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The paper describes results of research on heavy vehicle tyre with Run Flat VFI insert. The experiment has included the determination of heat generation, rolling resistance, and radial stiffness of two different tyre designs (textile and steel carcass). The results have been used for the purpose of evaluation of tyre operating characteristics. The study included research on non-inflated tyre properties. The purpose of the paper is to determine characteristics of the tyres equipped with inserts, which are essential for driving wheeled APCs. The inserts are composed of polymer rings mounted on the rims inside the tyres. If the inflation pressure of the tyre is very low or if there is no inflation pressure at all, the ring transfers the loads imposed on the tyre to the rim. Usually in such a case, there is a contact of the ring and inner surface of the tyre tread area. Laboratory facility for surveys of heavy vehicles tyres, summary characteristics of radial stiffness and hysteresis of test tyres, temperature distribution on the external surface of the test tyre, comparison of radial characteristics of the tyres tested, example of stiffness characteristics, distribution of temperature on the side of tyre during the road test and carcass damages on the flat tyre are presented in the paper.
The porous Ti13Zr13Nb alloy intended for load-bearing implants has been investigated. The alloy powder was obtained by plasma jet spraying a solid alloy sheet. Then the alloy granules were sintered by employing powder metallurgy, with and without a space holder, resulting in specimens demonstrating an open porous structure with a porosity up to 68% and mean pore size ranging between 30 and 150 μm. Further thermal, chemical and/or electrochemical oxidation caused increased corrosion resistance and the appearance of nanotubular titania layers after anodization, with nanotubes up to 2 μm in length and 80÷120 nm in diameter. The nanotubular layers were finally coated with deposits of hydroxyapatite obtained by using biomimetic or chemical (Alternate Immersion and biomimetic) methods. In conclusion, the employed surface techniques allow substantial improvement of the chemical stability, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and bioactivity of the investigated titanium based biomaterial.
Przeprowadzono badania materiału porowatego, przeznaczonego na implanty ortopedyczne, wytworzonego metodą metalurgii proszków ze stopu Ti13Zr13Nb. Proszki z badanego stopu uzyskano metodą rozpylania plazmowego. Były one następnie spiekane bez lub z użyciem porogenu. Otrzymano próbki o otwartej porowatej strukturze, stopniu porowatości do 68% i średniej wielkości porów w przedziale od 30 do 150 mikrometrów. Obróbka próbek porowatych – utlenianie termiczne, chemiczne i/lub elektrochemiczne spowodowało otrzymanie krystalicznych lub nanorurkowych warstw tlenkowych, składających się z nanorurek o długości do 2 μm i średnicy 80÷120 nm oraz zwiększenie ich odporności na korozję. Nanorurkowe warstwy tlenkowe zostały następnie pokryte hydroksyapatytem metodą biomimetyczną lub chemiczną (przemiennego zanurzenia). Podsumowując, zastosowane techniki obróbki powierzchniowej pozwalają na znaczną poprawę stabilności chemicznej, odporności korozyjnej, biozgodności i aktywności biologicznej biomateriałów o osnowie tytanu.
Przedstawiono sposób nakładania powłok hydroksyapatytowych na porowaty stop tytanu Ti13Nb13Zr za pomocą osadzania biomimetycznego poprzez zanurzenie materiału w przesyconym symulowanym płynie fizjologicznym. Powłoka hydroksyapatytowa została osadzona na nanorurkową warstwę tlenkową, otrzymaną w wyniku utleniania elektrochemicznego w roztworze zawierającym jony fluorkowe.
Hydroxyapatite coating on porous alloy Ti13Nb13Zr deposited by biomimetic deposition method by immersing in a supersaturated simulated body fluid has been presented. Hydroxyapatite coating was deposited on nanotubular oxide layer, which was obtained by electrochemical oxidation in a solution containing fluoride ions.
