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Polityka niemiecka wobec Rosji (a wcześniej ZSRR) zdominowała wymiana gospodarcza zapewniająca stronie niemieckiej dostęp do tanich surowców, co pozwalało na utrzymanie konkurencyjności niemieckiej ekonomiki. W obliczu narastającej presji polityki rosyjskiej na sąsiadów niemieccy politycy nie tylko wykazywali się tolerancją wobec tej postawy, co wręcz usprawiedliwiali politykę Kremla. Nawet otwarta agresja Rosji na Ukraine nie zmieniła zasadniczo tej postawy co stawia pod znakiem zapytania sojuszniczą wiarygodność RFN w NATO.
German policy towards Russia (and previously the USSR) was dominated by economic exchanges providing the German side with access to cheap raw materials, which allowed the German economy to remain competitive. In the face of the increasing pressure of Russian policy on its neighbours, German politicians not only showed tolerance towards this attitude, but even justified the Kremlin's policy. Even Russia's open aggression against Ukraine did not fundamentally change this attitude, which calls into question Germany's alliance credibility within NATO.
Ichthyosaurs were a successful group of marine reptiles with an extensive fossil record and a wide geographic distribution. Many of their most spectacular fossilsome from the Lower Jurassic deposits of the Posidonia Shale in southwestern Germany. The most common ichthyosaur genus from this unit is Stenopterygius. Two ichthyosaur specimens from the Posidonia Shale in the collections of the University of Wrocław were originally classified as belonging to species currently included within the genera Ichthyosaurus and Leptonectes, previously unreported from the Posidonia Shale. However, our qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that the original taxonomic assignments of these specimens were incorrect and both of them represent indeterminate species of Stenopterygius.
The Town of Bamberg has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993 due to its medieval urban layout and its well preserved buildings mostly from the Middle Ages and the Baroque era. A large part of the historic streets and squares still exist. They make up an essential part of the city’s public space. Yet, the demands placed on this public space are currently undergoing some changes - especially under the influence of climate change and the Corona pandemic. In line with the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Bamberg’s urban fabric is based on the historical stratification of cultural and natural values and features. The urban fabric relates to the landscape in which it is embedded – river Regnitz and the surrounding hills – as well as to religious traditions, trade activities and building customs. The aim of this paper is to analyze recent developments in the planning and use of public spaces in Bamberg taking into account current methods of participation. In 2020, the City of Bamberg was awarded the contract by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs, for a project period of seven years as part of the "Smart Cities Model Projects" funding programme to promote digitalization at all levels of urban development. Accordingly, the contribution of digital technologies to urban planning and of citizen participation will receive special attention.
Artykuł jest kontynuacją przykładów implementacji idei elastyczności przez wykorzystanie potencjału budownictwa modułowego. Na reprezentatywnych przykładach wskazano możliwości jego zastosowania przy budowie dworców kolejowych. Budownictwo modułowe wykorzystane w przeobrażaniu infrastruktury kolejowej pozwala na realizację założeń zrównoważonego rozwoju. Omówiono przykłady brytyjskie oraz z Niemiec, Niderlandów i Polski.
The article is a continuation of the examples of implementation of the idea of flexibility by using the potential of modular construction. Representative examples show the possibilities of their use in the construction of railway stations. Modular construction used in the transformation of the railway infrastructure allows for the implementation of assumptions for sustainable development. British examples are discussed as well from Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland.
Content available remote Wpływ rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę na politykę RFN
W artykule przeanalizowano decyzje oraz działania rządu niemieckiego podjęte w obliczu pełnoskalowej agresji Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę oraz przedstawiono wyzwania związane ze zmianą wektorów niemieckiej polityki. Omówiono kwestie dostaw broni na Ukrainę i kształtu przyszłej polityki wobec Chin, a także zmiany w polityce energetycznej oraz migracyjnej. Jako podstawę analizy przyjęto założenie, że agresja Rosji na Ukrainę spowodowała ewolucję polityki RFN zarówno w sferze wewnętrznej (energetyka, migracja), jak i zewnętrznej (polityka wobec Chin, decyzje o militarnym wsparciu Ukrainy). W trakcie badań zastosowano metody jakościowe: analizę przypadków, a także eksplorację pierwotnych i wtórnych dokumentów oraz danych statystycznych. Korzystano z danych pochodzących z niemieckich źródeł rządowych, Federalnego Biura Statystycznego oraz Międzynarodowej Agencji ds. Migracji. Wykorzystano również analizy niemieckich, brytyjskich oraz amerykańskich think tanków.
