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Wilgotność powietrza, charakteryzująca zawartość pary wodnej w powietrzu, jest elementem odgrywającym istotną rolę w procesach meteorologicznych zachodzących w atmosferze. Głównym celem opracowania jest ocena zróżnicowania warunków higrycznych w dorzeczu górnej Wisły na tle cyrkulacji atmosferycznej. Wykorzystano dane dobowe z lat 1981-2010, pochodzące z 9 stacji synoptycznych. Przedstawiono zróżnicowanie w czasie i przestrzeni wilgotności właściwej i niedosytu wilgotności powietrza. Oddziaływanie czynnika cyrkulacyjnego określono wykorzystując kalendarz sytuacji synoptycznych w dorzeczu górnej Wisły T. Niedźwiedzia. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika istotna zależność zawartości pary wodnej w powietrzu, zwłaszcza w ujęciu sezonowym, od aktualnej sytuacji synoptycznej. Stwierdzono również duże zróżnicowanie przestrzenne warunków higrycznych w określonych warunkach cyrkulacyjnych. Najbardziej niekorzystne warunki higryczne, prowadzące do wysuszenia przypowierzchniowych warstw gleby, panują w sytuacji antycyklonalnej z napływem mas powietrza z południowego zachodu. Dobra zależność warunków wilgotnościowych od cyrkulacji atmosferycznej jest widoczna przede wszystkim w chłodnej połowie roku. W miesiącach letnich sytuacja jest bardziej skomplikowana, co może również świadczyć o istotnym wpływie czynnika radiacyjnego oraz lokalnych warunków środowiskowych.
Air humidity, describing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, is an element which plays an important role among the meteorological processes which are taking place within the atmosphere. The principal aim of this study is to examine the atmospheric circulation conditionings of air humidity differentiation in the upper Vistula river basin (southern Poland). Research was based on data for the period 1981-2010 coming from 9 meteorological stations. The temporal and spatial differentiation of air humidity in relation to atmospheric circulation patterns was examined by analysis of specific humidity and saturation deficit values. The circulation factor was determined by the synoptic situation types classification by T. Niedźwiedź. Analysis conducted to confirm the impact of atmospheric circulation over Southern Poland on humidity conditions and their spatial differentiation showed the significant relationship seasonally dependant. The most difficult hygric conditions, leading to drying up of subsurface soils, are connected with south-west air mass advection and the high pressure system over southern Poland. The relationship is much stronger in the cool half of the year whereas during summer months also radiation and local, environmental conditions play an important role and modify air humidity.
Tick-borne diseases are a severe public heath problem in Poland, which is increasingly recognized in recent years. The present analysis focuses on tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), for which data are available from Poland for a relatively long period, and is a potentially lifethreatening problem. The spatial distribution of TBE cases is described, and temporal variability during the period 1993.2006 is assessed. Most of TBE cases are reported from the North- Eastern part of Poland, although the quality of surveillance data collected in different parts of the country is not uniform. The highest number of cases was reported in 1999, and the lowest in 2003. The association of meteorological factors on TBE incidence is assessed, including air temperature parameters, precipitation, and snow cover. Analyses were attempted using seasonal, decadal, and daily meteorological measurements. Preliminary results have confirmed a statistically significant relationship between air temperature and occurrence of TBE cases. The relationship with other factors is quite probable, but confirmation requires more comprehensive data on tick-borne diseases and multivariate analysis will be necessary. The final multivariate model should include not only meteorological conditions, but also information on the environment and human behaviour.
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie chorób odkleszczowych, które stanowią poważny problem w Polsce, zwłaszcza w ostatnich latach. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono kleszczowemu zapaleniu mózgu (KZM), które na obszarze Polski jest stosunkowo długo monitorowane i jednocze.nie bardzo niebezpieczne dla człowieka. Omówiono zróżnicowanie przestrzenne zachorowań na KZM z uwzględnieniem powiatów i gmin, a także zwrócono uwagę na zmienność w rozpatrywanym wieloleciu 1993-2006. Dane jednoznacznie wskazały, że największa liczba zachorowań notowana jest w północno-wschodniej Polsce, choć autorzy zwracają uwagę na wątpliwości co do jednorodności uzyskanych danych. W wieloleciu zanotowano znaczne różnice w liczbie zachorowań. Najmniej wystąpiło ich w 1999 roku, najwięcej w 2003. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na liczbę zachorowań na KZM. Uwzględniono kilka elementów meteorologicznych, w tym: temperaturę powietrza z różnymi jej charakterystykami, opad atmosferyczny, pokrywę śnieżną. Wykonano analizy oparte na danych sezonowych, dekadowych oraz dobowych. Wstępne wyniki potwierdziły istotnie statystyczny związek pomiędzy temperaturą powietrza a zachorowaniami. Wpływ innych elementów jest prawdopodobny, ale wymaga on szczegółowych badań na bogatszym materiale badawczym i przy zastosowaniu analizy wieloczynnikowej. Powinna ona obejmować nie tylko warunki meteorologiczne, ale również inne dane o środowisku i człowieku.
