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W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu nadzoru ewakuacji osób z budynku użyteczności publicznej. Celem wspomnianego rozwiązania technicznego jest zapewnienie sprawnego przeprowadzania ewakuacji osób z miejsca zagrożenia. Do poprawnego działania systemu wymagane jest pozyskiwanie w czasie rzeczywistym lokalizacji ewakuowanych osób, co uzyskano dzięki technologii Bluetooth. W tym przypadku oszacowanie lokalizacji odbywa się na podstawie pomiaru siły sygnału transmitowanego z nadajników, które mają formę opasek noszonych na nadgarstku. Dzięki zastosowanym czujnikom, opaski monitorują i przekazują informacje o funkcjach życiowych osób objętych opieką.
This article presents the concept of a system for supervising the evacuation of people from a public building. The aforementioned technical solution aims to ensure the smooth evacuation of people from the place of danger. For the system to function appropriately, real-time acquisition of the location of evacuees is required, which was achieved through Bluetooth technology. In this case, the location is estimated by measuring the strength of the signal transmitted from the transmitters, which take the form of wristbands worn on the wrist. Thanks to the sensors used, the wristbands monitor and transmit information about the vital functions of the care recipients.
By reviewing the current state of the art, this paper opens a Special Section titled “The Internet of Things and AI-driven optimization in the Industry 4.0 paradigm”. The topics of this section are part of the broader issues of integration of IoT devices, cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence to optimize industrial processes and increase efficiency. It also focuses on how to use modern methods (i.e. computerization, robotization, automation, machine learning, new business models, etc.) to integrate the entire manufacturing industry around current and future economic and social goals. The article presents the state of knowledge on the use of the Internet of Things and optimization based on artificial intelligence within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The authors review the previous and current state of knowledge in this field and describe known opportunities, limitations, directions for further research, and industrial applications of the most promising ideas and technologies, considering technological, economic, and social opportunities.
This paper introduces a novel approach to building network cluster structures, based on the modified LEACH algorithm. The proposed solution takes into account the multitasking of the network infrastructure, resulting from various functions performed by individual nodes. Therefore, instead of a single head, dedicated to a given cluster, a set of heads is selected, the number of which corresponds to the number of performed functions. Outcomes of simulations, comparing the classical and the multifunctional approach, are presented. The obtained results confirm that both algorithms deliver similar levels of energy consumption, as well as efficiency in terms of the number of individual nodes discharged.
W artykule przedstawiono system służący do oceny stanu poszczególnych elementów towarowego taboru kolejowego w sposób zautomatyzowany. System służy do pomiaru kluczowych parametrów układu jezdnego wagonu towarowego taboru kolejowego za pomocą sensorów. Dane pomiarowe przesyłane na serwer pozwalają na detekcję uszkodzeń. Dane pomiarowe, mogą służyć do predykcji stanów awaryjnych co pozwala na wyłączenie uszkodzonego składu z użytkowania zanim spowoduje on znaczne utrudnienia w ruchu kolejowym. System oprócz wymienionych funkcji spełnia również rolę geolokalizatora taboru stosowanego w celu optymalizacji zarządzania składami towarowymi.
The article presents system which is used for evaluation, work conditions of rolling stock elements in automated way. System is used to measure key parameters of rolling stock elements with the use of five types of sensors. Measurement data located on server gives the possibility to detect damage. Measurement data also could be used to predict emergency state what gives possibility to stop and repair some elements of rolling stock and that could improve security of rail traffic. In order to optimize management of rolling stock, system has the functionality of geolocation.
In the Industrial Internet of Things, a wide variety of sensors are distributed all over the environment to monitor data collection, thereby allowing industrial processes to be monitored more efficiently. One of the fundamental goals of IIoT is to provide the highest level of reliability while simultaneously increasing network lifetime, reducing power consumption, and preventing delays. 6TiSCH is a popular communication standard relied upon in IIoT. The aim of the present study is to propose an inter-layer method that simultaneously considers network scheduling and routing processes based on TSCH and RPL approaches in multi-sink environments. The proposed method is intended to address the limitations of IIoT and meet the requirements of field-specific applications.
