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We report a considerable range expansion of four Ponto-Caspian amphipod species in transitional waters along the southeastern Baltic Sea coast. Chaetogammarus warpachowskyi and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes were found for the first time in Latvia, the former being common along the coast, while the latter was encountered only in the port of Riga. This indicates a 400 to 600 km expansion along the coast, assuming an origin from the Curonian or Vistula lagoons. We also officially document an expansion for Chelicorophium curvispinum in Latvia of ca. 300 km until Riga, confirming recent unpublished records. Moreover, we document a second invasion route of Pontogammarus robustoides into Estonia from nearby Latvian waters by uncovering a population at the port of Pärnu. This species was previously known in Estonia only from the Gulf of Finland (>500 km from Pärnu). With the exception of D. haemobaphes, all newly recorded species were represented by various life-stages and ovigerous females, indicating viable populations. Overall, our findings reveal that Ponto-Caspian amphipods are much more widespread in the Baltic area than previously known and highlight the need for more stringent monitoring.
This article provides an assessment of the defense efforts undertaken by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania since 2014. This analysis is focused on national efforts in the field of military defense and societal resilience. The assessment of defense efforts undertaken by the Baltic states has been based on their pragmatic perception of threats, development of military capabilities, and preparations in the field of civil resilience. The research references publicly available governmental documents of the Baltic states, such as security and defense strategies and concepts, defense plans, and budgets. It discusses recent research and analytical works in the field of and defense of the Baltic states. The research suggests that despite national modalities, all of the Baltic states are implementing core elements of the comprehensive defense. Although there is solid progress in implementing comprehensive defense in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, there are still many challenges ahead.
Content available remote Ewaluacja rosyjskiego oddziaływania na Łotwie
Utrata formalnego wpływu na państwa międzymorza to obiektywnie jedna z największych porażek rosyjskiej polityki zagranicznej, a formułowane przez liderów politycznych i intelektualnych opinie potwierdzają to stwierdzenie. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że państwo to dąży do ponownego wzmacniania swojej obecności i wpływów w tym regionie świata, wykorzystując do tego różne instrumenty oddziaływania. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja instrumentów oddziaływania Federacji Rosyjskiej na Republikę Łotewską oraz ich ocena. Zaproponowano również rekomendacje dotyczące ograniczania ryzyka negatywnego oddziaływania ze strony tego państwa.
The loss of formal influence on Intermarium states is objectively one of the most significant failures of Russian foreign policy, and the opinions formulated by political and intellectual leaders confirm this statement. The conducted research shows that the country aims to strengthen its presence and influence in this region of the world again, using various instruments of influence. The article aims to identify the instruments of the Russian Federation’s influence on the Republic of Latvia and evaluate them. Recommendations for limiting the risk of negative influence from this state were also proposed.
Content available remote Willingness to defend one's own country and to resist in the Baltic states
This article addresses the question of willingness to defend one’s own country and a similar notion of resistance, should Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia be attacked. The study principally relies on quantitative data from a dedicated nationally representative survey across all three countries. The data acquired thereof reaffirm findings from previous studies concluding that the highest level of willingness to defend one’s own country is in Estonia, while it is lower in Latvia and in Lithuania. Asked if and how respondents would resist in case of an attack, more willingness to resist either non-violently or violently was expressed by respondents in Lithuania, ahead of the number of willing to do so in Estonia and more so in Latvia. Demographic background of the respondents visualized and discussed in the article provides further nuances of both research questions. While situation with the willingness to defend Estonia is relatively comfortable, this should not be treated as a reason for complacency. There is still room for progress within some groups of the society. Meanwhile, valuable lessons could be drawn for policies of Latvia and more so of Lithuania to avert some of the less flattery trends identifed in this study.
Newly collected and restudied earlier materials on an enigmatic fish Ventalepis ketleriensis Schultze, 1980 from the upper Famennian (postera – ? Lower expansa conodont zones) of Latvia and central and northwestern Russia support its porolepiform affinities. A new family Ventalepididae fam. nova is established for this genus upon a peculiar combination of characters, including scale structure and dermal bones ornamentation. New records extend the distribution of this genus and the Ventalepis vertebrate assemblage on the whole to a vast geographical zone along the south-eastern coast of the Old Red Sandstone continent. The habitat area of the Devonian vertebrate assemblage over such a large territory within the zoogeographical province of Baltica is established for the first time. Palaeozoogeographical analysis suggests Laurentian affinities of the Ventalepis assemblage demonstrating the major congruency to the Belgian and East Greenland ones. These and Russian localities are separated by a vast ORS continent. Presence of the dipnoan Jarvikia in all three locations, as well as an Ichthyostega-like tetrapod in the Belgian one reveals palaeozoogeographical connections, which might reflect possible dwelling not only in the near-shore continent periphery but also in the river systems of the continent itself.