Five attempts of an application of a fuzzy reasoning approach to problems encountered in biomechanics and engineering of biomaterials are presented. They include: (A) assessment of maximum contact stress acting on endoprosthesis, (B) design of sintering plan to obtain a porous/scaffold implant, (C) design of oxidation plan to obtain nanotubular oxide structure on the Ti alloy, (D) and (E) design of deposition of hydroxyapatite coating on the Ti alloy. The fuzzy reasoning system is shown to well predict: the maximum contact stress estimation on acetabular surface of the load-bearing hip joint endoprosthesis for chosen and given Wiberg's angle values and patient's body weight; the optimal geometry of scaffold's architecture; the geometry of TiO2 nanotubular layer on titanium surface and directions of the adjustment of fabrication conditions; the ratio of Ca/P and the coating crystallinity; effects of control factors (sintering temperature and content of ZnO) on mechanical properties of BHA-ZnO composite. A small deviation of the predicted values from those obtained in the course of experiments can be decreased by improvement of the proposed fuzzy model i.e. adjusting fuzzy membership functions of input and output variables.
Zaproponowano pięć zastosowań podejścia rozumowania rozmytego do rozwiązania problemów w dziedzinie biomechaniki oraz inżynierii biomateriałów. Obejmują one: (A) oszacowanie maksymalnych naprężeń kontaktowych działających na endoprotezę, (B) zaprojektowanie procesu spiekania dla otrzymania porowatego implantu, (C) opracowanie planu utleniania w celu otrzymania struktury nanorurkowej na stopach Ti, (D) oraz (E) zaprojektowanie osadzania powłoki hydroksyapatytowej na stopach Ti. System wnioskowania rozmytego umożliwił poprawne oszacowanie: maksymalnych naprężeń kontaktowych na powierzchnię panewki w endoprotezie stawu biodrowego przenoszącej obciążenia dla wybranych wartości kata Wiberg'a oraz masy ciała pacjenta; optymalną geometrię architektury rusztowania implantu; optymalną geometrię nanorurkowej warstwy tlenku TiO2 na powierzchni tytanu oraz optymalizację warunków procesu jej wytwarzania; stosunek molowy Ca/P oraz krystaliczność powłoki; wpływ określonych czynników (temperatura spiekania oraz zawartość ZnO) na włsności mechaniczne kompozytu BHA-ZnO. Zauważono niewielkie odchyłki przewidywanych wartości od parametrów uzyskanych w trakcie przeprowadzania eksperymentów, które mogą zostać zmniejszone poprzez odpowiednie dostrojenie modelu rozmytego, np. poprzez regulację rozmytych funkcji przynależności dla zmiennych wejściowych i wyjściowych.
Content available remote Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants
So far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential conditions for a core material are defined as: biodegradation rate "in vitro" and "in vivo" close to bone tissue in-growth rate, high compression strength and ability to form nanoporous open structure inside the material for vascularisation. Possible deposition techniques of a core material within the macropores of metallic scaffold include infiltration of titanium porous structure with polymer scaffold followed by precipitation of phosphate nanoparticles, and mixing of phosphate and polymers before deposition followed by controlled precipitation inside the pores.
Titanium and titanium alloys are frequently used in orthopaedic implants in load bearing situations because they possess favourable properties, such as a good ductility, tensile and fatigue strength, modulus of elasticity matching that of bones, low weight, and good biocompatibility. The drawback of Ti implants is their poor osseointegration and osteoconductive properties. The present paper describes the techniques to improve the bioactivity of titanium and enhance the bone-implant bonding ability by the electrochemical anodization to fabricate titania nanotube arrays (TiO2). The naturally formed oxide layer has bio-inert character and does not readily form a strong interface with surrounding tissue. It has been proved that osseointegration of titanium implants can be improved by rough surfaces of Ti implants [1,2]. The nanotubular surface enhances adhesion, growth and differentiation of the cells. The nanotubular arrays increase the roughness of titanium implants on the nanoscale, providing the surface similar to that of a human bone. Bone-forming cells tend to adhere to the surfaces that are similar to natural bone both in chemistry and roughness. Nanotubular layers provide a high surface-to-volume ratio with controllable dimensions which are able to differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblastic cells. Moreover, the anodized nanotubular arrays on titanium surface can be used as reservoirs for drugs (anti-inflammatory, and improving bone-growth) with prolonged drug release ability. Also, there is possibility to further enhance bioactivity of titanium implant with nanotubular surface by hydroxyapatite deposition into the titania nanotubes which further promotes bone ingrowth. The application of nanotubular structures of oxide layers can be optimized taking into consideration some important parameters as osseointegration rate and interface strength determined by nanotube mean size and length. The paper critically reviews so far investigations focused on nanooxidation of titanium and titanium alloys. The numerical model of nanotubular arrays with the use of Finite Element Method (FEM) is proposed for an assessment of the load transfer and stress distribution under applied loading which could be a critical factor when considering the described application of nanotubes.