The article analyses the decisions and actions of the German government taken in the face of the fullscale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and presents the challenges associated with changing the vectors of German policy. The issues of arms supplies to Ukraine and the shape of future policy towards China are discussed, as well as changes in energy and migration policy. The analysis is based on the assumption that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine resulted in the evolution of Germany’s policy, both in the internal (energy, migration) and external (policy towards China, decisions on military support for Ukraine) aspect. During the research qualitative methods were used: case studies, exploration of primary and secondary documents, as well as statistical data. Data from German government sources, the Federal Statistical Office and the International Agency for Migration were used. Analyzes of German, British and American think tanks were also applied.
Content available remote Separatyzm normatywny i przenoszenie konfliktów
W wyniku masowej migracji trwale zmieniła się kompozycja etnoreligijna Europy oraz pojawiły się nowe mniejszości etniczne, np. Kurdowie. Spis powszechny, który przeprowadzono w Anglii i Szkocji i w którym osobno uwzględniono takie kategorie jak tożsamości narodowa, etniczna, religijna oraz używany język, pozwala na przeanalizowanie zależności między tymi tożsamościami a stopniem integracji. We Francji, po serii zamachów terrorystycznych oraz w związku z coraz częstszym odrzucaniem przez miejscowych muzułmanów konstytucyjnej zasady laickości, wprowadzono ustawę przeciwko separatyzmowi. Wiąże się to ze zdefiniowaniem odrzucenia zasad ustrojowych Francji z pobudek islamistycznych jako separatyzmu islamskiego. Właściwsze wydaje się jednak określenie tego zjawiska jako separatyzm normatywny. Innym problemem jest przenoszenie konfliktów spoza Europy na jej terytorium, np. konfliktu kurdyjsko-tureckiego.
As a result of mass migration, the ethnoreligious composition of Europe has permanently changed and new ethnic minorities emerged, e.g. the Kurds. The census carried out in England and Scotland, which separately considered such categories as national, ethnic, or religious identity and the language used, allows us to analyze the relationship between these identities and the degree of integration. In France, after a series of terrorist attacks and due to the increasing rejection of the constitutional principle of secularism by local Muslims, a law against separatism was introduced. This is related to defining the rejection of France’s political principles for Islamist reasons as Islamic separatism. However, it seems more appropriate to describe this phenomenon as normative separatism. Another problem is the transfer of conflicts from outside Europe to its territory, e.g. the Kurdish-Turkish conflict.
While there are no fundamental doubts about the direction of the energy transition in Germany – much less the goal of achieving sustainability – the changes in the general circumstances dictating energy policy that have occurred in 2022 give rise to sound arguments in favour of suspending the coal phase-out agreed in Germany. Current law requires the completion of the exit “by no later than 2038”; the coalition agreement of the “traffic light government” expresses the hope that the process will be concluded “ideally as early as 2030.” But in reaction to the “new era” impacting energy policies in Germany and else-where and the acute natural gas emergency, the previously set path for the coal phase-out is already undergoing revision. Now that the use of natural gas as a reliable bridge from fossil fuels to the renewable energy era has proved to be illusory, the coal phase-out schedule should be suspended and modified for the moment. The complete shutdown of coal-fired plants cannot be justified until truly viable alternatives are in place. The disadvantages for climate protection invoked by climate activists would be relatively small, while the energy, raw material and regional economic advantages would be massive.
