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Content available Free vibration of a two-stage hydraulic cylinder
This paper presents the problem of natural vibration of a two-stage hydraulic cylinder subjected to Euler compression load. The considered hydraulic cylinder is freely supported at both of its ends. The linear vibration problem of the telescopic hydraulic cylinder is based on the kinetic
stability criterion using Hamilton’s principle and the Bernoulli-Euler theory. The stiffness of the guide and sealing elements between successive stages of the hydraulic cylinder were considered in this paper. These stiffnesses were modelled using translational and rotational springs. The effects of cylinder wall thickness, piston rod diameter, and thickness of guiding and sealing elements on the natural vibration of the system were analysed. Results are presented in the form of characteristic curves on the plane load – natural frequency with different parameters characterizing the considered hydraulic cylinder.
The nonlinear vibrations of the partially tensioned slender column are presented in this paper. The considered system is subjected to Euler’s load, which direction of action is consistent with the non-deformed axis of the column. The magnitude of the external load is variable and its
application point is located at different heights between the upper and lower supports. In addition, the longitudinal displacement and rotation of both of the system ends are limited by the discrete elements in the form of translational and rotational springs. This nonlinear system is based on the screw drive used in the vertical lift platform for disabled people or cargo lift equipped with an engine room located in the lower part of the frame. The boundary problem of free vibrations of the mentioned system has been formulated on the basis of Bernoulli - Euler theory and due to nonlinear expressions the solution of the problem was conducted with small parameter method. The results of numerical simulations are concern on linear and nonlinear component of vibrations in relation to the location of external load application and influence of asymmetric value of supports stiffness on the free vibration frequency.
Free vibrations of slender systems are the subject of many scientific and research works. In this work, the boundary problem of free vibrations of a compressed column, which is additionally heat loaded, is considered. The issue of heat flow in the column is solved using the Finite Element
Method. Averaged distribution of material properties is obtained in individual segments of the column in subsequent heating times. The mathematical model of free vibrations takes into account the thermal expansion of the material and the effect of changing the Young's modulus resulting from the effect of heat load. The boundary problem of the free vibrations of the considered system is limited to the linear range (the linear component of natural frequency is considered). The influence of the heat source exposure time on the course of characteristic curves (on the plane: load – natural frequency) is determined. The results are presented for various column diameters.
Corrosion or contamination of flexible joints of a telescopic hydraulic cylinder may cause an increase of movement resistance in these places. In this work the influence of mounting rigidity on the strength of a telescopic hydraulic cylinder is under consideration. Buckling criterion and the
strength of cylinder barrels (material effort) were included due to analysis. Boundary value problem concerning the stability of the system was formulated on the basis of the static stability criterion. Lame’s theory for thick pipes were used for determination of destructive load from the viewpoint of the material effort. Numerical simulations were performed. The results specifying the influence of mounting rigidity on stability and strength of cylinder barrels were presented by using non-dimensional parameters.
The nonlinear vibrations of a slender system subjected to Euler’s load which is partially tensioned is discussed in this paper. The longitudinal displacement and rotation on both of the system ends are limited by the discrete elements in the form of translational and rotational springs. The
results of numerical simulations concern the first vibration frequency (linear and non-linear components) in relation to the location and magnitude of external load application and different rotational spring stiffness. This nonlinear system is based on the screw drive used in the newly designed vertical platform lifts.
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