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In the light of climate changes related to global warming forecasted by scientists, preventive measures against negative impact of solar radiation on dairy cattle welfare become vital. Apart from sprinklers and fans, different forms of shading, like native trees, extension of eaves or shade screens are increasingly often mentioned. The aim of the present studies was to determine the effect of barn type and orientation on the penetration of solar radiation into sidewall stalls during summer. A non-stationary analysis was performed for 3 types of curtain-sided freestall barns most commonly used in Poland, in which a model analysis of insolation was performed taking into account geographical location of Poland, azimuth and sun angles. The obtained results allowed us to identify optimal orientation of barns and to suggest the simplest technical measures to protect sidewall stalls from solar heat gain deleterious to cows. The model analysis of stall shading demonstrated that extension of barn eaves to 1 m on the southern side reduced the insolation of stalls over even up to 90% of their area.
The thesis presents the analysis of development of selected parameters of microclimate in a standalone cellar plunged into soil. The scope of studies included measurement of air internal and external temperature and relative humidity of internal and external air. The thesis also concerns the analysis of heat exchange of cellar compartments with the surrounding soil. The studies were carried out from July 11, 2012 to July 10, 2013. The analysis of the obtained results of studies proved that the internal air temperature in the examined cellar was mainly formed by the external air temperature as well as by the surrounding soil. For 42% of storage period, the thermal conditions in the cellar plunged into soil were unfavorable which disqualifies the cellar’s purpose for storage of vegetables, e.g. potatoes. Too high temperature was observed in the initial and final period. Favorable storage conditions were experienced only in the period from December 14, 2012 to April 11, 2013. To adjust this kind facility for storage of vegetables, thermal insulation of compartments and installation of cooling units is required.
The paper presents results of studies of some indoor microclimate parameters and temperature of litter bedding in a freestall barn used to house dairy cattle in a deep-litter bedding system. The studies were conducted in the period from 22 March 2014 to 22 March 2015. The analysis of distribution of litter surface temperature showed its strong relationship with indoor air temperature. In summer, temporary exceedances of the allowable indoor air temperature by even 12 °C were noted. The studies showed a significant effect of the number of animals in the barn on litter surface temperature. In the periods when cows stayed in the barn, two zones could be distinguished: the sidewall zone 1.5 m wide at the western outside wall of the building and the inner zone encompassing the remaining part of the barn. Differences in litter temperature between these zones, when cows stayed in the barn, reached 10°C. When the building was empty and animals were on pasture, the differences between litter surface temperatures were much smaller and did not exceed 3°C.
The paper presents an analysis of the influence of the moisture content in autoclaved aerated concretes on their drying. The tested material consisted of 60 cubic samples (10 x 10cm) of fly ash aerated concrete and sand aerated concrete, types 400 and 600. The analyzed physical parameters of the samples, such as specific density, bulk density, porosity, tightness and absorbtivity, were presented in the paper. The tests revealed that the rate of autoclaved aerated concrete drying depends in the first place on its structure and the moisture content. The drying period of samples soaked with water was the shortest for the sand aerated concrete type 600. The longest drying period was observed for the samples of the fly ash aerated concrete type 600. The results of conducted analyses allowed for distinguishing two phases of autoclaved aerated concrete drying: the first - up to 10 days, when an intensive decrease in mass wetness takes place, and the second - from 10 to 25-40 days, when a slow decline in mass wetness is observed.
System zysków bezpośrednich ze słońca w budynkach mieszkalnych polega na maksymalnym pozyskiwaniu promieniowania słonecznego przenikającego przez okna i inne przeszklone przegrody. Najpowszechniejszymi systemami do biernego pozyskiwania ciepła są: okna, przegrody akumulacyjno kolektorowe, ogrody zimowe. Celem pracy była analiza trzech przyjętych rozwiązań materiałowo-konstrukcyjnych służących do biernego pozyskiwania ciepła słonecznego w modelowym budynku o konstrukcji szkieletowej pod kątem jego zapotrzebowania na energie grzewczą. Zakres badań obejmował wykonanie dokumentacji technicznej oraz niestacjonarną analizę energetyczną budynku. Jako kryterium rozstrzygające o wyborze najkorzystniejszego systemu biernego pozyskiwania energii słonecznej został przyjęty wskaźnik ilości energii którą można zaoszczędzić na 1 m2 powierzchni użytkowej budynku. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że najefektywniejszym systemem pozyskującym energię cieplną ze słońca są duże przeszklenia okienne na południowej ścianie budynku. Dzięki zastosowaniu takiego rozwiązania można ograniczyć zużycie energii grzewczej w budynku modelowym nawet o 14% przy jego prawidłowej lokalizacji względem stron świata.
The biggest and basic advantage of the system of sun direct profits is a simple way it design and subsequently construction. It involves obtaining maximum solar radiation penetrating through windows and other glazed partition. The most common systems for the passive heat obtaining in buildings are the direct profits systems, thermal storage wall, conservatories. The aim of the study was to analyze three of the solutions adopted material and construction used for passive heat obtaining in solar model-timbered building in terms of energy demand for heating. The scope of research involved the making of technical documentation and non-stationary building energy analysis using computer programs. As the decisive criterion for selecting the most favorable passive solar energy obtaining system has been accepted indicator of the amount of energy you can save per 1 m2 of usable floor space. Based on the research it was found that the most effective energy solar heat obtaining system are large glass windows on the south wall of the model building. By using this solution you can reduce heating energy consumption in the model building by as much as 14% at its correct location relative to the world directions.