W krajach Unii Europejskiej, w tym w Polsce, istnieje wiele programów promujących żywność i jej jakość. W szczególności są one ukierunkowane na produkt tradycyjny i regionalny. Ich rolą jest wzmacnianie dziedzictwa kulturowego, w tym kulinarnego oraz tożsamości danego regionu i kraju. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie istoty kompleksowej inicjatywy promocyjnej realizowanej na Łotwie o nazwie „Go rural”, jako benchmarku dla podobnych polskich inicjatyw. W artykule zastosowano metodę analizy studium przypadku. Artykuł wskazuje na podstawowe cechy projektu i opisuje jego podstawowe atrybuty, wpływające na rozpoznawalność i popularność projektu „Go rural” wśród społeczeństwa.
In European Union countries, including Poland, there are many programs that promote food and its quality. In particular, they are focused on traditional and regional products. Their role is to strengthen the cultural heritage, including culinary heritage and identity of the region and of the country. The aim of the article is to present a comprehensive promotion initiative being implemented in Latvia called “Go rural”, as a benchmark for Polish similar initiatives. The main research method used in the article is a case study analysis. The article points out the basic features of “Go rural” project and describes its some basic attributes that affect its visibility and popularity among the public.
The aim of this paper was to draw attention to the coincidence of streets intersections ending, in general, in corner buildings making up typical and picturesque parts of the townscape of the 19th c. European cities, including the central quarter of Riga. This type of town-planning establishments perfectly compose with the art and aesthetics of Art Nouveau in Riga. An additional and very important component of the town-planning-architectonic solutions is the decorative finial of the corner houses (not only in Jugendstil, but also the Latvian national romanticism) creating a harmonious composition in respect of art and town-planning, ideally completing the townscape of this Baltic metropolis.
Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na koincydencję zbiegów ulic zakończonych na ogół wyraźnymi narożami, tworzącymi typowe, a jednocześnie malownicze, fragmenty krajobrazu dziewiętnastowiecznych miast europejskich, w tym również śródmieścia Rygi. Tego rodzaju założenia urbanistyczne doskonale komponują się ze sztuką i estetyką Art Nouveau w Rydze. Dodatkową i jednocześnie niezwykle ważną komponentą rozwiązań urbanistyczno-architektonicznych są umieszczone na narożach ozdobne zwieńczenia (nie tylko w stylu Jugendstil’u, ale także łotewskiego narodowego romantyzmu) komponujące się wspólnie i harmonijnie pod względem artystycznym i urbanistycznym, uzupełniając znakomicie pejzaż tej nadbałtyckiej metropolii.
Niniejszy esej jest próbą zwięzłego ujęcia cech charakterystycznych dla łotewskiego i polskiego neoklasycyzmu. W tej części studium autorka skupiła swą uwagę na różnicach i podobieństwach architektury obu metropolii oraz nad neoklasycyzmami w budynkach użyteczności publicznej, które były świadectwem oświeceniowego racjonalizmu, jak i romantycznego tradycjonalizmu i kolejnego antycznego rewiwalizmu.
This essay is an attempt at a brief description of features characteristic for the Latvian and Polish neoclassicism. In this part of the study the author focuses her attention on differences and similarities of architecture in the two metropolises, and the neo-classicisms in public utility buildings which were the evidence of the Enlightenment rationalism, the Romantic traditionalism and another antiquity revival.
Niniejszy esej jest próbą zwięzłego ujęcia cech charakterystycznych dla łotewskiego i polskiego neoklasycyzmu. W tej części studium autorka skupiła swą uwagę na architekturze prowincjonalnej (krajowej), wyróżniając podobieństwa i różnice w architekturze obydwu krajów. Jednocześnie niniejszy tekst uzupełniony został uwagami na temat historyczno-eklektycznych przykładów łączenia neoklasycyzmu z neogotykiem, zawiera również porównanie z innymi obszarami dawnego Królestwa Polskiego.
This essay is an attempt at a brief description of features characteristic for the Latvian and Polish neo-classicism. In this part of the study the author focuses her attention on provincial architecture (national) highlighting similarities and differences in the architecture of both countries. At the same time, this text was complemented with remarks concerning the historic-eclectic examples of combining neoclassicism and neo-Gothic, and additionally comparing it with other areas of the former Kingdom of Poland.
The article provides an analysis of the biofuel production and consumption development in Latvia. The biofuel production developed due to the state subsidies which were paid for the produced amount till the year 2010. The present capacities can ensure fulfilment of the norms set by the EU Directive for the consumption of biofuel; there is a competitive production unit with a modern technology and a great production output. However, in the field of consumption, the state considerably lags behind the norms mentioned. Therefore measures should be continued to promote biofuel consumption.