O ile nie ma zasadniczych wątpliwości co do kierunku transformacji energetycznej w Niemczech - a tym bardziej co do celu, jakim jest osiągnięcii zrównoważonego rozwoju - o tyle zmiany ogólnych uwarunkowań dyktujących politykę energetyczną, jakie nastąpiły w 2022 roku, dają solidne argument za zawieszeniem uzgodnionego w Niemczech wycofywania się z węgla. Obecne prawo wymaga zakończenia wyjścia „nie później niż do 2038 r."; umow; koalicyjna „rządu sygnalizacji świetlnej" wyraża nadzieję, że proces ten zakończy się „idealnie już w 2030 r". Jednak w reakcji na „nową erę" wpływającą n, politykę energetyczną w Niemczech i w innych krajach oraz kryzys związany z gazem ziemnym, wcześniej ustalona ścieżka wycofywania się z węgla jes już poddawana rewizji. Teraz, gdy wykorzystanie gazu ziemnego jako niezawodnego pomostu między paliwami kopalnymi a erą energii odnawialnej okazał' się iluzoryczne, harmonogram wycofywania się z węgla powinien zostać tymczasowo zawieszony i zmodyfikowany. Całkowitego zamknięcia elektrowr węglowych nie można uzasadnić, dopóki nie zostaną wprowadzone naprawdę realne alternatywy. Wady w zakresie ochrony klimatu, na które powołują si aktywiści klimatyczni, byłyby stosunkowo niewielkie, natomiast korzyści w zakresie energii, surowców i regionalnej gospodarki byłyby ogromne.
This article shows the development of high-speed rail in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), its development stages and the shipping companies dealing with this business activity. Special attention was given to the progress in the technical solutions of the track infrastructure as well as during the build of the rolling stock and engines. The high-speed rail was presented in the context of the general development of the economy and transport in Germany. This article contains a synthetic approach to the effects of the functioning of high-speed rail and its financing, as well as further directions and development prospects. Also, this article is based on thoughts, authors’ own research and factual sources of polish and western literature.
Fossil charcoal is the primary source of evidence for palaeo-wildfires and has gained increasing interest as a proxy in the reconstruction of past climates and environments. Today, increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation/humidity appear to correlate with increases in the frequency and intensity of wildfires in many regions worldwide. Apart from appropriate climatic conditions, sufficient atmospheric oxygen (>15%) is a necessary precondition to sustain combustion in wildfires. The Triassic has long been regarded as a period without evidence of wildfires; however, recent studies on macro-charcoal have provided data indicating their occurrence throughout almost the entire Triassic. Still, the macro-palaeobotanical record is scarce and the study of micro-charcoal from palynological residue is seen as very promising to fill the gap in our current knowledge on Triassic wildfires. Here, the authors present the first, verified records of micro-charcoal from the Triassic of the Germanic Basin, complementing the scarce macro-charcoal evidence of wildfires during Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper (Anisian-Rhaetian). The particles analysed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show anatomical features typical of gymnosperms, a major element of the early Mesozoic vegetation following the initial recovery phase after the PT-boundary event. From the continuously increasing dataset of Triassic charcoal, it becomes apparent that the identification of wildfires has a huge potential to play a crucial role in future studies, deciphering Triassic climate dynamics. The first SEM study of micro-charcoal from palynological residue spanning the entire Triassic period, presented here, is a key technique to further unravel the charcoal record as a puzzle piece in palaeoclimate reconstruction.
Upper Turonian to lower Coniacian marls of the Strehlen Formation of the Graupa 60/1 core were investigated for their foraminiferal content to add stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental information about the transitional facies zone of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin. Further comparison with foraminiferal faunas of the Brausnitzbach Marl (Schrammstein Formation) were carried out to clarify its relationship to the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core. Tethyan agglutinated marker species for the late Turonian to early Coniacian confirm the proposed age of the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core and the Brausnitzbach Marl. The palaeoenvironment of the marls reflects middle to outer shelf conditions. The maximum flooding zones of genetic sequences TUR6, TUR7 and CON1 could be linked to acmes of foraminiferal species and foraminiferal morphogroups. In general, a rise of the relative sea-level can be recognised from the base to the top of the marls of the Graupa 60/1 core. While agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages suggest a generally high organic matter influx and variable but high productivity in the Graupa 60/1 core, the Brausnitzbach Marl deposition was characterized by moderate productivity and a generally shallower water depth.
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in significant changes in employers' attitudes to employee health safety, as a new rapidly spreading threat has emerged. A characteristic feature of this threat is very little knowledge about it and the lack of effective treatments and prevention procedures. The short time since the outbreak of the pandemic also means that there is very little knowledge about how employers try to protect employees from infection with this virus, as well as how effective these actions are and how employees evaluate them. Therefore, among couriers of UPS companies in Poland and Germany a survey of the satisfaction was undertaken regarding the solutions adopted and implemented by managers in the field of shaping the health safety of employees. The survey uses the modified Customer Satisfaction Index - CSI method, for which employees were treated as internal customers. As a result of the research, it was possible to compare employee satisfaction with the solutions used by managers to protect their health in Poland and Germany, and shape conclusions resulting from this study.