The aim of this study was to analyze the existing barns in terms of cow maintenance systems, structure and technological solutions of buildings at large dairy farms in northern Poland. The studies were conducted in northern Poland in West Pomeranian, Pomeranian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Warmian-Masurian and Podlaskie voivodships. The study included field inventory and questionnaire studies at some chosen farms of these voivodships.The farm size criterion was set at the herd size of 150 or more head of cattle. Based on the obtained study results and their analysis, it was established that in northern Poland the highest number of large dairy farms (41%) was located in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian voivodship and the majority of dairy farms comprised 1-3 barns built of reinforced concrete and equipped with a gravity ventilation system. In all regions prevailed farms keeping 150 - 200 head of cattle and the largest average herd size of 460 head of cattle was in the West Pomeranian voivodship. The most often barns were equipped with herringbone milking parlours (45%) for 21-25 cows milked at once and the indoor feeding table (63%).
The paper presents the analysis of hygrothermal conditions of external partitions in an underground fruit store. The results of measurements of temperature and humidity of the indoor and outdoor air as well as the surface surrounding temperature and the temperature of the air surrounding the store constituted the boundary conditions for the hygrothermal calculations. The paper presents the calculation of the distribution of the temperature and humidity on the ground floor, the wall contacting the ground, the wall contacting the outside air, and the ceiling above the storage chamber. The heat and moisture calculations have shown high risk of condensation submerged in non-insulated external walls. The condition of the adaptation of a traditional cold store to a simple and atmosphere controlled cold one is to increase the thermal resistance of the partitions. Such a solution will let cut the energy demand in those types of agricultural buildings.
W oborze wolnostanowiskowej, z utrzymaniem zwierząt na głębokiej ściółce, przeprowadzono pomiary temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza wewnętrznego oraz temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza zewnętrznego. Obserwacją objęto także warunki cieplne podłoża ściółkowego oraz jego miąższość. Badania obejmowały okres zimowy od 01.12.2014 do 28.02.2015. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że podczas okresu zimowego istnieje niewielkie ryzyko wystąpienia w oborze niekorzystnych warunków termicznych dla bydła mlecznego. Szczegółowa analiza uzyskanych wyników badań wykazała istotny wpływ obsady na kształtowanie się warunków cieplno-wilgotnościowych. Wzrost zagęszczenia obsady w oborze wpływał na podwyższenie się temperatury wewnętrznej i wilgotności względnej powietrza.
In free stall, the maintenance of animals in the deep litter, the measurements of temperature and relative humidity of indoor air, temperature and relative humidity of the outside air were conducted. Observation also covered the thermal conditions of litter and its thickness. The study covered the winter period from 1st of December to 28th of February. The study showed that during the winter there is a slight risk of unfavorable thermal conditions for dairy cattle in the barn. The analysis of the obtained results showed a significant effect of the number of animals present in the barn on thermal conditions and humidity. The increase in stocking density in the barn affects the increase of the internal temperature and relative humidity.
Cellars of the main building of the University of Agriculture in Krakow are used as storage areas, laboratories and as classrooms. This article presents the results of many years of temperature measurements in one cellar room; internal and external air temperature as well as temperatures of the walls, the floor and adjacent ground were recorded. In the winter season, the examined room was intermittently heated. Using measured boundary conditions, transient, three-dimensional heat flow in the basement foundation interface was calculated. WUFI®Plus software was used for calculation. By means of statistical analysis, the calculated temperature distribution in assemblies and the ground was then compared with the measurement results. The analysis allowed for the determination of the accuracy of theoretical calculations of thermal conditions in the environment of the periodically heated cellar room.
Piwnice w budynku głównym Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie są używane jako magazyny, laboratoria oraz sale lekcyjne. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki wieloletnich pomiarów w pomieszczeniu piwnicznym; temperatury powietrza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego, ścian, podłogi oraz w gruncie. W zimie piwnica była ogrzewana z przerwami. Obliczenia trójwymiarowego, niestacjonarnego przepływu ciepła wykonano, wykorzystując pomierzone warunki brzegowe. Do obliczeń zastosowano program WUFI®Plus. Wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń temperatury w przegrodach i gruncie porównano statystycznie. Wyniki pozwoliły określić dokładność obliczeń warunków termicznych wokół piwnicy okresowo ogrzewanej.
Dwu-letnie badania przeprowadzone w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacyjnych nieogrzewanej i nieizolowanej termicznie obory dla 120 krów umożliwiły rozpoznanie pól temperatury w gruncie pod posadzką i w otoczeniu oraz określenie kierunków strumieni cieplnych. Stwierdzono brak analogii pól temperatury i kierunków strumieni cieplnych w stosunku do budynków ogrzewanych. W zimnych porach roku ciepło zakumulowane w gruncie jest oddawane do pomieszczenia, a latem grunt jest odbiornikiem nadmiaru ciepła z pomieszczenia. Ustalono, że właściwe miejsce dla izolacji termicznej „stanu zerowego” to pionowa powierzchnia fundamentów.
The paper presents the results of two-year studies conducted in real operating conditions of a non-insulated and unheated barn for 120 cows. As a result, it was possible to determine temperature fields in the ground beneath the floor and around the building, as well as to define heat flux directions. It was concluded that there is no analogy between temperature fields and heat flux directions with the heated buildings. In colder periods of the year, the heat accumulated in the ground is emitted to the inside of the building; in the summer, the ground absorbs the excess of heat from the building. The final conclusion was that the foundations should be insulated vertically.
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