Content available remote Nanotechnologies in development of structural materials and biomaterials
The nanometric materials and technologies resulted in nanostructures are reviewed. The examples of nanomaterials are shown. The typical nanotechnologies, including plastic deformation, mechanical attrition, controlled detonation, hot plasma jet synthesis, laser vaporisation, CVD and PVD, mechanical milling, annealing, ultrasonic irradiation, nanolithography, electrocrystallisation, electrospinning, sol-gel method, cryogenic laser-enhanced melting, and hydrogen-enhanced amorphisation, are presented. Typical applications in technics and medicine are given.
Przedstawiono założenia testu niskocyklowego zmęczenia nawodorowanego materiału oraz oceny odporności korozyjnej biomateriału bazującej na oznaczaniu ilości metalu w roztworze.
The outlines of low cycle fatigues test of moderately hydrogen charged and of an assessment of corrosion resistance of biomaterial based on an assessment of quantity of dissolved metal are proposed.
The paper presents the research results and directions for the Research Group "Advanced Biomaterials" at the Gdansk University of Technology. In clinical examinations the titanium alloys were shown to cause allergies and inflammation processes as a result of individual reaction to the titanium corrosion products. Corrosion of titanium is determined also by a presence of pathogenic bacteria likely because of crevice corrosion development under biofilm. The laser treatment with CO2 and Nd:YAG laser, at different laser power and cooling medium in conditions of fast and ultrafast cooling results in a substantial improvement of tribocorrosion properties, and subsequent cutting treatment may increase corrosion resistance and thus make this technique applicable for knee joint implants. The fabrication of nanotubular oxide layers is known to enhance bioactivity but it may also decrease corrosion resistance, and nanolayer itself may be damaged under mechanical stresses. The increase in bioactivity of titanium alloys may be obtained by obtaining the structures porous in the whole volume or within the surface layer and with biodegradable core. The essential problems remains the fabrication of tight and thick oxide layers and hydroxyapatite (HA) gradient or HA-based composite coatings on and inside porous strutures. The analysis of research results in vivo and in vitro may be performed with an use of different approach; the possibility of an use of fuzzy logics is demonstrated for Perthes illness analysis.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki i kierunki badań Grupy Badawczej Zaawansowane Biomateriały Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej. Stwierdzono w warunkach klinicznych, że także stopy tytanu są w stanie wywoływać alergie i stany zapalne w wyniku reakcji osobniczych na produkty korozji tytanu. Korozja stopów tytanu pozostaje w wyraźnym związku z obecnością bakterii chorobotwórczych. Postawiono tezę o przebiegu korozji szczelinowej w obecności biofilmu. Stwierdzono, że obróbka laserowa z zastosowaniem laserów CO2 i Nd:YAG, rożnej mocy lasera i medium chłodzącego w warunkach ultraszybkiego i szybkiego chłodzenia powoduje zasadniczą poprawę własności tribokorozyjnych, a dalsza obróbka ubytkowa może doprowadzić także do poprawy odporności na korozję, a tym samym do zastosowania tej techniki do implantów stawu kolanowego. Pokazano, że wytworzenie warstw tlenkowych nanorurkowych wspomaga wzrost bioaktywności, ale może zmniejszać odporność korozyjną stopów tytanu, a sama warstwa nanorurkowa może ulegać zniszczeniu pod wpływem naprężeń mechanicznych. Poprawa bioaktywności stopów tytanu może zostać uzyskana przez wytwarzanie struktur porowatych w całej objętości lub na powierzchni z biodegradowalnym rdzeniem, przy czym zasadniczym problemem jest wytwarzanie na takich strukturach zwartych i grubych warstw tlenkowych oraz gradientowych powłok hydroksyapatytowych (HA) lub kompozytowych na osnowie HA. Analiza wyników badań in vivo oraz in vitro może być prowadzona z zastosowaniem rożnych podejść; pokazano możliwość zastosowania logiki rozmytej na przykładzie analizy choroby Perthesa.
