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Content available remote Mining online auction social networks for reputation and recommendation
Online auctions are quickly becoming one of the leading branches of e-commerce. Unfortunately, online auctions attract many fraudulent activities. Reputation systems are crucial for guaranteeing fairness of trade and reliability of service. Currently used reputation systems offer little protection from malevolent contractors. In this paper we present a new method for mining the reputation of sellers in online auctions. We devise two independent measures that assess reliability and questionability of sellers in parallel, leading to the concept of positive and negative reputation. To compute these measures we construct an S-graph which reflects the social linkage between sellers and buyers. We use both explicit and implicit feedbacks provided by auction participants, carefully identifying missing feedbacks that have been purposefully left out. Based on reputation estimates the community of online auction participants can detect misbehaving contractors and counteract fraud. Thus, the application of social information about reputation of contractors can be perceived as recommendations. Experimental evaluation of our proposal proves the feasibility and usefulness of the presented approach.
Content available remote Density-based measure of reputation of sellers in online auctions
Online auctions are gaining tremendous popularity in recent years. Although providing unprecedent opportunities, online auction sites become an attractive environment for fraud. The expansion of the share of online auctions in the world trade causes exponential growth of theft and deception associated with this medium. Participants of online auctions agree that trustworthy reputation systems are an important factor in fighting dishonest and malicious users. Unfortunately, popular auction sites use only very simple reputation estimation schemes that utilize feedbacks issued reciprocally by users after terminated auctions. Such systems can be easily deceived and do not offer sufficient protection against organized fraud. In this paper we present a novel density-based reputation measure. The new reputation measure uses the topology of seller-buyer connections to derive knowledge about trustworthy sellers. We mine the data on past transactions to discover clusters of connected sellers and for each seller we measure the density of the seller's neighborhood. We use these clusters both for scoring the reputation of individual sellers, and to assist buyers in informed decision making by generating automatic recommendations. We perform many experiments on the body of real-world data acquired from a leading Polish provider of online auctions to examine the new measure in detail.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono ocenę efektywności hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego, wspierającego wykonywanie zapytań eksploracyjnych. W ramach badań wykonano zakrojony na szeroką skalę zestaw eksperymentów, obejmujących przetwarzanie zapytań eksploracyjnych wszystkich klas do baz danych z atrybutami zawierającymi zbiory. Zapytania były realizowane z wykorzystaniem "naiwnego" algorytmu wykonującego pełny przegląd bazy danych, pliku odwróconego, RD drzewa, S drzewa oraz dwóch odmian hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego. Bazy danych wykorzystywane w trakcie eksperymentów różniły się liczbą przechowywanych zbiorów oraz średnimi rozmiarami zbiorów. Wyniki pomiarów wykazały, że w porównaniu z innymi technikami stosowanymi do tej pory, hierarchiczny indeks bitmapowy charakteryzuje się najwyższą efektywnością przetwarzania dla zapytań o podzbiory, zapytań równościowych, oraz zapytań przybliżonych. Dla zapytań o nadzbiory efektywność hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego jest niższa jedynie od plików odwróconych.
In this paper we paper we present performance evaluation of the hierarchical bitmap index supporting processing of data mining queries. Performance evaluation includes the results of several experiments on processing of various data mining queries against databases with set valued attributes. Data mining queries were processed using the following strategies: a "naive" approach consisting in full database scan, inverted files, RD trees, S trees, and two types of the hierarchical bitmap index. Databases used through-out the experiments differed in the number of sets and the average sizes of sets stored in the database. The results of the conducted experiments show that the hierarchical bitmap index outperforms other indexing techniques with respect to the processing of equality, superset, and similarity queries. For subset queries the hierarchical bitmap index was surpassed only by the inverted file index.
Atrybuty zawierające zbiory są naturalnym i wygodnym sposobem modelowania złożonych obiektów świata rzeczywistego. Współczesne relacyjno-obiektowe systemy baz danych umożliwiają przechowywanie zbiorów w postaci pojedynczych atrybutów oraz wspierają w określonym zakresie wydawanie zapytań dotyczących takich atrybutów. Efektywne wykonywanie zapytań w systemie bazy danych jest możliwe między innymi dzięki indeksom, które wydatnie przyspieszają dostęp do danych. W pierwszej części niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przegląd aktualnie dostępnych technik indeksowania zbiorów. W kolejnej części, przedstawiono propozycję nowego indeksu dla baz danych przechowujących zbiory, tj. hierarchicznego indeksu bitmapowego, wspierającego wykonywanie zapytań o nadzbiory, podzbiory, zbiory identyczne, zbiory podobne, jak również uogólnione wersje tych zapytań.
Set attributes are a natural and convenient means for modelling complex objects of the real world. Modern object-relational database systems enable us to store sets as single attributes and provide a limited support for queries on such attributes. Effective execution of queries in database systems is possible due to index structures, which considerably speed up data access In the first part of this paper we make a short revision of already existing set indexing techniques. In the second part we introduce a novel index for set attributes called Hierarchical Bitmap Index, which supports subset, superset, equality and similarity queries, as well as generalized versions of these queries.
Content available remote Querry Processing in Multidatabase Systems
Query processing in multidatabase systems differs significantly from the processing in distributed database systems. The main differences are: the lack of control over query execution in local databases and the inaccessibility of information about processing costs of the execution of queries in component databases. In this paper we present the architecture of a multidatabase system. We introduce the formal definition of query execution model. We also present the comparison of query optimization techniques in multidatabase systems. We analyse some query language concets for semistructured data querying. We conclude with the survey of results and a future research agenda for query optimization in multidatabase systems.
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