In the paper, the problem of application of explanatory variables in the spatialisation methods is presented. The analysis was performed for the territory of Poland with respect to 3 main climate parameters: air temperature, precipitation totals and general cloudiness. Elaboration of meteorological/ climatological maps is a complicated task. It requires careful and detailed analysis of respective element fields and thorough knowledge of physical processes connected with the complexity of geographical environment. Simultaneously, the application of additional explanatory variables (such as altitude, aspect, land use, relative height, etc.) is highly recommended. There is no one universal spatialisation method and one explanatory variable relevant for different climatological problems and for different spatial and temporal scales. Each element and resolution requires individual approach. It was found that residual kriging is the best solution for monthly and seasonal means of air temperature and precipitation totals. Spatialisation of the precipitation totals is particularly difficult due to its highly temporal and spatial differentiation. However, for both elements and also for cloudiness the application of altitude usually improves spatialisation results. It is especially recommended for seasonal values and for larger areas. The application of circulation types . as the main predictor - usually improves spatialisation of the daily values for most climatic elements. However, the use of some non.advective types does not improve results. Maybe the application of some additional explanatory parameters should be considered (e.g. humidity, vertical profiles, air masses types, etc).
The main objective of the study is to present spatial and temporal methods in climatology using GIS techniques. The study is mainly based on the examples of climatological elements from the territory of Poland. Simultaneously, many examples from world literature were cited. Special importance of the European Union/European Science Foundation programme COST 719 .The use of GIS in climatology and meteorology. was stressed. First, a review of contemporary studies is presented with explanation of some terms such as .interpolation. and .spatialisation.. The principle features of the GIS, digital maps and spatial analyses were discussed. Spatialisation problems were explained on the Polish examples with special attention paid to the air temperature and precipitation. That was done with the reference to some European results. All mentioned studies clearly confirmed that there is no one universal spatialisation method efficient enough for all climatological elements. Moreover, each spatial and temporal scale may require application of other spatialisation method. Usually, the best results can be achieved with the application of methods using additional explanatory variables such as residual kriging, cokriging or multiple regression. Different geographic parameters, including elevation, latitude, longitude, land cover etc. can be used as the predictor variables for the spatialisation. When one can not find them and the coherence between analysing parameter and other variables is unknown application of ordinary kriging is recommended in the first step. The study confirms that application of circulation types as the main additional predictor (i.e. synoptic climatology method) together with GIS techniques e.g. residual kriging is a useful and promising tool for constructing climate maps at different temporal and spatial scales. The results show that climatological studies with this kind of methodological approach may have a prior cognitive as well as a practical importance. Using the .Grosswetterlagen. calendar of circulation types for this purpose for the territory of Poland has shown that each type causes a slightly different spatial distribution of e.g. air temperature both in winter and summer. Finally, there are some examples presenting GIS tools for the purposes of temporal analyses. They enable an easy calculation and display of the area with specified climatic conditions and constructing diagrams for the climate monitoring purposes. Gridded approach is strongly recommended as a promising tool for the studies with different spatial and temporal scales.
