoną dostawą ciepła z transportem Wód Atlantyckich na północ, do Arktyki, rosną w wodach mórz Grenlandzkiego i Barentsa zasoby ciepła, w związku z czym wzrasta temperatura wody powierzchniowej (SST) i maleje pokrywa lodowa. Tym samym wzrasta powierzchnia wód wolnych od lodów, a powierzchnia morza ma wyższą temperaturę. Oba procesy prowadzą do wzrostu natężenia strumieni ciepła i pary wodnej z oceanu do atmosfery, co powoduje wzrost temperatury powietrza (SAT). Wzrost SAT prowadzi do podniesienia wysokości tropopauzy. W rezultacie ciągu procesów sterowanych przez zmienność THC powstają sprzyjające warunki do wzrostu sum opadów w okresie występowania zmniejszonej powierzchni lodów i silnej konwekcji w atmosferze (wzrost wodności i miąższości chmur). Te same procesy wyjaśniają wzrost udziału sum opadów ciekłych w sumie rocznej opadów w Hornsundzie oraz wystąpienie dodatniego trendu sum opadów. Opóźnienie (~6 lat) reakcji sum opadów względem zmian natężenia THC wynika z opóźnionego, w stosunku do przebiegu wskaźnika DG3L, przejścia cyrkulacji atmosferycznej nad Arktyką z reżimu cyrkulacji antycyklonalnej do reżimu cyrkulacji cyklonalnej. Zwiększenie frekwencji cyklonów nad Arktyką, poprzez wzrost częstości wypadania opadów frontalnych również sprzyja wzrostowi sum opadów. Bardziej rozszerzona analiza wskazuje, że zmienność THC reguluje, poprzez wzrost temperatury powietrza, sum opadów i zmianę struktury opadów (stałe/ ciekłe) również przebieg procesów ewolucji geosystemów lądowych.
The work discusses relationship between total annual and quarterly precipitation in Hornsund and intensity of surface component of thermohaline circulation (THC) on the North Atlantic. Phase and intensity of THC describes index marked as DG3L. Analysis shows that there are such dependencies, significantly extended in time. Relations between THC and total annual precipitation and sums of precipitation in second half of the year (July-December) are indirect dependencies. Together with increased heat supply with transport of Atlantic Water north to the Arctic, grow heat resources in waters of the Greenland and Barents seas. As a result, SST increases and decreases ice extent. Thereby increasing area of water free of ice cover and sea surface has a higher temperature. Both processes leads to an increase in intensity of heat flux and water vapor from ocean into atmosphere, causing an increase in air temperature (SAT). An increase in SAT leads to raise height of tropopause. As a result of a sequence of processes controlled by volatility of THC are generated favorable conditions for an increase of sum of precipitation during periods of reduced sea ice extent and strong convection into atmosphere (an increase in water content and thickness of clouds). These same processes explain an increase sum of liquid precipitation in annual precipitation structure in Hornsund and an occurrence of positive trend of sum of precipitation. Occurring delay (~ 6 years) reacting sum of precipitation in relation to course of indicator, that characterizes intensity variations of THC results from retarded, with respect to course of indicator DG3L, transition of atmospheric circulation over the Arctic from anticyclonic circulation regime to cyclonic circulation regime. Increased frequency of cyclones occurrence over the Arctic, through an increase in frequency of falling out frontal precipitation also favors growth of sum of precipitation. More extended analysis indicates that variability of THC regulates, by an increase in air temperature, total precipitation and change in precipitation structure (solid / liquid) and processes of evolution of land geosystems.