In this paper we share our experience with remote software updates for NB-IoT devices. The experience was collected over the years, when managing a fleet of tens of thousands of NB-IoT wireless sensors deployed worldwide by our customers. The paper discusses the main concerns that must be taken into account when designing the remote software over the air (SOTA) update mechanism, describes the remote update algorithm developed and used by us and presents the achieved experimental results based on remote software update of 5 000 NB-IoT sensors deployed in 10 European countries.
W tym artykule dzielimy się naszymi doświadczeniami ze zdalnymi aktualizacjami oprogramowania w urządzeniach NB-IoT. Doświadczenie zbieraliśmy przez lata, zarządzając flotą dziesiątek tysięcy czujników bezprzewodowych, które używane są na całym świecie przez naszych klientów. W artykule omówiono główne zagadnienia, które należy wziąć pod uwagę przy projektowaniu mechanizmu zdalnej aktualizacji oprogramowania (SOTA), opisano algorytm zdalnej aktualizacji opracowany i wykorzystywany przez nas oraz omówiono eksperymentalne wyniki aktualizacji oprogramowania na podstawie aktualizacji 5 000 czujników NB-IoT pracujących w 10 krajach europejskich.
The main purpose of this paper is a systematic literature review on retrofitting tools, equipment, and infrastructure in the industrial domain. The methods used for the research were a systematic literature review: publication analysis, selection of databases, and appropriate modification of queries in individual databases. Findings were presented using a map of keywords, clusters, and charts. The main result of the conducted research was the identification of the main trends in the retrofitting area. The trends developed within the review can support further research into the direction of retrofitting methods and the factors determining the choice of specific techniques and tools in the digitalisation of manufacturing enterprises.
The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart cities has resulted in enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and improved quality of life. However, this integration has brought forth new challenges, particularly concerning data security and privacy due to the widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The article aims to provide a classification of scientific research relating to artificial intelligence in smart city issues and to identify emerging directions of future research. A systematic literature review based on bibliometric analysis of Scopus and Web of Science databases was conducted for the study. Research query included TITLE-ABS-KEY (“smart city” AND “artificial intelligence”) in the case of Scopus and TS = (“smart city” AND “artificial intelligence”) in the case of the Web of Sciences database. For the purpose of the analysis, 3101 publication records were qualified. Based on bibliometric analysis, seven research areas were identified: safety, living, energy, mobility, health, pollution, and industry. Urban mobility has seen significant innovations through AI applications, such as autonomous vehicles (AVs), electric vehicles (EVs), and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), yet security concerns persist, necessitating further research in this area. AI’s impact extends to energy management and sustainability practices, demanding standardised regulations to guide future research in renewable energy adoption and developing integrated local energy systems. Additionally, AI’s applications in health, environmental management, and the industrial sector require further investigation to address data handling, privacy, security, and societal implications, ensuring responsible and sustainable digitisation in smart cities.
Plants on the land quickly wilt and perish due to the extended dry season, severe temperatures, heat, and glaring sunlight. This issue has impacted red lettuce, which has commercial value and high marketing prospects. Providing plants with water and fertilizer during the dry season must be efficient and exact. Excess fertilizer application pollutes the environment. In the dry season, drip irrigation with IoT-based liquid fertilizer distribution is projected to save water and fertilizer due to low discharge and high frequency. The study’s goal is to provide effective autonomous distribution of water and fertilizer to red lettuce plants in order to achieve precision environmentally friendly agriculture. A split-plot design with a main plot and subplots was used to structure the research. Each treatment in one replication contained 5 plant samples, for a total of 60 plants in this study, with weekly watering and fertilization. The findings show that an IoT-based automatic water supply and drip fertilization system can precisely regulate the distribution of water and fertilizer to red lettuce plants, thereby improving water efficiency, farmer energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness.
