Omówiono stan i znaczenie badań powierzchni GaN (0001) dla rozwoju podstaw fizycznych azotkowych technologii optoelektronicznych. Sposoby modelowania powierzchni za pomocą metody DFT w tym jej sformułowanie i zastosowanie do modelu slabu powierzchni GaN (0001) zostały pokrótce wyjaśnione. Przedstawiono podstawy modelowania wpływu domieszkowania półprzewodnika na własności powierzchni poprzez kontrolę elektrycznych pól przypowierzchniowych. Omówiono wyniki dotyczące czystej powierzchni GaN(OOOl), w tym jej strukturę i własności elektronowe. Wyjaśniono występowanie zjawiska Starka stanów powierzchniowych (Surface States Stark Effect - SSSE) i jego wpływ na energie stanów powierzchniowych i zagięcie pasm przy powierzchni. Wykazano, że pinning stanów powierzchniowych może zachodzić przy ich zmianie energii względem energii pasmowych. Ponadto omówiono modele adsorpcji równowagowy i kinetyczny na przykładzie adsorpcji wodoru i azotu. Wykazano, że modele te dają spójny obraz powierzchni GaN (0001) w metodach metodach wzrostu przy użyciu amoniaku - powierzchnia ta jest pokryta rodnikami NH2.
The present state and the importance of the investigations of GaN(OOOl) surface for the development of physical foundations of nitride optoelectronic technologies are discussed. Surface modeling techniques by DFT method, including its formulation and application to slab models of GaN (0001) surface are shortly explained. The foundations of the simulation of the influence of doping of bulk semiconductors on surface properties by electric subsurface field control are introduced. The results concerning clean GaN (0001) surface, including its structure and electronic properties are discussed. The existence of Surface States Stark Effect (SSSE) and its influence on the energy of surface states energy and band bending is explained. It was shown that Fermi energy pinning occurs at the change of the relative energies of surface and band states. Additionally, the models of the adsorption: equilibrium and kinetic was discussed on example adsorption of hydrogen and nitrogen. It was proved that these models give coherent picture of GaN (0001) surface in ammonia based growth methods - the surface is covered by NH2 radicals.
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The Polish Society for Crystal Growth (PSCG) was constituted during its first general assembly held on 23 May 1991 in Częstochowa. The general assembly formed a part of the First Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (PCCG-I) held in the Pedagogical University of Częstochowa during 23-24 May 1991. The PCCG-I was organised by Keshra Sangwal, then a university professor in Częstochowa, while the PSCG was constituted at the initiative of Anna Pajączkowska (then an associate professor at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) and Keshra Sangwal. Organisation of the Polish Society for Crystal Growth is based on the Constitution of PSCG, where 3 year period of the Governing Board elected by the General Assembly of the PSCG participants was approved. It is now a rule that the General Assembly is organised jointly with the Polish Conference on Crystal Growth. Main aims of the PSCG are: strengthening communication between PSCG members, there by raising the general level of crystallization science in Poland, promotion of results of Polish crystal growers to the public and activating its interest in crystallization and active participation in the international movement related with the field of crystal growth, especially close cooperation with the International Organisation for Crystal Growth. Polish and German Societies for Crystal Growth will organize "The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth" in 2013 in Warsaw.