W artykule omówiono przebieg roczny występowania mgieł i ograniczonej widzialności poziomej (<1km) w Hornsundzie. Wykorzystano w tym celu dane o zjawiskach meteorologicznych w okresie od lipca 1978 do połowy listopada 2016 roku. Zbiór danych poszerzono o wyniki bardzo dobrej jakości obserwacji zgromadzonych podczas Międzynarodowego Roku Geofizycznego (lipiec 1957 – sierpień 1958). W Hornsundzie mgły występowały średnio podczas 34 dni w roku. Częściej, bo przez 55 dni, widzialność pozioma była ograniczona poniżej 1 km. Zjawiska te najczęściej pojawiały się latem (średnio 21 dni), zwłaszcza w lipcu podczas dni z adwekcją powietrza z południowego zachodu. Dysproporcja pomiędzy częstością występowania dni z mgłą i ograniczoną widzialnością była niewielka latem i osiągała maksimum w zimie kiedy widzialność pozioma jest ograniczona głównie przez intensywne opady śniegu lub zawieje i zamiecie śnieżne. W zimie największym prawdopodobieństwem występowania mgły (8 %) wyróżniała się sytuacja synoptyczna z centrum wyżu nad Spitsbergenem (typ Ca), zaś prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia ograniczonej widzialności w typach cyklonalnych było większe (18%) niż w typach antycyklonalnych (6%).
Data on meteorological phenomenon from Polish Polar Research Station in Hornsund were used to recognize the annual course of fog days and days with horizontal visibility <1km and their relation to atmospheric circulation. Fog occur relatively often in the Arctic being noticed on 34 days a year. Days with limited horizontal visibility are even more frequent (55 days). The highest frequency of the phenomenon falls in summer (21 days), with the clear maximum in July (9 days), mainly on days with south-western air advection. On such days probability of the phenomenon in anticyclonic situation (SWa 56%) is 11% higher than in analogous cyclonic situation (SWc 45%). In summer the frequencies of fog and horizontal visibility <1km are similar. In other season disproportion in the frequency of these phenomena is bigger, particularly in winter. This indicates that in summer the limited visibility is usually due to fog while in other seasons it is related to intense snow precipitation, blowing snow or blizzards. South-western flow of air masses also favours the occurrence of fog and limited horizontal visibility in autumn. In spring these relations are slightly different. The highest probability of the phenomena is related to air advection from the west. Fog occurrence is favoured by Wa type (22%), while limited visibility is related to Wc type(31%). In winter fog probability increases on days with anticyclone centre located over Spitsbergen (Ca 8%). In these season the relation between fog occurrence and atmospheric circulation are quite different than between limited visibility and atmospheric circulation. Limited visibility probability in cyclonic situations (18%) is higher than in anticyclonic (6%), with the maximum in SEc (37%) and Cc (31%) types. In winter visibility is mainly limited by intense snow precipitation, blowing snow and blizzards, which are related to low pressure systems.
Content available Charakterystyka odwilży w Hornsundzie (Spitsbergen)
Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka odwilży i dni odwilżowych w Hornsundzie. Odwilże rozpatrywano podczas 34 sezonów zimowych od 1 grudnia 1982 roku do 30 kwietnia 2016 roku. Pod pojęciem odwilży rozumiano okres co najmniej jednodniowy z temperaturą dobową maksymalną ≥ 0°C, który następuje bezpośrednio po co najmniej dwudniowym okresie mroźnym, czyli z temperaturą dobową maksymalną < 0°C. Dni odwilżowe definiowano jako wszystkie dni z dodatnią temperaturą maksymalną ≥ 0°C w sezonie zimowym, po co najmniej dwóch pierwszych dniach mroźnych po rozpoczęciu tego sezonu. Dokonano oceny zmienności wieloletniej występowania odwilży i dni odwilżowych, określono ich częstość w sezonie zimowym, daty początku, długość ciągów dni, uwarunkowań cyrkulacyjnych ich występowania i warunków meteorologicznych im towarzyszących. Stwierdzono wzrost częstości i długości trwania odwilży oraz przesunięcie zwartego okresu mroźnego z grudnia i stycznia na luty i marzec. Tendencje te są szczególnie widoczne od początku XXI wieku. Występowaniu odwilży sprzyja adwekcja ciepłego powietrza z południa.
