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Przedstawiono podstawy prawne powołania i funkcjonowania Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego (ITD) oraz jej strukturę organizacyjną i zadania. Na przykładzie Zachodniopomorskiego Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Transportu Drogowego przedstawiono czynności wykonywane na drogach. Omówiono sposób przygotowania planów kontroli pojazdów na drogach województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Scharakteryzowano główne punkty kontrolne oraz tabor samochodowy i sprzęt używany w czasie kontroli. Dokonano krytycznej oceny sposobu kontroli pojazdów drogowych przez Inspekcję Transportu Drogowego.
The legal basis of the establishment and operation of Road Transport Inspection (ITD) is presented. ITD organizational structure, Its tasks and powers are presented. Activities performer on the roads by West Pomeranian Regional Inspectorate of Road Transport are characterized. Outlines of the vehicle control plans on the West Pomeranian Province roads are briefly presented. Main checkpoints and car fleet used during the inspection is characterized. Critical assessment of the methods used for control of road vehicles by Road Transport Inspection is made.
W artykule omówiona została struktura organizacyjna Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego oraz zadania jej poszczególnych wydziałów i ogniw.
The article discussed the organizational structure of the Road Transport Inspection and the tasks of its individual departments and cells.
A method to identify the P-arrival of microseismic signals is proposed in this work, based on the algorithm of intrinsic timescale decomposition (ITD). Using the results of ITD decomposition of observed data, information of instantaneous amplitude and frequency can be determined. The improved ratio function of short-time average over long-time average and the information of instantaneous frequency are applied to the time-frequency-energy denoised signal for picking the P-arrival of the microseismic signal. We compared the proposed method with the wavelet transform method based on the denoised signal resulting from the best basis wavelet packet transform and the single-scale reconstruction of the wavelet transform. The comparison results showed that the new method is more effective and reliable for identifying P-arrivals of microseismic signals.
Influence of geosynthetics inserted into cohesive granular soil was obviously investigated using geosynthetics-soil-interaction-testing device (ITD). Observations were already made during undertaking pull-out test, and then the results revealed that a correlation between shear stress and normal stress exhibits non-linear behaviour. In this paper, three approaches of trend-lines namely linear, logarithmic, and polynomial were compared. From analysis, polynomial trend line gave the best correlation among others. The final equation is very important part when estimating more accurate values of cohesion and friction angle design purpose.
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