The information relates to three sessions of the Seminar. During the first session, the strategic issues of the Energy Transformation was discussed. During the second session the discussion was based on a presentation by Dr Michael Kranhold entitled Energy Transformation in Germany: selected practical experience. During the third Seminar on: Energy and climate and the crisis of civilization, the starting point for the discussion was Edwin Bendyk’s book: In Poland, i.e. everywhere. A thing about the fall and future of the world.
A new genus, Hypowaagenia (type species: H. endressi nov. sp.), is introduced for previously unknown large-sized macroconchiate aspidoceratid ammonites with an umbilical and a ventrolateral row of spines. In the medium and adult stages irregular ribs interconnect these spines. The oldest unequivocal record of this genus comes from the Early Kimmeridgian Planula Zone, whereas the type material of H. endressi nov. sp. comes from the upper Platynota Zone/? lowermost Hypselocyclum Zone. Corresponding microconchs have not yet been identified. Although all unequivocal records come from Southern Germany, a Tethyan origin is most likely for these aspidoceratids. Another, stratigraphically younger species tentatively included in Hypowaagenia is Aspidoceras acanthomphalum (Zittel, 1870), which is, however, only recorded yet by mesoconchiate specimens. The ammonite fauna of the type horizon of H. endressi nov. sp. is briefly characterized and termed as the geniculatum Biohorizon of the late Platynota Zone.
The coarse-ribbed and big-sized Arietites solarium (Quenstedt, 1883) is one of the largest-grown and most iconic ammonite taxa in the entire Swabian Lower Jurassic; however, despite previous revisions including the designation of a lectotype, there has been some confusion concerning its correct identification, and its type horizon within the Lower Sinemurian Arietenkalk Formation was not exactly known. Arietites solarium characterises the herein introduced solarium Biohorizon of the upper Bucklandi Zone of the Sinemurian. For nomenclatorial stability, we designate a neotype based on the only surviving specimen of Quenstedtʼs original type series. In addition, we provide a preliminary succession of recognized biohorizons in the Lower Sinemurian of Swabia, which will make correlations with other areas more reliable.
The previously unknown microconch which corresponds to the recently introduced Late Jurassic aspidoceratoid ammonite genus Hypowaagenia Schweigert and Schlampp, 2020, is reported from beds of the topmost Platynota Zone or basal Hypselocyclum Zone of Franconia. This record indicates that these exotic ammonite findings are not of long-drifting necroplanktonic shells, but stem from animals that have spread over this area after immigration from the Tethys
The article deals with the features of the architectural and urban organization of the health care system and the network of medical and preventive institutions of Germany and Great Britain of state and private levels of subordination. The levels of health care delivery and their share in the overall provision of medical services to the population of the countries are examined. The total number of treatment and prevention facilities across countries is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to determining in German and English health care systems the location of a network of child care facilities.
The aim of the article is to show the relationship between immigration and the social aspect of sustainable development. Data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) study conducted in 2016 on a sample of 3490 respondents (residents of Germany) was used. Research suggests that this relationship is negative: mass immigration from culturally foreign countries and social environments can significantly reduce the quality of life of residents in developed societies. This manifests in opinions about the need to limit or stop immigration. The case of Germany can probably be generalized to other developed countries, especially from the European Union.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie związku między imigracją i społecznym aspektem zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wykorzystano dane pochodzące z badań German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) przeprowadzonych w 2016 roku na próbie 3490 respondentów – mieszkańców Niemiec. Wyniki badań sugerują, że związek ten jest negatywny – masowa imigracja z krajów i środowisk obcych kulturowo może znacząco obniżać jakość życia mieszkańców rozwiniętych społeczeństw. Przejawia się to w opiniach o konieczności ograniczenia lub zatrzymania imigracji. Przypadek Niemiec może być prawdopodobnie uogólniony na inne kraje rozwinięte, zwłaszcza z Unii Europejskiej.