Long-term variability in the occurrence of thaw periods can be used as an indicator of climate change in the polar zone due to the snow and ice melting processes associated with them. The study looked at the thaw period and days with thaw parameters at Hornsund and included the long-term variability, frequencies, onset timing, permanence, associated atmospheric circulation and accompanying weather conditions. The study limited itself to looking at thaw periods during the winter season defined by Marsz (2007), which runs from 1 December to 30 April. Thaw was defined as a period of at least one day with a maximum daily temperature equal or greater than zero degrees (TMAX ≥ 0°C), which followed immediately after at least two days of sub-zero temperatures (TMAX < 0°C). Days with a thaw were defined as days with an above-zero daily maximum temperature (TMAX ≥ 0°C) following after at least the first two sub-zero days of a given winter season. The study employed records of daily measurements of air temperature, depth of snow-cover, precipitation totals and wind speed and direction made at the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund during 34 winter seasons from 1 December 1982 to 30 April 2016. During that period, there were on average eight thaw periods per season. The highest number of thaws (15) was recorded in 2015/2016 and the lowest (4) in 1987/1988, 1993/1994 and 2001/2002. The timing of thaw onset varied between seasons, but was most frequent in December (27), followed by January (5) and February. Typical thaws lasted between one and three days in length, but there were many warm spells even exceeding ten days. These longest thaw periods only appeared in Hornsund in 1996, as previously they had never lasted for more than nine days. The longest such warm spell during the study period was recorded between 31 January and 18 February 2014. It was accompanied by a cyclonic situation with air advection from the south-east and south (Niedźwiedź 2016), a peak air temperature of 4.4°C, a wind speed of more than 10 m/s, and a snow cover shrinking rate of 10 cm in four days. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a steady increase in the frequency of days with a winter thaw. In the 2005/2006 season there were 67 such days, while three other seasons also had more than the until-then unheard of 50 days of thaw. The least days with a thaw (6) were recorded in the 1987/1988 season which had the lowest air temperature during a thaw and the lowest number of thaw periods (4), among which there was one three-day spell in January and three isolated days in February, March and April. A total of 18 seasons during the study period, had thaw days in each month, while in the other seasons there would be unbroken monthly or longer periods with freezing temperatures, typically in March, but also in December, January, and February. Winter season weather in Hornsund is primarily determined by atmospheric circulation due to the limited or non-existent solar radiation. The most frequent are cyclonic situations with air advection from the east (Ec peaking in January), north-east (NEc peaking in December) and south-east (SEc peaking in February). April stands out with relatively frequent (more than 8%) anticyclonic situations (Ka and NEa). There are almost no incidences of anticyclonic situations with western or north-western advection (Wa, NWa – less than 1%). Thaws are most likely in the following situations: December – SWc and Sc, January – SWc, Wc and Sc, February – SWa and SWc, March – SWa, Wc ad SWc, and April – SWa, Sc and SWc. In general, the situation favouring a thaw involves air advection either from the south-west regardless of the pressure system, or from the south and west in cyclonic situations.
Content available remote Colonies of Gyrosigma eximium: a new phenomenon in Arctic tidal flats
For the first time at Svalbard, a colonial form of the tube-dwelling diatom Gyrosigma eximium was found in summer 2010 in the tidal flats on Spitsbergen at 78°N. The colonies take the form of conical, green structures that are 1–2 cm high and are associated with other diatom taxa and cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriaceae). The diatom colonies were associated with rich meiofauna and apparently act as cohesive factors for the fine sediment. In the Arctic tidal flats, this represents the first observation of long-term sediment stabilization and biological enrichment. Since this first observation, this species has apparently colonized broader areas in Advenentelva's tidal flat.
