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Content available remote LQR controller with an integral action for Z-source DC-DC converter
This paper presents a robust linear quadratic regulator with an integral action (LQR+i) designed for Z-source DC-DC converter (ZSC) operating in conduction continuous mode (CCM). Depending on converter’s commutation states and using the electrical equivalent circuits, both switched and
small-signal models of ZSC are built. The design procedure of LQR + i controller is described. The robustness of the controller is tested, using Matlab/Simulink software, considering circuit parameter (source and load) uncertainties and external signal (reference voltage) disturbance. A comparison study with classical PI controller are performed. It has been shown that the robustness of LQR + i controller is better than classical PI controller.
W artykule zaprezentowano liniowy, kwadraturowy sterownik w włączonym LQR zaprojektowany do przekształtników DC-DC ze źródłem Z. Odporność kontrolera była testowania przy wykorzystaniu programu Matlab/Simulink. Porównano sterownik z klasycznym układem PI.
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