Jednym z wielu problemów, z jakimi borykają się użytkownicy, producenci czy właściciele sieci oraz osoby na co dzień zajmujące się cyberbezpieczeństwem, jak pracownicy zespołów CSIRT, jest kwestia podatności w urządzeniach internetu rzeczy. Mimo że najpopularniejsze podatności są często przedstawiane dużemu gronu odbiorców, nadal zdecydowana większość z nich jest znana tylko specjalistom od cyberbezpieczeństwa, a nie użytkownikom, którzy to podatne urządzenie mają. Dlatego to właśnie użytkownicy najczęściej mogą być zagrożeni. W związku z tym jest wskazane zwiększenie świadomości użytkowników zagrożeń płynących z posiadania i używania niezabezpieczonych urządzeń, a także zapewnienie dostępu do informacji o podatnościach. Idealnie byłoby mieć jedno źródło, w którym informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach związanych z urządzeniami IoT byłyby zebrane, zagregowane i skorelowane. Nasze obserwacje po analizach wskazały, że wciąż takiego zadowalającego źródła brakowało, dlatego też zdecydowaliśmy się stworzyć repozytorium, w którym informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach mogą być łatwo dostępne dla każdego. W artykule zostały przedstawione różne źródła użytecznych informacji (actionable information), a także otwarte repozytorium, które w przystępny sposób przedstawia informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach w internecie rzeczy.
One of the many problems facied by users, producers or network owners as well as those who deal with cybersecurity on a daily basis is the issue of vulnerabilities in Internet of Things devices. Although the most popular vulnerabilities are often presented to the general public, the vast majority of them are still known only to cybersecurity specialists, and not to the users who own the vulnerable device. Consequently, it is the users who are most likely to be at risk. It is advisable to increase user awareness of the dangers of owning and using unsecured devices as well as provide access to information about vulnerabilities. Ideally, we would like to have a single source where information about vulnerabilities and exploits related to IoT devices would be collected, aggregated and correlated. Among other things, the article presents various sources of actionable information as well as an open repository that presents information about vulnerabilities and exploits in an accessible way.
Urządzeniom IoT często towarzyszą liczne ograniczenia sprzętowe, takie jak ograniczona moc obliczeniowa, ograniczone zasoby pamięciowe oraz niska przepustowość sieci. Wszystkie te składową mają znaczący wpływ na trudności w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa sieciom IoT. Z tego powodu powstały różne rozwiązania przeznaczone specjalnie dla urządzeń IoT, mające na celu podniesienie poziomu bezpieczeństwa takich urządzeń. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najpopularniejszych rozwiązań wykorzystywanych w sieciach IoT, które minimalizują problemy spowodowane licznymi ograniczeniami.
IoT devices are often accompanied by numerous hardware constraints, such as limited computing power, limited memory resources, and low network bandwidth. All these components have a significant impact on the difficulties in ensuring the security of IoT networks. For this reason, various solutions designed specifically for IoT devices have been developed to increase the level of security of such devices. The paper reviews the most popular solutions used in IoT networks that minimize problems caused by numerous limitations.
Using blockchain technology in the Internet of Things (IoT) security is a research trend in recent years. With large IoT networks, miners will have to verify a lot of transactions broadcast from IoT devices. This can cause a delay in saving valid transactions to the ledger. This paper proposes a proof-of-miner-clustering-authentication consensus method of blockchain for IoT networks. In the proposed method, miners in a blockchain network will be clustered, each miner in a cluster is responsible for verifying transactions from IoT devices in the area it manages. Mining of new blocks between clusters is done by the round robin method. Our consensus method can apply to private or consortium blockchain networks, helping to improve the transaction verification speed of miners.
Content available remote An approach for smart parking system based on cloud using IoT
In the most of the modern cities it is difficult and expensive to create more parking spaces for vehicles since the numbers of vehicles are running on the road are increasing day by day and the count of the free spaces in the cities are the same. This problem leads to congestion for parking seekers and drivers. To develop an IoT framework that targets Parking Management which is biggest challenges in modern cities. Using embedded systems, there is a chance to develop an application which can solve these problems. The proposed smart parking solution gives an on-site deployment in which, IoT application monitors and indicate the availability of each parking space. This system helps in improvising the management of parking system by following rules of the government, for example handling different parking spaces in the city. The intuition of presenting this paper is to reduce smart city issue such as the traffic on road and reduces the pollution in the city and the parking.
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