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Shortage of water is considered as one of the most important straits of agricultural development in Iran. The main purpose of this study is to determine virtual water used to pea and bean production and water use efficiency, select the best area for cultivating these two grains and find the virtual water budget for the aforementioned grains. The results showed that among the three provinces main producers of pea in Iran, the highest virtual water of pea belongs to Lorestan with 3534 dm3·kg–1 and the lowest belongs to West Azerbaijan with 2660 dm3·kg–1 in irrigated cultivation. Water use efficiency in irrigated cultivation in Kermanshah and West Azerbaijan are at the same level; however, Kermanshah has enjoyed much more level of virtual water. For beans, the highest amount of virtual water in irrigated cultivation belongs to Lorestan (3651 dm3·kg–1) and the lowest amount refers to Markazi (2725 dm3·kg–1) and also the highest level of water use efficiency for this product refers to Markazi. Also it was found that 160.15 mln m3 of water has been exported from the country water resources by these products so virtual water budget for studied crops were negative.
Deficyt wody uznawany jest za jeden z najważniejszych problemów rozwoju rolnictwa w Iranie. Głównym celem badań przedstawionych w pracy jest oznaczenie ilości wody wirtualnej zużywanej do produkcji grochu i fasoli oraz wydajności zużycia wody, wybór najlepszych terenów do uprawy obu roślin i sporządzenie dla nich bilansu wirtualnej wody. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że spośród trzech prowincji – głównych producentów grochu w Iranie – największą objętość wirtualnej wody (3534 dm3·kg–1) zużywa się do nawadnianych upraw w Lorestanie, a najmniejszą (2660 dm3·kg–1) – do nawadnianych upraw w prowincji Zachodni Azerbejdżan. Wydajność zużycia wody w nawadnianych uprawach w Kermanshah i Zachodnim Azerbejdżanie była podobna, a uprawy w Kermanshah cechowało większe zużycie wody wirtualnej. Do produkcji fasoli największą objętość wirtualnej wody stwierdzono w Lorestanie (3651 dm3·kg–1), a najmniejszą w Markazi (2725 dm3·kg–1), gdzie stwierdzono także największą wydajność zużycia wody. Obliczono także, że – eksportując te produkty roślinne – wysłano za granicę 160,15 milionów m3 wody wirtualnej, skutkiem czego bilans wodny badanych upraw był ujemny.
A conceptual model was proposed in the present study, which highlighted important independent and dependent variables in order to managing the groundwater quality. Furthermore, the methods of selection of variable and collection of related data were explained. The study was carried out in the Tajan Plain, north of Iran; 50 drinking wells were considered as sampling points. In this model the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was proposed to select the indicator water quality parameters. According to expert opinions and characteristics of the study area ten factors were chosen as variables influencing the quality of groundwater (land use types, lithology units, geology units, distance of wells to the outlet, distance to the residential areas, direction toward the residential areas, depth of the groundwater table, the type of aquifer, transmissivity and population). Geographic Information System (AecGIS 9.3) was used to manage the spatial-based variables and the data of non-spatial-based variables were obtained from relevant references. A database, which contains all collected data related to groundwater quality management in the studied area, was created as the output of the model. The output of this conceptual model can be used as an input for quantitative and mathematical models. Results show that 6 parameters (sulphate, iron, nitrate, electrical conductivity, calcium, and total dissolved solids (TDS) were the best indicators for groundwater quality analysis in the area. More than 50% of the wells were drilled in the depth of groundwater table about 5 meters, in this low depth pollutants can load into the wells and also 78% of the wells are located within 5 km from the urban area; it can be concluded from this result that the intensive urban activities could affect groundwater quality.
W przedstawionym badaniu zaproponowano model koncepcyjny, który uwydatnia niezależne i zależne zmienne ważne dla zarządzania jakością wód gruntowych. Wyjaśniono ponadto metody doboru zmiennych i gromadzenia stosownych danych. Badania prowadzono na Równinie Tajan na północy Iranu. Próby pobierano w 50 studniach. W wybranym modelu zaproponowano proces analitycznej hierarchii (AHP) do wyboru wskaźnikowych parametrów jakości wody. Zgodnie z opiniami ekspertów i charakterystyką obszaru badań wybrano dziesięć czynników stanowiących zmienne wpływające na jakość wód gruntowych (typ użytkowania ziemi, jednostki litologiczne, jednostki geologiczne, odległość studni od odpływu, odległość od terenów zamieszkanych przez ludzi, głębokość zwierciadła wód gruntowych, typ warstwy wodonośnej, przepuszczalność i liczba ludności). Wykorzystano system informacji geograficznej (AecGIS 9.3) do zarządzania zmiennymi przestrzennymi, a dane o zmiennych niezwiązanych z rozmieszczeniem przestrzennym pozyskano z literatury. Jako wyjście z modelu stworzono bazę danych, która zawiera wszystkie zebrane dane odnoszące się do zarządzania jakością wód gruntowych. Wyjście tego koncepcyjnego modelu może być użyte jako wejście do modeli ilościowych i matematycznych. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą, że najlepsze wskaźniki do analizy jakości wód gruntowych na badanym obszarze stanowiło 6 parametrów (siarczany, żelazo, azotany, przewodnictwo elektrolityczne, wapń i suma substancji rozpuszczonych). Ponad 50% studni wiercono do poziomu zwierciadła ok. 5 m. W warunkach tak małych głębokości można spodziewać się znacznej dostawy ładunku zanieczyszczeń. Spośród badanych studni 78% było usytuowanych w promieniu 5 km od terenów miejskich. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają sądzić, że aktywność miejska może wpływać na jakość wód gruntowych.