Opracowano metodę wnioskowania rozmytego do oszacowania geometrii scaffoldu Ti6Al4V, otrzymanego przy użyciu metody metalurgii proszków. Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia oszacowanie i optymalizację architektury scaffoldu poprzez dobór odpowiednich parametrów procesu. Zaprojektowano i przeprowadzono symulację działania sterownika rozmytego (FLC) za pomocą oprogramowania Matlab.
The geometry of Ti6Al4V scaffold, fabricated by powder metallurgy process, has been determined by using fuzzy reasoning approach. A proposed method showed the possibility of estimation and optimization the scaffold’s architecture by choosing an appropriate processing conditions. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was utilized using Matlab Software.
Content available remote Surface modifications of ti and its alloys
This article reviews the various surface modification techniques pertaining to titanium and titanium alloys including physical treatment, mechanical treatment, and chemical and electrochemical treatment. The proper surface modification expands the use of titanium and its alloys in the biomedical field for long-term implants retaining the excellent properties of substrate material and improving the specific surface properties required by clinical applications.
This article reviews the influence of porosity and pore sizes of titanium and titanium alloys, used as orthopaedic materials, on bioactivity and mechanical properties of the porous structures. The optimal features of porous titanium scaffolds allow the reconstruction and regeneration of bone tissue in load-bearing applications.
Content available remote Hydroxyapatite coatings on porous ti and ti alloys
Deposition of hydroxyapatite coating on porous Ti and Ti alloys with electrochemical and biomimetic deposition approach is presented. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by well oriented and uniform titanium oxide nanotube array on the surface of titanium substrate is discussed.
Content available remote Biocompatibility and Bioactivity of Load-Bearing Metallic Implants
The main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation; obtaining of a Ti alloy with designed porosity; developing of an oxidation technology resulting in high corrosion resistance and bioactivity; developing of technologies for hydroxyapatite (HA) deposition aimed at composite bioactive coatings; developing of technologies of precipitation of the biodegradable core material placed within the pores. The examinations of degradation of Ti implants are carried out in order to recognize the sources of both early allergies and inflammation, and of long term degradation. The theoretical assessment of corrosion is made assuming three processes: electrochemical dissolution through imperfections of the anodic oxide layer, diffusion of metallic ions through the oxide layer, and dissolution of oxides themselves. In order to increase the biocompatibility, the toxic elements, aluminium (Al) and vanadium (V) are eliminated. The experiments have shown that titanium – zirconium – niobium (Ti-Zr-Nb) alloy may be a such a material which can also be prepared by both powder metallurgy (P/M) technique and selective laser melting. The porous (scaffold) Ti-Zr-Nb alloy is now obtained by powder metallurgy, classical and with space holders used before melting and decomposed, or remained during melting and removed by subsequent water dissolution. The oxidation of porous materials is performed either by electrochemical technique in special electrolytes or by chemical and/or hydrothermal method in order to obtain the optimal oxide layer well adjacent to an interface, preventing the base metal against corrosion and bioactive because of its nanotubular structure, permitting injection of some species into the pores. The Ca, O and N ion implantation or deposition of zirconia sublayers may be used to increase the biocompatibility, bioactivity and corrosion resistance. The HA coating obtained by either electrophoretic, biomimetic or by sol-gel deposition should result in gradient structure similar to bone structure, possessing high adhesion strength. The core material of the porous material should result in a biodegradable material, allowing slower dissolution followed by stepwise growth of bone tissue and angiogenesis, preventing local inflammation processes, sustaining the mechanical strength close to that of non-porous material.