The methods for analysing of temporal variability of air temperature are presented in the paper. Special attention is paid to the application of GIS tools. Being a leading and so-called continuous climatic element, air temperature is the best known climatic parameter and therefore makes a good base for various theoretical and practical studies. It concerns temporal analyses as well as spatial issues. In the recent years spatial analyses using GIS techniques are fairly frequent. However, there is the lack of studies devoted to temporal analyses of this particular climatic element. The paper is an attempt to use average annual and monthly air temperature for the territory of Poland. The data originate from 213 meteorological stations in Poland and in neighbouring areas ansd cover 53 years (1951-2003). The data series studied here are fully homogenous, already checked and verified earlier. Application of GIS methods also requires the use of other layers, so in the study digital terrain model (DTM), hydrographical network as well as administrative information were applied. Elevation plays the most important role in the spatial temperature distribution and determination coefficients even exceed 0.95. In the first phase the traditional, classical characteristics for temporal analysis were applied such as: linear trend, standard deviation, variation coefficient. Spatial distribution of the above mentioned measures is presented on the maps of Poland. The next step is based on the gridded values. They are available for the 10 km resolution and have been created from the air temperature maps formerly constructed by the residual cringing method. Such data enabled detailed temporal air temperature analyses for the territory of Poland as well as for individual regions. Gridded data provided the base for the construction of different diagrams showing absolute and relative temporal variability for particular territories. Digital dimension of all these graphs allows many various calculations indicating the range and intensity of the air temperature variability. The study contains only some examples of the temporal analyses from a large variety of particular cases. They are rather universal, so they can be applied for different climatic elements and for many temporal and spatial scales. That approach can be a good tool for further detailed processing as well as for formulating synthesis. All investigations confirm relatively large warming in the recent years. It concerns the whole Poland with the special regard to the central and western regions. However, due to relatively short period this trend does not allow to formulate further conclusions as to the future long-term tendency. Special attention was paid to the extreme thermal seasons of winter and summer. The results univocally show temperature increase during winter since the last years of 80s of the 20th century and they do not confirm any significant tendency for summer. All these results were received based on traditional (station) data as well as on gridded values. Application of the gridded data is quite important from the practical point and for the perspectives of climate change and variability studies. The obtained results point to the main features of the temporal thermal variability and also indicate a considerable spatial diversity not only in the mountain areas but also on Polish Lowlands. At the same time the examples presented here show that digital maps and diagrams allow for various types of calculating and analysing which may add a prominent practical dimension. The results show that climatologic studies with this kind of methodological approach may have a prior cognitive as well as practical meaning. Applied methods can be also used for other environmental elements.
Podstawowym celem pracy jest prezentacja metody konstrukcji map charakterystyk temperatury powietrza obszaru Polski przy wykorzystaniu metod GIS. Konstrukcja map klimatycznych technikami GIS-u wymaga dwóch rodzajów danych. Pierwszym z nich są odpowiednie dane klimatyczne, którymi były średnie miesięczne i sezonowe wartości temperatur powietrza z 223 stacji z obszaru Polski i terenów sąsiednich z okresu 1961–2000. Drugi rodzaj danych stanowiły dane środowiskowe zawierające przede wszystkim informację o rzeźbie terenu, która odgrywa najistotniejszą rolę w kształtowaniu warunków termicznych powietrza. Pozostałe warstwy stanowiły dane dotyczące sieci hydrograficznej oraz administracyjnej. Przy konstrukcji map najtrudniejszy okazał się wybór najlepszej metody. Doświadczenia z innych krajów zdecydowały, że na wstępie do szczegółowych rozważań wzięto metodę regresji, kokrigingu oraz tzw. krigingu resztowego. Ostatecznie, po wykonaniu wielu prób, ze względu na najmniejsze błędy, do konstrukcji map postanowiono zastosować metodę krigingu resztowego. W pracy jako zmienne objaśniające wartości poszczególnych temperatur przyjęto i wykorzystano: wysokość nad poziomem morza, długość i szerokość geograficzną oraz odległość od morza dla stacji położonych do 100 km od wybrzeża Bałtyku. Wymieniona metoda posłużyła do konstrukcji podstawowych map temperatury powietrza oraz różnych charakterystyk pochodnych. Zamieszczono przykłady kilku map, które świadczą, że mapy cyfrowe pozwalają na uzyskiwanie różnego rodzaju informacji często o dużym znaczeniu praktycznym.
The main objective of the study is the method’s presentation of the construction of air temperature maps for the territory of Poland through the application of contemporary GIS techniques. Construction of climate maps with the application of GIS tools requires 2 types of data. Firstly, there are relevant climatic data i.e. mean monthly and seasonal temperatures from 223 stations from the entire territory of Poland and neighboring areas from the period 1961–2000. Secondly, environmental data allowing spatial representation of the particular climatic component which basically are relief model as well as hydrographic and administrative layers. Decision for the application of the most appropriate spatialisation method was the most difficult in the study. A several spatial interpolation methods have been tested: ordinary kriging, cokriging and residual kriging. The last one – residual kriging – was chosen for the map constructions due to the best verification results. Several geographic parameters, including elevation, latitude, longitude, and distance to the Baltic coast (for stations located within 100 km) were used as predictor variables for air temperature estimation. Finally using the residual kriging method different air temperature maps have been constructed. GIS approach enabled for easy calculation and display of the area with specified thermal conditions and characteristics which can be extremely useful from the practical point of view.
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