An Iron Age timber settlement which, in view of the defensive structures uncovered, is described as a lake fortress, on an island in Lake Āraiši, north-eastern Latvia, was excavated in 1965–69 and 1975–79 by teams led by Jānis Apals, who distinguished five construction phases. Dendrochronological analysis produced a c. 100-year floating chronology for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) timbers from the earliest phase. A 14C wiggle-match was undertaken to obtain an absolute date range for the final year of the floating chronology, and thus for the construction of the settlement. Ten blocks of wood from one timber, each comprising 6-11 years and collectively spanning the whole 93-year tree-ring series, were dated by AMS. Using the IntCal13 calibration data, there is a 95% probability that the felling date of this timber falls in the range 775–784 cal AD. It appears, however, that the AD 775 spike in the atmospheric 14C level occurred within the 6-year span of the last sample. On this basis, we can narrow the date of construction to 776–780 cal AD. This date is significantly earlier than those reported in previous publications.
Повышение инновационности и конкурентоспособности малого и среднего бизнеса – одна из главных задач экономики новых стран ЕС. В связи с этим необходимо определить, как влияют на конкурентоспособность и инновационность такого бизнеса процессы управления знаниями в депрессивном регионе Латвии. Для оценки процессов управления знаниями используются интегрированные показатели, построенные и рассчитанные на основе метода корреляционного анализа по данным опроса 2012 года руководителей и персонала малых и средних предприятий в Латгальском регионе Латвии.
Increasing the innovativeness and competitiveness of small and medium business - one of the main objectives of the new EU economy. In this connection it is necessary to determine the effect on competitiveness and innovativeness of the business processes of knowledge management in a depressed region of Latvia. The processes of knowledge management integrated indicators are used, constructed and calculated on the basis of correlation analysis according to the 2012 survey of managers and staff of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Latgale region of Latvia.
Sekret każdej książki tkwi w jej powszechnym odbiorze społecznym. Pochwalając zamysł ukazania się na polskim rynku wydawniczym nowatorskiego opracowania naukowego na temat mało poznanej esencji dziejów kultury, sztuki architektury i urbanistyki Łotwy należy podkreślić, że książka ta jest autorstwa dwojga wybitnych postaci z kręgu nauki polskiej, wychowanków Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (historyka sztuki, profesora historii architektury i doktora nauk humanistycznych), wieloletnich wytrawnych badaczy i popularyzatorów wiedzy na tematy filozofii, estetyki, psychologii odbioru i kultury.
The secret of every book lies in its general social perception. Commending the plan year on the Polish market innovative studies, learned little about the essence of the history of culture, art, architecture and urbanism of Latvia should be noted that this book is written by two prominent figures from the circle of Polish science, pupils at the Jagiellonian University (art historian, professor of history of architecture and Ph.D.), perennial seasoned scholars and popularizers of knowledge on the subjects of philosophy, aesthetics, psychology and cultural acceptance.
W prezentowanym materiale przedstawiono postać ppłk. Józefa Olszyny-Wilczyńskiego w kampanii polsko - łotewskiej, przeprowadzonej zimą 1920 r. Wówczas oficer ten sprawował dowództwo 3 Brygady Piechoty Legionów i jednocześnie, w zastępstwie, 1 Brygady Piechoty Legionów w 1 Dywizji Piechoty Legionów gen. Edwarda Rydza-Śmigłego. Ppłk Olszyna-Wilczyński w kampanii tej dowodził Grupą Przełomową, która wykonała główne uderzenie. W dniu 3 stycznia zdobył Dyneburg. Na początku drugiej dekady stycznia gen. Rydz-Śmigły oddał pod jego rozkazy łotewską Grupę ppłk. J. Puri?ša. Za kampanię polsko - łotewską, przeprowadzoną w bardzo trudnych warunkach, otrzymał dobre oceny od dowódcy dywizji, gen. Rydza-Śmigłego i dowódcy Frontu Litewsko - Białoruskiego gen. Stanisława Szeptyckiego. Za opanowanie Dyneburga na wniosek płk Stefana Dęba-Biernackiego został odznaczony po raz drugi Krzyżem Walecznych. Na początku lutego 1926 r. prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zezwolił mu na przyjęcie i noszenie łotewskiego krzyża Lacplesis (Pogromca Niedźwiedzia) III kl. Działania na Łotwie były pierwszą operacją, w której wziął udział ppłk Olszyna-Wilczyński po przyjęciu do Wojska Polskiego. Dał się w nich poznać jako dobry dowódca i organizator. Jego walory dowódcze zostały docenione przez przełożonych i wykorzystane w dalszej walce przeciwko armii bolszewickiej Rosji m.in. w operacji kijowskiej (kwiecień - maj 1920 r.).