Opracowano metodę wnioskowania rozmytego do określenia geometrii warstwy nanorurek TiO2 na podłożu tytanowym, wytworzonej metodą elektrochemiczną. Zaproponowana metoda umożliwia optymalizację warstwy tlenkowej poprzez dobór odpowiednich parametrów procesu anodyzowania. Zaprojektowano i przeprowadzono symulację działania sterownika rozmytego (FLC) za pomocą oprogramowania Matlaba.
The geometry of TiO2 nanotube layer on titanium, obtained by electrochemical anodization, has been determined by using fuzzy reasoning approach. A proposed method showed the possibility of nanotube array architecture optimization by choosing an appropriate anodization conditions. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was utilized using Matlab Software.
Content available remote Self-Organized Nanotubular Oxide Layers on Ti and Ti Alloys
To improve bioactivity of titanium and titanium, the implant surface modification by formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays with electrochemical techniques is presented. The influence of electrolyte composition and deposition parameters during anodization is characterized. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by titanium nanotubular structure is discussed. The calcium phosphate ceramics is shown to be uniformly deposited on anodized titanium surface of a nanotubular oxide layer.
Opracowano metodę wnioskowania rozmytego do określenia własności mechanicznych kompozytów utworzonych z hydroksyapatytu pochodzenia naturalnego oraz ZnO. Zaproponowana w pracy metoda wykazała możliwość skutecznego określenia wartości naprężeń ściskających, mikrotwardości Vickers’a oraz zagęszczenie kompozytu po obróbce cieplnej w różnych temperaturach. Zaprojektowano i przeprowadzono symulację działania sterownika rozmytego (FLC) za pomocą oprogramowania Matlaba.
Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) and ZnO composites have been determinated by using fuzzy reasoning approach. A proposed method showed the possibility of estimation the value of compression strength, Vickers microhardness, and densification after sintering the composites at different temperatures. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was utilized using Matlab Software.
A three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced by known external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6AI4V) and the hydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model were generated for investigating rela-tions between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude of external force and the thickness of the coat-ing. The analysis of numerical simulations results confirms that the system with the greatest coating thickness (i.e. 10-3 m) has the least extreme stress in this surface coating.
Content available remote Coatings in Arthroplasty: Review Paper
The modern coatings used in arthroplasty for long term implants are reviewed. The phosphate coatings are the most popular technique to improve the bone-implant interfacial strength and promote the osseointegration. The plasma spraying, electrophoretic precipitation, powder metallurgy, ion beam sputtering, high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) combustion spraying, sol-gel technique, biomimetic deposition are mostly used to obtain the phosphate, usually hydroxyapatite coatings. The composite coatings based on HA are proposed to improve biochemical and mechanical properties. The Ti, Ti alloys, titania, zirconia, zinc particles and glasses are suggested to strengthen the HA matrix, and some organic compounds and polymers to improve the biochemical behaviour. Among another coatings, titania, zirconia, aluminia, carbon and organic, glass – ceramics and titania – silicate coatings are mostly proposed.
Praca przedstawia rozmyty system wnioskowania dla zamodelowania związków pomiędzy temperaturą podłoża oraz stosunkiem molowym Ca/P w gradientowej powłoce hydroxyapatytowej na podłożu tytanowym. Przeprowadzono symulację działania sterownika rozmytego za pomocą oprogramowania Matlab.
A fuzzy approach has been demonstrated for modelling the relationship between substrate temperature and Ca/P ratio of the functionally graded HA coating on titanium substrate. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was utilized using Matlab Software.
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