Content available remote Druga polska wyprawa na Spitsbergen (w 1936 roku)
The second Polish expedition to Spitsbergen took place in 1936. It was already the third Polish expedition to the Arctic (previous ones were: Bear Island in 1932-1933, Spitsbergen – Torell Land in 1934). The organizers and participants were: Stefan Bernadzikiewicz (1907-1939) – assistant at the Warsaw Technical University, leader of the 1934 expedition to Spitsbergen, Konstanty Narkiewicz-Jodko (1901-1963) – assistant at the Unit of Physisc of the Warsaw Univeristy, who specialised in stratosphere research, and Stanisław Siedlecki (1912-2002) – geology student at the Warsaw University, participant of both previous Polish polar expeditions. The expedition was supposed to be a kind of reconnaissance with climbing and scientific elements. The route of the expedition ran from the place of landing at the Hornsund fiord coastline (July 7) to the most southward cape of Spitsbergen – Sørneset (July 11). Next the expedition participants moved north across the eastern part of the island. After replenishing food supplies when the expedition was halfway through (August 4-11), its route ran to as far as the most northward Verlegenhuken cape (August 24), and then back to the southern Billenfjord coastline (September 1-5). Climbing and scientific part of the expedition failed. Because of quick march and frequent fogs measurements and topographical sketches were abandoned. Despite the lack of strictly scientific results, the expedition itself had great exploratory importance: for the first time in history, Spitsbergen was hiked across from south to north without the use of dogs.
The mineral framework and pore waters of glacial sediments exposed in the foreland of Weren- skioldbreen in SW Spitsbergen were sampled and analyzed to model the evolution of pore water chemistry, representing the advancement of weathering in a chronosequence. Three samples were taken at distances representing snapshots of approximately 5, 45 and 70 years of exposure. Complementary mineralogical analyses of the mineral framework and chemical analyses of pore waters, coupled with thermodynamic modelling of mineral-water interactions were applied. Recently uncovered sediments of the bottom moraine underwent very little weathering underneath the glacier cover; both the sediments and pore waters in the forefield of the Werenskioldbreen represent a very immature system. Poorly sorted sediments were deposited by the glacier and not reworked by fluvioglacial waters. The ratio of ‘amorphous iron’ to ‘free iron’ Feo/Fed increases with distance from the glacier terminus from 0.30 through 0.36 to 0.49, typical for fresh glacial till. The increase in saturation with CO2 (from p(CO2) –3.8 to –2.4) and the concentration of all major ions in pore waters (from 123 to 748 mg/L total dissolved solids, TDS) was observed in this young chronosequence. The waters evolved from carbonate- dominated to sulphate-dominated, indicating that with progress in weathering the dominating processes are equilibration with carbonates, oxidation of sulphides and the influence of gypsum precipitation by seasonal freeze-thaw cycles. Mass balance calculations and inverse modelling of the composition of pore waters, verified by microscopic observations of alteration on the surfaces of mineral grains, allowed thermodynamic confirmation of the fact that the relative significance of carbonate weathering decreases and that of sulphate increases down the chronosequence. The participation of silicate minerals in weathering is low, indicating a relatively immature stage of weathering within this particular chronosequence. It is significant that the morphology of etch pits and the formation of secondary phases apparent on mineral surfaces were identical, regardless of the distance from the glacier terminus. This might indicate that the mechanisms of particular weathering processes at the mineral-water interface are the same at the initial as well as at the more mature stages and do not change at least within ca. 70 years of exposure.
W artykule przedstawiono zróżnicowanie przestrzenne temperatury oraz wilgotności powietrza w rejonie Kaffiøyry (NW Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim 2014 r. Na podstawie pomiarów na stanowiskach położonych na różnych wysokościach nad poziomem morza przeanalizowano zmiany temperatury i wilgotności powietrza w pionie, obliczono pionowe gradienty tych elementów. Uzyskane wyniki odniesiono do pionowych sondaży atmosfery wykonywanych w pobliskiej stacji w Ny Ålesund. Temperatura oraz wilgotność względna powietrza wykazują znaczne zróżnicowanie przestrzenne. Relacje między stanowiskami zmieniają się z dnia na dzień w zależności od rodzaju mas powietrza oraz zachmurzenia. Stwierdzono również zmienność pionowych gradientów temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza w cyklu dobowym.