Content available remote Badania palnych ETICS z barierami ogniowymi
Tematem artykułu jest architektura domów Towarzystwa Mieszkaniowego Urzędników (Beamten-Wohnungsverein zu Breslau eGmbH) oraz Towarzystwa Mieszkaniowego Miejskich Urzędników i Nauczycieli (Wohnungsverein städtischer Beamten und Lehrer zu Breslau eGmbH) – najstarszych i największych we Wrocławiu przed I wojną światową spółdzielni, których celem było dostarczenie zdrowych, solidnie wykonanych, nowocześnie wyposażonych mieszkań, o czynszach konkurencyjnych dla budownictwa komercyjnego. Zbadanie zachowanej dokumentacji archiwalnej pozwoliło na rozpoznanie uwarunkowań prawnych ich powstania oraz działalności inwestycyjnej, jak wybór i zakup terenu, finansowanie przedsięwzięcia, sposób wykonania projektów, ich autorstwo i organizacja budowy. W opracowaniu została omówiona architektura ośmiu zespołów budynków spółdzielczych wraz z ich otoczeniem, kameralnymi ogrodami i placami zabaw na dziedzińcach. Domy wznoszone w tradycyjnej zabudowie obrzeżnej wyróżniały się spośród sąsiednich kamienic czynszowych prostotą bryły i dekoracji elewacji. Już wtedy można było dostrzec tendencję do ujednolicania planu i elewacji długich budynków z kilkoma klatkami schodowymi, co prowadziło do powstania pierwszych domów typu „bloków mieszkalnych”. W artykule przeanalizowano sposób kształtowania mieszkań, ich rozplanowania, podziału funkcjonalnego, wielkości, udogodnień technicznych oraz wspólnego zaplecza gospodarczego, odpowiadających wymaganiom spółdzielców i współczesnym tendencjom reformatorskim, które znajdą swoją kontynuację w budownictwie mieszkaniowym w czasach Republiki Weimarskiej.
The subject of the article is the architecture of the houses of the Housing Association of Civil Servants (Beamten-Wohnungsverein zu Breslau eGmbH) and the Housing Association of Municipal Civil Servants and Teachers (Wohnungsverein städtischer Beamten und Lehrer zu Breslau eGmbH) – the oldest and biggest cooperatives in Wrocław before World War I, the purpose of which was the construction of healthy, solid and modernly equipped apartments with rents competitive for commercial construction. Examination of the preserved archival documentation made it possible to identify the legal conditions of their establishment and investment activities such as land selection and purchase, project financing, project implementation, their authorship and organization of construction. The study discusses the architecture of eight complexes of cooperative buildings along with their surroundings, intimate gardens and playgrounds in the courtyards. The houses built in traditional perimeter development stood out from the neighbouring tenement houses by the simplicity of their shape and façade decorations. Already at that time a tendency to unify the plan and façade of long buildings with several staircases could be seen, which led to the creation of the first houses of the "residential blocks" type. The article analyzes the way apartments were shaped, their layout, functional division, size, technical facilities and common economic facilities, which met the requirements of cooperatives and modern reform tendencies, which would find their continuation in housing construction in the times of the Weimar Republic.
The paper includes a taxonomic revision of four externally similar Middle Devonian rhynchonellide species from northwestern Africa (Maïder, Tindouf Syncline) and Central Europe (Eifel, Bergisches Land, Holy Cross Mts.), considered in recent papers as representatives of Kransia Westbroek, 1967 or Nalivkinaria Rzhonsnitskaya, 1968. All four possess a septalium and a multilamellate cardinal process, the assignment to Nalivkinaria, having a bifid cardinal process, is therefore clearly inappropriate. Lebanzuella? issoumourensis (Drot, 1971) is present in the Givetian of Africa; two subspecies, L.? issoumourensis issoumourensis from Jbel Issoumour and L.? issoumourensis smarensis ssp. nov. from Western Sahara, are distinguished by their biometric characteristics. The other two species are included in Kransia (Fatimaerhynchia) subgen. nov. differing from Kransia (K.) in the presence of a septalium; the occurrence of such a variable structure is considered to be justification for distinction at the subgenus level. Kransia (Fatimaerhynchia) goldfussii (Schnur, 1853) is an Eifelian species. Kransia (Fatimaerhynchia?) aff. goldfussii from the Givetian of Bilveringsen is a separate species (larger, more transverse, more strongly ornamented), which is not described because of insufficient material. Kransia (Fatimaerhynchia) signata (Schnur, 1851) is present in the Middle Devonian of Jbel Issoumour, the middle Eifelian of the Eifel and the (upper?) Givetian of the Holy Cross Mountains.
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