In this paper, the author is going to investigate the concept of ship recycling which implies to the materials and equipment including end of ships life. The scraped steel is melted down and is commonly used in the construction industries of ship recycling countries, and some equipment might be re-used in other industries too. A segment of this paper is dedicated to describe about the strategic position of Arvand River and the location of Arvand Free Zone area at the Persian Gulf. It should be noted that ship recycling commonly takes place in developing countries which tend to have a competitive advantage due to the low cost labor, may have weaker environmental protection / worker health and safety regulations, and have national demand for the outputs of the activity. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the Hong Kong International Convention related to the safety and environmental sound recycling of ships to address the growing about the environment, job health and safety risks related to ship recycling. A part of this paper dedicated to review the role of the Hong Kong Convention in order to ensure the process of ship recycling without risks to human health and to the environment. The main part of this paper is designated to evaluate the role of establishment of a ship scraping yard at the Arvand Free Zone Area, its market at the Persian Gulf and improving the safety of navigation at the Arvand River. The research methodology of this paper will be designated to consider the qualitative part of this research by using interview with the experts in order to find out and select the key factors for further consideration; as a result of that a model will be created which can be tested by a questioner. In addition to the above explanation, relationship between the variables and testing hypothesizes of this research will be analyzed by using SPSS and Lisrel software as quantitative part of this research.
This paper presents the Crew Resource Management which has now been in the existence for more than two decades as a foundation of maritime transport in order to improve the operational efficiency of shipping. The impact of human errors on collisions and grounding of ocean going vessels have been taken place due to the human or team errors which need to be analyzed by various maritime casualties in depth. The first section of this article is devoted to investigate the role of Human Resource Management, Crew Resource Management and Maritime Crew Resource Management; it is because of minimizing ship accidents at sea. The next part of this paper is designated to evaluate the Bridge Resource Management, Bridge Team Man-agement and Human factors in depth. It should be noted that the necessary techniques in bridge team man-agement should be clarified based on the consideration of the issues that why bridge team management is ar-ranged. The next segment of this paper is dedicated to consider the ways of minimizing ship accidents by offering optimum training methods for the future seafarers. The last part of this paper is designated to assess the qualification of maritime lecturers based on STCW95 Convention and the MARCON project for teaching the Bridge Resource Management.
The author attempts to describe the safety factors which should be considered for the sea transportation through coastal waters and the International waterways. First segment of this paper is designated to investigate the role of females as crew and officer on board ships. Based on STCW95 Convention and from the professional point of view the author believes that the Iranian females can be able to take responsibility on board ship as officer or even master mariner. Boys and girls can learn the required theories at the college when they are Cadet and improve their skill on board ship; therefore, operation of the advanced equipment on board ship can be done by both sides easily. A section of this paper is devoted to elucidate the various aspects of Iranian culture for the sea jobs which are going to be carried out by Iranian women on board ships. Some technical suggestions will be described in this paper in order to be taken into account the cultural factors by the IMO representative and finally the Parliament of Islamic Republic of Iran. The existence of women especially Iranian women or the mixture of men and women officers on board Iranian ships in order to improve the safety factors of sea transportation will be discussed in depth.
Chabahar Maritime University has started radar/ARPA simulator training course since 2004 and the training has been carried out fully comply with STCW95 Convention and the IMO model course. According to the improvement in navigational technology, the reducion of Navigational Aids as two credits of the latestBSc sylabus for future officers on board ships will be discussed through this article in depth. In addition to the above, the author attempts to describe the AIS (Auomatic Identification System) which is defined by IMO and has been adopted by the latest revision of SOLAS chapter V. In fact, the AIS is part of ship’s radio station and is surveyed together with radio installation. The AIS training is going to be taken place from next semester at Chabahar Maritime University in order to improve the skill of the trainees in order to rely the information provided by AIS.
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