This article presents the spatial diversity of temperature and relative humidity of the air in the area of Kaffiøyra (NW Spitsbergen). In the summer season of 2014 (21 July – 31 August), observations were carried out at 9 measurement points equipped with temperature and humidity recorders. The points were located in two terrain profiles: the mountains where the highest point was situated at 590 m a.s.l. in the Prins Heinrichfjella range and from the terminal moraines to the firn field (375 m a.s.l.) of the Waldemar Glacier. On the basis of the measurements taken at the sites situated at different absolute heights vertical changes in air temperature and humidity were analysed and lapse rate of air temperature gradients were determined. The results were referenced to vertical atmospheric soundings carried out at the nearby station in Ny Ålesund. The air over NW Spitsbergen (Ny Ålesund) demonstrated a mean vertical lapse rate of 0.61˚C/100 m at the atmospheric layer up to six or seven hundred metres. On most days normal stratification was observed, where temperature fell with height, on 3 days a ground-level air temperature inversion occurred and on 9 days a temperature inversion occurred in the free troposphere. In the area of Kaffiøyra, air temperature decreased with height from 5.5°C on the coast (KH) to 2.5°C at 590 m a.s.l. (PH2). On the Waldemar Glacier, the mean air temperature ranged from 5.0°C on the moraines (ATA) to 3.6°C on the firn field (LW2). The relationship between the sites changed on a daily basis, depending on the cloud amount, insolation and local circulation (e.g. connected with the influence of foenic wind). Averaged lapse rate in relation to the coast (KH) reached between 0.84°C/100 m (LW1-KH) and 0.39°C/100 m (KU-KH) or 0.40°C/100 m (ATA-KH). The mountain tops (PH1 and PH2) are also distinguished by their smaller lapse rate. An inversion in the vertical distribution of air temperature was also frequent and, for example, at the KT site it occurred at 33.9% of the hours and at 28.7% at ATA. On the Waldemar Glacier, inversion occurred at a frequency of 16.3% at its front (LW1) to 8.8% at its firn field (LW2). On the mountain tops, the inversion occurred at a frequency of 18% (PH2). The relative humidity of the air over Spitsbergen is high due to the prevalence of maritime air masses. According to the soundings conducted at Ny Ålesund, the humidity increased with the height, however in 13 cases a vertical inversion of relative humidity occurred – the overground air layers proved more saturated with water vapour. On Kaffiøyra, the average relative humidity of the air was 87.7% and increased up to approx. 500 m, above which it slightly dropped. This results from a high frequency of occurrence of Stratus clouds which do not reach the higher tops. The vertical gradients of relative humidity were diverse: at most sites, the relative humidity increased with the height, for example at the PH1 site, the gradient was 3.12%/100 m. A greater diversity of the relative humidity was typical of the hours around midday.
Charakterystyczny układ przeważających kierunków wiatrów oraz ukształtowanie powierzchni podwyższonej terasy morskiej w rejonie Polskiej Stacji Polarnej w Hornsundzie sprzyja powstawaniu zasp śnieżnych. Tworzą się one rokrocznie w tych samych miejscach. Konsekwencją nierównomiernej miąższości pokrywy śnieżnej jest jej zróżnicowany moment zaniku. Za przeszkodami terenowymi pokrywa śnieżna zalega dłużej, nawet do końca drugiej dekady lipca. W tych miejscach, na głębokościach 20, 50 i 100 cm, stwierdzono w okresie letnim wyraźne opóźnienie procesu rozmarzania warstwy czynnej oraz niższą temperaturę gruntu. Prezentowane wyniki wykazują wpływ zróżnicowania momentu zaniku pokrywy śnieżnej na przestrzenną zmienność grubości warstwy czynnej wieloletniej zmarzliny. Na podstawie zdjęć fotograficznych i danych teledetekcyjnych zestawiono mapę rozkładu zasp śnieżnych dla badanego obszaru.
Characteristic system of prevailing wind directions and landform features of raised marine terraces in the area of Polish Polar Station cause the formation of snowdrifts every year in the same places. The consequence of irregular thickness of the snow cover is varied velocity of ablation. Behind terrain obstacles the snow cover lies for longer time period, even up to the end of the second decade of July. In these places there is determined significant delay in the process of thawing of the active layer and lower ground temperature during summer period at analyzed depths. Presented results demonstrate the impact of irregular decline of snow cover on the active layer thickness of permafrost variations. On the basis of photographs and remote sensing data there was compiled a map of snowdrifts distribution for the study area.
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