The article introduces Lieutenant Colonel Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński in the Polish and Latvian campaign conducted in winter 1920. Then, this officer commanded 3 Infantry Brigade Legions and at the same time as was Acting Commander of 1 Infantry Brigade Legions and Infantry Division, which belonged to Edward Rydz-Śmigły. During this campaign Lt. Col. Olszyna-Wilczyński commanded Grupa Przełomowa (the Breakthrough Group), which mainly carried out attacks. On 3 January he conquered Daugavpils. In the first ten days of January Gen. Rydz-Śmigły gave J. Puri?ša`s Latvian Group under Lt. Col. Olszyna-Wilczyński's command. For the Polish and Latvian campaign, conducted under very harsh conditions, he was held in high regard by the division commander Gen. Rydz-Smigly and the commander of the Lithuanian and Belarusian Front Gen. Stanislaw Sheptytsky. For conquering Daugavpils, at Stefan Dąb-Biernacki's request, he was decorated second time with the Cross of Valour. At the beginning of February 1926, the President of the Republic of Poland permitted him to accept and wear the Latvian Cross Lacplesis (Bear Slayer) Class III.
The Middle Gauja Lowland is located in the northern part of Latvia next to the border with Estonia. It is enclosed by Aliiksne Upland in the north-east, Vidzeme Upland in south-west and Karula Upland in the north. Gulbene Interlobate Ridge separates the lowland from the Eastern Latvian Lowland in the south-east and Aumeisteri Interlobate Ridge separates it from the North Latvian Lowland in the north-west. The Middle Gauja Lowland has been formed by the Middle Gauja ice lobe of the Peipsijarv ice stream of the last (Weichselian) glaciation (Zelcs & Markots 2004). Ice retreated from the territory between Gulbene and Linkuva deglaciation phases (15.5-14.5 ka) (Kalm et al. 2011, Zelcs et al. 2011) forming large ice-dammed lake (Zelcs & Markots 2004). Sandy sediments of Middle Gauja ice-dammed lake form the upper part of Quaternary sediment sequence in the largest part of the lowland (Juskevics 2002). A total of 76 sandy sediment samples were collected at eight sites. At each site, one or two vertical outcrops, up to 5 m high, were sampled. Samples were taken from visually identifiable beds or, in cases when individual beds were very thick or had visually identifiable grading, samples were taken in approx. 10 cm intervals. Collected samples were dried at room temperature for at least two weeks. 200 g of each sample were dry sieved (mesh sizes in milimeters: 1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.315, 0.25, 0.2, 0.125, 0.1, 0.063) with mechanical shaker for 20 minutes. Each fraction was weighted on electronic scale (d = O.OOlg). The mean, sorting, skewness and kurtosis of each sample were calculated with Folk and Ward (1957) logarithmic graphic method provided by customized version of R package "rysgran" (Gilbert et al. 2012). Mean grain size verbal description was taken from GRADISTAT (Blott & Pye 2001). Frequency and cumulative frequency plots for each sample were prepared by custom R script. Obtained frequency and cumulative frequency curves were visually compared between each other and with distribution curves published by Mycielska--Dowgiałło & Ludwikowska-Kędzia (2011). All of sampled sites consist of moderate to well sorted medium to fine grained sand. Grain size distributions of assumed aeolian and glacifluvial parts of the Zelini site are similar. Presumed glacifluvial part has a slight increase at medium sand fraction and small amount of fine gravel. Relation between substratum and dune suggests short duration of aeolian processes. Mustjogi 3 parabolic dune samples show almost no presence of very fine sand/silt and retain large percentage of coarser (< 2 phi) sand grains. It suggests the formation exclusively from slightly reworked underlying glacifluvial delta sediments consisting of medium/ coarse sand as observed in Mustjogi 1 site. Bimodal distributions of glacilacustrine sediments, as observed at Garengrida and Mielupite sites and, in lesser extent, at Mustjogi 1 glaciofluvial delta, explain observed bimodal distributions at some of dunes (Garengrida, Smilskalni, Mustjogi 3). Preservation of distribution maximas with only slight increase of fine sand maxima suggest only slight reworking of sandy sediment substratum in aeolian conditions before their final deposition in dunes. Similar preservation of substratum distribution characteristics has also been observed in dunes lying on fluvial and marine coastal sediments (Mycielska-Dowgiallo & Ludwikowska-Kędzia 2011). Observed similarities between both, size distributions of aeolian sediments and potential source of sediment grain size distributions, confirm observations of other authors (i.e. McManus 1988) that granulometric analysis without assistance of other methodology is not sufficient to allow unambiguous separation of different sedimentary environments.
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